> Twiset Shimarkle > by 20thCentury Brony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Act I: Sunlight: Shimmers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue: Plans for the Future Canterlot High School was alive. Students, families, and school staff bustled the halls and football field in excited preparation, conversing with friends and loved ones alike, enjoying the snacks table, and waiting for the main event. School had ended a week ago, but not for these students. That day was a special occasion that they’ve waited for four years,…and it finally has arrived: Graduation. Seniors in their caps and gowns have either went for their seats in attendance for the ceremony, stayed with their families, or hung out with their friends. They would discuss their plans for the future; some would immediately jump for a job or move on for college. Many would’ve filed up together for selfies and pictures to capture the memories that they’ll look back on in much later years. Some would even reflect on their past decisions and mistakes made and the struggles that they had endured to thrived for success. Regardless, all were having a very good time, especially a septet of girls and their mascot dog. The Equestria Girls, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Spike, were having some of the happiest moments of their lives. Their hard work of boring lectures and homework had finally paid off, and they were gonna graduate together. Everybody already had their destinies dreamed out. Sparkle was striving to better life in Canterlot with her line of alchemy technology. Dash dreamt of joining the Canterlot Pegasi soccer team, starting from the reserves to a full-time member, while her lovely Shy was going to be a veterinarian. Pie was to apprentice under the Cakes and run the Sweet Shoppe while half-timing as the party woman she is loved for. Applejack clearly wanted nothing more than take over Sweet Apple Acres, while Rarity sought to open her own boutique she dubbed “Rarity for You.” And then there’s Shimmer herself, who simply wished to teach at CHS. Most people with very good friends would be concerned about being separated after school, but not those gals. They’d be considered the luckiest group of friends on the planet if having magic abilities wasn’t enough, considering how they had all enrolled and been admitted to Canterlot College, even getting each other for roommates, and having each other for the rest of their lives. And their friendships have blossomed into more with each other. Rarijack was finally out two weeks before then, the same with Flutterdash, Pinkie had made partners-with-a-crush with a junior comedian named Cheese Sandwich, and Twilight was still seeing Timber Spruce then, and Sunset…could care less about romance. In fact, she felt she didn’t need love to celebrate graduating because she had all the family she could want in her friends and their own. She could see them within the attendance. The Shies were mostly secluded in the center, crying joyously for their daughter, while Zephyr Breeze went on romancing some female students; Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles, alongside Scootaloo, weren’t hard to find, given their over-supporting cheering, much to the annoyance of some attendants close to them; Rarity’s family managed to secured three seats from the second row up front, waiting patiently; The Apples plus Sugar Belle spent some time chatting with Applejack, expressing their pride and happiness; The Pies, as far as can be told, were monotonally happy for their bubbly Pinkie as she happily raved over her graduation ceremony/party; and the Sparkles plus Cadance (the one family she felt closest to) had shown nothing but the greatest pride to their little protégé. She couldn’t be anymore happier. Just for today, however, she was expecting to see in attendance somepony. She hadn’t heard from the Princess of Friendship about coming to the human world for the ceremony. In fact, she hadn’t heard back from the pony in a long time. After their little holiday misadventures, the former villain hasn’t heard much from her in quite a while. She hadn’t used up nearly a dozen pages in her journal for a response, and yet nothing came back. But she wasn’t giving up on her pony friend; she still held onto the hope that she would come. And so she could also confess- “Sunset?!” somebody shouted for the graduate’s attention, who snapped to find a concerned Sci-Twi right in front of her. The older girl shook her head to refocus her senses as she got up from her seat. “W-w-what is it, Twi?” she frantically replied. “Are you okay? You were miles away from reality.” “O-of course. Why wouldn’t I be on Graduation?” “Ugh, don’t lie ta us, sugarcube,” Applejack demanded as she walked with Rarity hand-in-hand, the rest of the gang following behind. “We’re not letting a lie ruin today, so come clean. The healing starts when you’re honest.” Sunset studied all of their faces, and what she saw proved their resolve. They all loved her very much, they’d go out of the way to make her happy, and she loved them just as much to do the same. But she often felt somethings better left confidential. Especially with recent events. Everything about her life was changing around so quick and she wasn’t taking it healthily. With all of them leading different lives and Princess Twilight yet to respond, she felt herself sinking into a deepening pit of emptiness, the cold from it spreading to every bone in her body and downcasting her vibrant colors. But she wasn’t willing to let it ruin the day. So she came clean. “I’m sorry, girls. I know Princess Twilight’s responsibilities, but I’m starting to miss her. I’ve been writing to her for a while, and she’s yet to respond. I even invited her to attend graduation, but…it’s also for something else.” “Ooohhh, you want to tell her how much you love her?!” Pinkie squeal excitedly. Hearing this caused Sunset to shoot up in embarrassed surprise. She looked at the rest to see them with knowing smirks and smiles. Seeing nothing else to hide, she simply nodded. Fluttershy approached her former bully with Spike in arms before cooing, “you’re not the only one. We all miss her, but I don’t think she could just leave Equestria for one day.” “And as brutal as it is, we oughta face the honest reality that she’s not coming,” added Applejack. “But you shouldn’t rush her into something,” commented Rainbow, “I’m sure she’ll write back soon enough. For now, we should celebrate finally blowing school.” "Don’t forget about college, darling,” Rarity chipped in, causing her cocky friend to groan in annoyance, much to everyone else’s amusement. “And besides, you’ll still have us seven supporting you.” Twilight declared once the laughter died down. “Sure we’ll live different lives, but we’ll still be together, even with any Equestrian magic. Equestria Girls forever, right?” Everyone else acknowledged as they stacked their hands up in. They then turned to their comforted friend, waiting for her. Sunset again looked over her friends with her warmest eyes. How she made friends with her former victims was beyond her understanding, but she didn’t care. Those days, she had often considered herself the luckiest Equestrian on the face of the human world. “Thanks, girls. Equestria Girls forever.” She then repeated as she added her own hand into the pile. The Rainbooms lifted their hands high and cheered before Pinkie engulfed them in a big group hug, leading to giggling fits. Suddenly, Principal Celestia then announced: “Attention, ladies and gentlemen, may everyone please take their seats please?” Hearing this, the Rainbooms broke apart from each other. “Okay, enough future tense,” bubbled Pinkie. “Let’s graduate!! Woohoo!!” The girls then cheered yet again as they parted ways. Sunset looked over at her friends’ smiling faces as they made for their seats. Her worries over recent changes had but washed away entirely thanks to them. Heck, any problems could be rendered moot by those girls. They had their lives to lead, but they’d still be glued tight till the end. Still, the thought of Princess Twilight loomed over the top of her head. She really wanted to tell her savior how much she loved her very much. But it’s like AJ said: face the honest reality. All she could do was remain hopeful that Twilight’ll respond in the future. Then once she had the chance to confess, she’d take it. Right now, she had a graduation to attend, with a graduation party hosted by Pinkie afterwards. Carpe diem, Sunset, she told herself. Carpe diem. Scene One: Sunset’s Blues Sunset Shimmer walked into Sweet Shoppe to begin another day sixteen years later. She woke up in the morning feeling like manure sixteen years later. Waking to her 6:00 alarm, she took her time getting ready for another day at school. After going through her daily schedule of waking-up, shower, putting on her red vest with a yellow undershirt and matching dark violet, starry latex pants, and shoes, grabbing her papers and bags, locking up her home, she was ready to start the day. She stopped to made sure that she had everything, including her geode, which she had stopped wearing two years earlier, since it reminded her of Twilight, but kept it in case of emergency. With Pinkie and Rainbow often comparing them to the Power Pony comics Spike loved to read so much, the Rainbooms were “superheroes” after all those years even when they had their own lives to attend to. Holding back nostalgic tears, she occupied her sunflower Empathy car. Always taking the street corner with the Cakes’ place of business and home before CHS, Sunset entered for her usual coffee run. Most mornings, she’d always open to Pinkie popping from behind the counter and shout “Surprise!” But instead, the party woman, wearing an apron around her baby blue day-dress with pink sneakers and wearing her geode, manning the counter waiting for customers, smiled upon seeing her first. “Morning, Pinkie,” she spoke in a still-tired voice. “I’ll take my-” “-Usual: two medium size lattes with an even amount of cream and sugar and my ever-famous Laughter cupcake with chocolate frosting and the violet star sprinkles you like on top, waaaaaaay ahead of you!” The baker finished in her Pinkie-Speed as she put the exact items on the counter. Her customer only responded with a slight shrug, since this was Pinkie Pie for Goodness' sake, and paid up. She collected her order and was about to head out the door for CHS when Pinkie called out: “Sunset.” Turning around, Shimmer asked, “Yeah, Pinkie?” “Well, I know you’ve been a little under the rainbow lately and thought about you coming to Applejack’s for a get-together.” “What do you mean, ‘under the rainbow?’” “Oh, come on. You miss her.” With that, Sunset’s eyes went small, and her cheeks went slightly red. Pinkie didn’t respond, only gave her embarrassed friend a you-know-who-I-mean look, who finally let out some hot air and asked: “Who?” Pinkie’s smile deflated. “Look, I-” she began, only for her friend’s hand to cut off. “I’ll see how today plays out for me,” she responded. “I’ll text you guys if I can make it. Does that work?” “Okie dokie lokie,” Pinkie agreed and nodded. Sunset gave a slight smile before leaving the Shoppe. Once seeing her friend pull away, Pinkie quickly pulled out her phone for her messages and texted her group message with the rest. Apparently, they’ve made this when they first noticed their friends’ blues. “She’s STILL denying!! We need to do something!!!” Responses to her frantic message were: “AJ: Calm down, sugarcube. D’ya try the get-together at mah place?”, “RD: Of course, she would. She Pinkie Promised.”, “Rarity: Well, she had to have done something other than that, darlings. Sunset’s more difficult to reason with lately.”, and “Fluttershy: Maybe one of us should just force her to come?” It was a long time of digital silence until Twilight finally responded: “Sci-Twi: I’ll drop by school before work to see what I can do.” “THANK YOU, TWILIGHT!!!!” Pinkie happily screamed via message. With that, she returned to work, hopeful. * Seeing CHS with too little differences than from her time as a student, Sunset parked her car in the faculty lot, her cupcake downed, got out of her car and proceeded out of the lot to the main doors when she nearly bumped into Twilight Spruce, composed in a lab-coat over dark violet sweater dotted in stars and midnight-blue jeans, around the corner, causing both women to yell out for nearly crashing into one another. Recovering, Sunset sighed in relief. “Twilight, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at work?” “Oh, Sunset, I am so sorry,” Twilight chastised herself. “I didn’t think you’d parked this close to the corner, and I thought I had enough time to catch you before you got into school-” “Twilight, it’s alright,” Shimmer reassured her bespectacled friend with a bemused smile. She always had a smile for every one of Twilight’s adorkable babbling and rambling. Of all her friends, Sunset spent most of her time with Twilight’s human version after graduation. It might have been that since she was nearly the same as her princess counterpart, minus the wisdom and the position, Twilight was trustworthy enough to share her problems with. The alchemist was the closest person she could trust at that moment of her life. Breaking the short silence between them, she finally asked teasingly: “So, what are you doing here today, Mrs. Spruce?” Twilight didn’t know how to begin, and whenever she did, it always came out as babel, until she finally found her words: “Well, it’s just, um…, I was thinking about you, and uh, uh, uh, uh, uh” Twilight cursed herself for failing to speak again, but Sunset gave a furrowed-brow and small-frown that told Twilight she got the message. “Pinkie told you girls about me being ‘under the rainbow’ and you thought yourself the only one who could try to talk something out of me?” She asked nonchalantly to the flabbergasted genius in front of her. Twilight could but nod in confirmation. The teacher placed a hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “Twilight, look. I appreciate what you girls are doing for me, I really do. If there is anything at all wrong with me, I’d tell, but I mean it when I say I am fine.” Reclaiming her composure during the reassurance, Twilight’s brow furrowed, and she replied with: “You can’t hide it forever, Sunset.” “Hide what?” “Didn’t you help me when we first met at the Games?” Her friend nodded at that memory of the Friendship Games. “Why won’t you let me return the favor right now?” Sunset looked around before claiming: “You wouldn’t understand. It’s... complicated.” “Really? Do you really expect me to believe that your crush on my pony counterpart is not understandable?” Twilight summarized, as if it meant manure. Sunset’s expression quickly turned into a furious blush mixed with sorrow, embarrassment, and fury. Twilight cringed upon realizing her “smooth move” and waited in silent dread for- Before she knew it, Sunset embraced her in a big hug and uttered “I really appreciate everything, but I just don’t want to talk about her, okay?” Twilight finally responded as she returned the hug: “We just want to help you.” “And I will always love you guys for it.” Shimmer couldn’t help but smile at Twilight’s empathetic side. And to think empathy was her thing. The two best friends pulled back from their embrace and smiled at each other. A brief silence before Shimmer broke it. “So, I still have 45 minutes left before my first class.” the teacher offered the second coffee cup to Sci-Twi, who gently accepted. “Until then, what would you like to talk about?” Twilight took a sip from her evenly hot-cold coffee. “I am glad you asked, Miss Shimmer.” she agreed in a mocking smile to counter her friend’s earlier remark. And with a chuckle, the two friends walked side-by-side to the front of the school... Scene Two: Twilight’s Blues ... while the ponies enjoyed the festivities. The very ruler of Equestria herself was preparing Canterlot for the victory over the Legion of Doom when they took possession of Grogar’s Bewitching Bell and nearly turned Equestria into a winter wasteland by the Windigos sixteen years ago. Since then, Princess Twilight had proclaimed that very day as The Day of Unity, one that honors all of Equestria and beyond for their selfless participation thanks to her Student Six and assembles their leaders for the Royal Summit. Every creature of every kind has come from every corner of Equestria to Canterlot; dragons, griffons, buffalos, changelings, breezies, yaks, hippogriffs, kirins, name it. Even ponies Twilight and her friends have encountered and befriended over their adventures came as well; Coloratura, the Cakes, Coco Pommel, Big Mac and Sugar Belle and their son, all Cutie Mark Crusaders, Photo Finish, Sassy Saddles, Cheese Sandwich, Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops, Octavia Melody, DJ Pon-3, Zephyr Breeze, Dr. Hooves, Muffins, Bulk Biceps, Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail, the Pillars, Zecora, Mayor Sunny Skies and the residents of Hope Hollow, even Celestia and Luna have come to commemorate the day’s meaning. Also, on the guest list was Twilight’ niece and Crystal Empire ruler, Flurry Heart, a part of the Summit. The day is always a busy one to pull together for Twilight alone. Which is exactly why she has asked the Council of Friendship to help her with the celebrations. Spike, the Friendship Ambassador for the Dragon Lands and Royal Advisor for her big sister, manages the arrangement of the Summit, Pinkie Pie is always on decorations and activities, Applejack and the Apple Family take over the banquet food with help from her family, Rainbow Dash leads the Wonderbolts to make perfect weather and put on a show, Rarity makes a new fashion line-up for every year and also takes part of the decorating, and Fluttershy herself is in charge of the music as usual. And that leaves Twilight nothing much to do but supervise the event as a whole. For the Princess of Friendship then, doing nothing much can be pretty dullsville. So instead of just waiting for the leaders and Flurry, she decides to do a little work herself, such as dusting the Canterlot Castle texts, preparing treats and tea and other necessities for the meeting, and tidying up her room. When she got to that part of her self-made list, she was moving some books around with her magic when she knocked one over off her nightstand. Putting the literature back on the stand, she picked up the fallen object and smiled warmly as she looked over the scrapbook Headmare Starlight Glimmer gave her on the day of her coronation. Flipping through the pages, nostalgia punched her in the face as she reflected on the lessons and adventures she and the Mane 6 have gone through all those years ago. Then, a jolt from the past came in the form of Twilight’s memories of the human world: to retrieve her crown and beat the Dazzlings. Her times there were to cherish forever. Getting the hang of being human, meeting her friends all over again, bringing them back together, the songs they sang and played, the Fall Formal dance with Flash Sentry, Sunset Shimmer- That’s when her mind trailed off. She had remembered Sunset Shimmer as clear as the day she had gotten her cutie mark. The brightest star seen in her sky before day fall, the final beautiful red and yellow rays, the very somepony she wished to say the three-word-sentence to. Sunset Shimmer, she thought. My Sunset. * My Sunset. Twilight was overlooking the crowd on the balcony, thinking of the fiery-haired mare. “Twilight,” someone called out, causing the royal ruler to jump and blast a short spark of magic from her horn in surprise. She turned back around so fast that Spike would’ve mistook her for Rainbow Dash minus the rainbow. He held his hands out, calmly, yet panickily, stating, “Don’t shoot. It’s only me, Twilight.” “Oh, sorry, Spike,” the prime ruler apologized. “I didn’t hear you walk in.” “Heh, you didn’t even hear the and knocks and creaks, did you?” Spike then teased. “I thought you’d hear all.” She only gave an embarrassed blush, while her brother echoed I thought so. “Are you feeling okay about today?” he then questioned. “You seem a little under the rainbow earlier.” “Of course I am. I’m just a little well…uh, uh, uh” Twilight trailed off, cursing herself until she decided to respond with another question: “Have any of the leaders arrived yet?” Spike quickly gave a fake smile to hide his annoyed look over Twilight’s lack of answer for his own question when Twilight turned around to walk back into the throne room. He followed and answered with: “Prince Rutherford and Chief Little Strongheart are both running a little late because of this little quarrel about who could break the biggest rock, according to Pinkie and Rainbow, Thorax, Ember, Autumn Blaze and Gramma Gilda are to arrive in about 63 minutes and Queen Skystar is arriving in fifty minutes.” “Good. Anything from Flurry?” What none of the two had realized was that as they exited the balcony, Princess Flurry Heart with a crystal coat of arms in the shape of a heart as her cutie mark had teleported herself right behind them and sneaking until her aunt brought her up and only when Flurry gave a loud bear-like “GRRRRR” did Twilight get her answer. Both Twilight and Spike turned around in surprise, both of them jumping in shock. While the former’s shock was mild, the latter’s was a dramatically faint right on the floor as her sister and her niece laughed at his expense. He was used to be the butt throughout the years, but he had a little place in his heart for his niece’s jokes directed right at him. “Hilarious, Flurry,” he sarcastically laughed. “Oh, don’t be all grumpy, Uncle Spikey,” Flurry pleaded playfully while forcing a smile on his face. “You found it funny, and you know it.” “Mm-hmm.” “You’ll have to excuse him,” Twilight stated. “He’s a little peeved since I didn’t answer his question yet. He ain’t slick hiding it.” Spike’s face lit up hearing this. “Besides, it’s great to see you as always, Flurry.” Their laughter was short-lived when Flurry’s captain of the guard arrived, bearing her black captain armor and multi-colored firework cutie mark. “I know your excitement to see Twilight again, Flurry,” the Crystal Captain began before bowing to Twilight, who returned the gesture, “but could you please just walk to the throne with me instead of just teleporting ahead? You know how I worry.” Tempest Shadow, the Storm King’s former commander, had travelled to find her new life purpose and, after making amends with many adventures, finally found it in the Crystal Empire as Shining Armor’s successor captain ten years from then. Despite their positions, she and Flurry both loved each other as sister. “Sorry, Tempest, but what else could I say except ‘I can’t wait’, huh?” Flurry asked bubbly, to which her captain just rolled her eyes with a sigh. Another knock at the door and from it came Twilight’s own captain: Gallus the Griffon, one of her former Student Six students and the griffon’s representative for the School of Friendship, announcing, “Your Highness, the Council is here.” “Thank you, Gallus.” Twilight responded regally. “Bring them in.” Opening the door, one after the other, the Mane Six have entered the room. Like the Equestria Girls, Twilight’s friends have had similar futures: Pinkie Pie married Cheese Sandwich and started a family with their son Lil’ Cheese and is still in the party business, Rainbow Dash became a high-ranking Wonderbolt captain, often training herself in rookies and has wedded Blurrin’ Pride, a Wonderbolt mare proud of stepping out of the shadows, Applejack and Rarity both keep their businesses of Sweet Apple Acres and Carousel Boutiques Across Equestria respectively afloat while keeping a healthy marriage between themselves, Fluttershy still had her pet sanctuary and is happily married to Discord, who has since his actions sixteen years ago has become more of a responsible, yet chaotic creature, and Headmare Starlight Glimmer, alongside Counselor Trixie, has been running the School of Friendship, allowed the staff to move in at the Castle of Friendship, and has been taking it easy with her with her friend Sunburst. After hellos, nice-to-meet-you-agains, and hugs, Twilight requested “How goes preparations for the festival, Council members?” “This year’s line-up is all finished and on display.” Rarity answered. “All fabrics available for creatures of all sizes, especially leather.” That last part was directed toward her lovely farmer in a ragged stetson, who could only blush lightly as the others watched on thinking that their marriage had gotten to that phase. Shaking off the innuendo, Applejack was next to speak up with: “Banquet food is all served and taste tested.” As she directed toward Pinkie Pie, who had taken out a plateful of cupcakes with apples slices on the frosting out of her mane. Upon seeing Applejack, Pinkie quickly restuffed the plate into her mane with a nervous smile. “Enough to feed 300 Timberwolves for six moons.” Pinkie’s turn came and, with a chart from her mane in her hoof: “Decorations are all taken care, I made sure to ask for the best music of all cultures across Equestria, The Cakes have finished their cakes for the cake-tasting contest, all the games are laid out, Trixie had agreed to put on a little magic-” She stopped for a long gasp and tried to continue before Starlight finished. “And almost everyone on the guest list, including the School staff, has arrived. All-in-all, the numbers clearly say that this Day of Unity festival is gonna be a hit once again this year.” She finished that sentence with a smile and a squee. Twilight simply shrugged at that news and glanced at the animal caregiver herself, who reported: “My birds are still practicing, but it’ll make perfect just in time.” She then turned towards her rainbow-maned friend. “Wonderbolt performances are going smooth, and the weather is bright and sunny, as pre-ordered,” Rainbow Dash bragged. “Dat quick, huh?” Applejack asked rhetorically. “You know me, AJ. Fastest Pegasus Alive.” “And how is that working out for you and Pride?” Tempest slyly quipped to the wide-eyed Pegasus as Pinkie pulled out an airhorn and blew it for three seconds to go with how badly the Crystal Captain had just roasted the Wonderbolt, much to the oohing laughter of the rest of the mares and dragon present and Rainbow’s furious embarrassment. When her laugh died down, Twilight finally spoke up and announced, “That’s excellent to hear, everypony. With the leaders heading their way for the meeting and everything going according to schedule, it looks like that we have a little time to-” Then the sun gleamed in her eyes, and she looked at the stained-glass window of herself as an Alicorn princess with her Magic Element. Twilight always had seen that window as a constant reminder of her ascension. But right then, all she could think of when she saw the Element is when Sunset stole it. It was wrong no doubt, but in some way, Twilight was impressed with how she managed to steal a powerful magical artifact she and her friends had used to protect Equestria. After her redemption and developing feelings, she rethought what else was stolen and concluded that she also stole her attention and heart. Thinking of Celestia’s old student brought tears welling up in her eyes that she had to fight back. She saw everyponies’ worrisome faces and she didn’t want to ruin the joyous mood with memories of a mare far gone. Then, as the sun continued to gleam on her, Twilight had remembered what she had done with the Crystal Mirror. As she was moving to Canterlot, she and Spike disassembled the entire device and, with the whole drama at her coronation, forgot all it and discarded the boxes as random junk. When she and everypony left, she would have Gallus and the guards find the boxes and reassemble the whole thing. Seeing Sunset again was so exciting that Twilight was this close to joyously squealing out loud, using up all of her strength to hold it in. “Twilight, are you alright?” Starlight spoke up, breaking Twilight out of her imagination. Twilight shook her head for a quick second and gave off a rather too quick nod at Starlight’s concerns. “Of course,” the princess responded. “Where was I? Oh, yeah. We have some time to ourselves before the leaders arrive. Come on, spit spot, let’s get going.” Everypony was confused at Twilight’s sudden change in mood and exchanged looks before shrugging it off and walking out. Spike gave Twilight a questioning look, to which the princess nodded to go ahead. Despite his lack of an answer, he quickly shrugged it off. That is, until he saw Twilight, just out of the room, whispered something long into Gallus’ ear. As the captain walked away, Spike stretched out an arm in front of Twilight’s chest, to the princess’ confusion. “Are you feeling okay, Twilight?” her brother asked concerningly. “You seemed unhinged back there.” “I’m fine,” Twilight responded as she moved his arm back to himself and walked away to join the rest. “Why wouldn’t I be alright with my friends?” Spike only continued to give the same questioning look with a mix of annoyance at Twilight’s denial behind her back. Unbeknownst to her brother, friends, and anypony or creature, Twilight was feeling antsy, excited, and scared all at once for the mare of her dreams. My Sunset, she thought. Sunset. Scene Three: Shooting Stars Sunset and Twilight Shimmer, Miss Shimer had thought right before the bell rang to end the day for everyone at CHS. “Have a good afternoon everyone and enjoy your Spring Break!” she announced to her class as they took their leave. The last one to leave, she collected her papers, reading glasses, and geode and made her way out of school. In spite of Sci-Twi’s not bringing up her pony counterpart, their conversation earlier that day did little to ease her heavy thinking of the princess. As she walked through the always-crowded halls, she thought of how, throughout her day, she had tried to not have her students see her plight. But the few students to personally know her knew something was bothering her, since they all though friendship to be pointless, only for the born unicorn to teach them how much it can affect them for the better. Overall, they all approached their favorite teacher with the same question: “Are you alright, Miss Shimmer?” And she answered with: “Of course. I’m always alright.” But she knew that they didn’t buy it. She was about to walk out the door when a voice called out to her: “Sunset Shimmer?” “Twilight?!” she beamed in a joyous tone with a smile as if she heard Twilight. But all she could do was drop her smile and blush lightly when she realized who called out to her was Principal Luna, the current head of the school after her sister Celestia, who had retired and left the school in the hands of her baby sister. “Sorry, Principal Luna. I thought you were somepon- er, body else.” “It is forgivable,” the principal stated in her usual calm tone, brushing off her confusion. “I’m glad I caught you. I like to talk to you about something.” With puzzlement, she followed the ex-vice-principal into her office. Of all the people who would take notice of her Princess Twilight blues, the human version of Celestia’s sister would be the last person to take notice. But since they’ve been working for years, Luna was bound to know soon. After meeting the pony Princess of Night from the Memory Stone incident, she didn’t see much difference between the two. As they entered the office, Sunset remembered the only difference between the Two Sister’s principal offices was the dark black desk that used to be in Luna’s VP office in comparison to Celestia’s classical desk. As both took their respective seats, Luna behind the desk and Sunset in front, the latter sweated, feeling sixteen years younger. Despite being a teacher herself, she worried if she peeved Luna off. “Sooooooo…,” she started before trailing off. “What’s the sitch, Principal Luna?” “Sunset,” Luna simply stated with a warm smile. “We are no longer principal and student, you can call me Luna. Besides, you are aware of my impeding retirement.” “Of course I am,” the teacher acknowledged dryly. She was quite aware of her former vice-principal’s retirement. Her tone was dry not because of it, but because of who she wanted to take over: Sunset herself. While she was flattered of the idea, she felt she didn’t deserve it after all she did in the past, and her current depression was adding up to her reluctance to take it. Luna often wanted to discuss it for some time and Sunset often tried to avoid them, but Luna would always get to talk to the teacher. “But I’ve called you here to discuss some personal matters,” Luna confessed. “I’m sorry,” Sunset inquired, very confused. “What?” “There’s no need to hide it here, You can tell me anything.” The unicorn was silent. “Anything. Like your life here or your friends or her.” Hearing this, the Equestrian’s blush was light but hot before stammering: “Who?” Luna gave a dry “I-got-you” look. “Maybe these will help refresh your memory,” Luna calmly stated before reaching into a desk drawer on the right side of the desk for a folder with “SUNSET” written in red letters and full of papers and brought down on the desk. Opening the folder, Sunset found multiple papers: homework assignments, trip forms, papers requiring signatures, sign-in sheets, even the staff attendance paper. Flipping through them featured a recurring element: her signature was Sunset and Twilight Shimmer in red pen. Had she not realized this whenever she signed something? Or was there some unconscious part of her that took hold and wrote out her emotions? Either way, the teacher felt embarrassed for letting all of those students and, by extension, their families and her staff mates know about her feelings for an Alicorn princess from another dimension. Her self-loathing was interrupted when Luna spoke up: “Well, what do you have to say now?” “Luna,” Sunset began frantically. “I’m sorry for this! I-i-i-i didn’t realize that-” “It is alright,” Luna reassured in her ever-calm voice. “I understand.” “You do?” “Of course. You are simply homesick.” “Homesick? I wouldn’t say that.” “Have you ever considered returning to your home?” “Go back home?” Sunset spoke surprised, tears starting to well. “Luna, are you saying-?” “Sunset Shimmer,” Luna reassured in a slightly raised voice. “I am not suggesting that you leave CHS. All I am suggesting is that you handle your problems with uhhh…Princess Twilight, right?” Shimmer nodded, allowing Luna to continue. “My point is maybe you should return to your world and take care of your problems there. Whether you want to leave CHS or not is entirely up to you, not to me.” Her guest tapped her fingers against one another and pondered before admitting: “Even if I could, I can’t as far as I know. You see, the portal I came through to this world opens every 30 moons and then closes after three days. Now, every time I try to cross over, the portal doesn’t open since…” she stopped to fight back tears. “For all I know, Twilight had thought that she’d done enough for me and dismantled the device that keeps the portal open 24/7. Plus, I’ve used up all but one of the pages in the journal that I talk to Princess Twilight with.” “It is quite understandable,” Luna assured, getting up from her chair. “I only hope that you will do what your heart is telling you.” Sunset got up from her seat, collected her things and made for the door. “Look, Luna, I appreciate what you’re trying to help me with, but…” She’d’ve finished if Luna hadn’t given her “stop-denying-it” face, causing the red and yellow haired woman to finally sigh in defeat. “I have a problem to deal with back home.” She frowned as Luna smiled. Just before exiting through the door, Luna called out once again. “Miss Shimmer,” Luna spoke up. “Remember: speak from your heart, let everybody know how you feel, and be true to both yourself and everyone.” Sunset looked down at the ground, pondering over what Celestia’s baby sister had just advised. The ex-student couldn’t believe herself saying it (since she cared less at first) but Luna gave much better advice than Celestia. Looking up, she gave Luna a reassuring smile with: “Thank you again, Luna,” to which the principal returned. She exited the office. * (Shooting Star by Sunset Shimmer and Princess Twilight Sparkle: Strings and woodwinds change their tone throughout the song, shifting from medium tone to accompany Twilight’s joy to a low tone for Sunset’s part.) Walking into the castle library, Twilight saw Gallus and the guards nearing completion of the portal itself. Upon seeing his lord, Gallus flew to her and bowed with a report: “The device is almost ready, Your Majesty. We should be done shortly after your meeting.” “Thank you, Gallus,” she responded as she walked to the Crystal Mirror/portal from here to the human world. Twilight: Long ago, I wondered what friendship to be Until they all shared the magic with me We’ve all done good, we’ve endured so much And here we all are right now With friendships a bunch But now I see a light that I was certain A light thought to have had its final curtain Beyond the horizon is the shimmering sun And with that shimmering glow Came a very certain fun From the crown to the band She was a shooting star Much had kept us two in hand With her the shooting star We’re worlds apart, of course But it’ll not rip our bond by force Cuz whether it’s short or far She’ll always be my shooting star As Sunset walked out through the main doors, she saw her namesake over the horizon gleaming behind her getaway ride long ago. There was a buzz from her phone, Twilight Spruce texting if she’s coming to Sweet Apple Acres. Putting her cell away, she was close to crying as she approached the Canterlot colt statue/portal from here to Equestria. Sunset: All I desired long ago was true power Until she came and caused me to flower The road was hard, but it was for right For everything I have now Was all because of the night Of my friends and life, I am certainly proud The moments we shared are forever bound But will I feel complete with her right by my side Guess there’s no time but now To get these thoughts off mind Will we meet with widened arms? Me and my shooting star Or will I be met by harm By my shooting star What if our long years apart Ripped me from her heart Whatever raises the bar I’ll confess to my shooting star Short Instrumental Twilight/Sunset: We don’t know what has changed We don’t know what’s the same But all I know for sure Is we’re still one and the same Placing a hand/hoof on the Mirror/statue, both women continued spilling their hearts out. We’re polar opposites, indeed But we’re shooting stars For every sunset is in need Of twilight’s shooting stars Twilight: Will she stand by my throne Sunset: Or will she leave me alone Twilight/Sunset: All there’s to know by far Is being with my shooting star Being with my shooting star Being with my shooting sssstttaaaarrr Finding her car in tears, Sunset gets in to start it up and make her way to Sweet Apple Acres for both the party... and her destiny. Scene Four: The Dazzlings’ Blues Vanhoover, the home of Grand Pear’s pear store, as the pamphlets state, was enjoying itself that evening. People moving here and there, going somewhere and nowhere, either in a hurry or with all the time in the world, wouldn’t be a surprising sight to see. With lights and billboards, the city was one of the brightest. Like Manehattan, the city never has a moment of quiet with the bustling cars, loud music and chattering crowds. Makes Vanhoover sound like one of those cities that’d be a struggle to survive. Which is just the case for the Dazzlings. Sometime after at the Starswirl Music Festival, the Sirens had gone on a global tour, one that went down terribly. According to sources, a music journalist was to get the inside story of the Dazzlings’ success. Adagio and Aria wouldn’t share, but of course, Sonata spilled everything, from the looped vocal track to their bad singing and vocal processing. News went international, breaking fans’ hearts and trashing the Dazzlings’ music career. Then there they are, ten kindless years later, still the disabled trio they were, forced to hide out in a rundown hotel in the darkest parts of the city and eating from soup kitchens. Adagio Dazzle had grown bitter over the years, desperate to find magic, even the weakest kind to quench her hunger, going to the Earth’s ends for it, lackeys in tow. Aria Blaze had grown ever more sarcastic and doubtful of her older sister’s schemes, going as far as to back out on them, with her arguments with Sonata growing even more childish. And Sonata Dusk…is still the same taco-loving, air-headed Siren she’s always been, the years having no apparent effect on her. The three have just come back from another kitchen, reduced to wearing sweat clothes. And Aria just had enough. “Ugh, that was but a total waste of time,” the violet-coated Siren complained. “I need something to last me a year! I’m sick of eating with all those other pieces of garbage! “ “Whether you like it or not’s immaterial for me,” Adagio countered as she drew back her hood. “The fact of the matter’s that we are stuck in this miserable world with no available means of returning to Equestria and we have but to adapt in any way we can, even if it means being beggars on the street.” Aria only sighed of having to be told that for the umpteenth time. “I get it, no way home, no magic, we have manure! Maybe we’d’ve been spared all of this misery if we had dealt with those forsaken Pillars when they showed up.” “Or maybe we should’ve never been bad in the first place,” Sonata pointed out as she walked in, taco in hand. “I mean, we did choose this life, did we not?” Adagio and Aria were in shock at their ditzy sister’s suggestion, while Sonata just gave off a blank expression. Ever the first to criticize Sonata on her brains, Aria backhanded the taco out of her hands with a furious groan. Sonata didn’t have time to observe the damage done to her dinner as Aria got up close to her face. “That’d be a great idea, Sonata-,” Aria sarcastically started before Sonata interrupted. “Really, Aria?” Sonata responded ecstatically, not catching Aria’s sarcasm. “If you weren’t the worst,” Aria finished in an annoyed tone. “I’m not, you are.” “YOU ARE!” “YOU.” “ENOUGH!!” their leader screamed in furious annoyance. “Being stuck in a magicless world, it’s one thing. But being stuck in a magicless world with you two acting like babies is a completely different thing.” she emphasized her annoyance with those last two words gritted through her teeth. There was a beat of silence, until Aria broke it. “Well, she started it,” she grumbled, pointing a thumb at her light-blue-coated nuisance of a sister, who blew a raspberry her way in response, causing Dazzle to snarl in rage. Walking out of the living room into the bedroom, Adagio sat herself down on the messed bed closest to the door out. Letting out a long, fiery sigh, she reached into the back pocket for her shattered pedant. Looking upon it, all she could see was her shattered reflection, contemplating the life three them have chosen What if Sonata were right? What if things went different for the three Dazzlings had they not become bad in the first place? Suddenly, all of her thoughts had spiraled down to the reason they’ve been reduced so low: Sunset Shimmer. Adagio had concluded that her suffering was all thanks to the ex-mean girl herself. If she wasn’t there at the battle, the world would’ve been theirs. “Just you wait, Sunset Shimmer,” she growled under her breath. “I’ll find magic again, and when I do, you’ll rue interfering with us. You. Will. Rue. It.” Whether or not the universe would mercy her was answered by something zipping behind her. Taking her head up in shock, Adagio turned it around to catch what it was. However, the zip zipped behind her again, causing her to follow it again. On her feet ready to catch it in action, she surveyed the room for any sign, hoping to catch it. She was uncertain of exactly what she was looking for. But all she knew was that there was a certain feel about the thing that felt unexpectedly; that felt familiar; that felt magical. She was uncertain to fully believe it, but she felt that she might finally get some of the good stuff again. She could practically taste it. Of course, she knew her sisters would want it as well, but she didn’t care what they thought. She yearned for magic, she dreamt of magic, she lusted for magic. Her suspicions were confirmed when a stream of bright light came at quite a speed in front of her. Though brief, she knew that energy and sparkle that followed it anywhere through her pendant. She could taste it. She could taste the magic that had come to her. Flashing a lustful look on her face, she knew what to do. Following the stream around her room, hands stretched out, she longed to grasp it. Bouncing on the beds hoping to catch her prize, she caught the attention of her sisters, who barged in. “What are you fuming ov-?!?” Aria was unable to finish as she and Sonata ducked when they noticed the stream of magic heading towards the door. Lifting their heads again, they turned to their leader, who was chasing after it. “OUTTA MY WAY!!” she screamed as she rushed in between them. The stream became a bullet ricocheting across the room with Adagio desperate to grab it with anything. From a confronter to a kitchen pot, she only got dragged around with the magic, forcing her to let go of the magic’s cage. “Grab it, you idiots!!” she commanded her sisters, who only stood in silence until Adagio commanded. Aria jumped to grab it, but missed it by a foot, colliding with Adagio on her descent. Th gold Siren growled in frustration, turning to Sonata. “I ORDERED IT GRABBED!!!” Her scream would’ve shattered every piece of glass in Vanhoover. But all Sonata could think of was go for the window and open it, which she did at frightened speed. The magic then came at her, causing her to yelp and duck away from the window. Seeing an opening, the magic bolted for the opened window and out to the alleyway, Adagio not far behind, screaming, “NO!!!” Grabbing Sonata, she raspily asked with bile, “What were you thinking!?!” Quaking, Sonata stammered, “Well, you... you wanted the fireflies out, didn’t you?” “FIREFLIES!?!?!” Adagio grittily emphasized, throwing Sonata on the ground and turning for the window. “Those fireflies WERE EQUESTRIAN MAGIC!!!” She grunted as she exited through the window to follow the magic. Aria and Sonata only stayed where they were, in shock to have seen their sister act the way she did. They hadn’t seen her act like that in ever matter-of-factly. Still, she claimed Equestrian magic and they, too, longed for it. So, they thought, looking at each other, that if Adagio weren’t horse-crudding them, if she were chasing the real thing, they would want some of it as well for themselves. “Come on, airhead,” Aria ordered, picking herself up and dragging Sonata by the arm. Both Sirens went out the window and sought to catch up with not just their sister, but with the magic. The good stuff, they thought. A Half Hour later The three ex-singers had lost the magic... again. All over Vanhoover, they followed it wherever it went. From Broadway to First Avenue, they followed their prize. Sometimes, they were close to catching it. If they cornered it in an alley, it would just fly overhead, causing them to land on the hard ground. If in the middle of the street, it would just dash off and either Sonata or Aria would come this close to get run over. Adagio would care less, since all that she cared for was the screwing magic. Of the three, she was putting effort in the hunt. She’d want it more than ever. Yet, she could not, even on her own, catch it. Halfway before they lost the magic, she ordered her sisters to divide. Seven minutes later, she found it at Broadway’s intersection and lept to catch her prey, but it was quicker than the vicious Siren. Luckily, she was quicker than the truck going at 50 MPH at the cost of losing the magic again. Regrouping with her partners eight minutes later, she was on fire under the collar when the other two reported no luck. Walking back to their hotel through the alley behind the pear store, Adagio could do but fume. “I cannot believe that you two had managed to lose quite possibly the one thing that could make our lives in this world a bit better and a little less Tartarus!” Adagio ranted in calm fury. “Hey, I’m not the one who opened the window,” Aria protested, shooting a glare at Sonata. “Well, I’m not the one who couldn’t catch it the instant I was told,” Sonata countered, shooting back a glare. “Oh puhlease, like you’d’ve done better. Thanks to you, we’re making tomorrow’s headline: DAZZLING FRAUDS CHASE AFTER ‘FLYING LIGHT’. Way to ruin us even more.” “At least I knew what was going on.” “You’d know if you weren’t the worst.” “I’m not, you are.” Oh, my lord, the lead Siren thought. As they continued their childish argument, Adagio only continued to fume. Not only did she lose the magic, but she had to endure yet another of her sisters’ stupid arguments. She had always thought that if there ever was such a thing as Tartarus, trapped in a magicless world and listening to those two forever would be it for her. Could this life possibly get any WORSE!?! Perhaps I can ease your misery, came a voice from nowhere. The Sirens froze dead in their tracks and looked around crazily for the disembodied voice, when overhead came the light they previously chased. Descending at amazing speed, it engulfed the three villainesses in a spiraling vortex of magic. All they could do was stare as the very magic they sought out attacks. Sonata then looked down and saw that she was fading away. Adagio and Aria stood in stunned silence as their dimwitted sister completely vanished. Aria came next, uncharacteristically holding out a hand to Adagio before she faded as well. And then there was one, as the Siren looked at herself and saw that she was sharing her sisters’ fates. Screaming in horror, Adagio fell to her knees, hands grasping her hair, as the magic also took her as well. Once all three Sirens were gone, the vortex subsided and magically vanished as well, leaving but an empty alleyway. Scene Five: Our Time There was a feeling of confusion and relief rushing as Adagio came back to her senses, waking to find herself laid out on the floor. Shooting up, the lead Siren found herself and her sisters, who have also awoken to their new location. Their surroundings were that of an orange-bronze color. Below the trio’s feet were that of a giant fancy “G” embedded across the center of the room. The walls were lined with tapestries, each between those old-school pillars that one’d see in those ancient temples and ruins. While different, each tapestry has a common theme: a dark-blue creature depicted in each. Rising to their feet, they realized that in front of them stood a 4-by-4 desk in front of a massive glass window. A particular item on the desk was a small, crudely made metal bell. “If I didn’t know better,” Sonata spoke up. “I’d say that we’re in one of those big CEO offices.” Her comment was met with deadpan looks from her sisters. “What was your clue?” Aria asked rhetorically. “Well, for starters, -” Sonata began, once again not catching the sarcasm, leading to harder deadpan expressions. Brushing off her sisters, Adagio walked up right to the desk. The seat behind was turned to the window. She had hoped that someone was occupying it and was waiting to make her (or his) grand appearance to them, followed by a clash of thunder, like those evil masterminds with a cat she’d seen in those movies a hundred times. She then lifted up her hand, anxiety sweating down. As much as she hated it, she had to admit that she was scared of what she might see. Reaching to the chair, she titled the chair. As it slowly creeps to face them, all three Sirens couldn’t help but fear for what comes next. Even Aria didn’t shake Sonata off her when the latter clung herself to the former’s arm. Much to their relief, however, the chair was empty. Sighs of relief and one swift arm break from Aria to Sonata had the Sirens wondering their next moves. “Jeez, was that intense,” Aria sighed before blurting out. “Now what exactly in the Tartarus is happening?” Sonata and Aria exchanged looks at one another before turning to their leader. Looking at them dumbfoundedly, Adagio snapped: “What are you looking at me for?! I don’t know what’s what around here either!” Then you are fortunate that I do, came the same voice from before. The three jumped in surprise once more. Then, all of a sudden, the bell on the desk suddenly levitated off from the desk in a black-and-yellow aurora, causing the three to jolt back slightly. “Am I the only one who thinks that magic is haunting us?” Sonata quivered in fear. The Sirens only stood where they were, waiting for the object to do something to them, not regarding Sonata’s theory in the slightest. The bell only levitated overhead, all eyes on it. Luckily, it stopped its ghostly float at the end of the room and descended in front of the entrance. But it did little to calm the Sirens’ nerves. All of the blood frozen in Adagio’s veins only compelled her to move closer for a view of what was scaring the living manure out of all three of them, Aria and Sonata cowering behind her. Suddenly, the doors swung open, and then all Tartarus broke loose. From the cover of darkness came a hooded individual in a priest robe in the darkest blue, as the still-frozen Sirens watched on. Stitched on the robe were ancient symbols that they instantly recognized as Equestrian in origin. Whoever this guy was, he certainly knew some things about Equestria. Shutting his eyes, his hands glowed in the same black-and-yellow aurora that surrounded the bell again and lifted it up to his neck. Removing the hood revealed the face of a silvery-white haired and cornflower-blue skinned man with a large red metal harness around his body. With his magic, the man moved the object to his harness and hooked it on to it, causing a surge of energy through his body as he slightly grunted. Once the surge subsided, he looked down at the three watching Dazzlings. After some silence, Adagio, now wide-eyed and glimmering, realized what she was beholding. Walking ahead of her cowering sisters, the lead Dazzling could do but watch in amazement as she puts the pieces together: blue skin, silvery-white hair, and a bell. Then, a light went off. “It’s him,” she whispered in stunned fear. “My sincerest apologies for your treatment,” stated the man. “But I just had to see you. For it’s now our time.” “I’m sorry,” Aria pepped. “Our time?” “Precisely, Aria Blaze.” “You know us,” asked a shocked, but still frozen Sonata. “I do know you, Sonata Dusk. All three of you. And I trust that you remember me.” “Why, yes,” answered Adagio, who fell on a knee and bowed. “We do, O Great One.” She looked behind at the two Sirens and gestured them to follow her lead. But the two weren’t thinking what she was thinking. She looked back at the man, who looked slightly annoyed, clearly seeing the half-truth. “In case you do not know my legacy,” he growled, as his eyes glowed in the same light of his aurora. “Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, allow me to introduce myself to you. My name... is Grogar.” Hearing his name, Aria’s and Sonata’s eyes both lit up and then followed Adagio’s lead. The Sirens were aware of the ram-turned-human himself. After all, he created them. While they were as powerful as him, they still feared the Father of Monsters. Grogar was known among many creatures back in Equestria as one of the most powerful villains to ever be, but the ones who knew him personally and more than anypony else knew that he was certainly the most monstrous of them all. For his reign over Pre-Equestria was one of the darkest eras in Equestrian history. His power was matched only by the fear he spread with his children. As his monsters roamed the land and plagued ponykind wherever they went, he bathed in the fear that came with the attacks. But his greatest strength was his Bewitching Bell, an artifact capable of draining and releasing the magic of any creature. The more he collected, the more powerful Grogar himself became. How he had come to this world was soon explained. “That’s better,” the ram-turned-human prided himself with a smirk. “And now we get to business, my partners.” “Partners?” Adagio repeated. “Yes, Adagio, you three are now under my command for the conquest of Equestria. For countless centuries, I’ve been exiled by that fool Gusty to this miserable, magicless wasteland. But thanks to the magical surge from over sixteen years ago, I have finally gained enough to begin.” “You mean Sunset Shimmer?” “Precisely.” Grogar then turned his attention to the city out his window. The Sirens picked themselves up to look out and find Canterlot City in afternoon light. “It started small, but only when Mrs. Twilight Spruce unleashed her magic,” He handed Aria a telescope and directed her to CHS .“cracked the portal and divided it across the world did I really begin to collect power from it.” Sonata spoke up. “But don’t you also get power from fear?” “That I did, Sonata. To do so, I became an alchemist to have the magic come to me with this replica of my Bell with stolen technology from Spruce. By then, I’ve had enough magic to easily frighten children with nightmares of a lethal ram in their dreams, three years back. That’s when the real fear began, from parent and child alike, to contribute my ascension.” He only flashed a sadistic smile. His answer was enough to shiver the Sirens to their very souls. “But enough about me. Now is the time…for retribution.” And with that, his eyes lit up again and his Bell arose. Despite years of no magic, Grogar was still quite familiar with his spells. As the Sirens slightly recoiled in fear, the Bell clanged, thus opening a small magical vortex. And from it shot three bright beams that brought each Siren to her knees in overwhelming pain. As the energy surged through their bodies, the Sirens wondered if he meant to kill them when he claimed “retribution.” However, all fears were washed away when they felt themselves changing. Only then did they realize that he was giving them a boost rather than wasting them. When the smoke finally settled and they rose to their feet, the Sirens were in a haze for a couple of seconds until they all got a good look at each other and themselves. They could feel it within them. The Dazzlings have all regained their Siren tails, ears, and wings and were now wearing matching golden armor covering their body and legs. Grogar’s replica had proven to be all it was cracked to be. They’ve come back ten times more powerful. As Adagio looked over herself in the window’s weak reflection, she marveled at the sight of finally having Equestrian magic back, only to have it cut short when she realized something: their voices. It has been over a decade since their pendants shattered and to have their lovely vocals back would’ve been unbelievable. “If you’re not convinced,” Grogar spoke behind the lead Siren, whose eyes bulged in surprise as she turned around swiftly. She didn’t think him a mind-reader, Sonata and Aria watching as he pinned Adagio against the window. “Then, by all means…,” the Father of Monsters gestured towards the city. So they went to test their voices. After flying their way up the stairs to the roof, the Sirens had made their way down to the city looking for a big crowd to stir trouble in. Eventually, the trio found one at the very amphitheater that cost them their pendants. Down below is a heavy metal band performing as its fans sing or scream along and cheer. Truthfully, none of the Sirens had a soft spot for that kind of music, so this made it the perfect test run. Aaah-ahh-ahh Aaah-aaah Aaah-ahh-ahh Aaah-aaah As they continued to sing in their original perfect pitch, they watched the metal band instantly drop their instruments and begin to be at one another’s throats, their influence soon spreading to the rest of the crowd. From what was once a musical rock show soon turned into a huge theater of yelling and bickering humans, something that the Sirens had reveled in as they absorbed their negative energy. Satisfying their years-long hunger, they flew back to Grogar’s building to report. When they returned, the Father was already in his chair, expecting them to come back in a more pleasant mood. When hearing them burst in, he turned with a smile, waiting to hear their opinions. “That…,” Adagio proclaimed as she wiped her mouth with her hand. “... was the best in forever.” “Fast food, no doubt,” Aria quipped, “but was it worth it.” “Eh, tacos taste better,” Sonata blankly stated. Aria only gave her a deadpan look of annoyance. “Well then, I am pleased that you three all enjoyed the fringe benefits,” chuckled the First Emperor as he lifted himself up. “For now, IT. IS. TIME..” (Our Time by Grogar and the Sirens: The song first starts with a heavy military recruitment percussion and brass instruments. When the Dazzlings sing, an electric guitar plays. The overall pulse and tempo are heavy and medium, respectively.) Grogar: You and I have been denied for so long But now it’s time to return in heat For any and every soul who did us wrong Will be chopped like a field of wheat So come along with the king Then you’ll be given what you’re promised But if any of you have any to bring About me, then your demise This is our time And we are not going to miss it We will become primes Equestria’ll be ours bit by bit It is time that we reclaim Our dreadful acclaim It’s time for our bells to chime It is our time We’ve all been ignored enough And have been all but forgotten But I’m self-made of patient stuff While all you’ve been was but rotten I offer this only once, my dears This’ your chance for vengeance You can come along or remain here But now is my perfect chance This is our time And we are not going to miss it We will become primes Equestria’ll be ours bit by bit It is time that we reclaim Our dreadful acclaim It’s time for our bells to chime It is our time The Dazzlings could only exchange anxious looks of the ram’s threats and promises. As much as they wanted more magic, they feared that Grogar might waste them when they’re no more help. Their thoughts were put on halt when he approached them. “So, I take it you reject my offer?” he scowlingly inquired. The trio only fidgeted in their places. Adagio didn’t make it far back, for Aria and Sonata sharply shoved her to be face-to-face with the madman himself. After some stammering, Adagio found her clear voice. “If we come with,” she began with a cunningly cocky smile. “Will me and my sisters have the one who brought us this much humiliation?” Grogar simply gave a half-smile before stating: “All I need you to do is travel to Tartarus and bring all occupants to Canterlot under your spell. You can do so with this.” He tossed Sonata a compass-like device. “It will direct you to the nearest portal home. But yes, I promise you Sunset Shimmer. What do you say now?” This brought all three together in a huddled conversation. Once they departed heads, they all fell on a knee and bowed before their superior. “Excellent,” he smiled wholly upon seeing their loyalty to him. “Let us begin.” Using his magic, the huge “G” on his floor glows in his magic aurora and begins to perform another of his spells. The Dazzlings remembered it to be the spell Grogar used every time he made more than one monster. But for this one also required the energy of another of his monsters. Seeing that he needed them for this spell, the trio too added their magic into the spell. As the four performed their spell, they continued their triumphant voices. Grogar/Sirens: This is our time As kings and queens We will become primes For everypony we see Will know our terrible wrath And will be crushed in our path It’s time for victory to chime It is our time It is our time!! IT IS OUR TIME!!! As they finished, they watched as their horrifying creations came to life. Among the monsters were a humanoid feline, a hulking lava man, a cloud demon, a trio of bird-dogs, a plant creature with three heads, and a huge humanoid bumblebee. Marveling at his handiwork, the Father of Monsters chuckled evilly, ready to retake his glory. Grogar: It is now my time > Invitation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene Six: The Get-Together Sweet Apple Acres was quiet that afternoon. After another day at the farm, the Apple Family needed time off. Scratch that, a weekend off. And what better way to start it than on a cool Friday evening during Spring Break? Big McIntosh decided to treat his wife Sugar Belle, son Big Sugar, and Winona’s pups to a visit to his Appleloosa relatives. Initially, Sugar Belle was unsure to take four-year-old Big Sugar out of the house. However, Big Sugar was Applejack-when-she-attempted-Applebuck-Season-alone-certain that he’d be fine. Apple Bloom had other plans of her own. Ever since college, the CMCs had begun running an independent business of their own as psychologists who major in helping children struggling with their life purposes. While still helping the family in every way possible, Apple Bloom was more focused on her psychological work. For her weekend, Apple Bloom was going to Las Pegasus with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo for a business trip discussing their work... while having a little fun themselves. After a couple of goodbyes and safety tips from her still overprotective sister, Apple Bloom had to sprint for a cab heading to the airport, where Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle would be meeting. And then there’s Applejack. The woman of the house with nothing to do. Except prepare for ALL of her friends. It had been some time when all seven hung out together, and like the rest of the girls, she was excited to make the night count. Work now, fun later, she thought to herself. Ever the workaholic of the Humane 7, she’d worked the next two hours getting the barn in shape, such as cleaning the family room, readying snacks and a case of her family’s cider, basically making her home the team’s home-away-from-home. By the time the girls started arriving, Applejack had cleaned up. Removing her overalls and showering, she changed into denim jeans, red button-up long-sleeve, her signature boots and stetson, and Granny Smith’s shawl. She especially brushed and put her hair in a bun rather than the classic ponytail with an apple-shaped hair clip and freshened up with a tad too much of perfume, all for a certain fashionista. Despite their stable relationship, Rarity and Applejack weren't invincible against obstacles, having their fair share of bad luck. When they first became an item during college, Rarijack were initially happy to be with one another, only lasting three months when both sides decided to take a break due to their jobs and their workloads, not allowing them to be romancers constantly. The second major attempt on the couple came two years later. By then, they had used the L-word and became way too intimate. What happened was a result of a job promotion given by a Miss Suri Polomare, an offer Rarity thought too good to pass up. A huge fight caused both sides to call off their whole relationship. Luckily, Rarity changed her mind after knowing of Polomare’s idea-stealing tricks, and bury the hatchet with Applejack, agreeing to keep the ship afloat. Third time is often the charm, as the pair are waiting to see who will make the marriage call. This time, Applejack was determined to put her girlfriend on the spot. She knew exactly what she was going to say, exactly what she was going to do, and exactly how she was going to manage it all. The first to arrive at AJ’s door were Rainbow Dash wearing her dark blue Canterlot Pegasi jacket with her wool-stitched rainbow-butterfly shirt from her girlfriend and elastic black runner plants, Fluttershy in a pink and light-green dress bringing out her love nature, and Pinkie Pie from RD’s rainbow-themed Pegasus. As she let them all in, she couldn’t help but feel envious of Rainbow as she and Flutter walked in hand-in-hand. While the two always sought to outshine the other, they never competed when it came to romance (mostly ‘cause they didn’t give it much thought at first). Even back in college, they never made a game out of their love lives, even playing wingwoman for each other. Whenever Rarijack hit a rock, Rainbow always tried to comfort the farmer, no jabs at all. “Looks like it’s your turn to play the ‘marry me’ song again,” Rainbow correctly guessed when she saw Applejack’s get-up. Sniffing around, she furrowed her expression at AJ before saying, “Really, apple scented?” “Well, it’s an apple farm.” Applejack lamely answered, deepening RD’s furrow. “Well, you can’t blame her for trying, Dashie,” Fluttershy squeaked, hugging Rainbow’s arm. It had been five years since Flutterdash became an item, and Rainbow still blushes whenever Fluttershy called her that. Ever since then, Rainbow had tried her absolute best to change her self-centered and awesome self to make her girlfriend feel 20% more cooler around her, going as far as to perform some crazy spell on herself that would bring out the Rainbow Dash three years back. And one can guess how that turned out. Flutters told RD that she’s perfect already and they reversed the spell, but the latter still felt insecure, especially when she’s thinking the question. Flutterdash made their way past the threshold, but Rainbow stopped short to talk to AJ. “Sucks to be the honest apple, huh?” whispered the athlete mockingly. “Not as much as being the loyal girlfriend?” countered the farmer before her face morphed into one of anticipation. “Or… fiancée?” RD’s cheeks reddened at the mention. Darting back at her girlfriend to make sure she or Pinkie weren’t prying in, she confirmed to her athletic rival: “I’m planning on doing it before the end of the night, hopefully with everyone here.” “Twi promised us a full seven. Ah trust her.” “Well, if you trust her, so do I. Plus, don’t overdo it with Rarity, okay?” “Ah’ve it planned out; Ah’ll be fine. What’s gonna happen?” promised the farmgirl. Rainbow Dash gave a dry pout as Fluttershy dragged her by the arm to the couch. Pinkie Pie had already made herself comfortable by already filling the place with more treats and streamers on the wall and cakes, all thanks to her party cannon that she somehow manages to drag in with her. The three gave no thoughts since Pinkie was but simple. Applejack noticed a second car coming and frantically composed herself when she saw Rarity occupying the passenger seat in Twilight’s midnight blue Starswirl car. Shutting the door, she looked at her guests with glares speaking “What did we just say?” Brushing it off, Applejack straightened her jeans and shirt, trying to get out all of the creaks and was finishing adjusting her stetson when the doorbell rang. “Just a second,” the farmer sang in a way Rarity would as she approached the door, stopping only two feet away upon hearing what she had sang. Danggit, AJ, she reprimanded herself. What’sa matta with ya?!? The honest farmer didn’t notice her friends facepalming and shaking heads. Opening the door, her face lost color when she saw Rarity. Applejack looked with a sparkle as if she found the rarest diamond ever. Rarity stood in the doorway wearing a dress screaming a mix of high society and farm life. She wore silky brown gloves, occupied by brown leather boots, and a dress composed of a silky pale blue blouse with a pattern of apples and gems, accompanied by a denim skirt patterned in diamondized apples, the same with her hair clip. Apparently, she was, too, prepared to make the "marry me" move on Applejack with her secret weapon, i.e. her ensemble. “Looks like you’re not the only one still trying,” Rainbow called out to the furiously embarrassed farmer. “I’m sorry?” Rarity wondered in a confused tone, yet to notice Applejack’s efforts. “Sorry we’re a little late,” Twilight, without her lab-coat, apologized, coming behind Rarity while locking up her Starswirl, “but Miss Apple Season here needed to get dressed for the occasion.” This caused Rarity to match AJ’s furious blush. Brushing off the jabs, AJ shook her head crazily hard before saying: “Nonono! No need for apologies! We all know our Rarity, don’t we? Besides, the deadline is five minutes after the six of us are here, waiting on a certain someone.” Twilight turned her head away from AJ and rubbed her arm, knowing that “certain someone.” Not looking back, Twilight knew everyone else were looking at her to know if she talked to Sunset earlier. “Well…,” Twilight started, rubbing her hands nervously. “I tried breaking the ice, but she didn’t want to talk about her, and after a hug, we spoke about what we’ve been doing lately…” As she continued, the rest of the girls gave her “we got the picture” looks. Seeing them, Twilight just stopped, a nervous smile creeping onto her face. “So, she ain’t coming,” Rainbow summarized without her bite. “What excuse did she give this time?” Rarity asked disdainfully. “She’d texted she’ll see how her schedule is,” Twilight answered. “I’m sure she’ll come.” “OH, THAT’S A LOAD OF CUPCAKES,” Pinkie screamed. “More like a load a manure,” Applejack interjected. “She didn’t respond to my text,” Twilight hastily spat out. “But I’m very certain she’ll-” “Then how are you sure,” Fluttershy assertively interrupted Twilight. “Maybe cuz I wanted to make it a surprise,” someone casually announced. The six friends turned their heads to the front door and found the speaker to be Sunset with her satchel, leaning against the doorway. “SUNSET!!!!!” The Equestria Girls cried as they approached her, soon smothering her in an enormous group hug. “Surprise,” quipped the teacher as she melted into the hug. * Over the next two hours, there has been nothing but talk and laughs and cider. Sunset’d be lying if she claimed that she’d rather do something than be with her best friends. This was probably the first time since college that they had a Tartarus of a time like this. Throughout the dwindling day, the girls took shots, played Never Have I Ever, and swapped stories. Even before accepting the offer, she had a feeling that this was all just a scheme to get her out of her funk... and it was working. All she could do was watch and enjoy as Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie engaged in shots, the party-girl winning with both tomboys caving after twenty shots each, Sci-Twi, Rarity, Fluttershy, and herself played “Who Am I?” and Twilight spent it moping that Rarity was Starswirl instead of her, they caught Flutters and Rainbow in the closet scratching a “little itch.” This was one of her best nights ever. But she didn’t consider it to be her last with them before a huge change. While Fluttershy held Rainbow’s hair after failing to beat Pinkie in a rematch and Rarity watched Applejack try to beat the impossibly sober champion, Sunset, with two cider mugs full, found Twilight sitting on the family sofa, texting Timber that she’ll be home later, and was approaching her when she rethought what she was doing. She was hurt that Twilight didn’t mention her device earlier, but she didn’t hate her enough to just demand it and go home. Now, she had to think how to bring it up without sending Twilight on a ramble. Even if she managed to get it, what would she say? “Hey guys, this has all been fun, but I rather live in Equestria than spend another day here with all of you?” Yeah, so not hurtful. She cursed herself. She loved her friends, but she didn’t want to crush them. Shaking her head and breathing deeply, the teacher approached the alchemist on the sofa and offered her a mug. “No thank you,” Twilight politely turned down as she gestured to the drinking game. “Three’s my limit, unlike those gals. Having fun?” “Of course,” Sunset responded with a chuckle in her voice, placing the offered mug onto the coffee table. “Why wouldn’t I?” “Well, it’s just that we actually planned this-” “To get me out of my funk. Yeah, I’ve noticed.” “Right,” the alchemist sheepishly responded. A hard silence between the two geniuses before the older one broke the ice. “Have you made any feats in alchemy lately?” Sunset simply asked. Hearing the question, Twilight relaxed and spoke: “Why, yes, I have. Quite recently, I had finished upgrading my security system after that break-in a few years back, remember? “You mean the one that cost you the same components used to make that amulet from the Games?” the teacher responded. “Yes,” Twilight responded after a brief pause. “Anyway, this time, if someone tries to steal my equipment, I’ve developed a motion-detecting system that will pick up an intruder’s heat signature and intentions, courtesy of you giving me some of the magic from your geode, and once they’re clarified as intruders, Spike will sic ‘em.” “Hmm. Alchemy with a 23-year-old dog (in human years, that is) keeping watch. Not a bad security.” “Glad you think so. I just can’t believe it.” “That Fluttershy’s magic managed to give him the normal lifeline of a human instead of that of a normal dog?” “Oh no, I’ve gotten past that long ago. What I don’t believe is that someone would steal from me. I mean, whoever stole all of that doesn’t know what she or he is getting themselves into.” “Twi, I’m sorry to hear that, but whoever stole it, nothing can be done about it.” Sunset reassured as she wrapped an arm around her bispectled friend. “All you can do is move on.” “I understand,” Twilight sighed. “Besides, I’ve got you guys to keep me from sweating over small stuff.” That last part earned her a round of laughs from Sunset before she joined them shortly. Silence hovered over the two again, aside from Sunset sipping her cider, until Twilight took yet another jab at the open wound. “So, um, about your funk?” She sheepishly asked, earning her a surprised look from Sunset, who gaped to speak before stopping. Her friend was looking worryingly at her best friend, thinking that she just brought up that sensitive subject once again, as the older girl was thinking of what to say. Finally, the teacher made her claim. “Twilight,” she started with, using a nickname she’d reserve for Twilight Sparkle, both pony and human. “I am... upset with Princess Twilight. But this doesn’t have any hate towards you. We all have responsibilities and maybe we’ll forget about some people, but I can’t condone Twilight’s own. I want us all to be happy. You guys, all seven of you including Spike, are my best friends. I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world. In any world.” She faced Twilight and saw her with glasses off, eyes red and wet, and smiling away. Apparently, her confession was more heartfelt than given credit. Before she knew it, Sci-Twi bolted and smothered the teacher in her biggest bearhug possible. In her shortage of breath, Sunset returned the embrace. “Thank you, Sunset,” Twilight hummed, melting into the older woman’s arm. “There are times I wonder what I’d do without you.” “Same here, Twi. Same here. I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” Pulling away from each other, the two looked at each other straight in the eye before another hard silence befell the two. After some moments, Twilight grabbed the cider mug on the coffee table. She then held it close to Sunset’s own. “Cheers to best friends?” she asked timidly, to which Shimmer smiled. “Cheers to best friends.” she acknowledged. A clank of mugs later and the two drank away. Scene Seven: Twilight Comes Clean “Okay, Aunt Twilight, what is your problem?” Flurry Heart demanded nonchalantly. Along with the Council of Friendship and her Captain of the Guards, Furry Heart had taken notice of Twilight’s peculiar behavior during their time together. Throughout the small party, every mare and dragon had engaged in friendly conversation. They had each made jabs at one another, there were a couple of friendly competitions between them, and even performed some feats of magic or natural talent. And throughout it all, Princess Twilight was silent. Officially beginning and ending the meeting, suggestions, and everything else aside, Twilight was no different during the Royal Summit. Flurry knew that there was something up with Twilight and she was going to get it out of her aunt either the heart-on-heart-way... or the truth-spell-way. Flurry gathered everypony in an attempt to break the ice with Twilight more carefully. Either way, she was getting an answer regardless. And now here they are, in the throne room, standing before Twilight, all giving her a “you-got-some- ‘splainin-to-do” look. “Well,” Starlight asked impatiently, raising an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, what?” Princess Twilight spoke with a puzzled expression. Twilight clearly knew what everypony was demanding from her, she just didn’t want to say it and break the joyous atmosphere. “I have no knowledge of what you guys could be- “ “You’ve been hanging in Pinkie Pie’s LaLa Land or something?” Rainbow Dash interjected. “Cuz you’re acting weirder than a chicken after it saw a cockatrice.” She finished that sentence with something of a Southern drawl. She then turned to the farmer with: “No offense on that, AJ.” “None taken,” Applejack brushed off. “Cuz that perfectly describes our regal leader of Equestria today.” Princess Twilight looked at her friends and family present, who gave her nothing but stern looks, knowing that there was no chance in Tartarus that the very ruler of Equestria herself was going to talk her way out of her mare troubles. She looked at the ground one last time before sighing and caving. “I can’t get anything past you girls. It’s true. I’ve been off today lately. How many of you remember…” Twilight stopped as her lips quivered, trying to get her name out of her mouth. After about half a minute of Twilight just sputtering to get the words out, she finally spat: “Sunset Shimmer?” With that came seven raised hooves and claw, all belonging to the Council and Starlight. “Who?” Flurry and Tempest spoke in unison. While knowing nothing, they’ve only heard bits about her from Cadance, who only remembered the unicorn from trying to steal Twilight’s crown. Twilight turned to the Crystal Ponies. “Well, you see,” Twilight began. “Sunset Shimmer-” “-Was an arrogant student of Celestia before Twilight came along, who stole Twilight’s Magic Element over two decades ago, was followed through a magic mirror to another world, defeated and left in the hands of us, and when I say us, I mean alternate version of us minus you two and Starlight, and Twilight’s clearly still has thoughts for her, which is why she’s acting fishy today because she wants her to visit Equestria today while keeping a happy face for us as if she wanted to surprise us!” Pinkie answered with a smile and squee. Her explanation was only met by dumbfounded looks by both Crystal Ponies. “So, to summarize, she’s like me and Starlight?” Tempest asked. “EEYUP,” Applejack responded in her Big Mac tone. “She’s a bad mare.” “And Twilight simply hasn’t seen her in nearly two decades and wants her to come visit as a friend, right?” Starlight asked. “Yes,” Twilight confirmed. “Or because she’s more to you?” Rainbow Dash gave a sly smile to match her sly tone. Twilight gave off a light blush. “Well…” “Oh, that’s ridiculous, Rainbow Dash,” Flurry Heart responded with a scoff. “Aunt Twily does not like her.” Flurry was quick to change her expression from a composed ruler to a filly with a manure-eating smile and, before Twilight could respond to Flurry’s claim, the Crystal Princess added: “Aunt Twily LOVES her, ain’t that right?” as she moved her brows up with a knowing-smile. Twilight’s blush only reddened at her niece’s implications. “Hmm, a school-filly crush, Your Highness?” Tempest teasingly questioned. “Okay, okay, okay,” Twilight spoke frantically, itching to derail their conversation back to the original point. “Bottomline: I had Gallus and the guards reconstruct the mirror device so I can write to and invite Sunset and her friends over for the day... and come out of... the closet.” “Awww, now that is simply adorable,” Rarity cooed as she placed her hooves on her cheeks. “Twilight,” Spike spoke evenly. “We’re your friends. We’d’ve understood and held nothing against you.” With a sigh, Twilight once again spoke: “Thank you, Spike. I’m sorry I lied to you ponies. I just thought that I’d ask her and see where it leads.” “And what do you need from us all?” Fluttershy asked, a ready-to-help smile on her face. Everypony followed her example. Twilight looked on and pondered with a smile on her face. Scene Eight: Getting the Message The Sweet Apple Acres get-together was dying down. And all seven girls were having fun. Sure, they’ve had many other jaunts like that night, but they’ve never saw it as bad. As long they were in each other’s company, there was never a dull moment nor a care in the world for them. Yet they’ve mostly met Freshman year and then there they were, all now in their late-twenties and going through changes that could potentially change their friendship drastically. They’ve considered such changes as they became lost in their own personal thoughts. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy cuddled up together in the comfort of the rocking chair. Oh, why am I manure at this, RD self-reprimanded as she felt around the ring box inside her jacket, sweat dripping. This shouldn’t be different than the other times I thought I could handle something and be proven other- oh, who am I kidding? THIS IS THE WORST TO HAPPEN TO ME! Me, legendary Wondercolt soccer player Rainbow “Daring” Dash, proposing to the world’s sweetest, cutest, kindest woman, who breaks down at a simple criticism and jumps at a needle drop! How’d I think this a cakewalk? She darted her eyes to see Fluttershy’s concerning look, who quickly darted away, earning her mental applauds. Ooohhh, great! Now, she’s concerned! You’re my hero, Rainbow! Fluttershy blushed vibratingly after her girlfriend caught her eyeing. Oh dear, would you look at her? She’s probably thinking little of me. Come on, Fluttershy, what are you thinking? This is nothing compared to singing in front of a crowd, Halloween, or putting my foot down on occasion; this is anxiety at its grandest! A life-changing question I’m asking Rainbow Dash. What if she thinks I am anchoring her? What if she rejects me? She knows how delicate I am and- oh, quit the ridiculousness, Fluttershy! She’s loyal to the end. She’ll never reject your heart. You just need to build the nerve. The small table of Rarijack proposal was taken over by internal thinking, both sides failing to look each other a full second. Get a hold of yourself, Rarity, Rarity demanded. She’s your bestest friend! Heck, she’s even your Princess Charming! What’s not to love about her?! Still, what if she doesn’t wish to marry me? She’s the most honest person you’ve met. If she’s not ready yet, you’ll have to understand… despite the emotional trauma YOU’LL HAVE TO ENDUR-R-R-E-E! OH, THE INHUMANITY! WHY!? Ever the drama queen, the fashionista was. Applejack’s thoughts were likewise dominated by Rarity. Listen, sugarcube. she tried convincing herself. This is Rarity y’all fussing over; the most beautiful, dazzling, amazingly generous person anyone’d be envious to date. It’d make perfect sense to date. Opposites attract, right? A rough, dirty, and honest farmer and a posh, clean, and generous fashionista, both hardworking and responsible… yet have gone out for almost two decades and are apparently nowhere near making the marriage call. OH DANGGIT, THIS RIDICULOUSNESS IS KILLING ME! Before they knew it, Rarity and Applejack suddenly felt themselves physically connect. Feeling the contact, both heads swiftly craned up to see their hands connect and shot up at each other’s faces. They quickly parted before anything else. For a brief moment, their beet red faces were caught up in their emerald and sapphire eyes… and personal feelings. The sofa trio fared the same self-struggle, especially the optimistic Pinkie Pie. Maybe I’m just overthinking, she pondered over. Sure, change is natural, in both the physical and emotional sense. But still, all of my friends, minus me, Twilight, and Sunset, are all hooked to each other and, sooner or later, they’re gonna want to go straight for the M word; the big fat start-a-new-family-and-leave-your-best-friends-in-the-dust-M word! Sci-Twi’s were more worthiness feeling than change-worry. There’s no reason to be jealous, is there? Sure, I’m not their first, but I’ve done enough to prove myself to the girls. But, ugh, why do I feel so used, like I’m just some replacement to keep them all smiling; a cheap clone that’s everything minus the princess role and friendship wisdom? Sunset looked around herself and saw how lost everybody else were in their own worlds. What are they all thinking? Are they thinking of me or something else? I know about Rainbow’s engagement plans and news on the Rarijack front, but what are they really thinking? I know they’d want me to be happy, but I don’t think they want me to leave home, right!? Just then, the athlete decided enough was enough and made the grand move. So, after finally getting her jelly legs to move, she rose for the team’s attention. “Excuse me, girls,” she announced. With that, all six girls dotted their attention towards her, their faces mixed. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Sunset’s were of confused concern, while AJ, Rarity, and Pinkie’s were of silent excitement. “Before we call it a night, I’d like to share something with Fluttershy, and I can’t think of a better time than with all of you.” “What is it, Dashie?” inquired Fluttershy, who looked at her girlfriend with shaky eyes, probably anticipating something. “Whatever it is, we’ll support you regardless.” I know you would, Dash mentally chimed. Clearing her throat and inhaling deep, she began. “Fluttershy,” was her starter before seeing Fluttershy’s wide-eyed and shining teal eyes on the verge of tears. Shaking it off, she continued: “Fluttershy, y-y-y-you and m-m-m-me, we have been to-to-together e-e-e-ever since kindergarten a-a-a-and we havvvveee both taught each other ssssso much a-a-and-and-and-.” Oh my goodness, Fluttershy thought with teary eyes. Is she really doing it? As their rainbow friend stuttered on, Rares and AJ waited in anxious impatience for the question. More stuttering later, their eyes drifted back to each other, breaking their attention to each other and drowning out Rainbow’s attempts. “I don’t know about them, darling,” Rarity quietly proposed, “but I think us two can make a better attempt in the romance department.” She then gave a sultry smile. Her efforts weren’t missed by her honest love, who mimicked her smile. “And how do y’all propose such a suggestion?” “It’s spur-of-the-moment, but…” Rarity blushed and then gave Applejack bedroom eyes before puckering her lips. This act caused the head of Sweet Apple Acres to blush a harsh red, which was soon replaced by a smile and puckered lips. Seeing a confirmed answer, Rarity leaned in closer to AJ, who was moving in as well. As both Rarijack and Flutterdash became lost in their own worlds, only Sunset, Twilight, and Pinkie were left to watch. But while Twi and Sunset watched on with giggling delight, happy for their friends, Pinkie was putting on a false front for once, her smile forced as sweat belted down. Her previous concerns were now coming to light and she was left scared of what new changes between them seven were coming and praying for something to stop the romance. As if the Great Pony from Beyond was hearing her, a buzz broke through. Oh come on! Rarijack, Flutterdash, Sunset, and Twilight all whined at the ruined moment. Yes! Pinkie internally cheered. The Humane 6 sought their attention to the buzzing’s source. They each exchanged gazes, thinking that the buzzing was one of their cells on silent. They all took out their phones from their pockets and found them completely silent with no notifications as the buzz continued. They looked around the room until Applejack let a small gasp escape her as she pointed at the coatrack. Following their host’s finger, all eyes and mouths opened wide as they saw Sunset’s satchel glowing and vibrating. Pinkie then dashed to it, removed the journal, and sang aloud: “Equestrian mail!!” Upon hearing this, all girls’ shock soon turned into joy. if what Pinkie said was true, they could all agree who was the happiest among them. And it was true. Sunset wanted to practically dash for the message. Instead, Pinkie walked over and handed Sunset her vibrating and glowing journal. Looking at her friends eagerly, they gestured to go ahead. Abiding them, her hand was a blur as she opened it to the page glowing. Which only meant that Princess Twilight Sparkle was responding at last!! It was filled halfway down the page at excessive speed. Clearly, somepony was eager to see somebody once again, all of the girls all thought, exchanging looks to one another, while Sunset welled up tears when she read the message aloud, thinking of Twilight’s voice: “Dear Sunset Shimmer, You and the rest of the Equestria Girls are all cordially invited to attend the annual Day of Unity. I would be very honored if you all make time and see the beauty of Equestria,... since your first impression was just a shortcut back home all those years ago.” The girls all gave smirks and nods, that Spring Break still engraved. “You just have to see how much Equestria has changed over the years we’ve last met. But don’t worry, I won’t spoil anything!! I’ll leave the surprises be. I’ll just be so thrilled to find all of you enjoying the jubilant atmosphere. Plus, I could really use seeing a face that I have not seen in years. I cannot wait to see you all. Sincerely Your Friend, Princess Twilight Sparkle of all Equestria.” “Princess of all what now!?” That last part caught all seven of them off-guard that Pinkie rocketed her way through the ceiling. A couple moments of silence passed, all seven breathing absently as the shock wore of them before Twilight broke the silence. “My pony self is now ruler of Equestria?” Sci-Twi simply asked before exclaiming, “That is so amazing!” And with that, the rest erupted into celebratory cheers. “Aw man, and I thought she couldn’t get any more awesome!” chipped in Rainbow. “Woohoo! Let’s party more!!!” Pinkie Pie cried as she whipped out her party cannon. Before anybody knew, she pulled the string and from it fired came an entire party. Purple and pink streamers and confetti came floating down, lavender balloons with Twilight’s cutie mark embedded on them rose before hitting the ceiling, and a big lavender banner found itself hung above the door out of the house that read “Congratulations, Princess Twilight, Ruler of Equestria!” with her cutie mark on either side. The Equestria Girls were indeed very proud of their pony princess friend’s ascension… except for Sunset, however, whose face was growing red hot with steaming tears leaking out. “What do you think, Sunset?” Rarity inquired, not knowing her friend’s rising anger. “Maybe we now know why Princess Twilight’s been neglecting you all these years.” “Yeah, we do!” snapped the teacher. “We now know that she’s been promoted into a higher class of royalty and didn’t bother tell us nor invite us to her coronation! But wait, maybe there was more behind it!” As she ranted on, the Rainbooms looked at her with surprised eyes and concerning looks. They watched on as their other pony friend made a hand puppet. “I bet she’d thought: ‘Dear Sunset Shimmer, I’m becoming Equestria’s latest ruler and I’d be honored if you girls’d come see it- oh, never mind, you’ll all learn of it in sixteen years from now!’ I mean, responsibilities and preparations aside, how could she not be available for US!?!” Once airing her grievances, she breathed deep breaths as tears leaked from her emotions before gripping her emotions and seeing the looks on her friends’ faces. “Sorry, girls,” she apologized. “I was just-” “Nonono,” Twilight interjected politely, placing a hand on the older girl’s shoulder. “We’d’ve expected that from you.” Everybody else in the room agreed as Sunset wiped away her tears. “I just figured Twilight’d be wrapped in her princess responsibilities to respond; I never thought she’d be crowned ruler of Equestria. And only to hear about it now on paper no less,…” Sunset stopped briefly as she walked towards her satchel and replaced her journal back into it. “It makes me think we’re not worth the worry anymore.” “Hey, don’t say that, sugar,” Applejack demanded as she walked to Sunset. “You and the princess are tight. Ah doubt she’d forget about ya, and we’re all sure that she’d not tell us this news if we weren’t worth it.” “Applejack is right,” Fluttershy added, “I’m sure she meant to tell, but got caught up in the work. Plus, she could be asking us to join not just for the fun, but to also make up for our visit.” She gave a blushing smile at the memory. Hearing this shot Sunset’s ear up right. She looked at her shy friend for a hint of humor, but there wasn’t. Fluttershy actually wanted to return to the world of ponies as a Pegasus. She then stared at her friends for a few seconds each, studying them. And what she saw on them was excitement, their own personal matters not concerning them anymore. “W-w-wait, so you girls all want to go to Equestria?” Sunset asked surprised. “Why shouldn’t we?” Sci-Twi asked rather giddily. “You girls wait here; I’ll be back.” Watching Twilight run out to her Starswirl, Sunset looked at the others to see what they thought of the invite. But she could clearly see that their reactions were no different. “So you all want to go to Equestria?” she asked her friends. “Admittedly, it’s not me to just go off and leave Cheese with Lil’ Cheese,” Pinkie Pie stated, making Sunset think that she would be the last person to decline,... only for her to continue: “But they’re having a party, and Pinkamena Diane Pie is not one to back down on a party! Two Pinkies, double the laughter! I’m in!” “We’ll be there for ya, sugar,” declared Applejack. “I can’t wait to have wings again!” squealed Rainbow Dash excitedly. “For one, I’m all for it,” announced Rarity. “I just can’t wait,” screamed Fluttershy in her not-so-loud-or-low-est voice ever. Sunset couldn’t believe it. The Girls else was eager to go back to Equestria. She, too, was eager to go back; she just wasn’t expecting to return under the current conditions. She was itching to say what she thought of going back home but seeing their excited faces and hearing Twilight coming back, she didn’t want to crush their happiness. “Final verdict?” Twilight asked excitedly as she entered the room with a small octagonal-shaped box with their seven cutie marks and the sun-star from the journal. Shimmer, turning back from her friends to Twilight, finally caving in inside her head, sighed and announced: “We’re going to Equestria.” And with that came the Equestria Girls whooping and cheering in celebration. “Great! Let’s test this puppy!” Twilight announced as she worked on the small device that her left hand encompassed. “So, uh, how exactly does that little gizmo work, Twilight?” Applejack questioned. “Well, for starters, it’s not a ‘gizmo’,” Twilight condescendingly corrected the farmer. “I call it the Inter-Dimensional Octagonal Box, or I.D.O.B. It’s a work-in-progress. And secondly, it works from one’s sheer concentration power on the location and dimension desired, and the Box’s magic transfer the user to the desired location...” She snapped her fingers. “… like that.” “Uh, I’m scared to ask,” Sunset gulped, grabbing her satchel. “But is it safe?” “Well, I can’t be certain since this is the very first use of it, so until then, we can’t be certain.” Twilight’s excited smile after explaining left the girls nervously reconsidering using it. “Um, actually, uh, Sunset wants to see Princess Twilight the most, so maybe she should decide how we go, right?” Rainbow Dash frantically blurted before turning to the teacher. Please be the portal, please by the portal, please be the portal!! “You’re right,” Twilight agreed almost absent-mindedly. “She should use the box.” Her friends just looked at her with incredulous expressions. Sunset’s hands shook as Twilight handed the untested device into her hands. Looking at her and the rest, she exhaled, closed her eyes, and concentrated hard. The girls watched as the box glowed and magic poured out of the device. Twilight may have been geeking out over the results, but the rest of the girls were anything but excited. Soon enough, the magic grew bigger and turn into a swirling vortex of magic that encompassed the Humane 7. In a matter of seconds, the girls were feeling being pulled away from Sweet Apple Acres to wherever they were going. Meanwhile Aria Blaze was just standing outside the house, watching as both the Mane 7 and the swirling magic vanished. Smiling, she reached for her cell and dialed Adagio. “Adagio? This is Aria,” she spoke into her cell. “Are they gone?” Her sister questioned. “Yep. Twilight pulled out some magic box and they might have gone back to Equestria as Grogar claimed would happen.” “They didn’t go through the statue?” Aria frowned. “What’d I just say?” * “Wait by the statue. We’ll be there soon.” She hung up and turned to her master. “It’s done. Shimmer and her friends are in Equestria.” Turning his chair to face her, Grogar sinisterly laughed, “My dear Dazzle, don’t you just love it when everything goes according to plan?” The humanized ram laughed on. > Sparkles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene Nine: Welcome to Canterlot Sunset only felt like opening her eyes once again when she felt the swirling magic finally settling. And she, too, could see that the first test was a complete success. The Equestria Girls were in Equestria! The seven of them were transformed into ponies. And six of them seemed pretty excited to be that way again. Rainbow, ever the adrenaline pony, immediately shot herself to the sky, whooping at her highest voice, Rarity dazzled at her mane and tail, Pinkie was... Pinkie about being a pony, just being plain happy, Fluttershy had strongly mixed feelings being scared of her form while smiling of her still intact and healthy, Applejack was only struggling for a few moments until she got used to her pony legs, and Twilight was reacting more calmly than the first time she visited Equestria as she levitated a few rocks to get accustomed to her Unicorn magic. Sunset was just cool about it all. Why not? She was born a unicorn. But with Twilight’s news, she was anything but happy. Then, looking around, she noticed a difference from a nearby pond: she looked to be in a mid-40’s mare wearing a black leather jacket with a satchel and the others looked just like sixteen years younger. Underneath her eyes were bags and her mane was messed up. She then simply concluded that it was due to her being early-20’s when she first crossed over and the rest were teenagers when they met. Twilight trotted over to Sunset, who levitated the box back into her satchel. “And you girls were worried.” Twilight gloated, a cocky smirk growing before turning to her quizzically. “So, where exactly in Equestria are we?” Her question was answered when BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, shattered the peace, causing the seven mares to look up to see fireworks going off high into the darkened night on the other side of the huge white wall behind them. The fireworks formed the face of an azure pony with a silvery moon mane and a purple wizard hat, reminding the girls-turned-mares of a certain boasting magician back home. “Canterlot,” Sunset monotoned. Surrounding herself, Applejack and Twilight in magic, Sunset levitated them to the top of the wall to get a view of the other side while Rainbow and Fluttershy followed with Pinkie and Rarity, respectively. All were in awe at what they saw. Princess Twilight wasn’t fooling in her invitation. They found Canterlot engulfed in a crowd of ponies and creatures beyond Equestria. Dragons, griffons, hippogriffs, and changelings flew alongside the Pegasi, kirins displayed feats of magic next to Unicorns, and yaks and buffalos socialized and worked hard with the Earth Ponies. Everything within the city was alight with fun and laughter. The Equestria Girls were used to seeing everybo-, everypony having a Tartarus of a time. But the real crown jewel of the castle was the Canterlot Castle that outshined all. None of them had ever seen Canterlot and its beauty this up close before, since during their last visit, they only saw it from Ponyville. However, Sunset felt indifferent since this Day of Unity was the very first celebration that she had seen in pony ever since she left Equestria for the human world and was not expecting to talk to Princess Twilight over an emotional matter. “So, this is Equestria over a decade later,” she spoke flatly, looking a little saddened. “I must say that the castle is simply gorgeous!” Rarity squealed in delight, always having an eye for such majestic things. “Touché, sugarcube,” Applejack agreed. Pinkie and RD laughed at AJ’s usage of “fancy words”, as the farmer would’ve called such words, causing the orange Earth Pony to give them questioning glances. “And the location!” Pinkie bubbled. “Anybo-, ur I mean, anypony would kill for a view like this, given the size.” “So what are we waiting around for?” Rainbow Dash inquired. “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!” And with a cheer from Pinkie, the athlete dashed over the wall, … ... only to be dragged back by the tail in magic. “Hey!” Rainbow complained. Sunset held onto Rainbow's tail even as the seven of them came down. Once the mares reached solid ground, Rainbow scowled at her leader. “What’d you do that for?” Rainbow barked. “We can just go through the gate this time,” Sunset informed with half-lid eyes. “No need for discretion.” She directed a hoof to the kingdom’s entrance where multiple creatures came pouring into, all eager for the Day of Unity. “Oh,” Rainbow simply uttered before giving a blushing smile. The seven mares then made for the entrance, cutting their way through the ever-extending line of guests. And, minus Sunset, they were all pretty excited. Trotting right next to them was another Earth mare. The closet to her, Applejack gave a quick side-glance before her eyes darted back to her in surprise, taking a concentrated look at her features. She was a light aquamarine gray mare with a dark indigo tail, a pair of baggy teal eyes, and mane with some moderate opal highlights and a cutie mark of a yellow star with music notes colored in the rainbow. Clicking the details together, a general idea clicked into her head. “Countess Coloratura?” she absently exclaimed aloud. Not enough for everypony a mile away to hear, but enough for the titular pony to hear her own name. Turning to the voice’s direction, the former countess’ face lit up upon seeing her fillyhood country friend. “AJ?!” the pop singer exclaimed before giving the country mare a big hug, a moment passing before she returned it. The rest of the Humane stopped to see the two mares interacting. Rarity, seeing this, was taken aback for a moment and feeling a tad green. Finally, Rara and Applejack let go. “It’s been years! How’s life as a Councilmare of Friendship and the farm? More importantly, how’s Rarity?” With her last question, Rara gave a sultry eye gaze. She broke out of it as she observed the orange mare carefully and found her rather… younger. She then turned to see the rest, unaware of her talking with very different ponies. While RD, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Rarity were no trouble remembering, Sunset and Sci-Twi were. “Sidenote, did you all go to a cosmetic surgeon? You look like you haven’t aged at all since the coronation. Well, your bacon-haired friend and the pony with glasses I’ve never seen before. What are they, kids of the princess? I’m asking cause one of them is her with glasses.” That last question made both alleged mares to blush and the rest to giggle quietly. “Listen, Coloratura,” AJ stated, holding back her own giggles, “We’re kinda late far a very important matter and we all should get going, but Ah promise ta explain later. Ah bet y’all find it funny when Ah tell.” She then trotted down the bridge, pushing Rarity, who slid on the ground effortless, straight for the gate. The rest followed, leaving Coloratura mystified at the recent events. “Phew, that was close,” Fluttershy pipped as she trotted close to her rainbow-maned mare. “Now it should be smooth sailing here… for us to enjoy the festival and for you to talk to Princess Twilight.” “Oh yeah, we’ll talk,” her fiery-maned friend murmured as she moved past several ponies and yaks and kirins before crossing the threshold guarded by a kirin and yak guard. “Right after I give her a piece of my mind!” That last part didn’t go unnoticed by the guards, who simply looked blankly at the unicorn’s stronghearted accusation as she trotted past them. Her friends looked at her surprised at her hotheaded approach as they trotted onward. Once past the guards, the Humane 6 were in awe at what they found inside the castle. Their invite was in no deceptive. Canterlot was more alive than they could have imagined. Everywhere they looked, they found any creature either playing games, socializing, preparing to eating treats, or just any other way, having a heck of a good time. So much to do and not much to do together. “So is everybo- er, everypony clear on the plan?” Twilight asked her friends. “You mean other than enjoying this magnificent festival that my pony self must have had a fun time setting up? NOPE!” Pinkie rapidly cheered as she jumped high and dash off to do whatever Pinkie Pie could do, whooping and laughing all the way. Fluttershy walked up to the rest with three maps in her wing before passing two to Rarijack and Sci-Twi. “Just in case we’re lost and know where to meet.” She advised before gushing excitedly on a location on the map. “I’ll be off exploring the tiny zoo with all of the adorable baby animals!” She giggled adorably as Rainbow soon followed after her. “And after that, we can do something I’d like, won’t we?” she asked her animal-lover. “Of course, Dashie.” As Flutterdash made their way to their own thing, Rarity let out an excited sequel as she looked over her map. “Canterlot Carousel Fashion Show?! I can’t! Darlings, I’m sure you two’ll not mind me running off to it, will you?” Applejack and Twilight both shook their heads “no,” leaving Rarity to again sequel in delight as she ran to her Equine self’s boutique. “Why aren’t Ah surprised?” Applejack sighed, giving off an amused deadpan expression. “And then there were two. What do ya like ta do, Twi?” “I’m not sure exactly.” the bookworm simply answered as she analyzed her map up and down. “There’s a lotta things we can do in short time.” “Then why don’t we just walk around and see what we like?” “Sounds like a good start.” And so the pair of them walked off on their own to enjoy the day… … unaware they, along with the rest of the Rainbooms, were observed by a pink hippogriff, an orange dragon, a light-blue changeling, a brown yak, and a light-green Earth pony. And all of them were looking rather spooked. “Uh, did we just see our professors some years younger?” Silverstream bewildered over. “And why Headmare Twilight with glasses and no wings?” Yona asked. “Maybe they were changelings,” Ocellus theorized. “Or time travelers.” Sandbar chipped in. “It’s the cider,” Smolder simply concluded as she tossed her mug of cider aside. * Trotting down through the streets of Canterlot, Sunset played it out in her head how she was going to talk to her crush. She was undoubtingly angry at getting such big news of being crowned ruler of Equestria sixteen years after their last conversation, but she wanted to play it calm and collected and civilized. She had to approach the ruler of Equestria with managed anger, slow and effective. She had to be-. Her internal rehearsal was interrupted by the sudden interruption of another body in her path. She shook her head and blinked her eyes to refocus her senses. Once done so, she look ahead to see her obstruction. It was a grey feathered griffon leaning against a ledge and she was staring straight at her. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, miss.” she quickly apologized as she walked past him. Before leaving home, she read up on the griffon’s history and their mannerisms and mentally noted to avoid their nasty tempers. As the griffon continued to follow her, she braced herself for an outburst. “It’s okay,” she surprisingly claimed. “Hype of the party is all. I’m Gabrielle.” While taken aback by the griffon’s approach, Sunset quickly averted her attention from her back to the castle but stopped a few feet when she caught sight of Canterlot’s sculpture garden. She remembered going down there often back when she was Celestia’s student. But it was never to admire the symbolism behind the statues; it was instead for any assignment the princess offered her. Now, years later, she was finally admiring the symbols of Equestria, such as love, music, victory, and friendship. But she did a double take when she caught a glimpse of a sculpture that featured no ponies at all. Instead, it featured one of three different species, all seemingly frozen in fear and rage. “Uh, excuse me,” she asked Gabby next to her. “I’ve seen nearly every sculpture in that garden down there, except for the one with the three different creatures right there.” She then pointed a hoof to the aforementioned statue, Gabby following her. Once she saw what kind of statue she referred to, she giggled uncontrollably. “You must be new to not know about the Day of Unity’s purpose,” the cheerful griffon openly thought. “You see, those three are Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow, and they all tried to divide Equestria through fear sixteen years ago until everypony and creature alike joined Princess Twilight and her friends to stop them. Then she placed them among the garden to represent disharmony for the children to learn about.” Sunset’s eyes shot wide at the griffon’s explanation. Yet another thing the princess herself failed to tell her in the years apart. “Well, I thank you for your explanation, sir,” she expressed her gratitude in a flatly sarcastic tone before she trotted away. “Well, you’re welcome,” Gabby cheerily replied, not picking up the sarcasm. Finally, after some more trotting, Sunset faced the castle right in front of her with just a large crowd of ponies and creatures in her way. It’d be a tight fit for her to get pass them, but Twilight dominated her mind and so made her way. Bracing herself, she advanced forward, squeezing herself through and pardoning herself as she bumped into multiple civilians just to make it to the castle. As she pushed through the crowd, she was caught by a trio hanging by Big Mac’s cider stand. “...and so, Twilight should be expecting her anytime soon.” Starlight Glimmer finished stating before sipping her cider. The other two were her best friend Trixie Lulamoon and the Lord of Chaos himself, Discord. Meeting up with the two, Starlight thought of telling them about Twilight’s latest issue. The ex-cons were both intrigued and amused when Starlight brought up the “other side”, Discord soon losing interest when he heard of its lack of him. “So Twilight is crushing over an ex-student of Celestia and wants her to come to Equestria where she hopes to confess her feelings, right?” Discord summarized in a bored tone. “I’m sure that’s it,” Trixie simply stated. “And you had to gang it up out of her?” “After all these years, I thought she’d be ready to share anything with us,” Starlight solemnly confirmed before giving off a small smile. “Still, it’ll be nice to see Sunset again.” As Starlight spoke, her friends’ eyes were locked on the aforementioned mare squeezing through the large gathering of creatures, exchanging glances and grins. “Well, you’ll won't have to wait long.” Trixie assured the Headmare. Discord then gestured Starlight to turn around, just in time to see Sunset escape their field of vision. “Where is she-?” Starlight wondered. Before Starlight could finish, Discord spoke up. “No time to discuss! On to the next scene!” SNAP! Scene Ten: Awkward Reunion Celestia and Luna had arrived midway through the day, later than they wanted due to dealing with an angry Ursa Major looking for her child in Silver Shoals. They were able deal with it, but they stayed to rebuild the town afterwards. Seventeen minutes later, they’d arrived at the castle’s balcony, greeting Twilight and Flurry with a group hug. The four princesses spent the time discussing their lives, drinking tea, eating cake, and catching up on current events, Twilight being the quietest. The Princess of Friendship wanted to tell Celestia and Luna about Sunset but was timid to ask without thinking it through. True, Celestia and Sunset buried the hatchet long ago, but that is a romantic situation. Luna would probably understand, but she wouldn’t be help since she was still banished back then. As much she wanted to, Flurry was told to keep quiet about the whole thing, so all the Crystal Princess could do was wait in anticipation for Twilight to confess. Something that looked to take forever. However, the former rulers weren’t in the dark for long, as Luna asked a very awkward question. “So, Twilight,” Luna began, clearing her throat, “How is your love life going?” That question was a walking definition of awkward, so awkward that it caused Twilight to nearly choke on her tea and Flurry to spit hers out and back to her cup. Regaining composure, Twilight was shocked to hear such a question from Luna of all ponies. More shocked to see Celestia and Flurry laugh. When her laughter died out, Flurry looked at Twilight with an eager look. “Well, Auntie Twily,” she acted mischievously as if she knew nothing, “have you made any strides?” “What…I don’t…Where did…You…” Twilight was so off-guard she couldn’t complete a sentence. Celestia had never seen her best student act in such a way over a question over her love life, and she never had since romance wasn’t any of Twilight’s concerns back then. Still, she’d taken an interest in Luna’s question. “Is that anything you’d like to tell us, Twilight?” Celestia asked putting a hoof under her chin. Twilight didn’t know what to say. Her former mentors knew her blues as well, and they’ve only been here in less than a half hour. She looked around the table to find all eyes on her, piercing her where she stood. There was nothing she could do to trot her rump out of this mess. Out of options, Twilight finally found her voice. “Well, no progress in that area,” Twilight began, her voice trailing off. “But, you see, Sunset Shimmer- “ Twilight was unable to finish her sentence because Celestia suddenly shot out of her seat and joyously pranced around, squealing like a schoolfilly who just got the colt she wanted, much to everypony else surprise. For the record, they all saw her act that way before, but this was a matter of crushes. After a couple of seconds, the oldest princess stopped and cleared her throat, returning to her seat. “My apologies, Twilight,” she breathed, “but I was just happy for you finally going for her.” The three other princesses shot up with looks of shock, Twilight the most. “What…I don’t…Where did…You…” Twilight once again stammered, off-guard at Celestia’s accuracy at her situation. She stopped abruptly, breathed in and out and regain composure. “I didn’t exactly go for her,” Twilight clarified, “all I did was invite her and company today, no more after that.” “Oh, come on! Truly, you can do more than just invite- “ “With the intention of telling her how I really feel, and if she feels the same way, then we’ll make it work and we can get on with our lives; if she doesn’t, I‘ll try to live with the heartbreak and we’ll just go about our lives.” Twilight finished that sentence with some tears from just thinking of Sunset’s rejection. Twilight was certain she loved her, but nothing else could support it. Quickly seeing the others’ faces, she dried up the tears and spat out: “Nonetheless, it’ll feel good to get all this emotional weight off my wings.” “I see,” Celestia spoke evenly. Getting out of her seat once again, she trotted to the door, causing Twilight to worry if she peeved her off. Before reaching the door, Celestia turned her head, looked at Twilight, and gestured the ruler to follow her. Sparkle looked around to see if she was referring to Luna or Flurry, but both of them gave knowing and gestured her to go with Celestia. Uneasy but not outwardly scared, she joined her mentor made for them and were soon behind closed doors. Standing before the other, both princesses stared in the eyes. Their relationship was always healthy, both parties being open, honest, and loyal. Celestia always gave Twilight meaningful lessons when necessary and Twilight often returned the favor. But those days have long pass, and now they were both on equal footing and discussing Twilight’s love life. The former ruler finally broke the uncomfortable silence. “How long have you been carrying this torch?” Celestia asked straightforwardly. “Like, when I first met her or-?” Twilight asked. Celestia gave a furrowed look. Twilight sighed. “Ever since the Siren incident. We’ve going back and forth like you and me, but…she…we soon got a lot more personal with each other. I told her about my family, my achievements, how much I wish she were here. Then she told me more about her life in Equestria, like how she went behind your back, what happened to her family, how much she loved me for saving her from herself. But I never told her how much I really care about her.” “Because you thought it better to tell her in pony?” “In a sense, yes. But now I know I was caught in ruling Equestria that I…might have…lost her.” “Why think something of that, Twilight?” “Well, remember Flash Sentry?” “The guitarist who asked you to that Fall dance, and you once had a thing for?” Twilight blush lightly and bit her lip. “Well, I didn’t mention his history with Sunset.” Celestia gave an understanding look. “So you think…” “Yeah,” Twilight simply answered. “I mean, I don’t want to make things weird. I just thought if I tell her how I really feel, and it turns out she’s Mrs. Sentry…” Twilight turned from her mentor, hoping to fight back her emotions. The Princess of Day only placed a hood on Twilight’s back. That, to Sparkle, meant she was gonna get another reassuring speech. “Twilight,” Celestia started off with, “I may not have been much for love- “ “What?” Twilight interjected. “What about you and Sombra from the reflection world?” Celestia let down her head. Twilight saw just how much that incident had still crushed her former mentor and tried to apologize before Celestia spoke up: “That…was long ago.” After a few seconds, she continued on. “Anyway, be open to Sunset the whole time. She deserves that much. You love her that much to not tell her a single lie to her, right?” “I’d give my life for her,” Twilight admitted. Celestia gave Twilight a look hearing the answer, taking in the lengths her ex-student’d take for a crush. It wasn’t missed by Twilight, who looked down. “Right, excessive.” “Bottomline, speak from your heart.” Celestia finished, brushing off the brief silence. And with that, Twilight looked up to her mentor’s face and gave her a smile before going in for a hug, who happily returned it. “Thank you, Celestia,” Twilight whispered. “I’m always here for you, Twilight. I’m always here.” After a moment of more hug, the two rulers returned to the room, where everyone else was waiting for them. “So, how’d it go?” Closing the door in magic, Twilight and Celestia were welcomed by Luna beaming with curiosity. Exchanging looks, the older mare answered. “Well,” Celestia trailed, “I told Twilight to be open with Sunset when she gets here.” “Ohhh, how open?” Flurry inquired sultry. “Flurry.” trailed Twilight embarrassed before stating, “The point is that I’m speaking from my heart.” Suddenly, the doors behind them swung open. “I’ve got a bone to pick with you, Your Highness! How could you not tell me that you became Equestria’s newest ruler sixteen years ago!? Aren’t I your friend, for Celestia’s sake?!” a voice vehemently and near incoherently declared as it trotted in the room. The princesses and captains all jumped at the noise, and they all turned to face the door to a yellow-coated and fiery-mane mare wearing a black leather jacket and with a satchel angrily trot towards them. Without a second thought, Tempest and Gallus charged her broken horn and raised his fisted claws, respectively. Before they could get further, Twilight and Flurry both eased their captains before facing the yellow Unicorn. A smile instantly overtook the Princess of Friendship’s lower face as the mare trotted closer, a similar feature creeping onto Celestia’s own. “Sunset Shimmer!” She exclaimed joyously and ran past the others towards her crush. Ever quick on the draw, Twilight scooped her up like a filly, twirled and gave her crush the biggest hug she could possibly manage. Sunset returned the hug reluctantly. She would’ve managed “hi” by now if Twilight was practically squeezing the life out of her. Letting out some coughs, she struggled to speak before Twilight, taking notice, let her go. Taking in several deep breaths, Sunset looked up at Twilight. Jaw agape, she was taking in her first full view of her crush as the ruler of Equestria. In her eyes, she was majestic, stunning, truly the brightest star in her universe. Astronomy was her favorite part of science, and she thought of all the ways to describe Twilight now. Her mane and tail wavered and gleamed like comet tails, her cutie mark shimmered as the brightest stars in the night sky, and her eyes…her beautiful, sparkling, violet eyes; Sunset would feel herself floating within them. Twilight, too, was lost in her fantasies. Looking down on Sunset, the princess was fawning over her multiple features as a Unicorn. Age made no difference to her. Her cutie mark glowed with the majestic beauty of a sun, her mane and hair shimmered with lovely grace, and the teal eyes filling her sockets were to her like the sky at high noon. The two mares were lost in each other’s eyes… …until Flurry broke the moment up. “Hhhheeelllllllooooooo!” Flurry Heart announced, waving a hoof between the mares, breaking the silence between them. They turned to Flurry. “Sorry to break the moment, but aren’t we to get a proper introduction?” “Right,” Twilight agreed as she composed herself out of her daydreaming thoughts. “Sunset, my niece Flurry Heart. Flurry, my friend Sunset Shimmer.” “Your Highness.” the teacher stated bowing. “Miss Shimmer.” Flurry returned. Twilight giggled to herself hearing that. The Two Sisters walked up to Sunset and the latter embraced the two in a hug. “It’s a pleasure to meet again, Sunset Shimmer,” Luna proclaimed as they pulled away. “We’re so glad that you and your friends could come for today.” Celestia added. “Thank you two.” Sunset approved. But as much as she wanted things to be crystal, she quickly remembered why she came home, not just for the party. Still, she had to play it cool. * Sunlight was, again, lost in their eyes. After the pleasantries, Celestia invited Sunset to join for tea and cake, to which she pleasantly accepted (thought she was “shocked” to find Celestia “just like us”). During these quiet times, Both Twilight and Sunset shared with each other the happily ever afters of their friends. Twilight shared how she feared of losing her best friends, so she established the Council of Friendship, meeting once a moon. In between them, Applejack took over Sweet Apple Acres and married Rarity as she ran Carousel Boutiques Across Equestria, Pinkie’s still in the party business and married Cheese Sandwich and had a son, Fluttershy continues to run her animal sanctuary and wedded Discord (much to Sunset’s surprise since she only heard about his misdeeds), Rainbow had moved to be a Wonderbolt captain/trainer and married one named Blurrin’ Pride, Spike’s still Twilight’s Royal Advisor and was dating Gabby the Griffon, and Starlight’s still running the School of Friendship. Once she processed all of that information, Sunset then shared her own friends’ futures, from AJ and Rarity’s and RD and Flutters’ functioning relationships, Pinkie and Sci-Twi’s marriages with Cheese and Timber Spruce respectively, and Spike’s extended life due to Equestrian magic, which Sci-Twi used to apply to everyday life in Canterlot City. Throughout the whole time, Celestia, Luna, and Flurry were simply conversing and watching as the two mares continually make eye contact side-by-side without one side noticing, no talk. Whenever they noticed, they’d simply turn their attention away from the other. From the peanut gallery, the princesses kept all comments about the cuteness between the two former students private. Eventually, the two became entranced into each other, staring across from one another and straight into each other’s eyes, Twilight practically all drooling over her food. Sunset wished that she could think the same, but she still had weight to throw out, thought she was rather swimming in Twilight’s eyes at the moment. She finally spoke. “So… how’s life in Equestria for you, Twi?” Twilight broke out of her daydreams to answer. “Oh, well, uh,” Twilight began, only stop and think of what to tell, “along with becoming Equestria’s ruler, I even took control of Celestia’s School.” She then turned to Celestia to back her up, who replied with a “keep going” hoof gesture. Both mares, blushes darkening, looked at the three princesses and took hint of them solely bring the peanut gallery solely. An awkward moment passed before Twilight continued. “Well, uh, I…uh, have a prized pupil named Luster Dawn who’s like us.” Sunset gave off a knowing look. “Like us?” “Uh, yeah, you see, Luster’s hard-working, responsible, and isn’t much for friendship, so I’m deciding…” “To teach her the values of friendship by taking her to Ponyville and showing her how much better you are with them?” the latter finished expertly, causing the former to giggle. “Well, uh, as Applejack would say: ‘The apple don’t fall far from the tree.’ Ain’t that right?” Twilight quoted with a Southern drawl between giggles. The two mares shared a laugh with the princesses just giving silent giggles. Celestia was slightly tearing seeing her “little filly” growing up, Luna gave a small nod at the progress being made between the fillies, clearly proud of the mares, and Flurry was clearly Princess Candance’s daughter as she was beaming with joy at seeing her aunt with a match. The princess continued after the giggles died down: “But uh, was there something you wanted to tell me when you came in?” “What do you mean?” the teacher blankly asked, not knowing the trajectory. “I mean, you sounded rather…” Twilight stopped, trying to think of a proper way to finish before producing something, “…like you wanted to rip me a new one.” Sunset gave off a furious blush, now knowing what Twilight was asking. She quickly pursed her lips and, seeing Twilight’s face, the rogue student didn’t think of what to say. She looked back at Twi as she slightly wilted, thinking Celestia’s first student was mad with her. Celestia-dang you, Sunset, she cursed herself. What was the matter with her? Where has her common sense gone? Why was she suddenly losing herself at this? Recollecting herself, she breathed in and calmly responded: “I’m sorry, Twilight. I was… mad at you for a moment.” “Oh, I’m sorry, Sunset,” the princess apologized, rubbing her foreleg with some shame. Looking around the table, Sunset saw all three princess’ eyes on the two. She was cursing them for just watching her soap opera. When locking with Luna, something lit up. Speak from your heart, let everybody know how you feel, and be true to both yourself and everyone. Remembering Principal Luna, the teacher choked her fears, looked at her crush dead in the eyes with confidence, and found her words. “Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria,” she began with formality, “I came here not just to visit for the party, but also to come clean with something. If I was mad for that one moment, it was because I was angry that you didn’t tell me of your ascension to the throne. But right now, I am here to tell you that I-.” Her words were interrupted not just by Twilight’s sparkling and shining eyes as she heeded the gravity of her visitor’s words, but also by her blinking horn. After wiping the water out of her eyes, Twilight then noticed her own horn blinking and looked in confusion before facing Sunset again. “Uh, Sunset,” she asked wearily. “Did you and your friends all go through the Crystal Mirror together or did you just go first before the rest?” “No, we had another means of getting here.” Explained the worried teacher before looking back the princess’ worried expression. “Why?” Meanwhile in the Human World Outside Canterlot High School, Grogar stands before the Wondercolt statue, a look of sinister glee upon his face. He hasn’t stirred an inch towards or away, clearly waiting. Suddenly, his Bell vibrated. Grasping it, he’d answered. “Hello.” He simply responded. “We’ve collected all of Tartarus and we’re in position.” Adagio reported within it. “Excellent. Come forth when you see the smoke.” “Yes, sir.” Staring at the portal to home, Grogar sadistically uttered: “At long last. Today, Equestria falls.” And with no hesitation, he slowly advanced forward to the portal. Scene Eleven: It Begins Ride like the wind, Sunset, the older mare thought as she rushed through the castle halls to catch up with Twilight. After explaining to the princess how she and her friends got to Equestria, Twilight rushed out of the throne room and was practically sprinting at Rainbow Dash speed to the library where she had Gallus set up the Crystal Mirror. Sunset was trying her dangest to keep up, the princess not far behind the pair. While away for many years, Shimmer was familiar with the castle halls, feeling nostalgia rushing through every inch of her body at the memories. Finally, the five mares have reached the castle library… … just in time to see the Crystal Mirror opening. The ex-students stood in wonder of what’s coming, joined shortly by the other princesses. Sunset thought to herself that if a human were to stumble upon a world of ponies, that’d be another problem. And she was right. Only it wasn’t just an ordinary human, not even pony at all, but a silvery-white maned and cornflower-blue furred ram with a crude bell on his harness. All hearts presented stopped, bloods turned ice, and faces were horrified. Celestia and Luna had only heard tales of his conquest and defeat, but they’d never thought to see the very creature himself alive. Flurry only thought of him as a campfire story from what her father Shining Armor told her about him and seeing him coat and blood was but a nightmare turning true. While Twilight only heard of his defeat and Discord’s usage of him, she’d thought him a villain long dead. Sunset’s fears were amplified to a point of having a heart attack upon seeing him personally. They all wished it to just be a dream, but it was all too real. They were face-to-face with the Father of Monsters himself, the First Scourge of Equestria, the Ram of Nightmares: Grogar. “Equestria’s first emperor has returned.” spoke the First Scourge. And with that, he unleashed a shockwave from the bell that shattered the Crystal Mirror and engulfed the mares. > Act II: Inner Monsters: Reign > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene Twelve: Canterlot Under Siege The collective sound of cheers, laughter, and joy engulfed the streets of Canterlot. Creatures from far and wide Equestria were celebrating a day of uniting against three of their vilest and representing everything their beloved ruler herself was best known for. The last thing on any of their minds was the possibility of them under a tyrant’s iron hoof and fear taking over their hope. A possibility that was now coming true. Before anybody could even register what happened, a sudden shockwave broke the festivities. Everybody looked towards the castle and found it somehow covered in cracks glowing in black and yellow. The next thing anyone noticed, the entire castle then collapsed. Everything was but crumbling down, from its highest towers to lowest fields, the shining beacon of Equestria breaking apart before everybody’s very eyes, even when the storm of smoke came rushing down and engulfing the city in dust. Soon, the dust settled, and Canterlot Castle was reduced to rubble. The crowd outside, pony and creatures alike, were shocked and horrified to see the whole palace destroyed yet again. Everypony, the Mane 6 among them, was left in horror, thinking the worst to have happen to everybody inside. Nopony, not even any far from Canterlot, could not miss it. That is, until they saw a figure emerging from the ruins. And they all didn’t like it. Emerging from the rubble, Grogar trotted his way to the highest point to address the citizens. “Attention, Equestria and Beyond,” announced the ram. “some of you should be familiar with me. I am… Grogar. For centuries, you have heard tales of my tyranny, you have quaked at the mention of my name, and you have so grievously blown me off as a mere ghost story. No more, for I have returned. And I speak before you with a choice to carefully consider: all magical creatures are to surrender their magic straight to me immediately and summit to my will, an example to be followed by the rest of you. Failure to do so will only result in forceful removal of your powers and either enslavement or your worthless end. Any who dare challenge sign their death warrants. Make. Your. Decision.” Seeing “a ghost story” threaten the masses, the Monster King waited in earnest for his will to be obeyed. He looked over the crowd and managed a glimpse at everybody in attendance. He even caught a glimpse of the Humane 6 divided, multiple of Equestria’s heroes, and especially his former son, the Lord of Chaos himself. Just seeing one of his own fraternizing with ponies sickened him to the point of throwing up. More moments passed and no one had yet obeyed him. He’d squinted at the crowd’s faces and he saw nothing but stone-cold defiance. The tyrant simply chuckled at the resistance before proclaiming: “Fine, if you won’t bow,…then you will cower.” With that and a clap of his hooves came a rumble from the castle walls. From the walls burst through the emerging Sirens with the recently born Elite of Monsters and a legion of creatures from Tartarus and across Equestria under their harmonizing control: Cerberus, Hydra, Bugbear, Cockatrice, Manticore, Chimera, Tatzlwurm, name it, ready to take over Canterlot and wreak havoc in his horrible name. He then roared the word and his followers charged with ferocious savagery. * The Day of Unity has erupted into chaos all so easily. Princess Twilight’s friends and subjects were against an ancient threat and were severely outmatched and outnumbered. Erebus quickly dispatched the Wonderbolts, Catrina countered and cancelled out all magic from every Unicorn, Kirin, and Changeling guard, Lavan and Queen Bumble rounded up every Earth Pony, and the Tartarus monsters captured every pony in their sight, with only a few brave ponies still holding the line, despite the bleakness. Flores had encircled a crowd of creatures and ready to feast when, out of the blue, Twilight, Flurry, and Sunset blasted at its tendrils, saving the citizens. As the princess drove the plant away, Sunset turned to the crowd. “Don’t panic!” she commanded, “Head for shelter and don’t let any monster in!” As the crowd scattered, she returned to her friends, who were quickly dealing with the Hydra. Flurry and Twilight each had a head on them, avoiding the snapping teeth, but they used it advantageously, as they led their heads around the creature’s mass, over, under, and around the other necks. The princesses had come out after leaving the four-headed beast in a dizzy knot, impressing Sunset, … …which was interrupted by a Maulwurf striking a claw against her. Crashing against a wall, she quickly got back up to find the Maulwurf charging right into her, claws outstretched, only to evade them quickly. She unleashed a beam of magic right into the beast’s face, only eliciting an angered roar from it. As the beast swiped it claws at the evading mare, the ex-student thought for a way against the beast to no avail. The earth beast soon caught her under its claw and was ready to strike the killing blow. Thinking quick, she teleported herself away from the beast in time as the claw crashed on its other, causing a pained roar and giving Sunset her edge. Teleporting herself right on the Maulwurf’s face, she smiled cockily as she saw the beast raising claws to her, taking the bait. Claws coming in, Sunset teleported again as the beast smacked itself right in the face hard and down for the fight. Walking in victory, Sunset was quick to catch Flurry in her magic after the Crystal Princess was swatted by Queen Bumble, who was, alongside the Bugbear, fighting Twilight in the sky. They rushed to help her when Catrina intercepted them, paws emitting magic, ready to attack. Readying their horns, both mares charged. Twilight’s battle with the bees was tough enough, but now she had to battle the bees and the Raptorians and Erebus as well. The demon’s aerokinesis disabled Twilight’s flight while she struggled to avoid the bird-dogs’ beaks and talons. Soon enough, one landed a blow on her torso, allowing them to hold Twilight in their talons and hold her for Queen Bumble to impale with her stinger. As she charged for the Princess, Twilight quickly teleported out of the Raptorians’ grasp and watched as the Queen crashed into the trio and down into Rarity’s Canterlot Carousel. Looking down, she saw the four monsters struggling in Rarity’s fabrics. Talk about the birds and the bees, the princess mentally quipped before swatting the Bugbear with a magic uppercut from her horn. Catrina had both her opponents outmatched. Whatever offensive spell the two throw at her, she counters and throws at them harder. If Flurry were to fire and teleport at multiple angles, Catrina would only open a small portal that leads the blast to Flurry’s next spot, nearly singeing her wings. Should Sunset have unleashed her most powerful magic blast onto her, she would’ve only catch it and throw it back towards the unicorn, even more lethal. A combined shield from both ponies would take the blast. Shaking it off, they stood, contemplating their next move as the witch cat laughed. “You fillies have no chance against me.” Catrina taunted in a thick accent before renewing her assault with one paw, forcing both mares to conjure another shield to defend themselves. Bringing in her other paw, the Witch’s assault was twice as powerful. Then, Flurry finally had an idea. Thinking quickly, she teleported both herself and Sunset out of the blast and behind the feline, whose blast went through to the building, making her believe she just killed the two, only to start falling through a portal into a huge body of water Flurry created. “And you have no chance against water.” Flurry quipped as he closed off the portal. “Wow, “Sunset commented, “you’re really something, Your Highness.” “We’re friends, Sunset; call me Flurry.” the princess assured. BOOM!!! The ground suddenly bursted open in front of them and a geyser of lava came high in the air before heading right towards the mares. Jumping for cover, the mares watched as the lava hit the ground and morph into Lavan, followed shortly by the Tatzlwurm, and Flores. Out of the blue, Twilight came crashing down, promoting the knight Sunset to save her princess with levitation. “Twilight!” Sunset worried. “I’m okay,” Twilight quickly assured. Following her were Queen Bumble and Erebus leading the Bugbear, Manticore, and the Raptorians. Sunset and the two alicorns were surrounded by the monsters with no means of escaping. Should they fly, they’d be cut off. Teleporting will only delay the inevitable for them. No other choice, the three braced themselves for another fight as Erebus and Lavan prepared their attacks… …only to be quickly incapacitated by obsidian orbs from behind. Turning left, the three found Tempest, Starlight, Spike, Trixie, and Discord charging to the rescue. The band of secondary characters made quick work of the monsters. Making the next move, Starlight teleported herself right to Flores, blocking its attacks and severing limbs. Spike and Tempest weren’t far behind, the two charging for the bird-dogs. The Royal Advisor burnt the bird-dogs’ wing feathers as they charged him squawking angrily, allowing the Crystal Captain to deliver a spinning kick as they approached the ground. Face-to-face with the Tatzlwurm and Manticore respectively, Discord and Trixie followed. As the Wurm tunneled its way beneath for him, a simple snap opened a sky-high portal that brought it crashing down head-first in front of Discord. As it squirmed, the Chaos God had a feather up his nostril and delivered a small sneeze onto its jaw. “That is for getting me sick,” he smugly stated before snapping corks onto its nostrils and mouth to keep it from sneezing back. Meanwhile, the Great and Powerful Trixie was flat-out screwing with the Manticore. Wherever the boasting unicorn appeared, the Manticore tried and failed to catch her as she disappeared in a smoke puff. It was only luck when the scorpion tail swept Lulamoon off her hooves. Seeing her quarry, the beast bared its teeth to eat, only to get a mouthful of smoke. Queen Bumble and the Bugbear growling broke the magician out of her confident trance, throwing another disappearing act as they charged for her, only to crash into the Manticore. Starlight continued her bout with Flores. As if from the Everfree Forest, that creature was unrelenting, thorny tendrils and snapping mouths ever coming at Starlight, no matter how much she cuts down. Only when the rest of the backup chipped in to take on the creature did she gain an advantage. With Spike burning the tendrils, Starlight, Trixie, and Tempest blasting the heads, and Discord mowering the roots with tweezers, the creature was finally brought down with a combined magic blast from the princesses. As it crashed down, everypony took a chance for a breather, trying to catch up with the excitement. “Good…timing, you two,” she managed to Starlight and Spike between breaths. “Where’ve you been?” “Case you…missed it…Sunset,” retorted the dragon, equally short of breath, “the weatherponies didn’t account…for a chance…of monsters invading.” “Nor for revenge?” A voice called. Sunset instantly recognized that voice. It belonged to someone she hadn’t heard in years, a fellow alien to the human world like herself and a vengeful one at that. But before she could identify the voice, an instant singing shockwave came at the group from above and knocked them all backwards. When the smoke cleared, the coughing heroes found themselves at the tails of the Dazzlings as Sirens, laughing sinisterly. Sunlight was horrified. They thought to have never see them again after the showcase. “What’s the matter, Sunset,” Adagio mocked, “lost for words? I’m hurt you didn’t think of me after all these years.” “How could you three be here?” Sunset inquired fearfully. “You lost your voices; how could you-?” “Our pendants,” Aria interrupted, “were destroyed, yes, but our voices were a gift…from him.” She then pointed a hoof behind the group. Walking towards them, Grogar bounded the heroes’ hooves and wings in his magic. Chuckling evilly, he stood before Princess Twilight, lifted her head with a hoof, and brought her close to his face. “When I left Equestria,” the ram began, “it was nothing but farmland and ponies against ponies. Millenniums later, and I return to find ponies and creatures in harmony and you, Twilight Sparkle, at the top of it all.” “Leave her alone!” Sunset demanded. Ignoring her, Grogar continued: “Sounds quite the happily ever after. Too bad I have to ruin it.” “LEAVE HER ALONE!!” Breaking out of her binds, Sunset placed her hoof on his foreleg. Eyes glowing white, the Equestria Girl lasted a few seconds holding on. Turning his attention towards the defiant mare, the ram simply shook her off and gave a scowl. Breaking out of her trance, Sunset breathed hard and shakily, clearly disturbed by the bestiality she felt browsing through the King’s memories, somethings she wished she’d never seen. But it was worth the knowledge. “You’re familiar with what I do to those…who dare challenge me, do you not?” As he spoke, he readied his horns to blast Sunset to dust. All eyes upon them, she could see Twilight’s horrified face, the Dazzlings’ sadistic grins, and Grogar’s angered expression. She braced herself for the end. But nothing happened when he simply laughed. “But you deserve my thank-yous, Miss Shimmer, for if not bringing magic into the human world, this’d never happen. Once upon a time, you were as power-hungry as myself and my allies,” the cruel ram continued as he gestured to the Sirens, enjoying Sunset’s growing anger towards him, “until you let ‘the Magic of Friendship’ turn you into the weakling you are today.” “Say what you want,” Tempest suddenly barked, “but we’ll never summit to you!” Looking towards the Crystal Captain herself, Grogar simply smirked as he looked at the rest of the group, seeing how most are “weak villains.” “You’re all no better.” mocked the emperor as he walked towards all reformed baddies, belittling them one by one. “A filly who quickly saw the real world only to accept a pathetic idealism after being betrayed by an equally pathetic king. Born from a father who was equally boastful as you and yet desire more than street magic, until ruined by a Headmare who, probably more powerful than Starswirl himself, came so close to destroying the future all because of cutie marks. And then there’s you, Discord,” he looked at the draconequus with utter bile, “one of my greatest prides alongside Cosmos turned into the spineless, weak-willed, dimwitted dog of a PEGASUS WHO BARELY SCREAMS ABOVE A WHISPER!!!” Grogar was not known for his rage, but when he unleashed, he was but horrifyingly unstoppable. His piercing jabs at past sins left them shaken and him smiling. Seeing their scared faces only fueled his power. Everypony at his mercy was fueling his strength, except for the unbreakable Twilight. “If you’re gonna kill us,” she stated, “just do it. There’ll still be others to resist you, and I’d rather face death than live under your rule.” “My dear,” the Monster King chuckled. “I will oblige,” he lifted his self-made bell, “after I take what is mine.” And without further ado, Grogar activated the bell’s power and was ready to feast on the magic within his prisoners. Looking at the fate soon to approach them, Twilight simply looked at it with no fear, an example soon followed by the rest minus Sunset, who was frantically searching through her satchel. Soon enough, she found what she wanted: Sci-Twi’s I.D.O.B. Seeing this, Spike quickly spoke up. “What is that?” he hastily asked before the power drain. “My way in,” spelled out Sunset hastily, “and our way out!” Wasting zero time, she quickly focused on the box and soon the same vortex engulfed them all just as Grogar’s bell clanged and created the vortex ready to drain the magic within them. In a flash of light, the magic collided and blinded the Sirens and Grogar. After the brightness died down, the villains regained their sight to find a smoking crater where their prisoners should be. The Sirens were left struck. “What did you do!?!” Adagio vehemently demanded. “What happened to them?!” “Do not roar so quick, my dear,” Grogar calmly stated. “Everything is transpiring as I anticipated. For now, round up the remaining fighters and bring them to the castle with the two sisters.” “But Grogar- “ “Patience, my dear. All will reveal. But for now,…” And with that, Grogar lifted his hooves and turned to the wreckage of Canterlot Castle. Magically lifting the remains, the Father of Monsters laughed in sadistic glee as the remains reformed into the castle, only dark and malformed into his image. The Sirens and monsters present could only watch. “Let the Second Reign of Grogar begin.” Scene Thirteen: The Quest for the Bell Flurry was feeling something different after that quick teleportation. While Sunset told the four princesses of Sci-Twi’s I.D.O.B. and its function, they preferred magical travel means. Interdimensional travel via a magic spell is nothing, through an alchemist’s device is something else. While relieved to not be drained of magic, her feeling was something different, something weird, something…nonpony. Letting out a moan, Flurry opened her eyes to find a ladybug scurrying along on concrete. The smell was revolting and unpleasant. Turning towards the smell, the Crystal Princess saw that it was originating from a couple of trash cans, flies buzzing, from her right, making a disgusted sound. “Twilight, are you okay?” Her attention was snapped towards Sunset calling out her gasping aunt. “Aunt Twilight, are you- “Flurry spoke until she saw Sunset helping Aunt Twilight off her knees, both of them an unknown creature with two arms and two legs. Their muzzles were the size of an ant, their manes had lost their glow, and they were without wings and horns. Even though it wasn’t of importance, they both were dressed in attire. Twilight’s consisted of a light-blue long-sleeve coat with a pink undershirt, midnight-blue jeans, her cutie mark embedded on them, and matching heels, while Sunset wore her teacher outfit, satchel hanging on shoulder. Twilight was looking with a mix of panic and anger towards her crush when Flurry worked the nerve to ask her aunt a confused question. “Uh, Aunt Twilight,” began the Princess before trailing off until she found her voice again, “what are you?” The two gave each other awkward looks when Flurry questioned what they were. Sunset answered Flurry since she had more experience. “Well, Flurry, you see, - “ But before she could get far, Flurry turned her head upon hearing groans. Knowing their surroundings to be an alleyway of some sorts did nothing as she saw what looked to be Spike, Tempest, Starlight, Trixie, and Discord rising from the ground and shaking off the aftereffects of their travel, no different than Aunt Twilight and Sunset. Her heartbeat quickening, the fear of it being too much to bear, the young princess slowly turned her gaze down and realized the crushing truth. Unable to take it, Flurry let out a high-pitched scream in horror… …only for Sunset to place a hand over her mouth and drag her behind the side of a dumpster, the rest following suit. Peering her head out, Sunset sighed in relief, knowing that nobody heard Flurry before turning attention toward the pack of freedom fighters she had saved. Excluding Twilight and Discord, they were bewildered as they looked over their human forms. Trixie and Starlight were dressed in a wardrobe uncommon for the two of them: the magician and her assistant. Trixie had her trademark hat and cape, accompanied by a dark-blue cotton dress and skirt with high boots, while Starlight was fancied in a similar outfit with a purple dress and boots matching her mane with Trixie’s star hair piece. Rarity’d have a fashion meltdown if she saw Discord’s ensemble, which comprised of an average business suit with one short sleeve and long sleeve and wearing one flipflop and shoe. Tempest still had her scar and was dressed in a leather army captain uniform colored in very dark blue with shoulder, knee, and elbow pads. On her knees, Flurry, dressed in a cyan skirt, pink button-up shirt with matching shoes school-girl outfit, similar to Twilight’s first human ensemble, was still startled by her new appearance, gasping madly as she looked herself over, coming so close to a heart attack. And out of the group, Spike was the most shocking: he was instead a grown man with a light purple jacket and pants over a cotton light green shirt and his hair all spiked up. Turning towards her niece, Twilight kneeled and grabbed Flurry’s frantic hands. “Flurry,” Twilight assuringly blurted, “It’s okay, sweetie! This is just how the natives of this world look.” Taking in Twilight’s assurance, Flurry deeply inhaled and exhaled. Finally regaining composure, Flurry then shakily return to her voice. “Thanks, Aunt Twilight. Now I’m not gonna hammer you with questions, but where are we, what happened to Canterlot, why do we look like this, how do we go home, and what do the rest of us look like?!” Flurry asked at such hysteric speed that she must have inherited from Twilight by some chance. “Well, we’re in an alternate version of Equestria which is where Sunset lives, we got here via Sci-Twi’s box, Canterlot is still where it is, and we’re like this so we don’t cause a ruckus of sorts or something cuz I haven’t given that much thought, and the rest of us are still the same.” answered Twilight as best as possible. While promised no hammered questions, Twilight knew from experience for this to be too much to deal with instantly. “Thanks again, but I think I meant where in this alternate world are we?” “Chicoltgo,” answered Tempest immediately. “How do you know?” “Whinny Tower.” replied her captain as she pointed at the aforementioned infrastructure overtopping most buildings. “Oh, never mind then.” “Like it matters where we are,” announced Trixie, struggling on her human legs. “We just witness an old mare’s tale take over Canterlot and we need to go back and fight!” “Oh, please,” rebuffed Discord, “even if we do go back, we’re simply outnumbered. Grogar is not stupid! For all we know, he is watching us now, calculating his next move.” “I hate to admit it,” backed up Starlight, “but Discord’s right, Trix.” She then turned accusingly at the Lord of Chaos as Trix’s eyes shot with surprise. “Plus, how did he find his Bell? You and Spike left it somewhere nopony would ever find it.” “And we saw to it while you were oofing with your counselor here!” countered the offended draconequus as he thrusted towards Trixie. The boastful mare didn’t take it well as she grabbed Discord by his beard with angry strength. “You ill-mannered deformity,” barked Trixie, “the Great and Powerful Trixie is not treated such a way by Starlight!” She then let go of his beard, as he formed an apologetic look. “You are right, that was uncalled for.” As soon as him and Trixie exhaled deeply, his apologetic look turned into cunning glee “She saves those for Sunburst.” Both Starlight and Trixie gave off hot blushes and turned towards the snickering Discord, fury sizzling out of them. He’d’ve expect the street magician to make a move and he would- Starlight, however, did the honors and strangled him with her absolute might for his low-blow remark about her love-life. “Why, you pompous, mix-matched, safety-disregarding, blowharded sunova-!!!” Tempest and Flurry (still on knees) rushed in to remove Starlight from Discord before she could finish. Shaking out of their grasp, Starlight huffed at him. “The bad magicians are both right for different reasons,” the captain simply stated, earning surprised looks from all four. “I know, I thought I’d never hear myself say Discord’s right, but he is. We need to go back and fight, but we can’t just go back without more firepower. Judge your enemy not just by numbers and intellect, but also by sheer might.” While the rest were arguing it out, Sunset and Twilight were alone with Spike, who was looking confusedly distraught. “I just don’t understand.” poured out the Royal Advisor. “How could he have? Discord and me, we made sure that Bell was unfindable. Grogar could never have done such a feat with the spell placed on it!” “Spike,” assured the Princess of Friendship, placing a hand on her little brother, “I don’t know how either, but what’s done’s done.” she continued as the two hugged before turning to Sunset with a stern expression and voice. “And what matters now is that we go back home and regroup with Celestia, Luna, and whatever other allies they’ve save, just like we planned.” “Oh, what, it’s my fault I just saved our rumps from Equestria’s vilest villain!?!” countered an annoyed Sunset who’s been fuming over recent events. Today was a roller-coaster of a day. She’d been crying over a missed friend, snapped out the human half of said friend, was told belatedly of her crush’s ascension to the throne, went back home to confront her crush, ended up fighting an invasion from an ancient evil, and now she’s in Chicoltgo with other ex-villains and her crush, wondering as to what’s become of her friends back in Equestria and how to fight back while dealing with a bunch of bickering fillies and colts. “I figured you’d be grateful for allowing us to fight another day.” “I am grateful; I just didn’t think you get us away from Canterlot.” “An instinctive act, okay?! We’ll go back when we have a plan.” “By then, we’d be too late! “Easy, ladies,” Spike interjected, coming in between the two bickering women, “Let’s not get so worked up so soon. In case you two weren’t listening, I was wondering as to how Grogar got his hooves on his Bell from the Everfree Forest!” Sunset’s eyes lit up upon hearing his confession. “Camp Everfree?” she inquired. “Hey, leave him out of this.” defended Twilight before turning towards her brother skeptically. “Speaking of which, how are you a man now?” Spike, after giving it some thought, had simply given this: “Beats me. Could be I’m a bigger dragon than I was our first trips here.” “Or maybe you are finally getting a break from your abuse.” Discord snidely cut in earning a sarcastic laugh from the Advisor. “Jokes aside,” cut in Sunset, “you two left the Bell at Camp Everfree and placed a spell that kept him from finding it?” “By Twilight’s orders,” added Spike quickly. “Then let’s go.” And with that, Sunset swiftly turned to leave the alleyway. “Whoa, wait!” called out Twilight as she followed. “Yeah, where you off to?” demanded Flurry as she moved towards Sunset on all fours. The Crystal Princess stopped when she was given quizzical looks. Flurry realized that something was bugging everypon- er everybody else on two legs. Getting the message entirely, she sheepishly smiled as she pushed herself up from the concrete and nearly fell backwards when getting accustomed to her human legs only for her Captain to help steady her. After finding her balance, she repeated her question. “I’m going to Everfree to get the Bell to use against Grogar’s crude copy,” answered Sunset. “When I grabbed his leg, I saw his memories that he only made his bell and hasn’t gotten the actual thing.” Knowing that Twilight was for going home than her mission, the older mare reached in her satchel and brought out the box. She looked down on it for a few moments more with a regretting look barely visible before she handed it to her crush. “You know what to do with it if you’re going home. I’ll write you when I have it… if your journal hadn’t been destroyed yet.” As she reached and put her geode around neck, she watched Twilight looking down on the box, possibly considering home. While aware of the situation’s severity, Sunset was hoping that Twilight came along so she could confess on the way, but she respected Twilight’s duties. After a seemingly eternity of Twilight contemplating, Sunset sighed in reluctant acceptance, thinking Twilight’s answer. She turned from the others and moved forward to her mission. She stopped only thirty-eight inches from the way out and turned toward Spike with her face visibly asking if he was coming. Looking around at his cohorts, he gave one final glance at Twilight before he moved to join her. With Spike by her side, Sunset turned to get out of the alley… …when Twilight dashed towards, grabbed her arm and pulled her around. “Sunset, your courage is commendable,” began Twilight with a bright smile, causing the teacher’s eyes to twinkle. The former wanted to say something but couldn’t when the latter continued as she handed back Sci-Twi’s device to her: “But you’re not going alone.” Twilight’s response was too much for Sunset to believe, tears threatening to slip through. She smiled in response as she replaced her friend’s device back in her satchel, silently thanking Celestia for that chance. She was interrupted when the rest vouched to come as well. “Her Highness’ right,” admitted Tempest as she walked up. “You’re going to need all of the hooves or…claws or whatever you call these.” She finished as she looked over her hands. “You’ll have my full support to the end,” offered Flurry. “I’m tagging,” announced Starlight. “The Great and Honest Trixie wouldn’t miss this,” boasted Trixie. “It will be a snap,” added Discord. Sunset looked around at her allies and saw just how much Twilight’s lessons in friendship have influenced all of those ex-villains. Smiling confidently, she breathed deep and declared: “Alright, let’s go.” “Whoo!” cheered Flurry as she exited the alley and dashed to the left. After a few seconds, a confused Flurry returned. “Uh, how do we get to the Everfree Forest?” inquired the Crystal Princess. “Well, this is Chicoltgo,” stated Sunset, “and there’s not much magic or wings in this dimension, so we’ll have to do air travel.” “No magic?” asked the Lord of Chaos in horror. “You mean we have to go on…foot?” The idea brought back painful memories from the last time he had to go on foot. “You mean, take a zeppelin?” inquired Trixie. “Uh, you can say that.” Sunset answered before walking in Flurry’s direction as the rest followed and continuing, “Anyway, the city’s airport should be only a couple of blocks this way. I came here once for a class trip so I sorta know my way around.” Scene Fourteen: Team Rari-Rainbow-Pie Grogar could not contain sadistic glee as he watched the heroes begin their mission through the Eye of Arimaspi, the same crystal orb from his lair. Before they arrived at Canterlot, he demanded the Sirens to go to his former lair and retrieve the eye so he could keep tabs on his enemies regardless of they lie. The Sirens were presented as they watched through the orb. Closing the eye, Grogar uttered a small cackle at he moved onto the castle balcony, the Sirens following behind. Aria was the first to speak. “So that why you wanted that thief’s eye.” The violet Siren managed nervously. “Precisely,” confirmed the Monster King. “So what’s next, My Lord?” inquired the lead Siren giddily, her hatred unwaning. “Do we go after them, pry the location of your Bell from their minds?!” So wrapped in vendetta against Shimmer the lead Siren was, that she didn’t notice her sisters rolling their eyes in exasperation of hearing this song again. “We wait.” The King of Monsters simply put. Adagio was speechless. “What!?!? But- “ Before the lead Siren could speak her piece, her master quickly blasted her to the wall with his magic by the doorway, an angered expression plastered onto his face. Aria and Sonata backed from what they witnessed. Levitating Adagio towards him, Grogar cemented his decision to the terrified Siren. “Do not question me, Adagio, or you will know my complete cruelty. UNDERSTOOD?” threatened the ram. Looking in fear, She gave a quick nod in acceptance. Anger unwavering, he tossed the lead Siren down and faced all three as the other two rushed towards her. “Lest any of you two wish to speak,” he addressed the trio, “round up all resistance and bring them to me. I wish to make examples.” The Sirens bowed and turned to grab everypony against them. However, that didn’t quell Adagio’s rage as she only gave off a silent growl. You don’t know my thirst, she thought, not at all, you old goat. Once again alone, Grogar turned to face the ruins of Canterlot. “Once Sunset Shimmer unearths my real Bell, I will rule all.” The First Scourge of Equestria cackled madly as monsters roared in the distance,… scouring the abandoned and plundered streets, ordered by their master to search for anypony and creature out to oppose him. And they were hot on two ponies. A Unicorn and a Pegasus, both cloaked, were caught by a pack of Timberwolves at Canterlot Carousel after retrieving fabrics wrapped around the Pegasus’ injured wing, and they’ve been on the run from the wooden dogs before long. The duo were passing the Tasty Treat on Restaurant Row when Queen Bumble, Lavan, and the Raptorians joined the hunt. Despite the unicorn’s attempt to slow them down by throwing a couple of stones, the wolves just reassembled, and the bird-dogs quickly recovered. They knew that they had to lose the monsters somehow before they tire out or they’re food. Soon enough, the duo ran into a dead-end alley and were soon to be faced with the pack. Luckily, the Pegasus produced a plan. Dragging the Unicorn with her behind a dumpster, they waited for their pursuers to enter the alley. As they searched every inch of the area, the Unicorn threw a can almost out of the alley, catching attention as it clattered. Thinking their prey to have escaped, the beasts exited the alley and turned left, away from the relived duo. Safe from danger for the time being, they made way for the School for Gifted Unicorns, acting a safe haven for anypony. Initially, Grogar checked it, along with other obvious locations, for resistance after Canterlot was taken over, but found nothing. A smart move to leave it vacant until he’d crossed it off his list. Jumping through hoops to avoid getting caught, the cloaked ponies finally reached the School and clopped on the doors. Opening the door was a grown-up Yona and Captain Gallus. “Identify yourselves.” The captain demanded. Removing their cloaks revealed the faces of humans Rainbow Dash and Rarity. “Ex-professors Dash and Rarity?” spoke a surprised Yona. “Why look young again?” “We’re not your Rainbow and Rarity.” simplified Rarity quickly. “It might seem strange, but we’re really here to help.” “We’re just looking for shelter, please.” pleaded Rainbow. Taking their words to heart, the two ex-students allowed the troubled aliens into the School before any monster could stumble onto them. Once inside, Rainbow Dash and Rarity were escorted and downhearted to see everypony else’s plight. There were no more than twenty guards counting Gallus, young ones were scared and tired, provisions were critically low, and the overall atmosphere was unbearable for the iron-hearted Rainbow Dash and the diamond-sparkling Rarity. And they were downhearted enough. They found each other only in the midst of chaos, a hydra attack injuring Rainbow’s wing. Once the initial attack died, the two searched for the rest, finding no trace, and they were forced to abandon the search when they were spotted. While escaping from the enemy was essential enough, it couldn’t bury the fear of their best friends injured… or worse. They were brought back to reality by Gallus. “There’s only so little to go around.” The captain told the duo. “If you want to try and fight, you’ll have little to no army. Medical attention is nonstop, but resources are drying up fast. We’re holding up, yet unless something’s done soon, we’ll be dead before Grogar even gets us.” Taking the severity of Gallus’ words, Rarity and RD exchanged worried looks. Turning towards Gallus, Rarity spoke. “Captain,” she hoped, “did you, by chance, see any sign of our friends?” “If by ‘our friends,’” clarified Smolder coming from above, “you mean the rest of our Mane 6? They got ‘em. All of them except Twilight, all petrified stone. The same for the Pillars, our leaders, basically almost everyone he deems a major threat makes up his collection!” “You guys are still here,” stated Rainbow. “Why didn’t you think to fight?” “Maybe because we’d been getting every creature away from the firefight!” “So you could leave us to die?! Why you-!” Before any punches flew, Rarity stepped on Rainbow’s tail. “OW!!” exclaimed the Wonderbolt. “That’s the second time today! Anymore tugs and Imma lose this tail!” “Your frustration I understand, Rainbow,” sympathized Rarity, “but it’s not going to find the rest of our friends!” CLANG!!! went the doors and from it came human Pinkie Pie, mane frizzed, covered in dirt and bruises, and panting quite madly. “Never… fear,” she wheezed as she trotted forward slowly, “Pinkie Pie… is here.” Finally she collapsed face first on the hard ground. “Pinkie!” Rarity cried as she lifted and bearhugged her exhausted friend. “You’re alive!” Rainbow added, joining the hug. “Barely!” complained their party friend as she normalized her breath. “Ya’ve any idea how much trouble bouncing outta rubble, running like crazy, and avoiding monsters with confetti cannons and throwing cupcakes just to get to somewhere safe is?!” “Yeah, we do,” a deadpan Rainbow Dash chimed, gesturing to her bandaged wing. “Party’s the last thing to cry about. Did you see the others?” She returned her attention back to Pinkie, who shook her head. Her answer only provoked frustrated moans from her friends. “This is terrible!” bemoaned Rarity. “This is absolutely terrible!” “You doubt it!?!” Rainbow agreed with. “Whoever that Grofar is, that ram is WAY worse than Cinch! Whatever was he?” “His name… is Grogar,” Gallus grimly corrected before explaining, “He was- I mean, is a plague. He created the first monsters to attack the land before Equestria from what I heard in school. And now, he’s back and is clearly wanting to continue to that work.” “Oh great,” Rainbow whined as she threw her hooves up in annoyance. “Not only do we have to deal with an evil, living relic from the past, but we also have to find our friends, who are out, probably in danger or-!” “Don’t you dare say it!!” Rarity demanded from her hotheaded friend. “Our friends are anything but glass and you should know it.” “I wasn’t gonna think it; I was just stating facts!” “Then you could, at least, be more positive about the situation!” “Really!? Then how’s about you discuss plans to find them and beat Grogar!?” “RAINBOW DASH AND RARITY,” screamed Pinkie, clearly annoyed from her friends’ derailment from topic, “WE CAN FIGURE THIS ALL OUT IN THE LONG RUN! JUST LET THE WRITER DO HIS STUFF!!” The two bickering mares looked at their enraged friend with some confusion. Sensing what she just mentioned, Pinkie rubbed her head sheepishly before blushing red. “Well, if you mares want to stop Grogar,” Captain Gallus stated as he approached them, “then you’re gonna need to get into the castle. And I can provide you with a map if you wish.” Team Rari-Rainbow-Pie exchanged some looks, thinking that storming the castle would be as good a start as any, before shrugging and facing Gallus. Seeing their reactions, the griffon gladly led the way for the aliens from the human world to follow. Everyone else only exchanged confused looks before shrugging it off, clearly used to such manure. Scene Fifteen: Team Twi-Flutter-Jack Guarded by the Chimera, the Manticore, and Cerberus was the Canterlot library. Thinking his enemies to seek knowledge of how to counter him, Grogar sent Catrina and Erebus to find and destroy any knowledge with ANYTHING on him. After purging the castle library of said knowledge, they moved onto the public library. While Erebus searched every shelf for every book with everything on their Father, Catrina used her magic to erase any knowledge. After thirty-three books, they had completed their assignment and left the library, sending their guard creatures off to seek more resistance. However, while they seemed to have succeed, they didn’t account for one thing: They were being observed. Immediately entering the library after the monsters’ departure were Twilight, Fluttershy, and Applejack. Entering the deserted wreckage, the trio saw the mess Erebus and Catrina made. Twilight wasted no time in diving right into the pile. Applejack and Fluttershy’d spilt up to search the lower parts of the library. Ever the bookworm, Twilight levitated some from the upper levels to get a much further head-start, confident that they’ll find something. Despite her optimism, Fluttershy and AJ quickly realized the futility of their mission as they found nothing useful against that monster in two hours. But their luck hasn’t dried up yet. After failing to initially convince Twilight of the absurdity, Applejack turned to Fluttershy for help, only to find the meek pony gone. Pulling her reluctant alchemist friend from her research, they both searched every aisle and called for their shy friend, only to get whispers within the maze of shelves stacked with books. They followed those whispers closely to the dang church mouse, as the farmer described her friend. Soon, they found her in front of the Restricted Section bookshelf. The veterinarian gestured to a pair of books baring the Two Sisters’ cutie marks on one of the top shelves. Thinking them to be personal diaries, Sci-Twi instantly tried levitating them off to no avail. She soon began to struggle with her friends watching for a few moments. Wanting to help, Fluttershy flied up and, titling them forward, accidentally flipped the secret switches. Twilight finally stopped when she saw the shelf drift open to reveal the passageway down. All three mares were in shock at what they found. “I found it, yay.” Fluttershy quietly squealed before going the stairs. Applejack chuckled as she joined the trek, while Twilight lagged behind, pouting over Fluttershy’s achievement. “Yeah, she did,” she uttered, “the lucky wallflower.” As the three descended further, Twilight took notice of AJ and Fluttershy’s plight, despite the pair’s attempts to mask the pain. She practically saw it after she found the two and saved them from an Ophiotaurus and the Maulwurf. After some pointers from Sunset about protective barriers, Twilight used one to defend herself from the beast. After escaping, Twilight took command and sought to find the rest while searching for a means of counterattack. And throughout the duration, Twilight had to keep Applejack and Fluttershy calm. They finally reached the end of the stairs when they came face-to-face with a pair of golden double doors, which, unlike the shelf, was an easy feat for Twilight. And entering the room caused her to let out the biggest gasp that her vocals could possibly muster. She again wasted no time in dashing straight for the books, grabbing whatever books from every shelf, mouth agape and hyperventilating, AJ and Fluttershy looked with smirks and rolling eyes as they, too, joined the search. The trio had gone over every book the Restricted Section could possibly hold for the next hour and still found nothing. Stacks after stacks have been piled up. Unlike the public books, the restricted ones had no blank spaces or cut-offed sentences, meaning that Erebus and Catrina hadn’t gotten to those. And yet, despite her hopes, Twilight was now realizing the only knowledge about Grogar was but erased for good, and the Restricted Section had nothing on him. “Again: nothing.” stated Applejack after closing another book. “I don’t know, Applejack,” groaned Twilight, rubbing her eyes. She then closed another and tossed it off the table before slamming her face onto the desk. “Maybe everything about this Grogar were upstairs and it’s all gone.” “You’re absolutely right, Twilight,” admitted Fluttershy. “Maybe we should take a break.” Sighing in agreement, Twilight and Applejack’d put down the books they were working on, ready to rest when Fluttershy announced loudly (or loud enough by her standards): “Because Mama Fluttershy found something!” “WHAT?!” Sci-Twi and AJ blurted simultaneously as Fluttershy placed a teal-covered and orange-spine book with a quintet of leaves on the cover entitled The Autobiography of Gusty the Great. “Gusty the Great?” inquired Applejack. “Ain’t she that lady who climbed to the very top o’ Mount Everhoof?” “She’s also the pony who defeated this Grogar long before the three pony tribes united,” Fluttershy added while turning the books’ pages to chapters 34-37. “Everything about him is right here.” Exchanging looks, Twilight and Applejack brushed off their surprise in Fluttershy’s accomplishment before turning to the book. If the book had anything on Grogar, they would use it to their advantage. What they found was horrifying alone. They now knew the evils their new enemy was capable of. Grogar standing above a village of Earth Ponies, watching his abominations rip, claw, and kill all in sight, climbing a boney mountain of Pegasi wings, and using his Bell to drain every Unicorn magic before crushing every horn. Fur-crawling illustrations coupled with a frightening description: “Nopony knows exactly where he came from or why he does such evil. But all can agree on that Grogar the Ram is the vilest creature of the land. Many like him are to come indefinitely, but none will come as monstrously evil as he is. With his ever-increasing army of beasts and his Bewitching Bell, there will seem to be no end to his personal war of replacing the heartbreaking-prejudice peace between Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies with his empowering fear. But his most powerful traits are his manipulation, his sadism, and, worst of all, his patience. I really wish the leaders of our tribes had come together to finally make peace and friends and unite as one to finally end this monster’s reign of fear over the land. But since that dream is but so, I must rely on the brave army of Unicorns I have assembled to find and forever defeat Grogar, for if he continues to run amok, it will undoubtingly spell the end of Ponykind.” And all of that was the ending of chapter 35. All three mares were left speechless by the descriptions. Throughout their career, all they fought were perfectionists, envious kids, and magic-crazed lunatics. But, other than the Sirens, they fought nothing like Grogar. Compared to him, they were all low-key enemies. Seeing an actual monster like him in action easily put every other baddie to permanent shame. They were clearly not ready prepared for this kind of mission. “My gosh,” Applejack simply uttered. “Oh, I don’t feel so proud in finding this book now,” shivered Fluttershy. This ram makes Cinch look like an amateur, Twilight thought whose face was as equally scarred as well. Now knowing what’s at stake, now knowing the odds and evens, now knowing just how heavy the gravity of the situation is now, Twilight knew that until they found Sunset, she had to step up her game and take command. So, replacing her fear-ridden face with that of determination, Twilight’d gotten up out her chair and trotted up to a bookcase on the top of the stairs. Looking over her shoulder, she saw AJ and Fluttershy’s confused faces. Trotting back down with a blank-covered book in magic, she shared her plan to them. “Every book on that shelf was blank.” explained the bespectacled Equestria Girl. “Sunset told me that these can send messages, which means if I can write what we learn from that autobiography, maybe the rest can get the message.” While Flutters and AJ nodded at the cleared-up plan, Fluttershy spoke their doubts. “Even if it were true, how can we be sure that they’ll get the message?” Fluttershy concerned. Eyes shooting up immediately, Twilight looked at their friends with some uncertainty and fear. She had no idea how it might be possible, but she felt confident enough to just try for her friends’ sake. Applejack and Fluttershy waiting for an answer, Twilight finally answered: “I…can only try. It’s all we can do for now.” And with that, she began reading and writing. * The message came at the right time for Team Rari-Rainbow-Pie. After Gallus directed the mares into a small map room, the three of them have been discussing ways to advance on the castle. But from where they were at the moment, the Father of Monsters had every loophole, way-in-way-out, and entrance possible covered by monsters and creatures. Tensions between them hadn’t been cooled, much to Pinkie’s frustrations, as she was playing the more focused-on-the-mission role. This crisis was really getting to them all. “Right,” confirmed Rarity looking down on the castle schematic with red X’s over entrances and windows before making X-ing out the entrance on the map. “With that catacombs entrance, it’s official: Grogar seems to have the castle in his hooves tighter than a boa constrictor in leather.” Pinkie grimaced when she heard Rarity with her worst Southern drawl possible. Rarity did the same, her alabaster cheeks turning pink. “As terrible as that accent was,” admitted Pinkie, “the skies are occupied, monsters are watching from the balconies and gates, and we’d not last long if we dug underneath the castle. If Rainbow’s wing weren’t busted, she could perform a sonic rainbow to get those beasts’ attention away from the castle.” They turned to see Rainbow still trotting back and forth. “Even if I could do that-.” the athlete was about to mention until the three mares heard a buzzing noise nearby. Coming from the far right back of the room, Rainbow advanced to the source until she reached the desk on that side. Opening a drawer, Rainbow pulled out a vibrating and glowing book with a golden alicorn figure on the brown cover with sapphire eyes and gold locks on the spine. Opening it to the first page, Rainbow’s eyes lit up as she saw the in-progress writing that soon engulfed over half of the page. She was quickly joined by Pinkie and Rarity as they eyed the message and shared her eye-lit expression. Their hearts raced evermore quickly as they read the message: “To Sunset, Pinkie, Rarity, and Rainbow, I only hope that everybody or everypony is holding up and being careful. Fluttershy and Applejack are safe with me and I think we’ve found something that could guide us against this Grogar guy. His magic is claimed to come from others’ fear and absorbing magic via the Bell around his neck. It might also be what gets all these monsters to attack us. If you girls get this, I’m certain we can produce a plan to break into the castle, find Grogar, and take his Bell from him. Let me know immediately please. Twilight Spruce.” Rainbow and Rarity were beginning to get teary-eyed after reading the message internally. Pinkie, on the other hoof, rushed and returned with a quill in her mane and wrote back in Pinkie-Speed. “Twilight, This is Pinkie! Rainbow Dash and Rarity are with me at the… uh… OH! School for Gifted Unicorns, and we’re just next-door to the castle. We’ve been looking out, doing some planning and we’ve been thinking that if we can get the guards’ attention, we could just waltz right and do just that! Pinkie Pie!” After a waiting for a few moments, Twilight quickly responded. “Pinkie! It’s so good to hear from you! What do you have to share about the castle?” As Rainbow Dash and Rarity hugged each other in relief over knowing their friends are safe, Pinkie responded to Twilight’s request. > Vendetta > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene Sixteen: The Fellowship of the Bell That was the most exhausting flight I’ve ever taken, Sunset thought as she and the others finally got off the plane to Canterlot City. And she wasn’t lying. After digging some money from her satchel for airline tickets, the Fellowship of the Bell were all out of whack with the human world. Other than constantly saying “everypony” and comparing human limbs to pony limbs, they were an all-around headache for Sunset. Starlight and Trixie were constantly getting asked for autographs and pictures by fans of their performances on the plane. Discord and Tempest were getting in trouble with a flight attendant for the former’s snide comments and his enjoyment of disregarding rules and the latter criticizing the crew’s failure to dwell the “chaos”, saying that a crew working to stay ahead is one that works in perfect harmony, and, though it held nothing on them, their fashion senses. Lastly, Flurry went around the plane asking anybody there some very awkward questions about their customs, hobbies, and *ahem* biology with Spike making sure she’d watch her step with people. The only ones quiet were Sunset and Twilight. Ever since they started the quest, Sunlight have been avoiding making any form of contact to each other. Their party might have mistaken it for being too nervous around one another. In actuality, they were scared. Twilight was scared that if she tried to break the ice with her love life, she’d only infuriate her again. Of all her friends, Sunset mad at her was the most breaking thing imaginable. Whether or not she would open up was her own choice. She’d loved her enough to respect her privacy. Sunset, on the other hand, feared that her anger destroyed her chance with Twilight, feared that she made Twilight think she hated her. After taking in just how much she’d been acting up recently, she’d started taking her self-loathing to new levels. But she kept telling herself that whether or not Twilight still loved her was entirely up to the Princess of Friendship herself. She’d loved Twilight enough to respect her decisions. But they knew saving Equestria was top priority and couldn’t let their drama meddle. Things started to tense again, however, when they got to Canterlot City. * After going through airport security and taking taxis, the Equestrians continued on foot, where they took in Canterlot City’s majesty. During the princess hangout, Sunset also mentioned Sci-Twi’s advancements of magic on Canterlot City that Princess Twilight found hard to believe, that is until she saw it in person. Canterlot City was a utopian of alchemy. Every means of transportation has no more usage of tires and fossil fuels, only fueled by magic without ever running out, magical electricity and water were given lifetimes of eternity and instantly clean for drinking and bathing respectively, and waste disposal systems now identified what was garbage and recyclable. Twilight’s actions to the city made the biggest impact on the world yet. No sooner after, more cities soon followed her examples, giving her more work than she could manage alone. Eventually, after everything died down and the world began to use magic on a regular basis, Twilight was forever known as “the Magical Futurist.” Her work a massive influence, to the question of what the source of her success, she always answered…her friends. “So this is all because of the human Aunt Twilight?” Flurry asked in wonder as she took in the city’s amazingness. “That’s right, Flurry,” confirmed Sunset. “The Twilight of this world was obsessed with the basics of magic and how she could apply it to modern day life- “ “-After she absorbed too much of it and accidentally turned herself into a dark anthropomorphic creature called Midnight Sparkle and nearly broke the interdimensional walls between our two worlds,” Twilight bluntly finished with a bemused smile. She turned to see Flurry’s expression trying to connect the dots and Sunset’s amused expression. Seeing it confused Twilight. “Uh, it doesn’t bother her anymore?” Sunset shook her head, amused expression still plastered. “It was nearly two decades ago; we’ve both gotten past that long ago.” Escaping her reverie, Flurry returned to subject. “Bottomline: this world now uses magic on a regular basis like we do in Equestria, only to a lesser extent.” “Eeyup,” both women agreed in unison to the young girl’s comment. Hearing each other quote after Applejack’s brother caused both to blush lightly, blushes that didn’t go amiss by the younger princess, who’s growing grin deflated when Discord spoke up. “Oh, blah, blah, blah,” complained Discord from behind, “princesses and the wanting of sense. Differences just make alternate dimensions all the more chaotic.” He stopped to rub his flip-flopped foot, massaging the ache in his toes since he was used to snap-travel. Trixie rolled her eyes and scoffed. “This coming from a draconequus who lives in a dimension of pure chaos.” “Because I am pure chaos.” “Guys, come on.” pleaded Starlight. “Years later and you’re still at each other’s throats. It’s starting to get childish.” “And you whining over a potted plant wasn’t?” Trixie countered with an eyebrow raised. While it was long ago, Starlight still held hard feelings over that disrespect towards her plant. And that incident caused her to snap. “Phyllis spruced the office and you killed her!” “You’d’ve warned the Great-.” “And Powerful Trixie,” groaned Tempest, starting to have enough of Trixie’s arrogance, “yeah, we’ve all heard it about 15 times counting this one.” “Leave the boasting to Trixie.” boasted the boastful guidance counselor. Shadow only groaned in anger. “Can’t get enough of an ego-boost, can you?” “Ladies, please,” Starlight tediously cut in between the Captain and the Counselor. Before and during the flight, Tempest and Trixie’ve been at throats over each other’s protectiveness and egos. Flurry’s captain made it quite clear that she distasted egotistical ponies and creatures, while Trixie’s against constant watchfulness over somebody who doesn’t need it. They even came close to getting physical just before they took off for Canterlot. And through it all, Starlight was the middle girl, keeping things cool between them. After breaking about four fight, the Headmare was getting just flat-out peeved. “Oh, come on, Starlight,” pleaded Trixie, giving off her best pleading eyes and pouted mouth to her ex-marefriend, “can’t you let me have this one?” Starlight puffed in annoyance. “Trixie, this is not a shouting match; this is a quest to save Equestria and, by extension, this world. Matter of fact,” Starlight stopped to lean into Trixie’s ear, causing the magician to hotly grin, thinking that she wanted to gossip behind Shadow's back, only to be disappointed when Glimmer whispered, “I agree with Tempest, you don’t need any ego boosts.” Distancing herself, Starlight saw Trixie’s dismayed expression, causing the former to wince a bit. Looking back on their party, both woman shared a glance, silently laughing as the side-conversations continued. Not breaking eye contact, the two grown women unknowingly reached out and connected hands. The ice seemed to finally melt once again. If Sunset accepts me, Twilight thought, I could rule Equestria alongside the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. If Twilight accepts me, Sunset equally thought, I could spend the rest of my life with the most adorable princess I’ve ever met. Their hands had finally met. Sunlight looked down to see the bond. They blushed lightly and tittered as they turned up and got lost into each other’s eyes. Suddenly, a growl broke between the Fellowship and ruined the moment, tensing Tempest up. After a few moments of silence came another growl. Since everyone was silent, they were able to locate the source of the growling…to Flurry’s stomach. “Is that…you, sweetie?” asked Twilight. Flurry nodded her head sheepishly as she turned to look at everyone else’s expressions. A relieved Tempest lowered her guard and looked at her princess with mild amusement. Discord and Trixie looked at her with “seriously” looks while Starlight and Spike place a hand over their bellies, implying the same mood. “I guess we could fuel up, huh?” “Thank Celestia,” “I could eat,” “Not a bad idea,” and “Sounds very good” were amongst the collective responses. So, Twilight turned towards her possible marefriend, wanting suggestions. Since Sunset was their go-to guide around the human world, she would have to choose where they’d go to eat. It’s can’t be just any restaurant, she thought. And she wasn’t joking. While most humans ate meat, mostly everyone else she met, including her friends, were vegetarians, so bringing her crush and company anyplace that serves them meat would undoubtingly result in an episode riled up about cannibalism. This would require plenty of thought. * “Hmm, so delicious,” the princess of love proclaimed after consuming a spoonful of spicy flat-noodle soup. After much thought, Sunset had finally decided on the Tasty Treat. It was the perfect place for dinner, she thought. No meat was served whatsoever, environment was pleasant and had a home-sweet-home feel, and she mentioned that the food was to die for. It was also one of the Humane 7’s favorite eateries after they saved it from getting shutdown. Thirteen years ago, the Equestria Girls first found the Treat when a harsh critic named Zesty Gourmand gave it the lowest review in all of Canterlot’s restaurants and Spoiled Rich threaten to close it as Coriander Cumin and Saffron Masala were behind on payments. Wanting to help, the girls advertised the Treat and made some very minor changes(on Rarity’s part) to the place that got business a-booming, giving the Treat a 4/4 star masses review and raising twice the money needed to save it. For their help, the two relieved the Girls of all charges for their meals there. Saffron would always seat them while Coriander made them their usual orders. That evening’s visit was different, however, when only Sunset and “Twilight” walked in. After putting up with their orders and their viewpoints, the heroes spanned yarn. “So lemme get this right,” Starlight chuckled towards Sunset, “your Pinkie Pie took a brief disliking towards your Mudbriar, but then decided to hook him up with your Maud unlike our Pinkie just like that?” “She took it so better than we’d’ve all expected,” Sunset answered, “and we thought it sweet of her to hook her sister up.” “I want to say I’m not surprised,” commented Spike as he downed his water, “but we’re talking Pinkie and she’s Discord…on a more unbalanced level.” The Lord of Chaos gave off a deadpan look, causing all table guests to amusingly chuckle. Flurry looked across the table where her aunt and her crush were sitting uncomfortably next to one another, who’ve been giving each other a blink glance before returning to conversations or their meals or turning towards something else. Wanting to do something for them, she waited until the conversation changed. In spite of how much she wanted to help, Flurry deep down felt that what she was thinking of doing would be wrongly forced. Upon knowing Twilight’s crush, she had been processing and modifying an over-the-top, cheesy, yet hopefully romantic setting for Sunlight. While having Shining Armor’s courage and responsibility to duty, she clearly inherited more of Cadance’s leadership and magic spells over love. Unlike the Princess of Family who only used her powers for the greater good, Flurry was much more impulsive to use her powers to play matchmaker and ease her shipper urges. Her parents had hoped that she learned her lesson after a couple of “soap operas” and yet the Princess of Love continued those antics. Now seeing Twilight acting all skittish around her very special somepony, her inner shipper was squealing to be released, but the rational part was putting her hoof down. One certain thing: she wanted to break the ice. “So, Sunset,” she started, “it’s just occurred to me that we don’t know your job.” Sunset looked up at the younger princess with an expression tinged with nervousness. She looked around the table to see everyone giving her anticipating faces, wanting in on it. After turning to Twilight whose eyes quickly shot forward and tapped her fingers together, the teacher exhaled and explained her job. “Well, y’know what they say,” she stated, “home’s where the heart is. I mean, I teach Integrated Science at Canterlot High and I’ve made some very special teacher-student relationships.” “Like Celestia and me or like me and Starlight?” wondered Twilight aloud. Turning to the blushing Twilight, Sunset only managed a shy smile. “Like Celestia and you,” she confirmed. She saw at the edge of her eyes that Twilight’s blush brighten her lavender face. There was a chorus of “ah” around the table. You guys are really enjoying this, she thought as she continued. “They didn’t care much for friends until I- “ “-taught them the importance and benefits of friendship and they eventually made plenty?” Twilight absent-mindedly finished. She snapped out of it and looked at Sunset with widened eyes and tried to manage a straight smile to no avail. Ever the empath, Sunset managed her own. She didn’t need her powers to know Twilight’s feelings at the moment. “The apple don’t fall far from the tree.” Sunset repeated with a Southern drawl. “Integrated Science, huh?” inquired Trixie coyly. “What’s your favorite part: cosmology, chemistry, biology?” “TRIXIE!!!” rebuked Tempest and Starlight as the captain gave Lulamoon a hard backhand to the shoulder. It didn’t derail Lulamoon from her giggles as the rest gave her equally rebuking looks, Sunset giving the fiercest matched by her furious blush. Her mind was swimming with words towards Trixie unfit for a family restaurant. She, however, composed herself with a deep in and out of breath and, not after her eyes darted to see the hot blushing Twilight, continued. “Astronomy, actually,” she clarified. Everybody at the table gave off expressions that didn’t look at all impressed or surprised. Sunset thought that her crush was so obvious that the rest would think of her crush more as an obsession. On her left was Twilight looking down on the floor, left hand twirling a strain of hair and her right holding her stomach. Is she getting butterflies? After a beat of silence, Twilight turned and broke it. “What are your classes studying now?” asked the bookworm. Sunset was still silent until she answered. “My classes are doing something very fun. Right at this moment, we’re studying,” she cleared her throat, “astronomy and constellations. Before Spring Break, I took them out to Camp Everfree and showed them the stars. We saw the Ursas, Pegasus, Rockhoof, Aries, and…Twiset.” Hearing this caused Twilight to shoot up in surprise and was awestruck with emotion. As Sunset rambled on, her hand unknowingly reached for Twilight’s right hand. “Twiset is a seven-star constellation that was recently discovered by this world’s Twilight and was named so because of…a certain ship she supports.” Finishing that with an embarrassed blush, she finally felt that her left hand was held onto Twilight’s right. Seeing this, the two couldn’t help but give small yet sincere smiles at one another, not paying any mind to their onlookers. Discord, Trixie, and Tempest looked with calm anticipation, Starlight and Spike watched as their eyes shimmered and they beamed, and Flurry’s internal squealing was killing her so bad that she’d just explode. Lost in the moment, Sunlight just looked and leaned in close to each other, their minds racing with excitement and Flurry’s squealing becoming slightly audible. The two ex-students couldn’t believe how close they were to their lips and how much they’d’ve enjoyed it… “Sorry, but am I interrupting?” …if Saffron hadn’t returned. Sunset and Twilight recoiled and looked up at their waitress with burning faces. “Anything I can help you guys other than save Twilight’s marriage?” Saffron asked her customers with a sly smile, causing Trixie, Discord, and Tempest to chuckle silently and Sunlight to embarrassingly turn away. The waitress had no idea that the Twilight before her was a completely different Twilight than the one she knew. “No thanks,” answered Spike. “If we could get the check, we’ll be on our way.” “Oh, there’s no need. After what these two and their friends did for us, it’s on the house.” Not facing Saffron, Sunset makes a gun gesture and clicked her teeth. “I’m sure you all enjoyed your meals here at the Tasty Treat and we hope to see you again.” Saffron proclaimed before walking away with a satisfied smile. “Well, I’m sure we’re all probably fueled and ready.” Twilight commented, trying to cool her red-hot face and getting out of her seat. “We should get back to the bell, don’t cha agree?” The rest soon followed suit, everyone but Sunset heading out. Spike noticed her going the opposite way. “Aren’t you coming?” he questioned the teacher, who turned to him. “I’ll join you guys in a few. I need to wash first.” cleared up the teacher. Spike, understanding, turned for the doors in-and-out of the Treat while Sunset turned for the ladies’ room, face still burning embarrassment. Scene Seventeen: Adagio’s Vendetta Come on, Sunset, she thought to herself as she splashed palmfuls of water into her face. She promised Spike to be out in a few minutes, but she’s been in the restroom for over ten chewing herself up for not acting sooner. Quit being such a stupid mare and go for the Celestia-dang lips! Ugh, no. I doubt she’d take it well. I need to play it smart and collective. Twilight likes that about me, doesn’t she? Besides, she probably knows anyway, and she seems to like me-like me…yet there’s still the possibility that she doesn’t and-and-and…GGGRRR!!! As her conscious kicked her rump, Sunset looked in the mirror, reflected once again on recent events and was worried over her friends waiting impatiently for her. Sunset breathed deep. No more self-loathing, Sunset. The minute you see Twilight, you grab her by the arms and smooch her deep, hard, and passionately and you tell her how much YOU LOVE HER. And with that thought, she smoothed out her pants and shirt of wrinkles and marched out of the ladies’ room for the exit when suddenly… …just within earshot was the hum of a beautiful singing voice. Sunset was hoping it was some daydream of hers since it was so beautiful. To her, there was only one voice that could sound so beautiful with the beauty of an angel. She turned to the Treat’s back exit and heard the singing coming from outside. She walked to the door as the singing continued. Twilight: The brightest star to burn in my galaxy The most empathetic of anypony I’ve met Opening the door only amplified the harmonizing and majestic beauty of the song. Looking around the back alley, Sunset saw but the trash bins and bags accompanied by the awful smell that engulfed many alleys in the setting sunlight. However, what she found next cladded in darkness was her brightest star; Twilight Sparkle just standing in the far end. The older woman was starstruck seeing her crush singing such a beautiful melody in a filth-ridden environment. Walking over to her, Sunset froze dead when Twilight turned and saw her. She walked towards Sunset with those dream eyes as she continued her aria. Being without you I cannot bear to think But with you by my side I shan’t forget Finally just face-to-face, the two unicorns-turned-humans looked each other in the shimmering eyes and blushes threatening to melt their faces. Sunset was about to speak, but Twilight simply placed a finger over her lips. Darting eyes from Twi’s finger to her face, Sunset saw that Twilight was clearly suggesting “shut-up-and-kiss-me-you-big-bacon-haired-idiot.” Despite her blushes threatening to melt her face, Sunset had gotten the message very clear and gave her cutest teary-eyed expression possible as she moved her face slowly to Twilight who done so as well. The two had finally met lips. Sunset was on overdrive. Her heart was going lightspeed, legs were jelly, and eyes were tearing. What was happening right then was considered her greatest happiest moment, surpassing making friends. She was clearly in heaven and wouldn’t want the moment to end. She was content on staying in the kissing for eternity. That is,…if she were kissing Twilight. “SUNSET?!?” a voice cried out from behind. The sound made her eyes open wide in shock. She recognized it to belong to Twilight, but impossible since she was- She turned around and gasped in shock as she saw Twilight and the rest standing there frozen in equal shock. She sputtered in utter confusion as she looked between her friends and the Twilight she kissed, who formed a sinister grin. Looking from behind was a mirror, revealing a shocking truth: Twilight #2 was Adagio! Thousands of thoughts flooded her brain. She had just kissed Adagio Dazzle in front of Twilight. How could the Siren had pulled this off? How could she have fallen for it? What has she just royally bucked up?! She was speechless, so Adagio, shedding her disguise and ponying up, spoke for her. “Grogar’s magic did more than restore my powers;” she cackled despicably, “he’s also increased them. I can bring to vision any deep desire to lure my prey, i.e. you, Sunset Shimmer.” Walking backwards towards her friends, Sunset cursed herself as she looked around everyone’s shock, Twilight clearly the most hurt. Adagio cackled again with a wave of her hand as multiple objects fade away to reveal Flores and the Raptorians. Ready for the kill, the Siren announced: “You took everything from me, Shimmer. Now I’ve just returned the favor.” She roared. And with that, her soldiers charged for the Fellowship. Knowing their complete lack of magic (excluding Sunset’s geode), the eight rebels turned to run, dashing through the sidewalks and gathered crowds. Adagio and her squad gave chase, causing a panic in the city. Sunset was shifting focus from the pursuers to her direction. But all her mind could possibly conjure up was the thought of breaking Twilight’s heart. Adagio sang all the way. As the Dazzling sang her rage out, the bird-dogs swooped down onto the escapees, beaks snapping. And even with her lack of magic, Captain Tempest was still willing to fight back. As two Raptorians swept down, the agile captain jumped towards and sweeping-kicked both flyers in the face, bringing them hard to the ground and quickly returning to her cohorts. Flores, running on three vine legs, was advancing with fly-trapper claws stretching towards the heroes. Feeling around her magician uniform, Trixie found a small tape roll, smoke pellets and a pack of mini fireworks with matches in her pockets. Looking at the objects, she’d got an idea. Taping the pellets to the fireworks and igniting the fuses, the Great and Powerful Trixie threw the self-made bombs at the colossal plant creature and beamed with self-praise as the bombs went off and set part of Flores ablaze, derailing him from the chase and onto the street. But Dazzle continued forth. Speeding up towards her quarry, the lead Siren unleashed a shattering vocalizing blast towards the sidewalk ahead, blocking off the eight and forcing them onto the street. And with that, Flores returned to the game and struck three tendrils into the concrete. Within seconds, they came back up and trapped the heroes within. Left with no means of escape, they were lifted in the air as smaller tendrils shot out from the larger vines and started to strangle their lives out. Despite struggles, Sunset and her Mane 7 were powerless against the plant’s tightening grasp. Struggling, Sunset’s mind raced for an escape, but was outclassed by the plant monster. Opening her eyes, Sunset looked around to see her friends losing their lives as well. Feeling that everyone present were going to die because of her was pain enough but seeing Twilight from above choking for breath was the needle to the heart. Adagio clearly had planned to make Princess Twilight suffer just to make Sunset suffer. The runaway unicorn was mortified to see how low the lead Siren had gone over the years. As the wicked Siren cackled away, Sunset Shimmer closed her eyes in accepting her fate. The constriction and the cackle stopped abruptly. Feeling the tendril’s grasp loosening, Sunset opened her eyes to find it engulfed in magic. Once the grip entirely loosened, the Equestria Girl was saved from falling high by the same magic. Floating in mid-air, Sunset looked at the aurora surrounding her and remembered it to be Twilight’s telekinesis powers. Looking up, she looked… …to find Princess Twilight freeing the rest and all ponied-up! Even though Twilight didn’t have a geode, Sunset quickly surmised that her pony-up form was because of showcasing the Magic Element. Sunset’s face was a mix of amaze and fear; amaze for seeing Twilight with wings and a crown-like headband and displaying her magical powers and fear for the simple angered look on her face. She had seen Twilight mad before, but it was a new kind of anger. Twilight looked ready to enact blood-soaked vengeance; she looked willing to kill; she looked something…midnight. Fortunately, Sunset’s amaze was amplified by the sudden changes by the rest of the Fellowship. They all grew pony ears and tails and powers from where she levitated. Spike, Discord, and Flurry all had their signature wings and Starlight, Trixie, and Tempest each a hairband baring their cutie marks. Sunset was last to pony-up, gaining her tail, ears, and signature geode outfit. Looking above the green wall, Sunset saw the very-peeved Siren roar in fury and continue her vengeful-serenade. The lead Siren dived down towards her quarry with the eyes of vendetta, another music wave at the ready. Looking up with Sunset, Twilight lifted with her telekinesis chunks of the road up and hurled them through Flores’ tendrils and at Adagio. Dazzle used her charged vocals to destroy the concrete projectiles. But it was all Twilight needed as she hurled another road chunk straight for the Siren with vicious rage, even striking one bird-dog. Shaking it off, the Siren and two bird-dogs returned to the hunt and dashed with equally vicious rage. She was closing distance between her and her targets as she readied another vocal blast. But just before she could fire, a vortex opened right in front of her. Seeing and recognizing it, Dazzle tried to slow. But it didn’t matter, for a giant black hand reached out, firmly grasped her and pulled her in swiftly as she screamed in angered horror, the two bird-dogs not far behind. While witnessing and wondering what just transpired, it was the least of the Fellowship’s worries as they were still pursued by Flores. With more tendrils coming for them, Tempest shot at them with her returned firework powers and Starlight evaded them via teleportation while they covered their escape. Watching these powers in action came off a surprise to Sunset herself. “I thought your geode was all the magic we had,” Flurry voiced as she flew next to Sunset. Sunset was going to give her two bits about their mysterious power-up when Trixie interrupted. “Who cares? We can use this to escape!” And with Starlight and Tempest gaining up, Trixie tossed her last two smoke pellets to the ground, engulfing all eight in the puff. Waving the smoke away with his tendrils, Flores quickly snapped away at and saw its prey continuing their escape. However, it didn’t follow them for sensing something-no someone standing over the green and moved towards the source…right to the Everfree Forest. * SNAP! “What are- “Sunset trailed off as she eyed her new surroundings. The Fellowship of the Bell was now in a star-lit forest filled bramble vines and plunder plants. Sunset, depowering, remembered these to only originate from… “You snapped us into Everfree?” Sunset spat out turning to Discord with surprise in her tone. “Well,” Discord clarified, “we suddenly got our magic back and I thought instant snap-travel to the Bell.” “And my duplication spell would distance us from Grogar’s cronies for the time-being,” Starlight added confidently as Sunset smiled in relief only for curiosity to take over. Looking around, she saw how everyone depowering while happy with their magic, Flurry clearly remaining so, wondering how they could just do so right now. However, when she reached Twilight, her princess depowered and hurt from recent events. Remembering the kiss she unintentionally shared with Dazzle, Shimmer composed herself before walking over to Sparkle with a comforting hand stretching out. “Twilight, I…” “Let’s just find the Bell and go home.” Twilight barked, turning from Sunset to Spike, causing Sunset’s heart to sink from the outburst. “You left it somewhere in this forest, Spike?” While acknowledging Sunset’s pain, Spike sighed as he pointed northwest: “And made sure it was in good hands…down that direction.” “Good. Let’s move.” Twilight coldly stated as she moved in that direction. Everyone else were left in worry at seeing Twilight’s sudden change in mood. While the rest followed their princess at a steady pace, Flurry turned to see Sunset. Her head down did nothing to hide her waterworks from the Princess of Love. Wanting to try and help the downhearted woman, Flurry stretched out her own hand onto Sunset’s shoulder. Not flinching, Sunset looked up to her comforting smile and moved forward with the younger princess calming her, whispering comfortably and rubbing her back. Thinking back on recent episodes, Sunset was really hating herself for her actions towards Twilight. She loved the princess for Celestia’s sake, so why was she bucking up her chances so badly? I just want this to end, she mentally sobbed. All I want is to just tell Twilight how much I love her without any problems!! Unfortunately, Sunset’s bad luck was yet to end. Scene Eighteen: An Example Hearing Adagio’s dislike for waiting was frustrating enough but disobeying him infuriated the Father of Monsters over the edge. Upon knowing what the lead Siren had done, Grogar heatedly dragged her from her chase and back to Equestria where he preceded to brutalize Adagio with painful magic surges from his horns. He held no mercy towards the pleading Siren as he continued to beat her for her actions across the throne room with Aria, Sonata and the remainder of his Elite as the audience. Charging his horns, Grogar then swung his head upward to the Siren’s face, sending her across the room. “I ordered a wait,” berated the self-proclaimed king as he walked towards his leading commander, “but instead, your poorly-thought, revenge-driven plan cost two of my Elite!” Getting up on her hooves, Adagio was quickly grounded when Grogar used his magic to restrain her wings. Looking up at her advancing master, now at his complete mercy, she pleaded: “Father, forgive me. I disappointed, yes, but I only wanted to rid us of Princess-. “Before she could finish, Grogar stomped his right forehoof onto her head. “Nopony gets rid of anypony unless I give the word!!” screamed the tyrannical ram as he applied more pressure onto her head. “Do I make MYSELF CLEAR!!?!?! “Y-*Gasp* Y-Yes, M-*Gasp*-Lord Grogar,” Adagio barely choked with the hoof’s pressure. Hearing her compliance, Grogar removed his hoof and magically threw her back towards her sisters, looking in disgust as his latest creations took pity on the insubordinate. He took a sick thrill watching his own followers wither in fear as it only threw more fuel into his fire. And wanting to cement his authority after Adagio’s actions, he decided to address his soldiers. So he walked over to Twilight’s throne and, seeing his soldiers gathered before him, stomped his hoof down to gather their attention from the battered Siren. Silence engulfed the room. “Now with your undivided attention,” Grogar addressed in a calm, yet baleful tone, “allow me to clarify something. I am not usually this ANGRY. In fact, I never had because back in my glory, I had but single-minded beasts who caused unholy FEAR and SUFFERING in my NAME without question. Some of them, I now wish to have done then, seemed worthy enough of free will because it would have motivated them to reach far greater feats of DESPAIR. But THAT was LONG AGO, and THIS is NOW. And FREE WILL is clearly taken FOR GRANTED by most nowadays. That same FREE WILL allowed…” As he continued, Grogar conjured up the petrified Legion of Doom from the garden, watching in mental glee as his minions pieced his saying, “CHRYSALIS, TIREK, and COZY GLOW to use all of MY MAGIC against Equestria, only to FAIL and have it ALL TAKEN AWAY from me. Equestria’s FEAR crushes their HOPE and FREE WILL and allows me to rule UNOPPOSED. So, I…WILL NOT tolerate any TRANSGRESSION against MY RULE. I WILL NOT tolerate any JUDGEMENT. I WILL NOT TOLERATE,” he continued as he placed a charging forehoof onto Chrysalis’ head, “ANYTHING AGAINST ME!!” And with that, his hoof’s magic surged over the Legion statue and sent it blowing up over the throne room in hundreds of tiny pieces. Seeing his minions’ scare-stiff faces at the Legion’s remains, Grogar laid himself down onto Twilight’s throne where he took in the fear. “If ANY OF YOU care to speak, NOW is NOW, or YOU. WILL. BEG for DEATH.” Knowing their places, the Sirens and his Elite bowed in feared submission. Grogar smiled, pleased to have established complete control. “Good, my children. Now get back out there and bring me the Humane 6.” After what they just witnessed, his army scrammed, flying out through the balcony. Sitting on his conquered throne, Grogar stared blankly in his darkly lit throne room. While I play some games, he thought, with the princesses. Scene Nineteen: Breaking and Entering “What were you thinking?!” demanded Aria as the three Sirens flew over Canterlot. While revenge was common amongst the trio, they had made a promise to always do something together. And Adagio’s transgression was piercing. Something the accused didn’t care for. “I was simply trying to do Grogar a favor,” Adagio defended. “Puhlease!” retorted Sonata. “You did it just outta personal revenge. Without us by extension!” Groaning in frustration, Adagio turned to Sonata with an annoyed face. “I’d told you, one of you would’ve sing before we got Shimmer. Plus, what’s your beef against this?!” “Leave her be,” Aria demanded as she flew between her sisters, “it’s my job to give her grief…but she’s right.” Aria defended against her boss of a sister. All three were in surprise at what the violet Siren just claimed; Adagio that Aria would even protect such a “weak link”, Sonata that after all their bickering years, Aria defended her, and Aria herself for bringing herself up to challenge Adagio and defend Sonata. Aria processed at what could’ve make her act so “impulsive,” as she’d’ve called it. After some, she thought that while Sonata was a bit of a-scratch that, she was a total dunce, she was still the youngest of them and had a child’s innocence despite her acts. And, as much as she hated it, Aria was warming to her over the years. Finally, after the shock wore off, Adagio finally questioned: “You’re taking her side?” Aria failed to respond as she and Sonata were still flabbergasted before finally stating: “No, I’m not taking sides! I’m just saying she’s right.” “That IS taking my side Aria.” Sonata pointed out, earning a “quiet” look from Aria before returning to Adagio. “We all want payback, but your thirst is more personal than ours.” “Well, it SHOULD BE!!” retorted the lead Siren. “We’ve spent who knows how many years in that forsaken dimension and were given an opportunity much too delicious to pass only for Shimmer to take it all away from us!! Grogar promised us blood and I won’t sleep until I’ve my share.” “Even by risking our necks?! You screw him over again and we’ll get no blood at all.” Adagio grunted angrily. “Why are you of all creatures so nervous? You were nev-.” Adagio silenced with wide eyes, pondering. Aria watched in anticipation until Dazzle gasped in horror. “Are…you two…believing in…this whole friendship nonsense?!” Sonata and Aria looked at each other before Blaze tried to respond but was cut off by her angered sister. “How could you two be so foolish to buy this!?! We’ve feast on ponies’ bad vibes and were banished from here! One minute you want blood and you suddenly think to make bracelets, have sleepovers and-and-and think they’ll forgive us like that?!” Adagio pierced her sisters with rage-filled eyes, demanding an answer as the two Sirens looked in fear of “Grogar No. 2” when… BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!!! They turned attention to distant colors brightening the sky. Brushing off their argument, the Sirens watched as the fireworks just outside the castle walls formed an arrow pointing down and the message: “Come and get us, Sirens!” Accepting it, the sisters harmonized to rally the Tartarus monsters under their spell. Hearing the call, Cerberus and his former prisoners gathered before their descending commanders at the gates. Seeing all of their mesmerized soldiers gathered before them, the Sirens led the charge outside the city towards the disturbance and possible rebels. Little did they know, they were played right into their hooves. * Just outside one of the entrances to the castle’s catacombs, originally guarded by the Chimera and Manticore, Twilight teleported herself, Fluttershy, and Applejack there, confident smiles plastered. “Whoo-wee,” Applejack quietly cheered once their faction arrived and saw how alone the three mares were, “Ever the fast workers, Pinks and Dash are.” “Part one of breaking into the castle is a success,” Twilight announced, even writing down their news in her cell-book to their other half. “Now comes the matter of getting in and regrouping.” Seeing Twilight’s point, Fluttershy and Applejack looked over the catacomb entrance and found it enclosed in bricks. The honest apple simply laughed heartily at the so-called challenge, walking over to the wall as Twi and Flutters looked on with confusion. “Sugar,” chuckled Applejack as she turned to face her friends as she stretched her hindlegs, “if ya called a stampede of any critters a problem, Fluttershy’d be the Rainbow Dash of calming them. Ten seconds flat.” Positioning herself, she pulled her hinds back and gave the wall a mighty buck, smashing open the wall and giving the three mares an entrance. “After you, ladies,” she confidently insisted as she stood in pride and her two accompanying mares trotted inside, watching to not trip over any bricks. Applejack followed not long after. Before returning forward, Twilight turned towards the busted wall and used her magic to reseal it and not draw suspicion. Doing so engulfed the hall into pitch black, but not for long as Twilight lit up her horn tip with magic, looking to see Applejack and Fluttershy shielding their eyes from the brilliance. Twilight returned her attention forward with the two mare close behind. “How did you suddenly get so with magic spells, Twilight?” inquired Fluttershy as they continued. “I know you’re an alchemist, but last I’d checked, you were never this advanced.” Twilight didn’t respond until after several seconds. “Well, you guys remember that time when everyone in our Canterlot were turned into ponies and creatures after that one magical failure of mine?” The bespectacled mare gave a finishing blush. AJ and Flutters nodded in response. “While we were working to reverse it, Sunset gave me some advanced lessons on magic. Even gave Rarity some pointers.” “Ah.” Fluttershy simply respond with. “Ah guess that explains why she was glum when everything went normal,” Applejack pointed. “Speaking of which, how do ya gals think those gals are getting in?” “Truthfully,” Twilight answered, “Pinkie’ll find a way in.” * And she did. Once Pinkie and Rainbow booked from diverting Grogar’s beasts from the castle, they regrouped with Rarity who was digging a tunnel like a dog to the castle catacombs. Seeing this, RD joined in on the digging. After two minutes of bone-aching digging, the two mares turned to Pinkie and gestured her to help in the digging. Instead, the party-pony just shoved them aside as she moved for the hole. Twisting her long curly strain of hair, she let it go and brought her strain down as it continued to spin like a drill into the ground. As she burrowed deeper into the ground, Rares and RD followed her into the hole, blocking their tunnel with dug-up dirt to avoid suspicion. Soon enough, the three of them made into the catacombs as well. Shaking the dirt off herself, Rarity quickly lit her horn in radiance to give them light and found Rainbow wiping the dirt off her bandaged wing while Pinkie wrote to Twilight about their position. Within moments, Twilight responded saying they’re in the catacombs as well. “All cats are in the house, ladies,” Pinkie jubilantly stated, earning puzzled looks from Rarity and Rainbow. “Ugh, Twilight, Flutters, and AJ are in the castle as well.” The two simultaneously oohed. Pinkie immediately wrote back to Twilight. “What do we do now, Twilight?” Several seconds later, Twilight responded back. “Just keep moving forward and watch yourselves until we find each other. From where we are, I’ve a feeling this is a maze.” “You heard her, ladies, HO!” Pinkie cheered as she continued forth with Rainbow and Rarity following shortly behind as they exchanged rolled eyes. It’s a shame they didn’t count on being watched. * Standing before her father, Catrina showed King Grogar the Humane 6 making their way through the catacombs through two looking holes. As Grogar looked on with silence, Catrina looked up with silent satisfaction. “Fear not, Father,” the cat witch proclaimed with a grin, “I will gather my buffoon brothers and-. “ “No.” he swiftly interjected. “You are to wait, give them a false sense until I say so.” “What? But they- “ Grogar growled as he stomped his hoof down, the sound echoing across the room and looking at the cat with bile. She clearly needed a refresher after what he’d just made clear. “You will wait, or you will suffer.” hissed the more powerful ram. Clearly frightened by his words, Catrina scatted out of the room in a blink. Grogar chuckled with sadistic delight at her fear as he took a speck of magic from his horns and conjured a form. “Reasons why will reveal, but for now,” he voiced aloud as the conjured magic formed a likeness of Sunset Shimmer, “I wait until she’s ripe.” With a clop of his hooves, he crushed the likeness. > Legends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene Twenty: Rumble in the Forest No matter where I go, Sunset thought in frustration, my life is manure. It’s only been two hours after snapping to Everfree and it’s already been another moment of personal Tartarus for Sunset. Flurry was still by her side, promising her that she’s not leaving, despite the former’s protests. Twilight seemed unstoppable in her march through the woods as the rest followed while bearing whatever Everfree threw at them. How could Twilight bruise so bad over that kiss?, Sunset self-loathingly pondered. More importantly, how could I be so stupid to fall for it?! Meanwhile, the Fellowship has been miserable. The deeper the journey, the more miserable things became. Twilight, Sunset, and Flurry were the only quiet ones as the rest just argued away with Spike often joining to give his two bits on some topics. “Of all the tricks up your sleeves,” complained Tempest as she swatted at some Flyders, “you don’t have bug repellent!” Trixie’s face was red with annoyance as she spitted back: “For the umpteenth time, I would have it…” She then turned to Discord who was helping himself to his own brand of bug attraction spray, “if a certain draconequus had given us the right spray!” “Well, you should have specified,” quipped the snide draconequus with a coy smile. “Ugh, what does Fluttershy see in you?” “More than you, Miss Boastful.” With a growl, Trixie was about to lunge when Starlight dashed between her and Discord, hands extended to distance them. “Discord,” Starlight stated, “Trixie is clearly annoyed with you not giving her the proper protection from these Flyders and would appreciate if you give her it.” “Well, I just might consider…if she apologizes for calling me an ill-mannered deformity.” “No chance in Tartarus!” rebuked the boastful counselor. “I’ve nothing to apologize for; you’d deserved it!” Starlight exaggeratedly bemoaned. “I forgot how exhausting guidance counseling is.” As everybody complained on, Flurry turned her attention to Sunset hugging herself in self-comfort. She then glance at her aunt still undeterred before returning to the former. She didn’t want to do it, but after Adagio’s low blow, it was time to unleash Cupid Heart. Trixie, turning her head, stopped to be right next to Sunset in sympathy and decided to lend a hoo-, er hand as well. The princess gave the counselor a bold nod that the latter returned. “So…,” Trixie began, her voice trailing as she waited for Sunset to turn towards her, “The Great and Counseling Trixie would like to know about your feelings for Twilight.” Sunset’s eyes went wide and looked at Lulamoon with dry emotions. “What’s it to you?” Brushing off Sunset’s comment, Flurry made their case. “What’s it to us is that we know where your feelings come from so I can precisely determine the perfect way for you to express your romantic feelings towards my aunt, thus giving you both the maximum happiness possible.” Sunset and Trixie stared at Flurry with confusion at the princess’ statement. Seeing this, she giggled mirthfully. “My aunt’s brainiac talk’s been rubbing off on me.” Still distraught, Sunset found it in her to manage a small laugh before recounting her emotions. “Well, I’m pretty sure it all began when I was still the bad girl. When I first saw her as a human, I didn’t immediately recognize her, but I found her rather adorably *ahem* hot.” She blushed as Trixie nodded. “But it was just hatred back then, only until my new leaf along with the Sirens did I really feel…warm around Twilight, like I could relate to her on some levels. In fact, we were at a sleepover and we talked about how everybody always looked to her for answers instead of thinking she wouldn’t find them, and I felt this twinge of empathy between us. Ever since then, I always found Twilight to be my very best friend. We’ve went back and forth through our journals, telling each other secrets never told, sharing friendship lessons, and got a bit more * sigh* personal.” Exchanging looks with Flurry, Trixie returned to Sunset, delicacy in her tone. “Care to define? I’m not pushing; it’s only your choice.” Turning to Trixie, Sunset felt warm. She saw on rare occasion back in high school Trixie’s more sentimental side overshadowed by her arrogance. But when Lulamoon displayed such traits, it was done with absolute sincerity. Shimmer was touched to see the “manipulative blowhard” pony display mature and honest comfort. Sighing once more, Sunset explained. “You see, before I came here, I was the one daughter of unicorn drifters who came to Canterlot for high-paying jobs. My mom, Sunray Shimmer, was about three weeks due with me when they arrived and were given a home by Celestia herself. Once settled in, they immediately sought out enough money for ends meet, Five days after that, April 19th, my mom went into labor just when my dad, Sunrise, finally landed a job as an elite accountant. She was rushed to the hospital and…” Sunset paused to let out a long, shaky sigh. Trixie rubbed Sunset’s back tenderly as the latter continued. “Mom didn’t make it pass the delivery and Dad, tired of the bad luck, took a scalpel and…” To make her point, Sunset move her fist to her throat as if holding something and shakily motioned it across her neck, imitating a slitting action. Seeing the display, Flurry and Trixie exchanged shocked looks as Sunset cried fresh tears over her late family. “Celestia took me in, trained me in magic, and in return, I threw it all away, all because of-.” Sunset broke down entirely as she placed her hands to cover her eyes. Not thinking, Trixie turned her back comfort to a full-blown hug, both women sinking to the ground to melt into the embrace. Flurry stopped as well, feeling to join, but decided against it as it was between the counselor and the counseled. Stopping in her tracks, Twilight turned to see what was going on and saw her sobbing crush with the rest watching on in concerned. Twilight was uncertain to believe the tears. Even with her hardened emotions melting a bit, she’d seen Sunset kiss Adagio and was uncertain to believe if Sunset were either guilting her back to her side or genuinely upset. “Quite fitting, huh?” Sunset simply choked through tears. “Born to no family and dead with no family?” “That’s up to you, Sunset,” Trixie whispered comfortably. Sunset looked up at Trixie with bloodshot eyes. “Don’t get me wrong; I’m no psychiatrist; I’m simply trying to find the ‘why’ of your crush. When you first met Twilight, you saw her as relatable, feelings that grown more intimate when you turned over, yes?” Answering, Sunset barely nodded her head. Cupping her chin, Trixie smiled before going on. “Now again, this is just an amateur opinion, but…after your parents, you couldn’t make a strong bond with Celestia because you weren’t on equal footing with her; you wanted somepony that was. You wanted somepony who was understanding and compassionate enough to be by you. And you saw that somepony in Twilight, right?” Alright, Sunset thought Trixie was okay, but putting things together like that, she was starstruck. So, lips forming a wavy smile, she hugged the counselor more tightly, who shortly returned the embrace. Sunset broke the hug and looked at the magician with a thanking smile, the latter wiping a few loose tears and glancing at Twilight who seem to be in regret. Suddenly, a rustle broke the moment. Catching on quick, Trixie helped Sunset, who wiped her tears and composed herself for what’s next, up to her feet as the rest looked at the bushes and dark forest trees for the disturbance that disturbed the tender moment. A few moments of silence broke, sweat beating down them all and the princesses taking fighting stances, wings expanded. Taking a step forward, Tempest placed a hand to an ear towards the source. Another rustle was heard, louder than the first, followed by a growl. “They’re right there,” Tempest pointed towards a few insects and squirrels scurried away. Preparing for the possible fight, Tempest, Trixie, and Starlight charged up their cutie mark, Discord snapped a metal pack onto his back with a blaster-like nozzle, Spike‘s jaw went alight with his dragon fire, and Sunset activated her geode to pony-up again, the princesses already prepared. All eight Equestrians were charged, waiting for a fuse to light. A third, even louder rustle followed by a second louder growl. The fuse was lit. Tempest unleashed a battle cry as she charged towards the bushes, the rest following her and ready to fight for their lives against whatever. The thing suddenly pounced out of the bushes onto Sunset, pinning to the ground… …and kissing her all over the face. Opening her eyes in surprise, she finally saw her assailant was just canine Spike with a pack Sunset recognized as his travel pack from Twilight strapped onto his back. Realizing the lack of danger, she helped herself up on her elbows. “O-Okay, Spike, I’m happy to see you, too.” she giggled as the canine’s playful kisses continued and she repeatedly petted his fur. The two remained that way until they saw the onlooking expressions of the rest. Of all faces from both parties, Sunset had the feeling that the “most-shocked” award went to both Spikes, considering the confused and shock ways they eyed each other up and down, while herself, Twilight, and Starlight held no surprise as they’d grown used to it. Finally breaking the stunned silence, Flurry uttered towards the dog: “Uncle Spike?” “Heh, Spike, I like you to meet Princess Flurry Heart, Captain Tempest Shadow, Trixie, Discord, and yourself of Equestria.” Sunset introduced as she gestured towards the respective. “Buongiorno,” Spike the Dog spoke as he offered a paw to the still stunned silent Equestrians. Wanting to show some decency, Flurry descended, knelt down and shook the talking canine’s paw slow and steady while trying to hide her shock with a creeped smile. Discord, however, didn’t hide his excitement. “A talking dog!” he proclaimed ecstatically while getting rid of his pack. “Finally, something truly chaotic you humans do not see 24/7!!” Rolling their eyes at the Chaos God’s comment, Twilight and Sunset returned their attention to the dog. “How did you find us, Spike?” Sunset asked her mascot. “Well,” the canine explained, “I was just conversing with Owlowiscious for sixteen minutes about how to explain making a cake to Timber when Twilight’s instruments detected what she would call an anomaly on Restaurant Row. So gearing up, I followed it, which led me from your little throwdown in the city to you guys here-.“ Out of the blue, Spike’s pack hissed open with a couple of clicks from inside and from it emerged an old friend of Sunset’s: a light-yellow leopard gecko with black spots. “Ray!?” Sunset proclaimed with joy as the leopard gecko jumped from the pack onto Sunset’s outstretched palms. The gesture of her pulling Ray close to her cheek and feeling his head rubbed against it was an image that Twilight found adorable. “With a stowaway,” finished the mascot with a flat expression that was overlapped by the girls’ cooing. “Oh, you sneaky gecko, again for me?” Sunset asked her companion, to which he responded with a lick of his left eye. Since Sunset’s Twilight blues began, the leopard gecko’d devoted every waking moment to make sure Sunset wasn’t lonely. When Sunset preferred solitude at first, Ray resorted to sneaking within her satchel wherever she was going: school, the supermarket, or just hanging with the Humane 7. At first, it grew to be annoying, but over time, Sunset really enjoyed the gecko’s attempts to keep her beaming. Unfortunately, he wasn’t quick enough to catch Sunset leaving for school before this whole fiasco. When she failed to return home after school, Ray was able to make his way towards Twilight’s house for help and jumped into Spike’s pack before he made his way to Everfree. After finally getting the pack to open on the inside, he was jubilant to see his owner again, a feeling clearly mutual. Sunset was content with embracing her pet for a while longer, until she saw everyone’s reactions. Sunset quickly flashed a blush ready to say something out of embarrassment until Twilight’s reaction of such a cute sight quickly changed her mind. Finding her manners, Sunset moved her companion towards the rest and began introductions again. “Everyone, Ray; Ray, everyone.” The gecko gave a lick to his right eye as a “hello,” to which everyone else returned. SNAP! SNAP! SNAP! Turning their heads up, the heroes quickly saw a trio of snapped-off trees being thrown right at them! Moving quickly out of the way, the Fellowship were divided by the last tree: Sunset, Ray, Flurry, Equestrian Spike and Trixie on the left, Twilight, Discord, Starlight, doggy Spike, and Tempest on the right. All looking ahead of what could’ve threw the trees, their answer was given when Flores emerged, tendrils armed with thorns, side-heads morphed into flytraps, and vine legs bending for a leap towards the Twilight squad, who instantly ponied-up. The group moving quickly, Twilight and doggy Spike were barely able to avoid the crushing weight of the monster’s moss and leaf covered body. Despite a lack of eyes, it knew where its quarry stood as it extended two smaller vines towards the two, only to be saved by Tempest’s directed blasts, blowing the vines to small bits. She, however, failed to notice a smaller vine slithering underneath that tangled her leg, lifting her up and simply throwing her aside to a tree. Seeing this, Twilight quickly gestured towards Sunset. “Sunset, get Flurry outta here!! We’ll handle this!!” shouted the Princess of Friendship with evident concern as she expanded her wings and charged herself. Heads to the older princesses, Sunset turned a fierce expression towards the plant beast while Flurry glued attention to her aunt. “No!!” retorted the Princess of Love. “I’m tired of running from the fight.” Cracking each of her clenched knuckles and neck, Flurry spread her wings and charged her hands. She flew herself into the air and unleashed a combined magic blast to the beast’s unbloomed flower head. This only aggravated it as it countered with shooting thorns from a tendril to the young princess. Heart was more agile than expected as she expertly dodged all five thorns graceful. Flores instead refocused assault onto the Equestrians on the ground as it sensed Trixlight blasting at it behind a huge black tree. Having gotten attention, the two looked on with shock as one flytrap swooped in for the kill. Reacting quick, they’d dived apart as the mouth snapped off the big tree like a twig. Watching this display, doggy Spike darted eyes at the mouth as it recoiled for another attack towards Trixlight. Though never in a situation like this, Spike was always ready to put Twilight and his family before his own and bite back. Preparing to pounce, Spike growled aggressively and sprint towards the mouth as it attacked Trixlight and Discord, soon running alongside the flying Equestrian Spike. Moving close, both saw Flores struggling to release its flytrap from a tangle of vines. Apparently, the prey had lured the plant monster into a small trap. Seizing the opportunity, both Spikes charged onward. Equestrian Spike unleashed his fiery fury onto the trapped trap as doggy Spike went away with biting at it with all of his jaw strength. Though he simply gnawed pieces of the monster’s arm off, it didn’t derail him from protecting his friends, especially when Flores unleashed several smaller tendrils to swat them off. Despite getting a few good hits at the dragon-dog duo, Flores had lost his bout with them as they successfully took his arm off. As the two attacked, the princesses and Sunset tended to the pained Tempest who struggled to get up. Even with her training, Grogar’s walking house plant outbested the Crystal Captain herself and left her with several broken bones. Flurry brought herself under her captain’s right arm to keep her up, Starlight rushing by to support the left. “We need to do something about this walking flower and quick!” Sunset blurted. “Why not get Discord to bring out his weed killer?” vehemently suggested Trixie. “Well, I- “began the Lord of Chaos before Flores cut him off and grabbed him by the foot. Turning as Discord was swiftly pulled away, the heroes saw Flores with Equestrian Spike in its grasp as well as it roared ferociously at them. The Spikes had peeved the plant off. As doggy Spike dashed to his friends’ side, the vicious plant threw his constricted victims over the distance and swatted away the doggy. Twilight shot up to save her friends in her telekinetic magic midair, only for Flores to deliver a curled up vine straight into the princess’ face. Watching her crush and her friends fall out of the sky, Sunset ragefully turned to Flores, hands engulfed by magic, and delivered a powerful beam straight at the curled up vine, shredding it and the rapidly regenerating flytrap to bits. Her angered assault did nothing more than peeve the plant off more as another small vine wound up and pitched the remaining heroes into the dark woods. Coming down onto some soft underbrush, Sunset quickly brushed regained her footing and looked over her shoulder for Ray. A quick jolt of panic dripped down her spine and she turned her head for her pet, only for the gecko to emerge from her ponytail, safe and unharmed. Extending her palms for him to jump onto, Sunset and Ray embraced the moment they shared until Flores returned for the hunt. Step by step towards the pair, Flores bared its jaws, preparing for the kill, and would’ve succeed in eating them if not for the timely arrival of Starlight with a handful of underbrush tied to a large branch, the underbrush lit with fire from Glimmer’s headband. Seeing this, the plant recoiled in fear. Sensing fear, Starlight threw her fire right at the beast’s unbloomed flower head, causing it to screech in pain. As it continued, Starlight helped Sunset up to her feet, who gave a thanking smile to the Headmare. However, moments like this seemed to last no more than seconds for those heroes as they found themselves lifted up by their feet off the ground by more vines. And with another furious roar, the two were thrown back to meet with the others, coming down into a mud puddle. Rushing to their immediate aid were Trixie and Twilight, helping up their respective crushes. As Sunset brushed off the mud, she looked over the distance she was thrown at, her eyes shrinking in shock upon seeing the complete lack of Flores walking towards them. Flores’ disappearance wasn’t missed by the rest as Flurry with Spike helped Tempest, headband pulsing as well as Trixlight’s, up to her feet, one hand supporting her captain and the other charged, Discord snapping his blaster pack again with two cans of weed killer inserted into it, and Twilight standing next to Sunset with her hands stretched towards some rocks ready to be thrown, while the latter had her hands firmly raised for another bout. The collective tension between the heroes was but heart-racing. Knowing their grounds, they turned to face every direction possible, sweat beads dripping down, not risking being caught off-guard again. The possibility of Flore popping out from anywhere was-. CRACK!!! Before anybody could react, the ground in their little circle cracked open with massive roots spurting out that quickly took the form of Flores roaring in fury at the heroes. Thorned tendrils surfaced and were just one aggravating action away from being shot. And they provided just that. Thought taken aback from the surprise, they resolved to attack the household plant. The princesses quickly flew high above to attack the plant beast with rocks and magic while dodging thorns, Trixie, Starlight, Tempest, and Spike gave their all towards the legs and thorned tendrils, and Sunset and Discord unleashed powerful magic onto the snapping mouths threatening to snap them dead. Despite attention stretched among fighting the Fellowship, Flores did not relent. Eventually, the assault came to an end when it secretly drilled more tendrils underneath the ground shooters, emerging to constrict them. Witnessing it, Discord was open for attack as Flores slammed him down hard to the ground. Rushing to Discord’s aid, Twilight and Flurry assaulted the plant, backup provided by Sunset. Efforts, however, were in vain as the plant quickly shot more veins onto the princesses’ feet and hurled them right at Sunset. After colliding with a tree, the three girls looked up and saw themselves the last ones standing against Grogar’s pet. Regaining their footing, they prepared themselves as Flores advanced on them. Eyeing two boulders, Twilight effortlessly lifted them from the earth and hurled them towards her enemy. Flurry and Sunset joined the assault when they joined their magical strike as one. Unfortunately, Flores was more intelligent than given credit, as its flytraps easily caught both boulders and used them to shield from the combined blast. The result turned the rocks to dust and left it unharmed. The trio was left stunned senseless. It was at this point they knew that they were screwed. And how right they were. Wasting no time, Flores quickly constricted them within veins once more and lifted them to its face. Making sure they couldn’t escape, the veins restrained all hands from using magic and began to choke them to keep them from using their marks. Flores wasn’t believing that it had all of Grogar’s enemies at its mercy. It could imagine their lives being squeezed away, reviling in the glory of being immortalized as Grogar’s go-to monster. It squeezed its victims even harder, enjoying their struggles and leaving them powerless at his mercy. It roared triumphantly. A high-pitched whistle broke through the roar and all sentient creatures turned their attention to the source, finding a person cladded in a cloak of black and white with a satchel. Once seeing the plant monster’s attention towards it, the stranger then drew a pair of potions from the satchel onto the creature’s constricting veins. Meeting with the potions, the veins withered and died, ultimately saving the seven heroes from Flores’ grasp. Roaring in anguish, Flores directed a flytrap straight to the savior, only to have it severed by a second stranger with a sword. Glaring daggers at the second stranger, the plant monster shot its other flytrap to the warrior. However, Warrior proved quicker, jumping onto the tendril and rushing his way up towards Flores’ head. To derail its assailant, Flores spat out destructive spores and whipped up a rejuvenated flytrap as an extra measure. It didn’t make within three feet, however, as the first stranger threw another potion at the flytrap, causing the same reaction as the veins as Warrior sliced up the spores. None of the Equestrians could believe what they were bearing witness to. They saw two unknown people going up against one of Grogar’s latest beasts. And they were winning. Everyone there was wondering who the hay they were. Some out of time humans from medieval ages? Crazy wood people? Equestrians? Whoever they were, Sunset and Twilight would be thankful towards the duo once they got out of their situation. Finally making his way on top of Flores’ head, Warrior quickly tied up the beast’s mouth with the rope that was lassoed around his waist. The action, however, did little to quell the beast’s anger as it tried to shake the warrior off wildly, an action that reminded Sunset of human Applejack riding mechanical bulls. Despite struggles, he held onto his ground. The more the Warrior held on, the harder the plant struggled. Eventually, the rope snapped off and Flores let out an angered roar. However, Warrior wasn’t derailed as he nodded to the first stranger, who returned it. Reaching into the satchel, Savior threw yet another potion to Warrior. Holding onto the beast’s upper lip, Warrior caught the potion with his free hand. Once he removed the cork with his mouth, he emptied the contents down Flores’ throat. Moments passed until Flores squirmed wildly, roaring in vehement pain as Warrior jumped off of the head. Once landing, he, his friend, and the Fellowship could simply watch as Flores took the potion’s full effect. Its green bark rapidly became gray and cracked, all tendrils and thorns withered and snapped off, and Flores itself finally shrank down into a withered, dead plant that shortly crumbled to dust. Seeing this, everyone was in shock and awe at what had happened. They just saw two strangers they just met in the woods turn one of Grogar’s latest monsters into a withered plant. Yet there was the question over identity. Who were they and how did they know how to beat Flores? Turning to face Sunset and the princesses, Warrior walked towards them, sword still in hand. Tempest, seeing this, felt a rush of protective adrenaline to attack him, but the collect of her broken bones and Starlight and Trixie holding her back kept her down. Even if she could manage, the second stranger lept in front of them as Discord limped his way alongside them. Spike and Tempest looked at the stranger with dagger eyes, cheeks glowing with fire and hair sparkling with magic. Seeing this, the first stranger simply lifted a hand. “There is no need to scowl with fear, for to help you all is why we’re here.” she voiced. That voice. That voice from the stranger came a surprise for some. Even the trio could hear from where they sat. The voice, the accent, the rhyming. They all heard it before; they’ve just yet to piece it together. After a few moments, Twilight and Spike brightened and gasped with recognition. Looking back at the two, Sunset wondered who they were gapping about, when the warrior punctured the ground with his sword, knelt down, and bowed towards the princesses. “My wife is right,” he finally spoke, “you are among friends.” And with that, the hoods were drawn back, and faces were revealed. The first stranger wasn’t very surprising as most of them had already knew who it was. Before them stood Zecora, their medicine zebra of Everfree. Everyone minus Sunset couldn’t see much difference between the human and zebra, as they shared the black-and-white color scheme, hair, dark-teal eyes, earrings, bracelets, and neck-rings. Nothing could’ve surprised them. Sunset couldn’t say much since she never met her in her life. It was her husband, however, that shook both her and the rest hard. Once he fully revealed his face, jaws and eyes grew wide and shocked. His features were that of grayish eyes, skin of light brown, ears slightly pointed by human standards, and brown hair that resembled a manticore’s mane. Though the differences between human and pony were plenty, Sunset, with a shared surprise amongst her colleagues, has read enough books to associate a well-illustrated person with the man who stood before her right now. The second stranger was…Scorpan. The gargoyle brother of the centaur Lord Tirek, Scorpan betrayed him to Celestia and Luna, accepting the ponies’ way and making friends with Starswirl before returning home. Sometime after Luna’s banishment, Celestia sought him out for condolence, only to find him mysteriously gone with no trace. News of his disappearance spread across Equestria. Rumors varied from him dying out to venturing beyond Equestria or especially to another dimension. Looking upon their faces, Scorpan realized that the Fellowship had so much to ask of him. So, turning to face his wife, who gave an understanding smile, he removed his sword and returned it to the holster on his back. “You will have your answers soon.” stated he. “For now, let us take you home.” Scene Twenty-One: Scorpan’s Story The ten-minute walk to the duo’s home was one of stunned silence. As much as he expected them to babble madly, Scorpan was surprisingly pleased to hear nothing from his guests. Since it has been, for them, centuries since anypony had seen him, he had imagined himself being assaulted with many, many questions by modern ponies about his life before and after his significant betrayal. However, the current ruler of Equestria and her subjects showed no interest in engaging in immediate questioning, clearly waiting to do so once they got to the Everfree house. Not surprising for them, Sunset, Twilight, and the rest still had to endure, with the addition of carrying the bruised Tempest, the same annoyances of Everfree. Flyders, poison ivy, and roots just unearthed behind shrubbery, however, were paid not much attention as Scorpan’s appearance was hogging it all. Zecora turned her head solely to glance at the shocked and questioning looks of her new guests. They were just too silly to resist smiling to. She turned to her husband. “You must have left home for so long,” she rhymed, “that ponies there gapping follow along.” He bemusedly smiled. “I apologize, my dear, but I have made quite an impact.” The two shared a laugh. Sunset, seeing this, was in complete awe of meeting a legendary figure, as much as Discord, Twilight, Starlight, Trixie, and Flurry. Scorpan’s actions against Tirek was so influential that it inspired the first ideals of befriending creatures outside Equestria. Placing a hand as to whisper, she turned to the Lord of Chaos. “All those years of gaining wisdom,” Sunset questioned in awe, “and you never thought Scorpan would come to this dimension?” “Jinkies!” cried out the annoyed draconequus. “Why is everybody grilling me lately? I never cared about him then; also, it was not in my script.” He made his point by showing Sunset a transcript that read: Twiset Shimarkle (Discord Variety). Sunset acknowledged his statement with a pursed lip and nod. “Guys,” Twilight giddily cut in, “do you know how big an honor it is to meet Scorpan himself!?” Her voice grew a higher pitch as she voiced her excitement quietly. “Meeting him now is a grand opportunity to know more of his biography! Could help me connect some of the facts Starswirl shared with me!” “I doubt that’s much compared to my knowledge on him.” commented Sunset. Twilight turned to her with a gasp of ecstaticity, a grin looking to kill Sunset with cuteness. The Equestria Girl looked away before she nervously offered: “I’d be happy to tell you-.” “Oh yesyesyesyesyes!!” The Princess of Equestria jubilantly jumped in acceptance without letting Sunset finish. Her expression quickly changed to embarrassment once she saw Scorpan’s face and realized how loud she was. She expected him to be some kind of historical Equestrian figure with a heart of stone whose years of loneliness and hard decisions would make him difficult to fully understand. However, those suspicions were trashed when he mirthfully laughed. “Your excitement will be rewarded soon, Your Highness,” he promised the princess before returning attention forward, missing Twilight beaming with excitement. Sunset could not deny loving Twilight’s geeking out. It was one of her favorite things about the pony princess; exactly speaking, ranking fourth in her list of the top five traits about Twilight she loved. Seeing this also gave her a feeling of hope; that maybe she could still find the courage to tell Twilight how much she loved her and apologize for the Adagio kiss. But this wasn’t some teenage sitcom or buddy cop movie where words alone could just win a crush back over; this was reality. And right now, the reality was Sunset and Twilight in their 40’s, dealing with adult problems that require adult solutions. Sunset Shimmer had to think this mess of hers through like an adult. Looking back at Ray on her shoulder, she exhaled as she adjusted her satchel strap. “Welcome, friends anew, to our nice, little brew.” Zecora announced. Snapping out of her thoughts, Sunset gaped at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scorpan. Before seeing it, she expected their home to be one solely of vines and sticks from that one film about kids forming their own society before descending into anarchy, until now. Now it reminded her of that village from a space movie with the tiny space bears. From Twilight and Spike’s eyes, the centerpiece of the home was like Zecora’s hut from Equestria, only bigger and more like a well-kept married couple house than a voodoo hut. It was a large golden oak tree with multiple decks and platforms surrounding it. Connecting them to the hut were bridges and ladders lined with tied gems that glimmered in the night. From the Fellowship’s current spot, they could see traits of a regular house: an outdoor kitchen, bedrooms preached high in the trees, and they couldn’t decide which, a personal workout area or some sort of karate training floor. Still taking in the sight, the Fellowship soon followed their saviors inside. Everyone saw that the interior was like a well-kept married couple house, only primitive. The smoothed bark walls were lined with couple pictures, the floors were smoothly polished, the furniture was crudely made of underbrush and twigs, and light was provided from the gems strung from the ceiling. “Please make yourselves at home,” offered the gargoyle-turned-human. Seizing the opportunity, Trixie and Discord flopped down onto the couch, sighing in sweet relief after the recent fight and walk there. Starlight was about to sit right next to Trixie until doggy Spike jumped and curled onto the underbrush. So, she instead sat on the armrest. Meanwhile, Flurry and Spike tenderly placed Captain Shadow onto the armchair just across from the sofa, Tempest slightly grunting in pain as they did so. Before she could completely abandon her friend, Flurry found a nearby footstool placed next to the four feet tall bookshelf. Looking over to Scorpan, she gestured to the stool to ask if she could use it. He gave a dismissive wave with his hand, which the Crystal Princess took as a “go-ahead.” Wasting zip time, Flurry lifted Tempest’s feet off the ground for a moment until she got the footstool under them. Glancing at her captain, she saw a thankful smile cladded onto the older woman, to which she warmly returned. Entering the home, Twilight and Sunset (deciding to still stand) were surprised by how the gargoyle managed to turn an average tree of the forest into such a livable home. Such a place would make a pleasant location to raise a family. It had practically everything needed: ample food, safe shelter, and more than enough room. Lost in thoughts, Sunset and Twilight separately both imagined themselves raising a child of their own and using that tree as a good example for a nice home. If they could hear each other’s thoughts right now, they’d be madly blushed. For they were thinking themselves married…to each other. “Snap out of it!” screamed Spike, breaking their trains of thoughts. Shaking their heads with embarrassment, Sunlight looked at the annoyed Spike. “Did you hear Zecora? She’d asked if we needed anything.” Looking back towards Zecora and Spike, they quickly responded in unison: “No thanks, we’re good!” The medicine woman gave a smile as she removed her cloak and hanged it onto the coat rack on the wall. She then made her way to the stairway leading up to the kitchen. “I will fix you all my best remedy,” she rhymed, “while my love recounts the events of his journey.” And with that, she made her way up. Scorpan sighed as his wife escaped his vison and took his chair up against wall. Twilight and Sunset looked at each other, wondering how human Zecora was so lucky to land herself with the Traitor of Tirek. They’d’ve asked each other how lucky they feel with each other, but they saw Scorpan turn to his guests with a look of anticipation for their rapid-fire questions. “Please,” he allowed with hand waves, ready for the bombardment of questions. Trixie was the first to speak. “I think I speak for us all when I say:” Trixie stopped to breath in before continuing, “who are you?” “WHAT!?!” Everyone minus the couple and doggy Spike exclaimed collectively. Apparently, Tirek’s brother was missed by the arrogant magician. “Trixie, are you freaking kidding?!” shouted an annoyed Starlight who spat fire into Lulamoon’s face. “You can’t be serious when you say you’ve never heard of Scorpan!” “There is no need to be angry, Miss Glimmer,” Scorpan calmly stated over Starlight. Turning to the legend himself, she blushed vibrantly before turning to glare at Trixie again. “I am willing to share all details about my life after Tirek.” At that, everyone minus doggy Spike, Ray, and Trixie beamed with excitement and gathered in silent wait like around a campfire. Flurry grabbed a pillow and hugged it tight, Tempest smiled flatly, ready for what she’s about to hear, Equestrian Spike and Starlight had their hands on their cheeks holding back giddy smiles, and Discord, Twilight, and Sunset were beaming with shimmering eyes and gaping mouths, clearly the most excited. Taking in their excitement, Scorpan exhaled and began his tale. “Years after my brother’s defeat and living amongst ponies, I have returned to my kingdom just as my father Vorak and mother Haydon reclaimed the throne from Tirek’s coup. I remember how excited I was to share your customs with my people. But…it was not how I envisioned it. While grateful for stopping Tirek, Vorak was not pleased with how I have chosen to adjust to your customs than accept the throne. I tried and pleaded for Father to make friends with you, but he refused, feeling Tirek had disgraced them and made ponies fear and hate us. Disgraced, I left to walk the world. “Throughout my journey, I have met and befriended many creatures and ponies alike, made the first interracial friendships between ponies and creatures. I even managed to fund and open a school for all creatures under the E.E.A.’s noses.” Twilight looked at the warrior with stunned eyes, feeling connected to him on a level. “But I also had my fair share of monsters and enemies, some I felt to be reasonable to follow the Elements of Friendship, most, however, called it an illusion, seeking only power for themselves. Doing so was through many powerful relics that I have collected to keep them away from those with sinister agendas. “Eventually, I found myself…empty. I had travelled all over the land, I have seen everything as the world changed, and done about everything. I found myself without any more reason to continue. For a moment, I just thought of…ending it there. “Until I felt a magical surge. “I felt it pulling me to the land you now call Trotland. Once there, I found a simple portal. I didn’t know what kind it was or where it led to. Yet, like a youngling, I felt pulled to it. And how my curiosity repaid me. “Emerging from the other side, I was somehow in Canterlot, only it lacked…the royal treatment. Venturing around, I soon knew it as an alternate world. I soon had to adapt into it, took up many personas with my name as a family name, took up many occupations, taught the values of life to poor unfortunate souls, and survived a magicless world.” Scorpan was about to continue when Zecora came in with a tray of sizzling cups. “I mean not to interrupt the tale of being, but please drink to stop the pain from increasing.” she rhymed as she placed the tray in front for everyone to take a cup. When she got to doggy Spike, she brought down a bowl onto the floor for him, the latter jumping off the couch for it, with Starlight taking the seat next to Trixie, who simply blushed lightly. Flurry Heart was given two cups since Tempest couldn’t retrieve her own with her broken arm. Everyone looked down at their cups and saw the contents to be a dark green with unidentified ingredients. Giving glances to each other, everyone took a sip of their cups (Flurry pressed Tempest’s cup to her lips so to drink) and smack their mouths for the taste. A few seconds passed before Trixie, Discord, doggy Spike, and Starlight cringed at the taste. Twilight, Sunset, Equestrian Spike, Flurry, and Tempest didn’t mind it, however, as they grew used to it. “It’s not perfect, I can understand, but as least, you’ll be able to still stand.” Everyone chuckled for a moment before returning attention to their co-host. “As you three should know,” he claimed gesturing to Twilight, Sunset, and Spike, “after the Fall Formal over sixteen years led to the Sirens emerging, I scoured the globe in search of any magical enemies who had also been banished from Equestria. It was only until I returned and met Zecora did I realize Grogar’s presence in this world. For within the depths of this forest, his Bewitching Bell incased in a defensive magic sphere, child’s play by my standards.” “Waitwaitwaitwait, time out,” interjected Discord, “You found the Bell?!” To that, Scorpan simply smiled. “And, like the rest of my collected relics, kept it safe from the King of Monsters himself. Ever since, I have lived within this Forest to guard it from all who would maliciously use it. You are all fortunate that you are here to use it for Equestria’s benefit.” Twilight stopped short of another sip when she heard that last part. “Wait, how did you know-?” “Let us not discuss how here, Your Highness,” he insisted as he got up off the chair. “All of your compatriots are probably tired and wish to rest.” He then made his way to the right stairs. “But if you wish to continue, we can take this somewhere else.” At that and placing her remedy cup on the bookshelf, Twilight beamed again with a quiet squeal as she approached him, only to stop short of a foot when she turned to face Sunset who was kneeling down at doggy Spike and giving him the I.D.O.B. in his pack. Turning to see her crush looking at her, Sunset thought of turning away from her crush, but she couldn’t break her gaze away when she remembered just how magnificent Twilight was, from her comet tail hair and sparkling violet eyes as sweat beaded down her forehead visible to Twilight . “Would you like to join us, Sunset?’ ask the Princess timidly with a blush coloring her soft lavender skin. Eyes shooting from one person to the next, Sunset knew that everyone, especially Scorpan, Zecora, and Flurry (who was no surprise), wanted them to just do it, yet Sunset didn’t feel confident enough to do it now. She then glanced at Ray, who remained on her shoulder, for his opinion and took his eye lick as a sign of “do it.” However, she caught Zecora collecting cups from the finished Equestrians, Sunset broke from her thoughts, downed her remedy, grabbed Twilight’s unfinished cup, and responded: “No thank you, Twi. I’d like to, but this is between you and Scorpan, so I’m sure Zecora won’t mind if I help with the cups, do you?” She turned to the married woman anxiously. Looking at the bacon-haired girl blankly, Zecora simply shrugged before collecting Trixie’s cup. Working quick, she gathered Tempest’s and Flurry’s with her fingers and held them upward. She then shuffled her feet to walk right behind the remedy maker as they worked their way up to the kitchen, leaving a slightly dejected Twilight to watch the teacher go. Turning her gaze back, Twilight halfheartedly gestured him to lead the way, to which he abide tenderly after seeing the display. She followed not far behind, hearing footsteps and seeing Spike following her up. Seeing their co-host gaining speed, she picked up her speed with Spike following suit. Shifting gazes between the left and right ascensions, Flurry looked in disappointment at what had happened. Solidifying a determined face, she gave Tempest one last glance before she bolted for the kitchen stairs, leaving her captain with Starlight, Trixie, doggy Spike, and Discord. Tempest looked at them, her face asking them if they had any ideas of what to do now. “Well, I don’t know ‘bout you guys,” announced doggy Spike as he marked his spot on the smoothed floor before stretching and yawning, “but I’m calling it a night.” And with that, he plopped and curled down into a ball and snoozed away. One by one, the rest fell into the irresistible urge to sleep as the Sunlight drama continued upstairs. Scene Twenty-Two: The Elephant in the Woods “Why am I so terrible at this, lately!?” groaned Sunset. On the way to the kitchen, there was a very uncomfortable between Sunset and Zecora. The former tried her absolute dangest to play it cool, while the latter had already seen through the cover. It wasn’t until they’d reached the kitchen did the mask come off. As Zecora emptied the still full cups into an empty bowl before cleaning them with a bowl of water, Sunset helped passed them to the remedy brewer, trying to hide the pain. That is, until Zecora weaved: “The more you conceal your pain, the more you cause others pain.” And with that, Sunset went on a tireless, self-loathing rant about “how stupid” she is at just admitting real feelings and mustering the courage to do so. “I’ve dealt with worse than this!” complained Sunset as she paced back and forth as the cleaning continued. “I’ve fought Sirens, magically corrupted people, a freak storm, and, on top of them all, a freaking principal who pressured one of my friends into releasing contained magic just to win a game! My friends and me did it all together and we turned out alright, and yet, I CAN’T TELL THE PRINCESS I LOVE I LOVE HER!!” Zecora was just in quiet understanding, smiling and nodding as she listened, for she, too, knew what it was like to struggle with saying thatthree-word-sentence and spilling her heart’s emotions onto her crush. When she first met Scorpan, he was suffering from Poison Joke. The flower somehow managed to strip the alien from another world of his immortality and, at the same time, he was bitten by a mouse spider. Founding him near-death in the woods, she cured him of both the venom and the Poison Joke with her remedies. Once he managed to get his longevity back, he was grateful towards her and offered to help her with her medicines. During that time, she saw the best of him. He was honest, kind, empathetic, funny, loyal, and generous. Over time, he decided to stay with her full-time, to which she never minded at all. Soon enough, Scorpan came clean and told her everything about him from his heritage to his adventures. To prove his love, he fooled in Poison Joke again to remove his immortality. At first awestruck, she fully accepted his decision. Since then, they’ve been living a happily ever after. As she continued to hear Sunset’s lament, she spotted Pyro, her fire lizard, approaching, happy to see her again. Putting the cups down, the remedy brewer extended her hand for Pyro to jump onto before escalating him to her shoulder. She then returned to finish rinsing the cups before turning full attention to her complaining guest. “… you have any idea just how fracking frustrating it is to-?!” Sunset ranted before trailing off once seeing Pyro. She was surprised to see how Zecora had her own pet. Turning to see Ray curled up on her shoulder in dismay, she realized how bad her rant has upset her pet. So she gave him a finger to walk onto before she descended him onto the carved out counter, an action Zecora repeated with Pyro, leaving the two reptiles to get acquainted. “Sunset Shimmer,” the remedy maker explained as she placed the cups onto her tray and moved towards a left shelf before stacking them up, “love is mysterious, with one too many ways of being serious. With the right push and motivation, you’ll convince Twilight of your adoration.” Sunset looked on in confusion, ready to say something when Flurry explained. “She means do something that’ll get Twilight to love you back after that *ahem* kiss.” Zecora looked confused while Sunset looked with obvious annoyance. Seeing the younger woman’s face, Flurry blushed sheepishly. “I knew what she meant, sweetie,” Sunset clarified, “I just don’t get what kind of push I need to convince Twi.” * “I’m sorry you had to see that, Scorpan.” apologized the downhearted Twilight. Twilight, Spike, and Scorpan’s venture to the relic room was of uncomfortable silence. As he led the way, Twilight wasn’t far behind, arms lagging and dangling, faces miserable, and eyes shining with tears. Spike wanted to comfort her sister very badly, but he couldn’t get himself to do it. The Traitor of Tirek was nothing but silent through it all, face stoic but breaking within. Finally, they arrived at the door to the relic room. It appeared to have been a simple door, with no lock to secure it or no knob to open it. Spike, looking at Scorpan with confusion, was ready to question his style of security, only to take it back when the gargoyle lifted his arm to the door, magic emanated from his hand, and a click broke the silence. Briefly brushing off her discomfort, Twilight and Spike watched as Scorpan managed to unlock the seemingly unopenable door. As it creaked open, he explained what they just saw: “A simple spell that only responds to my magic alone.” Shaking off their surprise, the trio entered a room consumed entirely in black. Only seconds passed as Scorpan clapped his hands twice and the darkness was washed away by the orange glow of gemstones from the ceiling. What became visible now was unbelievable. Standing before Twilight and Spike was a small museum made up of long lost and never found Equestrian relics; relics that are only told in books and never seen in real life. The treasures on small podiums varied from powerful weapons, spellbinding books, and objects of amazing magical feats. Before moving to Ponyville, Twilight had read and dreamt of getting to see the relics up close and personal. Now there she was, years later, and her wish came true. But Twilight didn’t care about it anymore, as her Sunset troubles overcame her excitement. However, the crown jewel of Scorpan’s collection came to her attention in a clichéd accompaniment of light shining over it. Up against the far back of the room stood a podium displaying the infamous object of their quest: the Bewitching Bell. The two weren’t believing their eyes. They bared eyes onto the very object that nearly won the Legion of Doom the day once again. Only it was simply standing still, magicless. Trapped in their awed trances, they didn’t realize how close they were walking over to it as they gawked…until they both received a slight shock when they came within a foot of the Bell. Jolting back from their shock, they looked at Scorpan with surprise, wanting an explanation. “I apologize for not mentioning the protective spells placed on these artifacts,” their host amused with a small laugh, “but you two were so lost, I figured I would leave you to know yourselves.” “Wow,” Spike exclaimed. He then turned to Twilight. “Scorpan with a sense of humor.” Twilight simply shrugged. “Everything can be relevant.” She then turned to the humanoid gargoyle. “So, how long exactly did you have the Bell?” she meekly asked. “Immediately after your Advisor,” the Traitor gestured to Spike with his hand, “and Discord brought it to this world.” He then turned to his guests with gloom. “It was also then I realized Grogar’s presence here. Before his banishment, Grogar gave the Bell a piece of his essence that would enable the King to find it should they be separated. I had severed the connection, but I feared it would be inevitable that he would find us and regain his power.” Looking at the historical figure with a worrisome expression, Twilight spoke up. “We’re sorry for putting this much fear onto your shoulders. We never meant-.” “Do not.” Scorpan simply stated. The princess look on with fear of unintentionally angering him. Her fears were snuffed, luckily, when he turned to her with calmness. “I knew the consequences of such a task.” Twilight smiled warmly. “So, care to talk about…*ahem* …the elephant in the woods?” Catching on, her smile dropped, and she blushed darkly as Spike bit into his fingers to avoid laughing. * “Whattada mean you don’t have a plan?!” exclaimed the shocked Flurry. After Sunset stated that she didn’t know how to push, Flurry went on to explain that she know everything about Twilight. She went on to explain her aunt’s quirks, weak points, hobbies, mostly stuff that Sunset had already knew about. She wanted to explain but decided against it just to let Flurry have her moment. Then, Flurry went on to explain how the humanoid unicorn needed a well-thought-out, carefully planned plan to woo her lovely aunt effortlessly for just the moment they have now. Unfortunately for Flurry, Sunset revealed her lack of a plan. All while Zecora and the pets watched on. “I mean, I didn’t think I’d have to come up with one at this very moment.” Sunset barked in annoyance as she paced back and forth. “Not with Grogar and the Sirens and Scorpan popping outta nowhere just surprising me at every turn! In fact, who worries over romance when the fate of the world’s on your shoulder?!” She turned to Flurry with a half-crazed look. “Well…,” Flurry began as she rubbed her neck and darted her eyes from Sunset, “that’s practically, for me, every protagonist and his/her love interest in movies and books I’ve seen and read.” Sunset gave an incredulous and spoke with sarcasm. “And how many of those were NOT fairy tale fantasies or romantic comedies?” Flurry was about to respond, only to stop short. Sunset saw the princess process her question and knew she got her. A few moments later, Flurry hanged her defeated head. “Mmhmm, just what I thought.” She then shook her head back to topic. “Anyway, even if I did, how would I sweep her off her feet?” “That’d depend on how you sway her,” stated the young princess. “Get your head outta those cheesy romance stories, will ya?” “Hey, I’m only trying to help! No need to snip at my personal tastes.” “Sorry, but I’m being realistic here.” “If I may help with your dilemma,” Zecora suddenly spoked up, “you might find solace in your little drama.” She walked closer and closer to Sunset with unbreaking eyes, as if looking into the young unicorn’s soul. “Your aura is shadowed by insecurity, but your book might provide clarity.” “My book?” repeated the confused Sunset. Zecora simply gestured her hand towards Sunset’s satchel. Looking down on it, Sunset’s eyes lit up as she finally grasped the meaning. Unclasping it open, she rummaged through it a bit before pulling out something she hasn’t looked into for, to her, an eternity: her sketchbook. * “…and that’s the story of Sunlight so far.” Twilight finished with a sigh. Once the initial shock of Scorpan’s question passed, Twilight went on to tell the great Traitor about her bond with Sunset, the personal connections they made over the years and how guilty she’s been feeling as of late. Both men listened on with stern and understanding attention. Once Twilight was finished spilling her heart out, she rested herself onto the floor, knees bent to cover her face. “And you cannot bring yourself to admit to yourself after that brief judgement?” questioned the gargoyle with his most assuring voice manageable. In response to it, Twilight shook her head in a weak nod. “One kiss and I end up making Sunset think I hate her.” restarted the princess. “We’ve let each other in on many of our secrets for years, we’ve trusted each other very much, and, when I see her unintentionally kissing Adagio, I get all uptight about it. That Siren is a lot of things I wish to be for Sunset: sleek, sensual, a much better singing voice…” Watching the princess going on yet another ramble, Scorpan slowly turned to look at her Royal Advisor with an incredulous expression. Spike simply shrugged as he mouthed “you get used to it,” having had seen Twilight like that a thousand times before. “…I could understand why Sunset’d go for someone with those traits, but-. “Twilight stopped short as she ran her hands over her face and let out a mighty sigh before burying it in her knees. “Twilight, of all the ridiculous scenarios you could think of,” chuckled Spike as he walked towards his sister, “That’s the most ridiculous, even more than your “Magic Kindergarten” manure.” His chuckles lasted shortly once he noticed Twilight’s stern expression, reminding him of her good reason why she was all “Lesson Zero” then. Turning and clearing his throat, Spike continued: “My point being is that Adagio lacks one thing: your heart.” Hearing that made Twilight tilted her head up. “If Sunset is in love with you, then it’s not for your looks; it’s for your ideals and your heart. You saved her from going over the edge; she’d have to love you even more for that.” “I’d figured that, Spike, but it’s been Celestia knows how long since I last spoke with Sunset. For all I know, she was seeing other people while I was ruling Equestria.” “Well why don’t you ask her? Next time you see Sunset, ask her. You’ll never know unless you ask, right?” Twilight readied herself to make another counterpoint, but once she processed her little brother’s statement, she heaved another heavy sigh as she decided against arguing any further. Giving Spike a look of thankfulness, she then turned to Scorpan with the subject of Grogar’s Bell in mind. * “I’ve to give you credit, Sunset: these are spectacular,” comment Flurry. Once Sunset did the seemingly impossible task of opening the sketchbook again, nostalgia punched her right in the heart as she looked back on the good times. Her adventures and misadventures with the other Equestria Girls, the memories they’ve made together, the days when there was nothing but school and homework to worry over. Much simpler, easier times. Noting Flurry’s eagerness to look from her right, Sunset handed the young princess the book to look over her sketches that practically chronicled every significant event in Sunset’s life. Flurry was floored by it all: the attention to detail, the perfect color blends, the often shift from comic book to sketched-out portrait; it was all too amazing. Sunset chuckled a small chuckle. “Thank you, Flurry. But they’re not masterpieces; just part of a hobby of mine.” “Keep telling yourself that.” retorted the younger princess as she flipped over more pages. “I’m even surprised with how Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are a thing, as well Applejack and Rarity. Well, on-off in the latter’s case.” Sunset hummed in acknowledgement. Flurry’s page jumping stopped suddenly at one page. Turning her head towards the princess, Sunset wondered about the abrupt end, only to realize why once she gazed upon the pages. Seeing this reminded her just how romantically cheesy she was being when she done it; letting someone else see it would just make her seem that cheesy. But Flurry didn’t say anything; in fact, her face looked flustered. Taking up two pages was a romantic dinner setting sketch with Sunset and Twilight. The layout was that of a balcony by candlelight. Leading to the dinner table for two was a pathway occupied by lavender cherry blossoms and yellow sunflowers. Designed by Rarity herself and considered amongst her finest, Twi and Sun were both dressed in magnificent dresses that both matched their color schemes and brought out the very best of them. Hanging above them was what Flurry could think to be lanterns shaped just like the Crystal Heart, one that reflected off beams of sunlight from the setting sun as the coming twilight hovered above. More details were present, but Flurry’s mind was swimming with admiration and questions over the sketch’s beauty. “Oh, such amazing attention to details,” Zecora suddenly commented, “and color schemes weave a stunning tale.” Turning their heads, Sunset and Flurry saw the Everfree woman glancing down onto Sunset’s sketch, with Pyro and Ray on her shoulders, as well. Flurry shifted her head towards Sunset with starry eyes of wonderment. The older woman was blushing darkly, feeling she just unleashed something that’ll get the Cupid in Flurry scheming. Flurry’s mouth opened, ready to say something. “Listen, sweetie,” the older woman managed to stop the younger girl in the nick, “I really appreciate what I am very certain you are thinking right at this moment, but please, under any circumstances, don’t go and do something as long a shot as whatever it is you’re planning. Aunt Twilight doesn’t need getting all creeped over such a real-life, cheesy, romantic fantasy as what’s in the sketch. Twilight’s gonna be wooed off her feet, then it’ll be an original and realistic idea. Can I trust you to understand that, sweetie?” Flurry just stood in silence, processing everything Sunset kindly demanded from her. Though she was used to being told not to play Cupid Heart, Sunset’s demand was made so amazingly stern that Flurry’s parents’d be floored. On the other hand, Sunset was hoping that she didn’t sound so demanding that she’d upset the princess. Shaking off her blank expression, the Crystal princess looked at Sunset eye straight and responded with: “I very much understand, Miss Shimmer. I’m sorry if you thought I was gonna go nuts with matchmaking. I’ll leave it to the grown women.” Sunset gave a warm smile at Flurry’s understanding. And before the princess could do anything else, Sunset advanced forward and covered the latter in a warm embrace. Blinking in shocked for a few moments, Flurry melted into the hug and returned it. Eventually, the two pulled apart. Seeing the sketchbook still in hand, Flurry handed it over to Sunset with a warm smile. To her surprise, Sunset didn’t take it. “I think you should have it, my dear,” Sunset offered as she gently pushed it back towards Flurry. The latter could only respond with a thankful expression. “Well, you better get some sleep before sunrise,” yawned Sunset before she made for the stairs down. “It’s been a very eventful night.” “You’re right.” confirmed the princess as she rubbed her eyes for a moment. Flurry then yawned, and the way she yawned was just too cute for Sunset and her melting heart. “Goodnight, Sunset.” she bid Sunset as she turned for the stairs. “Goodnight, sweetie,” responded Sunset, who, in a surprising force of habit, actually grabbed the princess’ arm, pulled her back, and kissed Flurry Heart on the cheek. After pulling apart, Sunset realized what she had just done and looked at Flurry with tensed eyes that quickly eased when Flurry gave a warm smile. “Y-y-you’re not weirded out?” Sunset asked timidly. Flurry shook her head, still holding her warm smile. “I thought it…pretty sweet.” Breathing in silent relief, Sunset finally returned the smile. Letting go of Flurry’s arm, she gave one last look at the Princess of Love before the latter vanished from her line of vision. She then found Zecora standing right next with a warm smile glued onto her face. Similar expressions she found upon their reptile companions. And she knew what they were all for. “In truth, you would make a lovely aunt,” Zecora claimed, “if you properly nurture the plant.” Usually, Sunset would tense up at the very idea of marrying Twilight, but this time, she felt no tension after sharing a moment with her crush’s niece. “Thank you, Zecora,” Sunset responded warmly. The remedy brewer nodded before she spoke up. “If your private pleas she does not heed- “ “She’s so gonna tell everyone indeed.” Sunset simply interjected, deadpan expression on top of it, already knowing what Flurry will do. To which Zecora simply pursed her lip and nodded. Scene Twenty-Three: From Sketch to Masterpiece Morning came for most of the Fellowship. It was thirty past eleven when the heroes finally settled into the hut. From the flight to Canterlot to the battle with Flores, everybody had arrived tired, exhausted, and dirty. They all needed a couple of hours of shut eyes and a nice hot shower. First to smell the six a.m. coffee was Tempest, followed not long after by Starlight and Trixie, who were then followed forty minutes later by Discord and the Spikes. Sunset and the princesses were still out from last night and were thought to be best left alone since last night’s sitcom drama and survival left them particularly pooped. Everybody else made their say for the dining hall once they were all showered and cleaned, where breakfast was already served and waiting. On the table were a number of bowls laid around. And in those bowls was yet another creation of Zecora’s: Forest’s Nurture. Contents of said nurture was comprised of a caramel brew with a mixture of Everfree fruits. How it tasted was completely up to the guests. Sips were taken and most faces became cringed. All-in-all, they were forced to consume it since Zecora claimed it would “prevent you from getting badly bruised.” And so, they ate away, some with the basic tools and others with magic. After about a half-hour of eating and chatting, they were finally joined by Flurry, who walked in with her new sketchbook in hand and a giddy smile. “Oh no,” Tempest sarcastically exclaimed, “I’ve seen that expression before. What’s my royal princess cooking up this time?” “This time, a plan that’s gonna work,” stated the Crystal Princess. Taking the sketchbook in both hands, she pushed her bowl aside, opened the book, and slid it to the center for all to see. Reactions were mixed with amusement, confusion, and “Seriously.” “Uhh…what the heck is this?” blurted Trixie, causing Starlight and Flurry to smack their foreheads. “Oh, I dunno know. it’s just a romantic setting that Sunset putted together some long time ago,” Flurry condescendingly simplified. “Flurry Heart,” Tempest cautioned with a facepalm, “what are you thinking?” “Fillies and gentcolts, I’ll be brief.” Flurry then got up out of her seat. Lifting a finger, Discord was ready to speak his piece. “Forget it, draconequus,” Tempest quickly spoke against, “she’s rolling.” “We all saw what happened last night, yes?” began Flurry. Once she heard no objections or second thoughts, she smiled and continued. “Well, Sunset pulled her old sketchbook out and showed me that. I thought it seemed pretty lovely, despite being called a cheesy moment of cheesy hopeless romance. Then after she passed down to me, she told me not to make a big deal over it-.” “But you’re going to, anyway.” Spike monotoned. “Eeeeeyup,” answered Flurry with a sheepish elation tinge. Everybody just exchanged looks and glances as Flurry circled the table, cupping her hands behind her back. “Guys, look. I understand how you might think this to be a childish pursuit, but…,” Flurry stated before letting a heavy breath she didn’t know she was holding. “I just want Aunt Twilight to be happy. Just with everything going on lately, I-I-I-I just figured that if we do this together-.” “Whoawhoawhoa!” sputtered Starlight in rapid objection. “What’s this ‘we’ manure? You think you can just drag us into your little fantasy making?” Keeping her hands behind her and standing on her toes, leaning back and forth, Flurry exhaled heavy breaths, glancing anywhere but Starlight. “Wwwweeeeellllll…” she finally managed. Starlight placed her face into her hands, groaning in exasperation. “Flurry, sweetie,” she pleaded through her hands, “you know we love you and all.” She stopped when she glanced at Discord and Trixie, making her rethink herself. “Well, most of us. But this isn’t the time for another of your Cupid Heart episodes. We need to get back home and stop Grogar before he does who knows what.” Still glancing away from Starlight, Flurry grew a light blush over her whitish pink cheeks. While she was trying to get some sense into the younger woman, the Headmare couldn’t help but feel a bit ashamed of herself for chastising such a sweet and well-meaning girl. Even Tempest was feeling a tad bad for not sticking for her best friend. Some awkward moments of silence passed before Flurry braced up and plastered that optimistic face of hers. She then turned to face the rest. “Obvious things aside, being here might provide them both the perfect opportunity to rekindle things between them. And I just find this sketch to provide just that. I just have one more thing to ask: can you guys please help me?” All eyes fell onto Flurry Heart who stood back over her seat with a hopeful expression in her eyes. Everyone started to shift glances at one another. Flurry could make them out to mean “Is she serious about this” to “It’s the only way to turn her off.” Of them all, Tempest and Spike looked to be the most willing and reluctant, respectively. Seeing where it would be going, Flurry knew she had to resort to her trump card. Once everyone locked contact with the princess again, Flurry played it. She stuck out her bottom lip into a pout and stretched her eyes to make them as big as possible. When she was a couple of years older, Flurry had always resorted to that move when she wanted something. Sometimes, it would’ve worked, other times, not so much. But luckily, the hardened Captain Shadow was a massive sucker for the adorable expression that instantly melts her hard heart. Everyone else but Starlight weren’t submitting, but knowing no other way out, they sighed. Finally, Tempest raised her hand with an “Aye.” Three more followed with an extra paw from doggy Spike. Everybody turned to the odd man. “Ugh, fine,” concede Spike as he raised his hand as well, “we’ll help you.” “Yes!” cheered the Princess of Love as she launched a burst of magic from her headband up to the ceiling that fireworked into sparkles. “Great,” whispered her exasperated captain, “she’s about to go Bridleway.” * (From Sketch to Masterpiece by Flurry Heart, the Fellowship, Scorpan and Zecora: This upbeat song is mostly accompanied by strings and brass instruments. The overall pulse and tempo is medium with a fantastical touch, minus the beginning and end with a soft pulse and slow tempo.) One meal of breakfast later, Flurry and her friends stood outside the cottage, ready to take on Flurry’s task of making a fantasy into a reality. Flurry: Listen up, all of you, and look closely Give firm attention to this book’s pages If we work as one, that I’m sure, the we can Forge a tale that’ll be told for ages Now read and understand your assigned cards Get them right and Sunlight we shall appease Can’t you imagine their looks of surprise When this goes from sketch to masterpiece Soon enough, everyone got to work on their respective jobs to appease Flurry’s lovesick behavior. Doggy Spike was assigned to pick out the cherry blossoms and sunflowers found just outside the forest in a couple of snaps, Spike and Discord went on to carve out wooden heart lanterns with gemstones inside to be stringed over the dinner table, Starlight and Trixie were tasked with the weaving of the dresses, and Flurry and Tempest handled making the dinner alongside Zecora. Cooking in the kitchen was quiet but progressive. Serving the couple of the night would be “some of my finest meals,” as stated by Zecora. While the two Crystal Ponies had no idea what exactly, they just went along with the brewer’s recipes. All they could make out was that it was completely vegetarian. Zecora: Doesn’t Flurry Heart realize that from this Things will only go so far from bliss Tempest: As much as I’ve tried to make clear in the past All that can be done is simply appease that miss Meanwhile, Discord and Spike have been going at it with their multiple little wooden heart carvings, making as many as their will and hands would allow. The process went from simply carving and sanding to drilling a hole and Of the two, Spike was the more progressive since Discord was but just snapping his way through, resulting in his carving wood being turned inside out, molded into an annoying stick man, or being used as wooden darts. Only mutual thing: they were both not joyed with their laborious task. Discord: If Flurry Heart wanted a lovely setting Why not have me snap it to reality? Spike: Maybe if you stopped playing with your wood, By now, our fingers wouldn’t be bloody From the top of the hut were Starlight and Trixie constructing the dresses, being sure to get the details precisely right for Flurry’s sake. Starlight had a lot more experienced in weaving (by far) such lovely dresses since she had taken some pointers and training from Rarity. Meanwhile, Trixie was struggling very much as she had zero experience whatsoever. Trixie: Can’t we just hurry things up, Starry? All we’re doing is piling fabrics here! Starlight: We NEED to get this right, Trixie The dresses’ beauty is in the perfection All the while, Flurry was observing with delight. Flurry: I can see no way this plan could fail This scheme will surely hit the nail Nobody is convincing me to bail Soon the S.S. Sunlight will set SAIL!! Just then, a bemused laugh interrupted her elated thoughts. Turning her head, she found Scorpan just standing in the doorway of the balcony overlooking the progress. “You are overly confident about this, are you, my dear?” asked the gargoyle as he walked over to join her at the railing. “Unlike a lot of my other schemes,” cemented the alicorn, “I am very certain that this won’t hit a bump.” Scorpan: I mean not to derail you my dear, But only hope that you will see unforced No good will come from forcing them as one But then will if nature takes its course “Huh?” uttered the Crystal Princess as she turned to her host. Seeing her clueless expression, Scorpan was convinced that she has yet to grasp his words’ gravity. Having given the young woman his opinion, the man of Everfree turned back to the doorway with a solemn look of wisdom. “Nature always wins.” he calmly summarized. As he walked down the stairs, Flurry looked back down over her friends, overseeing their progress. But she didn’t have much of an elated expression on her face now with Scorpan’s words bouncing in her head. She looked down with a downcasted look. Thinking back on her earlier endeavors and how most of them ended, she began to reconsider her actions. No!, her inner voice demanded. Don’t let him ruin this!! You’re doing this for Sunset and Aunt Twilight, not for you! This may seem forced, but those two are…argh!! A fierce shake of her head and steeling of her nerves changed her expression to determination and turned for the stairs down. Flurry: I surely know what relationships need For they have all share the magic with me Tempest: Eternally loyal Spike: Tons of laughs Starlight: Thoughtful hearts Trixie: Honest and Powerful Discord: Sharing everything Flurry: They’re easy feats Fellowship: And magic make it all complete!! * Four-thirty in the PM and everything had looked perfect in Flurry’s eyes. The huge outskirt of the hut was decorated in heart-shaped lanterns; the dinner table was set with Zecora’s finest meals; the couple of the hour’s dresses were perfectly weaved over mannequins; the flowers were perfectly placed across the pathway. Everything was simply…perfect. And everybody was standing in the center admiring their hard-done work. “Phew,” exclaimed a sarcastic Spike as he rubbed sweat off his forehead. “Well, that wasn’t such a chore now, was it?” “No, not at all,” stretched Trixie with sarcasm. “It only took…most of a day’s worth of relaxation from monsters trying to kill us!!” “Oh, you’re just sore ‘cause you weren’t as great as dress making as I was,” quipped Starlight as she nudged her Great and Powerful friend on the side. Trixie looked down at her hands that were covered in band-aids and bandages. “Again: is this really a good idea?” inquired a concerned Discord. “Guys, please,” pleaded an exasperated Flurry, “quit worrying. I’m sure this plan will work. I couldn’t’ve done this without all of your help.” Tempest let out a sigh as she wrapped an arm around her princess. “Anything to help your aunt.” she assured as she silently thought: And your twisted romantic fantasies. A few silent moments passed before Spike moved towards the gowns. “Anybody want to take Sunset’s dress? I’m taking Twilight’s.” Doggy Spike walked his way for the dresses as well. “I’ll lend ya a paw, me.” he offered his Equestrian counterpart. Pressing a button on his pack’s strap, he managed to carry Sunset’s mannequin and soon followed Spike to the door inside the hut. Soon, one-by-one, everybody else left the majesty of the scenery for the hut’s interior until only Flurry and Tempest remained. Turning her head to face her princess, Tempest saw her smile fading. “Are you okay?” eased the captain. Shooting her head up real quick, Flurry nodded her head. “Oh-oh-oh, yeah, I’m perfectly okay. N-n-n-no need to worry over me.” she sputtered in nervous confirmation. But Tempest was no fool. If somepony were to lie or act very off-putting or whenever Flurry would try to execute a plan behind her captain’s back, Tempest grows instantly suspicious and relentlessly seek the scoop. And Flurry was mostly on her radar. So she faced Flurry again with a raised eyebrow, hoping to see through the ruse. Seeing it, Flurry forced a smile onto her face. “Why are you giving me that look?” Flurry forced through her smile. “I know what that face is, Flurry.” confirmed her captain. Brushing her arm off her, Flurry quickly dashed away from Tempest. “What are you fussing over?! There’s nothing wrong!” Tempest continued to glare at the younger princess before sighing in annoyance and trekking for the door into the hut, leaving Flurry alone. Flurry hated making Tempest upset whenever she lied or ignored her concerns. She chastised herself for doing something so stupid to her best friend. As Scorpan’s sung words continued to rewind in her head, Flurry looked over the hard work. Flurry: Look at all of this hard work Done all for your aunt and her crush Yet why does this feel just the same Another speck of dust ready for the brush How this will end I wish to know Will this fly or smash to shattering pieces Yet I know that this’ll make quite the splash When this goes from sketch to masterpiece A sigh escaped her mouth as she composed herself to fool everyone else minus Tempest. Marching her way to the hut, she stopped short of opening the door. She gave one last look with a look mixed of hope and uncertainty. Am I doing the right thing making this real for them? the divided princess pondered. Will this be another addition to the pile? With a groaning sigh, she finally entered the hut as her conscious’ conflict continued. Scene Twenty-Four: Inner Demons The bitter cold did little to quell Grogar’s enjoyment. Just the very idea made him chuckle with sadism. He’s been the undisputed ruler of all fear in the land for years, and just one little unicorn thinks she can usurp his throne. Pathetic, he thought. The peak of Mount Everhoof, once filled with white as pure and whole as the black, now ran red. Making his way to the highest point, he savored sight he saw. The frozen expressions of hundreds of unicorn warriors who have come to stop as they drew last breaths, the look of dead defeat upon their faces as he plucked the magic dry out of them with his Bell. He held no concern as he walked on their corpses, satisfying his self-belief of being far superior to “these weak excuses of sorcerers.” As he drew closer to the very top, he could not help but imagine the defeated anger of the very pony who believe could destroy him; he could not contain his joy of watching her grovel for mercy; he was ready to make her scream his name. He finally reached the top. “GUSTY THE GREAT!!!” he roared as it echoed off the roaring winds. “We have unfinished matters to discuss!” “There is nothing to discuss with you, Grogar!!” a voice snarled. Her statement bounced off the winds as well, leaving Grogar unable to seek the source. He chuckled. “Come, now, my dear. I simply wish to talk. About how you, a mere unicorn, believed she could unite the three tribes and oppose; about how you tried to lead an army of unicorn against me, only for them to fall dead at my feet; about how you think you can make your last stand by hiding in a frozen fate.” Grogar continued to mock the voice as he walked straight for the cave on his left. “I did all that because I’ve had hope that you’ll be stopped.” Grogar stopped dead in the center. He glanced by the side of his eyes, hoping to catch something to no avail. He let out a full monstrous laugh of evil. “Me? Stopped? Impossible! Nopony will ever stop me. Even those foolishly brave enough to attempt so will not even live to tell the story, just like your soldiers outside. My strength comes from more than the magic stolen inside my Bewitching Bell alone; your kind’s fear of me, any fear whatsoever, is just another boost of power to add to my strength. I can feel your fear radiate through these walls; I can smell and taste it from here!” “That fear you smell, monster, is that of the courage I have against you.” Another chuckle from Grogar. “Hear this, unicorn: YOU. WILL NOT. LEAVE. ALIVE.” Before he waited for a counter, Grogar immediately shot a direct blast of his magic towards the far left, watching as the struck stone flew in multiple directions. Emerging from the smoke came the voice in the form of Gusty the Great. From her disheveled mane and tail to her battered coat, Grogar could see that she’d been hiding in the cave for the twenty-five minutes it took him to reach the peak after she blew him off with one of her air spells since her wounds were still drying. The sight of his enemy physically broken and clearly with no apparent plan gave Grogar an unmeasurable pleasure. Wasting no time, the King launched another blast towards the unicorn who barely maneuvered away from it. Despite her reliance on magic, Gusty was an agile pony should she need it. Taking cover behind more stone, She still managed to avoid the ram, who didn’t relent. Returning the favor, she charged and unleashed a series of blasts as she advanced around. They continued until Grogar managed a quick one at where the unicorn was landing, striking her left hind leg. Hugging her leg in pain, she fell to the soil. Taking advantage, Grogar charged at her with his charged-up horns. But pain wouldn’t derail Gusty’s attempt on Grogar, for with her horn, she managed a strong gust to practically punch her outta the ram’s way, causing him to collide with the strong stone walls. Backing from the wall, Grogar refocused quickly and looked at his enemy with mild bile. The mare struggled to keep herself standing to face the plague himself while cementing her war face. With another horn charge, Gusty entrapped Grogar with a sphere of winds before using it to suck the air out of him. However, Grogar was quick to shatter the sphere with a Bell shockwave. Collapsing from the aftershock, the pony managed to open her baleful eyes towards the King of Monsters, who simply laughed at the unicorn’s efforts. “Is this truly the best you have to offer?!” he managed between his laughs. “The fate of Ponykind on the line and you trap me in an air bubble. How pathetic. I thought you so desperate to stop me that you wouldn’t hold back.” Staggering to her hooves, Gusty grinded her teeth with a growl. Meeting with her enemy dead in the eyes, she gave off a grim face. “You want my absolute best?” she spat in disgust towards the monster before her. With that, Gusty’s horn charged the brightest it had throughout the battle. Not breaking eye contact with Grogar, she mustered every bit strength she had to gather much of the roaring winds outside into the cave. With every gust of wind that piled in came the forming of a cyclone’s eye. Sweat dripping down, she continued forward with probably the most powerful spell she knew despite the effort draining her strength as she strained. Peeking to Grogar, she found him unfazed, clearly thinking her spell to be nothing compared to his spells. His stoic look only fueled her fires. Everything hung on her shoulders and Grogar’s defeat. If she didn’t stop him now, he would continue on his rampage throughout the land, eventually driving the tribes to extinction. The end of everything. Her will unbending, she glanced at her forming cyclone before locking onto her enemy. Blasting a surge of magic onto the cyclone, she could see ice crystals beginning to form. Seeing it, she knew it. It was all or nothing now. With a strained battle cry, Gusty the Great unleashed an unspeakable surge of wind and ice onto the undeterred Plague of Ponies. The cyclone then encircled the ram, swirling with frozen fury soon engulfing him. As the spell continued, she felt her legs quake below her. Sensing her strength waning, she strained every remaining ounce she had to finishing the fight. Then the most satisfying sound entered her ears. She could hear Grogar…screaming. Never had she thought the Father of Monsters screaming in pain and defeat would sound so satisfying. Pressing forward, Gusty let out another scream as her storm engulfed the cave. Once the clouds subsided, she fell to her legs once again, exhausted and panting in heavy breaths. She opened her eyes to find the entire cave frozen, the walls, the spikes above, the shattered stones. Only she (and possibly Grogar) remained unfazed. Craning her neck upwards, she saw the clouds surrounding Grogar yet to dissipate. Her anxiety rising, she rose to her feet and advanced forward. Her injured leg screamed at her, yet she limped through the pain. Waving the smoke away with her hoof, her face shifted from anxious to surprise. Before her stood the frozen figure of Grogar standing stiff with a face mix of pain and rage. His mouth was agape, but his eyes were filled with something she never thought to see: Grogar’s eyes filled with fear. Standing frozen, the pain still screaming, Gusty the Great’s face grew from surprise to elation. I did it, the voice of her mind echoed, I actually did it. I finally really did it. She couldn’t wait to tell her people of Grogar’s froze defeat. The tribes would rejoice in his-. Her fatigued joy suddenly faded when she heard some cracks. Shooting up in attention, she looked around for the source. A stretching silence filled the cave as the unicorn sweated, horn charged. Another crack broke the silence again. This time, Gusty could make out where it was. And her eyes shrank. The ice continued to crack as she could see Grogar’s face go from distraught to mocking glee. She could hear his laugh echo from the ice. Before she could react, she was blown away as the frozen Grogar exploded in black and yellow. Recovering slowly and coughing, Gusty watched at the cave melted rapidly. Her head then jerked back up once she heard the Ultimate Monster’s cackle. “Unimpressive,” Grogar mocked. Gusty immediately shot back up as fast as Grogar darted towards her. Before she knew what happened, Grogar wasted zero time in attack his opponent. Unrelenting, Grogar flew his charged hooves and horns at every direction, savoring every strike he made onto the pony as she grunted with every blow. The more hits he gave, the more he could see Gusty’s spirit break. As much as she wished to fight back, Gusty couldn’t bring herself, stricken with her failed spell to stop Grogar. Everything she’s done, everypony she’d rallied to support her, it all seemed to be for nothing at this very moment. Rearing his head downward, Grogar delivered one final blow onto the pony’s battered face, his horns connecting to her muzzle and sending her flying before finally tumbling down onto the ground, groaning in broken defeat. Gusty flipped herself onto her back just in time as Grogar planted his forehooves on her chest, savoring the fear cemented onto the unicorn’s blood-soaked and battered face. He then placed one hoof onto the Bell. “All of this effort for nothing,” uttered Grogar gleefully. “Your army’s but dust, your spells are futile against me, and you, the Great Gusty, lie broken, battered, and bloodied under my hooves, where all of your kind belong.” Turning to her side, Gusty coughed up a mouthful of blood and turned back to her pinner with undivided anger as he slowly charged his Bewitching Bell with the clear intent of draining her dry. “I may not… stop you now,” she heaved through labored breaths, “but you will be stopped…in the future.” “There is no future for anypony but me,” the Father of Monsters scoffed, earning him a look of venomous determination from the pony at her mercy. “I disagree.” countered Gusty with smirking bile. And before he could react, Gusty kneed Grogar’s stomach, causing him to writhe back in pain. Seeking her own opportunity, she used her charged horn to slice the Bell off the harness apart before catching it in magic. Now possessing it, the rageful mare turned it towards Grogar, who looked with shock. Instead, she ripped a portal open from behind the King. Sensing what’s soon to come, Grogar charged once more for his pony enemy. But Gusty was faster on her draw and aimed the Bell at Grogar this time. The unspeakable had happened. Gusty held the Bell in her magic as she drained Grogar dry as he screamed in pained rage. Neither could believe what was happening: Gusty the Great was removing Grogar of all of his magic and Grogar was being drained by a mere unicorn trying to oppose his tyranny. Looking upon his enemy, Grogar saw the raw and untamed fury pulsating through her eyes. This time, no more holding back. Charging her horn, Gusty shot a powerful beam right at Grogar, causing him to plant his feet on the dirt ground. But it proved futile. The mix of his strength fading and the force of Gusty’s magic sent Grogar flying straight into the portal! He screamed in fury as the portal closed after him… * Not this time, Grogar vowed as he stood on the castle balcony looking over Canterlot. That memory had played over and over for millenniums since that day. The rage he felt when he first arrived in that magicless wasteland of a world he could remembered as well as his own name. Now he stood over the land now called Equestria in a time when ponies think him nothing but a ghost from a time best forgotten. This time, I will rule forever. Just as he walked back in and onto the throne, the Sirens barged into the throne room, bowing before their Father. “What is it now, Adagio?” asked Grogar in a low voice, still angered over her actions. His tone wasn’t missed by the lead Siren, who only shrank in fear. Seeing it, Aria vouched to speak with a clearing of her throat. “Well, the impatient Catrina demands that we attack the Rainbooms in the catacombs before they stumble onto…anything of value to them and against us.” “I told her to wait,” groaned the King, “I told you all!” “A-a-a-and you’ve made it pretty clear, Your Highness,” sputtered the scared Sonata. Heaving a heavy sigh in frustration, Grogar rubbed his forehead. But before he could say something else, Catrina appeared through a portal of her own. She then quickly kneeled before Grogar. “Am I interrupting?” she coaxed condescendingly. “Yes.” replied Grogar dryly. “I was just about to tell the Sirens what to do with your…lack of patience.” “So I figured. But I bring news instead of demands.” Heaving another sigh, Grogar gestured the witch to speak her piece. “Flores has been…incapacitated.” Grogar growled in silent anger. “But the Raptorian left behind, he still lives and has followed the princess into the Everfree…and your Bell.” Grogar’s face lit with mild elation. Finally, his moment has arrived. Grogar turned to his three generals. “Dazzlings,” he addressed, “rally my Elite. We leave soon.” “Yes, father,” obeyed Adagio. “We will finally-.” “No,” the King cut off, “you will deal with our guests first. I want Sunset to suffer.” As much as Adagio wanted to argue, her confidence was shattered when Grogar humiliated her in front of his Elite. Without a second word, Adagio led her sisters out to the balcony, where they rushed to rally Grogar’s top beasts. Only Grogar and Catrina remained. Turning towards his cat witch, Grogar simply scowled at her. And Catrina had a good idea why. “If you think your pointless demands will come true,” Grogar growled, “you clearly deserve no power.” Recoiling in fear, Catrina could only watch in fearful anticipation as the Bell glowed. Just to be safe, she charged her hands with magic, despite knowing her changes are but thin. Fortunately for her, the Bell eased. “Unfortunately for me,” bemoaned her father, ‘I still need you for something.” Twenty Minutes Later Grogar made his way through his Hall of Heroes. Once he took control of the castle, Grogar himself personally reconfigured the castle dungeons into a trophy room where he’d place his fallen anypony or creature who’d oppose him. As he walked advanced forward, Grogar glanced around in wicked glee. Amongst his “trophies” were the Pillars, the leaders of beyond Equestria, and the rest of the Mane 6, all petrified into obsidian. He personally didn’t care for trophies much, but he only kept these heroes to be examples of his oppressors. He had hoped the Mane 6 would especially break the masses’ spirits. But he came not for admiring his victories; he came for the Two Sisters. Among the initial chaos of his arrival, Celestia and Luna were confronted by the Sirens and his Elite. They’ve put up a valiant fight against the four, but the Sirens finally brought the two to their knees. Expecting him to drain their magic and just waste them, the Sirens were surprised when Grogar decided to let the Two Sisters live and thrown into the Hall, encased in a sphere that cancelled out their powers. There he would continually torture them to either interrogate them and/or break their spirits. Just a few feet away and Grogar could only look in patience at the empty stand he was saving for the rest of Equestria’s heroes, while Celestia and Luna were placed on the left of a three-way stand. Seeing him, they could only scowl. “Come to stick the knife in again, Grogar?” inquired Celestia vilely. “What do you expect?” scoffed the King of Monsters. “Go to Tartarus,” spat Luna. “We’d never betray Twilight and her friends to you. And when they return, you will be stopped.” Grogar simply laughed. “Silly little alicorn, I don’t need you to tell me where she is.” Grogar then leaned forward really close to their ears. “I need you to help me.” Celestia, in a rare moment, literally spat in Grogar’s ear, causing him to recoil back in a disgusted huff. Both lords glared at each other with their fiercest daggers yet. “The day we help you, Grogar,” hissed Celestia, “is the day we lose hope in Twilight!” Another simple laugh from the King. “You think I need your help?” Before any of the Sisters could react, Grogar activated his replacement and, instead of the usual power drain, unleashed a darkly violet magic sphere that pooled straight into the Sisters. Grogar watched with sadistic satisfaction as Celestia and Luna screamed in agony over the overflow of dark magic coursing through their veins. As it done so, Celestia and Luna could peak their strained eyes what was happening to them. Royal armor built itself over them, their wings became sharper, and manes and tails went from smooth and flowing to fiery and dark. With one last collective scream, the pain was over. > Fear > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene Twenty-Five: The Best of Me Team Twi-Flutter-Jack had been moving around the castle’s catacombs for a way in. And their luck was anything but. Every corner they turned to were but a dead-end, secret switches revealed booby traps, and they had near-chance encounters with monsters security. And, to Applejack and Fluttershy, it felt like a maze down there. Much to the two’s dumbfounded surprise, Twilight still remained the unfazed optimist from the library, as if nothing could crush it. As they continued, Flutters and AJ talked aside about their leader’s optimism, clearly worried about their friend. Before they introduced themselves to…themselves, Twilight was cracking under the pressure from the argument. And now, Spruce was marching forward with an optimism so confident that it’d rival Pinkie’s. As they ventured a narrow and long passageway, Fluttershy exhaled a deep sigh before approaching Twilight. “Um, Twilight?” she meekly asked her pony of attention. Turning to the Pegasus rather abrupt, Twilight gave her a nonchalant expression. “Yes, Flutters?” she asked. “Well, uhh…,” Fluttershy trailed off as she looked back and forth from AJ to Sci-Twi. The farmer gave the veterinarian a “get-on-with-it” expression, while the alchemist gave off a “I’m waiting” look. Sweat pouring down, Fluttershy bit her lip. “You’vebeenactingawfullyoptimitsicandwe’reworriedforyou.” the shy girl managed to sputter in rapid succession before letting a phew escape her, apparently happy to get it off her chest. An emotion not shared by Applejack, who facehoofed herself in exasperation, and Twilight, who looked on with pained shock. “I’m what?” Twilight stuttered. Seeing her hurt friend, Fluttershy blushed sheepishly and readied herself to speak again. “What she meant to say,” Applejack grinded, cutting Fluttershy off before she could say anything, “was that, while we all appreciate your optimism, ya’ve been…uh.” Applejack then trailed off, unable to find an honest, yet nice way of describing Twilight. “Come on, I can take it!” demanded Twilight. “Argh! Y’all being too optimistic, okay!?!” “Whoa, your honestly just pierced me.” “Ya told me you could take it!” “Yeah, but…” Twilight tried to defend herself, but couldn’t find the right thing to say, leaving her to grunt in anger and turning to continue forward, her horn more illuminated. “Nice going,” AJ and Flutters scolded each other as they tried to keep up with Sci-Twi. “Guys, just tell me if there’s something bothering you two; I promise to understand!” barked the bespectacled unicorn. Applejack and Fluttershy could only exchange looks with one another, waiting for one of them to speak up. “Sugarcube,” Applejack finally spoke, “it’s just that with all of these monsters, our friends divided, and nothing on Sunset and Princess Twilight, you’re acting awfully too optimistic…and that’s Pinkie’s schtick.” “Is that so wrong?” questioned a peeved Twilight, her gaze fixed forward. Applejack bit her lip, hoping her next words to be gentler. Seeing this, Fluttershy stepped in. “No, there’s nothing wrong with it; it’s just when we met ourselves, you were panicking,” she clarified, “And then Grogar came along and, to you, this’ just another day in the office.” Twilight turned to the shy Pegasus with a deadpan yet mad look. “And we thought you’d be Twilighting by this point.” Fluttershy finished with a meek grin. But Twilight didn’t share the grin. Instead, she kept scowling away at Fluttershy. Applejack scowled her own at Twilight for beating poor Shy down. A tense moment hung over the three mares until Twilight finally broke her scowl with a sigh of defeat. “You really prefer Princess Twilight, don’t you guys?” she sadly questioned as she turned back forward. Hearing this caused Applejack and Fluttershy’s eyes to shoot up in surprise. Exchanging quick glances at each other, they paced up to catch up with their leader, whose pace had only slightly slowed down. “Ah’m sorry, Twilight, but what do you mean?” Applejack apologetically inquired on Twilight’s left. Shifting her head on both sides, Twilight saw both Fluttershy and Applejack with hurt, yet concerned eyes. They weren’t being let in on something. And they wanted to know exactly what since they’ve unintentionally hurt her. As much as the human counterpart of the first Twilight they knew wanted to avoid the conversation, they clearly wanted to know now that the cat’s out of the bag. With a shaking sigh, Twilight dropped her weights. “I know we’ve been friends since the Games and you’ve been boosting my confidence since, but… I just can’t help but feel myself to be nothing some replacement for her like one of those new cast members that the fans don’t like that much. True I’ve proven myself from time to time, but I still don’t like I mean so much to you girls. So, if I’m so perky, it’s because I want to prove my worth and how much I contribute to you girls. I don’t want to let you guys down; I want to be the best for you.” Twilight opened her shuttered, watery eyes to see Applejack and Fluttershy now looking on with concerned disappointment. Knowing where it was, she waited for them to whip out the “we-believe-in-you” bull they’ve gotten to a T. “Twilight,” cooed Fluttershy as her hoof found its way on Twilight’s cheek and turned it to the shy Pegasus. “We are all scared of failing each other. You’re not alone in your fear of failure. Anyone would wish to be the best they could be for the ones they love, but you have to make do with what you can do.” Twilight’s eyes grew wide and her tears dried up on her cheek. She never had expected something like that from Fluttershy of all people. What the shy pony claimed managed to lift off a large amount of the weigh crushing her heart and felt almost entirely better. “Flutter’s right,” AJ seconded. Sci-Twi and Flutters both turned their heads to see their farming friend hanging her head in shame, clearly effected by the truthful statement. And, in Twilight’s magic, either they were seeing things, or they could’ve seen tears streaming down Applejack’s face as her mouth quivered. “Ah promised myself that we’d stick together against any villain, but the minute we got here, Ah broke that promise by not keeping us together.” And with that, she completely broke down, placing her hat over her eyes. All three mares stopped in their tracks to embrace each other in a big hug. “No offense, girls,” Twilight chuckled through the peace, “but hearing you two chew yourselves up over your own demons makes me feel just a bit better.” Surprisingly, Applejack and Fluttershy chuckled as well, clearly feeling the same way. The peace shared amongst the three was by far the most relaxing thing since the whole takeover began. Embracing each other and coming clean with such fear was like lifting the world’s weight off their backs. But as much as they would want to stay that way for much longer, they knew they had to keep moving. So they unwillingly had to break apart. “It’s great to have such great friends like you girls,” Twilight sniffled, rubbing tears out of her eyes. “Likewise,” the two other mares declared. * Team Rari-Rainbow-Pie weren’t so fortunate either. Results were the same to that of the other team: dead-ends, booby traps, monster security, with the exception of Rainbow and Rarity going out each other’s’ throats for every five minutes. And Pinkie was not having any of their manure. Whenever things got to heated between the two, Pinkie would, with her usual Pinkiness, whip them back into shape with either a tap with a bat or a tug of their manes. Much to their surprise, Pinkie hadn’t cracked much of her 24/7 smile since they regrouped and hadn’t been much of her usual annoying, yet sweet self. Her change in personality was by far the only thing Rarity and Rainbow could agree on. Many more paces forward later and it was time for somepony to talk to Pinkie. “Uh, Pinkie Pie, darling?” Rarity treaded carefully, her horn radiating across the halls. “What?” grinded Pinkie as her head did a 180 to face Rarity while continuing down the passage. The unicorn clearly knew that Pinkie wasn’t in the mood for another argument. “Well, is there something that you like to share with us?” “What do you mean?” “Well…” Rainbow’s groan derailed Rarity’s thoughts and the cyan Pegasus shot in front of her with a peeved face. “You’re acting totally Pinkamena instead of Pinkie!!!” she furiously claimed. Her outburst’s caused Rarity to facehoof herself and Pinkie to stretch her neck right up to Rainbow’s face, not stopping in her tracks. Pinkie’s face was losing its pink and being overtaken by an angry red. Rainbow was familiar with Pinkie upset or angry, but her shifted from pink and red terrified the brave pony. Her eyes darting from side to side and sweat pouring down, Rainbow hoped for a way out of her predicament. But Pinkie wouldn’t allow it. “Whatcha talkin’ about, Rainbow?!” she furiously coaxed. “It’s just that…,” Rainbow began before biting her lip briefly. Pinkie scowled at Rainbow, visibly telling her to get on with it. “…with all of this whole hostile-takeover-and-the-new-very-bad-bad-guy going on, Rarity and I…we were thinking you’d be normal Pinkie Pie about this.” Finally, Pinkie’s body fully rotated to even with her head and finally stopped trotting. Even her neck receded to normal length. Now, she was bearing down on both mares with a piercing scowl, both of them now frozen scared and sweating. Her entire body was now completely turned red, the cork on her bottle ready to blow open. Quick looks at each other did little to ease RD and Rarity’s sweating nerves as Pinkie’s cheeks puffed up, ready to explode in 5…4…3…2… Miraculously, she simply blew all of her steam out. “I’m sorry, girls,” confessed Pinkie, “but nothing about this is a job for Pinkie Pie.” Hearing and seeing Pinkie so calm now, Rarity and Rainbow wanted to release their stress and chuckle in relief, but their surprise to Pinkie’s confession outweighed the former. “Are you joking, Pinkie?” hoped the cautious athlete. She then proceeded to give off a very weak laugh to accompany the hopeful joke, but the glum look on Pinkie quickly snuffed her hopes. Rarity gave the blushing Dash a concern look for their current problem. “Pinkie, dear,” Rarity cautioned, “whatever is bothering you?” The party pony turned her glum expression to the fashionista, making the latter freeze in nerves. Seeing Pinkie act so gray and moody wasn’t anything new, but this was something else. What felt like eternity passed when Pinkie finally poured her heart out. “Usually, I’m not so…gray. And when I say that, I don’t mean Pinkamena gray; I mean…another gray. We’ve all fought anything she-demons and celebrities since the Formal, been through so much together. But with everything going on with us, our marriages, our own lives, I can’t help but feel like people like Grofar are going to be the only thing that keeps us together. With these changes, I just-just-just…” Finally unloading her heart, Pinkie collapsed on the dirt floor and started to sob quietly and uncontrollably. Rainbow and Rarity were flabbergasted by Pinkie’s words. Never have they ever seen the happiest of their group break down so miserably. Pinkie was always the woman who found the brighter side of every situation; seeing her be the pessimist was both terrifying and heartbreaking. Rainbow trotted to her friend and placed her good wing around her into a hug. “Pinkie,” she cooed, “please don’t cry. It’s usually Fluttershy who does it and… you acting like her is…” She couldn’t finish her sentence as she was fighting back tears of her own. “We’re all scared,” Rarity completed. “It’s okay to be. But that’s change. It’s both terrifying and natural. Nothing can keep it from happening.” Pinkie’s tears only began anew, Rainbow and Rarity looking at each other with regret for pressing such a subject before the fashionista too joined the two in the embrace. “Pinkie, Sunset’s presence into our world was probably the biggest and bestest change to happen to all of us. She’s the glue that keeps the team together.” “She has a point. And no matter what, we’ll always be together.” RD sniffled. She turned her head to see Pinkie’s face’s shining with tears and eyes bloodshot. But the most beautiful part was her smile she gave to them. The party pony then engulfed the other two in one of her ever-calming Pinkie-Pie-hugs. Usually, they’d be hard to breathe through, but Rainbow and Rarity didn’t care since they got the old Pinkie to come out. The peace shared amongst the three was by far the most relaxing thing since the whole takeover began. Embracing each other and coming clean with such fears was like lifting the world’s weight off their backs. But as much as they would want to stay that way for much longer, they knew they had to keep moving. So they unwillingly had to break apart. “You girls are the best to ask for,” whimpered Pinkie. “Same with you,” the two other mares declared. (The Best of Me by The Humane 6: Accompanying the slow tempo and the equally slow pulse, piano and strings are the primary instruments used for the somber number.) Fluttershy: I’ve been so grounded by my demons Keeping me from ever reaching the sky Applejack: But when I stand by those who are like me I feel powerful enough to just try Fluttershy: We are all one and the same in a way Applejack: With fears and hopes shared wanting to just be Flutters/AJ: And when I’m surrounded by my friends, I can just feel you know the best of me Short Instrumental Rarity: Life and fate will never seem to act fair We will always be hounded by our fears Rainbow Dash: Yet when those fears try to consume us whole With you, their voices I just cannot hear Rarity: The pressure turns us all into diamonds Rainbow Dash: Shimmering past the dark doubts bent to be Rare/RD: ‘Cause when I’m surrounded by my friends I can just feel you know the best of me Short Instrumental Pinkie Pie: We can walk different just like night from day Keeping our one true selves from shining on Twilight Spruce: When suddenly, I know the grand truth Of your warmth making the fears come undone Pinkie Pie: We are forever bound together, yes Twilight Spruce: Elements defining the best of we Pinkie/Sci-Twi: Just when we’re surrounded by our friends We can all feel the very best of me Short Instrumental Humane 6: We are where we are meant to be We are who we are meant to be We are the very best of me We are the very best of me Finishing Instrumental As they sang their voices out, they could hear other voices calling off the walls. Considering them deeply for a moment, both team of mares’ faces lit up with the realization of who it might have been. Nearing the end of the last verse, both trios listened to the sounds of each other’s voices, their joy growing more openly as they got closer to each other. Some twists and turns and dead ends through the maze of underground tunnels later… and they finally found each other. Standing on opposite sides of the hallway, both groups could not fully grasp the amount of emotion building within them. Due to recent events, they couldn’t help but fear the worst. But seeing them now, it was overwhelming for the better. Rainbow and Pinkie broke the standstill with a rushing hug, engulfing each other. Soon enough, the rest of the Humane 6 joined the embrace, crying joyfully and confessing their lovable friendship as they melted into each other’s hooves. After an eternity of relieved joy, they pulled apart, wiping tears from their eyes. “Thank the Great Writer you guys are okay,” Pinkie sniffled through her tears. “Likewise, darlings.” whimpered Rarity. “Ah don’t wanna believe it, but Ah believe mah eyes,” Applejack confessed. “I’m so happy to see you girls,” Fluttershy piped over her friends. Her joyous smile, however, turned into a frown when she remembered something. “But you didn’t find Sunset?” All other faces around her matched her somber expression. In their haste for each other, they’d completely forgotten about Sunset Shimmer. They didn’t really need to worry over her, but since they split from her when Grogar took over, they could only kick themselves in the rump for not taking her concerns seriously. Maybe they would have handled their crisis by now if they stuck together. But now, there was just the six of them against an army of monster and sirens. Tilting her head up to see the scared faces of her friends, Twilight thought of what Sunset would’ve done or said in such a situation. She would either assure them to everything turning up in the end or rally them with an aspiring speech of confidence. Twilight thought how she could incorporate such methods as her own to lift her friends’ spirits, except she still held onto her doubts on her leadership now that Fluttershy and Applejack knew of them. After letting them once already, she sworn not to repeat it. So she craned her head entirely up with a composed face of confidence, she hardened her resolve. “No more cowering, girls,” she simply declared. “We’re striking back. And we are doing it for everyone in this world…and for Sunset.” Her declaration was simple and effective as the rest slowly mimicked her confident face. Seeing this only boosted her self-confidence as they looked to her, expecting to hear her strategy. “First order: we gear up.” Scene Twenty-Six: Castle Brawl As they journeyed throughout their end of underground halls, Team Rari-Rainbow-Pie stumbled onto another of Grogar’s custom trophy rooms, a large hall filled with the mystic artifacts and weapons salvaged from his prisoners and the castle’s deeper recesses. Telling Twi of the weapons, the six mares made towards the weapons, getting ready to fight back. Following the three mares to the weapons hall, Twilight quickly explained the plan to be sweet and simple. They would gather enough defenses with them before they separated the Sirens from Grogar in order to make things easier for the Mane Six. Once they did so, they would have to divide the ram’s attention in order to steal the Bell from his harness and figure the reverse spell or at least use it against him. Concerned glances aside, the mares believed that the simple idea would work. Finally, they reached the hall, and they were surprised. On both the left and the right were weapons and spell books and relics galore, some nopony would’ve never see again. While the Humane Six were told of multiple relics by Princess Twilight in the past, most in front of them went unfamiliar. Shaking off her surprise, Twilight glared her confidence. “Ladies,” she declared, “choose your weapons.” And off they went, searching for the weapons that would pick them. As the eyes could have seen, the Two Sisters and Twilight had collected many long forgotten artifacts, as the halls stretched for over an estimated six feet. The six nearly lost their way around the torch-lit room on a few occasions before they found their way back. Eventually, each weapon found their mares. Ever the fashionable one, Rarity fashioned the Sapphire Gems, a ring and a necklace capable of forming any imagined thought. Rainbow Dash fancied herself a quartet of hoof-wear that enable elemental control called the Elemental Hooves. Aside from loading practically everything in the hall onto a wagon, the only significant item Pinkie Pie armed herself with was the Impossiband, a headband that’d make her Pinkism more Pinkieish. Fluttershy’s choice was a mere pony-faced totem necklace called the Animal Kingdom that gave the wearer the abilities of every animal alive. The Belt of Feats, giving whoever wore it the magic to perform amazing feats of anything, hung onto Applejack’s waist. Twilight Spruce’s choice was the mysterious Harmonious, a bracelet with fragments of the Elements of Harmony embedded in it. Once gathering back at the entrance, the Humane Six looked over each other, ready to fight for all they hold dear. Standing in a line, shoulder to shoulder, the six exchanged glances of reassurance before they all took a step forward… …just as the ceiling nearly crumbled on top of them! Forced to scatter, the six mares evaded the crumbling debris as the dust engulfed the hall. Rare and Twi managed to defend themselves and Fluttershy in their magic. As AJ and RD sought for cover, Pinkie managed to toss Rockhoof’s shovel and Flash Magnus’ shield towards the respective mares who used the artifacts to defend themselves. Soon enough, the dust and rumble settled, and from it came the grinning wrath of the Sirens. “Very long time, no see, ponies,” Aria snarled, clearly ready for a fight. “Not long enough, Aria,” spat Applejack. “Yeah, it was only sixteen years we saw you girls,” Sonata chimed in, earning groans from her sisters. “You three are making a mistake teaming with Grogar,” proclaimed Twilight. “Don’t you realize he’ll throw you aside once you’re useless to him?” “I personally don’t care, Rainboom,” countered the lead Siren, “all I do care is that I choke the life out of your precious Sunset.” “You’ll eat those words soon enough.” With that, Twilight fired the first shot directly at Adagio, sending her flying to the cracked ceiling. Sonata and Aria flew straight for the temporary leader, only to be flung by a cyclone from Rainbow Dash. Once the remaining two collided with the wall, Rainbow looked at her new hoof-wear with an awestruck face, clearing thinking her signature word. Before she could gaga further, the ceiling above her crumbled again to reveal the angered Maulwurf, joined shortly by the Bugbear and Chimera. The large mole creature charged for the prideful Pegasus. Before the former could come within a foot of Rainbow, Applejack came swooping in to save her best friend. Leaping high, the farmer pony caught the Maulwurf’s swinging claw and tossed it down the hall, right into the arriving Cerberus. Landing on her hind hooves, Applejack posed heroically with forehooves on her hips while admiring her new tool. “Showoff,” scoffed Rainbow. “Direct yar comments ta the belt, not me, sugar,” chortled AJ cockily. Out of nowhere, a swift head-charge sent the farm pony across the hall. Getting back on her legs, she saw the Chimera with a cocky, razor-toothed grin and, with her claw, gestured her to bring it on. Wiping the dirt of her face, Applejack growled and charged, accepting the challenge. Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity were circled by a trio of Timberwolves, baring their barked teeth. One eventually pounced onto Pinkie, which immediately cried in pain once it sank its teeth into the party pony. Feeling around its mouth, the wolf felt the tip of a fang missing and found it on the ground in front of Pinkie, who looked up with an innocent smile. Growling in frustration, it slashed at Pinkie, only to go right through her. Looking at the dumbfounded Timberwolf, Pinkie kept her smile as she pulled two giant platefuls of cupcakes out of her mane. “My turn!” she cheered as she rapidly threw treats at the wolf. Fluttershy and Rarity, meanwhile, had their own wooden dogs to deal with. Ever the animal lover, Fluttershy wasn’t exactly up for actually fighting one. In fact, she did her specialty: affection for them. Before the wolf could even strike her, she managed to dash past its claw and began to rub its belly. Despite its bark skin, the wolf could feel her hooves affectionally rub its underside. It then got on its back, starting to enjoy the Pegasus’ rub. “Oh, who’s a good boy?” cooed Fluttershy in her motherly voice. Unfortunately, she was swatted aside by the Tatzlwurm’s tail. Colliding with Rainbow Dash, the Pegasi looked up at the worm with equal fury. Seeing her girlfriend struck in such a way, Rainbow expanded her wings, ready to charge only for the former’s hoof to extend in front of her. “Please,” the shy pony declared with an angered tone that Dash found hot, “let mama handle this.” The totem around her neck glowed, morphing into a rhino head, and with that, Fluttershy charged with a snort. Running with Earth Pony speed, the Pegasus charged headfirst into the Wurm and, in such incredibleness, knocked the equally charging Tatzlwurm off the ground and into the air right on top of the Maulwurf and Bugbear. Regaining her clear vision from the charging, Fluttershy gawked at her recent actions before staring down at her totem as it returned to the pony head. “Oh my,” she could only manage. She looked back at her tough girlfriend in time to see her mouth agape and wings popping out on their own, clearly turned on by what she just saw her more timid love do. Rarity was forced to deal with the two Timberwolves and the Chimera. As the three beasts circled the fashionable unicorn, growling in hopes of scaring her, she was unfazed and stood with a bold stance. Looking back and forth at her accessories, she wondered exactly how they work. Charging up her horn, the ring upon it turned her blue aura into indigo and her necklace brightened as well. Before the beast could react, the unicorn’s horn unleashed a large strand of magic ribbon and whipped it at the Timberwolves as they jumped close together. From behind, the Chimera positioned herself to pounce as Rarity continued on. Once she did so, however, Rarity tied her ribbon to her paw and tossed the three-headed creature onto the wooden dogs. As they laid in the ground, Rarity’s necklace beamed a magical box that fitted the trio perfectly as the ribbon wrapped itself around it afterwards. Rarity was taken by her Gems’ majestic magic. “For the most creative use of a pair of magic jewelry in a supporting role, the award goes to…Equestria Girls Rarity!” Pinkie announced as she unleashed her party cannon into the air and rained balloons, confetti, and a Grammy-esque award upon the quizzical Rarity's hooves. Her moment ended when a missed soundwave from Aria and Sonata jilted her back into the fight, turning to battle the two Sirens, Rainbow alongside. As their partners fought each other, Twilight and Adagio duked it out for themselves. Both leaders fired upon one another, seeking to stun, even wound, their opponent for a more personal combat. Dazzle held dominance in the air dodging blasts and unleashing waves, while Spruce held her own on the ground, blocking soundwaves and hurling stones. They soon charged at each other with fighting prowess, magic charged, entering a standstill. Both leaders pushed back against the other with all they have, hoping to advance over the other, growling like war dogs. “Such accessories won’t help you.” bit the Dazzling. “Oh, just like your pendants?” sassed the Rainboom. Wide-eyed in fury, Adagio growled a destructive serenade that flew Twilight back. Flat on the ground now, the bespectacled mare looked up to match Dazzle’s fiery eyes before jumping back on her hooves and charging back in the fight, horn charged. The Rainbooms and the Dazzlings continued to fight it out with each other. As more and more monsters continued to pour into the fight, unrelenting, the heroes were outnumbered. Yet, they wouldn’t falter. Rainbow and Sonata clashed on in the air, the Pegasus throwing icicles and the Siren firing soundwaves at each other. While Dash was, like her counterpart, the best flyer, Dusk clearly had the more experience with her Equestrian body. Dash attempted to strike from behind, but Sonata remarkably saw it coming and quickly swatted the pony back in front with her tail. Shaking off the stars, Rainbow raised a hoof towards her enemy, spinning a little tornado, only for Sonata to surprise RD again by matching the tornado speed and dissipating it. Dash could only gap in shock of the Siren’s marvelous moves, but it didn’t last long as Sonata rushed her with an elbow strike before fin-slamming her down to the ground and unleashing another soundwave onto the Pegasus. Dying down, she found her downed enemy down and not moving. Pinkie and Applejack worked together against the creatures pouring from either above the ceiling or down the halls. Using their respective tools, Pinkie swiped many bricks right off the wall and piled them for AJ to buck towards the creatures in a series of moves that would amaze even Rainbow. Their assault couldn’t last long as the Bugbear and Manticore pushed forward and separated the Earth Ponies. Up against the huge mix of growling bear and bumblebee, Pinkie matched its growl before springing straight, her hooves turning into literal springs that quickly bounced off the Bug’s body, setting it aback. Then she sprinted in circles around it, surrounding the beast in a cyclone of dust and dirt. Before it could do anything at all, the beast was soon assaulted by a series of fast and furious punches at every possible angles. Roaring angrily, the Bugbear could only claw aimlessly at the dust as Pinkie continued on. Soon enough, Pinkie was caught by the tail and soon twirled around, jump-roped, and paddle-balled before being tossed aside hard against the wall. Applejack’s clash wasn’t any better. The Manticore was a surprising match for Applejack’s own strength. Every rush from any side was thwarted either by its scorpion tail or gargoyle wings. After another failed assault, Applejack, going for it now, just charged straight forward, leaping to deliver a kick to the face, only for the lion to easily dodge and slam her hard into the ground. On top of her, the beast snapped a bite out of the Earth mare, who kept its jaw wide opened. Struggling against each other, AJ finally kneed it in the ribs, freeing herself. She then took the opportunity to deliver blow after blow onto her enemy before being pierced by its scorpion tail! The Manticore proceeded to toss the bleeding mare aside as she lost more stomach blood. Fluttershy, Rarity, and Aria were battling out when the fashionista noticed her farmer bleeding out. Crying out her flame’s name, Aria took advantage and delivered a piercing soundwave towards the distracted unicorn, sending her flying. “Such weakness,” the dry-toned Siren insulted before the angered cries of Fluttershy shot her back to see the Pegasus charging fast and hard. Tackling her enemy to the ground, Fluttershy’s totem changed into a lion, signifying her fury. She then pounced onto Aria who outmaneuvered and swung at the Pegasus with a hard fin-slam. As the totem turned into a gorilla, however, Fluttershy caught it easily and twirled Aria around before tossing her aside. Seeing her work, Fluttershy simply breathed her anger out. Her reverie was interrupted as the growls of the Chimera echoed closest to her, pouncing with sharpened claws. Avoiding the advance, Fluttershy unknowingly scratched the ground with her hooves, glancing down at her cheetah head. Seeing her new skill, the veterinarian instantly rushed the Chimera, zipping past the creature and leaping over or under any attacks. Despite its three heads, the Chimera had no chance of tracing her blur of an enemy. Seeing her dazed state, Fluttershy finally stopped in front of it to do the one thing to stop any fussing animal: The Stare. Whipping it out, her hardened gaze immediately pierced the whimpering, three-headed creature. As she continued, Fluttershy gave herself a mental pat-on-the-back, knowing her secret weapon to work ag… Before she knew it, the animal lover was headbutted by the goat head, sending her across. Rubbing her temple, Fluttershy moaned pained cries as she looked back at the Chimera before Aria’s voice pierced her ears. “Sorry to break your heart, little filly,” cackled the Siren, “but a staring contest don’t do ya squat against our spell.” “But does this against you?!” Turning to the voice’s direction, she saw an indigo boxing glove rush right at her. Before anything else, she felt her carried right to the catacomb wall, groaning in pain as the glove retracted. Her moment was brief as the construct pummeled her again with a bit more force. The process repeated a couple times until Aria felled limp to the ground. Standing feet from her enemy, Rarity breathed heavy, her pupils shrank and her skin glowing pink. Turning to her shy friend, she rushed over to Fluttershy and helped her up. “Are you okay, darling?” the fashionista inquired with evident concern. “I’m fine, Rarity,” grunted the veterinarian as she rubbed her forehead. “I mean it, I’m just-.” Suddenly, Fluttershy paled and pointed behind Rarity with a scream: “Look out!” Before Rarity turned her head completely towards where Fluttershy was gesturing to, both mares were blown away by yet another soundwave by Aria, sending them just next to the wounded Applejack, followed shortly by Pinkie and Rainbow as Sonata brought them together. Both leaders continued to clash to the end. As their friends and minions fought on, both leaders have been at it deep. Twilight continued to throw fuel into the fire as she poked at Adagio and her life over the years, infuriating the Siren more and more until she was just randomly blowing destructive notes at the bespectacled unicorn who simply dodged with a dancer’s elegance and threw her own shots at the enraged Equestrian creature. Finally, the Rainboom managed a hit. Taken aback by the hit, Adagio glared daggers at her enemy, gritting her teeth, finally having enough. With a roar, she charged at Twilight with all her angered might. Before she could tackle Twilight, the pony managed the leap and, rolling in midair, brought Dazzle down with a strong blast to the head, causing her to bounce off the ground a few times until she rested flat. Holding her head in hoof, Dazzle shook her sense straight to find Spruce standing before her with unfazed, burning hatred. Despite their lack of history together, Twilight felt some common ground between her and Adagio. She knew that the Dazzlings were, like herself and Sunset, consumed by their pursuit of magic and power. The only difference was that the trio have been that way for so long that they’re probably pass the point of no return. The alchemist felt she knew what had to be done: take the Sirens into custody…or put them down…permanently. Still, as much as Twilight wanted to do the latter, she knew better than that. She thought back to how Sunset reached for her back at the Games and saved her from Midnight. So she followed her older friend’s example. “What are you waiting for?” snarled Adagio, accepting her fate. “Seize your moment. Avenge all that I’ve done.” “No.” Twilight simply replied. “You may think you deserve it, but it’s too easy. I’m giving you a choice, Adagio Dazzle: help us fight Grogar or face persecution.” Adagio looked at Twilight with shock in her eyes. She couldn’t believe it. One of Sunset’s friends had her completely at her mercy and she was giving her a chance to be spared. She stared deep into her captor’s eyes, deep in consideration, a chance to turn everything around and escape Grogar’s abusive hoof; a chance for her and her sisters to start anew; a chance to… forgive Sunset Shimmer for what she did to her?!?! The why of her vengeance flashing before her, Adagio snarled in fury. Burning fire straight at Twilight, Adagio unleashed a destructive note that sent the alchemist flying and landing with the rest of the Rainbooms. Regaining her footage, the lead Dazzling hovered over the recovering ponies, who gazed up to find themselves surrounded by the hypnotized monsters and her two sisters. It pleased her to see most of the Rainbooms feel exactly what she, Aria, and Sonata felt all those years ago: scared, humiliated, at the mercy of naysayers,…and broken. Her sisters soon joined her side, taking satisfaction in their accomplishment. They did it. They finally, really did it. They’ve finally triumphed over the very humans responsible for their troubles in life. And they were ready to finish it all the way. “Spread out, ladies,” instructed Adagio. “We’d like to view their deaths from different points, wouldn’t we?” And with that, Aria and Sonata flew over their captives, forming a triangle. Exchanging quick glances, the three villains returned to their soon-to-be dead enemies, charging their own voices for the final blow. “Anything to say?” Twilight Spruce gazed up at the trio of Siren, knowing the inevitable for her and her friends. Turning back to her battered friends, she saw the severe fear and anger in their eyes, knowing their own. Rarity held her bleeding Applejack close, whose eyes were lidded, but enough to see what was to come, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, who had yet to pop the question, came close enough to cuddle close, and Pinkie Pie, ever wanting to do things together, extended her forelegs to engulf the mares in an accepting hug, grabbing Rarity and Rainbow’s hooves. The five mares soon connected minus Twilight, who slowly accepted her own fate. Once connecting with Applejack and Fluttershy’s hooves, all six mares braced themselves for the end. “Friendship. Such worthless nonsense.” Adagio scoffed. And with that, the Siren serenaded their sonic wrath. Just as their attacks were about to strike, they suddenly missed the humans, moving down the halls. “WHAT NOW!?!” Adagio screamed, having just enough manure. The sonic wrath then formed around the wrists of Catrina, who stood down the hall, looking smugly at ruining the Sirens’ fun. Seeing the cat witch leaning against the wall, Adagio and Aria glared daggers at her for ruining their moment. “Oh, don’t be that way, Siren,” Catrina simply snipped. Not waiting for anything, she flew a spell of sleep sand at the Humane Six, knocking them out before they could react. “Don’t want to disappoint our coming audience now, do we?” “Enough!” The monsters and Sirens quickly turned to find Grogar moving out of the hall’s shadows. “There is no killing them until we return from Everfree with my Bell. Catrina, restrain them to my throne room; Sirens, with me.” Getting no objections, all of his minions did his bidding as he moved back up, knowing just how close he is from completing his revenge, the Sirens coming to his side quickly and Catrina joining shortly with the Rainbooms in a violet magic-cancelling sphere. Grogar could make out the glares the four women made towards each other, yet he had no time for any bull since he is so close. Everything was falling exactly how he envisioned it. My victory is nigh, the King thought with a sinister smirk and a door slam. Scene Twenty-Seven: Dinner Date Sunset suddenly woke up with a frightened gasp and a cold sweat. She had just experienced one of the worst nightmares she’s had in a long time. She dreamt that she was chained to the ground in a dark room, the only light above her and Twilight standing far from her. She looked upon the princess and saw a distinct feature: disappointment. Sunset couldn’t help but think what her crush was thinking, until the words ‘Why did you fail me if you love me?’ echoed across the darkness. Her eyes shrinking into pinpricks, the older woman watched in horror as Twilight suddenly cracked. Finally, the cracks ended with a small flash to reveal the nightmarish she-demon: Midnight Sparkle. What Shimmer witnessed was hoping to be a dream because it was all too horrifying to believe. In an instant, her light then swallowed the darkness, revealing her in a pit with many people she recognized from Canterlot High all chanting “She-Demon.” Sunset was frozen in fear. She was chained and at the mercy of her former classmates reminding her of her bad deeds as her friend’s own hovered above her. Before anything else, the light was soon blotted out by dark clouds. Her expression darkened even more as she saw Midnight malformed with a ram head and a bell around her neck. She’d wanted to voice her disbelief but couldn’t find her voice; she could only watch the roaring Grogar Sparkle charging at her as the chant continued on. Practically breathing for oxygen, the fiery-haired teacher scoped her surroundings to find herself in a guest room. Last night soon flashed before her eyes, from Flores’ attack to Zecora leading her to the guest bedroom. Sleeping on the nightstand was Ray curled up, smiling at how peacefully cute he was then. She then turned to find her window mixed with red and purple, much to her surprise. Oh man, she thought, did I really sleep through the day? Just then, she spotted something in the afternoon light: a mannequin holding a weaved, sleeveless dress in colors of red and gold to match her hair, the length stopping just above the shins, a sun hairpiece on top of a note and removable arm sleeves on the dresser. Walking up to it, Sunset took the note and read it in-head: When you wake, put the dress on and meet me in the courtyard. -Heart, Flurry. Looking back and forth at the note and dress, Sunset simply shrugged, smiling to humor her crush’s niece. * I’ll give Flurry credit; this dress is amazing!, Sunset complimented as she observed herself in the vanity, adjusting her headpiece. She was thoroughly impressed with what she thought was a dress of Flurry’s design. She had only seen a dress this nice in- Oh, hello Sunset! It finally clicked in her head where the dress came from. Well, might as well humor her. Grabbing her satchel from an armchair, Sunset made her way down the stairs to the courtyard, getting more flustered with seeing the steps and hallway candlelit. And it might have been in her head, but she’d sworn to hear classical music playing in the background. Her nostrils were assaulted by the sweet amora of food, causing her to salivate. She could really eat after sleeping the day. She couldn’t help but wonder the time and effort the young princess had put in organizing this whole thing. And with the help of the others. Either way, I might as well appreciate this since Flurry’s put in the- Sunset’s thoughts were interrupted by impacting with another body in her path. Instinctively, she placed her hands apologetically, only for her senses to instantly deactivate as she saw her obstacle. Before her stood Twilight…and wow, was she lovely. Matching her flustered face, Sunset ogled the princess wearing a similarly sleeveless, weaved dress with a glittering-star design of violets, pinks, and lavenders. Her dress length was simply over her knees, she worn no removable arm sleeves, and also wore a cutie mark hairpiece that, while holding some strands up, didn’t affect her lovely waterfall of pink and purple. Twilight and Sunset just stared at each other, clearly amazed by each other, unable to form any words. Finally, their silence was broken with a cleared throat. They turned their gazes down to see doggy Spike with a bowtie and napkin over his arm. “May I escort you ladies to your table?” he asked in a false French accent. A quick eye glance at each other later and the two women meekly shook “yes.” They followed Spike down to the courtyard while replaying Spike’s request over their heads. Their table? As in singular? They’re sharing a table?! Sunset fully registered the reason behind Flurry’s work: she’s being dragged into a dinner date with Twilight, who silently calculated scenarios of what to expect, knowing she’s having dinner with the mare of her dreams. Finally, the women entered the courtyard and gasped at what they saw. Before them was the courtyard turned into a beautiful atmosphere that the sunset helped with. Hanging above them were strings of gemstones that shined dimly, not far from them was Discord conducting the music with his own orchestra, Tempest, Spike, and Starlight stood not far with an assortment of serving trays, and sunflowers and cherry blossoms led to their destination with Flurry there. Taking it in, the two women were in awe. Words alone couldn’t describe the sheer excellency of the setting and mood. How Flurry managed to convince the others to help was totally beyond them now. Their gazes finally shifted to the ground and they saw doggy Spike making for their table and quickly followed him, unaware of their locked hands. Once arriving at their table, Flurry pulled a chair for her aunt. Twilight walked up to her, only to realize she was locked with Sunset’s hand. Catching her gaze, Sunset stared at each other wide-eyed for seconds until they finally unlocked, taking their given seats across each other. “Welcome to the Sunlight Blossom, where your ever romantic need will be attended to,” Flurry stated as she levitated two leaf menus to her patrons. “Can I start you off with drinks as you look things over for a few?” The two girls weren’t listening as they replayed the handholding over in their minds, blushing majorly at how close they were yet again. Finally, they registered Flurry’s question. “Just water,” the pair spat. Taken aback briefly, Flurry composed herself with a nod before leaving. Finally alone (alone enough to have a private talk with no eavesdroppers), Sunset and Twilight glanced around at their surroundings, looking anywhere but each other. There was nothing but very uncomfortable silence against them for a bit until Sunset broke it. “I’m sorry for this, Twi. I gave Flurry my sketchbook and she found this cheesy romantic setting I once drew, and she and the others brought it to life to get us together.” Sunset took in her explanation and cringed at how blunt it was. She was now waiting for the humiliating part of an embarrassed Twilight to come. However, Twilight just giggled. Sunset stared at her giggling crush with such amazement. She made Twilight-Princes Twilight giggle. For the older girl, it had been forever since hearing the younger one giggle with such adorableness at something so ridiculous. Sunset was touched at her feat. Hearing Twilight’s cute giggle was music to her ears. “It’s okay, Sunset,” Twilight confessed. “I had a feeling that’d be it after I saw my dress.” “They are lovely, aren’t they?” “They’re beautiful. Almost as you.” Twilight’s eyes shot wide as she blushed at her claim. Did I seriously say that? She looked at Sunset who was just as flustered as herself. The two women dared not to look at each other. “I mean… uh-uh-” Twilight scrambled. “It’s fine, Twilight.” Sunset quickly brushed off, but her cheeks differed. “I mean, what’s dinner between friends without a shared compliment?” Twilight’s blushed darkened at that as she gestured towards her attire. “You think I’m beautiful in this as well?” “Yes,” Sunset croaked out, nerves disabling her ability to speak clearly. More uncomfortable silence…until Trixie returned with their water. “Here you two go. Need more time or do you know your order?” serviced Trixie. “More time please,” requested Twilight, sending Lulamoon away. As Discord’s music continued, the catered guests remained silent. Both’ve been thinking of ways to keep the conversation from getting awkward. Coming clean with her visit back home would put great weight off Sunset. Daydreams of Sunset after her memory scrapbook had spiked Twilight’s feelings for the older mare, screaming at her to tell the truth. Equally and unexpectedly, both feared how the other would react if they told the other that they just wanted to confess their feelings. Fear that would soon be their enemy. “Sunset Shimmer?” Twilight finally spoke, gaining the teacher’s attention. “Did you come back to Equestria for more than to celebrate the Day of Unity? Because you were acting kinda no better than I was when I heard of my brother’s wedding via invitation.” Sunset simply stared at the question before stuttering and failing to begin a sentence. As she did so, she saw Twilight staring back at her with hopeful eyes, watching the first student of Celestia stuttering away. Thought it was rather cute, she couldn’t help but fear rejection. Finally, Sunset groaned in frustration. She looked at the adorable princess’ eyes filled with vulnerable hope until she had an epiphany. Her fears suddenly washed away as she fully registered Twilight’s feelings. She finally knew that there was nothing to fear. A small, sincere smile crept her lower face and Twilight, seeing Shimmer’s expression change, beamed dimly. “Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Sunset formalized, her hand covering Twilight’s own lavender hand, “You know there’s so much I do for my homes and my friends, even confessing the truth, such as now. I came to Equestria not just for the party, but also for-for-for… for you.” Upon hearing it, Twilight’s eyes widened. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable throughout this ride. It’s just…we haven’t talked in years and I thought you’d forgotten me. I was scared that I wasn’t worth a care anymore since I’ve gotten a handle on the magic here.” Sunset winced afterwards, her heart practically melting with her own words, as she feared for the inevitable rejection. Hearing such music teared Twilight’s eyes as she responded with: “I, too, was scared. I’ve been busy with my rule that I’ve thought you’ve forgotten me too and moved on when I don’t want to move on from… from you.” Upon hearing it, Sunset herself was tearing from Twilight’s own music with a warm smile. Such words left the women so warm inside. Before they even knew it, their hands locked around each other again, paying no mind. They simply stared into each other long and hard. Both of them felt so assured with the weight of the world off them, floating within their eyes finally finding peace. Around them, the world darkened, signifying the coming of night. Hearing a clink above head, the women turned up to find a crudely made Crystal Heart that radiated in colors of pink and yellow. Its light didn’t break their eye contact. Away from them, Flurry, Trixie, the Spikes, and Starlight just stared at the arranged dinner waiting for the big moment. “Come on, you two,” urged Flurry impatiently but quietly, “tell each other to be your very special somepony!” “Give it time,” Equestrian Spike told. “All good relationships are based on time and progress, including me and Gabby.” “That’s ‘cause you two weren’t waiting years to say ‘I love you!’” “Given time and communication, all relationships will pass the confession,” Scorpan suddenly said behind the group. They turned to find their rescuers in the shadows watching. “It took me and Scorpan four years,” his wife stated, “to confess our love and be sweet dears.” “Guys!” hushed Trixie as she gestured to the table. Flurry made sure to keep her surprised gasp as quiet as possible. From afar, Sunset and Twilight’s faces were but mere inches away from contact as everyone watched in anticipation and excitement. Scorpan and Zecora looked on with intense attention, Discord watched in calm anticipation, and everybody else waited in over-the-top glee with saucer-wide eyes and gaping mouths. Sunlight then inched forward until finally, they were an inch away from a kiss. They were just lost in their eyes, every puff of breath driving their lust forward, waiting for a trigger. “Twilight?” Sunset Shimmer asked. “Yes?” Twilight Sparkle replied. Right then, the gleeful onlookers’ faces were the biggest they could possibly get. Sunset looked deep into Twilight, whose eyes were shimmering in the chandelier’s aura, completely at peace. Nothing else but the princess in the darken and starry background mattered, not even the threat of Grogar breaking her gaze. All of her troubles faded away instantly, her smile growing with the knowledge of the Princess of Friendship possibly returning her love. She could imagine the two of them sharing a happy future together. All needed to officiate it were three simple words. Sunset gaped to say so. Unfortunately, something caught in her vision, causing them to break the silence. Seeing it, Twilight broke out of her dreamlike gaze to follow Sunset’s gaze. Within the woods a light shone dimly. It glowed in a mix of black, gold, and white. Getting up of their seats, Sunset and Twilight walked towards the light, causing their onlookers to bemoan the missed opportunity, especially Flurry. They only stopped within two feet of entering the woods. Sunlight exchanged looks of feared curiosity; they clearly were fearful of what was to be found beyond the woods. But they took comfort in knowing that they’ll have each other hand-in-hand. Firmly holding Twilight’s hand, Sunset took a step forward… … before the light shone again, only more brilliant and, exceptionally, heading for them!! Sunset tackled Twilight to the ground just as the light blasted its way through the trees and shrubbery before striking the hut. Everyone else shielded their eyes as the beam left a massive hole and damage onto their home before it subsided. Soon recovering, all present observed the damage. Scorpan and Zecora looked on with shock of their home damaged, the Fellowship observed with horror, and Sunset and Twilight just looked with a mix of relief and shock. Who could’ve done it? All ears shot up in horror as the air soon filled with the monstrous laugh of an unmistakable tyrant. Marching on the charred path, they found the humanoid Father of Monsters himself with his replacement Bell, accompanied by his equally humanoid Siren harmonizers. A rustling of leaves directed Discord’s attention to his right to find Erebus the cloud demon emerging from the wind, bringing a trail of leaves and sticks with him and laughing manically, the trio of Raptorians and Queen Bumble following shortly behind. Lavan soon made another erupting entrance from the ground with the humanized Catrina appearing merely in a blink. The heroes found themselves surrounded by Grogar and his Elite. “So the Great Scorpan still lives after all,” Grogar mocked. “I was certain he’d be seeing his brother by now.” “Mocked the ram thought dead,” quipped Discord. Everyone else turned to the draconequus with exasperated eyes, clearly in joking mood. He shrugged defensively. “What, no tension breakers?” “We know why you’re here, Grogar,” spoke up Sunset as she heard Grogar unsheathe his sword, clearly expecting a fight. “Hardly difficult to understand,” is all said ram answered with.” And you can deliver me the bell or fight me. Either way, I walk victorious.” As if that’s a surprise. The band of heroes looked around themselves, knowing the inevitable struggle. Grogar clearly wasn’t going to lag this time; he came with solely his best and they were going to deliver, viciously charged. From the skies to the ground his servants had them surrounded. If Grogar were to rip through them for the real bell, his power’d be unmatched, and he’d rule all his eyes gazed upon. Knowing the risks and consequences, they immediately ponied-up against Equestria’s ultimate evil… … who simply laughed at the “futility.” Raising his hand, he signaled his followers to await his word. “Zecora, the Bell,” Scorpan ordered, knowing his wife would secure it, hearing her feet echoing away from him. Everybody else stood steadfast for the coming storm, the Fellowship fighting to protect the Bell, with the monsters seeking to claim it. Breaking the silence were the rustling of leaves and the tree sizzling. Grogar clenched his fist, lighting the fuse. The Fellowship followed suit. What started as an arranged date turned into a full-blown brawn for the prized Bell. * While the battle raged outside, Zecora quickly made for the relic room, hoping to secure the Bell. But before she did so, she checked for Pyro and Ray, fearing for their safety in the wreckage, her satchel wrapped on her. Once inside the kitchen, she found her pet fire lizard just under a towel-leaf, before finding Ray safe in the guestroom for Miss Shimmer. With the reptiles safe with her, she then made for the relics. Making it inside, the Bell came into her view the instant she opened the door. Rushing to it, the remedy brewer removed it from its podium with no problem, except for… “I thank you, fool,” complimented the witch cat herself as she manifested from behind Zecora. “I went for it only to receive a shock. I figured you’d receive none.” “If this catastrophe device you wish,” dared Zecora, “then through me, you’ll have to hiss.” Not needing convincing, the witch cat just pounced for her master’s power, only for Zecora to evade her and cause her crash into the pedestal. Regaining her footing, she conjured a whip from her paw before cracking it around the Bell. What started in a tug-of-war ended when the doctor sprayed a cyro bottle onto the whip, freezing it instantly and regaining hold of the trophy. Not wasting time, Catrina quickly knocked her enemy down with a blast of magic, sending the Bell flying into the air before levitating it to her. The sudden burn on her tail caused Catrina to drop her spell and look down to find Pyro and Ray singeing and biting her tail. Hissing in frustration, she stomped her foot on the faster fire lizard as he continued spitting fire. Her efforts were interrupted when she felt a metal impact to her head, sending her down. Zecora held the Bell in one hand and extended the other for the reptiles. She then quickly ran for the door, with the angered cat following soon after. * Starlight delivered a powerful magic burst onto Erebus, sending him apart in breezes, only for him to recollect himself instantly. “You cannot break the wind,” declared the cloud demon as he slammed the Headmare downward, who quickly recovered to blast another beam of magic onto the demon. The blast pasted through him as he came towards her. Before she was hit, however, Starlight charged and fired an ice spell that froze the demon solid and sent him crashing right down right onto Queen Bumble, saving her best friend. “True, but I could always freeze it,” quipped Starlight as she descended to ground level, fist-bumping Trixie. Both woman returned to the battle when they saw the humongous bee stir back to consciousness and roared at them. Dodging her initial attack, the two tag-teamed her, stunning the bee and throwing her off balance. Elsewhere, the Spikes had just grounded the Raptorians when they saw Tempest and Lavan duking. Rushing to her, they saw Lavan upchucking more magical lava towards them. Acting quick, Equestrian Spike countered with fire breath towards the beast, who just sucked it in. Before anything else, he began throwing pieces of himself at them, forcing uncanny acrobatics from the trio. “Anything in that pack of yours that’ll help?” demanded Tempest from the canine advisor, whose face instantly lit up. “Holy Spike Had It Twilight, I do!” he proclaimed. Opening up his pack, a pair of hoses departed and pointed at the hulking lava. As he charged the dog, the hoses sprayed magically infused liquid nitrogen at the lava-man, freezing him instantly. Now before them stood him frozen where he stood. “Dude, nice work,” complimented the Advisor as both counterparts high-fived. Intense thunder and lightning erupted and sparked between the Chaos God, Tirek’s Traitor, and the King of Monsters. While Discord rallied more on his magic, he had some expertise in sword-fighting in his lifetime, despite using a simple balloon sword against his father; Scorpan trained himself to the fullest in the art of swordsmanship, going far enough to forge his own; and Grogar wasted his time in the human world well by learning studying hand-to-hand combat as well with the use of a weapon. And he’s used those lessons well as he continually beat his duel opponents without effort. Soon, it was just the King and the draconequus. Both beings held their own greatly before entering a standstill. “Is it true,” hissed the Father, “that you gave up eternal life for a Pegasus after humiliating my name?” “Why not?” countered the smug Discord. “Immortality is a curse, unlike you, campfire story.” “I am the personification of fear itself and you are now but a disgrace to my name!” In his rage, Grogar finally popped his son’s blade before delivering a series of bone-crushing blows and slashes upon the latter and sending him flying to the ground. Once Discord crashed into the ground, his father then placed his boot on the Chaos God’s throat, raising his sword high in the sky with a proclamation: “You don’t deserve a seat at the god’s table; Scorpan and I do!” He brought his blade done to smite the chaos… … only to be stopped by the recovered Scorpan’s blade. Both warriors faced each other with daggers for eyes. “I am an aging guardian now,” confessed the Bell’s guardian, “and you are but a willful prisoner of pride.” “And proud.” Breaking the lock, both Equestrian warriors began to clash, striking thunder into the air. The six-way blowout between the Sirens and the Princesses raged on within the woods. Dusk was proving herself an equal match against Heart’s advanced studied spells, Blaze and Sparkle clashed out with advantage switching continuously, and Dazzle and Shimmer traded destructive blows with one another, their hate amplified tenfold from recent events. Neither sides gained an advantage. “What’re you thinking, Adagio?!” demanded Shimmer, blocking another attack. “Anyone would have a death wish to team with Grogar!” She then unleashed a duel beam of magic towards her opponent, who merely countered with a defensive soundwave. “The why doesn’t matter,” hissed Dazzle, “you begging for death does!” Fists clenched in magic, she then flew straight for her troubles’ root. However, the latter managed to catch her fists in midair, sending the Siren back to solid footing. Both women were now fist-locked, eyes burning red at each other, teeth close to sharpening. For destroying her pendant, Adagio was building her rage up for that. Everything Adagio dreamt of was just within her grasp; she’d waited long to make Sunset suffer unimaginably. For years she’s dreamt of that and wasn’t going to let it slip. Sunset, meanwhile, was angered for different reasons: threatening her friends and her crush with Twilight. She was gonna make Adagio regret messing with her emotions. Everything she loved was threatened by Grogar and the Sirens, and she was going to defend them wholeheartedly. “Is my blood really that important?!” demanded the fiery-haired alien. “Considering how you’d helped destroyed my pendant, yes.” the Siren nonchalantly acknowledged before delivering a headbutt to the teacher. Shaking it off quickly, Shimmer blocked a devastating pow-down from the Siren, cratering the ground. Both women erupted into a magically infused fistfight, delivering crushing blow after another to each other. Still, neither gained no edge. Unlike them, the Sparkle relatives teamed and were prevailing against the other two Sirens. Switching their dance partners, they gained a better chance. While uneven in magical strength, Heart made up by teleporting whenever Blaze harmonized against her, much to the Siren’s frustration. Dusk fared no better against the experienced Sparkle, whose spells countered everything else the taco lover threw and easily beating her. Soon, the aunt and niece used their opponents against each other. Flurry again teleported out of Aria’s blast, letting her sister take the full blast instead. Before she could react, Twilight popped behind Aria and sent her flying not far behind. Seeing their success, the alicorns high-fived. Grogar was flabbergasted as he recovered from a kick from his ancient rival. He was older than Scorpan yet was losing against the Traitor. In all of his experience, any equal opponent would last not five minutes before caving from exhaustion or defeat. Yet, the gargoyle was an amazing exception, no matter how much he hated it. His thoughts were interrupted by the crashing of Sonata and Aria close by. He turned to the crater. “Ugh, I can’t take this anymore!” the purple-coated Siren screamed. “When are your secret weapons coming!?” Her master simply gave a countdown in 5… 4… 3… 2… On cue, the skies lit up in such succession, ceasing the fight. All of Everfree was alit as all eyes fell upon it. The Fellowship as a whole were left wondering what the light. Was it hope? Another monster? Regardless, it was descending for them. The legion of villains were thinking the same, except for their leader, who simply looked at Scorpan with sinister anticipation. Seeing it left the guardian unsettled and ready. The arranged Sunlight, seeing pass the brilliance, managed a good look at the source,…and what they found was horrifying. Once it landed, the light dissolved to reveal a pair of winged humanized figures of nightmarish proportions. Before all observers were Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon themselves!! Their teeth were bared, their sun-orange and midnight-blue armor encompassed their power, their blazing and flowing hair stood on end, and their horns shimmered in the darkest brilliance as they chuckled in wicked glee. Sunset and Twilight looked upon with fear of seeing the Two Sisters terraformed into their own demons. Grogar gazed upon his latest creations with satisfaction, knowing that the fight is his now. The ram commanded: “Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker, crush them all!!!” “With pleasure,” complied the terraformed sisters. Reigniting the fight, Nightmare tackled Tempest into the woods while Daybreaker tossed destructive magic spheres upon the rest, sending them flying. Tempest had no time to regain her footing as Nightmare Moon soon sent magical blast by blast at her, forcing the Captain into aerobatic defense before finding cover behind some trees. But the demonic princess didn’t relent in her assault, as she blasted through the trees, sending splinters flying and cackling madly. When the smoke cleared, Moon however found no body, only to be assaulted by a concentrated blast from the branches behind. Turning around, she swiftly fired upon the branches, only to be shot again from behind, repeating her actions again and again until the leaves were but smoldering away. Enough became enough for the rageful princess, as she scattered a clutter of stardust into the air, illuminating the area and revealing Tempest’s location. Nightmare then swiftly shot at the captain’s branch and sent her crashing into the ground. Finally having one pesky unicorn down, she conjured up a stardust sword and raised high over her, prepared to deliver the killing blow, only to be stopped by the sudden arrival of Starlight conjuring a protective barrier around her and Shadow, blocking off the sword. “Luna, wait,” pleaded the Headmare, “I know you’re fighting yourself within. Don’t let Grogar control you!” “There is no Luna, only Nightmare Moon!!” roared the Mare of the Moon as she delivered a crushing strike down onto the barrier, shattering it. The force of the attack impacted Starlight’s head, knocking her out and leaving the Crystal Captain to fend for herself. She quickly sent surges of energy onto the corrupted princess, who shielded herself with her wings before using one to swat her aside. As Shadow struggled back up, she looked behind her to find Moon charging at her and delivered a two-leg kick onto the princess’ stomach, sending her back. Now Tempest was charging for her enemy, who unleashed a stream of stardust around to restrain the hardened pony. Standing on even footing with her, Moon then grinned at her success, only for smoke bombs to ruin her victory. She turned to find Trixie and Starlight rushing and throwing magic and special effects. Seeing the insolence, Moon fired upon the pair, which Glimmer blocked with a conjured shield that returned the magic to sender and singed her wing. She then felt a shock onto her back and looked to see Tempest with her fingers stretched from her attempt. Then she had enough, grabbing the captain by her uniform collar and tossing her right into Lulamoon before charging right into the Headmare and delivering a devastating blast that shattered her protection again. She then delivered furious blow after another onto Starlight, forcing her enemy to conjure more ineffective shields. Unable to keep up, Starlight’s throat was clenched tight with the Mare’s hands around it, throttling her life out before entrapping her in restraining stardust and tossing her aside. She then turned to the rising Trixie. “It’s now us two, magician,” Nightmare declared before striking another blast. Daybreaker, meanwhile, made mincemeat out of Spike, Discord, and Flurry in the sky. No amount of chaos magic could confuse her for long as she effortlessly brushed off Discord’s attacks and knocked him out of the fight and Spike managed to last long against her before finally losing. There then remained herself and Flurry Heart. And what a match. Both alicorn humanoids were both very powerful, the demonized Celestia more experienced than Flurry who had nearly two decades of study and holding her own. Daybreaker went first by delivering a rapid barrage of fireballs that Flurry defended herself against with a self-barrier dissipating them before delivering a strike of her own, briefly stunning the princess. Regaining her composure, the fiery demon conjured a pair of fiery whips with which she entangled the young enemy to bring them up close to deliver a brutal punch to the young alicorn, sending her into the clouds. With glee on her face, she raced up to continue with the “amateur alicorn.” Making it up into the clouds, Day surveyed her fluffy surroundings for Heart, but much to her disappointment, found nothing. And before she processed any further, she was struck by a magical blast from behind. She turned around to see her adoptive niece’s daughter hovering in fierce confidence. “Child,” Day hissed, “you are not sane for doing that.” She then swung slashes of fire to the crystal ruler who barely dodged them before shifting to fireballs. Flurry countered with her own magic blasts. Both alicorns traded blows before their magic blasts beamed into a stalemate, both pushing forward to one-up the other in the stalemate. Daybreaker proved herself to be the more willful as she pushed through Heart’s blast, which eventually broke her focus and her barrier, sending her aback. Before the cackling demon could further the princess’ pain, her wings and legs were suddenly suspended together in chains, sending her flying down below. SNAP! appeared Discord next to the crystal ruler in a hula skirt and tooth necklace around his neck holding a large fishhook. “You are welcome.” he stated cockily. Unfortunately, his magic proved again ineffective against Daybreaker as she soared up towards them, her chains melted off, and renewed her fiery assault. Evasive action the pair took, hoping to divide Breaker’s attention. Luckily, Spike provided just that as he spat fire from behind her and got her full attention. Now it was fire against fire as both Equestrians lit the sky up with their green and orange flames. Spike proved more agile as he dodged her attacks while spitting his own, while Daybreaker dominated as the more destructive of the two fighters. Tangoing with the dragon, however, gave the draconequus and alicorn the time to entrap the she-demon into a barrier mix of crystal and chaos magic, which nullified her fire. Now she was entrapped in the sky, humiliated by an advisor, ex-con, and a young princess, all catching their breaths. “Whew, Celestia is still something.” Discord quipped as he regained his breath. But just then, the demonized Celestia glowed brilliantly and unleashed a roaring flame that shattered her cage and sent the trio flying backwards before renewing her fiery assault onto them. Back in the woods, the Sirens and Grogar battled Scorpan and Sunlight. Blaze and Dusk harmonized destruction onto the forest, leeching out the remaining two girls responsible for their troubles, the latter striking and dashing away in between trees, while Dazzle rained from above. Their one-on-one far from done, the lead Siren and teacher were clearly the fiercest on both sides as they battled with all of their fury and might. The former sang destructive note as the latter fisted magical blasts, wanting to one-up the other. Sparkle, on the other hand, countered against the lesser Sirens with the throwing of stones and branches, the pair harmonizing the debris to dust. Then, as Aria delivered more disharmony upon the persistent alicorn, Sonata snuck behind and delivered a devasting blast to Equestria’s ruler. Meanwhile, the relics continued to clash out. Now with his pair of demonized princesses, Grogar was fighting more offensive, leaving Scorpan less time to defend himself. Finally, the King locked swords with the guardian before delivering a strike across the face, sending the gargoyle down on the ground. He then stood above his enemy as he raised his blade. “I must thank you, relic,” mocked the King of Monsters, “for keeping my Bell secured. Saves me the leg work, even if I sent my children to retrieve my victory.” He then brought his sword… down? Struggling to do so, he looked to find it encased in pink magic, clearly done on behalf of the princess herself, who, too, was struggling against it. “You won’t win ever!” grunted Twilight. “Because you lack the greatest victory of all: friendship. You see others as tools, while we see it as a strength and-” An annoyed Grogar groaned. “Here comes the ‘friendship is magic’ nonsense!” With all of his might, he forced his sword down onto Scorpan, who quickly moved to the side from its path as it came down. The guardian sought to rise up, only for the King to drop his foot upon his throat. Before Twilight could react, she was quickly engulfed in the ancient enemy’s magic and levitated straight into his tightening grip around her throat. Right then, the Sirens appeared before their master with Sunset in magical restraints beaten down and thrown to his feet. Seeing each other at the villains’ mercy, all began to struggle free as Grogar aired his grievances. “Clearly, you’re both no different than the Two Sisters, the ponies I’ve massacred, or my own kind. Believing peace among ponies possible, as I scoffed at such a falsity and devoted my life into my own magic and began my conquest with my own kin.” Everyone’s eyes, pony, gargoyle, and Siren alike, shot open. They all looked upon the ram in horror as he inhaled all of their seeping fear. Of all his deeds they’ve heard of, that was the darkest of them all. How could a villain have so cruelly wipe out his own people? Sunset and Twilight’d both hoped Grogar to have some glimmers of redemption until then. Now the pair saw him as the perfect monster he was meant. A swooshing interrupted the horrified thoughts, and all looked to find Catrina stepping through with Zecora, all bruised and bloodied, in one hand and the object of Grogar’s quest in the other. Twilight and Sunset watched mortified to see the King and his prime power just inches apart, the Sirens watched with silent glee as their work was soon to pay off, Scorpan observed in anxiety at the coming doom and his wife’s condition, and Grogar flashed his biggest devilish grin ever as his Bell inched forward to him. As it happened, Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon descended with their own enemies defeated and at their feet. Following them were the recovered Lavan, Bumble, Erebus, and the Raptorians gathering around their master’s moment of triumph. “O mighty Grogar,” the witch cat idolized, dropping her “unworthy” foe onto the ground nonchalantly and kneeling before her master, presenting the Bell in both paws. “I stand before you with a gift of-” Not giving her a chance to finish and waiting enough, he simply levitated his true power out of her grip and into his own before tossing the gasping princess aside in front of her crush and removing his foot from Scorpan’s gasping throat, who crawled to his love. “Twilight!” panicked Sunset as she struggled in her binds towards Twilight. A few seconds passed before the princess glanced up at Sunset with a weak smile, slightly easing the captive Equestria Girl before they glanced towards the unfolding horror. “Finally,” the First Scourge declared, “millenniums of separation and now I have you, old friend.” And with that, he slowly rose his real Bell next to his crude replica on his harness- CHOMP! He roared in pained anger as he registered the pain to his leg. He looked down to see doggy Spike biting into the back of his leg growling in protest. Wasting no time, the Ram of Nightmares lifted the canine in magic and brought at face level. “Meddlesome pest!!” he roared as he threw Spike across straight to Starlight who managed to recover him in magic and into her arms. They then glared anger towards the monster himself. Looking down onto his Bell, he saw Scorpan crawling for it, only for Catrina to instantly stop him in magical bonds. Wasting time no more, he simply lifted the real Bell straight onto his harness before securing it. Once doing so, he felt the magic within him seethe its way into the real thing, charging it up with magic unfamiliar to it for millenniums. Everyone looked in fear or elation at the sight. The seething slowed as Grogar grinned sinisterly at the reunion with his power. “NO!” Princess Twilight screamed as she got back up and made for the King, not knowing the inevitable fate soon approaching. Unfazed and smiling with malice, Grogar lifted his Bell towards the ruler. One clang later and it unleashed its dark magic for the first time in over a decade. Coming straight for Twilight was a dark violet magic that encased around her. “TWILIGHT!!!” Sunset, Spike, Flurry, and Starlight all screamed in horror. Twilight could feel the pain coursing through her entire body. It was unbearable fire reaching into her everywhere, burning her entirety within and causing her screams to reach new heights of volume. There was the tearing of clothing as she felt her alicorn wings suddenly grew bigger and felt sharper, her arm and legs became engulfed in some burning leather and felt a piercing pain protruding from her forehead, exceeding her standing-on-end hair. As it happened, her screams turned into sadistic chuckles the longer it continued. At last, the surge was done and over with, and Twilight Sparkle was no more. None other than the familiar fright of the demonized human of a nightmarish gown, leggings, and gloves, raven-like wings, and the bright blue horn that matched her blazing eyes remained. There was now… Midnight Sparkle. “Twilight?” Sunset quivered under her shaken breath, horrified at the sight of her recent nightmare coming true. “No more,” denounced the nightmarish form of the pony princess. She reached out and clenched her fist in her magic, lifting the restrained teacher from her place and right to her face. “And while I’d like to kill you now, Father wants you to suffer.” Before anyone could do anything, Midnight pushed her hand forward and sent the rogue unicorn to make fierce contact with a tree, knocking her out cold as a trail of blood followed her down. “SUNSET!!” Flurry Heart cried out. “Excellent work, Midnight Sparkle,” Grogar congratulated his latest soldier before turning to everyone else with wicked pleasure. “Now this is my conquest’s real beginning. Once I use these bells to finish off Equestria-” “I?” questioned Adagio as she walked towards him. “You said you, us, your monsters, and your new she-demons’d all rule Equestria together, didn’t you?” Much to her surprise, he gave off a halfhearted whimsical laugh as he levitated himself over ground above all else, his new warriors ascending alongside him. “When taking over the world, Miss Dazzle,” he simply cackled, “never share the power.” Before Adagio could question further, the King of Monsters activated his Bell for the first time in millenniums. Turning it up towards the sky, a beam unleashed its greatest power high into the air. A huge vortex soon swirled over the forest before unleashing multiple beams upon most of the occupants below. The Fellowship all screamed as they felt their humanized magic slowly and painfully extracted from them, the Sirens did so as they looked upon their master with betrayed eyes, and Grogar’s Elite spasmed in agony as they felt more than their magic slip from them. All the while, the demonized princesses watched in silent pleasure as their master reveled in all of the magic being sucked into his returned relic. Finally, the agony ebbed. The Ram of Nightmares looked down upon the insects and grinned as they looked around helpless and pained. Everyone at his feet were now at his mercy and posed no threat at all to him. His gaze stopped at a pile of crumbled coal, which he assumed was Lavan. Thinking back, he’d quickly surmised it to be draining the lava monster dried of magic. He then turned to find a puff of fading cloud, descending feathers, a sizzling crown, and a discarded robe. Seeing these, he realized: his magic killed off his Elite! They were born from a mix of his and the Sirens’ magic and draining both factions of their magic was simply signing their obituaries. Meh, I was gonna do it regardless, he simply shrugged. He then turned to his remaining warriors. “Our ordeal here is over for the moment, ladies,” he assured the trio. “Equestria comes first, then this world, and all others beyond. Let us go and leave these ants.” Just then, a bright crack of light entered his peripheral vision. He turned to see his entry into the human world, a cracked-open rock, shining on, waiting for him. The four then made their way home. “But-” a weak voice called. The ram turned to see Adagio weakly and pathetically crawling her way towards her former master. “You’d promised us magic to make everyone who ever wronged us pay. You’d promised.” “That I did,” Grogar acknowledged, “but you have all disappointed me, being made fools by mere ponies. Regardless, I was going to dispose of you all from the get-go. Goodbye, ants.” And with that, the frightful four slithered their way into the shimmering stone and back home, leaving the Fellowship and Sirens to rot in their misery, Adagio the most broken. How could have it all happened to her? How was it possible? Everything she had but for a short time, and then had nothing again. She and her sisters have been reduced so low yet again. “You could have seen it coming, did you not?” Scorpan asked the downtrodden Siren, who simply looked on in horror and misery. She looked over her shoulders to see everyone gazing upon her and her sisters, who shared her pain at their great mistake. “I d-d-didn’t,” stuttered the lead Siren, tears welling up, “I really didn’t.” They had failed. Everyone had failed so miserably. The Fellowship failed to keep the Bewitching Bell away from Grogar. The Sirens failed to achieve their own revenge against Sunset Shimmer. But Sunset, as she regained consciousness to observe the aftermath, herself felt that she had failed the most. She had failed everyone in the human world and Equestria alike, she had failed her friends and allies, and worst of all, she had failed Princess Twilight Sparkle. Everyone was now powerless against Emperor Grogar. “What have I done?” Sunset cursed herself as she looked on. > Act III: One Last Sketch: Hope > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene Twenty-Eight: The Sentence What the heck happened, Sci-Twi pondered as she darted her eyes in internal darkness. She came to with a very splitting headache. Everything felt fuzzy and discordant as she stirred her stiff limbs back to life. With what little effort she could manage, she finally peered open her eyes, only for them to be assaulted by a brilliant gleam of violet. She then use a still-stiff hoof to rub them as they adjusted to the brilliance of the black-yellow sphere she found herself within. In her blinded state, she located her glasses near her hooves and tried to use magic on them, only for nothing to happen. She soon realized the sphere’s magic-cancelling abilities and then resorted to her hooves. Once her eyes finally adjusted to the color and her glasses’ return, Twilight looked beyond her prison to find what appeared as a throne room, seeming terraformed. Her heart and mind were both racing as she looked over the long narrow room, the rising sun gleaming through stained glass windows depicting a fearsome ram in each, and the large throne right next to their prison. And sitting on it was a pony figure. The figure appeared alicorn in nature, but apparently demonic. It shared her lavender coat and mane-tail style, but her wings were that of a raven’s, her horn was long and shimmered in a ghostly blue that matched her blazing eyes. And she was wearing a nightmarish gown that she had only seen worn by- Oh heaven help us, the horrified brainiac realized. It can’t be her. It just can’t! Unable to take the realization, Twilight collapsed as her jelly legs gave. Before she fell over entirely, she felt a pair of hooves wrap around her, catching her at the last moment. She turned her upward to see Fluttershy offering a strained comforting smile. Seeing her shy friend, Twilight perked slightly at the hope that the rest were by her side. So regaining her footage, she found the rest surrounding her. She then observed everypony’s current condition. Pinkie’s colors looked to be dimmed and scared over recent events, her million-dollar smile not taking over her lower face, Applejack’s stomach wound was being stitched by Rarity with thread from the stetson, worrying over her farmer, and Rainbow showed obvious signs of fear and defeat while Fluttershy comforted her bold marefriend. Twilight looked beyond again to find their artifacts in a smaller sphere next to their own. “It is certainly crushing,” the familiar voice of their common tyrant echoed to their ears. The mares turned their hate-filled expressions to the King of Monsters approaching their spherical prison. And upon his harness they found but an additional Bell that appeared smoother and more ancient compared to the cruder construct. The Six stared in horror as the situation’s gravity crashed onto them. None of them could believe it. They were now trapped and powerless against their cage, Grogar had double his power, Princess Twilight has become a nightmare resurrected, and Sunset was either captured or worse. This was overwhelming for them all. “To know that you are all to die very soon in your pathetic friendship and that you have failed everybody below.” “At least we die together while you die alone, you monster” hissed Fluttershy with bile. “Even with us dead, Sunset will stop you,” Rainbow boldly declared. A demonic chortle broke her boldness. Everypony then turned to face Midnight Sparkle vacating the throne and trotting towards them. The six little ponies were in horror as the pony princess they knew and loved was now a demonized ghost of the past. “On the contrary,” Midnight claimed as she leaned towards her humanly self, “I took the liberty of getting rid of Sunset right away. She’s probably with her parents by now.” All six mares gasped and stared in complete horror at the claim. Now they were hearing that Sunset was dead? They had to be in Tartarus. They could all feel the floodgates cracking behind their eyes as they took the news in. “Now don’t be that,” the King mockingly demanded. “Save those tears for the sentence.” “How could you.” Twilight hissed in fury. “How could you do all of this: attacking a whole kingdom, killing many ponies, and enjoying it? What have they ever done to you?” “Nothing to me at all,” he simply responded. “My kind are at fault, however. They stood idly as your kind had their way in life, fearing them. I called them weak and pathetic for choosing peace over fighting for power against ponykind, thus beginning my reign with every last one of them.” The Rainbooms froze in shock. “Years of conquest and a banishment later led to me returning to my glory, all thanks to you six and Shimmer.” “Us?” Pinkie questioned. “Well, mostly Mrs. Spruce, but yes. Your constant battles in magic over the years only sent every trace to me, but your Friendship Games were the icing. Reason is because when the original Midnight,” the Father gestured towards the bespectacled unicorn, “destroyed the Wondercolt. In doing so, she not only let magic seep into that world, but also split fragments of the Crystal Mirror to spread across.” “The portal covered in quicksand?” Rainbow pieced as she reminisced on that Spring Break. “Smarter than let on, Rainbow Dash,” Grogar insulted. “Those cracks gave me all the magic I needed to strike back… more ruthless than before.” As if on cue, all heard the clang of armor originating from the balcony. The ponies and ram all turned to see a pair of similarly demonized alicorns trot inside. Before the heroes came what they assumed were Princesses Celestia and Luna bearing raven wings and blazing manes. “Humane 6, meet Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon, the Two Sisters’ dark halves,” Grogar introduced, “and, along with Midnight, the perfect replacements for the Sirens.” “Not surprisin’,” stated AJ weakly as Rarity stitched on. “We tried convincing Adagio, but she didn’t listen.” “Arrogance forever fails everyone.” “Like you’re different.” Those baleful words hissed into Grogar’s ear. He glared at the lavender unicorn with his fiercest pair of daggers. How she had the nerve to call him out was beyond him. And to defy him after all that’s happened. He’d took over Canterlot in great ferocity, attacked her and her friends with his own beasts, and wholeheartedly spoke highly of his cruel deeds, all with the intent of their spirits and hope being shattered. But those three defying words pierced the First Emperor right at the heart. He had a good mind to just dust her there and then, but instead, he chose to psychological break her. “Such bravery from a little pony, Spruce,” he calmly stated, “but I’d figured you’d by now know the futility of resisting the First Scourge. “Really?” mocked the unfazed brainiac. “Because from what Sunset said, you ain’t that big a boogieman.” Her respond earned a collective gasp from her friends, who watched in fear and surprise. “I mean sure, what I’ve seen convinced me that you’re a very bad guy, but you’re just not that bad. Even Gusty’s book on you doesn’t quite convince me either; anypony could just illustrate a ram killing ponies and make it sound scary. Bottomline, you don’t scare me. You could just be another baddie using intimidation to gain respect and the minute you’re threatened, you resort to empty threats. I should know; I saw it within my old Crystal Prep principal.” She paused to let her words sink in, watching Grogar’s bubbling anger before turning around to see her friends al gesturing to quit the dissing before something terrible happens. She delivered a wink to them before continuing. “If you really were everything you’re cracked to be, you’d have just killed us here and now, and, instead, you’re just petrifying, demonizing, or just imprisoning ponies and creatures. And not a pint of blood on your hooves yet.” “You ignorant human,” Grogar growled, his teeth clenched and eyes beaming with anger as the unicorn threw dirt into his eye. “Don’t you understand the danger you are all in for insulting me?” “Of course I do. I’m insulting an interdimensional creature who’s been wasting our time by not being everything he’s known to be. I have to admit I was expecting a far serious villain for a while. And you could’ve won it… if you actually had the spine to kill Equestria’s hope.” As her friends gawked at their friend in disbelief, Twilight Spruce remained steadfast, undeterred from what was coming. For a brief moment, the King’s eyes were in shock before returning to his furious expression, his horns coming to life. Other than Gusty, that human-turned-unicorn had to possibly have been the foolishly bravest to stand up and insult him like such. And he was ready to end it right then and there. But, instead, he chose to be the better villain and do it the only way he deemed fit. “You want me to be the very bad guy?” he simply asked. “Fine. Your magic won’t be worth my time. Princesses.” He then commanded with a clap of his hooves for his new Sirens. Soon enough, the three princesses came to his side, kneeling and awaiting his word. He turned to them with a simple demand: “Please be sure to properly prepare our prisoners for the sentence.” “As you command, Emperor,” the three simply responded. And then, they divided. Nightmare Moon flew her way outside to address the monsters of the impeding news, Daybreaker moved to collect the petrified statues from below, and Midnight Sparkle had the most important job of preparing the Humane 6 for the alleged sentence. “You should have kept your muzzle shut, Twilight,” she mocked as she crawled all over the spherical prison. “Now you’ve just doomed everypony.” Before anypony else could say anything, the demonized friend levitated their sphere with her horn and made her way out of the throne room, quietly cackling to herself, clearly enjoying the wickedness. As they were carried away, the Rainbooms glared at Twilight with disbelief. “Now why the hay did ya do somethin’ so stupid, Twi?!” AJ barked. “Now, we’re all gonna get it!” “What were you thinking?!” Pinkie added in, her tone in par with Applejack’s. “Trust me, girls, everything’ll be okay,” was all the bespectacled unicorn answered said. Despite what she just done, Twilight still retained a calm demeaner. The girls couldn’t believe how relax their friend was taking it. Normally, she’d be panicking with them, but then she seemed content with her fate. And only she knew the reason why. I just hope, she prayed over in her head. Scene Twenty-Nine: Time to Pony Up Silence fell upon the hut of Scorpan and Zecora. Existence itself was at risk from the threat of the King of Monsters. Any threat to his rule was none but conquered, everypony and body against him was powerless, and his power had doubled since his prime with fear and two Bewitching Bells in his iron hoof. As the sun ascended upon Everfree, there was but solemn amongst the Fellowship as they reflected on recent events. They had failed. All of them. And they had but themselves to hold responsible. Spike, still retaining his ponied-up form, was pacing more nervous than ever before, thinking plans to himself. Trixie and Starlight tended to everybody’s injuries with assistance from Ray and Pyro and partial guidance from the grievously wounded Zecora with Scorpan by her bedside. Discord simply and shamefully hung his head low as he rustled his hand over doggy’s Spike’s fur as Lulamoon wrapped his wounds while Tempest sulked beside him. Flurry watched the sulking Aria comfort Sonata down on the ground before glancing upon Adagio, who leaned against a tree, silently cursing herself for being so ignorant. And then, there was Sunset herself. She took the lost the worst with Adagio behind her. Like the lead Siren, the teacher isolated herself under a tree, wallowing in her misery as she felt around her stitched wound behind her head. She was severely bullying herself badly for the whole mess. Despite everyone’s assurance, she only found herself to blame. She had to be such a brat to the only mother figure she had as a pony; she had to run from home; she had to steal one-sixths of a powerful artifact and failed to use it in another world, which then resulted in the Sirens’ reemergence, her friend/possible girlfriend being corrupted, and unknowingly aiding the greatest villain in Equestria in getting his power back!! How could she’ve let this happen? She held her geode in her palm and looked at it with her teary, bloodshot eyes. For a time, she had considered it her only equal magic to Twilight’s own, despite its only magic of empathy. Only until her nightmare of Midnight Sparkle flashed before her again did she snap and tossed it aside before breaking down in tears. How could she have done this? This was all her fault. Maybe everypony and body would’ve been better off if she weren’t born at all. Maybe if she weren’t living right- Her self-punishment was interrupted by the crunching of leaves approaching her direction. She lifted her head solemnly to see Flurry, Trixie, and Discord approaching her. Knowing them, she was probably getting another round of the “it’s-not-your-fault” talk, so she already prepared her response. “Listen, guys,” she objected, “it was my fault from the get-go, so don’t try and-.” “You’re right; it is all your fault,” was all Trixie bluntly stated. Hearing this, Sunset turned to see Trixie looking prideful while Flurry and Discord gave her gapping looks for her lack of gentleness. “Wow, thanks for being gentle,” quipped Sunset before burying her face in her knees. “Now before you sulk again,” advised the Lord of Chaos, “just hear us all out.” “What do I have left to hear?” ranted Sunset. “That I brought this whole mess on everypony back home; that I got our magic taken from us; that fate made the mistake of ever creating me in the first place!? Just stop trying to convince me. This was my fault, no one else’s.” “Still, you can still fix this. You just need to stop beating yourself up.” “Even so, how do you expect us to beat the Grogar?! The Father of Monsters? The ram who unleashed monsters upon Pre-Equestria? The very monster who turned the Two Sisters and the ruler herself into demons!?” “Sunset, I’ve seen enough to know-” “TO KNOW THAT I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!!” Sunset screamed as her personal dam broke entirely, running down her cheeks and reddening her eyes. She proceeded to a blubbering rant of self-punishment. “I’ve been telling myself for years that coming here with magic was a terrible idea and what happened last night just went and proved me right! I’ve placed you all in danger, nearly got you killed, aided an ancient villain in his revenge quest, and got Equestria’s ruler turned into a demon! Now with two bells, Grogar is Celestia-dang unstoppable! And-and-and-” Her tears overtook all vocal ability, and she went on a full crying fit, kneeing down and hugging herself like a lost child, the self-guilt eating her up within. She slowly craned up to face Flurry with a quivering: “Flurry Heart, I am so sorry. There’s no hope.” She saw no need to further her point. All the details were voiced and pointing at her. She gazed upon her best friend’s niece, who looked pained. She could already make out what the young ruler was thinking, cursing the runaway unicorn for terraforming her aunt. Heck, she could have pictured that thought in everybody else’s heads. She waited in silent agony as the princess began to form a sentence. And what she said surprised the downhearted woman. “And that’s precisely why you can’t stop now,” Flurry claimed. “Dad told me that you can’t just make a mistake and fail to take responsibility for it.” Sunset just looked upon the princess in confused bloodshot eyes before stating: “But this was no mistake, sweetie; this was a massive catastrophe.” “So what?” Flurry objected. She then offered a hand to Shimmer, the former looking back and forth from her face to her hand, feeling scared and confused. She pictured their positions similar to when Twilight came over a second time. Like her crush, she was hesitant to accept the hand. By Celestia, it must’ve taken all of her willpower to extend her hand to her former enemy back then. But she felt to do so after the princess saved her from a life of loneliness and bitterness. Now that her niece was following her example, it was needing her willpower entirely again to reach for the hand. Slowly but assuringly, Sunset reached for Flurry, their hands finally connecting as their fingers laced together. Once fully gripped, the young princess pulled the unicorn up to her feet. Once on even footing, the teacher looked around to see the rest of the Fellowship walking up to her. And all she saw upon their faces was a sort of empathy. Like most of them knew how she felt then. Again, Flurry’s voice rang. “There’s probably enough people around you who know how you feel right now, including me.” Sunset looked at her, still confused. “It’s true; I nearly froze my kingdom by shattering its most sacred relic when I was born. And you know what I did then? I focused on controlling my magic with my crystaller.” Once finished, Flurry found her human native guide now gaining some understanding of her advice. Thought, she was still feeling too depressed to even care. Luckily, the others soon followed suit. Tempest went first. “Helped defeat an evil king after helping him steal alicorn magic.” Then Trixie. “Made real friends after using an evil enchanted amulet.” Starlight. “Became a compassionate leader after removing ponies’ cutie marks.” Equestrian Spike. “Valued giving after turning into a greed-infused giant dragon.” Discord. “Strayed from causing evil chaos, accepted friendship permanently, and became a more responsible draconequus after freezing Sweet Apple Acres, helping and being betrayed by Tirek, and bringing together Equestria’s vilest respectively.” And then there was Scorpan himself who approached Sunset who was starting to calm down greatly and placed his tender hand upon her still-tense shoulder. “I helped my brother drain ponies of magic before I accepted their ways and casted him to Tartarus.” She looked at him, tears lightly sliding down her cheeks, with eyes that processed what her friends have shared. “Sunset Shimmer, perfection of any sort is an achievement no one, pony, human, draconequus, dragon, or any creature whatsoever, will ever achieve. We are all capable of mistakes, just as much as we are of rising above them and taking responsibility. Your actions were no different and it is never too late to make up for them. All you need do is to gather your resolve and keep fighting for the right thing. And you can always achieve more when surrounded by your friends.” Sunset felt her once cold interior slowly thawing as Scorpan’s words echoed into her ear. Everything he had just stated was speaking volumes. No matter what’s she done to make up for her misdeeds, there was always going to be reminders of her old self within her; reminders that would stir her away from that dark path forever and mold her into a better soul as time goes on. But she knew now and then that she’d have people that have seen past those demons and have accepted her new outlook, people such as CHS as a whole, the Humane 6, and, of course, Princess Twilight herself. Her accidental aid in Grogar’s return to power was one of future mistakes that she’d need to take the heat for, but as much as remedy it as a whole. She gazed upon everybody around her. They were all looking to her with hope in their hearts to rise up and save the day for them, for two worlds, and for Twilight. A warm expression of determination and renewed faith took over her face. Crunching leaves broke her thoughts once again. Turning to the sound, she looked down to see doggy Spike holding her geode in his mouth, his tail wagging like crazy. Smiling at the gesture, Sunset kneeled down and grabbed it. Taking one last look upon everybody, she confidently returned it around her neck. Once she did so, its magical prowess instantly refilled her systems and she rose slightly into the air. She could feel the surge of energy overtake every inch of her renewed spirit. She smiled as her hair extended to a ponytail and her ear morphed into that of ponies and her everyday ensemble was now replaced by her geode outfit. She could imagine the satisfied smiles upon everyone’s faces below. Finally, she descended back to solid ground, more confident in and out than before. She then faced everybody once again. “Let’s finish this,” she declared in such renewed confidence. She didn’t need stadium cheers to gain approval; the smiling and proud faces of her friends were all she needed. “Uh, hate to ruin the moment, but we’re lacking magic-wise,” Trixie nonchalantly reminded everyone. “Which is why I’m opening up shop,” Scorpan stated. Everyone faced him in confusion, except for the Royal Advisor who caught on. “Five minutes. Follow Scorpan and get what you want,” Sunset instructed. Five Minutes Later When Scorpan directed the rest of the Fellowship to his room of collected relics from Equestria, their reactions were almost that of Spike and Twilight’s. They could not believe Tirek’s brother to manage a collection of such historic greatness. Of the relics as far as their eyes could collectively see, Grogar was solely concerned with his old power and never bothered with the other equally powerful relics. Brushing off their thoughts, they moved on. Soon enough, they returned to Sunset armed and ready. Ever the warrior, Tempest Shadow mounted herself in a suit of dirty golden armor called the Armory’s Plethora that magically granted the wearer any weapon conceived of. With so many choices to make her great and powerful title, Trixie Lulamoon eventually chose the pale blue Specter Scepter, which enabled the wielder to move and interact as such. Starlight Glimmer defended herself with a third eyepiece called the Eye of Falsity, which gave off a desired illusion and made it feel and look real enough through mindpower. For the depowered God of Chaos (again), Discord’s choices were pretty limited as most didn’t fit his interest well before he finally decided on Chaos’ Crypt, a large, green spell book true to its name as its contents were but entirely backwards. The Duplicating Claw, an ancient dragon relic that duplicated the user only three copies, found itself around Spike Sparkle’s arm. It had to have been sheer coincidence for Flurry Heart to find her distance relative Amore’s Heart Amulet, drawing power from the wielder’s hope and love, in Scorpan’s care. And with that, everybody was prepared and steadfast. “Your funeral,” a cold voice interrupted the moment. Everybody turned to see Adagio, still leaning, giving them a very cold stare. Nobody responded to her immediately, but only matched her stare. Thought she seemed unfazed by their counter, the lead Siren was breaking down within as everything within the last couple hours replayed in her head on loop and them staring down at her was just piercing her right now. And the only one to notice was the very subject of her wrath. Making her way past the rest, Shimmer found herself but inches away from Dazzle’s reach and extended her hand. “Adagio,” she pleaded, “I know your animosity towards me, but right now, Grogar is bigger than your revenge. We’ll need all the help.” “Oh, save it, will you?” Adagio barked, shooing the Rainboom’s hand away. “Even if we weren’t enemies, I’d know that you’d be dead within five minutes against that old goat; us three won’t make a difference.” “Every little bit will help. Once we get to Equestria and free my friends-.” “But if you want to die, here.” Before Sunset could question any further, Adagio reached into her pocket to reveal the same compass her former master gave her and her sisters to head home. Done with life’s manure, she then aimlessly tossed it on the air real high. Flipping into the air for a few moments, it finally plummeted down towards Trixie’s hands, who barely caught it. “It directs you to the nearest portal crack to Equestria.” “We’ll never forget your contribution,” Tempest sarcastically chimed. Her remark earned her a fierce backhand to the arm by Starlight. Looking back and forth at both the Fellowship and the Siren, Sunset let out a small sigh. She then knew that the bad blood between them wasn’t going to cool soon and hadn’t the time to do so; stopping Grogar had to come first. So, she sternly gaze at one of her greatest enemies. “It’s all up to you,” she simply stated. “You can either help us or sulk in defeat as you’ve done for thousands of years.” Not getting a reaction from Dazzle, Sunset turned to her friends following Trixie who walked over to the same cracked rock Grogar and the demonized princesses went through. A loud and rapid pinging sound broke out, indicating the same portal home. Everyone else just stared in wonder as another entry to Equestria was but a few feet away from them. They found themselves at the point of no return. Once they crossed the threshold, there was no turning back; there was but taking the fight to the very end. “This is it, everybody,” Sunset declared. And with that, everybody marched forth for the coming fight. Sunset stopped short when she felt something in her hair… moving? She felt around and found something… scaly. It quickly made its way onto her finger and wrapped itself around. Sunset retracted her hand, knowing what the thing was. She faced her little Ray of sunshine with regret as he held onto her index, eyes wide and pleading her to let him come. “Oh sweetie, I know you want to, but you can’t.” She gave him a gentle and comforting kiss on his tiny head. She turned to face Scorpan with Pyro on his shoulder and extended Ray to him. Seeing the rock-hard unpersuadable eyes of his owner, the leopard gecko reluctantly let go of her finger before crawling onto Scorpan’s palm. “Please take care of him,” Sunset pleaded. “He will be safe with me, I promise,” the gargoyle assured the Equestria Girl. “Spike and I will stay with Zecora and the Sirens. Be careful.” “We will and we won’t fail.” She promised as she gave Spike one last rub on his head before departing for the crack. With everyone knowing their places now, the Fellowship off to battle made their way for home. After exchanging some more looks of assurance and hope, one by one, the heroes made their way back to Equestria until Sunset was left, who gave one glance towards the onlookers. She saw the hope mixed with fear in everyone’s eyes; Scorpan the most hopeful and Adagio the most fearful. She gave one last warm smile before she followed through the portal. Scorpan rubbed Spike’s head, who wiped a running tear with his paw, as Adagio spoke up: “You know the odds of them surviving are slim to none.” He turned to the brooding Siren, who gave him a side-glance. He then walked up to the leader of the trio of hypnotizing creatures and was about to speak when… “You would know, or did your vendetta blind your thinking?” Aria hissed in spite. She released her younger Siren from her grasp and rose from the ground, walking up to her older sister with hatred in her eyes. “Don’t you start with me, Aria.” “No, you listen. I’ve been putting up with your manure for thousands of years and going with your schemes solely for the fun and food, but you’ve recently dragged us into nothing but a string of trouble.” “Shut up, Ari-.” “And now you’ve made a deal for us three with the bucking devil himself just to get back at a unicorn who destroyed our pendants-” “I said, shut up.” “-which then led us back to our magicless lives, which I’d take over an eternity in a living Tartarus WITH YOU!!! “SHUT UP!!!” And in a flash of red, Blaze went down hard by a mean swing from Dazzle. Dusk gasped in horror at the sight. Her breathing matched her sisters’ as they glared daggers at each other. Aria wiped away trinkling blood from her nose with her backhand before holding her purple cheek, feeling it heat up from her sister’s armored fist. A few moments passed before she saw something unexpected befall Adagio’s faces: regret. it was small by looks, but the message was much too huge to mistake for something else. Adagio looked regretful. She honest to goodness looked regretful. Tears welled in her eyes as she watched her eldest slowly approach her- Before she got far, Aria quickly got up and delivered a hard fist into Adagio’s stomach, causing her to slightly bend knees in pain while holding herself. “Stings, don’t it?” Blaze asked, enjoying her leader’s pain. Her joy was short-lived when Adagio dived blindly into her, bringing them both down. She then proceeded to strike Blaze in blind red, who blindly swatted her fists away before kicking her leader off her. Aria then pounced upon Adagio and wrapped her hands around her sister’s neck and began throttling her. Fighting back, Dazzle attempted something brutal: drive her nails into Blaze’s eyes. Seeing it was driving Sonata into near tears. Knowing it was going too far, she did something so unexpected of her. Running up to her family, she swiftly placed her foot down on Adagio’s chest before pulling Aria’s hair back, thus dividing the two. Seeing what she has done, all three were left starstruck as they heaved heavy breath after another. They gazed upon each other as the red in their eyes died down. “This is ridiculous, you two,” Dusk finally confessed. “We all made a mistake and can do than just rip our throats out.” Again, Dazzle and Blaze were struck surprised. What just happened? What were they doing? When did Sonata Dusk become the mature one? They knew who was at fault, Adagio especially, but were too angry to accept it. They helped Grogar rise to power, but he took their own away. They lingered on their thoughts for moments more, epiphanies dawning on them. “Proud to see you three finally coming to terms,” Scorpan suddenly proclaimed. As the Sirens gazed on him, another epiphany came to light: Scorpan did nothing. He stood idly as they lashed at each other, waiting to see if they would figure it out for themselves. And they did. “But for now, I believe, you should wait for the real person whose wronged you to return here.” > Descension > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene Thirty: Stronger than Fear “Remnants of Canterlot, your emperor demands your attention!” After Spruce’s insults towards him, Grogar decided to give her and her friends a proper demonstration of his ruthlessness. And what better way to do so than a public execution? It was all arranged for the Humane Six by his new Sirens. Nightmare Moon had addressed the Tartarus beasts of the event so that they could bear witness; Daybreaker recollected every petrified warrior from Grogar’s Hall and brought them just outside the main castle entrance where two fountains in his image stood; Midnight Sparkle had the most important job of preparing the Rainbooms for their own by simply using a disabling spell that immobilized them and cancelled out any and all magic from their horns and wings. And now came the moment of execution. There the Humane Six were, bound by Midnight’s spell and distant from their sphered weapons, along with Equestria’s heroes, just mere moments away from death’s threshold. Surrounding them were the various monsters of Tartarus, from the Bugbear to the Manticore to the Cockatrice, roaring in hypnotized celebration of the event as their Father stood high and mighty above them with the Two Sisters by his side. “To the abominations having their way on the streets, prepare to revel in more fear than conceived. To the cowardly creatures conspiring against my rule, you and your hope will not be spared. And, lastly, to the heroes of Equestria, both old and new, you should’ve learned by now that I have already won. My fear has triumphed over your friendship and magic the moment the castle fell, brought everybody here to their knees, and sent them crawling into the dark where my magic shall reign supreme forevermore. That all just proves how little friendship is compared to me. And when the night falls, Equestria bows before me, and I turn my wrath to the dimensions beyond,… the legacy of Princess Twilight Sparkle will be worth nothing. At. All.” As he monologued, the Humane Six, in their frozen state, were in their little conversation. All of them were more than livid with Twilight, giving her angered looks for her so-called “foolproof” plan. “Are you happy, you insane scientist?!” Rainbow Dash demanded furiously. “Did you have to poke the ram and get us all executed!” “What were you thinking, Twilight!?” Fluttershy asked in her ever hushed voice. “She wasn’t!” Pinkie Pie answered for her meek friend. “Just trust me, girls,” Twilight calmly replied to all of them. Those four words evoked surprised gasps from her friends. Much to their absolute surprise, Twilight remained unmoved by their angered demands. She instead held onto some hope uncommon among them. Why she remained so calm was beyond them, and they wanted to know the reason now. “Twilight, your optimism has been nothing but troublin’ us since we got here,” Applejack furiously declared, “and I, for one, am just sick of it!” “Here, here,” chimed in Rarity. “What is the reason for it!?” “I only hope you’ll know soon,” Spruce again stated so calmly. “Keep dreaming, humans,” the satanic voice of Midnight Sparkle declared. They darted their still-moveable eyes upon the demonic princess as she descended in front of them. “Any hope you can conceive of is but shattered. Emperor Grogar’s will is and forever will be the only law anybody will adhere to.” They grew used to Midnight by then, the aliens couldn’t believe that behind her pools of blazing blue eyes was but the pony princess they met nearly twenty years ago. They had trusted her and believed in her and now she was wallowing in their misery. They watched as she flashed them such a devilish grin of sadism. As the demonized princess turned away from them to trot to her master, she heard a defiant scoff. Turning to her former human friends again, she saw that of the six faces, five were mixed with fear and anger, while the sole brave face came from her mirror self. “Excuse me,” she demanded in a dark voice. “Princess Twilight,” Sci-Twi began in a soft tone, “please hear my plead. You’re better than this. You can’t let Grogar control like this. Don’t let him destroy everything you’ve spent your life building towards. Do you want to recognized as a benevolent ruler or a malevolent puppet?” Midnight Sparkle coldly looked upon her counterpart with a grin and eyes. To her human counterpart’s somewhat relief, she actually felt her face drawing onto a frown. Was her human self… talking sense? Is there a truth that’s being spoken out to her? She gazed at Sci-Twi who seemed hopeful of her apparent success,… until her demonized counterpart flashed another cold grin, cackled, and stepped aside for her approaching master with the sisters, who cackled alongside her. “Even if her former self could hear you, Mrs. Spruce,” mocked the Father, “it is far too late for anything to save you all. Ladies, take your marks!” On his command, monstrous roars engulfed the air as the ram and three alicorns gathered in a straight wall to face the Humane 6. They then charged their horns, ready to deliver their charged sentence. Well, this was it. Now this was really, seriously it. The final curtain for the Humane Six. Their efforts apparently were for naught. Fear-filled side glances to each other was all they could do since they were immobilized and magicless. Their final regrets pulsed through their brain like an express train. Rainbow Dash regretted not proposing to Fluttershy at first chance, who likewise mourned; Rarity and Applejack were wishing for one of them to have, at least, proposed; Pinkie Pie had only hoped to have be happy for her friends’ changes; and Twilight Spruce had only regretted to letting them all down. Their only comfort would be dying together and facing it with open eyes. Grogar then proclaimed: “First you heroes, then Equestria, and then the multiverse.” And, without further ado, the villainous quartet unleashed their wrath upon the humans… …only for it to simply slide off them and do no damage at all. All eyes wide, nopony could possibly understand what just happened. The Six were the most shocked. How could they still stand alive? How could the blast have just bounced them and nothing else? This was unprecedented! “Impossible!!” Grogar screamed with equal fury and surprise. “HOW!?” “We are!!” a voice declared from behind the tyrannic ram. He, the princesses, the monsters, and the Rainbooms all turned down the path out of the castle to find a wall blocking their view. But it wasn’t a normal wall. No, it wasn’t even an actual wall at all. This one was a living wall, comprised of Equestria. The Royal Guard remnant headed by Captain Gallus, alongside his Student Six friends, took the vanguard. And behind them were the civilians of Canterlot, from ponies to yaks to dragons to kirins to many and many more. Joining the students was a magenta-coated, light-brown-eyed, cyan spikey-maned Pegasus mare with a cutie mark of a rainbow hoof raised. And they were all standing against the ruthless ram ruler. Again, the Rainbooms and Grogar were the most surprised at what they’ve collective seen. Equestria? United? Against the King of Monsters? Sci-Twi and her friends were overflowed with relief and surprise. Once again, they’ve cheated death, this time thanks to a realm of mystical creatures. Grogar, on the other hoof, found it but unacceptably unbelievable!! Having to see his second fear-soaked epoch crumbling thanks to a world of “weak-willed and minded creatures,” he turned his furious gaze upon them. And as if the rebellion wasn’t enough, an echoing clopping resonated behind them as they looked behind them to see what it was. What they saw made their widen in either surprise or anger. Merging with the remnants of Canterlot was the entire Crystal Empire army of knights and guards taking defensive and offensive positions ahead of the crowd and emerging was the aged pair of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, horns charging. The rulers joined the Student Six’s side as they faced their common enemy. “You may have three princesses under your control,” the blue griffon declared, “but you can’t break their ideals! Ideals that’ve shaped many creatures far and wide Equestria over for the better! Spreading love and the magic of friendship to us all, even extending it to those not of our world! You’re living in a new Equestria now, Grogar; one that isn’t divided and doesn’t easily cower in fear! One that you’ll never have!” Cheers erupted from the crowd. Such a display of courageous resistance was commendable. The execution’s attendance were mixed in angered shock, and joyous relief, Grogar and the Humane Six being the most of respectively. The wrathful ram was faced with resistance from an army before, but that display he saw was a whole other game. That army was mixed of ponies and creatures beyond his collection of farms. And seeing them all banded together and daring to oppose him was testament to his hatred for such things. In response, he activated his harness. And instead of blasting them all to dust, he used his magic to conjure a shadow army formed in his likeness. An entire shadow army of rams quickly surrounded the monsters as much as the execution area. The Rainbooms, on the other hoof, saw the display absolutely heart-lifting and relieving. They knew Equestria was undoubting united to the core and Grogar was going to get it for real, but what they saw then knock the ball out of the park. All of Princess Twilight’s hard work was paying off again, only for the Humane 6 to bear witness. Seeing this just made all of them in amazement and hopeful… … especially when Captain Gallus signaled every creature to charge!! Changelings and kirins morphed into various creatures for a fighting chance, dragons, griffons, and hippogriffs swooped in fierce velocity, yaks and buffalo charged full frontal, and all three kinds of ponies united against the worst threat to Equestria ever. Wanting to humor and be rid of such annoyance, Grogar gave a roaring command to his various monster slaves, their eyes glowing bright on cue with his harness and Bells. And, like that, the monsters charged to their enemies!! This was crazy! This was amazing! This was really happening!! All of Equestria was united once again against a common threat as both sides collided and while the monsters were bigger and stronger, the Equestrian army was more in numbers and might! As such was when changelings duped a trio of Timberwolves enough for Appleloosa Apples to round them up, yaks and buffalos made a full frontal assault united against the raging Maulwurf as kirins-turned-niriks and dragons left a circle of fire around it, and Cerberus was fighting a losing fight against various Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth ponies who were splitting his three-headed attention. “This is so awesome!!” Rainbow Dash cried with her signature phrase. “This is amazingly divine!” Rarity squealed in delight. “I wished I’d clap and cheer right now,” Pinkie cheered, “because this is just too exciting!!” “See, Twilight,” Sci-Twi gestured to Midnight, who turned to face the Humane Six with blazing angry eyes. “This is all because of you. You did all of this for the world’s benefit and asked for nothing in return. This is-.” She stopped in her words as she developed an epiphany over her inferior complex. She’s been envious of her pony self for nothing. Just because she’s an alchemist changing her world compared to Equestria’s ruler, it doesn’t make her inferior. All differences, big or small, change nothing. Deep down, both mares are still the same. They are Twilight Sparkle, brainiac and bookworm, strong believer in friendship, and representative of the Magic Element. And they’d go to the ends of the world to keep their friends and home safe and happy. She broke out of her epiphany to continue. “This is exactly what you and I are loved for. No matter what happens, we are still one and the same. It’s what Sunset adores about us. We are Twilight Sparkle!” “ENOUGH!!!” Grogar roared as he turned away from the chaos upon the street. The mares, demonized or normal, all faced the blue ram as he forwarded himself towards his prisoners. “Princess Twilight Sparkle is no more; there is only Midnight!! And I did not come this far only to lose to your pathetic concept!! YOU ALL DIE, NOW!!!” Before he could even charge his horn, a puff of smoke went off in front of him, briefing stunning him. The same thing befell his three princesses. Still frozen in place, the Humane 6 could imagine the sound of swift flying behind them, until one by one, they were each carried off away from Grogar from a magenta blur. “Holy Party!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed after she was dropped off, right next to Applejack. The six of them then looked around their new surroundings to see them accompanied by all the petrified heroes and the magenta blur, who landed right in front of them. They looked at her to be the same magenta Pegasus they saw among the crowd. “So you changelings have been impersonating my wife and her friends, huh?” she inquired in a light Manehattan English accent, giving them an intimating scowl. Scared of the sight, they all nodded. Seeing it, her expression soften to a whimsical one. “Ha, gotchas! And thank you. Name’s Blurrin’ Pride.” Wanting to be polite, the Rainbooms meekly said their hellos. The Pegasi gave a salute with her wing before she charged back into the fight on the streets, leaving the six mares alone. “Seriously, Lulamoon,” a deep voice directed their attention to a figure where Pride once was, “however do you hold on to all those smoke bombs?” They saw what appeared to be a pony’s head mixed with other creatures limbs talking to a unicorn of their boastful magician frenemy from CHS. “A magician never reveals her secrets,” the Great and Powerful Trixie simply stated. “Oh whatever.” Discord pulled out Chaos’ Crypt and opened it to a random page before breathing a spell. “Ezilibomer eseht neves snamuh-denrut-seinop (Remobilize these seven humans-turned-ponies)!” From the book came a neon green spark that crept onto the Chaos God’s lion paw. Before the six could question, he directed the spark straight at them, engulfing them in its glow. A few moments passed before the magic ebbed. “What exactly did that do?” Pinkie Pie asked the draconequus, unaware that she was scratching an itch behind her ear until she looked to her right and saw her hoof position. Seeing this with turned heads, the rest moved their hooves, necks, wings, and other aching joints, happy to be free of their imprisoning spell. “And I believe you owned these?” another Unicorn, with a broken horn wearing dirty gold armor, questioned, carrying the sphere of their enchanted gears on her back. “Kaerb siht detnahcne erephs (Break this enchanted sphere).” the draconequus spelled again, this time turning the black-yellow sphere neon green and breaking it with a crushing hand motion. Once broken, the magical relics fell onto the ground, prompting the Rainbooms to reclaim their signature weapons. Once the Humane 6 reunited themselves with their gear, they turned to face their rescuers, who were shortly joined by Flurry Heart with an amulet hanging around her neck, Starlight sporting a third eye on top her forehead, Spike wielding a gauntleted claw, and lastly, their friend. “SUNSET SHIMMER!!” the girls jubilantly cried as they rushed towards their best friend as she held her hooves out for them. She had nearly fell off her hindlegs by the combined rush of her friends as they surrounded and smothered in a tight yet happy embrace of being reunited at last, crying joyously. Never before have all seven of them been so happy and relieved to be together once again. They held on as they spoke on. “We all thought the worst when you didn’t respond,” Rarity confessed through her running mascara. “Thank goodness you’re okay!” cried Fluttershy. As much as they wanted to hold onto each other for a couple happier moments, Grogar had to be stopped. Reluctantly, they had to pull away, wiping their tears away, but Pinkie held onto Sunset like a vice. She tried to pry her hyperactive friend off, but it took the combined efforts of Applejack and Sci-Twi. Once they removed her, Pinkie gave sheepishly squee. “I’m sorry to have scare you, girls,” confessed Sunset, “but I’ve been trying to get the real Bell from Grogar with Princes Twilight and some of-.” Before she could go further, Sci-Twi placed a silencing hoof upon her muzzle. She couldn’t even question it as her bespectacled friend gave her a tight yet warm hug, leaving the older Rainboom confused at the gesture. A few moments passed and the two moved from each other. “It’s okay, Sunset,” she assured her friend. “You’ve tried your best, but now you can give your very greatest… with all of us.” She then gestured around her towards everybody around them and out there fighting Grogar’s army. Sunset followed and gazed at each and single creature out on the field. They all remained steadfast, ready to help her free the princesses and liberate Equestria once again from a feared tyrant. She returned her attention to her friends, and they all looked at her with loyalty and warmth, too ready to save the day once again. She couldn’t help but smile so warm, it might melt her heart. Everybody that Princess Twilight has met was willing to fight for all she stood for. Sunset gave one last look at the Mane 6 and the Fellowship, their resolve to fight against the Monster King unshaken, before declaring: “Let’s go stop the sunova witch.” * Grogar was observing the chaos among his princesses and was but happy at the turn of events. Wherever his gaze fell, he saw nothing but disappointment in his creations. Their simplemindedness made them susceptible to simple antics. Such was the case when he observed the Manticore and Chimera colliding with one another after being agitated by Silverstream and Smolder, when the Tatzlwurm easily found itself trapped among a crystal prison by Cadance’s magic, and when the Bugbear was simply bested by mere Breezies who distracted it enough for Cheese Sandwich to wrap it in a peanut brittle can that shot a tightening silly string. His shadow rams were no better, as he observed Shining Armor so easily cut through many at a time with his magic horn and causing them to dissipate. The former captain then lept another shadow before landing on top of the execution stage behind the ram as he turned to face his opponent. “You dare challenge me, Unicorn,” Grogar questioned. “Oh, I dare, goat,” Shining Armor sneered. He then charged his horn again to conjure a brass sword. Evening the odds, the King used his own magic to produce a falchion sword. And then both swordscolts clashed. They clashed and clanged at each other, swiping their blades at each other. The balance of offense and defense shifted constantly between the two. Living up to be expert swordsponies, they both tried numerous moves to outdo the other. Grogar tried locking blades with Shining before charging straight for him, only for the younger colt to jump over the ram’s heads and slash at his head, which was defended against. Once landing, Armor conjured a shield next to his blade. Before the old goat turned to him, he then rushed the goat with his shield, banging his face with it, briefing stunning the tyrant, and struck at him again. Grogar, however, blocked his attack again before ramming him back. Once the colt got his balance again, he glared daggers at the tyrant and attempted a charge, only for a light blue blast to cut his path off. He turned to his left to find what he assumed was his little sister but terraformed into some wicked version of her. “Twily?” Shining questioned aloud, hoping that what he saw wasn’t his sister. “You will come no further, stallion!” the demon alicorn furiously assured. The voice she spoke was unmistakably and horrifying for the stallion. Now knowing his sister to be under a monster’s hoof, he glared a furious scowl at him and charged again. He screamed in fury as he bared in his shield and sword and lept for the King of Monsters,… only for his little sister to slide in front of her master and knocked Armor aside a swift motion of her horn. Cackling, Grogar moved away from his bodyguard and placed a heavy hoof upon the former captain, as he glared back at the ram. “You will do no good reasoning with her.” He then reconjured his falchion sword and rose it high over his head, ready to waste the stallion. “BUT WE WILL!!!” a high-pitched voice cried, echoing into his ear. He turned to see… the Council of Friendship charging him? But how could they be-? He placed the pieces together and realized that his collection of petrified heroes is free, as further evident by the charging arrival of the Pillars and creature leaders charging into the battle onto the streets. He glared daggers at the charging Council and likewise charged for the mares. The Two Sisters and Twilight then joined his side. Before they could collide, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie moved ahead and instead spun around the quartet at such high velocity that their eyes couldn’t keep, dizzying their senses. Rarity and Applejack then pulled out a length of fabric and rope before throwing both items into the twirling vortex. After holding on for a couple more moments, the trio of older mares stopped their vortex, revealing to have used the items to tie up the four villains tight. the five mares looked at the tied-up with eyes that tinged with regret for having had tied up their friends, minus the ram. “Sorry, Princesses,” Rainbow quickly apologized, “but this is for your own good.” “Hahaha,” Daybreaker mocked. “You fools really think rope and ribbon will stop us?” “NOPE!” simply stated Pinkie with a smile. The four villains looked at the party-planner with confusion at her optimism. “What she meant,” Applejack clarified, “was that it’d give them time to wrangle y’all up to the other side.” “Them?” Nightmare Moon asked. The five mares stepped aside for another group of charging ponies. Among the group were (a quick headcount) a septet of magically infused humans-turned-Equines, the disowned son of chaos, a crystal ruler and her guard captain, a Headmare and her magician friend, a royal dragon advisor, and the King himself, he peeved off every single one of them. Quickly free of his binds, Grogar immediately jumped to his hooves and aimed both bells at all in front of him, only to receive a singeing blast to her back from by Princess Cadance. His attention directed towards the Princes of Family, the brief window was all the Fellowship needed to charge the four monsters. But they didn’t stop there. “You sure that compass’ right, Trix?” Starlight asked as she held onto the night princess. “It better be!” Trixie simply exclaimed who struggled with the day princess. With one last charging cry, the Fellowship pushed the King and princesses back more and more until they neared one of the fountains next to the castle’s entrance until finally they rushed over the edge and everybody came crashing down onto the fountain water… … and crossed through yet another portal! Scene Thirty-One: Come Face Your Destiny! The streets of a quiet Canterlot City night was nearing an equally quiet end. Teenagers bustled about up and down into cars and buses, packed and ready for Spring Break. They would either be heading for the docks by boat or the airport by plane for the next week of relaxation. And they would certainly like to make it count. Adults went about their normal business, driving up and down the streets for wherever they go or walking into their offices or homes. All-in-all, just the coming dawn of another day in Canterlot. The quiet, however, was all interrupted by a plethora of people magically appearing out of a shop display window from Canterlot Carousel!! As the humans and the Equestrians scattered onto the street and sidewalk, any cars were sent to a screeching halt and any bystanders walking on the sidewalk were left agape upon seeing what they saw. Shaking his head, Grogar refocused his senses enough to comprehend his surroundings. He found himself, his enemies, and his puppets, turned back to their redundant human forms, out on a street, many humans looking at them in amazement. Turning his gaze upward, he found a skyscraper sticking up out of the buildings in front of him. He recognized that building to be where he’d established his secret office. He felt around his neck to have but only his actual Bell on him than two. Finally, his senses fully kicked back, and he glared piercing daggers at the heroes, with his handmade bell just behind their feet. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!” he roared towards Sunset, who brushed off the gravel off her clothes and matched his fury with a smug grin. “Just leveled the playing field for us,” she simply replied. “Now it’s just you four, us thirteen, and the two bells we’re gonna rip off your neck!!” Joining them, the Fellowship and the princesses all stood back up, their gazes equally as fierce as their leaders. Noting the winged humans and “crazy-looking weapons,” any bystanders just hightailed it away from the fight. Before anything else, the Equestria Girls activated their geodes and ponied up. Once they received their wings, tails, ears, and outfits, now mixed with their artifacts, all seven Rainbooms stood steadfast and ready to fight the latest rogue in their gallery with their allies and their own treasures. As if things weren’t even enough, the Father then activated his harness and Bell once again. But, this time, instead of the expected power drain, his aura engulfed his entire body for a few moments before it ebbed. And from it he returned all ponied-up with his horns shrunken and protruding from his forehead, his ears back to their Equine state, and his silver hair back into a mohawk. Breaking the silence, Grogar hissed with glowing eyes: “You want the Bell? Then take it from me.” Without waiting for a response, he immediately charged his hands and fired a devastating blast at the heroes, forcing them to scatter apart and fight in three on one pairs. Opponents were Daybreaker v. Starlight, Fluttershy, and Pinkie, Nightmare Moon v. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Trixie, Midnight Sparkle v. Spike, Tempest Shadow, and Applejack, and Grogar v. Discord, Flurry, Sci-Twi, and Sunset. The fight was now on!!! Fluttershy made the first charge against Daybreaker. After silently begging the princess for forgiveness, she rhino-charged straight on against the princess, briefly knocking her off her feet before she delivered a crushing blow onto the veterinarian, sending her hard onto the road. She then raised her foot high, intending to crush the shy girl, only for Pinkie Pie to unleash a barrage of explosive cupcakes out of her hair onto the corrupted mare and knocking her back. However, Celestia’s darker half finally dealt a blast onto her in the midst of cupcake fire, knocking her off her feet. With two girls down and at her mercy, she preceded to finish them off with a twin attack, only to receive such assault from behind. She turned around to find… Starlight with a magically charged fist? Before she could register it any further, the Headmare delivered another strike at her, sending her flying. Regaining her balance, the confused Daybreaker rushed at the repowered Starlight, but was suddenly struck done hard by a blast from above, sending her colliding into the road. Rolling herself onto her back, she found to her surprise Starlight levitating herself into the air. And, to further her confusion, she got up to find Starlight right back in her face, who delivered a blinding light into her eyes. As the princess struggled against the trio of Starlights, she was ignorant to the truth: she was actually fighting illusions, conjured by the real Starlight’s usage of the Eye of Falsity as Pinkie and Fluttershy slinked to her side. Meanwhile, her Nightmare Moon sister fared much better against her own opponents. Nightmare first unleashed a dark mist that surrounded Rainbow, Rarity, and Trixie. Around them, the mist then manifested claws that slashed at the trio from every possible direction. Before long, Rainbow used her speed to circle around the mist, elevating it, and used her Elemental Hooves to freeze with a mix of water and air. Once it lifted, Rarity then used her geode and Sapphire Gems to encase the frozen mist in a diamond sphere and fly-swatted it down hard onto the Mare in the Moon, respectively. Upon impact, the barrier and mist shattered and seemingly crushed Nightmare. However, after some seconds, their demonized princess emerged from the rubble from a puff of blue smoke and delivered two separate blasts to the two Rainbooms, who were sent flying back in Rarity’s geode shield, leaving Lulamoon. As Moon advanced towards her, the magician kept a firm grip onto her Specter Scepter, seemingly not noticing its brilliant glow. Finally, Nightmare delivered a cackling blast onto Trixie, only for it to go right through her, much to her shock. Seeing the tables turned, the magician ran forward with smoke bombs in her pocket, with Rainbow and Rarity joining her side soon. They then engaged Moon from different direction with Trixie throwing her remaining smoke bombs at Luna’s demon up front, Rarity typing her fists and wings with Gem-manifested ribbons from the right, and Rainbow’s Hooves breaking the ground beneath her feet and then recementing her into the street by her left. Before the three stood Nightmare Moon tied and at their mercy. Or so they thought when Nightmare then generated a mist of shadow hands that ripped through her restraints. Free again, she was too quick for the human counterpart of Equestria’s fastest pony as she extended her arm out and let the rushing Rainbow collide with it and send her down before grabbing Lulamoon in a choke hold and tossing her hard down. Rarity then immediately sprinted towards her friends and protected them from Nightmare’s earth-smashing move with a protective diamond around them. But the Mare of the Moon continued to punch at it, straining Rarity to hold on. The Tango: Midnight was a struggling dance. While she wasn’t exactly her, Applejack and Spike were rather reluctant to fight their friend, with Tempest showing only some as she ran headstrong against Midnight. She generated twin blades from her wrists and began swiping at her demonized savior, who simply dodged every strike before grabbing both blades and snapping them off and sending her back with a horn blast. Seeing this forced Applejack and Spike into action, as she popped her joints, readied their relics, and ran straight against her. Avoiding two blasts from her, Applejack then used her strength to remove two chunks of road off the ground and toss them to Midnight. While she just destroyed them in a simple magic-charged hand slash, it provided the farmer a chance to deliver a series of stunning blows with Bucky McGillicuddy and Kicks McGee, throwing the princess off balance before she caught both fists and tried pulling them apart. Tempest was able to save her by delivering a swift kick to the chest before both women renewed their assaults. Yet Equestria’s ruler held her own as she blocked fist and mace and kick after another before blinding them with a brief horn surge and sending them flying with her wings. Now there was her own baby brother. Looked at her winged brother in the air, she also took flight to even her fight with him. Seeing it, Spike ascended himself higher to keep Midnight high into the clouds. Once there, Midnight then engaged in a rather fierce duel with a trio of Spikes. Flame and magic soon flew across the sky as the demonized Twilight held her own against the dragon trio. While Midnight clearly showed no hesitation in doing so, managing to easily waste the two replicas, Spike was very unwilling to do major harm onto his sister, resorting to swift fly-bys and singeing wings, much to her annoyance. The princess then unleashed a fierce blast of magic at Spike who breathed a streak of fire, sending them at a standstill, until her horn unleashed its own beam, beating his fire and sending him flying back down to earth, cratering the ground in the process. Fighting the First Scourge of Equestria himself and surviving was a tall order to pay with keeping the crude Bell at bay form the King. Discord whipped up every single spell his Crypt offered, and Flurry, Twilight, and Sunset unleashed whatever powerful magic their relic and geodes could allow, and all Grogar did was either block off their attacks, have them backfire on them, or absorb them into his Bewitching Bell. Of the four battles raging, theirs was the fiercest. Discord tossed spell after another at his father, hoping to slow him down at least, but Grogar again brushed it off with his Equine horns before delivering a directive and destructive blast towards his son, who frantically used another spell to rebound towards the ram. The counter, however, was useless when Grogar rushed and rammed the Lord of Chaos into a building. Before the latter could recover, the Father swiftly removed the Crypt from his son’s hands and delivered a hard strike into the stomach that sent him down on his knees in pain. Grogar then conjured a blade from his right hand and raised it high, ready to put his “worthless disgrace of a son” out of his misery. But as he struck down, he was then tackled from the side by Sci-Twi and Sunset, who then levitated and blasted him hard into the street. Regaining his footing, the Father and the Rainbooms glared daggers at each other. Before either made a move, Flurry Heart came from behind Grogar and, as her Heart Amulet shined brilliantly, delivered a bright pink-red blast. Hearing it, Grogar realized too late the Crystal Princess’ attack and took the blast’s full force as it knocked him down face-first into the street. He quickly got back on his feet and unleashed a series of twirling rings upon the girls, to which they easily avoided before delivering their own barrage of magical attacks upon him. He protected himself with a barrier that bounced the girls’ attacks right back at them, knocking Sci-Twi and Flurry out of the fight. Shaking off her blast, Sunset looked to her surroundings and found herself alone against Equestria’s vilest. Showing no fear at all, she rushed at the King, who followed suit. The anthropomorphic beings engaged in a magically fused fistfight for a brief moment before Grogar headbutted Shimmer with his horns. She was quick to recover and blast a hard beam of magic onto him that briefly fazed him enough for the teacher to strike the ground at his feet and sending him caving in. He quickly broke free of his concrete restraint in time to see Shimmer deliver a fierce uppercut to the face, sending him flying for a few feet as he came back to the hard black rock. Getting back up, he growled at the formerly raging she-demon rushed her again and again followed suit. Both individuals screamed a battle cry as they readied their magically charged fists, which soon connected and set off a magical feedback that cracked the road beneath their feet and shattering any nearby glass upon impact. Recovering from the aftershocks, both ponied-up aliens collapsed on their knees in exhaustion, heaving heavy breaths as the battle’s hype gotten to them. Despite their fatigue, they each managed furious gazes at the other, neither of them willing to give up, before gazing at the crude bell laying ignored on the street. Seeing an unmissable opportunity, Grogar crawled for it only to fall short in a pool of putty under his four limbs. Knowing how it be possible, he furiously looked at the bruised Discord with his reclaimed Chaos’ Crypt and his glowing green fist. It didn’t do much, as the tyrant quickly broke free with his charged fists breaking the putty. But Sunset managed to gain a head start, so he quickly rose for it as well after delivering a quick blast towards Discord. Neck-to-neck for the replica, Grogar wasn’t beneath fighting rough as he brutally pushed Sunset aside and gave himself an open window to redouble his power again. Just as he was about to grab it, the bell was levitated from his grip in a violet-pink aura and moved onto Sci-Twi’s hands. “Grab me that bell, ladies!” he demanded from his princess slaves. Hearing their masters’ commands, the trio dropped their fight with the Fellowship and charged for Sci-Twi. Before they could get close to two inches of the her, the alchemist then tossed it overhead and into the Rainbow Dash’s hands. Seeing this, Nightmare Moon swiftly turned around to deliver a fierce blast onto the soccer player, which only dissipated her and the bell in thin air. Standing in shock for a moment, the dust then formed a small fog and returned to Starlight’s Eye. Realizing the deception, everyone heard the rapid shuffle of feet and turned to see Rainbow running from the fight, Bell in hand. Midnight, however, conjured a whip and whipped up the replicate artifact out of her hands, only for Spike to snatch it out of her magic and fly upwards with it. Following behind him, Daybreaker and Nightmare immediately sent sphere after sphere of lethal magic at the Royal Advisor, who barely dodged them. Finally, they managed a clear shot that sent him falling down, bell out of his hands. Nightmare was about to make a grab for it when she felt Spike suddenly grab her leg and blech a small fire onto her wings, singeing her wings and now sending them both pummeling down to earth with the Advisor screaming for forgiveness to Luna. Now, it was up to Daybreaker, who had the Bell falling into her hands when it then vanished in a green smoke puff. Screaming in anger and turning her gaze downward, she could barely see the same puff again in Discord’s hands. Back to earth, Discord held the crude copy in his hands and studied it in and out, admiring the attention detail and hoping to activate it the same as the real thing. Before he could, however, Grogar knocked him to the ground with a harsh punch, the bell flying out of his son’s hands and into Fluttershy’s. Both seeing the meek girl holding it, the Father charged for her, but the Chaos God jumped back to his feet and trapped his creator in a neck choke hold, keeping the Rainboom resembling his wife safe from his Father. Grabbing Chaos’ Crypt, Discord then began another spell, but Grogar headbutted him with his horns, knocking his senses off and throwing him over. He then walked over to his rejected son with murderous intent but was so rage-blinded that he failed to account Fluttershy rushing and ramming him far backwards. Turning to the anthropomorphic draconequus, with the bell still in one hand, she held out her other for him, to which he sheepishly accepted. They then shared a brief moment. “Thank you, Fluttershy,” he thanked rather shyly with a blush. He looked to see her taken aback for a bit, surprised at his knowledge of her name. “Oh, you’re welcome,” she responded with equal meekness, her voice dropping slightly. Before it could go further, they were then attacked with fire and shadow blasts from the Two Sisters. Seeing this, Discord pushed Fluttershy out of the blasts before he defended himself with the Crypt. Daybreaker saw it and headed for the veterinarian who, seeing it, then morphed her Animal Kingdom from a ram to a leopard and leapt off the street and up to the rooftops. Landing on top of Canterlot Carousel, she unfortunately found herself face-to-face with Midnight who immediately struck at her. She screamed in fear as she braced herself, only for Rarity to save her at the last second with her diamond shields. Not relenting at the sight, Midnight kept at it, hoping for Rarity’s shield to break. Luckily for both women, their knights in shining armor came to their aid. Rainbow’s Hooves conjured a streak of wind and fire that pushed back her demonized friend’s blast. Both women pushed back and on continuously until Applejack jumped from behind her rainbow-haired friend and, true to her artifact’s name, performed an amazing feat of locking Midnight’s wings and neck in a leg lock and locking back her arms with her own. Seeing the ceasefire, Rarity dropped her guard and Fluttershy immediately rushed Rainbow in a big embrace, which she reciprocated. An ahem from Applejack broke them apart as Midnight struggled herself free. Rarity then used her Gems to lock her princess friend up in a full-body Iron Maiden cage, incapacitating her. Their friend-turned-enemy now restrained, the four Equestria Girls stopped to regain their breaths from the skirmish. Their moment was, however, interrupted when they were suddenly blasted forward by a powerful blast that sent them flying overhead behind Midnight, who subsequently broke free of her restraint. They turned up to see Grogar levitating himself to the roof with the Two Sisters close behind him. Both groups glared at each other before turning their attention to the unattended bell right at Sparkle’s feet. Grinning wickedly, she bent for it, only to see an ascending Trixie snatch it and phase through her to the Rainbooms. She didn’t get far as Nightmare grabbed it in her magic and pulled it out of Lulamoon’s grasp, only to drop it midway when she was blasted from behind by Sunset and Flurry’s combined attack. Turning to her, Pinkie, and Twilight levitating Discord, Flurry, and Starlight, both demons fired at them, forcing them to divide. While Pinkie dived in successfully for the crude bell, Flurry briefly blinded Grogar and the demonized Celestia with a bright flash to the eyes. During their brief eye recovery, Daybreaker was subsequently brought down by an ascending Tempest after she delivered a series of stunning blows as Flurry delivered the Father a harsh blast that sent him to Midnight’s feet. Twilight then levitated both sisters up into the air before her and brought them close together. They were then both wrapped up in chains and cuffs galore by Rarity and Discord together, the combination of restraints and Shadow’s swift kick downward bringing the pair descending onto the hard concrete, knocking them both out. I hope they’ll forgive us for all of that, Tempest voiced to herself. Now, it was only Grogar and Midnight facing the surrounding Fellowship. Seeing Equestrians-turned-humans and humans blocking off their every escape, the two demons looked upon their enemies with hatred and anger. “Give it up, Grogar,” Starlight demanded as she was descended onto the roof. “Even you can’t beat our friendship.” Her comment merely earned her a furious glare from the King. “FEAR WILL TRUMPH!!!” he roared, his harness and Bell charging up and his eyes and horns glowing in his magic aura. And with that, the First Scourge of Equestria unleashed a massive shockwave of his dark magic, which sent the heroes either flying or sliding backwards, despite attempts to hold on further. Before recovering entirely, the Fellowship were then viciously assaulted by a plethora of black tentacles that struck at multiple members, either knocking them down or squeezing them to near-death, particularly the Equestria Girls but one. Pinkie Pie dodged tentacle after another when she gazed upon her friends in grave trouble at either being squeezed to death or struck down and Grogar’s sadistic pleasure from below where she hovered. Right then, she was willing to do anything she could to save them all, no matter how stupid she thought it’d end up. So, glancing back forth for a few moments at Grogar and his replica bell, she gave a determined expression. “Hey, Mister King Fear,” she shouted at the tyrant, “You want this bell so bad? You can take it!!!” Seeing what their bubbly friend was planning to do, everybody stopped struggling and yelled their objections and warnings at her. Grogar, on the other hand, looked upon her with such glee, calling her the biggest fool in his head for just dooming her friends to his rule, as he extended his hands in earnest anticipation. But she simply ignored them all and, without any hesitation, she tossed the bell with all of her might. Despite the Fellowship’s attempts to grab it, Grogar’s tentacles swatted them all aside as the bell soared his way, until finally, it landed back into his hands. Grogar then laughed madly as he relocked his crude replica back onto his harness before glaring at Pinkie, who also received incredulous looks from her friends as they were left wondering why she’d just pulled off “such a stupid move.” “You stupid, pink-haired human!!” the Father of Monsters insulted the baker as he cackled on. “Whyever did you think redoubling my power would help-!?” But before he could continue, a low hum struck his ears and a bright pink shone onto his lower field of vision. Craning his head down, he looked to see his replica bell glowing pink and humming rather high-pitched. In an eye’s blink, the bell exploded!! The resulting explosion engulfed the rooftop in an enormous magical surge that expanded for over a mile. At the same time, the black magic tentacles soon dissipated, freeing the Rainbooms from their grasps and regaining their breaths. Landing back onto solid ground, they looked around them to see streams of magic flying all around them overhead. They marveled at the sight, to see so many colors illuminating the dawning night. Before their eyes, they saw streams of aquamarine, purple, magenta, blue, and yellow descend onto their level and right for the nonpowered members. The streams then engulfed Starlight, Discord, Trixie, Tempest, and Flurry harmless in aura for a brief moment. Looking upon the rest of the Fellowship, the girls and Spike wondered what had just happened, only to receive an answer when the rest all suddenly ponied-up once again!! The possibility of being with magic again was a thought too exhilarating for the Equestria-borns. Magic was all natural for them and to retrieve it after it was so quickly taken from them was a hope they weren’t prepared to give up without outward proof. Flurry was the only one bold enough to provide such. Removing her Amulet rather swiftly, she then focused on her headband on it, hoping to levitate it out of her hand. After a few moments, she finally managed to do just that, beaming in ecstasy at her hopes being assured. The rest followed, with the unicorns levitating their own relics and Discord, purple-skinned and dressed in gold armor with a gold gauntlet, snapping his fingers and turning the Crypt into a flying book bat, and reveled in the joy of their magic once again. Seeing this, a surprised Sunset turned to a confident Pinkie. “Pinkie, did you just-?” “Destroyed ramhead’s cheap knockoff and freed the magic? Eeyup!” Pinkie acknowledged cheerfully with a squee. Sunset then looked at everyone else and saw them matching her surprise. Their friend, Pinkamena Diane Pie, managed to reduce Grogar’s power to just the one Bewitching Bell. She used her own geode powers on the replica and used it against the tyran-. With the thought of their collective enemy popping in their heads, everybody turned to where he stood at the explosion. And they found nothing but a sizzling crater at the edge of the building. This came as such a shock to them all. They expected to see the ram still standing there, burned or disheveled, and glaring wrath at them. But there was simply nothing. Silence befell the heroes, gawking at the possible end of the greatest threat to Equestria (or anywhere else for the matter). A groan pierced through the silence. Removing themselves from the crater, they turned to the left and found a downed Midnight Sparkle slowing rising back up, slightly dazed and confused. Seeking an opportunity, Applejack and Rainbow quickly rushed her, the former holding her wings together to keep her from flying and the latter restraining her legs down. Snapping back to her senses, Midnight struggled to free herself against the tomboys, who likewise struggled to keep her down. Charging her hands and horns, the demonized Twilight readied to strike, only for her hands to be encased in a pair of diamond barriers provided by Rarity and her horn to be engulfed in a combined aura of Starlight, Trixie, and Flurry. The rest of the Fellowship walked up to their possessed friend as she grunted to break free and Discord snapped the still restrained and unconscious Two Sisters back onto the roof. Everyone looked over the three princesses with such concern, Sunset being the most concern for them, particularly her former teacher and crush. She even felt guilty for bringing them into their undeserved fate and was internally vowing to herself to do anything to save them. She glanced at everyone, hoping for an idea from anybody. “Why are you looking at us?” Fluttershy piped to the concerned Sunset. “We figured you’d know what to do.” “I just figured when Pinkie destroyed the second bell,” she theorized, “the spell’d be reversed.” “Well, don’t look at me for any help,” Discord quickly stated. “My magic doesn’t do much against terraforming spells. But we haven’t seen the prowess behind Sci-Twi’s Harmonious relic, which embeds remnants of the Elements of Harmony.” He gestured towards the human Princess of Friendship’s wrist where the aforementioned relic resided itself. Everybody looked at their human alchemist with such hope, knowing the properties. Seeing their hope, Sci-Twi looked at her relic with some curiosity, too wanting to know what it can do. While knowledge of Equestria’s most powerful artifacts was limited, she was familiar with how they function from Sunset’s experience on the receiving end and hoped the same would apply for her pony counterpart. Facing everyone again, she then stated: “Well, even so, I think we’ll need more than just this one source.” “Well, why not us?” Rainbow Dash grunted as she struggled onto Midnight’s legs. “We represented the Elements when we shot rainbow lasers at Sunset when she was bad.” She didn’t hesitate to bring up Sunset’s evil past knowing her friend'd brushed it off long ago. She looked at everyone to see them considering her idea, Sunset and Sci-Twi deep in it. Finally, the brainiac then calculated: “Well, in theory, it could work-.” “But you will never have the chance!!!” A roaring and booming voice broke over Sci-Twi’s calculations. Everybody turned their direction to the edge where the voice originated from. And what they found was unholy. Clinging to the edge, a pair of giant shadow hooves have raised the body of a massive shadow ram with a shimmer of yellow surrounding it. It eyes glowed entirely yellow with no irises or pupils, just yellow eyes. Around its neck was a harness with two large spheres on both side of the angrily pulsing bell encased in magic. Anger that was only matched by the inferno behind the shadow’s own eyes as it stared down at them. Everybody stared in horror to see their common enemy manifested into such a Lovecraftian abomination. Before any spoke, he roared his piece. “I’ve been hiding in the shadows of this worthless dimension for thousands of years, bidding my time, setting up challenges, awaiting the right moment to strike back against the species I vex immensely: PONIES!! Ruling over an Equestria shrouded in fear and hatred was comfort enough. But now, your princess’ ideals of friendship and harmony among other despicable creatures have proven it but a fantasy,… leaving me with but another comfort. I’d come this far to kill all I deemed beneath me, such as all of this world and Equestria. First all of you I will render to dust, then both worlds, followed by every dimension beyond, until the only souls left are the spawn of Grogar and the KING HIMSELF!!! SO, COME, MY LITTLE HUMAN PONIES!! COME FORTH!! COME FACE YOUR DESTINY!!! And without warning, the enraged ram unleashed a massive magic blast that leveled the roof and sent the heroes flying off the roof and back onto the hard street. In doing so, the three demonized princesses were also freed from their bonds, hovering in place next to their master. Shaking out of her daze, Sunset looked up in horror at what she was seeing: the greatest threat to all of Equestria, now an enlarged shadow manifested from his rage and magic, with her crush, her teacher, and her teacher’s sister all demonized into darker halves of themselves with killer intentions. She then looked back at her friends getting back up and taking stances against him. Twilight looked in her direction and offer a smiling nod to her best friend, a gesture that was repeated with everybody else. Sunset then repeated the gesture, happy with their unwavering loyalty, before she turned back towards the menacing ram and his enslaved puppets. Renewing the fight for round two, Daybreaker, Nightmare Moon, and Midnight immediately charged straight for their enemies, rushing Tempest, Discord, and Trixie, respectively. Rainbow and Pinkie were about to take flight after them when Flurry stepped in front of them, wings unfurled as she turned to Sunset with determined eyes. “We’ll take care of the princesses; you girls can have Grogar!” she firmly stated before taking flight with Starlight and Spike following shortly behind. The Equestria Girls looked back at each other, taking in Flurry’s commands to heart. She was confident that they could take on the giant ram that was literally right behind them. They turned back to face the monstrosity gazing down at them. “YOU GIRLS!? STOP ME!?” he cackled with such incredulous, unable to hold in the laughter he found behind such a claim. “YOU lack any idea of who I truly am! I. AM. GROGAR. The Father of Monsters; the Ram of Nightmares; the First Scourge of Equestria. THE EMBODIMENT OF FEAR ITSELF!!! I am a conqueror of all I see. And I. FEAR. NO ONE!!! Once again, Grogar struck first with a blast of magic from his horns. The Rainbooms quickly gathered close to Rarity, who immediately projected a shield against the full force of Grogar’s attack. But the ram wouldn’t let up, forcing the fashionista to fight past the struggle she was putting on herself to keep her friends safe and alive. Eventually, both parties gave in to the self-strain at the same time, sweating and panting. Once the assault ended, Sunset Shimmer instantly looked up at the monstrous ram with fire in her eyes. Fire that was shared among the rest of the rising Humane 7. Grogar matched that fire as well. Charging up their relics and geodes alike, the septet of magical girls all took flight to face their greatest enemy ever, who charged and delivered a blast at them. * Up in the sky, the battle between the princesses and the Fellowship was illuminating the sky in various colors of magic. The Two Sisters launched strike after strike against Discord who frantically snapped them all into randomness. Be they attacking his on either side of him, he’d do a duel snap to turn him intangible and let their attacks hit each other instead. Smirking at his mild success, it was short lived when Nightmare appeared from behind and struck at him, forcing the Chaos God to defend himself with another blast. However, he was trumped when Daybreaker regained her own footing and deliver a fiery blast that knocked the draconequus right out and sent him plummeting down. He was only saved by Starlight’s levitating spell, joining her party of non-flying warriors, having saved Tempest and Trixie from a plummeting death before she charged into the fray with her own ferocity. Meeting the corrupted princesses halfway, the trio soon engaged them. Starlight and Trixie fought back with magic bursts that were certainly as aggressive as possible, clearly needing to stop these demonized rulers before they go too far with Tempest leaping into with blades and mace while striking her own fireworks show. They were joined shortly by Spike who mostly aimed for the princess’ wings hoping to merely singe them out of the sky while the rest distracted them with their frontal assault. Soon enough, the demonized mares were overwhelmed by the combined efforts with Trixlight’s strike on Daybreaker and Nightmare sending their backs against each other and Tempest locking their legs and wings with her flexibility. They were waiting on Spike to deliver the singeing blow when a sudden giant raven appeared in the sky and unleashed rapid blasts upon the heroes, hitting them hard into unconsciousness and rendering their magic inert. As the five heroes began to plummet down to earth, their limp bodies were then caught in the raven’s aura as its turned back into Midnight. Bringing them together, she then conjured up a small sphere around them, effectively ending their bout with them. As the three princesses stared in gloating glee at their defeated foes, they were then struck from behind by mixes of red and yellow from their sides. After regaining their footing in the sky, they turned their attention to see the approaching Flurry Heart, emblazed in the magic of the Heart Amulet and her own. From where they hovered, they saw the young princess’ fierce yet merciful expression, waiting to see what she was thinking. “Princesses,” she declared in her own Canterlot voice, “I know you women aren’t exactly here, but I know that you can hear me within those malformed shells. Don’t let Grogar control you; don’t let him destroy everything that you’ve all worked hard to make for Equestria.” The three princesses looked at the current ruler of the Crystal Empire with blazing, yet wavering eyes. Exchanging looks with each other for a moment, they looked to have been considering those words. Has Flurry actually broke through their corrupted minds? It was sadly brief as the trio merely shook their heads and returned their fury onto their sole opponent. “We… will… never fall under Friendship’s corruption again!” Daybreaker declared vehemently as she charged straight on for Heart, who merely launched a fiery burst of magic right at Celestia, sending her colliding right into her younger sister's magic, leaving Midnight to face her battle-ready niece. “Then this is all because I love you!!” And with that, with fists charged, and eyes glowing with determined resolve, the Princess of Love charged against her elders. * The battle between Grogar and the Equestria Girls was just as equally intense. Now the heaviest hitters, Fluttershy and Applejack used their own strength to strike at Grogar’s underbelly. Fluttershy used all of the strongest creatures that her totem would provide, be it rhinoceros strength to charge at the hooves or gorilla might to strike the leg joints, throwing him off-balance. Applejack was a wrecking crew all on her own, tossing chunks of road at the King and using her Belt to punch and kick at every possible point in incredible feats, causing him annoying pain. Finally having enough of the two, Grogar tossed the two aside in his magic, bringing him underneath his right forehoof. He lifted it high enough to slam it down onto the two women. His to-be victims were ahead of him, however, and caught his descending hoof as he brought it down, their combined strength keeping him at bay. This turned into a struggle of strength between both parties as Shy and AJ kept holding onto the struggling ram who simply pressed onward. Deciding to end it now, Grogar used his magic to crater the ground beneath the women’s feet. As they sunk further, the hoof began to crush them, Grogar smiled wickedly as he observed their fear. A barrage of explosions to the head and a series of elemental punches across his body stepped on his moment, throwing him off balance. Out of his peripheral vision, he could follow a streak of rainbow past by at high velocity while observing the cotton candy haired woman unleashing small bursts onto him. “Stay away from her!!” the rage-filled voice of Rainbow Dash demanded as she struck a rock-hard fist to his left ear, causing it to ring in pain. As PinkieDash continued their assault on him, Rarity forged a sapphire pick and shovel and get her friends out of his crater. Seeing it, he turned to his attackers with fury. Starting with Pinkie, Grogar activated his studs to fire multiple blasts of magic onto her, which only bounced off the wacky Rainboom due to her Impossiband. So, he instead resorted to a tendril around her legs and slamming her into the ground hard repeatedly as revenge for destroying his second Bell. Seeing his groaning face, he took solace in the hope of throwing her out of the fight until he was again assaulted by a freezing and fiery punch on his forelegs. Knowing what was coming, the King activated his bell to form a small shockwave that froze the incoming Rainbow Dash. He then brought her up close to his face, his eyes glaring with disgust towards the athletic speedster. “Revolting your affection for the same sex is,” he merely described to his captive. Before she knew it, the fastest woman alive felt an excruciating pain travel through her entire body. Her screams pierced the sky as her right arm and left leg began twisting in all sorts of directions. She could barely see the sadistic pleasure behind her tormentor’s eyes in her closed eyes. Twilight suddenly slammed a pair of cars against both sides of the ram’s head in retaliation, canceling out his spell and releasing his captive Rainboom. He looked up to find both Spruce and Sunset hovering above his view and, matching their cold fury, launched a new assault upon them while Rarijack and Pinkie rejoined the fight from above. Meanwhile, seeing her ever-bold love plummeting for the ground, Fluttershy quickly got to her feet and, in a caracal leap, saved Dash in her arms before landing on top of a building and hoping back towards an alleyway. Once safe, Fluttershy went all Nurse Shy on her girlfriend. “Oh, my dear sweet Dashie,” she cried as she looked over her mangled limbs. Whatever Grogar looked very severe and irreversible. The thoughts of her dear Dashie never being perfect again was enough to send waterfalls down her cheeks. She cradled her bestest friend gentle and close to her arms. “Tell me what to do and I’ll do it! If there’s that’ll make you okay, then-.” Her pleas were interrupted when Rainbow, ever swift on the draw even with a broken arm, pulled her meek girl into a passionate kiss, unleashing nearly all of her built-up on her sweet and delicate lips. Feeling her cheeks burning to life, Shy quickly returned the passion with her own, matching Rainbow’s lips effortlessly. The two had often wished that they would spend eternity lost in their love if they could throw their responsibilities away. But this time wasn’t the case. Finally, their lust ebbed and Flutterdash looked at each other with rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes. Rainbow patted Fluttershy’s cheek softly and chuckled at her affection. “If you’re okay,” she grunted as she laid herself back down on the mattress Shy had placed themselves on, “then I’m okay.” Her answer earned her a quiet squee as Fluttershy elatedly wrapped herself around Dash as gentle and tight as she could, much to Dash’s happiness. Back on the street, the Rainbooms were fighting Grogar with a whole new level of ferocity after hurting Rainbow. Pinkie threw every ounce of sweets she had in her endless hair at him, going for the goat’s ears as he fired back, which he retaliated with his own blasts, only for them to bounced off her again. Applejack would’ve broken an entire human skeleton with the way she was striking at the legs, delivering heel kicks and haymakers, clearly doing so until something broke. While one for fabulous, Rarity was in no such mood for it as she launched a Tartarus of a strike thinking of practically anything that could hurt the King of Monsters from anvils to baseball bats. Sunset and Twilight were fighting in earnest in the sky, matching and countering all of the ferocious ram’s attacks as he focused more on them than on the girls at his feet, throwing fire and road at him with just as much fury. That is until Grogar swatted both of them aside with a swing of his horns, sending them crashing onto the hard road. His eyes dead set on them, the ram prepared another blast to finish at least Two Rainbooms off until he felt something wrap upon his hindlegs. Looking back, he found his legs being caged and restrained in Rarity’s Iron Maiden cage, this time for the giant ram. As he struggled to break free, he charged his horns to break free, only to have an eyeful of cookie dough, courtesy of Pinkie Pie, canceling out his magic. He struggled until he couldn’t move any of his limbs but his head, leaving him trapped. Their battle currently on hold, Sunset helped Sci-Twi onto her feet before calling out: “Girls, assemble!” Almost immediately, the active Rainbooms answered her calls, gathering around her. “What, ya got a plan other than just blind fightin’?” Applejack inquired. “Cuz we ain’t getting’ anywhere with throwing punches and spitting fire and no idea on how to win.” “That’s why I called this meeting. Fear is just an extra power boost when his real power comes from both his magic and the magic his Bewitching Bell holds. We remove it from his harness, we end this fight once again.” “Uh, no offense, darling,” Rarity pointed out as she gestured to all of them, “but we’re rather two friends short and everyone else is up in the clouds fighting the princesses. How can a selected number of five actually fight and depower that raging monstrosity?” “Trust me, Rares,” the teacher ensured her fashionista friend. She then looked behind her towards the direct of Everfree, smiling confidentially. “We hold out a little longer, and the backup will be here soon.” She looked back to see Rarity still rather unconvinced, but what did she have? A lot was already at stake, and she was practically willing to believe. Heaving a sigh, she looked towards her leader with a declaration: “If you believe so, then I’ll take your word for it.” “Good, ‘cause you and I are on Bell removing duty,” Sci-Twi declared before she charged upward her hands charged in magic, Rarity following soon afterwards. “Then it’s up to us to distract him,” Sunset acknowledged as she faced Grogar with cold fury, AJ and Pinkie following soon. Right before their eyes, they saw the First Scourge roar in fury as he broke out of his cage, one shackle at a time. Once he freed his horns, he activated his studs and Bell and unleashed an army of claws and tendrils that chipped away through the remains of the Iron Maiden before going for the dough over his eyes. Soon enough, he was completely free and found Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack all staring up at him with battle-hardened faces, clearly ready for another bout with him. He likewise stared down at them with equal fury, completely obviously to Rarity and Twilight’s own personal efforts. One by one, the trio of Equestria Girls stepped forward. “For our families!,” hollered the farmer. “For our friends!,” shouted the party planner. “For our homes!,” declared the teacher. And, without further ado, they all took off again and charged for the Father of Monsters himself as he fired back against their full frontal assault. * The clash of princesses back upward was nearing its end. Flurry Heart was using every ounce of magic that her Heart Amulet and her own allows as she traded bouts of brutality with Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon. The oldest princess was unleashing torrents of fire at her adopted niece’s daughter, who effortlessly dodged it all as she continued to fire her own magic, nearing nicking the princess where she was. Moon, on the other hand, was continuously popping from one place to another and striking at those multiple angles, Heart struggling to keep up with her. Finally, she managed cover within a cloud, thinking of a counterattack and listening as she heard the princesses whooshing past her. She considered their strengths and weaknesses and thought of how to use them against her enemies. Once making it out in her mind what to do, she retreated from her hiding spot, and immediately got the duo’s attention with a raspberry. Instantly insulted, Nightmare Moon charged for the Crystal Empire ruler, wanting a piece of her. Smiling at the so-far success, Flurry zapped herself out of the younger princess’ warpath. Turning back, Moon began throwing shadowbolts at Heart, who dodged and countered every strike. Eventually, she teleported herself out of the way of another strike which, intended for her, struck Daybreaker hard. While grimacing at her unintended strike on her sister, Moon looked to where Heart had teleported herself, ready to fire again,… only for a massive fireball to strike her from her side and sending her high into the sky. She looked down to see Daybreaker charging at her with blazing eyes, clearly infuriated at the unintended strike. Bracing herself for the charged, Nightmare Moon was soon struggling to remove Daybreaker’s hands from her throat, prompting a brief struggle. The sisterly love, despite their corruption, was still deep within them, as they soon engaged in a brief fist fight and began cursing incoherent nicknames. Seeking her chance, Flurry immediately used her Amulet and magic to whip a magic rope, wrapping their demonized wings up before bringing the demonized pair up to her and delivered a hard fist up at them that sent them flying straight through clouds. Teleporting to them, she then delivered a downward magical burst that sent the princesses plummeting back towards earth. Seeing them not coming back for more, the young princess took the opportunity to catch her breath. I hope they don’t… remember that, Flurry mentally hoped to herself as she looked around for-. Her peace was interrupted when she took the full force of a light blue strike from behind, sending her straight down the sky like a meteorite entering the atmosphere. To cool herself, she projected a barrier around her body, extinguishing the flames surrounding her instantly. Once completely flame free, she looked to see the ground fight below before turning back up to find her terraformed aunt glaring grinning daggers at her, killing intentions clearly embedded. “Since you’re too stubborn to admit defeat, niece,” Midnight declared as her fists lit up with her sinister magic, “I will simply have to beat it into you!!!” Charging straight for her, Flurry followed her corrupted aunt’s example. The Sparkle relatives then collided with each other, both parties unleashing bouts of fisted magic upon the other, no holding back this time. Midnight formed a small blade from her hand and slashed at Flurry with it before the niece used her own magic to shatter it and push her aunt back slightly with a small magic surge. Flurry then restrained any magical usage by whipping out two more whips and wrapping them around her arms. Unfazed, Midnight grabbed her restraints to pull at them, only for her captor to pull back, turning it into a tug o’ war. After a brief struggle, the ruler of Equestria charged her horn and fired at the ropes, rendering them inert. As Flurry flew back a bit, she didn’t recover in time against her aunt’s swift strike that sent her flying. She then launched a massive streak of blue fire at her niece, who hastily projected a protective barrier. Holding it for a few moments, Flurry tossed it aside before charging head-on to Midnight. The crystal ruler delivered a duel kick that Midnight blocked with her wings. She chuckled at her niece’s failed attempt, only to lower her wings and see Heart delivered a hard fist across the face before she sent her aunt speeding back with a duel magic blast. Seeing Midnight stop in her tracks, Flurry watched the fury in her eyes as she expanded her wings and instantly dashed right for her with charged fists. Shrugging and rolling her eyes, the young princess expanded her own and followed suit, charging her own fists. As they neared each other, they pulled back their hands and then extended forward as they collided again with each other. The conjuring forces then caused a magical explosion that illuminated the sky. * Sunset, Applejack, and Pinkie were giving it their all to stop Grogar once and for all. And all the King could do was simply fire fruitlessly. The human-born-unicorn was mostly the frontwoman for her team, fighting head-on against a living nightmare. She was like a bumblebee, flying faster than the ram’s vision could keep up with while striking at him from every angle. She struck at the ram with magical strike after another, aiming for any weak points with everything that she had in concentrated anger for all the pain he’s caused her of late. His underbelly fared no different as the head of Sweet Apple Acres was more than willing to break his bones. She was hitting hard and hitting fast, the ram’s hooves too heavy to react with as much fury as she, too, had within her. The only response to it were a small army of shadow claws that Applejack merely dodged or used to her advantage. Quite possibly the most annoying creature he’s ever had the displeasure of seeing the party planner was. Without stop, she popped out of every corner of the King’s vision with either a sweet surprise turned weapon or throwing an insult at him. She was clearly having fun messing around with him and reveling in his frustration. Grogar observed his attacks and realized that they were down four members. Recalling how one of them saved her “repulsive love” from her doom made two, so where were the other two? Amongst the chaos being inflicted upon him, he heard a scratching noise down onto his harness. Craning down, his pupil-less eyes grew wide and glowed with fury as he observed the source. On his harness was Sci-Twi holding open the barrier protecting his Bell in her telekinesis while Rarity was going to town with the sapphire filer as she tried to disconnect the link between him and his Bewitching Bell. The knowledge that he’s been distracted by mere mortals left him flabbergasted and furious, signifying his point with a roaring shockwave from his signature artifact that sent the five Rainbooms crashing down flat onto the hard road. He looked down at them with rage as they began to glow in his magic. Pinkie and Twilight were the first to rise up and attempted to get up, only to stop just a few inches and collapse onto the road again. The other three girls tried as well with the same results. They continued to struggle as they felt gravity getting heavier upon them by the minute. While savoring their displeasure, the King of Monsters was but pleased with their persistence at his power. A faint light then entered his peripheral vision, causing him to crane his neck upward to see Midnight Sparkle holding Flurry in one hand and dragging the caged Fellowship with the other. The flapping of wings was caught in his left ear and found Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon flapping their way towards him with the resisting Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash in their respective grasps. Smiling in small satisfaction, he gestured his hoof down onto the street, ordering the heroes down with the already down heroes. Once his princesses abided his wishes, he then casted the same gravity spell on the rest of them. The princesses then flew by his side as the vilest villain gazed upon his success. At last, victory was now his. His enemies were defeated, his power was still secured, and the fight was his. But as much as he wanted to celebrated, he still had to make an example out of them for Equestria to understand his wrath. But he first wanted a word with the woman who’s been leading the small band of resistance. “Honestly, it is such a shame that we had to meet just now, Miss Shimmer,” the First Scourge had the audacity to claim as he gently placed a gigantic hoof on her small head. She wanted to swat his hoof away if gravity wasn’t crushing her into the ground. “When I heard of your control over CHS, I was pleased to find someone just as cruel as myself. Had you not let Princess Twilight ruin you with the ‘Magic of Friendship’ after your humiliation, I would have taken you under my hoof and make you an excellent follower. Instead, you groveled at her feet and let her dump you on these mortals. Mortals who now, no better than Equestria, use our very way of life and survival. But now with my army led by my purified princesses by my side, I will actually do what you and all weaker villains haven’t the spine to FINISH, starting with both this world and Equestria!” Once the ruthless ram finished his speech, Sunset Shimmer turned her head back to see her friends and allies all struggling against the same spell. She could see the resistance in their eyes, taking solace in their determination to fight on. Then, craning upward to meet Grogar’s scowl in her peripheral vision, she could barely make out the flying trio of princesses looking down at the. Once her eyes landed on Midnight Sparkle, she was once again reminded why she’s been fighting the Father with so much ferocity,… and she wasn’t gonna let him have her under his spell for eternity. Grunting into a plank position, she turned up at Grogar with defiance. “You will never rule any world, as long as somepony, someone, or something is resisting you!!” she declared with such fire, never relenting to fight against his will. Her defiance only earned her a mocking chuckle and scowl from the Monster Master as he looked down at her. “Do not make me laugh, pony,” he mockingly demanded of her. “Gusty the Great could not permanently stop me. What gives you the hope that you will be any different!?” “For one thing, she’s got us!” a voice broke through their conversation. The tyrant and the teacher looked behind the latter to see the alchemist crawling and struggling to face the greatest danger of Equestria. She looked at him with such cold resistance, her fighting spirit, like her friends’, unquailed. Slowly following behind her were each of the remaining Humane 7 as they crawled to her side with equal fire in their eyes. Within slow moments, the Rainbooms were united once again on either side of Sunset, who merely smiled brightly at their devotion. She then felt her left hand being taken in Sci-Twi’s right, while her other hand was caught in Fluttershy’s grasp. As she looked on either side, she saw her friends’ smiling faces as they connected hands, their connection being the only comforting thing for all seven at the moment. Like they said before, whatever happens, they’ll face it together till death do them part. Laughter from Grogar broke their moment up. They looked to see him with mocking happiness. “Very well.” He simply stated as his eyes slowly glowed bright and his mocking grin turned into a sinister one. “All for one, one for all, as they say. After all,” he continued as his horns became encased in magic in sync with his harness. His Bell slowly raised itself towards the Rainbooms. “six of you are overdue for a public execution!!!” he roared as he concentrated a large sphere of lethal intentions upon his horns. Craning his head backwards slightly, he then brought the sphere down hard upon the septet of heroes, who remained steadfast at the imminent doom, much to the Fellowship’s shock and horror as they all watched as the sphere made impact. A storm of dust and pebbles soon engulfed the street as Grogar began to cackle in utter sadism over his victory. Meanwhile, the princesses and heroes were in disbelief, trying to wrap their heads around what just happened. Did he just do it? Are Sunset and her friends all… dead? Grogar continued laughing as he observed his accomplished-. His enjoyment ceased when he noticed something amongst the cloud. Everyone else around him noticed it and squinted to see what. It looked to be shimmering and tinkling magic. As more dust settled, everyone’s vison upon the object became clearer and were in reactions mixed with joyous relief and incredulous rage. Coming into view from the ebbing dust were the standing bodies of the Equestria Girls, still linked in hands, and holding onto their unfazed expressions as they stared daggers at the Father of Monsters while engulfed in a shimmering glow of reds and yellows. They exchanged looks with each other, smiling as they held onto their hands. Before they all knew it, their feet drifted up off the road and they slowly ascended to face the incredulous Grogar at eye-level and suddenly flashed before everyone’s eyes. Instinctively, the Fellowship and the princesses covered their eyes as one unicorn and six humans became lost in the surge of light before them. Its brilliance was so grand that it practically shined away all of the dawning darkness for the sunrise. Anyone even ten miles away could see it in its glory. Eventually, it died down and from it emerge the still ponied-up Humane 7, only they were all wearing armor that bared their cutie marks on the chest plates and were branded in multiple colors with their geodes and relics now merged together. Twilight Spruce’s armor was violet with Harmonious now embedded into her right gauntlet and the jewels now bearing her star mark. Rainbow Dash was covered in a magenta suit that enabled to run freely in it with her Elemental Hooves now branding her rainbow thunderbolt. Pinkie Pie’s baby blue protection was accompanied by her Impossiband as it rested on her forehead. Rarity was ever fashionable as her azure ensemble was matched with her Sapphire Gems matching her diamond symbol. Applejack’s knight outfit matched her strength and emerald eye color with her Belt of feats now presenting her apple name. Fluttershy’s teal uniform was flowing in nature as her butterfly insignia overtook her Animal Kingdom totem. But the biggest change amongst them was Sunset Shimmer herself. She was wearing a light pink dress with a small turquoise frill gown, long yellow shoes that barely exposed her legs, turquoise fingerless gloves, and her cutie mark strapped around her arms and neck and her shoe’s feet. And yet, the biggest distinguishing factors were her brilliant and fiery horn and wings that continued the glow. The girls were in awe. Daydream Shimmer has returned. They all looked at each other and themselves, surprised to see their brand new looks and their geodes now fused into their relics. How could it have happened? Was this some sort of new evolution for performing a new feat of friendship? Like being there for each other and putting the concern of others before each other. They wanted to turn to Daydream and Twilight for answers, but their new looks were to wait later as they still had Grogar to deal with. And they had just the means to end the fight for good. With their hands still linked together, they turned to face their ultimate enemy, who looked a mix of unfazed and rage at them. “Let’s have it, ladies,” he exaggeratedly demanded, almost expecting something. “Let’s have the whole ‘Friendship is Magic’ speech.” However, Daydream only glared at him, in no mood for speech on her face. Cementing her point was the girls glowing brightly as she declared: “Speech this.” And unleashed were the rainbow magic! The beam of magical colors shot straight up into the dawning night before coming back down onto Grogar. However, unwilling to accept defeat, the fearsome ram delivered his own strike that met Rainbooms’ strike halfway. Both sides began to push against the other for dominance, the Rainbooms seeking to end his reign and save their worlds and Grogar aiming to preserve his order and destroy his oppressors. The battle was locked into both parties continuously fighting for victory. Onlookers were in awe of the spectacle before them. Flurry, Starlight, Spike, and the rest were cheering the Rainbooms on, encouraging them to push back hard against the ram. Meanwhile, Midnight and the Two Sisters were merely watching in anticipation of their master’s victory. That is, until they looked down at the Fellowship’s hopeful expressions, unfazed in the face of a possible defeat. They were incredulous, Midnight the most of them. How could they be so positive and encouraging? How could an unlikely band of heroes still keep their heads up against the greatest threat to Equestria? Is the Magic of Friendship really that powerful to give them… any hope at all, false or not? Several voices began to bounce back in their heads collectively. You did all of this for the world’s benefit and asked for nothing in return. Don’t let him destroy everything that you’ve all worked hard to make for Equestria. You know there’s so much I do for my homes and my friends… That last saying made Midnight’s eyes go from blazing blue to violet as she gazed back at the Rainbooms, particularly Daydream Shimmer. Soon, Daybreaker and Nightmare changed their eyes as well to pink and cyan eyes. They looked back at each other to see regret creeping onto their faces before gazing upon themselves. What have they become? What have they done? Their thoughts were interrupted when they heard Grogar let out a strained roar. They turned to see him pushing back against the Rainbooms, clearly gaining the slow advantage. He then called to the trio of them, addressing them as their demonic forms, demanding their assistance. “GROGAR!!!” a voice screamed through the sunrise. While holding onto against each other, both the Rainbooms and Grogar looked behind the tyrannical ram to see a trio of figures approaching from the Everfree Forest. While the others were confused as to what was coming, Daydream smiled in confidence, knowing just what it was, while Grogar merely scowled on. Within the distance and coming up fast were humans of yellow, purple, and aqua that approached with sound and fury, the latter two carrying a slightly-sixties man and a purple canine, featuring ponytails and ears while they flapped on with light red wings. Their eyes glowed red and their teeth were bared as they stopped for nothing but him. Once Aria and Sonata set their passengers down onto the street with the cheering Fellowship, they rejoined Adagio’s side high over Grogar’s head, getting ready to strike. Before the King could react, the trio of harmonizers struck their fiercest chords hard on top of him for his betrayal, their voices just enough to shatter all eardrums within the city. Regardless of the pain, Grogar refused to give as he pressed on with his attack on the Rainbooms, his burst pushing back against their rainbow blast. That is,… until he felt another surge of combined magic rain upon his face. Wincing in pain, he looked to his high left and found, to his rage, his demonized princesses striking at him without hesitation and glaring rage at him. The King was on his side with fury. He was being attacked by both of his top three soldiers, both former and current, and he still had a septet of anthropomorphic women firing a huge streak of rainbow magic at him. What was next, the rest of the Fellowship glowing and aiding his frontal assaulters? As if the Great Pony from Beyond was hearing his internal grievances, he watched from below everyone from the ground slowly begin to rise to their feet. And they were glowing rainbow. Scorpan, Flurry, Tempest, Equestria Spike, Starlight, Trixie, and Discord were glowing in colors of red, lavender, blue, alabaster, yellow, orange, and pink. Shortly afterwards, their magical auras began to travel upward towards the Rainbooms, who glowed in the same colors. While holding against the Father of Monsters, Daydream and her friends all felt the rising pulses of their allies creeping into their bodies. All seven could feel a boost traveling all over every inch of their very being. Everyone down below was representing one of the six Elements of Harmony. Daydream could recognize them off the bat, but the magic seeping into her, what Element was it representing. But now wasn’t the time to worry over Elements, it was the time to finish this!!! With their newly given strength and the strikes provided by their enemies, the Rainbooms pushed forward one last time, their rainbow strike pushing Grogar’s own attack back as it itched very close to him until it finally struck him! His attack nullified completely, the King of Monsters himself soon found surrounded and trapped in a torrent of rainbow magic, working its way from his horns to his entirety. He roared in rage as he soon lost all sight of the outside world, striking desperately to escape, only for his magic to be render null and void within. Not just that, he felt it slowly escape his being entirely yet again, every bit of magic from his Bell to his own leaving him. Everything he had been working for the last few days was now in ruins as he helpless found himself lost in his enemies’ final strike. From the outside, everyone, from Sirens to heroes of Equestria, could see multiple colorful bursts of magic darting their way out of the rainbow tornado swirling within the street and jumping all over the area at Rainbow Dash speeds. Some of the onlookers were nearly by said beams as they tried to make for some sort of exit. Finally, one after another, every burst emerging soon found its way to the portal disguised as the Canterlot Carousel display window until only three remained. They continued to bounced around the street aimlessly until they struck Midnight Sparkle at her feet, the remaining two finding Daybreaker’s and Nightmare Moon’s own. Soon, the three princesses found themselves engulfed in the same fate befalling their former master as they felt their magic slowly fading from their own beings. Seeing it, the Sirens finally rested their vocals as they saw no further need to continue with Grogar’s punishment. But the Rainbooms didn’t apparently get the message. Everyone was watching in confusion and worry as the heroes continued with their assault rather senseless. By now, Grogar would have to be defeated and at their mercy, but they just kept pushing on, clearly unrelenting. But it wasn’t because they wanted their ultimate enemy to suffer or be killed; it was rather because they just couldn’t stop. Six Equestria Girls were all struggling to stop their strike, but they just couldn’t. Soon enough, they could hear the concerns and pleas of return from below, all wondering exactly what was happening up there. “Why can’t we stop!?!” grunted the honest farmer worker. “It feels like we’re pouring it all on him!” the loyal athlete described. “Twilight?!” the generous fashionista turned to for help. “I don’t know, but does anyone else feeling a draining feeling of sorts?!” the magical brainiac inquired. She opened her eyes slightly to see everyone acknowledging her question. Everyone but Daydream. From what she could see, she was straining the most out of them. And she was right. The angelic teacher was the frontwoman behind the assault on the King of Monsters and she wanted to bring him down for his crimes. But when she saw that he has had enough, she was willing to stop and not overdo it. But she couldn’t. She strained on and on like there was no tomorrow. She felt as if she was pouring her entire life upon the goat, like she had all the magic in the universe to just waste all against her. But she wasn’t like that, especially she felt a weird sensation making its way through both of her hands. She looked to see her veins being overrun by multiple surges of magic. She looked at her friends to see the same surge coming from their bodies. She was left wondering why she was absorbing so much of their magic when she already had her own. Suddenly, her whole world was whited out. > Ascension > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene Thirty-Two: The Dawning of Another Ugh, what the heck, Sunset thought as she regained some consciousness. Waking up with a splitting headache, she was left wondering exactly what happened. She only managed her eyes opened slightly before they were assaulted by a bright glare that forced her sight back shut. She brought her hands to her eyes and them back to adjust to the new light. When her face and arms made contact, however, she soon made out the difference in her limbs as she could feel no fingers. Creaking her eyes open slowly, she looked down at her hands, only to find… hooves?! Albeit taken aback by the physical change, she was quick to conclude that she returned to her Equine origins as she looked up to see her horn protruding her peripheral vision. However, her mild shock was rendered irrelevant as she looked around her surroundings and found herself standing within an endless light blue void with stardust and stars, shooting stars dashing from above. And she was all alone. Nopony, nobody was in her miles-long sight as she scoped the landscape for any other signs of other life. Sunset was left wondering exactly where she was. Could this be sort of space with no time or life? Could this be another dimension? Could this be… the afterlife? Her internal thoughts were on halt when she trotted forward and found a glow beneath her. She looked to see a path of stardust leading straight forward for miles and miles into the distance, all blinking faintly, as if directing the teacher to follow the path. Seeing no other choice, she took it down. As she made her way down, Sunset couldn’t help but continue her search for life. She repeatedly called out for her friends, screaming them louder with every couple of feet as her head rotated repeatedly for any figure in the distance. This couldn’t be the afterlife. She always thought it be some sort of natural landscape where everypony could just-. She stopped dead in her tracks when she caught sight of a trio of ponies in the distance just where the stardust path seemingly ends. Happy to see some other ponies with her, she ran full tilt towards them, wanting answers. As she inched further and further towards them, Sunset could make out some significant details on three of them, the most common being them all alicorns. The smallest of the three was cerise coated with a moderate violet mane streaked with rose and gold and silver for her aged appearance, matched by the wrinkles under her eyes, and a crystal heart cutie mark bearing her flank. The second tallest was a mare with a dark blue coat and sapphire blue mane and was marked with a crescent moon. The tallest and most easy to identify was an alabaster alicorn her mane and tail in multiple streaks of light colors of cerulean, turquoise, cobalt blue, and heliotrope, her sun cutie mark emblazoned on her. Sunset Shimmer was beyond confused. What were the princesses of day, night, and family all doing in the same void? She was going to get her answers soon enough as she skidded to a stop just before them. She looked up at them as they turned their collective attention to her. They greeted her with warm smiles that contradicted from Sunset’s confusion. “Sunset Shimmer,” Celestia was the first of them to speak as she wrapped a foreleg around her former student, who hesitantly but warmly returned the affection. After some moments, they pulled apart as they returned to their original positions. Shaking her head slightly, Sunset quickly got down on a leg and bowed before the royalties. “Your Majesties,” she formally acknowledged before she got back up on all fours. “Why are we all here? Where is here? Is everypony okay?” “Don’t fret, Miss Shimmer,” assured Cadance. She then projected a number of screens that showcased her following statements in the moment. “Everypony both in and out of Equestria is alright, Grogar’s magic is gone, and the Tartarus inhabitants are free of him and returning home, all thanks to you and your friends.” “And we are here to celebrate your long-awaited accomplishment,” Luna then clarified. Sunset’s only response was a mere eyebrow raised as she looked at the younger royal ruler. What accomplishment could she have achieved other than defeat Grogar? Did it actually qualify as such or was it something else? “What accomplishment?” Sunset simply asked, “I don’t think Grogar-.” “Not him,” Celestia giggled with a hoof over her muzzle. She looked at Sunset with proud and teary eyes. The ex-student only looked more puzzled, especially when the oldest princess ignited her horn and projected three screens surrounding the teacher. She looked at each screen at a time, noticing that they all projected certain moments of her life simultaneously. One screen projected her earlier years as Celestia’s student, the next one showcased her times at Canterlot High both bad and good, and the last one was just blank. The action only confused Sunset more by the moment. “From the moment you were born, and I took you in,” Celestia began as she moved to Sunset’s side, placing her hoof on the unicorn’s shoulder, “I had high hopes for you and your future. Even after your transgressions towards me, I still held on. Then when Twilight followed you and saved you from the dark, it was then and there I realized that you were in the right hooves and heading towards the right path. And I couldn’t be prouder to call you my daughter.” Being the adopted mother she prided herself to be, she again embraced her student in another embrace. As she registered her mentor’s word and returned the embrace again, Sunset was still curious of what the fuss was over. Her answer came soon enough when Celestia spoke again. “From then on, you’ve been showcasing all of the six Elements while displaying your own towards those who would need it. Your Empathy and your compassion has molded you into the perfect pony for your new title, that of a princess.” Princess, that word echoed into Sunset’s mind when she heard it. Her? A princess of Equestria? Was it true? She couldn’t believe it nor could she believe herself worthy of such a title after what she did. Her past actions were all just selfish, petty means of getting power. And after all of her efforts to turn over, she didn’t feel like she deserved it. But now? This was… wow. “But… I don’t deserve it,” she simply claimed as she pulled away from Celestia. She looked at the three princesses with forgiving eyes before she went on. “Your Highnesses, it’s not that I’m unappreciative about such an honor. I just don't feel worthy after-.” “Sunset Shimmer,” a voice behind the new princess called out, a very familiar voice belonging to a sweet bookworm. Turning to whoever called her, Sunset looked to see Twilight and Flurry Heart both approaching her, back to their Equine origins. Sunset was in awe over herself now. Five of Equestria’s most powerful figures were standing before and around her, clearly here for a reason. She wouldn’t consider her current predicament of such importance if all of Equestria’s alicorns, three of which she knew so well, weren’t gathered around. But there they all were, gathered around a lone unicorn who had just beaten the vilest of the vile of Equestria and were about to bestow the title of princess upon her. Nopony did anything for a while as Shimmer herself studied her surroundings, seeing their proud reactions as if they figured she deserved it. However, she was quick to doubt herself and was about to voice them again when Twilight approached the mare with her own hug, wrapping both forelegs around Sunset’s fiery hair. With the Princess of Friendship pressing herself onto her in an embrace, the teacher could feel her face light up bright and hot and couldn’t resist wrapping her own forelegs around Twilight’s sparkling mane. Unlike the two she recently shared with Celestia, this one with the crush of her dreams felt and held on longer and warmer than ever before they pulled apart and returned to each other’s eyes. More silence passed until Twilight spoke again. “You may not think you deserve it, but I believe in you. You do deserve the title because of everything you’ve done since I’d stopped you. From then on, you’ve been one of the most caring and empathetic people I’ve met. While you still have some slivers of your past, you’ve moved on from your demons entirely and brought out the real you. You’ve reached out to people who’d need your guidance and brought others’ needs before your own and learned so much to be worthy enough of the princess title. Anypony would be foolish to not look past your… past and embrace your new life. And if I’m encouraging you to take my word on this matter, it’s because I know you do deserve it and also because… .” Twilight trailed off in her encouragement when she felt Sunset’s hoof pressed against her muzzle. She looked to see her crush’s tearing up eyes, who was clearly touched by the sweetness from her lavender love’s sweet voice. As her tears ran down her cheeks, Sunset barely managed her take on one of the cheesiest lines she could think to say: “You had me at ‘I believe in you.’” Now it was Sparkle’s turn to form tears and blush at the tenderness. The princess didn’t need to continue on as she interpreted the message behind those teal eyes and started her own tears. Wanting to solidify the moment, Sunset and Twilight embraced in the most loving and adoring hug yet, clearly happy in each other’s grasp and never wanting to break apart. In a unique way when thought over, Sunlight has finally come open with their feelings with one another, just not outright. The other princesses couldn’t hold back their silent excitement as they observed the moment, Flurry obviously the happiest as she contained her squeals. Finally, feeling confident about her fate, Sunset pulled from her Twilight’s forelegs and smiled the most loving smile she could muster towards the ruler of Equestria, to which the aforementioned ruler returned sweetly. Shimmer then turned to face the princesses as they soon gathered around her, happy with herself. Needing no other signal to proceed, the five princesses expanded their wings and ascended themselves slightly off the invisible ground of the infinite ocean above the Equestria Girl. Sunset could not have been feeling prouder of herself than ever before. She was ascended into a position of royalty that she once tried to get through dishonest means before rejecting any intents for it. All she needed was encouragement from her master and her best friend/crush to feel that she deserved it. She looked to see the princesses’ horns all igniting in colors and sending small pockets of the magic straight into her own horn. Feeling a slight tingling sensation creep across her body, Sunset soon found a tiny piece of her magic slip from her own horn and make its way straight into her chest. Then it happened. She felt herself being lifted up to the princesses’ level as red magic swirled around her body, completely engulfing her in it. And then, again, her world whited out. Epilogue: Happily Ever Afters for All (Mostly) The destroyed Canterlot City street was in solemn moods in the rising day. When Sunset suddenly whited out, the Rainbooms finally ceased their seemingly ruthless fire upon the King of Monsters, leaving him in a massive smoking crater unconscious from the full force. Once they descended back to ground level, the Rainbooms and Fellowship were in an initial state of celebration until they noticed Daydream Shimmer’s unconscious body. Rushing to her side, her bestest friends immediately got down on knees, trying and hoping in vain to wake her up. However, their situation seemingly worsened when they founded the bodies of Celestia, Luna, Flurry, and Princess Twilight to be sharing her fate. And none of them seemed to have been wanting to wake. Once gathering the five unconscious women together, the heroes of both worlds went in disorder, trying to help the quintet of women. Sci-Twi, the pair of Spikes, and Starlight were hitting the spells like crazy with Scorpan’s aid. Rainbow and Discord sought to comfort a sobbing Fluttershy however they could, from comforting words to head rubs that failed in vain. Applejack and Rarity sulked elsewhere together with the farmer trying to comforting the fashionista as she feared the worst. Adagio and her Siren sisters distanced themselves from the heroes, thinking they want nothing from a trio of banished creatures in silence as Captain Tempest and Trixie watched them with a mix of solemnity and distrust. And Pinkie Pie sulked in loneliness at the possibility of losing two of her best friends. Nothing seemed to brighten their hopes. That is, until, before the eyes of her bedside nurses, the unconscious body of Daydream just ascended from the ground. Everyone was in surprise at the sight, wondering what was going on. Then suddenly, she went up in a bright flash of sunlight that soon engulfed her whole body in the form of her sun cutie mark. It blazed high above the street and chased away whatever remained of the twilight night sky along with the sunrise just as the rest of the princesses awoke from their own comas. After a short period of time, the sun finally came down to the street and subsided to reveal the leader of the rebellion against the dreaded Grogar. “SUNSET!!!” the six Equestria Girls cried, happy to see their best friend alive, and immediately rushed to her. They however stopped three feet away from her when they found her more… different. They were in shock to see their friend in such a way. The teacher herself shook the daze out of her before gazing at her friends’ starstruck expressions. She simply gave off a confused expression. Seeing it, Rarity quickly used her Gems to conjure up a mirror for Sunset to see for herself. She took one complete look at herself and was equally awestruck as her friends. She, like them, was ponied-up in ears and ponytail and sporting a cyan suit of armor that bared her cutie mark on the chest plate. But the most distinguishing feature was but a pair of wings upon her back! She twirled around to see them in her sapphire reflection and was still in awe. Before she knew it, however, she found herself quickly surrounded by her best friends as they gushed over her new features. “Another sweet set of wings!!” Rainbow gushed excitedly as she used her good arm to study one of Sunset’s wing. “Darling, you simply look divine!!” Rarity squealed over Sunset’s new appearance. “Sugarcube, Ah just don’t know what ta say!” Applejack confessed, taking off her stetson. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re an alicorn now in Equestria.” Sci-Twi simply hypothesized as she looked her best friend over. “That’s because she is,” Princess Twilight simply stated as she walked to the septet of heroes. Seeing her approaching, the girls politely (but not needed) stepped themselves aside for the Princess of Friendship to approach the new princess herself. “Sunset Shimmer here has proven herself worthy of the title Princess of Empathy for her selfless efforts of steering many misguided people straight with her own experiences and saving us all from Grogar. She is an inspiration to all around her.” She then bowed in respect towards the Princess of Empathy, recognizing her royal status with great pride. Soon, the Rainbooms followed the Princess’ example and bowed as well, the Fellowship, Scorpan, and the princesses doing so shortly afterwards. Sunset was flattered that her friends would bow before her despite knowing each other for so long, but it was customary to bow before royalty. Her eyes were then fixed on the trio of Sirens standing afar from the heroes, distant over recent events. She looked at them with slight gratitude in contrast to their scowling faces deepening upon their faces, minus Sonata as she absently bowed before the new princess. While she was still displeased with them helping Grogar and nearly ruining her friendship with Twilight, she was satisfied that they have helped them all in the nick of time. And she wanted to offer them the same chance her princess crush had given her so long ago. But before she could attempt to do something for them, she saw them walking away from the street with Sonata in dragging tow. Her gaze slowly downcasted briefly before it was replaced with joy as her friends entrapped her in another gush over her ascension. As they walked, Adagio couldn’t help but look back at the gathering of heroes. She and her sisters had just helped them. So why didn’t she stay for a chance adoration from them? She wasn’t sure exactly why, but they just weren’t worth it for her or her sisters. All she wanted right now was to just be alone and leave them to their lives… … before her eyes found her former master climbing out of his crater, stopping her in her tracks. Noticing their leader standing still behind, Aria stopped dragging Sonata and they both gazed at what their sister was eyeing as well. From their current position, Grogar was burned, bloodied, and extremely peeved, glaring wrathful bloodlust at the heroes, Sunset particularly. Holding his depowered Bewitching Bell in one hand, he pulled out a small knife from one of his robes pocket as he eyed the recently-made princess with wrath through the wall of friends. As he got out of the crater and slowly made for the subject of his wrath, Adagio felt her instincts kick in. She didn’t know why but the lead Siren felt that she had to do something against the new subject of her wrath for what’s he’s done to her. So she ran past her sisters towards the Father of Monsters. Just as he got a running start towards the heroes, Adagio immediately sang a few chords in his direction. Hearing them, Grogar turned to see them barring their way towards him before they missed and exploded right between him and the Rainbooms. The resulting explosion sent him flying backwards and at Adagio’s feet. Groggily opening his eyes, he found the lead Siren standing before him. Angered for her interference, he rushed to his feet at her, only for the Dazzling to place his foot on his throat. Now with both of them looking each other dead in the eyes, they could see all eyes glued on them, waiting for what would happen next. As she sneered at her subject of wrath, she slowly placed her hands on her lips and blew the King a magic kiss that descended onto his struggling figure. He struggled on and on until the kiss contacted his eyes. Removing herself from her ex-master, Adagio smiled in satisfaction as the anthropomorphic ram slowly rose and faced her. But it wasn’t with a look of disdain and hatred. Instead, it was of fear. Grogar looked dead at the creature he was seeing and… it was beyond his own darkest nightmares. Before him stood a pony figure of complete shadow minus her wavy orange hair. She bared sharp teeth, her eyes were dark magenta, and she stared at him with sadism. He backed away from the figure before he simply turned tail to run, only to find the same creatures in his direction. Except one’s eyes were raspberry with arctic blue hair, while the other had mulberry eyes and purple hair. While slightly different, their eyes held the same sadism from their predecessor. He was wobbling on his legs as he moved to escape these demons before he tripped onto a stone that brought him down… to the feet of more creatures. He slowly gazed his attention up and his entire body froze up at the sight. Standing before him was a small army of shadow ponies that bared different mane colors and styles while their multi-colored eyes still bared the same sadism. Before his eyes, the ponies suddenly grew into gigantic feet, turning him into the ant that he refused to imagine himself to be until now. They then broke into coldhearted and cruel laughter as the shadow with teal eyes and blazing wings and hair lifted her hoof to squish him. As he hopelessly held his hoof up for defense,… … Grogar screamed in utter horror at nothing. Everybody surrounding him, minus the Dazzlings, merely looked at the tyrant with confused and puzzled eyes, wondering what was going on with him. All they knew was Adagio blowing some sort of magic kiss at him, which then sent him spiraling in-. Suddenly, that thought crossed Sunset’s mind when she reminisced on the spell Adagio placed on her back at the Tasty Treat. She looked at her so-far acquaintance with slight apprehension. “That spell you used on me back at the Treat?” she asked the yellow Siren, to which she nodded her head in confirmation. “Not only can I manifest desires,” she then explained to the lead Rainboom, “I can also do the same with their greatest fears.” Before she could continue on, Grogar suddenly screamed louder as he jolted himself up and quickly turned tail, hoping to get away from whatever demons were frightening the once great King. He didn’t make it to three feet as Aria quickly came to his side and sucker-punched him right across the face, sending him, tumbling down onto the sidewalk where his head hit the concrete hard. His grip on both his knife and his Bell ceased on the way down, lying just next to his down figure. Everyone continued to gaze at the now unconscious Grogar as he laid stiff for a few moments before he spasmed and hugged himself tightly, whimpering in fear and curling into a small ball. Everybody was in awe at the sight. Grogar, the Father of Monsters, the First Emperor, was now at their feet groveling, unconscious, defeated and humiliated for them to see. Sunset and Twilight turned to face Adagio again, who merely looked with pleasure. “Grogar left us defenseless while he basked in power,” she explained with a mix of pleasure and hatred. “Now he’ll know our pain for as long as I allow it.” “And ya ain’t gonna stop by a long shot, are ya, Dazzle?” Applejack inquired with an expression and tinge of deadpan as she was certain to know the answer already. She rolled her eyes when she saw Dazzle crack a small smirk and shook her head no, wondering why she bothered asking. As the unconscious tyrant squirmed in fear, Sci-Twi moved forward to him with her Spike companion by her side. As she knelt down to grab the I.D.O.B. from Spike open pack, she brought the Bewitching Bell in her hand via telekinesis before placing it on top of her transportation device. Once placing both hands on the box, she concentrated hard until the box’s energy glowed and released a small wormhole in front of her. Seeing her success, Sci-Twi grabbed the Bell by the link and merely tossed it into the wormhole closing it afterwards. Patting her hands together at a job well done, she turned to see her friends looking at her with dumbfounded looks. “What?” she simply asked them before presenting the box to them. “If desired, the box can also open a wormhole to the selected dimension and location.” “Oh, that’s cool to hear,” Rainbow sarcastically mentioned before shouting with incredulous: “I just think it would’ve been cooler if you had told us of this before we warped to Equestria!” “Hey, I told you it was its first time being used. You can’t be expected to test all of its functions on the first go, can you?” Rainbow merely gave a look of defeat at Sci-Twi’s enthusiasm. “Well, if you’re all done with the ‘Siren Trump Card,’” Aria suddenly stated before she returned to grabbing Sonata by the arm, much to her displeasure, “we’ll be going now.” She looked at Adagio for a brief moment before moving on, thinking her sister’s made up her mind. But when she didn’t, the older Siren stopped. Instead, the lead Siren looked at the new princess of Equestria, something in the back of her head scratching her to do something else. Sunset looked at Adagio with uncertain eyes. If she were planning something against her, the teacher had to be prepared and was relying on her friends for backup. Her eyes furrowed when she saw the Dazzling make the first move. “Sunset Shimmer,” she began, her words practically choking on her words as if she were gonna get sick for speaking so kindly to someone she’s been hating on for so long. “I’ve been thinking lately. And I think… I think I’m done feeding on negativity just to live. My sisters and I’ve been alive for thousands of years and lived among this world that’s recently been against us. But while you girls probably feel no different-.” “Adagio,” Sunset suddenly interrupted. She then placed her two hands onto the Siren’s shoulders, looking at her with acceptance, much to Dazzle’s surprise. “Princess Twilight once told me that the Magic of Friendship exists in any world and you can either seek friends out or be alone. But I promise, if you choose the former, you’ll have a plentiful of friends waiting for you.” She then gestured to everybody else surrounding them. She was ready to speak again when she saw Scorpan approach her from the left, deciding to let him take the lead. She then turned Adagio’s entire body to face the Traitor of Tirek. “And you can start amending your villainous ways by living under my wing,” he offered, “where Zecora and I will provide you and your sisters with your first steps to regaining people’s trust.” He then offered his hand out for Adagio to take whenever she wants. She looked hesitantly at him, wanting to do something that benefits her and her sisters. She then gazed at her sisters who, too, looked to be considering the gargoyle’s offer before they locked eyes with her. They exchanged some in-depth thoughts that seemed to have stretched for hours until Aria’s hardened expression melted into a warm one, thinking Scorpan’s offer to be the right thing, Sonata following soon afterwards. With their expressions, she took them as a “yes” and reached for Scorpan’s hand. Once the two locked hands with each other, she slowly shook her hand in tandem with his as her worries slowly faded into a small smile, finally accepting the new life awaiting her and her sisters. As she watched one of her oldest enemies fully reform herself, Rarity couldn’t help but reminded herself of how close she was to Applejack. And nelly, did she look beautiful in the early morning sun. Her silky soft blonde hair, her smooth orange skin despite the labor she puts herself through, and of course, her dazzling, sparkling emerald green. Memories of her dressed in western chic at the get-together flashed before her, reminding her why she did it. And after everything that just happened, from the invitation to Equestria to defeating Grogar, now was as good a time as any to make the move. So with a throat clearing, she interlaced her fingers with AJ’s own and gazed at her farmgirl. Feeling her fingers interlaced around her own, Applejack turned her head to come face-to-face with Rarity with bedroom eyes. Seeing her love so up close to her caused the farmer to feel her orange cheeks starting to burn at seeing the seductive look Rarity was giving her. Like her, Applejack have been lost in the beauty that the fashionista offered in the rising sunlight. Her long, curled violet hair, her dazzling sapphire azure eyes, and the soft cheeks so soft they had to have been marshmallows. And if Rarity were giving her such a look, it could only mean one thing. And she got her answer in a few silent seconds. “Sugarcube,” Rarity broke the silence with. Using AJ's common name for everyone around her caused the fashionista’s cheeks to burn slightly when she saw the wide-eyed and slight red cheeks on AJ’s face, silently berating herself for her lack of subtly on the icebreaker. So, throwing it out the window, she just decided to wing it. “I’ve been thinking lately about s-s-s-something, and if,- only if – you’re interested, ma-ma-maybe we could give ourse-se-selves a-.” Her stammering was interrupted when she noticed Applejack removing her stetson. Before she knew it, Applejack tossed it aside, grabbed hold of her with her strong hands, dipped her low with a raised leg, and planted her lips onto her delicious marshmallow lips. The feeling of Applejack’s apple-tasting lips pressed against her caused Rarity to squeak for a few moments before she slowly succumbed to it and pressed her lips back, furthering fueling the lust between Rarijack. Nothing seemed to matter to the two of them as they continued on with their moment, not even the cheering and aweing of their onlookers. Finally, their need to breath caught up to them, forcing them apart as Applejack lifted Rarity back up onto her feet. The two of them looked deep into each other’s diamond eyes before Applejack broke the silence against them. “Ah wouldn’t mind the next step at all, darlin’,” Applejack slurred seductively, causing Rarity to give a cute sly smile and sequel that drove her into another passionate kiss with Applejack. Everyone else merely watched with happy cheers and applause for the subtle proposal. Watching just two feet away, Pinkie and the now-bandaged Rainbow courtesy of Discord and Fluttershy were watching Rarijack. Once her arm was fully casted and assured by Discord that Zecora would fix her injuries, the rainbow-haired athlete turned to her pink party-planning friend with a small smile, elbowing her for attention. “So, are you still concern over changes or are you over it?” she asked her with some hesitation, worrying that her friend would erupt into tears like in the catacombs. Luckily for her, Pinkie merely gave that million-dollar, adorable smile she loved to see on her wacky friend. Before she knew it, she then engulfed in a massive bearhug, crushing her nonbroken bones while her already-broken ones screamed in pain and squeezing her life out of her lungs. “Nope!” Pinkie chirped as she hugged tighter. “I am just gonna go with the flow and be happy along the way as long we are all together!” She waited for Rainbow to respond back, only for strangled grunts to enter her ear. She looked to see Rainbow’s blue, pained face turning purple for the lack of air. Seeing the pain she unintentionally caused her friend, she slowly let go of her broken friend, letting air return to her body. She gave RD a small, sheepish smile for apologies. Fluttershy soon joined her girlfriend’s side as she regained her composure while rubbing her casted arm before they both looked at Pinkie’s sorry expression. “It’s okay, Pinkie,” Dash assured her worried friend, whose face returned to its natural state of bubbliness before she turned to her girl of her early dreams, holding one of her sweet and delicate hands in her uninjured one. “Reason I asked is because of what I’m about to do now.” Flutters looked in slight confusion at what her girl was talking to. She, however, got a clear idea of what when she saw the ever bold RD get down on her good leg while her broken one screamed in pain. Before she knew it, she pulled out of her knight pocket a small box that made her teal eyes widen and fill with tears. Finally, with enough courage, Rainbow brought her casted hand to open the box and reveal a rainbow-diamond ring in the shape of a butterfly. She looked up at her veterinarian love with hopeful eyes as she gazed upon her shocked face. Seeing it, Rainbow began to panic, sweat coming down, thinking she did something that was too much for Fluttershy’s sweet and fragile heart. She was ready to pull away when she saw Fluttershy drop to one knee as well and pulled out a box of her own. With teary eyes and a shaking hand, she pulled it open to reveal a teal thunderbolt cloud towards her bestest friend in the world, who was now building up her own tears as she gaze at the grand gesture her timid girl was able to pull for her. Both women were in a state of frozen shock with everyone around them gazing with awestruck eyes, just waiting for one of them to make the move to break the tension. Suddenly, before their eyes, both Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy bolted for each other, wordlessly crying out "yes" as they hugged each other with all of their might, accepting their upcoming matrimony as they began to kiss. The Fellowship soon erupted into cheers and congratulations for the happiness the two were experiencing at the moment. As she cheered for her friend’s engagement, Sci-Twi couldn’t help but look at Sunset with some concern. She wanted everyone around them to have happy endings, but she couldn’t help but feel worried over Sunset’s future now that she was a princess. She didn’t want to ruin the happy atmosphere among everyone, but the question was begging to be heard aloud for everyone to hear. So, she moved to Sunset’s side as she gushed over Flutterdash. A small tap on the teacher’s shoulder broke her attention to the alchemist. Her joy diminished when she saw the downcast upon her friend. “Is something wrong, Twilight?” Sunset wondered cautiously. “Well, I don’t want to be the killjoy here, but…,” the alchemist began to explain before she trailed off, directing her attention away from her best friend. She could only sense the bad aura her friend’s concerning gaze was throwing off. When she turned to face her again, she winced at the sight of Sunset’s own concern as she slowly realized what the human half of her crush was thinking. And what was she going to do now? She loved both Princess Twilight and her friends, but she never thought she had to choose which of them to live with. She looked to see everyone’s joy and she was soon conflicted with the inevitable choice of-. * “Flurry Heart, are you telling my kids my love story again?” Flurry flinched at the sound of her aunt as she approached her children’s bedroom. Four years back, when Sci-Twi asked her of her new life arrangements, the new Princess of Empathy worked out through some things and, with Twilight’s understanding and compromise, was able to balance out her life by staying and watching over the human world for any more rogue magic and visiting Twilight once a month for some time together. Happy with it, Sunset finally worked the courage to say “I-love-you” to her crush, which the Princess of Friendship happily reciprocated. Finally happy with that phrase out of the way, the two rulers of two worlds happily sealed their declaration with a big, passionate kiss that lasted for a full three minutes, much to the joy of most of their friends. In the following years, Sunset, accepting Luna’s offer to be principal of CHS, and Twilight would find a day off and either one of them would jump from their kingdom to the other and spend time with each other in romantic and adorable bliss. A year into their relationship, Sunset worked the nerve to propose to Twilight, who ecstatically accepted. Not long after the marriage with their closest friends and relatives did the princesses expect their first children, with Twilight giving birth to a colt and filly they named Dusk and Dawn Shimmer, respectively. Balancing their royal duties and family time was no worry as well, because with friends like the ones they got, nothing was too great for the Princesses of Empathy and Friendship. As for everyone else, they, too, got their happy endings. Sci-Twi and doggy Spike returned to Timber Spruce and developed a radio-like system that could pinpoint all of the shattered pieces of the Crystal Mirror in the human world, finding one to the Canterlot Castle throne room from Sunset’s principal office’s window. Rarijack managed to actually marry each other on the same day and location as Flutterdash, who survived a few hiccups on the way to their marriage. Pinkie remained mostly the same as she went with the flow. All of the heroes from Equestria returned to repair the damage done to Canterlot and returned to their own lives. Spike remained the Royal Advisor to Twilight and often watched over the twins for her sister, Starlight and Trixie continued their lives at the School of Friendship, Flurry and Tempest returned to the Crystal Empire, Discord returned to his beloved Fluttershy, and the Two Sisters decided to make a new castle for themselves not too far from Silver Shoals. As for the Sirens, Scorpan and Zecora took them in as promised and, with enough time and effort, were finally able to move on from their pasts and be fully reformed. And last, but certainly not least, Grogar was returned to Equestria and petrified by the Two Sisters and Discord for his crimes against the multiverse before locking him away to Tartarus forever. And now, today was Twilight’s turn to visit Sunset with their kids, and she had to leave them in Flurry Heart’s care while she and the Mane 6 dealt with a rogue Nirik. And the ruler of Equestria was talking down to her niece for telling her love story for the umpteenth time with her sketchbook from her friend-turned-aunt. “Aw, come on, Aunt Twilight,” defended the Crystal Princess as she continued to scribble into her book. “Do you know how much babies forget their early childhood? If I tell Dusk and Dawn your story with every opportunity, they’ll never forget to embrace the lessons we’ve learned those four years ago.” “And do you realize that if you do keep telling them that story,” Twilight countered with wise-rump sarcasm, “they’ll get so sick of it that they’ll not want to hear it from their own mothers?” “Well, when you put it that way.” Flurry then gave off a deadpan pout that made her aunt snort in amusement before she finished scribbling, closed off her book, and levitated her aunt’s saddlebags over to her, to which the ruler accepted gratefully. She then materialized a duel carrier just for her twin unicorn foals, sat it down, and placed them within their seats. Once making sure they were secured, she turned to face Flurry. “Thank you again for watching them, sweetie,” she expressed to her niece with a hug and kiss to the forehead. Once the two drifted apart, Twilight grabbed her babies and began to trot out the door when her left hind leg was suddenly stopped in magic. She looked behind to see Flurry holding her leg and a sheet from her sketchbook in magic. She released the leg, but held onto the paper as she levitated to Twilight’s face. Accepting it in her own magic, the princess unfolded it and was immediately shocked to see what her niece managed to detail upon it. She turned to Flurry with a teary-filled face of joy. “It’s just something I couldn’t resist making,” the younger princess could simply defend, not looking away in shame or regret. “I just hope Aunt Sunset will like it.” “Sweetie,” Twilight choked through her joyous tears as she placed it in her saddlebag, “your aunt is going to love it.” Feeling grateful, Twilight gave her niece another loving embrace before she parted for the throne room’s stained glass window of Sunset’s ascension. * Principal Sunset Shimmer waited patiently for her wife and children to come through the window behind her desk as she reminisced on how good her life has turned out. She has fully moved on from a past that consumed her, she’s made the bestest friends anybody would die to get, and she was married to the most beautiful Princess of Friendship the universe could have possible fathom and, of course, a lovely family. She would never have thought this life to be her own. She was once a fiend seeking power before she turned over to be one of the most caring and understanding people she knew. True, there were still bumps along the way, but not so big that she would question her good nature or existence. Any doubts had faded away for good after Grogar’s defeat. As long as she had her family and friends by her side, nothing would break her spirit ever again. Her joy was interrupted when she heard the hum of the portal behind her and smiled knowing just what was coming. Getting up out of her chair, she stood in front of the portal and held her arms out for her family. Within a few moments, Twilight came bursting through the warbling portal, the occupied carrier in hand, as she fell into Sunset’s grasp as she twirled her around for just a moment before setting her back on her human legs. “Hey, cuteness,” the Princess of Empathy quipped as she moved a lock of hair out of Twilight’s sparkling, violet eyes as her cheeks burned slightly and she giggled. She nuzzled into her slightly older wife’s chest. “Are you referring to me or the babies, beautiful?” the younger woman quipped back as she looked to see Sunset’s own teal eyes shimmering with her burning cheeks. She then pulled apart and laid the carrier onto the desk before presenting the kids. Two years after their birth and Sunset and Twilight could still not believe the beauties before them. Their colt Dusk glowed in his grayish azure color that matched Twilight’s father Night Light’s coat as his darker azure hair barely covered his lavender eyes. Dawn the filly was slightly brighter in her yellowish-orange aura that matched her entirely red blazing hair and dazzling aqua eyes. Those two Shimmer children were quite the greatest pair of bundles of joy that anypony (anyone) could ever ask for. Sunset couldn’t resist the urge to pick her kids up and shower them with all the love she could possibly carry within her, small snuggles and kisses all over them, much to Twilight’s viewing enjoyment. Once out of her system, Sunset placed her children back in their carrier before turning to her wife. “The girls are all hanging at the Wondercolt statue if you’d like to spend your time with them,” Sunset explained before her sincere gaze turned sultry with a sultrier tone, “or we could go to my new house and get cozy?” Twilight giggled at her wife’s flirting, clearly getting the idea. She then moved to Sunset’s ear, breathing slightly into her ear. “How about the girls first and then your house?” She then placed a small kiss on her wife’s sunny cheek, invoking a chuckle from her. She turned away to see Sunset giving off bedroom eyes as she grabbed her hand. “As long as I’m with my friends,” she then nuzzled into Twilight’s hair, who responded in kind, both of them humming tandem. After a moment of embracing each other, the princesses pulled apart. Sunset collected her satchel over her shoulder as Twilight grabbed hold of the carrier while adjusting her bag straps. And with that, the married pair made their way out of the office to where it all began. Both princesses and their babies had an eventful night ahead of them as they walked down the hallways. First, they would hang out with the Rainbooms before they proceeded to Sunset’s new house and enjoy themselves with a nice dinner that would then culminate to a night of passion on the sofa. Twilight, meanwhile, had the paper Flurry gave her before she left Equestria to show Sunset. The Crystal Princess took the time to sketch a very detailed description of the Sunlight pair. She started with detailing their numerous obstacles and struggles from their redeeming efforts to proving their princess worth, continuing with the numerous friends and villains they’ve made over the years, before capping off with the most important aspect of their stories: their friends. They were the very best things to have ever happen to the two mares. They taught them both of the very best elements of friendship, proved themselves to be there for them whenever they were needed (with a few exceptions), and were practically the closest thing they had to sisters outside their families. While both students of Celestia took very different paths in life that changed them in unique ways, their journeys ended in the same way: as benevolent rulers of their worlds, passing down their teachings to others who will need it, and with each other. Unlike most pairings, the passionate pair of Sunlight was destined to benefit the worlds around them, bonded in matrimony, empathy, magic, logic, and of course, the greatest value among them, Friendship. THE END