• Published 7th Feb 2021
  • 1,227 Views, 3 Comments

Twiset Shimarkle - 20thCentury Brony

Sixteen years after Holidays Unwrapped, Sunset Shimmer and her friends visit Princess Twilight Sparkle's Day of Unity festival just in time to fight an enemy from the past.

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Scene Six: The Get-Together

Sweet Apple Acres was quiet that afternoon.

After another day at the farm, the Apple Family needed time off. Scratch that, a weekend off. And what better way to start it than on a cool Friday evening during Spring Break? Big McIntosh decided to treat his wife Sugar Belle, son Big Sugar, and Winona’s pups to a visit to his Appleloosa relatives. Initially, Sugar Belle was unsure to take four-year-old Big Sugar out of the house. However, Big Sugar was Applejack-when-she-attempted-Applebuck-Season-alone-certain that he’d be fine. Apple Bloom had other plans of her own. Ever since college, the CMCs had begun running an independent business of their own as psychologists who major in helping children struggling with their life purposes. While still helping the family in every way possible, Apple Bloom was more focused on her psychological work. For her weekend, Apple Bloom was going to Las Pegasus with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo for a business trip discussing their work... while having a little fun themselves. After a couple of goodbyes and safety tips from her still overprotective sister, Apple Bloom had to sprint for a cab heading to the airport, where Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle would be meeting.

And then there’s Applejack. The woman of the house with nothing to do. Except prepare for ALL of her friends. It had been some time when all seven hung out together, and like the rest of the girls, she was excited to make the night count. Work now, fun later, she thought to herself. Ever the workaholic of the Humane 7, she’d worked the next two hours getting the barn in shape, such as cleaning the family room, readying snacks and a case of her family’s cider, basically making her home the team’s home-away-from-home.

By the time the girls started arriving, Applejack had cleaned up. Removing her overalls and showering, she changed into denim jeans, red button-up long-sleeve, her signature boots and stetson, and Granny Smith’s shawl. She especially brushed and put her hair in a bun rather than the classic ponytail with an apple-shaped hair clip and freshened up with a tad too much of perfume, all for a certain fashionista.

Despite their stable relationship, Rarity and Applejack weren't invincible against obstacles, having their fair share of bad luck. When they first became an item during college, Rarijack were initially happy to be with one another, only lasting three months when both sides decided to take a break due to their jobs and their workloads, not allowing them to be romancers constantly. The second major attempt on the couple came two years later. By then, they had used the L-word and became way too intimate. What happened was a result of a job promotion given by a Miss Suri Polomare, an offer Rarity thought too good to pass up. A huge fight caused both sides to call off their whole relationship. Luckily, Rarity changed her mind after knowing of Polomare’s idea-stealing tricks, and bury the hatchet with Applejack, agreeing to keep the ship afloat. Third time is often the charm, as the pair are waiting to see who will make the marriage call. This time, Applejack was determined to put her girlfriend on the spot. She knew exactly what she was going to say, exactly what she was going to do, and exactly how she was going to manage it all.

The first to arrive at AJ’s door were Rainbow Dash wearing her dark blue Canterlot Pegasi jacket with her wool-stitched rainbow-butterfly shirt from her girlfriend and elastic black runner plants, Fluttershy in a pink and light-green dress bringing out her love nature, and Pinkie Pie from RD’s rainbow-themed Pegasus. As she let them all in, she couldn’t help but feel envious of Rainbow as she and Flutter walked in hand-in-hand. While the two always sought to outshine the other, they never competed when it came to romance (mostly ‘cause they didn’t give it much thought at first). Even back in college, they never made a game out of their love lives, even playing wingwoman for each other. Whenever Rarijack hit a rock, Rainbow always tried to comfort the farmer, no jabs at all.

“Looks like it’s your turn to play the ‘marry me’ song again,” Rainbow correctly guessed when she saw Applejack’s get-up. Sniffing around, she furrowed her expression at AJ before saying, “Really, apple scented?”

“Well, it’s an apple farm.” Applejack lamely answered, deepening RD’s furrow.

“Well, you can’t blame her for trying, Dashie,” Fluttershy squeaked, hugging Rainbow’s arm. It had been five years since Flutterdash became an item, and Rainbow still blushes whenever Fluttershy called her that. Ever since then, Rainbow had tried her absolute best to change her self-centered and awesome self to make her girlfriend feel 20% more cooler around her, going as far as to perform some crazy spell on herself that would bring out the Rainbow Dash three years back. And one can guess how that turned out. Flutters told RD that she’s perfect already and they reversed the spell, but the latter still felt insecure, especially when she’s thinking the question.

Flutterdash made their way past the threshold, but Rainbow stopped short to talk to AJ.

“Sucks to be the honest apple, huh?” whispered the athlete mockingly.

“Not as much as being the loyal girlfriend?” countered the farmer before her face morphed into one of anticipation. “Or… fiancée?”

RD’s cheeks reddened at the mention. Darting back at her girlfriend to make sure she or Pinkie weren’t prying in, she confirmed to her athletic rival: “I’m planning on doing it before the end of the night, hopefully with everyone here.”

“Twi promised us a full seven. Ah trust her.”

“Well, if you trust her, so do I. Plus, don’t overdo it with Rarity, okay?”

“Ah’ve it planned out; Ah’ll be fine. What’s gonna happen?” promised the farmgirl. Rainbow Dash gave a dry pout as Fluttershy dragged her by the arm to the couch. Pinkie Pie had already made herself comfortable by already filling the place with more treats and streamers on the wall and cakes, all thanks to her party cannon that she somehow manages to drag in with her. The three gave no thoughts since Pinkie was but simple.

Applejack noticed a second car coming and frantically composed herself when she saw Rarity occupying the passenger seat in Twilight’s midnight blue Starswirl car. Shutting the door, she looked at her guests with glares speaking “What did we just say?” Brushing it off, Applejack straightened her jeans and shirt, trying to get out all of the creaks and was finishing adjusting her stetson when the doorbell rang.

Just a second,” the farmer sang in a way Rarity would as she approached the door, stopping only two feet away upon hearing what she had sang. Danggit, AJ, she reprimanded herself. What’sa matta with ya?!? The honest farmer didn’t notice her friends facepalming and shaking heads.

Opening the door, her face lost color when she saw Rarity.

Applejack looked with a sparkle as if she found the rarest diamond ever. Rarity stood in the doorway wearing a dress screaming a mix of high society and farm life. She wore silky brown gloves, occupied by brown leather boots, and a dress composed of a silky pale blue blouse with a pattern of apples and gems, accompanied by a denim skirt patterned in diamondized apples, the same with her hair clip. Apparently, she was, too, prepared to make the "marry me" move on Applejack with her secret weapon, i.e. her ensemble.

“Looks like you’re not the only one still trying,” Rainbow called out to the furiously embarrassed farmer.

“I’m sorry?” Rarity wondered in a confused tone, yet to notice Applejack’s efforts.

“Sorry we’re a little late,” Twilight, without her lab-coat, apologized, coming behind Rarity while locking up her Starswirl, “but Miss Apple Season here needed to get dressed for the occasion.” This caused Rarity to match AJ’s furious blush.

Brushing off the jabs, AJ shook her head crazily hard before saying: “Nonono! No need for apologies! We all know our Rarity, don’t we? Besides, the deadline is five minutes after the six of us are here, waiting on a certain someone.”

Twilight turned her head away from AJ and rubbed her arm, knowing that “certain someone.” Not looking back, Twilight knew everyone else were looking at her to know if she talked to Sunset earlier. “Well…,” Twilight started, rubbing her hands nervously. “I tried breaking the ice, but she didn’t want to talk about her, and after a hug, we spoke about what we’ve been doing lately…” As she continued, the rest of the girls gave her “we got the picture” looks. Seeing them, Twilight just stopped, a nervous smile creeping onto her face.

“So, she ain’t coming,” Rainbow summarized without her bite.

“What excuse did she give this time?” Rarity asked disdainfully.

“She’d texted she’ll see how her schedule is,” Twilight answered. “I’m sure she’ll come.”

OH, THAT’S A LOAD OF CUPCAKES,” Pinkie screamed.

“More like a load a manure,” Applejack interjected.

“She didn’t respond to my text,” Twilight hastily spat out. “But I’m very certain she’ll-”

“Then how are you sure,” Fluttershy assertively interrupted Twilight.

“Maybe cuz I wanted to make it a surprise,” someone casually announced. The six friends turned their heads to the front door and found the speaker to be Sunset with her satchel, leaning against the doorway.

“SUNSET!!!!!” The Equestria Girls cried as they approached her, soon smothering her in an enormous group hug.

“Surprise,” quipped the teacher as she melted into the hug.


Over the next two hours, there has been nothing but talk and laughs and cider. Sunset’d be lying if she claimed that she’d rather do something than be with her best friends. This was probably the first time since college that they had a Tartarus of a time like this. Throughout the dwindling day, the girls took shots, played Never Have I Ever, and swapped stories. Even before accepting the offer, she had a feeling that this was all just a scheme to get her out of her funk... and it was working. All she could do was watch and enjoy as Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie engaged in shots, the party-girl winning with both tomboys caving after twenty shots each, Sci-Twi, Rarity, Fluttershy, and herself played “Who Am I?” and Twilight spent it moping that Rarity was Starswirl instead of her, they caught Flutters and Rainbow in the closet scratching a “little itch.” This was one of her best nights ever. But she didn’t consider it to be her last with them before a huge change.

While Fluttershy held Rainbow’s hair after failing to beat Pinkie in a rematch and Rarity watched Applejack try to beat the impossibly sober champion, Sunset, with two cider mugs full, found Twilight sitting on the family sofa, texting Timber that she’ll be home later, and was approaching her when she rethought what she was doing. She was hurt that Twilight didn’t mention her device earlier, but she didn’t hate her enough to just demand it and go home. Now, she had to think how to bring it up without sending Twilight on a ramble. Even if she managed to get it, what would she say? “Hey guys, this has all been fun, but I rather live in Equestria than spend another day here with all of you?” Yeah, so not hurtful. She cursed herself. She loved her friends, but she didn’t want to crush them. Shaking her head and breathing deeply, the teacher approached the alchemist on the sofa and offered her a mug.

“No thank you,” Twilight politely turned down as she gestured to the drinking game. “Three’s my limit, unlike those gals. Having fun?”

“Of course,” Sunset responded with a chuckle in her voice, placing the offered mug onto the coffee table. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“Well, it’s just that we actually planned this-”

“To get me out of my funk. Yeah, I’ve noticed.”

“Right,” the alchemist sheepishly responded. A hard silence between the two geniuses before the older one broke the ice.

“Have you made any feats in alchemy lately?” Sunset simply asked.

Hearing the question, Twilight relaxed and spoke: “Why, yes, I have. Quite recently, I had finished upgrading my security system after that break-in a few years back, remember?

“You mean the one that cost you the same components used to make that amulet from the Games?” the teacher responded.

“Yes,” Twilight responded after a brief pause. “Anyway, this time, if someone tries to steal my equipment, I’ve developed a motion-detecting system that will pick up an intruder’s heat signature and intentions, courtesy of you giving me some of the magic from your geode, and once they’re clarified as intruders, Spike will sic ‘em.”

“Hmm. Alchemy with a 23-year-old dog (in human years, that is) keeping watch. Not a bad security.”

“Glad you think so. I just can’t believe it.”

“That Fluttershy’s magic managed to give him the normal lifeline of a human instead of that of a normal dog?”

“Oh no, I’ve gotten past that long ago. What I don’t believe is that someone would steal from me. I mean, whoever stole all of that doesn’t know what she or he is getting themselves into.”

“Twi, I’m sorry to hear that, but whoever stole it, nothing can be done about it.” Sunset reassured as she wrapped an arm around her bispectled friend. “All you can do is move on.”

“I understand,” Twilight sighed. “Besides, I’ve got you guys to keep me from sweating over small stuff.” That last part earned her a round of laughs from Sunset before she joined them shortly. Silence hovered over the two again, aside from Sunset sipping her cider, until Twilight took yet another jab at the open wound.

“So, um, about your funk?” She sheepishly asked, earning her a surprised look from Sunset, who gaped to speak before stopping. Her friend was looking worryingly at her best friend, thinking that she just brought up that sensitive subject once again, as the older girl was thinking of what to say.

Finally, the teacher made her claim. “Twilight,” she started with, using a nickname she’d reserve for Twilight Sparkle, both pony and human. “I am... upset with Princess Twilight. But this doesn’t have any hate towards you. We all have responsibilities and maybe we’ll forget about some people, but I can’t condone Twilight’s own. I want us all to be happy. You guys, all seven of you including Spike, are my best friends. I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world. In any world.

She faced Twilight and saw her with glasses off, eyes red and wet, and smiling away. Apparently, her confession was more heartfelt than given credit. Before she knew it, Sci-Twi bolted and smothered the teacher in her biggest bearhug possible. In her shortage of breath, Sunset returned the embrace.

“Thank you, Sunset,” Twilight hummed, melting into the older woman’s arm. “There are times I wonder what I’d do without you.”

“Same here, Twi. Same here. I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”

Pulling away from each other, the two looked at each other straight in the eye before another hard silence befell the two. After some moments, Twilight grabbed the cider mug on the coffee table. She then held it close to Sunset’s own.

“Cheers to best friends?” she asked timidly, to which Shimmer smiled.

“Cheers to best friends.” she acknowledged.

A clank of mugs later and the two drank away.

Scene Seven: Twilight Comes Clean

“Okay, Aunt Twilight, what is your problem?” Flurry Heart demanded nonchalantly.

Along with the Council of Friendship and her Captain of the Guards, Furry Heart had taken notice of Twilight’s peculiar behavior during their time together. Throughout the small party, every mare and dragon had engaged in friendly conversation. They had each made jabs at one another, there were a couple of friendly competitions between them, and even performed some feats of magic or natural talent. And throughout it all, Princess Twilight was silent. Officially beginning and ending the meeting, suggestions, and everything else aside, Twilight was no different during the Royal Summit. Flurry knew that there was something up with Twilight and she was going to get it out of her aunt either the heart-on-heart-way... or the truth-spell-way. Flurry gathered everypony in an attempt to break the ice with Twilight more carefully. Either way, she was getting an answer regardless.

And now here they are, in the throne room, standing before Twilight, all giving her a “you-got-some- ‘splainin-to-do” look.

Well,” Starlight asked impatiently, raising an eyebrow.

“I’m sorry, what?” Princess Twilight spoke with a puzzled expression. Twilight clearly knew what everypony was demanding from her, she just didn’t want to say it and break the joyous atmosphere. “I have no knowledge of what you guys could be- “

“You’ve been hanging in Pinkie Pie’s LaLa Land or something?” Rainbow Dash interjected. “Cuz you’re acting weirder than a chicken after it saw a cockatrice.” She finished that sentence with something of a Southern drawl. She then turned to the farmer with: “No offense on that, AJ.”

“None taken,” Applejack brushed off. “Cuz that perfectly describes our regal leader of Equestria today.”

Princess Twilight looked at her friends and family present, who gave her nothing but stern looks, knowing that there was no chance in Tartarus that the very ruler of Equestria herself was going to talk her way out of her mare troubles. She looked at the ground one last time before sighing and caving. “I can’t get anything past you girls. It’s true. I’ve been off today lately. How many of you remember…” Twilight stopped as her lips quivered, trying to get her name out of her mouth. After about half a minute of Twilight just sputtering to get the words out, she finally spat: “Sunset Shimmer?”

With that came seven raised hooves and claw, all belonging to the Council and Starlight.

“Who?” Flurry and Tempest spoke in unison. While knowing nothing, they’ve only heard bits about her from Cadance, who only remembered the unicorn from trying to steal Twilight’s crown. Twilight turned to the Crystal Ponies.

“Well, you see,” Twilight began. “Sunset Shimmer-”

“-Was an arrogant student of Celestia before Twilight came along, who stole Twilight’s Magic Element over two decades ago, was followed through a magic mirror to another world, defeated and left in the hands of us, and when I say us, I mean alternate version of us minus you two and Starlight, and Twilight’s clearly still has thoughts for her, which is why she’s acting fishy today because she wants her to visit Equestria today while keeping a happy face for us as if she wanted to surprise us!” Pinkie answered with a smile and squee.

Her explanation was only met by dumbfounded looks by both Crystal Ponies.

“So, to summarize, she’s like me and Starlight?” Tempest asked.

“EEYUP,” Applejack responded in her Big Mac tone. “She’s a bad mare.”

“And Twilight simply hasn’t seen her in nearly two decades and wants her to come visit as a friend, right?” Starlight asked.

“Yes,” Twilight confirmed.

“Or because she’s more to you?” Rainbow Dash gave a sly smile to match her sly tone.

Twilight gave off a light blush. “Well…”

“Oh, that’s ridiculous, Rainbow Dash,” Flurry Heart responded with a scoff. “Aunt Twily does not like her.” Flurry was quick to change her expression from a composed ruler to a filly with a manure-eating smile and, before Twilight could respond to Flurry’s claim, the Crystal Princess added: “Aunt Twily LOVES her, ain’t that right?” as she moved her brows up with a knowing-smile. Twilight’s blush only reddened at her niece’s implications.

“Hmm, a school-filly crush, Your Highness?” Tempest teasingly questioned.

“Okay, okay, okay,” Twilight spoke frantically, itching to derail their conversation back to the original point. “Bottomline: I had Gallus and the guards reconstruct the mirror device so I can write to and invite Sunset and her friends over for the day... and come out of... the closet.”

“Awww, now that is simply adorable,” Rarity cooed as she placed her hooves on her cheeks.

“Twilight,” Spike spoke evenly. “We’re your friends. We’d’ve understood and held nothing against you.”

With a sigh, Twilight once again spoke: “Thank you, Spike. I’m sorry I lied to you ponies. I just thought that I’d ask her and see where it leads.”

“And what do you need from us all?” Fluttershy asked, a ready-to-help smile on her face. Everypony followed her example.

Twilight looked on and pondered with a smile on her face.

Scene Eight: Getting the Message

The Sweet Apple Acres get-together was dying down. And all seven girls were having fun. Sure, they’ve had many other jaunts like that night, but they’ve never saw it as bad. As long they were in each other’s company, there was never a dull moment nor a care in the world for them. Yet they’ve mostly met Freshman year and then there they were, all now in their late-twenties and going through changes that could potentially change their friendship drastically. They’ve considered such changes as they became lost in their own personal thoughts.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy cuddled up together in the comfort of the rocking chair. Oh, why am I manure at this, RD self-reprimanded as she felt around the ring box inside her jacket, sweat dripping. This shouldn’t be different than the other times I thought I could handle something and be proven other- oh, who am I kidding? THIS IS THE WORST TO HAPPEN TO ME! Me, legendary Wondercolt soccer player Rainbow “Daring” Dash, proposing to the world’s sweetest, cutest, kindest woman, who breaks down at a simple criticism and jumps at a needle drop! How’d I think this a cakewalk? She darted her eyes to see Fluttershy’s concerning look, who quickly darted away, earning her mental applauds. Ooohhh, great! Now, she’s concerned! You’re my hero, Rainbow!

Fluttershy blushed vibratingly after her girlfriend caught her eyeing. Oh dear, would you look at her? She’s probably thinking little of me. Come on, Fluttershy, what are you thinking? This is nothing compared to singing in front of a crowd, Halloween, or putting my foot down on occasion; this is anxiety at its grandest! A life-changing question I’m asking Rainbow Dash. What if she thinks I am anchoring her? What if she rejects me? She knows how delicate I am and- oh, quit the ridiculousness, Fluttershy! She’s loyal to the end. She’ll never reject your heart. You just need to build the nerve.

The small table of Rarijack proposal was taken over by internal thinking, both sides failing to look each other a full second. Get a hold of yourself, Rarity, Rarity demanded. She’s your bestest friend! Heck, she’s even your Princess Charming! What’s not to love about her?! Still, what if she doesn’t wish to marry me? She’s the most honest person you’ve met. If she’s not ready yet, you’ll have to understand… despite the emotional trauma YOU’LL HAVE TO ENDUR-R-R-E-E! OH, THE INHUMANITY! WHY!? Ever the drama queen, the fashionista was.

Applejack’s thoughts were likewise dominated by Rarity. Listen, sugarcube. she tried convincing herself. This is Rarity y’all fussing over; the most beautiful, dazzling, amazingly generous person anyone’d be envious to date. It’d make perfect sense to date. Opposites attract, right? A rough, dirty, and honest farmer and a posh, clean, and generous fashionista, both hardworking and responsible… yet have gone out for almost two decades and are apparently nowhere near making the marriage call. OH DANGGIT, THIS RIDICULOUSNESS IS KILLING ME!

Before they knew it, Rarity and Applejack suddenly felt themselves physically connect. Feeling the contact, both heads swiftly craned up to see their hands connect and shot up at each other’s faces. They quickly parted before anything else. For a brief moment, their beet red faces were caught up in their emerald and sapphire eyes… and personal feelings.

The sofa trio fared the same self-struggle, especially the optimistic Pinkie Pie. Maybe I’m just overthinking, she pondered over. Sure, change is natural, in both the physical and emotional sense. But still, all of my friends, minus me, Twilight, and Sunset, are all hooked to each other and, sooner or later, they’re gonna want to go straight for the M word; the big fat start-a-new-family-and-leave-your-best-friends-in-the-dust-M word!

Sci-Twi’s were more worthiness feeling than change-worry. There’s no reason to be jealous, is there? Sure, I’m not their first, but I’ve done enough to prove myself to the girls. But, ugh, why do I feel so used, like I’m just some replacement to keep them all smiling; a cheap clone that’s everything minus the princess role and friendship wisdom?

Sunset looked around herself and saw how lost everybody else were in their own worlds. What are they all thinking? Are they thinking of me or something else? I know about Rainbow’s engagement plans and news on the Rarijack front, but what are they really thinking? I know they’d want me to be happy, but I don’t think they want me to leave home, right!?

Just then, the athlete decided enough was enough and made the grand move. So, after finally getting her jelly legs to move, she rose for the team’s attention.

“Excuse me, girls,” she announced.

With that, all six girls dotted their attention towards her, their faces mixed. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Sunset’s were of confused concern, while AJ, Rarity, and Pinkie’s were of silent excitement. “Before we call it a night, I’d like to share something with Fluttershy, and I can’t think of a better time than with all of you.”

“What is it, Dashie?” inquired Fluttershy, who looked at her girlfriend with shaky eyes, probably anticipating something. “Whatever it is, we’ll support you regardless.”

I know you would, Dash mentally chimed. Clearing her throat and inhaling deep, she began. “Fluttershy,” was her starter before seeing Fluttershy’s wide-eyed and shining teal eyes on the verge of tears. Shaking it off, she continued: “Fluttershy, y-y-y-you and m-m-m-me, we have been to-to-together e-e-e-ever since kindergarten a-a-a-and we havvvveee both taught each other ssssso much a-a-and-and-and-.”

Oh my goodness, Fluttershy thought with teary eyes. Is she really doing it?

As their rainbow friend stuttered on, Rares and AJ waited in anxious impatience for the question. More stuttering later, their eyes drifted back to each other, breaking their attention to each other and drowning out Rainbow’s attempts.

“I don’t know about them, darling,” Rarity quietly proposed, “but I think us two can make a better attempt in the romance department.” She then gave a sultry smile.

Her efforts weren’t missed by her honest love, who mimicked her smile. “And how do y’all propose such a suggestion?”

“It’s spur-of-the-moment, but…” Rarity blushed and then gave Applejack bedroom eyes before puckering her lips. This act caused the head of Sweet Apple Acres to blush a harsh red, which was soon replaced by a smile and puckered lips. Seeing a confirmed answer, Rarity leaned in closer to AJ, who was moving in as well.

As both Rarijack and Flutterdash became lost in their own worlds, only Sunset, Twilight, and Pinkie were left to watch. But while Twi and Sunset watched on with giggling delight, happy for their friends, Pinkie was putting on a false front for once, her smile forced as sweat belted down. Her previous concerns were now coming to light and she was left scared of what new changes between them seven were coming and praying for something to stop the romance.

As if the Great Pony from Beyond was hearing her, a buzz broke through.

Oh come on! Rarijack, Flutterdash, Sunset, and Twilight all whined at the ruined moment.

Yes! Pinkie internally cheered.

The Humane 6 sought their attention to the buzzing’s source. They each exchanged gazes, thinking that the buzzing was one of their cells on silent. They all took out their phones from their pockets and found them completely silent with no notifications as the buzz continued. They looked around the room until Applejack let a small gasp escape her as she pointed at the coatrack. Following their host’s finger, all eyes and mouths opened wide as they saw Sunset’s satchel glowing and vibrating.

Pinkie then dashed to it, removed the journal, and sang aloud: “Equestrian mail!!

Upon hearing this, all girls’ shock soon turned into joy. if what Pinkie said was true, they could all agree who was the happiest among them. And it was true. Sunset wanted to practically dash for the message. Instead, Pinkie walked over and handed Sunset her vibrating and glowing journal. Looking at her friends eagerly, they gestured to go ahead. Abiding them, her hand was a blur as she opened it to the page glowing. Which only meant that Princess Twilight Sparkle was responding at last!!

It was filled halfway down the page at excessive speed. Clearly, somepony was eager to see somebody once again, all of the girls all thought, exchanging looks to one another, while Sunset welled up tears when she read the message aloud, thinking of Twilight’s voice:

Dear Sunset Shimmer,

You and the rest of the Equestria Girls are all cordially invited to attend the annual Day of Unity. I would be very honored if you all make time and see the beauty of Equestria,... since your first impression was just a shortcut back home all those years ago.”

The girls all gave smirks and nods, that Spring Break still engraved.

You just have to see how much Equestria has changed over the years we’ve last met. But don’t worry, I won’t spoil anything!! I’ll leave the surprises be. I’ll just be so thrilled to find all of you enjoying the jubilant atmosphere. Plus, I could really use seeing a face that I have not seen in years. I cannot wait to see you all.

Sincerely Your Friend,

Princess Twilight Sparkle of all Equestria.”

“Princess of all what now!?”

That last part caught all seven of them off-guard that Pinkie rocketed her way through the ceiling. A couple moments of silence passed, all seven breathing absently as the shock wore of them before Twilight broke the silence.

“My pony self is now ruler of Equestria?” Sci-Twi simply asked before exclaiming, “That is so amazing!” And with that, the rest erupted into celebratory cheers.

“Aw man, and I thought she couldn’t get any more awesome!” chipped in Rainbow.

“Woohoo! Let’s party more!!!” Pinkie Pie cried as she whipped out her party cannon. Before anybody knew, she pulled the string and from it fired came an entire party. Purple and pink streamers and confetti came floating down, lavender balloons with Twilight’s cutie mark embedded on them rose before hitting the ceiling, and a big lavender banner found itself hung above the door out of the house that read “Congratulations, Princess Twilight, Ruler of Equestria!” with her cutie mark on either side.

The Equestria Girls were indeed very proud of their pony princess friend’s ascension… except for Sunset, however, whose face was growing red hot with steaming tears leaking out.

“What do you think, Sunset?” Rarity inquired, not knowing her friend’s rising anger. “Maybe we now know why Princess Twilight’s been neglecting you all these years.”

“Yeah, we do!” snapped the teacher. “We now know that she’s been promoted into a higher class of royalty and didn’t bother tell us nor invite us to her coronation! But wait, maybe there was more behind it!” As she ranted on, the Rainbooms looked at her with surprised eyes and concerning looks. They watched on as their other pony friend made a hand puppet. “I bet she’d thought: ‘Dear Sunset Shimmer, I’m becoming Equestria’s latest ruler and I’d be honored if you girls’d come see it- oh, never mind, you’ll all learn of it in sixteen years from now!’ I mean, responsibilities and preparations aside, how could she not be available for US!?!” Once airing her grievances, she breathed deep breaths as tears leaked from her emotions before gripping her emotions and seeing the looks on her friends’ faces. “Sorry, girls,” she apologized. “I was just-”

“Nonono,” Twilight interjected politely, placing a hand on the older girl’s shoulder. “We’d’ve expected that from you.” Everybody else in the room agreed as Sunset wiped away her tears.

“I just figured Twilight’d be wrapped in her princess responsibilities to respond; I never thought she’d be crowned ruler of Equestria. And only to hear about it now on paper no less,…” Sunset stopped briefly as she walked towards her satchel and replaced her journal back into it. “It makes me think we’re not worth the worry anymore.”

“Hey, don’t say that, sugar,” Applejack demanded as she walked to Sunset. “You and the princess are tight. Ah doubt she’d forget about ya, and we’re all sure that she’d not tell us this news if we weren’t worth it.”

“Applejack is right,” Fluttershy added, “I’m sure she meant to tell, but got caught up in the work. Plus, she could be asking us to join not just for the fun, but to also make up for our visit.” She gave a blushing smile at the memory.

Hearing this shot Sunset’s ear up right. She looked at her shy friend for a hint of humor, but there wasn’t. Fluttershy actually wanted to return to the world of ponies as a Pegasus. She then stared at her friends for a few seconds each, studying them. And what she saw on them was excitement, their own personal matters not concerning them anymore.

“W-w-wait, so you girls all want to go to Equestria?” Sunset asked surprised.

“Why shouldn’t we?” Sci-Twi asked rather giddily. “You girls wait here; I’ll be back.”

Watching Twilight run out to her Starswirl, Sunset looked at the others to see what they thought of the invite. But she could clearly see that their reactions were no different.

“So you all want to go to Equestria?” she asked her friends.

“Admittedly, it’s not me to just go off and leave Cheese with Lil’ Cheese,” Pinkie Pie stated, making Sunset think that she would be the last person to decline,... only for her to continue: “But they’re having a party, and Pinkamena Diane Pie is not one to back down on a party! Two Pinkies, double the laughter! I’m in!”

“We’ll be there for ya, sugar,” declared Applejack.

“I can’t wait to have wings again!” squealed Rainbow Dash excitedly.

“For one, I’m all for it,” announced Rarity.

“I just can’t wait,” screamed Fluttershy in her not-so-loud-or-low-est voice ever.

Sunset couldn’t believe it. The Girls else was eager to go back to Equestria. She, too, was eager to go back; she just wasn’t expecting to return under the current conditions. She was itching to say what she thought of going back home but seeing their excited faces and hearing Twilight coming back, she didn’t want to crush their happiness.

“Final verdict?” Twilight asked excitedly as she entered the room with a small octagonal-shaped box with their seven cutie marks and the sun-star from the journal.

Shimmer, turning back from her friends to Twilight, finally caving in inside her head, sighed and announced: “We’re going to Equestria.”

And with that came the Equestria Girls whooping and cheering in celebration.

“Great! Let’s test this puppy!” Twilight announced as she worked on the small device that her left hand encompassed.

“So, uh, how exactly does that little gizmo work, Twilight?” Applejack questioned.

“Well, for starters, it’s not a ‘gizmo’,” Twilight condescendingly corrected the farmer. “I call it the Inter-Dimensional Octagonal Box, or I.D.O.B. It’s a work-in-progress. And secondly, it works from one’s sheer concentration power on the location and dimension desired, and the Box’s magic transfer the user to the desired location...” She snapped her fingers. “… like that.”

“Uh, I’m scared to ask,” Sunset gulped, grabbing her satchel. “But is it safe?”

“Well, I can’t be certain since this is the very first use of it, so until then, we can’t be certain.” Twilight’s excited smile after explaining left the girls nervously reconsidering using it.

“Um, actually, uh, Sunset wants to see Princess Twilight the most, so maybe she should decide how we go, right?” Rainbow Dash frantically blurted before turning to the teacher. Please be the portal, please by the portal, please be the portal!!

“You’re right,” Twilight agreed almost absent-mindedly. “She should use the box.”

Her friends just looked at her with incredulous expressions.

Sunset’s hands shook as Twilight handed the untested device into her hands. Looking at her and the rest, she exhaled, closed her eyes, and concentrated hard. The girls watched as the box glowed and magic poured out of the device. Twilight may have been geeking out over the results, but the rest of the girls were anything but excited.

Soon enough, the magic grew bigger and turn into a swirling vortex of magic that encompassed the Humane 7. In a matter of seconds, the girls were feeling being pulled away from Sweet Apple Acres to wherever they were going.


Aria Blaze was just standing outside the house, watching as both the Mane 7 and the swirling magic vanished. Smiling, she reached for her cell and dialed Adagio.

“Adagio? This is Aria,” she spoke into her cell.

Are they gone?” Her sister questioned.

“Yep. Twilight pulled out some magic box and they might have gone back to Equestria as Grogar claimed would happen.”

They didn’t go through the statue?

Aria frowned. “What’d I just say?”


“Wait by the statue. We’ll be there soon.” She hung up and turned to her master. “It’s done. Shimmer and her friends are in Equestria.”

Turning his chair to face her, Grogar sinisterly laughed, “My dear Dazzle, don’t you just love it when everything goes according to plan?”

The humanized ram laughed on.