• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 16,957 Views, 598 Comments

A Feline's Point of View - Zman537

Former human turned talking cat amongst talking ponies. This will definately end well.

  • ...

Clubhouse Crusaders (Reworked)

A/N: Some sadness is in this chapter. I had to get this out of the way otherwise I couldn't think straight or get the plot to move. Enjoy the chapter and keep reading all the stories you can. Even if they ain't mine. :D

Ooo, Ooo! Can I say something! Pleeeeease? I'll bake you a super-duper-sugary cupcake with extra frosting if you let me!

After the story Pinkie, I promise and..... How did you even get here?

Hehee~ That's for me to know and you to find out! Now TO EQUESTRIA!

*Shattering glass*



Let's just get on with the story... Darn it Pinkie, this part was supposed to be sad. T_T

Chapter 3

POV Felix

The orange Pegasus 'Scootaloo' had run off on her scooter, leaving me alone.

"Well that went better than expected, now to take a look around where I'll be staying. I don't know when this dream ends but I am going to enjoy myself." I hoped from my makeshift bed and started exploring. I noticed that this place looked a little unsuitable for someone to live in, but had still been used recently. An example would be the bedding that was stored in a small cubby. One of the blankets had almost no dust on it. Where she had stored my 'food' also held some apples and hay.

"Well this is... I'm not sure what to say." I glanced at how small this place was compared to the other home I had seen. It couldn't have been bigger than some cheap apartment. The small building could only house no more than three ponies at most. Scootaloo had mentioned something about her parents not caring about a pet, but I had yet to see anybody besides her here. I sat and pondered what this spelled out with me put in the picture.

"Okay now. One, as of now, she lives in a small home with a pet cat, a.k.a. me; Two, she possibly can't even afford to keep me as a companion; Four...no Three, she only has about two weeks of food for me, and I don't know how she is getting her own; and Five, Whatever she does, she better not make me eat any pears, I hate pears." I chuckled at my poor Doctor Who impression before I started to look around some more. I don't know how long I looked, but I came up with some posters of a group of pegasi called 'The Wonderbolts' and an autographed picture of a 'Rainbow Dash'.

"Do all these ponies have such weird names?" Right about then I heard a faint buzzing. I hopped into the window to see Scootaloo returning with two other ponies.

"Well, looks like I'll need to put on the 'Ignorant Animal' act again. I'm still surprised that purring is this easy, though." I jumped from the window and put what I had found back in their rightful places before jumping into my make shift bed and pretended to sleep. Not long afterwards, Scootaloo and two others came in. One of the new arrivals was white with a pink and purple mane, and a horn sticking out of her forehead. The other was yellow with a red mane and the only thing special about her appearance was an oversized bow she wore.

A unicorn? Really? Since when have my dreams been this weird?

"For the last time Applebloom, I said I'm sorry."

The red bowed one spoke up "Ah still don't know what could have made ya forget about our crusading that we had planned fer today."

Dat accent. It be adorable!

"You'll see soon enough AB." Scootaloo spun around when she got to the middle of the room. "Okay girls, you know how we were talking about getting a mascot for the crusaders?"

....Did she say mascot?....

"Yeah, didn' we decide that one of our pets should be it?"

I looked down at my collar. ...This isn't going where I think its going...is it?...

"That's right AB, but what if we could still do just that?"

The white one quickly interjected "I thought that we couldn't go through with it? Applejack needed Winona for farm work, and Rarity wouldn't let me get near Opal with the cape I made. She said it was 'A crime against fashion'."

My eyes widened in fear. ...Did she say...Cape!?...

Scootaloo stood triumphantly and puffed her chest. "Well I have found a solution to that very problem..."

Please don't say it, Please don't say it, Please don't say it!

She ran over to where I was laying and picked me up. "Girls, Meet Felix, Our new mascot for the Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

Damn it. This isn't a dream, its a Nightmare!

I sat and stared at the two in front of me as they stared back. The white one started scratching behind my ears after about ten seconds or so. "Aww, He's so adorable, and he isn't clawing me like Opal does!"

That can be fixed if you stop. Claws will be drawn if you even think about stopping. Dear lord, this feels amazing!

"I know! He's like, the Awesomest cat in Equestrian history!" Scootaloo started rubbing under my chin about then and my tongue lolled out of my jaw.

"Uh... Scoots? When did you get a cat, and why is there a cat climber in the corner?"

Scoot's ears folded back a bit as she stopped rubbing. "I went to Fluttershy's earlier this morning. She let me keep him, but my parents weren't very happy about it."

That's the opposite of what she said earlier. Why is she lying?

"I didn’t want to have to give him up... and Fluttershy already gave me the climber and some food for him... so I thought that we could keep him in the clubhouse!"

I thought this place was to small to be a home. But why keep me in a clubhouse and not just take me to her parents?

Applebloom sat on her haunches and tapped her chin. "Ah don't know... Winona didn't take to kindly to Opal at first. And havin' a cat runnin' around the farm might make AJ upset."

"But this could be a perfect opportunity to get our cutiemarks!"

The white one stopped scratching my ears to the dismay of all that is good in the universe "I don't know..."

"Aw, come on Sweetie!"

Is that silly pony trying to evict me? I just got here! And why did you stop scratching? Who told you you could stop! The three of them kept arguing over what to do and I decided to intervene on Scoot's behalf. I would rather be choking from the cloaked death then living on the street. It's time to bring out the big guns.

The debate had reached Sweetie when I put my plan into action. "That's because before now I was the only one with a cat." I started to paw Sweetie's side and did my best 'Puss in boots' impression. She made her fatal mistake by looking at me. "But, I think we could if we keep him upstairs it could work."

"Maybe, but I'm not to keen on the idea. I'll warn ya'll if AJ lets Winona outside, but that's it. We don't need her havin' poor Felix for dinner."

I shuddered at the thought of being eaten. That is something I'm pretty sure we ALL agree on.

Scootaloo stood up and headed to a rope that I had been unable to reach. "Then it's settled!" She gave the rope a tug and some stairs folded from the ceiling. "We'll keep Felix in the attic and earn animal caretaking cutiemarks!" The three of them got together in a small huddle and jumped into the air giving a group highhoof.


Despite the earlier arguing, the three of them worked quite well as a team getting all my stuff upstairs. Even if I lost a good bowl of water to put out the fire Sweetie started on my climber. I still have no idea how that happened. She was just leaning on it and it burst into flames.

"There you go Felix, welcome to your new home." Scoots brought me up last. I looked at the attic and despite the dust it would be fun to explore. I gave Scootaloo a quick lick behind her ear prompting a giggle and ran into the pile of boxes in one corner. I stopped paying attention to what the trio was doing and decided to explore some more. I just ran around kicking up dust until they went back down stairs and shut the hatch.

Cutting the act, I went to the boxes and began rummaging around. "Okay let's see what's in box number one!"

I hopped in and found some old blankets, a photo album with a big red apple and hammer on the cover, and a dusty fiddle with two missing strings.

“Well the blankets will help seeing as I have no bed.”

I turned to the apple album. “I’ll read you later, for now let’s have a look at that violin.” The mahogany violin was beaten and worn from age and being kept in storage. The back had the letters S.A. inscribed near the neck. This violin was old, and that meant that when played well it would sound great.

“This has got to be worth a small fortune.” I glanced at the album one more time. “Bet I can find when this was made in there, and probably find out who ‘S.A.’ is. But I'm done with this box for now. On to the next one!” I went through three more boxes and only found preserving jars, lots of quilts and a tug-a-war dog toy with the names Jeathrow and Winona carved into the handles.

"Dog toys. Crap, now I have to look out for a dog too? That rabbit was crazy enough on his own!" I looked at the smaller handle on the toy. "At least I know that Winona is a dog now. Not like she would have been anything else." Looking out the window I saw that the sun was starting to set. The crusaders all left down a dirt road that presumably led into town leaving me completely alone.

Looking at my new body, I decided that it would be best to see what I could do. Some of the boxes that I had searched through were stacked like stairs leading to the rafters above me, so I used them as such. I ran along the rafters like some crazy acrobat.

"I love this body! I take everything I ever said about cats back, being one is AWESOME!" I hopped down to the floor and looked at my paw. "Well, almost everything is. I miss my thumbs, they were practical and I liked them. At least claws are a semi good substitute. When I wake up from this insane dream, I am giving Milos one great big tuna." I looked back to the album again. It was taunting me by just sitting there, as if to say 'read me you fool, read me and learn the secrets of reality'.

"I will read you when I feel like it book. You are not my master." With that I moved to my (singed) climber and curled up for a nap. "Great, now I'm talking to inanimate objects. It's a good thing I'm dreaming, even if I'm getting tired. Time for some Inception." Before I could fall asleep I heard some faint buzzing. Confused, I went to the window and saw that Scootaloo was coming back to the clubhouse.

"I thought she was heading for home? What is she doing back here?" She arrived at the clubhouse and I could hear her moving around under my paws. Soon the hatch that lead downstairs opened and Scootaloo came up.

"Felix? You want down stairs?" she looked around and spotted me on the climber. I went over to the stairs and passed her like a cat normally would. "Thanks Felix. It's nice to finally have somepony living with me again."

Again? This is getting depressing.

Scootaloo grabbed the blanket that I had noticed earlier and jumped into one of the cots. I jumped in after her and looked at her. "There are two more ponies I want you to meet." She reached under the cot and pulled out a small picture frame. The photo showed a smaller Scootaloo and two smiling ponies. The stallion was a sunrise orange with a yellow mane, while the mare was sapphire blue with a fuchsia mane just like Scootaloo's. The same young filly who's voice had started to crack as she showed me the picture.

"M-meet Mom and Dad."

Never in my life had I thought that I would experience this situation at all. Scootaloo cried as she hugged the photo tightly to her chest. There was no possible way this could be a dream anymore. The pain I was feeling from watching her cry her heart out was to much to be from my, or anyone's, imagination. Which meant this entire situation and everything that has happened so far had to have been real as well.

Getting turned into a cat, I’ll learn to deal with hopefully.

Playing with kids, not a problem. They loved me almost as much as animals did.

But being the pet of a broken, homeless filly. I just don't know. I walked over to Scootaloo and nudged her with my nose. She stopped for a moment and looked at me before grabbing me into a hug. I just let her pet me and cry. I knew what I needed to do, but it would have to wait. I couldn't let her be alone like this. I looked up at her and licked her nose.

"T-thanks, Felix." Scootaloo soon drifted to sleep and I followed her shortly after, fearing what I would be doing the next day.

I had been awake since midnight and had been exploring more when Scootaloo woke with a yawn. As I came down from the attic, she grabbed two of her apples and ate one for breakfast and stuffed the other into a bag. She poured (with some difficulty) my meal and pet me as I ate. She looked at me with sad eyes before turning to look out the window.

"If only you could talk Felix. Its nights like that when I wish I had somepony to talk with.” The little troll in the back of my mind grinned devilishly. I could only imagine what her face was going to look like. Oh this is going to be fun.

"I can help with that." Scootaloo's eyes shot open and she looked right at me. She only blinked twice in the entire minute it took for her to talk.

"D-did you just-"

"Talk? Yes, yes I did.” She was staring speechlessly at me. I was afraid that I broke her or something. She just backed away and looked at me fearfully from the other side of the room.

"Y-you h-heard everything l-last night?" I nodded and tried to walk up to her, only for her to shy away further.

Well this seems backwards. "Well, yes. but..."

“Y-your not going to, tell anypony about m-me. A-are you?”

“Now why in the world would I do that? It’s not like anybody is going to believe a talking cat, now are they?” She seemed to calm down after that, “and if you’re ever lonely or need anyone to talk to, I'm right here.” She just started to look at me with a look of confusion.

“Why are you being so nice to me?” I only smiled and said the one thing that came to mind.

“One, you gave me a home, and two, that makes you my master.” Wow that felt weird saying. I placed a paw on the photo that was still beside me. "So I'm going to be something you need." She started to move closer to me, taking one tentative step at a time.

"a-and what would that be?

"Someone to be by your side when others can't. A guardian angel." Dear God, that was lame. In truth I had expected a more dramatic reaction or something along the lines of 'Wow, I'm the luckiest girl in the world!' from her, but all she gave me was a weird look. "You don't know what that is, do you?"

She shook her head and I mentally facepalmed (I'm still human in my mind, that was completely possible) before scratching the back of my head. "Well, a guardian angel is... like a personal bodyguard that sits back and watches but does little things to make life better."

Wow me, is that the best explanation you can come up with?

"I know what a guardian is, but what’s an 'angel'? They sound kinda useless."

....Oh....ok then....I feel insulted....course I never really read the bible, but I have a jest of what an angel is from skimming.

"Angels… are like spirits that watch over the living and bring peace to the departed."

Scootaloo thought for a moment "Do all angels look like cats?"

I mentally face palmed again ....Did she really just....man these ponies know nothing!

"Well, uh... angels aren’t all cats. They... have many forms! Yeah! I just happen to be a cat. Most angels are tall with majestic white wings and a magical, glowing halo above their heads."

"You mean like Celestia?"

Don't question, just go with what she said. "Yeah, sort of like Celestia."


"Oh and before I forget, you can't tell any pony, dog, bunny, or even chicken about me being able to talk."

She cocked her head to the side. "Why not?"

Cause I don't want a certain 'Angel' to find out where I am. "I'm pretty sure that ponies would look at you like you're crazy if you told them your cat can talk."

"Can't I at least tell Sweetie and Applebloom? They're my best friends!" I was about to protest but she gave me the puppy dog eyes. I wasn't sure how to react at having my own trick used against me and eventually gave in.

"Fine, your friends can know. But only those two! And we have to surprise them; I'm already getting stir-crazy from sitting in this place!" What Scootaloo did after that was one of the silliest things I had ever seen.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"



"...What was that?" Scootaloo seemed shocked that I didn't know what she just did.

"It's a Pinkie promise. Nopony in their right mind would EVER break a Pinkie promise."

"And why is that?"

Scootaloo stated in a matter of fact tone. "Breaking a promise is the fastest way to lose a friend." Suddenly out of the desk drawer a mass of pink shot out and glared daggers into me.

"FOREVER!" The pink Diablo glared at the space behind me and I felt shivers like the fabric of reality had just cracked in the nearby vicinity. She turned to Scootaloo and said something about being silly for talking to cats before she vanished into the desk in an all to happy fashion. Scootaloo seemed unfazed by this and just started for the door.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Scootaloo grabbed some sort of backpack for ponies and stuffed some books and her apple into it.

"I'm going to school. Ms. Cheerilee is teaching us about Starswirl the Bearded or something today. It's mostly important to unicorns so I'll probably fall asleep again." I looked in the desk to see if I could find the pink... thing in there, but only found paper.

"Could you at least explain to me what just happened before you go?"

"It's Pinkie being Pinkie. There is no better explanation. You'll get used to it eventually."

"That's it? 'Pinkie' just broke physics, logic, and possibly the laws of gravity with her hair!" I know Cloud's does. FF7 for the win! "And your answer is that its 'Pinkie being Pinkie'?"

"Yep. And don't think about it too much. I heard that the last pony that tried to make sense of Pinkie burst into flames." Hearing this made me feel apprehensive about the pink one. She was to be feared.

"That's... scary." Scootaloo started to say something but caught sight of the clock. She had a look of utter terror as she saw what time it was.

"Not as scary as Ms. Cheerilee is going to be. I'm late!" Scootaloo ran out the door leaving me alone in the clubhouse. I noticed that she had left the door open and thought about what I should do.

"Hmm... Stay inside and suffer cabin fever, or go outside and have fun... That's a tough choice. I guess I'll multi-task until Scoots gets back." Without second thought I bolted outside.

End Chapter 3

Ok Pinkie, you can talk to the readers now.

Yaaaaaaaay! Cupcakes for everypony! Now what was I gonna say?
OH YEAH! AJ's out harvesting apples at the moment, so if we're gonna prank her we'll have to be Extra Sneaky.

Thank you Pinkie, now go do whatever it is you do.


Wait what?