> A Feline's Point of View > by Zman537 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Rainbow Wings (Reworked) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 I used to think that cats were one of the greatest animals you could ever have for a pet. That all they needed was attention, food, and a place to do the business. That's what I thought having a cat was like before I got the little monstrosity that has been the bane of all peaceful existence within my life and is the reason for my current situation. "Felix, dude you ok?" I groaned as I cracked open my eyes to see that I was still laying on the floor in my bedroom. The smug little bugger that just tripped me was grooming himself in the corner of my vision. My friend Jason helped me to my feet as I climbed onto my bed and started to rub my forehead. "Thanks man. I swear, one day I'm gonna kill that cat." Jason started to laugh at my expense and his laughter was contagious. This wasn't the first incident the tabby had caused and I had to admit it was one of the better ones. To bad that it still was out weighed by all of the other problems. "Jason?" "Yeah man?" "I ever tell you why I hate that cat." Jason groaned and started rubbing his temples "Not this again." I socked him lightly on the arm. "Jerk." He just turned to me with his hazel eyes and gave me a blank expression that screamed 'really?' before we both burst into another fit of laughter. ~Flashback~ Before I move on I probably should describe Jason and myself. Jason Smith Williams. He was a year older than me and was a dark haired, tall, and burly player for the high-school football team. He was Australian, but moved to the U.S. when his mom passed away. He lost the accent mostly, but still says the occasional "Croaiky" every now and again. Personally I think it's just him being a joker since we met in the fourth grade and have been friends ever since, but that's just me. I, on the other hand, was from the states my whole life. My full name was Felix Alexander Preston. I was average in height and scrawny for my age, which by the way is 17. I was at the top of my class in both math and computer tech. This and my initials caused me to be the target for bullies. I stopped hearing from them when I befriended Jason, but it started up again when Middle School started. I stopped it for good when I decked some guy freshman year, I didn't even know who the guy was! I also had this affinity for animals that I can't really explain. People's pets would just calm down after I saw them or got near them. All except for cats though. Furred devils. ~Back to the present~ Yawning and looking at my clock, I noticed it was getting late. "Well it's been fun Jason, but I need my sleep. We both got those exams tomorrow." Jason sighed and slowly stood up. "Yeah, and you better tell me how you do. I want to see who does better." I cocked an eyebrow and stared at him. "Is this part of that bet you made last week?" "NO!.... maybe....." My stare didn't even falter before he sighed in defeat. "Yes." I started to grin devilishly. "And what were the conditions for you defeat again?" He playfully turned and socked me in the chest "I thought that you needed sleep?" We both started laughing before we said our goodbyes. I took a quick shower and got into bed. My mind started drifting to how my life has changed since I got my cat. At first, when I brought him home, I found him to be sweet innocent and adorable, but that was just because he was a kitten at the time. After a few years though he started to run around like he was on constant drugs. He would bolt down the narrow hall, and actually bounce off the walls. He broke more stuff that I could afford to replace, so I just stopped putting pictures in small frames and hung them above his reach or stored them in trunks. He even tripped me at the top of a flight of stairs once. I broke my arm and one of my feet from that incident. If Jason wasn't so loyal as a friend then I would have died from trying to live in my own home along side that demon. Food was starting to get really pricey as well. Almost a third of my paycheck was required to keep that cat fed for two weeks, and that's if he didn't sneak into the bag. I even found him in the kitchen pantry with his butt sticking out like a flag as he was gorging himself. What I don't spend on him is used to get me food, pay bills and rent, and the last 1% goes to my entertainment funds of twenty bucks a month. The shedding was a problem also. I failed ten different job interviews cause the manager or whoever saw hair from his furry hide on me. My girlfriend even dumped me because she thought that I was cheating on her because she pulled one off my shoulder. We had been going steady BEFORE I brought him into my home! She knew that I had a cat with light orange fur, but she wouldn't listen. She knew that I would never do that to her, but she didn't care. She even found some other guy to be with the next day. It seemed that all my problems stemmed from this one entity. My tabby cat, Milos. The same cat that was still licking his crown jewels at the foot of my bed as my life fell apart. "Night Milo, I hate your guts!" He let out a long meow in response. Probably saying 'I hate yours to' or something along those lines. With nothing more to do I grabbed my headphones and MP3 before falling asleep to the greatest song in history. Some time around midnight I woke up to a sharp pain in my foot. "Gah! Damn it Milo, Quit clawing my feet!" I looked down to find and toss the little bugger, but to my surprise he wasn't there. Instead he was sitting on my pillow that had fallen to the floor. "Huh... But what?" I sat up and looked at my foot to see if it had a thorn or something but found nothing. Deciding it was best to get back to bed I laid back down. Before I could close my eyes the strangest thing I have ever seen flew in front of me, landing on Milo's waiting paw. A glowing multi-colored butterfly. I sat there dumbfounded. Not only was there a flying pair of glowing wings that looked like it came from my Paper Mario game in my room, but also Milo hadn't attempted to eat it yet. Instead he gently pressed his nose to the butterfly's head, causing it to burst into many more butterflies. I must be on some serious drugs. They all found a place to rest on the walls of my room and some on Milo. The Tabby then sauntered up into my lap and placed his paw over my heart. That was when hell broke loose. The butterflies took off and started to swarm around me. I panicked as they flew faster and faster until I began to lift into the air. My vision began to blur and all I could see was Milo sitting calmly in front of me. The butterflies became a rainbow tornado of color as his eyes glowed with a bright white light and I began to get light headed. The last thing I remember before blacking out was what happened next. "Good bye my friend, enjoy your new life." and with that I fell from existence. POV Scootaloo This is so BORING! Me and the Crusaders had decided to help Fluttershy and see if we had missed something that would help us find our cutie marks last time, but so far all we've done is garden and take care of some chickens, and NONE of us have gotten a cutie mark! "Girls, I say we call it quits. We've been here for hours and haven't found a thing." Applebloom dropped her bag of soil and turned towards me. "No way! Ah jus' know our cutie marks have somethin' ta do with these here plants." Sweetie popped her head out from some chives she was collecting. "I don't know Applebloom, maybe we're not meant to be herbalists." She looked at some chives that were stuck in her hair. "Or gardeners for that matter." "What are you, a dictionary? Let's just go tell Fluttershy we're leave-..." I never got to finish that sentence when a butterfly landed on my nose. It was one of the most awesome things I had ever seen. Every color of the rainbow was in it's wings, just like Rainbow's mane. After a second of rest it took off and more butterflies showed up. At that moment, the back door to the cottage opened. "Girls, It's getting late. You probably should start heading- *Gasp*" Applebloom ran up to her and me and Sweetie followed. "Fluttershy, do ya know what kind ah butterfly that is?" Fluttershy just stared ahead muttering something, before she started to walk closer to them. The butterflies had started to move to the center of the clearing as all four of us watched in awe as they piled together. Then suddenly in a flurry of colors they shot into the sky, vanishing from view. As the others kept watching the sky, I looked back at where they were and couldn't believe my eyes. Where there was nothing earlier was now a cat with three different colors. I ran up to it and checked to see if it was alive. "Whoa! Girls look at this!" I yelled as I felt it's heartbeat. Fluttershy came over and gasped again before picking it up and bringing it to her cottage. She called over her shoulder that we needed to head home before she left. Reluctantly, we climbed onto my scooter and I took Sweetie home first, Applebloom second. As soon as she was out of view, I sped to the clubhouse. I entered and grabbed my sleeping bag for our sleepovers. I ate some apples I had stashed under a loose floorboard before going to sleep. I tossed and turned that night as the cat that appeared earlier would not leave my mind. Never had sleep been this difficult. End Chapter 1 > A New Home (Reworked) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 POV Felix My head was pounding, and my body felt...different. Sorta like I had been run over by a steamroller and re-inflated. At least that's what I think it feels like. Daffy Duck never seemed that hurt, and trying to move my head hurt too much. I decided to lay there and try to look around, but found it difficult to open my eyes, or move my body for that matter. Eventually I began to get my hearing back. I could barely make out voices from somewhere nearby. They both sounded... feminine? "...ut I'm telling you Twilight, They were the Rainbow butterfly." "But that's impossible! Spectrum Illuminia have been extinct for over a hundred years! They don't just pop out of nowhere! Maybe it was a bunch of different colored butterflies and you're mistaken?" Well this 'Twilight' seems like the intelligent type, and I really hope she isn't a sparkling vampire. I hated that book. The other sounds kind-hearted but seems a little shy. The voices had started to clear up so I decided to stay put and keep listening. "I-I know, b-but it couldn't have been anything else. I mean, I'm not saying your wrong, but..." Scratch that. She's VERY shy. "And you said they just vanished?" "Umm... yes?" A long sigh came from Twilight. "Alright Fluttershy, I believe you. But I think it's best if we contact the princess about this. It isn't every day that an extinct species suddenly appears." "A-alright, I need to tend to an injured cat Scootaloo found yesterday anyways. He seems fine, but... um... I think somepony dyed his fur." 'Somepony'? Doesn't she mean 'somebody'? What kind of names are 'Twilight' and 'Fluttershy'? Am I in some evil military facility? And most importantly, IN WHO'S RIGHT MIND IS IT OKAY TO DYE A CAT!? THAT'S JUST DIABOLICALLY EVIL!!....... Maybe I should give them Milos. Faint clopping broke me from my thoughts, followed by the sound of a door opening and closing. I was confused at the sounds before I was suddenly lifted from where I was laying and placed on something furry. Both the sound of hooves on what I'm guessing was wood and this new furry experience made me come to one conclusion to my current situation. Did I just get put on horseback? Cause if I did, this is one HUGE horse! After a minute or two I was laying on something soft, probably a bed and I started to feel less pain. Something hard yet... silky had laid me down and curled my body into a more comfortable position. While far from how I normally lay down, it wasn't like I could move into a different spot. I soon heard knocking from further away and a new voice rang out. "Fluttershy, are you home?" "Eep!....... Oh... umm... Scootaloo? What are you doing here?" "I... uh... was just wondering if that cat from yest..." As the voices faded with the sound of clopping hooves, I figured that I was finally alone. I pulled myself up from the plush blanket and popped my neck. My body still felt wrong but it also felt... right. Couldn't really describe it in all honesty. I decided that I had been looking at darkness long enough so I dared to do the one thing that would confirm my current fears. I opened my eyes. I was in a GIGANTIC room on an ENORMOUS bed. Everywhere I looked there was something that was bigger than it should have been. My fears had been proven to the utmost degree. I had shrunk to about the size of a common house pet. "Well this can't... get... any..." As I was saying this, I saw a black tail with a brown tip wave in front of me. As I followed it to what owned the furry extension, I froze in shock and horror at the sight of black, brown, and white fur. "Worse." Oh how wrong that statement is and how stupid of me to have said it. Indeed it can be worse. The only thing that entire saying does is getting your hopes up and induces Murphy's Law. Simply being shrunk would have been so much easier to deal with, but fate decided that mauling me with butterflies and shrinking me wasn't enough. It had decided to turn me into the one thing I had come to LOATHE over the past five years thanks to living with only one of its kind. I was now a short haired calico cat. To anyone watching me I hung my head as I sat there. My mind, however, was a complete mess. What did I do to deserve this!.................I blame Milos. I blame Milos Sooo much! If I ever see that.....wait. If I'm a calico... doesn't that mean... I gasped and looked between my legs before giving a sigh of relief. Oh thank God, they’re still there. I was afraid I had lost them too..... and now that I think about it, this explains the 'dyed cat' comments. Calico's aren't exactly all that common. With a quick look around I noticed that the room was very nature like, there were even birdhouses and feeders hanging from the ceiling. Well this scratches out top-secret military base, and replaces it with sorceress hippies. I also noticed a miniature, two story house in the corner. Complete with a mailbox labeled 'Angel' I stood up to get off the bed but quickly fell on my face. "I'm gonna have to get used to this until I find a way to turn back to normal. Hurray for extra thick quilts." Trying again, I successfully stood up with much inner praise. Achievement! I walked unsteadily to the edge of the bed and came across another problem. "Now how do I-" I promptly slipped off of the bed and landed on my face....this time with a loud 'thump'. "Ow! My nose! Right in my Nose!" I was rolling on the ground in pain when I heard yet another person talking. This time it was directed at me. "Would you keep it down out there?" I looked up to see a snow white hare glaring daggers at me from the tiny porch. I was confused as I couldn't determine the source of the sound. The only one there besides me was that bunny. The same bunny that was currently face palming. (face pawing?) "I'm right here you idiot!" The bunny screamed at me. "GAH! Talking Rabbit!" He got this annoyed look on his face from my reaction. "What? Never met a bunny before?" "No, it’s just that I'M HAVING A MENTAL BREAKDOWN FROM A TALKING RABBIT!" "WOULD YOU QUIT YELLING!" I clenched my jaws shut. Fearing what this angered hare could do to me. He gave an aggravated sigh before looking back at me. "Now, I would like to know who you are, and what you're doing here." "Err... well... I'm not quite sure how I got here, um... Mr...." "Bunny. Angel Bunny. Now if you don't mind can you tell me your name some time today?" "Oh... right... uh... My name's Felix." His eyes widened before turning into an icy glare when he heard my name. He was about to say something when the door opened and I couldn’t believe my eyes. In the doorway was a large buttermilk yellow pony with a flowing pink mane and tail. I had almost missed it but there was a trio of butterflies on her flank. Judging from the fact that I can understand animals at the moment and by her frightened and nervous demeanor, this must be the timid voice I had heard earlier. What was her name again? She seemed to be looking for something. She didn't even notice me or Angel. "H-he-hello? I-I-is a-anyp-pony th-there?" Yeah, this is definitely the shy voice I heard.......And why am I thinking like this? I thought I failed Psychology in the most dramatic way possible........ Schme. Before I could respond Angel covered my mouth with his paw. "What ever you do. Don't talk." I tried to ask why but he had already hopped away. I sat there watching as he hopped up to the pony. "Oh, Hello Angel. Did you see if anypony was in here?" Angel simply shook his head, followed by some fancy body language. When he finished the mare started to relax. "Oh, that's a relief. I thought I heard somepony. I need to lay down, I'm starting to hear things." After that she left the room a lot calmer than she had entered. Angel turned to me and shot me a glare that would have put me 6 feet under before grabbing the scruff of my neck and dragging me to his home. "Ow! Hey! Let go man! That hurts!" He just ignored me and kept dragging me into his lair. I got a good look at the interior of the home; I was incredibly impressed and surprised by the detail in every piece of furniture. I especially liked the couch, it was incredibly soft considering the fact that he had just thrown me face first into it. That was possibly the only good thing that was about to happen to me. "Now that we are finally alone. I'd like to know WHO you are and HOW you found me!" "I already told you! I'd like to know where the heck I am!" "Lies! Now who sent you?" "You’re Crazy!" Soon after I yelled I bolted out of his door and out of the oversized room. Don't ask me how I was accustomed to moving at all, because I don't have an answer. I dashed down the stairs and ducked under a couch that had a smaller pony sleeping on it. I sat there panting and whispering to myself, hoping that I had escaped that crazed rabbit. "I really hope this is just some dream. Please be a dream. Please. Please. Please. Pleeeeeaase " I soon had a strike of inspiration as I was cowering under my plush hideout. "Wait. If this is a dream.... then following it through should wake me up! Especially since pain clearly hasn't done it's job. Yes, that should work perfectly!... Now how do I do that?" I quickly took a peak out from my little hidey-hole and saw the larger pony again. She was cleaning some of the furnishings with a duster while humming some cheery tune. Soon after she grabbed some bird seed and started filling the bird feeders that hung on the wall. “It seems that ponies are the dominant race in this crazed dream. Since I’m a cat… and this appears to be an animal caretaker’s residence…” I thought of all the ways that I could get free from my current position and as far away from the death rabbit upstairs, but only one seemed reasonable. “This is probably my stupidest idea ever.” I sighed and left the safety the dark underside of the couch provided. POV Scootaloo I was standing outside Fluttershy's cottage. Earlier I had decided that I would talk to her about that cat and see if she could help with the trouble I had sleeping yesterday. The normally friendly cottage suddenly didn't seem so friendly. I took a deep breath before walking up to the door. "Come on Scoots. You can do this. Just go talk to Fluttershy, and get this off your chest." I gave a couple knocks on the door frame. "FLUTTERSHY, ARE YOU HOME?" I heard a startled Eep from inside before Fluttershy cautiously cracked opened the door. When she saw me she opened the door the rest of the way. "Oh... umm... Scootaloo? What are you doing here?" "I... uh... was just wondering if that cat from yesterday was okay." I followed her into the living room as she grabbed a metal tray in her mouth and placed it on her back. "Oh he's doing just fine, I just moved him to my bedroom upstairs so he could rest on something softer than the couch." I tried to suppress a yawn before she continued. "His coat colors are a bit odd though, and... are you feeling alright Scootaloo? You look really tired." "Yeah, I just...*yawn* had a little trouble sleeping last night. You were saying something about colors?" "Oh! Yes I was, but... it's just that cats are only supposed to have two colors at most. At first I thought somepony dyed him, but after I brought him to my room it's clear that his fur wasn't." As tired as I was, I still had to cock my head in confusion. "Who in Equestria would dye a cat?" "Um... I-I don't know." "Anyways... I was also wondering if you knew of anything that could help me get to sleep." "Well... did you eat anything strange before going to bed?" I shook my head "Okay... Has anything happened lately?" "Not really, my parents are gone most of the time and hardly pay any attention to me... It get's kinda lonely at night." Okay, only the last half of that was true, but it's not like I can just tell her I'm living in the clubhouse. That would only cause her to worry over me. Fluttershy thought for a moment before smiling warmly. "I think I know just what you need." "Really?!" "Mmm Hmm! Rainbow came to me with a similar problem two years ago and its helped her since." "Isn't that when she got Tank? (Awesomest tortoise in Equestria BTW)" Fluttershy nodded. I sat as the pieces were falling into place. When they did I woke up for a moment. "Your going to get me a turtle!" "Um... not quite. There are lots of other ani-" A loud yell could be heard through the house. Fluttershy jumped and hid under the table. "What was that?" "I-I d-don't k-kn-know. Could you w-wait here while I check on things? I-I mean if that's alright with you." "Sure. I'm just gonna *yawn* lay here for a while." Fluttershy climbed the stairs as I fell asleep. I was flying. Rushing through the clouds at breakneck speeds. The wind was whipping my mane wildly, and my eyes were watering from the air pressure. I had just gone through my fifth cloud when a rainbow blur passed me. I stopped and looked around before seeing the awesomest and fastest flier in Equestria. "Hey Scoots! You feeling up for a race?" "You. Are. ON!" "Alright! On your mark. GETSETGO!" She took off like a bullet and zoomed ahead of me. "Hey! That's cheating!" "Better hurry up, or I'm gonna win!" We raced for what felt like hours. Yet I still felt like I could fly forever. I squealed in shear delight and triumph as I passed Rainbow and crossed the finish line. "That was a good race kid! It looks like we have a new fastest flier in Equestria!" All I could hear was the crowd cheer at my success. I was basking in the glory when I felt something boop my nose. I saw Rainbow in front of me..., but it wasn't the Rainbow Dash that I knew. Instead, flying in front of me, was a rainbow-maned cat! "Rainbow!?" She only meowed as she started to groom herself. It was the strangest and most disturbing thing I had ever seen. The clouds I was standing on disappeared and I fell headlong into the ground. Unable to fly from the shock of seeing my now feline idol. My eyes fluttered open. Something was messing with my nose. I groggily sat up and whatever it was took of to the other end of the couch. I looked back to find the cat from yesterday playing with my tail. "Hey! That's my tail!" He turned his head to me and gave me this pleading look. I really hate to admit it, but it was on par with the natural adorable of Fluttershy, or at least that's what I've overheard from most of the stallions in town. I don't question it though, colts are weird that way. Fluttershy cantered in about then and saw that I had woken up. "Well it seems that somepony likes you~." "Wha?" She pointed to the cat and his eyes somehow grew larger. It was like staring into pools of adorableness. He soon stopped and began rubbing his head into my side, just under my wing. I felt him purr and giggled. He sounded just like my wings when I'm on my scooter. For the next couple of minutes I just played with him, and afterwards I came to one solid fact about this feline. This cat was awesome. "Hey Fluttershy? Can I keep him?" Fluttershy started to smile in a way that would make Pinkie proud of the shy mare. "Oh this is wonderful~! I'll just have to ask your parents if they're alright with the idea." My smile faltered as soon as she said parents. "Uh... that won't be a problem. I... um, heard them talking about a pet last night. They’re completely okay with it!" "Oh, alright then. Let me just get you a collar for him." I stood up as she went to a nearby dresser and started rummaging for a collar. When she came back she gave me a simple, green collar with a blank tag. "Here you go; I had Twilight enchant my name tags so that when you think of a name it will appear on the front." I slipped the collar onto the cat’s neck and he shook his head in protest. Soon after I got it on his neck the tag flashed and a name appeared on it. I looked at it and read aloud. “Felix? Is that your name little guy?” The cat nodded in response. “Well then Felix, do you want to go home?” He nodded again and jumped on my back. "Alright! Let's head home!" I trotted to the door and was about to leave when Fluttershy stopped me. “Um… Scootaloo? Do you have any food or supplies to help take care of him?” Before I could answer, she had already loaded my wagon with some bowls, a feather on a flimsy stick, a cat climber, and a large bag of cat food. “There you go Scootaloo. That should last two weeks. Be sure to feed him twice a day, and play with him regularly. Kitties need their exercise too.” “Okay, Bye Fluttershy!” Without another word, I left for the clubhouse. When I got to the club house, Felix ran inside and I quickly got everything else in. The cat climber was stuck in the corner, and the food bowls placed next to it. I lifted up a loose floor board by the desk and I moved some of my apples to the side. I stuck the cat food in after I filled one of the bowls. Felix had started climbing on the carpeted structure and was sharpening his claws. I pulled the cat toy from the climber and dragged it along the floor. Felix went wide eyed and started chasing it, but he soon got bored and curled up on Applebloom's pillow. ... Oh, horseapples. I forgot about AB and Sweetie. They're probably still waiting for me! "You stay here Felix. I've got some friends that I want you to meet, but I have to go get them. Stay here and be a good kitty." Felix let out a long meow before going back to sleep. I quickly darted from the clubhouse on my scooter. My destination... Carousel Boutique. I really hope they're not mad at me. End Chapter 2 > Clubhouse Crusaders (Reworked) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A/N: Some sadness is in this chapter. I had to get this out of the way otherwise I couldn't think straight or get the plot to move. Enjoy the chapter and keep reading all the stories you can. Even if they ain't mine. :D Ooo, Ooo! Can I say something! Pleeeeease? I'll bake you a super-duper-sugary cupcake with extra frosting if you let me! After the story Pinkie, I promise and..... How did you even get here? Hehee~ That's for me to know and you to find out! Now TO EQUESTRIA! *Shattering glass* O.o...... ...... Let's just get on with the story... Darn it Pinkie, this part was supposed to be sad. T_T Chapter 3 POV Felix The orange Pegasus 'Scootaloo' had run off on her scooter, leaving me alone. "Well that went better than expected, now to take a look around where I'll be staying. I don't know when this dream ends but I am going to enjoy myself." I hoped from my makeshift bed and started exploring. I noticed that this place looked a little unsuitable for someone to live in, but had still been used recently. An example would be the bedding that was stored in a small cubby. One of the blankets had almost no dust on it. Where she had stored my 'food' also held some apples and hay. "Well this is... I'm not sure what to say." I glanced at how small this place was compared to the other home I had seen. It couldn't have been bigger than some cheap apartment. The small building could only house no more than three ponies at most. Scootaloo had mentioned something about her parents not caring about a pet, but I had yet to see anybody besides her here. I sat and pondered what this spelled out with me put in the picture. "Okay now. One, as of now, she lives in a small home with a pet cat, a.k.a. me; Two, she possibly can't even afford to keep me as a companion; Four...no Three, she only has about two weeks of food for me, and I don't know how she is getting her own; and Five, Whatever she does, she better not make me eat any pears, I hate pears." I chuckled at my poor Doctor Who impression before I started to look around some more. I don't know how long I looked, but I came up with some posters of a group of pegasi called 'The Wonderbolts' and an autographed picture of a 'Rainbow Dash'. "Do all these ponies have such weird names?" Right about then I heard a faint buzzing. I hopped into the window to see Scootaloo returning with two other ponies. "Well, looks like I'll need to put on the 'Ignorant Animal' act again. I'm still surprised that purring is this easy, though." I jumped from the window and put what I had found back in their rightful places before jumping into my make shift bed and pretended to sleep. Not long afterwards, Scootaloo and two others came in. One of the new arrivals was white with a pink and purple mane, and a horn sticking out of her forehead. The other was yellow with a red mane and the only thing special about her appearance was an oversized bow she wore. A unicorn? Really? Since when have my dreams been this weird? "For the last time Applebloom, I said I'm sorry." The red bowed one spoke up "Ah still don't know what could have made ya forget about our crusading that we had planned fer today." Dat accent. It be adorable! "You'll see soon enough AB." Scootaloo spun around when she got to the middle of the room. "Okay girls, you know how we were talking about getting a mascot for the crusaders?" ....Did she say mascot?.... "Yeah, didn' we decide that one of our pets should be it?" I looked down at my collar. ...This isn't going where I think its going...is it?... "That's right AB, but what if we could still do just that?" The white one quickly interjected "I thought that we couldn't go through with it? Applejack needed Winona for farm work, and Rarity wouldn't let me get near Opal with the cape I made. She said it was 'A crime against fashion'." My eyes widened in fear. ...Did she say...Cape!?... Scootaloo stood triumphantly and puffed her chest. "Well I have found a solution to that very problem..." Please don't say it, Please don't say it, Please don't say it! She ran over to where I was laying and picked me up. "Girls, Meet Felix, Our new mascot for the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" Damn it. This isn't a dream, its a Nightmare! I sat and stared at the two in front of me as they stared back. The white one started scratching behind my ears after about ten seconds or so. "Aww, He's so adorable, and he isn't clawing me like Opal does!" That can be fixed if you stop. Claws will be drawn if you even think about stopping. Dear lord, this feels amazing! "I know! He's like, the Awesomest cat in Equestrian history!" Scootaloo started rubbing under my chin about then and my tongue lolled out of my jaw. "Uh... Scoots? When did you get a cat, and why is there a cat climber in the corner?" Scoot's ears folded back a bit as she stopped rubbing. "I went to Fluttershy's earlier this morning. She let me keep him, but my parents weren't very happy about it." That's the opposite of what she said earlier. Why is she lying? "I didn’t want to have to give him up... and Fluttershy already gave me the climber and some food for him... so I thought that we could keep him in the clubhouse!" I thought this place was to small to be a home. But why keep me in a clubhouse and not just take me to her parents? Applebloom sat on her haunches and tapped her chin. "Ah don't know... Winona didn't take to kindly to Opal at first. And havin' a cat runnin' around the farm might make AJ upset." "But this could be a perfect opportunity to get our cutiemarks!" The white one stopped scratching my ears to the dismay of all that is good in the universe "I don't know..." "Aw, come on Sweetie!" Is that silly pony trying to evict me? I just got here! And why did you stop scratching? Who told you you could stop! The three of them kept arguing over what to do and I decided to intervene on Scoot's behalf. I would rather be choking from the cloaked death then living on the street. It's time to bring out the big guns. The debate had reached Sweetie when I put my plan into action. "That's because before now I was the only one with a cat." I started to paw Sweetie's side and did my best 'Puss in boots' impression. She made her fatal mistake by looking at me. "But, I think we could if we keep him upstairs it could work." "Maybe, but I'm not to keen on the idea. I'll warn ya'll if AJ lets Winona outside, but that's it. We don't need her havin' poor Felix for dinner." I shuddered at the thought of being eaten. That is something I'm pretty sure we ALL agree on. Scootaloo stood up and headed to a rope that I had been unable to reach. "Then it's settled!" She gave the rope a tug and some stairs folded from the ceiling. "We'll keep Felix in the attic and earn animal caretaking cutiemarks!" The three of them got together in a small huddle and jumped into the air giving a group highhoof. " CUTIEMARK CUSADER CARETAKERS! YAY! Despite the earlier arguing, the three of them worked quite well as a team getting all my stuff upstairs. Even if I lost a good bowl of water to put out the fire Sweetie started on my climber. I still have no idea how that happened. She was just leaning on it and it burst into flames. "There you go Felix, welcome to your new home." Scoots brought me up last. I looked at the attic and despite the dust it would be fun to explore. I gave Scootaloo a quick lick behind her ear prompting a giggle and ran into the pile of boxes in one corner. I stopped paying attention to what the trio was doing and decided to explore some more. I just ran around kicking up dust until they went back down stairs and shut the hatch. Cutting the act, I went to the boxes and began rummaging around. "Okay let's see what's in box number one!" I hopped in and found some old blankets, a photo album with a big red apple and hammer on the cover, and a dusty fiddle with two missing strings. “Well the blankets will help seeing as I have no bed.” I turned to the apple album. “I’ll read you later, for now let’s have a look at that violin.” The mahogany violin was beaten and worn from age and being kept in storage. The back had the letters S.A. inscribed near the neck. This violin was old, and that meant that when played well it would sound great. “This has got to be worth a small fortune.” I glanced at the album one more time. “Bet I can find when this was made in there, and probably find out who ‘S.A.’ is. But I'm done with this box for now. On to the next one!” I went through three more boxes and only found preserving jars, lots of quilts and a tug-a-war dog toy with the names Jeathrow and Winona carved into the handles. "Dog toys. Crap, now I have to look out for a dog too? That rabbit was crazy enough on his own!" I looked at the smaller handle on the toy. "At least I know that Winona is a dog now. Not like she would have been anything else." Looking out the window I saw that the sun was starting to set. The crusaders all left down a dirt road that presumably led into town leaving me completely alone. Looking at my new body, I decided that it would be best to see what I could do. Some of the boxes that I had searched through were stacked like stairs leading to the rafters above me, so I used them as such. I ran along the rafters like some crazy acrobat. "I love this body! I take everything I ever said about cats back, being one is AWESOME!" I hopped down to the floor and looked at my paw. "Well, almost everything is. I miss my thumbs, they were practical and I liked them. At least claws are a semi good substitute. When I wake up from this insane dream, I am giving Milos one great big tuna." I looked back to the album again. It was taunting me by just sitting there, as if to say 'read me you fool, read me and learn the secrets of reality'. "I will read you when I feel like it book. You are not my master." With that I moved to my (singed) climber and curled up for a nap. "Great, now I'm talking to inanimate objects. It's a good thing I'm dreaming, even if I'm getting tired. Time for some Inception." Before I could fall asleep I heard some faint buzzing. Confused, I went to the window and saw that Scootaloo was coming back to the clubhouse. "I thought she was heading for home? What is she doing back here?" She arrived at the clubhouse and I could hear her moving around under my paws. Soon the hatch that lead downstairs opened and Scootaloo came up. "Felix? You want down stairs?" she looked around and spotted me on the climber. I went over to the stairs and passed her like a cat normally would. "Thanks Felix. It's nice to finally have somepony living with me again." Again? This is getting depressing. Scootaloo grabbed the blanket that I had noticed earlier and jumped into one of the cots. I jumped in after her and looked at her. "There are two more ponies I want you to meet." She reached under the cot and pulled out a small picture frame. The photo showed a smaller Scootaloo and two smiling ponies. The stallion was a sunrise orange with a yellow mane, while the mare was sapphire blue with a fuchsia mane just like Scootaloo's. The same young filly who's voice had started to crack as she showed me the picture. "M-meet Mom and Dad." Never in my life had I thought that I would experience this situation at all. Scootaloo cried as she hugged the photo tightly to her chest. There was no possible way this could be a dream anymore. The pain I was feeling from watching her cry her heart out was to much to be from my, or anyone's, imagination. Which meant this entire situation and everything that has happened so far had to have been real as well. Getting turned into a cat, I’ll learn to deal with hopefully. Playing with kids, not a problem. They loved me almost as much as animals did. But being the pet of a broken, homeless filly. I just don't know. I walked over to Scootaloo and nudged her with my nose. She stopped for a moment and looked at me before grabbing me into a hug. I just let her pet me and cry. I knew what I needed to do, but it would have to wait. I couldn't let her be alone like this. I looked up at her and licked her nose. "T-thanks, Felix." Scootaloo soon drifted to sleep and I followed her shortly after, fearing what I would be doing the next day. I had been awake since midnight and had been exploring more when Scootaloo woke with a yawn. As I came down from the attic, she grabbed two of her apples and ate one for breakfast and stuffed the other into a bag. She poured (with some difficulty) my meal and pet me as I ate. She looked at me with sad eyes before turning to look out the window. "If only you could talk Felix. Its nights like that when I wish I had somepony to talk with.” The little troll in the back of my mind grinned devilishly. I could only imagine what her face was going to look like. Oh this is going to be fun. "I can help with that." Scootaloo's eyes shot open and she looked right at me. She only blinked twice in the entire minute it took for her to talk. "D-did you just-" "Talk? Yes, yes I did.” She was staring speechlessly at me. I was afraid that I broke her or something. She just backed away and looked at me fearfully from the other side of the room. "Y-you h-heard everything l-last night?" I nodded and tried to walk up to her, only for her to shy away further. Well this seems backwards. "Well, yes. but..." “Y-your not going to, tell anypony about m-me. A-are you?” “Now why in the world would I do that? It’s not like anybody is going to believe a talking cat, now are they?” She seemed to calm down after that, “and if you’re ever lonely or need anyone to talk to, I'm right here.” She just started to look at me with a look of confusion. “Why are you being so nice to me?” I only smiled and said the one thing that came to mind. “One, you gave me a home, and two, that makes you my master.” Wow that felt weird saying. I placed a paw on the photo that was still beside me. "So I'm going to be something you need." She started to move closer to me, taking one tentative step at a time. "a-and what would that be? "Someone to be by your side when others can't. A guardian angel." Dear God, that was lame. In truth I had expected a more dramatic reaction or something along the lines of 'Wow, I'm the luckiest girl in the world!' from her, but all she gave me was a weird look. "You don't know what that is, do you?" She shook her head and I mentally facepalmed (I'm still human in my mind, that was completely possible) before scratching the back of my head. "Well, a guardian angel is... like a personal bodyguard that sits back and watches but does little things to make life better." Wow me, is that the best explanation you can come up with? "I know what a guardian is, but what’s an 'angel'? They sound kinda useless." ....Oh....ok then....I feel insulted....course I never really read the bible, but I have a jest of what an angel is from skimming. "Angels… are like spirits that watch over the living and bring peace to the departed." Scootaloo thought for a moment "Do all angels look like cats?" I mentally face palmed again ....Did she really just....man these ponies know nothing! "Well, uh... angels aren’t all cats. They... have many forms! Yeah! I just happen to be a cat. Most angels are tall with majestic white wings and a magical, glowing halo above their heads." "You mean like Celestia?" Don't question, just go with what she said. "Yeah, sort of like Celestia." "Cool....." "Oh and before I forget, you can't tell any pony, dog, bunny, or even chicken about me being able to talk." She cocked her head to the side. "Why not?" Cause I don't want a certain 'Angel' to find out where I am. "I'm pretty sure that ponies would look at you like you're crazy if you told them your cat can talk." "Can't I at least tell Sweetie and Applebloom? They're my best friends!" I was about to protest but she gave me the puppy dog eyes. I wasn't sure how to react at having my own trick used against me and eventually gave in. "Fine, your friends can know. But only those two! And we have to surprise them; I'm already getting stir-crazy from sitting in this place!" What Scootaloo did after that was one of the silliest things I had ever seen. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" ... ... "...What was that?" Scootaloo seemed shocked that I didn't know what she just did. "It's a Pinkie promise. Nopony in their right mind would EVER break a Pinkie promise." "And why is that?" Scootaloo stated in a matter of fact tone. "Breaking a promise is the fastest way to lose a friend." Suddenly out of the desk drawer a mass of pink shot out and glared daggers into me. "FOREVER!" The pink Diablo glared at the space behind me and I felt shivers like the fabric of reality had just cracked in the nearby vicinity. She turned to Scootaloo and said something about being silly for talking to cats before she vanished into the desk in an all to happy fashion. Scootaloo seemed unfazed by this and just started for the door. "Hey! Where are you going?" Scootaloo grabbed some sort of backpack for ponies and stuffed some books and her apple into it. "I'm going to school. Ms. Cheerilee is teaching us about Starswirl the Bearded or something today. It's mostly important to unicorns so I'll probably fall asleep again." I looked in the desk to see if I could find the pink... thing in there, but only found paper. "Could you at least explain to me what just happened before you go?" "It's Pinkie being Pinkie. There is no better explanation. You'll get used to it eventually." "That's it? 'Pinkie' just broke physics, logic, and possibly the laws of gravity with her hair!" I know Cloud's does. FF7 for the win! "And your answer is that its 'Pinkie being Pinkie'?" "Yep. And don't think about it too much. I heard that the last pony that tried to make sense of Pinkie burst into flames." Hearing this made me feel apprehensive about the pink one. She was to be feared. "That's... scary." Scootaloo started to say something but caught sight of the clock. She had a look of utter terror as she saw what time it was. "Not as scary as Ms. Cheerilee is going to be. I'm late!" Scootaloo ran out the door leaving me alone in the clubhouse. I noticed that she had left the door open and thought about what I should do. "Hmm... Stay inside and suffer cabin fever, or go outside and have fun... That's a tough choice. I guess I'll multi-task until Scoots gets back." Without second thought I bolted outside. End Chapter 3 Ok Pinkie, you can talk to the readers now. Yaaaaaaaay! Cupcakes for everypony! Now what was I gonna say? ... ... ... OH YEAH! AJ's out harvesting apples at the moment, so if we're gonna prank her we'll have to be Extra Sneaky. Thank you Pinkie, now go do whatever it is you do. Dashie Wait what? BYE EVERYPONY! > Apples and Dresses (Reworked) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 ~Yesterday~ Angel was at the park with Fluttershy for the weekly 'pet date' she has with her friends. He waited for her to look away before he hopped to the other pets. "I need your help. There's this cat that showed up a couple of days ago and we need to find him fast." A white cat that was grooming herself stopped and stared at Angel. "Angel darling, is this really the time?" "Yes it is! We need to find him before he does something stupid!" The collie that was playing Frisbee with her owner called over from the game. "Opal's right. What's the big deal about some mangy feline?" Opal shot the dog a glance before continuing to groom. "Err... no offence." "Well for starters, He is a entirely new species and is capable of a feat that should not be possible!" A tortoise that was strapped to a heli-pack flew above Angel. "You okay Angel?" An owl that was sleeping before the commotion started flew down to meet Angel. "You don't normally get this worked up Angel. What is it about him that is setting you on edge so badly?" Angel looked back to Fluttershy and her friends before he swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. All eyes were on him. all except the wall-eyed alligator that was clamped on his owner's mane. Most of the pets were shocked by the words that were about to come from his lips. "He can talk to the ponies." POV Felix Apples. So. Many. Apples. Everywhere I looked was yet another apple tree. If it wasn't for the fact that I could see the Crusaders' flag from the tree tops I'd be completely lost. "This is completely insane. Who needs this many apple trees? This is a bigger orchard than that one I saw in 5th grade! Even if I wasn't a cat right now!" I heard some thumping in the distance and followed my ears to the source. Got to love these ears. I saw (unsurprisingly) another pony. This one was orange with a blonde mane, she even had a Stetson. Her flank was adorned with a trio of apples. If she is named after a breakfast cereal, I'm going to face palm. Hard. The orange pony was placing empty buckets under the trees. I wondered why until I saw her rear-up and buck the tree with a kick strong enough to drop all the apples into the buckets. I have absolutely no idea how she got every basket full without dropping a single apple. DAYUM she's good! The mare picked up the apple buckets and placed them on a cart that was full of more buckets and apples. She adjusted her Stetson before she hollered to the large red stallion hitched to the cart. "Alright Big Mac, Yer ready to go!" The red pony looked back at the cart. "Eeyup" 'Big Mac' as in the burger? That is almost as bad as being named after cereal. As 'Big Red' (as I shall call him until I am certain of his name) left, the orange pony leaned against a tree chuckling to her self. The urge to prank this pony was growing every second. "If this years harvest keeps up, the bumper crop will have us swimmin' in bits!" She flicked her hat over her eyes and started to snooze. She was such a easy target that I had to restrain myself from charging and scaring her. I crept into a tree and hopped from branch to branch until I got above her. There was a single apple left in the tree right above her head. Oh, this is too perfect. I sat on a branch next to the apple and extended one of my claws. With a single swipe the step was cut clean off. 'Bombs away!' The apple landed on her Stetson, knocking it off her head. "What in tarnation?" The mare looked down at the apple, to her Stetson, then up at the tree. She couldn't quite see me thanks to the shadows but I could see her. She grabbed her hat and placed it back on her head. "How the hay did I miss one?" She shrugged and grabbed the apple for a snack. I sat there more than a little disappointed. That's it? Oh come on, I was expecting something more than that! The orange pony got up and shook her head. "Looks like Granny's right AJ, yer startin' ta work yourself too hard again." She started in the direction Big Mac left and I decided to follow. Every now and then she would cast a suspicious glance at the trees and I would stop moving. When she finally broke away from the trees, I was forced to stop. She headed to a large red barn and went inside. In order to proceed further, I must blow my cover.... This will either lead to disaster or monumental success. I leaped from the tree into the grass below. Stalking like a tiger through the jungle, I made my way over to the porch. After that I had planned on skulking along the side of the building and getting to the barn. This had been the plan until I heard a sound that made me freeze. The orange pony had started whistling. "Winona! Here girl!" Oh CRAP! Around the corner headed to the orange pony was the thing I feared now that I was the dreaded enemy of their kind. "Yes Ma'm! What.." Winona started to sniff around. "That smell..." Winona began to follow her nose and was headed right for me. The orange pony was confused by her behavior. "What is it girl? Ya smell somethin'?" Winona kept following my scent. I was panicking so much that I was glued to the spot. She lifted her head and looked right at me growling. "Ah smell a varmit." All right legs, it's time to BAIL!!!! So I did what my mind commanded and ran. The orange pony yelled but I didn't stop. Looking back I could see Winona right on my tail, figuratively and too close to being literally. The orange one was a long way back from where we were. "Git back here!" "Fat chance of that!" I darted into a tree and Winona stopped at the base. I looked down at her to gloat as she tried to climb the trunk. "HA! Try and get me now you dumb mutt!" Winona went wide-eyed at the insult and grew furious. She started to back up from the tree. I had no idea what I had just done. That was a really bad idea insulting her She charged forward, leaped, and landed all four paws into the tree, shaking the entire mass with me in it to the point that I almost fell out. I barely climbed back in and started running in the trees before she charged again. "Oh no ya don't!" Winona ran along side me as I darted in the general direction of the clubhouse. I could see it's flag waving in the breeze, standing as a sign of salvation. The orange pony could be heard running after us as we ran. I couldn't seem to get one of my favorite cartoons out of my head. All I need is a freaking mouse named Jerry in front of me to complete this scene! ~Meanwhile~ A mouse in a wheel chair was heading home with his wife when he felt a shudder creep up his spine. "Something wrong dear?" "No, just got a weird feeling again." His wife sighed and rubbed her head. "You really should to stop antagonizing Tom dear. It's bad for your health." "I'm telling you Sarah its all in harmless fun." She pushed his leg into a wall and he let out a yelp. "Harmless?" The mouse said no more as he continued into the mouse hole with his wife shutting the door behind them. The club house was only about a hundred feet or so in front of me. I had to ditch the branches a while back because I knew that I couldn't get in through the windows. Locks are so inconvenient. I was almost there, I just needed to get inside and make a break for- *Chomp* Searing pain shot up my spine as I let out a yowl of pain. Looking back I could see that Winona had caught up and bit the closest thing that she could and cause me bodily pain. "Yer mot moin anywhere!" I swiped my claws across her nose and she let go with a yelp. By the time she got into the clubhouse I was already upstairs and hiding in a box. I could hear Winona barking and the orange pony downstairs. "Winona! What's gotten in ta you?" I hopped out of my box and jumped to the window. "There's a critter upstairs an-" Winona stopped as she was being pulled back by the orange pony via a leash. "Come on girl, yer headin' home right now! Fluttershy's gonna be mighty sore when she hears that you we're chasin' squirrels again." Winona tried to protest but was pulled outside. She caught a glimpse of me and snarled. "I'll get you fer this! JUST YOU WAIT YA-" She was silenced by a tug on the leash. Once I couldn't see hide or hair of the canine I hopped back to the floor and stroked my tail. "Oww. First my nose, now my tail... This whole world is out to get me." I went down stairs and nudged the clubhouse door shut. I noticed that it was about midday. "I wonder what Scoots is up too." I chuckled to myself. "Probably doing something that I would call full of happiness and butterflies." I let out a sigh. I went to my... food? No gruel would be a better term... and began to eat. "Being a cat is Hard." A hour or so after I had gotten back, a blur of pink and fuchsia came barreling through the door. The pony in question slammed said door behind her and leaned against it panting. While wearing a pink frilly dress. "Oh, hey Scoots. How was school? Nice dre-" "Tell anypony about this and I will skin you alive." I was, for less descriptive words, shocked. The fact that I was threatened at all (by a child no less) blew my theory of the ponies being all sunshine and rainbows out of the water. Well all but one pony, she was just rainbows. I kind of want to meet her... although I probably should confront the pink elephant in the room first. "Um... Okay. But could you do me the favor of explaining what the dress is about?" She blushed and mumbled something about a photographer. I was about to ask her to clarify, but was interrupted by knocking from the door. "Scoots ya in there?" It was Applebloom. Scootaloo glared at the door. "Go Away!" "Aw, come on Scoots. We said we're sorry for laughing." Sweetie was there too, and by what she said whatever happened must have been embarrassing. "Can you please let us in?" Scootaloo sat for a minute before she opened the door. Applebloom and Sweetie had started to suppress their giggles when they saw her. She started to head for the stairs when she turned to me. "Felix, make sure they stay here." I gave her a salute and sat at the bottom of the stairs. Sweetie looked at me in amazement while Applebloom was confused. Sweetie tried passing me but stopped as I let out a growl and glared at her. They went over to the door and began to talk. "Ah didn't know ya could train a cat." "And yesterday he was so nice to me too." Sweetie pouted. "Think he'll let us pet him if we promise not to go upstairs?" Sweetie walked up to me and I glared again. "Is it okay if I pet you? I promise not to go upstairs." I pondered her request for a moment before denying her request. "Please Felix, I Pinkie promise." Shivers ran up my spine when she mentioned the pink one. I decided that if she was going to risk the wrath of a crazed pink monster then her words were genuine. I gave her a nod and walked up to her. She started to scratch behind my ears as a now dress-free Scootaloo came down the stairs. She gave me a dead-pan stare when she saw me with Sweetie. "Some guard you turned out to be." I couldn't care less at the moment. This feels like a massage for my brain. Applebloom giggled a bit before turning to Scootaloo. "I'm amazed that he followed yer orders until she promised not to go up there. How'd ya train 'im to do that?" Scoots started to fidget a little as she looked towards her friends with a smug grin. "Oh it was nothing really... I just gave him some food for being good." Sweetie stared at her with a confused look on her face. I got to admit, that looks ridiculously adorable. "I thought that didn't work? Remember when we tried that with Opal? She cut part of my mane off." Scootaloo quivered with restrained laughter. "I guess Felix is just awesome like that." "Scoots, is this part of that secret ya wanted to tell us?" I moved behind the two fillies and motioned Scootaloo to stall. "Mayyyybe." She was having a hard time suppressing her laughter by this point. I calmly sat behind both of them and rubbed my claws on my chest. Looks clean enough I extend one claw from each paw and dragged the dull curve up each of their spines. There was only one word that described their reactions. "Yaahhh!" "Eeep!" Priceless. > The Pony of Science > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 About 5 days passed since my encounter with Winona. Over the course of the time, Scootaloo refused to tell anypony of my speaking capabilities which included her friends (That one secret she was going to tell them involved that Rainbow Dash pony), and I was trying to find out a way to pester the orange farmer, which was proving harder than I thought it would be. Especially with her being gone for the last three days. I had taken to staying in the trees when roaming the orchard to avoid Winona, and had been leaving engravings on the trees to show where I was when exploring. I even managed to unlock the window leading to the attic. (Cause sticks are the most awesome tool for picking latch locks you can’t reach) I also started to read the scrapbook when I made another realization about this world. The written language wasn't what you would call 'English.' "When did the letter O get replaced with Omega?" Or writing for that matter. Seriously it looked like the drunken baby between Greek literature and Shakespeare with an illegitimate mexican uncle. though.... I'm not sure how that would affect the kid.... While it was challenging at first, I had been slowly translating the text so I could read. It was easier than you would think. Only about half the alphabet was changed. I had roughly about 36% of the changes memorized when I decided that I should see what I could gather from my rough translation. "Huh. His name really is Big Mac." Burger pony!!!! ~Elsewhere~ Winona grumbled as she searched the orchard. The scratch on her nose had been unnoticeable to all, but it still hurt. "When I find that no good ball of fur, He'll regret ever trespassin' on my property." She stopped when she saw some claw marks on the tree next to her. A quick sniff confirmed her thoughts. "If he thinks that I'm just gonna let him take my land..." Winona grumbled as she continued her hunt outside, unaware of the eyes following her. ~Back to Felix~ I rushed downstairs when I heard the door open and close. With how late it was, Scootaloo had to be getting back from crusading. "Hey Scoots! How did the crusading go?" "Hey Felix, not so good." I arched a brow . "By 'not so good' you mean?" She blushed and suddenly found the wall to be surprisingly interesting. Now understand that while I have only been here for about a week, I had probably become the closest thing Scoots has ever had to a sibling. Despite the obvious size difference, I played the big brother role. Even when it didn't work out all that well. This kid had some serious authority issues. "Uh, not much. Just... a little mishap." I put a serious scowl on my face. "And by mishap you mean?" She was really trying not to tell. Her face was scrunched up from keeping her jaws shut. A small snort escaped her.... Wait.... snort? She bust out laughing and was rolling on the floor. "Oh sweet Celestia! That Face!" Apparently my serious face had some setbacks on ponies. I turned to a Hand(hoof?)-mirror that was lying on the ground and got a good look at myself before joining her in the troughs of laughter. "HAHAHAHAHA! I looked like a Meeheheeme! Oh my sihihihides!" We laughed for a good while before Scootaloo and I could talk again. "Haha ha phooo, oh that was funny, but seriously what did you do this time?" "Um well... We may have accidentally caused some... minor damage to the apple family's barn." Scoots gave me the most 'innocent' grin she could as she headed to her bed. I just started chuckling. "It's missing a couple of walls isn't it?" Scootaloo stumbled on her hooves and grinned sheepishly. "Err....Maybe?..." I just laughed and hopped in next to her rubbing against her chin. She scratched behind my ears and snuggled into her covers. Her brow furrowed and she looked down at me. "Felix? What's a ‘meme’?" "I'll tell ya later" I let out a large yawn and curled up again. "Let's just get some sleep." We both drifted off to sleep shortly after with her petting me, while I soaked in the attention. The next day I was roaming in the trees when I saw the orange one, I think her name was Applejack, working about five trees away. I got closer and was about to pounce on her head from the lack of ideas I was having on pranks when someone shouting in the distance stopped both of us. “Applejack?” Looking away from the farmer, I saw a lavender unicorn and a yellow pegasus coming over the hills with some kind of lizard riding on one of their backs. The farm pony stretched before waving over to her. “Over Here Twilight!” I recognised the pegasus as Fluttershy, it was easy to tell she was confused. Pony eyes are traitorous that way. “You wanted to see us? “Somethin’ has been running through my trees and it’s got Winona in a bunch. I was wonderin’ if you could help me catch it. Ah think it might be a cat er somethin'.” I gulped and looked down before trying to get to a higher branch. Uh oh.... The lizard spoke up as he looked at my tree. “You mean that cat?” OH COME ON! I scrambled to a higher perch and started to dash down the trees until I suddenly stopped as I was surrounded by... lavender light? huh?.... I suddenly was pulled from the trees, despite my efforts to claw my way into the branches, and was somehow floating in front of the purple unicorn that the farmer called Twilight. Crap.... I'm pretty sure she knows of me. Twilight blinked at me in mild confusion. “Huh... Fluttershy, isn’t this the cat you gave to Scootaloo about a week ago?” yep, she dose.... Fluttershy looked me over and nodded when she saw my tag. “Yes... but what is he doing here?” The lizard was looking at me in awe. “Whoa! I didn’t know cats could have three colors!” Twilight looked back at him with an amused smile. “That’s because they normally don’t, Spike.” She started to look me over while levitating me around like a ragdoll. “The fact that he does... I kinda what to run some tests to see why.” Fluttershy was looking at Twilight nervously. “Um.... It won’t hurt him.... will it?” Applejack looked at Twilight with a raised brow. “An’ shouldn’t ya ask Scoots first if it’s her cat?” Twilight smiled back. “Of course I’ll ask. I was on my way over to see if she was with your sister and Sweetie so I could. I’m only going to perform some simple tests and examinations.” Wait.. TESTS!!?? Her smile widened. “Celestia even sent a letter back asking if I could! She and Luna were both curious about a new species suddenly being found.” She looked concerned as she looked at the ground in thought. “Though... they didn’t seem surprised at all about the Spectrum Illumini suddenly appearing...” The unicorn hadn’t stopped moving me around and I was starting to get nauseous. Oh…..Gonna be sick..... I growled and made my discomfort known. The unicorn leaned back and looked over to ‘Spike’ who was holding a small carrier. Oh CRAP! I clawed at the edges of the carrier as they tried to put me inside until Fluttershy started to look at me. “Um... could you please get in Felix?... I promise that Twilight won’t do anything bad to you.” My claws reluctantly retracted and I was soon in the plastic box. “Oh, you’re such a good boy.” I blinked in confusion as I was being hauled away. Um.... what just happened?.... As I was carted off the property, I heard a bell ring in the distance. School just got out for Scoots.... Please hurry orange savior. I was jostled around as she walked through the town until I could hear Scootaloo buzzing down the street in the distance. I think she spotted Twilight when I heard Scootaloo speak up. “Hey Twilight! What’s in the carrier?” Twilight responded. “A pet cat that was found on Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack asked me to help catch what was messing with Winona and her trees and we found Felix here.” I gulped and heard Scootaloo doing the same. “Scootaloo... care to explain what he was doing there to begin with?” “Oh! um... well. It turned out that my parents weren’t too happy with me getting a pet as I thought they were...” Yes Scootaloo! Lie! Lie to get me the heck out of this box! “So I brought him to the clubhouse to take care of him.” She gave me the stink eye when she looked in the cage and I grinned sheepishly. “I didn’t know he was getting out though.” I heard Twilight sigh and the cage jostled again. “That’s alright Scootaloo, but you really should have asked Applejack or Granny Smith before doing that.” From what I could see through the cage I noticed I was near a giant gingerbread house. Um...... what?........ and can I eat it? “Oh, and Scootaloo? Is it alright if I do some tests on Felix? The princesses are curious on what kind of cat he is.” They started to walk down the street when Scootaloo spoke up. “Um... Okay?” NO NOT OKAY! I AM NOT BEING A LAB RAT! It was silent for a moment before she spoke up excitedly. “Can I help?” aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I’m doomed...... Twilight was looking around nervously from what I could tell and seemed reluctant. “Wouldn’t you like to play with your friends?” Scootaloo sounded slightly dejected. “Applebloom had to go home and so did Sweetie.” “Well... Do you promise not to cause any damage?” “Hey! That was just once!” There was a giggle from Twilight as I saw Scootaloo pout. I don't want to know..... “Alright, you can be my assistant for this.” Spike shouted from her back. “Hey, what about me?” “You, Spike, can have the day off. You’ve been working a lot lately and deserve a break.” It wasn’t long after that the cage was opened and I bolted out. I saw a couch nearby and dived under it. I could hear Spike, who I learned was a dragon on the way here due to Twilight’s nagging, yelling in surprise. “Whoa!” I stayed under the couch for as long as I could, until a violet light engulfed me again. Oh, come on! I call hax! The purple pony pulled me out and I was floating in front of her and Scootaloo once again. Scootaloo was looking at me with a grin. “Don’t worry Felix! Twilight is the smartest pony I know.” I gave her a look that said 'We’re talking about this later....' She smiled and I was taken down stairs to what could only be described as a mad scientist’s lair. I'm dead..... I am so dead.... Twilight set me down on a table in the middle of the room. “There, now one last thing...” A purple box with holes appeared around me that spanned the length of the table. “There.” Scootaloo looked up at me nervously before turning to Twilight. “Um.... you do know what you’re doing.... right?” Twilight gave her a reassuring smile that made me shiver. “Of course I do, I’m not Celestia’s student for nothing.” I felt something pierce into my leg sharply and I felt sleepy after I yelped in pain. I slumped forward and started to sleep as I watched a blurry Scoots gasp in shock. Oh god dang it....... she has sedatives...... > Experiments with Twilight Pt.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 Pt.1 ~Scootaloo POV~ Felix yelped in pain as the needle that Twilight was levitating jabbed him in the leg. I gasped in surprise as Felix slumped forward and fell asleep. “What did you do!?” She looked at me calmly and put the needle away. “It’s just some sedatives Scootaloo, they’re so Felix here doesn’t try to claw or bite us as we work.” I looked back to Felix as Twilight’s horn lit up again. “Um... what are you going to do now?” I was nervous about Felix and had a nagging feeling in the back of my head. Some sort of oversized rubber sewing needle floated up to Twilight and she gave it a few taps on the table. “Alright, let’s take some samples on his diet...” Felix’s tail was starting to lift in Twilight’s magic when both of us heard somepony crash upstairs. “Hey Spike, you seen Twilight anywhere?” I recognised that voice instantly. The only one who sounds like that is the most awesome pony ever.... of ALL TIME! I bolted upstairs and was standing in front of Rainbow in an instant. Rainbow smiled and gave me a noogie while we both laughed. “Hey there Squirt! You know where Twilight is?” Spike was at the top of the stairs and was about to talk when I pointed downstairs. “Me and Twilight-” Twilight shouted from downstairs. “Twilight and I!” Me and Rainbow rolled our eyes along with Spike who just shook his head and went back to his room. “Twilight and I were down in her basement. I was helping Twilight figure out what kind of cat I got cause apparently he’s super rare or something.” Rainbow’s ears perked up and she followed me as I headed back downstairs. “Really? That’s pretty cool.” She puffed out her chest, “Not as cool as me... but still cool.” Twilight was looking at a machine on the other side of the the room and the rubber needle was sticking out of it. “He seems to eat like any other feline...” She turned around and smiled at Rainbow. “Oh, hello Rainbow! Did you come over for the new Daring Do? I told you it won’t be here for another week.” Rainbow shook her head. “Nah that’s not it. I was going to try some new stunts and was wanting to know if you could look at them for me.” I grinned and was hugging onto her foreleg. “OH! Can I Rainbow? Can I!?” Rainbow gave me a grin and was laughing. “Of course you can! But I need more than one opinion on this. It’s going to be Awesome!” Twilight sighed and looked over at Felix. “I would love to Rainbow, but I need to finish doing these examinations and tests for the princess.” She trotted over to some papers being punched out of another machine. “He seems normal.... but I can’t help but feel something is off.” Rainbow waved her off. “Ah, stop worrying so much Twi, it’s just a cat. Right Squirt?” I chuckled nervously. “Er, yeah.... just a normal cat. Nothing special about him at all.” I grinned and hoped that they bought it. Twilight looked skeptical for a moment before shrugging. She looked across the room and a large needle floated up to her. “Okay, I just need a small blood sample, some hairs, and some observations from when he’s awake.” She turned to me. “Would that be okay with you Scootaloo?” I nodded slowly. “Um... yeah, that’s okay.” Rainbow scrunched up her face and looked at me. “You feelin’ okay there squirt?” I gulped as some sweat ran down the side of my face. “Yeah!... N-never better...” I started to back away from the room towards the stairs. Twilight was smiling a little as she hovered the needle away from Felix who seemed to still be asleep. “Hey, Twilight? Is it alright if Felix stays here for a while?” Please say yes. Twilight looked a little confused for a moment. “You just said I could keep him here.... Scootaloo is something going on?” I mentally facehoofed and shook my head. “Nope, I just remembered that I had to go and help my parents with some chores today.” Twilight narrowed her gaze. “If you needed to help your parents, then why were you playing with Sweetie and Applebloom?” I was about to answer when Rainbow put a hoof in front of me. “Hey, go easy on the kid Twi! So she forgot something until just now. It’s not like she’s deliberately trying to lie to us.” I winced a little when Rainbow said lie. I wish I could tell you.... I really do.... “Sorry Twilight, I have to go.” Twilight sighed again and gave me a weary smile. “It’s alright Scootaloo. Now you run along and go home. Your parents are probably getting worried.” I ran outside and quickly got on my scooter and buzzed off. As I looked back at the Library I could only worry a little for Felix who was still inside. I hope he’ll be alright without me. ~Felix POV~ I felt a little woozy as I woke up. I tried to stand properly and wobbled slightly before finding my balance. Okay... how many times am I going to wake up like this? And why does my butt feel so violated? I could hear some voices as I slowly pulled my brain out of the mental mud that was sleep. “Go easy on the kid Twi! So she forgot something until just now. It’s not like she’s deliberately trying to lie to us.” I couldn’t place the voice... it sounded a little raspy but still feminine. My hearing began to clear as I heard Scootaloo start talking. “Sorry Twilight, I have to go.” I blearily looked at her and saw an orange blob that stood next to a large bluish blob, though I don’t think she noticed. She’s ditching me!? OH COME ON!! Twilight sighed and looked away from a large needle full of red liquid over to Scootaloo. “It’s alright Scootaloo. Now you run along and go home. Your parents are probably getting worried.” I heard her say parents and immediately pieced together what was happening. Twilight probably started getting nosey... Scoots hates using the parent excuse. I was starting to feel better and stretched with a yawn. Looking up with my ever clearing vision I saw Twilight was sticking the needle, that I now realize probably has my blood in it, into a machine. “Okay, let’s see what his DNA is like.” I watched as what I could now identify as a blue pegasus looked over her shoulder. Oh look, its the rainbow one from those photos... what was her name again? “So... what’s this for again?” Twilight groaned and started to rub her head. “The princess is curious about Felix here. She asked me to run some tests and find out if there’s anything abnormal about him.” The rainbow one cocked her head. “So you put it in a box and stuck it with a needle? That seems a bit overkill Twi.” I quirked an eyebrow at the ‘it’ coment and moved closer to the rainbow one. She looked over at me and started to get close to the translucent barrier. “Hm?” I took out the middle most claw on my right paw and proceeded to flip her off. I’m not an ‘it’ dang it. She reeled somewhat and started to glare at me. “Why you little-!” Twilight moved over to her and was looked between us. “What now Rainbow?” Rainbow pointed at me. “The little furball flipped me off!” I blinked in surprise as she glared. These ponies know what "flippin' the bird" is? I figured that the wouldn’t from the lack of fingers. Twilight cocked her head. “Flipped you off? What does that mean?” Nevermind... it seems that only Rainbow knows.... Rainbow facehoofed and sighed. “I keep forgetting that you girls never had any friends who were griffons...” As Rainbow proceeded to explain to Twilight what my gesture meant, Twilight slowly, but visibly, got more uncomfortable. I took it as an opportunity to try and escape. Finally as Rainbow started to finish, I managed to squeeze out of one of the holes. “So, you get it now?” I was on the other side of the room and was looking at Rainbow’s tail. Damn this cat brain... I want nothing right now but to catch that dang rainbow tail of amazing colors. Twilight looked somewhere between confused, offended, and down right weirded out. “I guess... but if that’s the case then who taught Felix something so... so... rude, and-” She stopped mid sentence as she looked at the table. “Where’s Felix?” I took this as a signal and started to attack the rainbow hair that was swishing in front of me. Rainbow jumped up into the air and I was holding onto her tail by my claws. “Hey! Let go!” I meowed as I started to chew on the hair. I don’t know why but this is fulfilling. I was pulled from the hair by that darn unicorn’s purple powers and was put on the table that now had no box on it and a simple toy mouse was placed next to me soon after I was set down. MINE! I started to play as Twilight was trying not to laugh at Rainbow glaring at me. I just stuck my tongue out at her and continued attacking the yarn rodent with a loud purr. I was smelling something inside of the toy mouse as I played around. I didn’t know what it was but I wanted it. Is it just me, or is the room more colorful than it was two seconds ago? > Experiments with Twilight Pt. 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 Pt.2 ~Felix's POV~ I was looking around the room as the walls suddenly turned a neon green and the ground a vibrant purple. Duuuuuude that’s trippy.... I looked back to the mouse and started to bat it around some more. Eventually the mouse didn’t like my touch and ran off the table. “This way Felix, This way!” I obliged and jumped after it, purring the whole time. There was a purple cloak that was in the shape of a pony talking to an oversized blue chicken as I played with the mouse. “Oh, don’t be like that Rainbow. He’s just a harmless cat. So far the only thing strange about him is his coloration.” The chicken ruffled it’s wings before clucking a response. “Then why does it keep going for me? I know my mane and tail are awesome but come on!” I caught the mouse and it started to giggle. The cloak moved in a shrugging motion. “I don’t know. Maybe he likes you. You and Scootaloo are a lot alike.” The cloak shifted up towards the raspberry stairway. The mouse in my mouth turned purple and followed. “Let’s see how he acts upstairs. I don’t want him tearing up my lab.” I chased after the mouse and when I exited the stairway I was in awe. The walls were a rainbow of color that was mind-numbingly breathtaking. The cloak moved away as the mouse sat down on the floor and the chicken was sitting on the couch. I looked over to the mouse who was now standing and waving his arms. “Come on Felix! Let’s play!” I grinned and crouched down before launching at the mouse with a battle cry. “MINE!” I was batting the mouse around and laughing as I did so. Whatever was in that mouse was the most awesome thing I have ever had the pleasure of coming in contact with. This is probably the closest I'll ever get to speed and I DON'T CARE~ I was having such a high that I almost didn’t notice that the cloak and chicken had turned to look at me, chicken even squawked, but at the time being I didn’t have a care in the world. This is paaaaaaaaaaaaaaradise...... Everything’s so..... Cooooooolerfulllll........... I was rolling around the floor of the library playing with the mouse. It was looking up at me with a smile. “Play with me Felix! Play with me! This is fun!” I smiled back and started to bat my new friend across the floor. “Oooooookaay mister mouuuuusie!” I continued to run around and play until Mr. Mouse grew violet wings and started to fly away. “Noooooo! Come back downer to the flours!” I chased and jumped at the mouse as the cloak was shaking in amusement. After a while I gave up seeing as Mr. Mouse was out of my reach. “Fine! Be that way! You.... You.... um....” I zoned out as I saw the blueish blobby chicken sitting on the couch. It’s rainbow of feathers was alluring as the mouse ever was. I chomped on the feathers and the chicken started to run around. I didn’t bother to chase it as I had a nice bundle of feathers in my mouth for the chewing. I lurrrrrrv this feeelin~ ~Scootaloo’s POV~ I was racing back to Twilight’s place down the street. How could I have forgot my saddlebags! I never normally do that! I came to a stop outside and went up to the door. I heard some muffled yelling from inside and decided to press my ear to the door. “This cat is freaky Twi! First it bites my tail, then it starts TALKING?! Just what is with this thing?!” “I don’t know Rainbow... do you think Scootaloo knows about this? The talking, I mean.” I gulped as I kept my ear pressed. He talked!? I thought he wanted to keep it a secret!? Felix was giggling from the other side of the door. He sounded.... out of it. “Oooooookaay mister mouuuuusie!” I blinked a couple of times. Um....... what? Rainbow spoke up next. “Well whatever is the case, I’m not sure if she should keep him. I mean, what if he’s really some sort of dangerous monster!? I am not letting anything like that near my number one fan!” If it wasn't for the situation, I would have squealed in excitement knowing that Rainbow cared about me that much. I heard Twilight sigh afterwards. “Rainbow, I highly doubt that.” Felix started to yell suddenly. “Noooooo! Come back downer to the flours!” I was really confused by that one. Just what did Twilight do to him? There was the sound of laughter before Felix yelled again. “Fine! Be that way! You.... You.... um....” I was getting curious about what was going on inside and cracked the door open. Rainbow was sitting on the couch while Twilight was levitating a toy mouse and writing something down. “Com’on Twi! He may look cute but-” She yelped and jumped off of the couch. I heard a massive amount of purring and saw that Felix was lazily chewing on some multi-colored strands of hair. “See! He just attacked my tail again!” I tried to sneak in when the door let out a large creak. In an instant both Rainbow and Twilight saw me. ...Oh Shoot... We all stared at each other for a while until I cleared my throat. “Um.... Hey, Twilight! Hi, Rainbow! I... um... came here to pick up my saddlebags. I, uh, forgot them when I, uh, left.” Felix looked up at me and grinned. “ScoooOOOoootalooooo~ These feeaders are amaaaaaaazinnnnn~!” He flopped back down and started to purr again as he continued chewing. I looked at him for a moment before looking at Twilight. “What did you do to him and why is he chewing on Rainbow’s tail?” She blinked for a moment before shaking her head and looking at me. “Scootaloo, did you know that Felix could talk?” Well, the jig is up. I nodded and started to pet Felix after I walked up to him. His purring doubled and he stopped chewing to curl into a ball. You're an adorable idiot Felix. “Yeah, I was feeling kinda sad when my parents said no. I was in bed when he came up and started to talk to me to help cheer me up!” Felix was rolling around on the couch now and was rubbing his head on my side. “But seriously, what did you do to him? He’s normally more...” I paused for a moment. “Smart.” Twilight sighed before levitating the mouse onto the floor. “He was being rather rude to Rainbow so I thought that I could distract him with some old toys.” Felix shot off of the couch and dived for the mouse the moment it landed. “MINE!!” He was biting on the toy’s head while purring and flicking his tail. “Whatever be in your head Mr. Mouse.... It is amarzing.” I couldn’t help but giggle at the sight. “Daaaw, He looks so adorable!” Rainbow was sitting on the couch again as Felix was rolling on the floor. I went over to my saddlebags and picked them up before opening one of the flaps and moving over to Felix. Now to just get him in the bags and get the hay out of here. He looked up at me and cocked his head as he swayed from side to side. “Heeeeeey.... When did you get a twin sister Scoots?” “Um.... huh?” Felix almost said something else before he flopped forward and was crawling along the floor. I just blinked for a moment before I looked over to Twilight and saw Rainbow was doing the same. “Again.... what did you do to him?” Spike walked down through the main room as he headed to the front door. “She gave your cat an old toy that used to be for her parents cat. Apparently it’s still full of catnip and she forget that little detail.” Twilight facehoofed and Rainbow was starting to laugh until she caught Felix playing with her tail again. Twilight levitated Spike back over to the desk she was sitting at and gave him a quill and paper. “Spike, take a letter.” Spike sighed as he started to write. Dear Princess Celestia, I would like to inform you that the research that you asked me to perform on the feline that Fluttershy found has produced some unexpected results. While his physical traits aside from his coloration are normal, it seems that the subject has a higher thought capacity than the average feline. I dare say that it is on the level of ponies as the subject has actually spoken multiple times. He also is currently under the care of one of the towns fillies, Scootaloo, and has been named ‘Felix’. I am unsure of what to do now that this has come to light and am asking for advice. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle Spike sent the letter away and we all waited for a moment. Soon, a reply arrived and Spike read it aloud. Dear Twilight, This news is strange indeed and I am glad that you told me. I will be departing Canterlot within the hour to speak to Felix as soon as I can. If at all possible, it would be helpful if the filly in question was present upon my arrival. Your loving mentor, Princess Celestia. P.S. Thank you for telling me about the catnip Spike. Rainbow was laughing at Spikes blush as he grinned and hid the letter. Twilight, however, looked over to me with a worried frown. “Scootaloo, do you think your parents would be alright with you staying here?” I gulped slightly. “Uh... s-sure Twilight. It’s not like I can say no to the princess.” I looked over to Felix who was rolling around the room purring again. Oh..... I hope this doesn't end badly.... > The Royalty has Arrived > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 ~Felix’s POV~ Rollin, rollin, rollin~ Rollin, rollin, rollin~ I was lazily rolling in the rainbow room as the purple cloak was talking to the green and purple mailbox. The blue chicken was watching me more like a hawk and the orange chick I named Scootaloo was looking around. Heeheeheehee I am so high right now. I saw Mr. Mouse fly up to a shelf and pouted. “Aww... I wanted to play more....” I saw something flick to my right and looked over to see my tail. I tried to catch the rogue appendage only to miss. As I continued to play, the mailbox and chicken were laughing but Scootaloo was still looking around anxiously. I decided right then and there to do something about it. Even if you’re a pseudo Scootaloo, I shan't let you be a worry wart. “Hey! Hey Scootaloo! Hey~!” The chick looked up at me. “Huh?” “Why you so down in the dumps? This place is too colorful to be worried. You need to smile, or... something...” Around then a large pink party balloon popped out of the bookshelves. My eyes widened at the sight of the color as it brought back memories of the pink diablo. ”PINK!” I don’t remember getting a response after I said that because I passed out the next moment. ~Scootaloo’s POV~ Felix was rolling around on the floor giggling to himself while Twilight was talking to Spike. I saw that Rainbow was glaring at Felix and I... wasn’t sure how to feel. Rainbow Dash has been the closest thing I’ve ever had to a sister and Felix is almost like a brother to me. Even though he’s a cat. I hope this all goes by smoothly. I felt a paw press against my leg and looked down to see Felix looking at me. “Hey! Hey Scootaloo! Hey~!” “Huh?” He was frowning somewhat as he looked up at me. “Why you so down in the dumps? This place is too colorful to be worried. You need to smile, or... something...” I’m not sure how... but Pinkie popped out of the bookcase soon after he said that holding a platter of fresh cupcakes. “Is somepony in need of a smile!? I’ve got cupcakes!” Felix stared wide-eyed at Pinkie before screaming, “PINK!” Felix fainted soon after yelling and Pinkie was just staring at him. Pinkie blinked a few times before looking at me. “Huh... I guess cats can talk. Ooo! That explains the doozy I had earlier today! Oh, I wonder if he says everything in silly cat puns! Hehehehehe, that would be aMEOWzing.” She dissolved into a fit of laughter at her own joke and rolled on the floor in Felix’s place. The cupcakes somehow landing on the table in the center of the room. Rainbow simply shook her head. “Pinkie...” Pinkie interrupted her. “I’m so random, yeah I know! I mean, that joke is getting a bit overused and I wouldn’t be Pinkie if I wasn’t random so saying I am random is kinda redundant and silly! But not a silly as the word kumquats cause that word is just plain SILLY!” We all stared at her for a moment before shrugging. Pinkie didn’t even pay attention to us as she hopped back up to her hooves. “Aaaaanyways, Who here needed a smile? I heard somepony say somepony else needed cheering up and came here on the triple!” I fidgeted a little and tried not to look at anyone. “Well....” Pinkie put a hoof around my shoulder and gave me a cupcake. “Say no more Scootaloo! Your Auntie Pinkie’s here to help! Now what’s got you so down?” Twilight coughed lightly and Pinkie stepped back with a light blush. “I think I can answer that one Pinkie. I had just finished sending the princess a letter and-” “Ooo! The princess is interested in Scootaloo! Is she going to give her flying lessons? Ooo, what if she’s actually an alicorn?! Or what if it’s BOTH!? Then I’d have to make one super party to compensate for both of them! Oh, but what if-” Pinkie’s rant was muffled when Rainbow covered her mouth with a hoof. “Pinks, the princess isn’t interested in Scoots.” Pinkie blinked a couple times after Rainbow removed her hoof. “Then why did you send her a letter? Was it a friendship report? Twilight, I thought you liked sending those on tuesdays.” Spike grumbled next to me. “She does.” Apparently Twilight didn’t hear him and turned to Pinkie. “Well... yes, but that isn’t what all this is about. Princess Celestia asked me to do some research on what kind of feline Felix here is and... well....” Pinkie made a silent ‘oh’ before giggling at the sight of Felix running in his sleep. Suddenly, Pinkie was sitting next to him with a lab coat on. “This is a scientiferific discovery! A new breed of cat, the Sillicus Felixicus, is one of a kind out of all felines!” I couldn’t help but giggle at the silly name Pinkie gave him. “I wonder why the Princess would be interested in the first place... OH NO! What if the princess wants to get rid of Felix! That would be pawful! NO! A CAT-TASTROPHE!” I looked down at Felix in worry and jumped down off of the couch to pick him up. Pinkie was being really dramatic about the possibility of Felix getting taken away and Rainbow was trying to get her to calm down along with Twilight. We all fell silent as there was a knock on the door. Twilight yelled. “It’s open!” The door opened and Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack all walked in. “Howdy Twilight! Ya make any progress with the critter?” Fluttershy was shaking a little. “Y-you didn’t hurt him did you?” Rarity patted her on the shoulder causing Fluttershy to jump. “Now now dear. We both know that Twilight wouldn’t hurt the poor thing on purpose.” Twilight rubbed the back of her head. “Well, to answer AJ’s question, yes I’ve definitely made progress.” I hugged Felix a little tighter. Rainbow spoke up. “The little jerk can talk!” Rarity stared at her. “Rainbow dear, that’s just preposterous. Pet’s can’t talk like ponies can. Its just silly.” Rainbow shook her head. “Tell that to my tail! The little jerk kept biting me!” Fluttershy gasped lightly when she looked over at Felix. “Oh dear... What happened?” Pinkie blushed. “I accidentally spooked him and he fainted.” Fluttershy went over to talk to Pinkie and Rarity and Rainbow were still arguing. Meanwhile, Applejack was looking at Twilight as if she just grew wings. “Really Twi? The little guy can talk?” Twilight nodded. “Yes, I found it out after I gave him an old mouse toy.” She blushed. “apparently catnip has some... interesting effects on the feline mind.” Everyone stopped talking when there was a knock on the door. Twilight went up to the door and opened it to reveal that not only Princess Celestia had arrived, but Luna as well. Everypony but Twilight bowed and after Twilight gave Celestia a quick nuzzle, Celestia spoke. “Twilight, it is good to see you. Now where is this young Scootaloo and her companion?” I hugged Felix a little tighter to my chest as the princesses walked up towards me. I bowed a little and the princesses smiled at me. “There is no need to bow young one.” I got up and continued to hug Felix. “I-I’m sorry Princess...” Luna trotted up to me and smiled. “There is no need to apologise young Scootaloo.” She turned her attention to Felix. “So this is the feline of which Twilight spoke of?” I gulped and nodded. Luna leaned down and looked him over. “Interesting...” Celestia looked over to Twilight. “You were correct in saying his coloring was strange.” She reached out a hoof. “May we see-” I hugged Felix tighter. “Please don’t take him away!” I started to sniffle as my eyes were watering. “Please, he’s my friend...” Luna reeled back in shock along with everypony else. “Young one. What in Equestria makes you think we would do such a thing?” I looked up at her and sniffled. “B-but Pinkie said...” Luna shot a disapproving glare at Pinkie before turning back to me. She leaned down and whispered in my ear. “I have seen your dreams young Scootaloo. I know that ever since Felix has arrived, you have been having less nightmares by the day. I think it would be best for him to stay with you rather than taking him away.” I looked up at her in shock. “Y-you mean it!?” She nodded and I hugged Felix tighter. She smiled at me and I kept hugging until I heard somepony talk and felt a light tapping on my forelegs. “S-scoots!...Can’t....breathe.....” I stopped hugging Felix and he gasped for breath. “Thank you.” I grinned sheepishly and pointed to the rest of the room. “Um... Felix. You may want to turn around.” He looked at me for a moment. “What are you....” He turned around and saw both the princesses looking at him. “Talking...about....” He looked around the room and his ears went flat as he saw how many ponies just saw him talk. “Oh....hehehe, um.... Hi?” ~Felix’s POV~ I slowly was coming back to the world of the waking. Seeing that amount of pink scared me. I cracked an eye open and saw that I was being held by Scoots. “Y-you mean it!?” I was confused for a moment until I started to suffocate from the strength of her hug. I tapped on her legs as best I could. “S-scoots!...Can’t....breathe.....” She let go some and I took in a large breath. “Thank you.” Nearly died right there from severe amounts of love. One would not think it would be possible if not experienced first hand. Scootaloo looked at me nervously after looking around. “Um... Felix.” She grinned sheepishly and pointed behind me. ”You may want to turn around.” “What are you....” I turned around and froze. There were two ponies standing in front of me that were larger than any other pony I had seen yet and I was in the middle of the library. “Talking... about....” I looked around the room and the room and saw Twilight holding a notepad next to Applejack, who's hat looked like it was about to fall off and join her jaw on the floor. Rainbow was glaring at me next to an unconscious white unicorn, and Fluttershy was gawking at me next to the pink one who was here as well, though she seemed less chipper than the other times I’ve seen her. “Oh.... hehehe, um.... Hi?” Well that blows that secret out of the water and makes it a good fifty feet in the air for all to see. The white pony directly in front of me knelt down to address me. “Greetings Felix, I am Princess Celestia, and this is my sister Luna.” I paled under my coat. I just got bowed to by ROYALTY! I really hope I haven’t screwed anything up. The dark blue, who I'm going to assume is Luna, one nodded. ”We would like to know more about your arrival into Equestria and who you were before then.” I blinked in confusion for a moment and my jaw fell to the ground. “W-w-wait.... You mean that you know that I’m....” She nodded and I felt like I was about to faint again. She knows that I am not of this world... OH GOD WHAT IF SHE WANTS ME DISSECTED!? Luna looked at her sister in a more mild confusion to my own. “Sister, what do you mean by ‘his arrival into Equestria’?” Celestia just smiled and looked at me and waved a hoof. I sighed and Scootaloo was looking at me in confusion. “I guess it’s story time then.” The ponies started to look at me as I hopped out of Scootaloo’s hooves and made my way onto the desk on the far side of the library. “I’m guessing that you all want me to elaborate on what Celestia said?” The ones that could nodded. I looked over to Scootaloo and smiled sadly. “You told me your past, It’s about time I told you mine. It all started when I adopted a cat and named him Milos....” > Angel 007: Golden Claw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8 ~Angel’s POV~ I was sitting in my house staring at some of the fake pictures on the walls when I heard knocking from the roof. “Angel? Mama’s going to be gone for a bit so you’re in charge till I get back.” I grinned and got off my couch. “When the caretaker’s away, it’s time for Angel Bunny to play.” I hopped over to one of the back walls and pulled on a miniature light fixture. The wall slid back and sank into the floor to reveal an elevator I built in ages ago. I stepped in and pressed one of the only two buttons on the panel before the door closed and I began my descent. On the way down I reached over to a small cubby that was in the elevator and pulled out a pair of sunglasses that were made to fit smaller creatures. The ponies here seemed to have a thing for dressing up pets in what I assume is the capital city. While I’ve never been there myself, I heard from some pets that moved here that it’s annoying to no end. I still found having the sunglasses to be enjoyable though. The elevator stopped moving down and started to push forward. it wasn’t long before it stopped at it’s destination and opened. I left the elevator and entered a large circular room housing other elevator doors of various sizes. The largest having a bone with an apple behind it, while the smaller ones had an opal and a diamond trio, a green scale on a balloon, a brown feather and a flame on a six pointed star, and the latest addition; a tortoise shell on a rainbow bolt of lightning. I walked over to the table that layed in the center and flipped open a small compartment to reveal a red button. I pressed it and a microphone popped out of the button. “Everyone, report in.” There was a rumbling as the doors on the other elevators shook. When they opened, all of my allies arrived but one. The largest door remained shut. “Where is Winona?” Gummy was wearing a tophat and calmly drank from some tea that he brought. “She’s out on a hunt for the feline you were talking about last time.” Opalescence took a seat across from me. “She’s still going on about that silly tom you were talking about?” She looked up in thought. “I wonder what he’s like...” Owlowiscious shook his head. “We have some bigger problems right now Opal.” PeeWee, our newest member, nodded. “Ya! He’s back at the library talking to Twilight and Spike! I didn’t think that they could speak cat!” Tank finally made it to his spot next to the table. “Well what are we waiting for?” His propellers started to spin a little. “Let’s get moving. We can’t have him let the ponies know we can talk.” He hovered over to his elevator and got in. The others followed with their own things to say. I looked over at them. “And do what? Do you have a plan?” Tank stopped and shook his head. “I thought not, I’ll go with Owlowiscious and see what we can do to stop him from chatting up any more of the ponies. You guys just go home and do whatever.” Owlowiscious nodded and I moved over to his elevator. Tank yawned before heading to his, “I’m going to go home and sleep.” Opal entered her elevator. “Owlowiscious, are you sure you’re not just sleep deprived?” Owlowiscious shook his head. “Yes Opal, now if you'll excuse me.” His elevator closed and the three of us, Owlowiscious, Peewee, and myself, were headed to the Library. The door opened at a upper branch silently and we stepped out and peered down at the main room. What I saw wasn’t something I was wanting to see. “Dang it, he’s talking with the Princesses!” Owlowiscious narrowed his eyes. “What should we do?” I hopped back to the elevator and held a paw over the button. “You fly down and snatch him up. We toss him into the elevators and bring him to the main base.” He nodded and turned to Peewee. Peewee saluted and grabbed a white ball from behind one of the branches. “What is that?” Down below, Felix had hopped off of the desk and Owlowiscious smirked. “Smoke bomb.” Peewee innocently dropped the ball and the room was flooded with smoke. Down below the ponies were all coughing and looking around the now smoke filled room. “What in tarnation!” Owlowiscious swooped down and grabbed Felix. “Hey! Let me go!” I heard a squawk as Owlowiscious flew back up empty handed. “The little bugger bit me!” “I’ll clear this out!” The rainbow pegasus flapped her wings and the smoke started to clear out of the room. I sighed and looked down at the room with disdain. “Mission abort, We’ll catch him later.” ~Scootaloo’s POV~ I was confused at what the princesses had said when Felix sighed “I guess it’s story time then.” Felix jumped out of my hooves and ran over to the other side of the room. “I’m guessing that you all want me to elaborate on what Celestia said?” Felix smiled sadly at me as everypony nodded. “You told me your past, It’s about time I told you mine.” “It all started when I adopted a cat and named him Milos. He was just a kitten at the time, but over a couple years he got older and bigger. And most importantly, became the most annoying thing in existence.” I was confused by what he was saying. Adopted a cat? But isn’t he a cat? Wait, maybe it’s like when a pony adopts a kid! That would make Felix a dad! Cool! “One day, about a week ago, I was headed to bed when Milos suddenly got onto my bed and summoned a horde of butterflies. He then used said butterflies to send me here, to Equestria, and turned me into a cat.” ......huh?..... Rainbow looked up at him and gave him a confused stare. “Wait, you were turned into a cat? I call horsefeathers!” Felix nodded. “Yes, I was. What? Did you think normal cats talked on a regular basis?” Rainbow glared some before moving back to her seat. “Anyways, as I was saying, I wasn’t always a cat. I used to be what you would call a human.” The others gasped except for Celestia. I cocked my head to the side and looked at Felix. “What’s a human? Is it one of those things that Lyra always goes on about?” She said that they’re... like hairless monkeys or something... I don’t remember. Twilight looked like she was about to have a small mental breakdown after hearing him. Her mane was starting to stick up into a frizzy mess like when she went bonkers and popped out of that rubber ball last year. “B-but humans don’t exist! They’re myths! Myths do not exist!” Felix rolled his eyes. “And where I’m from so were unicorns and pegasi. But lo and behold, here I am with both in front of me.” He hopped down and started to walk over to Celestia. “That sums up how I got here, now for who I am-” There suddenly was a small bang and everything was covered in smoke. Applejack started to cough along with everypony else. “What in tarnation!” A blur moved through the smoke and I could hear Felix yowl in shock. What’s with all this smoke! W-what’s going on! Fluttershy was waving a hoof in front of her face and was silhouetted from the smoke. “I-I-I can’t see anything!” There was a squawk as the shadowy blur split in two and I heard a thump when one landed on the floor. Rainbow shouted over the smoke. “I’ll clear this out!” The smoke started to clear out of the room with a powerful gust of wind. When the smoke was gone, I was still coughing some and clearing my eyes. When I could see again, Felix was laying on the ground groaning. “Ow....” I ran over and picked him up. “That hurt.” I looked at his head and found a knot under his fur. “Are you okay Felix?” He looked up and grinned. “Yeah, just a bump on the noggin. I’ve had worse.” He winced and rubbed his head where the knot was. “Of course.... I was about a dozen times bigger then, but what can you do?” Fluttershy came over and was looking at the knot on his head while Twilight was slumped into a table. “Now I owe Lyra a hundred bits.....” Applejack nodded. “You and about everypony else in town.” Felix sighed and continued to rub his head. “Can I please get back to what I was saying?” Celestia nodded. “Yes, I believe we all very much would like to hear about who you were before all of this.” He nodded and cleared his throat. “Well besides being a human, I was just some guy in all honesty. I worked a 9 to 5 job, got paid, went home, and paid bills. I had brown hair, blue eyes and was only about average in height.” I looked at him and poked his nose. “You still have blue eyes.” He blinked. “Really? That’s pretty cool. Anyways, there isn’t really much to say about friends and family. Loving mom and dad, couple of close friends. Not much, but it was all I needed.” His ears folded back, “I kinda miss them though. Especially Jason.” I looked around and was taking in everypony’s reactions. Rarity looked at Felix with this weird look, kinda like she was planning something. I almost asked a question when I was interrupted by a yawn. Fluttershy noticed and walked over. “Are you feeling okay, Scootaloo?” That drew everyone else’s attention to me as well. I nodded lazily. “Yeah, just a little,” another yawn escaped, ”Tired.” Rainbow got off of the couch and trotted over to me and Felix. “How ‘bout I give ya a lift home squirt? You look ready to pass out.” I snapped awake and looked away. “N-no it’s okay, really. They’re.... on a business trip, so it’s kinda quiet and empty at home. That and they’re kinda forgetful and probably locked the door again.” I felt the lie weigh down on my thoughts. Celestia raised an eyebrow and I could feel my body freeze. “Is that so? Do your parents do this often?” I shook my head. “No, they don’t. But Dad keeps forgetting to get a spare key for me.” Another lie and more weight on my mind. Applejack started scratching her head. “But if ya were locked out of yer house, where have ya been sleepin?” Twilight looked over at her. “I think where we found Felix should answer that.” She turned her attention to me. “Is that right Scootaloo?” I cringed a little but nodded. “I... sometimes, stay in the clubhouse.” It was a truth technically, and I did start to feel a little weight lift off of my shoulders when I said it. Celestia looked like she was in thought as Fluttershy gasped. “Oh my... Scootaloo, why didn’t you tell anypony? I’m sure that Applejack or Rainbow would have let you spend the night at their homes.” I shifted back and forth in place. I could feel this whole conversation going downhill with every lie I was telling. I really hope that Celestia and Luna can’t read minds. “I... I didn’t want anypony to worry about me...” Or send me to the orphanage again. Felix was looking back between me and the other ponies before he started to grin. “Hey Twilight? Is it alright if we spend the night here?” Twilight winced slightly and started to rub the back of her head. “Well... I would, but I would need to clear out the guest room to do so and it’s currently filled with my stored lab equipment. Sorry Scootaloo.” My ears folded back and I looked at the rest of the room. Rarity was nervously looking around. “The boutique doesn’t really have any room with Sweetie currently being there at the moment...” Pinkie was bouncing up and down. “You could stay with me! We’d have parties, and eat sweets, and have even more parties...” Fluttershy shuffled her hooves. “Well... she could always....” Rainbow puffed out her chest. “I could take care of her no problem! What kind of awesome role model would I be if I didn’t?” Applejack just looked at her unamused. “Ya really think ya can take care of a little filly? I’ve seen yer house Rainbow! It’s a miracle you don’t get lost in there with how much Wonderbolt stuff is just layin' around.” Fluttershy raised a hoof and spoke just a little louder. “I have an extra room back at my cottage... she could always....” The others kept bickering over different details (mostly Felix when it came to Rarity and Rainbow) and she kept trying to get their attention before Fluttershy did something I haven’t really seen her do. “GIRLS!” The others stopped talking and stared at Fluttershy while she blushed. “I, um.... I could take her in... u-u-until her parents get back of course.” Celestia and Luna both smiled at Fluttershy’s offer. Celestia’s smile seemed proud while the smile Luna gave towards me had just a hint of sadness. “That would be very kind of you Fluttershy.” Celestia looked up at one of the clocks and closed her eyes. “And it seems that Luna and I need to take our leave. Goodnight everypony,” Celestia leaned closer to me before whispering, “And good luck.” As they walked away, Luna gave me a quick wink and a moment later they were gone. Everypony was silent and it was getting really awkward. Fluttershy broke the silence when she trotted up to me. “W-well, I think we better get going.” She turned to the rest of the room. “Good night everypony.” Rainbow nodded. “I got to get up early anyways for weather duty. Later girls!” She shot out of the door in a rainbow streak and Pinkie followed after while waving. Applejack let out a long yawn before shaking her head. “Whoa nelly. It is gettin’ late. See ya later girls. That playdate for our critters still up for tomorrow?” Rarity nodded and followed Applejack out. “Indeed it is Applejack, but first we need to get some rest. Have a good night Fluttershy, Twilight. We’ll see you tomorrow.” I let out a long yawn and Fluttershy knelt down. I groggily climbed onto her back and sprawled out my limbs as I started to fall asleep. I couldn’t help but smile as I felt someone nuzzle me. It’s probably Felix.... And I’m going to sleep in an actual bed for the first time in awhile!... I felt Fluttershy start to take off with me and Felix on her back after a few words with Twilight. I'm not really sure what they were, but at the time I didn't care. I was too tired. > A Calm Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9 ~Felix’s POV~ I sat behind Scootaloo on Fluttershy’s back as we walked down the streets of Ponyville. True to Scootaloo’s tiredness, the streets were starting to clear out and not many ponies were still outside. The ones that were, were either headed home or packing up so that they could head home. I had curled up and was starting to doze off when I noticed that we weren’t headed for Fluttershy’s cottage. The apple orchard that was coming into view proved that. “Um, excuse me... Fluttershy?” Fluttershy stopped and turned her head to look at me over Scootaloo’s sleeping form. “Oh, um... Yes Felix?” I pointed back over to the apple trees with a claw. “Why are we headed back to Applejack’s farm? I thought we were headed to your home?” Fluttershy’s eyes darted back and forth while she turned away. “Oh, um well.... I thought that we could stop by the Cutie mark Crusaders’ clubhouse and pick up the stuff that I gave Scootaloo to... well.... take care of you.” I blinked a few times before facepawing. “That makes absolute sense.” Man I’m dumb today. First getting caught in a tree, then I get drugged, expose the fact I can talk and ALMOST get Scootaloo’s secret out in the- I felt my back clench in fear and turned to look at Scootaloo. OH CRAP! All of Scoot’s stuff is in the clubhouse! If Fluttershy finds it, she’s SCREWED! We passed through the gates to the orchard and I looked at the approaching farm house. “But uh, Fluttershy? Wouldn’t it make more sense to come and grab this tomorrow when Scoots is awake to help?” Fluttershy stopped and put a hoof to her chin for a moment. “Well, you do have a point. It would be a little hard to carry both you and Scootaloo while holding anything she left there.” I inwardly shouted in triumph while I nodded. “Exactly, so let’s head on to your house an-” “Miss Fluttershy?” We both turned to look at the source of the voice and saw Big Mac the burger pony standing on the porch. “What are you doing here?” I quickly started to act like a normal cat and curled up next to Scootaloo. Oh for the love of- Just what were the odds!? Fluttershy started to stammer as she looked over at Big Mac. “Oh, um... w-well, I was j-just coming over to pick up s-some of the things I gave S-S-Scootaloo from the Clubhouse.” The large red pony smiled a little before trotting up next to us. “Would ya’ll mind if ah helped?” Fluttershy smiled a little before the two of them began moving towards the clubhouse. I noticed the large farmer eyeing me and Scootaloo before he looked at Fluttershy. “Miss Fluttershy? If ya don’t mind me askin’, why do ya have Applebloom’s friend and a cat on yer back?” She looked back at Scoots and sighed. “Well, we and the girls were talking to her about her pet cat Felix, and we found out that her parents accidentally locked her out of her house and that she’s been staying inside her and her friends’ clubhouse. So I decided that it would be fine to let her and Felix stay with me until her parents get back.” Big Mac raised an eyebrow and nodded. “That so?” He looked over at me. “Ah was wonderin’ what had Winonna so riled up. Guess this explains that and why some of our apples have been disappearing’ lately.” Fluttershy looked shocked and glanced back at Scootaloo as Mac kept talking. “Not that ah can be mad at her. She was just tryin’ ta feed herself.” The rest of the walk over to the clubhouse was silent aside from a few crickets chirping. Fluttershy was either looking at the path, or back at Scootaloo. Big Mac was stoic as ever after he connected the dots on where some of his apples were being taken. It was rather intimidating, frankly. I was starting to get legitimately worried that he’d punt me into the unknown with how large he was. That wasn’t all though. This guy was clearly smarter than he looked and acted. I’d figured out that Scootaloo had been staying inside that clubhouse for almost two years now. The whole, ‘I was locked out of my house for a while and needed something to eat’ wasn’t going to fly very well. It’s one thing if it’s just for a little bit and it stops, but it’s another thing entirely if food’s been going missing for two years. It wasn’t long before we arrived at the clubhouse and I hopped off of Fluttershy’s back. She called out for me to wait, but I kept the normal cat routine and went inside anyways. When I got inside I could only sigh and move over to the cubby that Scootaloo hid all her stuff in. Sorry Scoots, but I could see this falling apart from a mile away. And I have a feeling that Fluttershy will lead to a better outcome than whatever form of social services is in this world finding out. As Fluttershy and Big Mac came into the building, I jumped into her cubby and curled around the photo of her parents. I stayed there until Fluttershy and Big Mac passed where I was. They looked around a bit until Fluttershy asked Big Mac to help with the cat supplies. As he went upstairs and Fluttershy stayed in the main room, I let out a meow and drew Fluttershy’s attention. “Oh, there you are Felix. Why’d you run off like that.” I looked over at the photo and motioned my head towards it. Fluttershy tentatively reached in and pulled out me and the photo. I took a quick glance at the stairwell and was pleased to see that Big Mac was still moving stuff around upstairs before I spoke. “It’s a picture of Scootaloo’s parents. I figured that it’d be something she’d want to keep around.” Fluttershy blinked a few times in shock before smiling softly. “I see. I’ll just take this with us back to the cottage and give it to her when she wakes up.” As Fluttershy tucked the picture under her wing, I mentally facepalmed and hopped onto her back again. Okay..... not the outcome I thought would happen. I looked down at Scoots and sighed sadly. I know I shouldn’t betray her trust, but she’s just a kid. She needs someone to look after her who isn’t a feline that’s hardly half her size. It wasn’t long after that Big Mac came down from the upper floor and was holding all of Scoot’s cat supplies (AKA My Stuff) on his back and nodded at Fluttershy. “Ah found all of the supplies. Ya find anything down here?” Fluttershy stammered a little before nodding. “Y-yes, I did. Just a few of Scootaloo’s things. They’re not too heavy so I’ll be fine.” Big Mac nodded with a small smile before we all left the building. On the way out, Mac also grabbed Scootaloo’s scooter from under the clubhouse. It seemed almost impossible for him to carrying so much stuff. I mean he was holding my climbing post, food, and other stuff on his back and was still able to carry Scoot’s scooter in his mouth. The walk back to the entrance of the farm again was silent. When we passed by the main house, Applejack was wondering why Big Mac was out and about, but took Fluttershy’s explanation on why she was here with him. I could have sworn I saw a mischievous glint in the farmer’s eyes before she let Mac leave the farm. “Ya’ll be nice ta her now Mac!” Big Macintosh grumbled under his breath a little and Fluttershy blushed. When they got off of the farm property and were a ways down the road, Mac spoke up. “Miss Fluttershy, have you tried explaining to her that we’re just friends? Ah’ve gotten tired of attemptin’.” Fluttershy sighed a little at that and nodded. “Yes Big Mac. I have, and she still says that it’s nonsense and we’re perfect for each other.” Fluttershy and Big Mac didn’t say anything after that, and it was in no time at all that we were back inside Fluttershy’s cottage. Fluttershy looked back at Big Mac after he helped get everything inside. “Thank you for the help Big Mac.” Big Macintosh nodded and turned to leave and gave her a curt nod. “Anything for a friend Miss Fluttershy.” With that, Mac left the house and I was left in the living room with Fluttershy and a sleeping Scootaloo. I started to rub the back of my head and looked over at Scoots. “So where is she going to sleep?” Fluttershy smiled and started up the stairs. “She’ll be in my room Felix. You can sleep in there with her if you want to.” I followed her up and hopped onto the bed as she tucked Scootaloo in. I looked up at her and cocked my head to the side a little. “If she’s taking your bed, where are you sleeping?” Fluttershy started to walk out of the room and gave me a soft smile. “I’ll be downstairs on the couch. Don’t worry about me Felix, I’ll be fine.” I would have argued further, but when you’re still a foot tall and covered in tricolored fur, you tend to have less sway in arguments. I sighed and curled up next to Scootaloo, who draped a hoof over me as soon as I did. “Alright. We’ll see you in the morning Fluttershy.” Fluttershy nodded before blinking. She started giggling to herself and walking back into the room as I cocked my head to the side again. “Something funny?” She pulled out the picture of Scootaloo’s family and placed it on the dresser. “No, I just realized I had forgotten about this.” Fluttershy leaned over and gave Scootaloo and myself both a peck on the head. “Good night you two.” I smiled up at her and nuzzled into Scootaloo. “You too Fluttershy.” I let out a small sigh as Scootaloo hugged me a little closer and slept soundly. I wonder why she was so calm around me. From what I’ve been told of her, she’s normally shy and timid around others, but she acted like she could talk to anyone when she interacted with me and Scootaloo. Maybe it’s cause I’m a cat. I seem to forget that sometimes. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep with Scoots to my back, her stomach pressed against me. Eh... I’ll think about it later. ~Angel’s POV~ I grumbled to myself as the elevator raised back into my house. “Dang cat. We were so close to catching him, and he manages to slip away just as we nabbed him.” I flopped onto my couch and rubbed my face, attempting to relieve the stress this idiot seems to be causing. “How did he even manage to bite Owlowiscious in the first place?” I looked out the window of my house and sighed. “And the caretaker isn’t even in her bed... wait.” I got up and took a closer look. Sure enough, the bed was not occupied by the yellow pegasus, but instead- “You’re kidding me.” Hopping out of my house, I quickly got onto my roof and saw that blasted furball sleepin with the smaller orange pegasus that took him away the first time he was here. I hopped back down to my front door and opened it before looking back up at the bed. “Well then Felix, it seems I’ll be talking to you tomorrow. And you had better answer all my questions with what I want to hear.” I stepped into my house and quickly got to the second floor bedroom. I flopped onto my bed and stared at the ceiling with a scowl. “Or I’m going to be one angry bunny.” > A Night of Nights > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10 ~Felix's POV~ I slowly woke with a wide yawn as the moonlight poured in through the window. I looked over at the open curtains in confusion before shrugging. ‘Yet another cat thing; waking up in the middle of the night.’ I slowly pulled myself from Scootaloo, who was dead asleep, and moved over to the window. I looked up at the moon and smiled. “Wow that’s pretty.” I stayed up on the windowsill and stared at the moon for a moment longer before my ear flicked in the direction of the moon. ‘What was...’ I listened closer and I could hear... singing? I listened longer and eventually I could make out the words. My eyebrows(?) shot up as I recognized the song being sung from an old movie I had watched when I was human. ‘Oh hey I know this song! Hocus Pocus for the win.’ I kept watching the moon as the singing continued and pictured myself floating through the air with Scootaloo and the moon shining down on the two of us. It was a lovely image, but I eventually got bored of that and hopped back over to Scoots. I laid my head over her shoulder, purring as I got comfy and looked out the window again. My purrs seemed to keep matching the singing no matter what I did to try not to. Scootaloo was smiling in her sleep as a lone figure flew over the moon and the singing came to an end. A few moments later, to my surprise, Princess Luna landed outside the cottage in the back yard, before she soundlessly teleported into the room and looked down at me. “Hello Felix. I was wondering whose dreams ended so early into my night.” I looked at her in confusion. “Um... dreams?” ‘Okay... if she can look into dreams, then that’s creepy.’ She nodded and sat down next to the bed. “That’s right, dreams.” ‘[Creepiness intensifies].’ “As the princess of the night, it’s my duty to insure the safety of not only my ponies’ in their homes, but in their dreams and sleep as well.” Oh....okay. Still rather creepy though. She looked over at Scootaloo and smiled softly. “Her dreams have been plagued by nightmares for as long I have been in this age, but you seem to be helping stop them just by being with her.” I nodded a few times and looked up at her again. “Alright. Dreamwalking Princesses. So I do have a quick question though. Did you come down here just to tell me that, or is there more to this visit?” Luna looked over at me with an amused grin. “Actually, it just so happened to cross my mind that most of your actions from the story you told us were, oh how to put it?... Irrational. I decided that rather than pondering the question of why you did what you did myself, I’d come down and let you explain.” She leaned in until her face was right in front of mine. “So I ask you Felix. Why did you pretend to be a common pet, instead of simply asking for help from my sister’s pupil and her friends?” I could feel myself blush under my fur and rubbed the back of my head. “Eheheh, funny story about that. But if you want me to answer that to the best of my abilities, I’m going to need a few minutes to ramble.” and hopefully not blurt out exactly what pushed for that choice of action. Luna tapped her chin with a hoof as she looked up at the ceiling. “Well... I do have a few minutes before my next court meeting.” She smiled softly and looked over towards me once again. “Go right ahead young Felix.” The next five or so minutes were spent collecting and telling the Princess everything I could remember about my actions on day 1 through now. Once I had finished telling Luna what I could, I sat there in front of her with my blush slowly growing in intensity. “So.... yeah~, I wasn’t exactly thinking when I had first come up with the scheme.” Luna had a bemused smile on her face as she looked down at me. “Clearly. Did you truly believe you were dreaming? I’ve known ponies to become lucid when dreaming, but reality tends to be unchangeable.” I sighed and slumped forwards, splaying my paws in every direction. “Well, I wasn’t a cat before hand ya know.” I paused for a moment before tapping my chin. “Or should I say “before paw” now? I do have a lack of hands at the moment.” Luna chuckled a little as she started petting me. “You’re getting off topic.” Her smile fell completely as she leaned closer to look me in the eye. “Now why don’t you tell me the actual reason for your actions? I can tell from your dreams, no matter how short they last, that there is something you fear greatly, and fear can motivate all thinking beings to behave irrationally.” I paled under my coat, even as she continued to pet me. “I...” I looked away for a moment before nervously pawing at my tail. “I’d rather not say.” Luna was silent for a moment before she sighed. “Very well, I shall not press further.” She got up and unfurled her wings as the window opened in a blue haze. “I must be off now, my next court meeting is in a few minutes.” She looked back at me before smiling and turning to the night sky. Before she took off though, she paused and looked over at me again. “I almost forgot, I also came by to let you know we felt something change a few hours ago, in a similar manner that we felt a change when you arrived.” I blinked a few times before she bowed slightly. “It has been a pleasure talking to you, Felix. We’ll be off now.” I bowed towards the lunar princess and smiled. “As has talking to you, Princess.” I got up from my bow and looked around to find Luna nowhere to be seen. I hopped over to the window and looked up to see her fly away through the air before disappearing in a flash. I sighed before scampering back over to my spot near Scoots. I looked down at her for a moment before sighing again and laying my head on her shoulder once more. I couldn’t really sleep after that. Part of me was angry for being indirect and rude (sort of) to a princess, and the other half was praising me for not getting too deep into my own insecurities. Man I hate talking about that kind of stuff. And finally, there was that wiggling confusion as to what exactly she meant by ‘change similar to when I got here’. Did someone else show up? Either way, for the moment, it was a blank and dreamless sleep while cuddling Scootaloo. I did eventually manage to fall asleep though. Even that still seemed to be haunted by the beautiful tune Luna had sung earlier. No seriously, I couldn’t get the song out of my head. At all. ... ... ... Nope, it’s still there. ~3rd POV: Sweetie’s room~ Sweetie Belle slept softly in her room as the night crept on, silent to the world. Outside the bedroom door, Opalescence was calmly grooming herself. She looked around the boutique for a brief moment. “It sure does get lonely in here by myself.” She smirked and continued to groom her paw before heading down the stairs towards some fabric rolls. “It’s still better than all the racket Rarity causes. What was I thinking when I chose her as my owner?” She hopped up on the fabric and started kneading the interwoven violet thread into a soft bed for herself. “Still, at least she buy’s lots of plush, soft fabrics and wonderful food.” If Opalescence had not begun to nap downstairs, she would have noticed something start inside Sweetie’s bedroom. Inside the room, just as Opalescence had left, a small white feather, glowing softly in the darkness, fell to the ground. It was soon followed by several more feathers, all of them containing a variety of colors from white to black to reds and greens. The most prominent color was yellow, as the feathers began to build into a pile in the corner of the room. When the last feather landed on the pile, a brief flash from the feathers lit up the room before fading away completely. Sweetie, who had been disturbed by the sudden shift in light, stirred in her sleep. “Huh wha-?” Drearily, she looked around her room, trying to find where the light had come from. When she could not find anything different in the darkness of her bedroom, Sweetie yawned softly and curled back into her bed. “Must be... my imagination...” Once her head laid once more on her pillow, the room was filled with the soft snores of young unicorn. There was an additional noise though, that filled the air. One that was unnoticed by the small filly, as it was hidden by her own sleep. The breathing of something that now lay in the pile of feathers, that sat in the corner of her room. ~Felix POV~ With a yawn I stretched out of Scootaloo’s slumbering grip and into the morning light that bathed the bedding. “Oooooh that was a good nap.” I turned back to Scootaloo and pawed at her eyes. “Wakey wakey sleepyhead.” Scootaloo grumbled and pushed my paws (and me) away from her face. “No... five more minutes.” I pursed my lips and mock frowned. “I see how it is, trying to sleep in. Avoiding the sacred task, that is feeding me, loving me, and giving all your attention to me.” I made my way closer to her head and grinned devilishly as I saw Scootaloo try to hide her giggles. “For this transgression, against all that is holy and feline, you must be punished!” I flopped onto her head and curled up. “Until you get up, your head is my bed.” Both of our ears perked up as we heard soft giggles coming from the door, I was about to look over when Scoots turned her head and caused me to flop off. When I got back to my paws, I looked over and saw Fluttershy barely holding back her own laughter. Just because I could right then, I made a silly face while tilting my head to the side. I will not lie, for the next couple of minutes, every living being in that room (though I’m not sure about the demon rabbit) was laughing at my silly face and antics. Fluttershy’s laughter was calmer than the rest of us, but Scootaloo is a filly who has never really seen any funny cat pictures that are infamous on the web, and I’m a scatterbrained nitwit. What did you expect to happen? A calm breakfast? Insidently, that actually was what happened next, and was the original reason Fluttershy had come upstairs. Once we were down stairs and not choking on air, Scootaloo was lead into the kitchen and I was given some food just outside the door. “Here you go Felix. Go ahead and eat up.” I nodded at the butter pegasus and smiled. “Thanks for the food Fluttershy.” She smiled back as I dug into the meaty goodness. I swallowed the large portion in my mouth before sighing. “To think... not five months ago, I would have called someone crazy for saying I’d enjoy catfood.” As I ate the fish flavored food, I couldn’t help but feel that today would be a strange day. Well, strange compared to everything else I’ve been subjected to, but that’s another topic. So yeah, today would either be strange, or that demon rabbit is watching me from somewhere out of sight. Oh no wait, I see him. He’s glaring at me with intensity from the corner. > As Billy Mays once said... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11 ~Scootaloo’s POV~ After Fluttershy woke me up, and Felix made us all laugh, she lead us down into her kitchen. I hopped up into one of the chairs at the table as Fluttershy started to dig through some cabinets. Once she finished pulling out some bags of cat and rabbit food and filling a pair of bowls, she looked over at me with a smile. “Give me just a moment, I’ll make our breakfast as soon as Felix and Angel gets theirs.” I smiled back and nodded. “Alright.” Fluttershy took both bowls out to the living room and placed Felix’s down first. “Here you go Felix.” For a moment after that, I could hear Felix thanking her, and then talking to himself. He’d been doing that alot lately, and it was starting to worry me. “Maybe I should take him to Sweetie’s some. I think he and Opal might get along...” Fluttershy came back into the room before I could finish the thought and she looked upset. “Angel seems grumpy this morning.” “Really?” I blinked a bit in confusion. I remembered that rabbit always acting up, but Fluttershy would just smother him in attention. Fluttershy nodded. “I think he may be a little jealous of Felix. Maybe I should be giving him more attention...” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes a bit at that. Fluttershy shook her head after saying it though and turned back to me. “But let’s get some breakfast first. I’m sure you’re hungry too.” I was about to agree when somepony started to bang on the door, causing Fluttershy and a few animals to jump. “Fluttershy, darling, please tell me you’re awake!” Fluttershy pushed open the cabinet she had jumped into slightly. “R-rarity?” I got up from the table and went over to the door. When I opened it, I found Rarity standing there, mane disheveled, and panting like she had just run a marathon. “Oh thank goodness! I-” Rarity paused mid sentence and looked around for a moment before looking down, “Oh, Scootaloo. I forgot you were staying with Fluttershy. Is she home?” I nodded and pointed inside. “Yeah, you kinda scared her into a cabinet.” I let Rarity in and moved back into the kitchen. When I got there, Felix was purring and pawing at the bit of pink tail that was hanging out of the door. “Felix, Fluttershy, Rarity is here.” Felix stopped pawing at the strands of pink and looked over for a moment. “Oh hi again!” Fluttershy peeked out of the cabinet before smiling sheepishly. “Oh... um... thank you for getting the door Scootaloo.” She climbed down from the cabinet and trotted over to Rarity as Felix started to paw at her tail while she walked. “What brings you over?” Rarity sighed as she tried to straighten her mane. “There’s been some trouble regarding Opalescence. Apparently, Sweetie brought a mouse home last night and didn’t tell me. So now she’s chasing the poor thing around the house trying to keep it away from Opal.” Fluttershy put a hoof to her mouth to cover a small gasp. “Oh dear...I’ll be right over.” She looked over at me with an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry Scootaloo... it seems breakfast will have to wait.” My ears fell back as I sighed in disappointment. Rarity winced slightly before looking over at Fluttershy. “I’m terribly sorry for this inconvenience.” Rarity seemed to perk up and looked back at me for a moment before turning back to Fluttershy. “How about I take her to get something in town while you save that poor little mouse from Opal. I tried to stop her myself, but she instantly went back to trying to hurt the dear.” Felix hopped up onto the counter and came closer. “How about I tag along? I can understand what’s being said, so maybe I can be of assistance.” I hopped out of the chair and ran over. “Can I help too?” Rarity and Fluttershy started to think about what I asked when Felix perked up. “Hey, why don’t all of us going to catch this mini menace, and then we all go out to eat with the exception of me, seeing as I already ate. Sound good?” I let him hop down on my back and gave him a smile. “Sounds good to me! What do you think Fluttershy? Can we?” Both of us gave her the CMC (and Felix)’s patented cutie eyes and smiled as innocently as possible. Fluttershy looked over at Rarity after staring at us for a moment. “Well... it does sound like a good idea.” Rarity nodded in agreement, though she seemed a little reluctant. “Alright then, Scootaloo can bring Felix. But he better not tear up my fabrics.” Felix huffed as we trotted out of Fluttershy’s house. “Hey, what do I look like? A stray? I am a dignified member of society!” I just laughed a bit as he posed and stuck out his chest, trying to look as regal as possible. The walk to Rarity’s was quiet for the most part. Fluttershy kept whispering to Rarity about something until Felix spoke up again. “Hey, is it getting nippy, or is it just me?” Fluttershy looked back and smiled. “Oh, that’s because it’s almost winter. Fall’s been rather warm lately, so the weather team are going to make winter extra cold this year.” ~3rd POV: Rarity’s Boutique~ Sweetie Belle scrunched her face a little in confusion as she looked at the little rodent in front of her, tilting her head to the side. “So you’re saying.... you used to be a thing called a human,” The small tan hamster nodded his head, crossing his little forelegs as he sat looking up at her. “Yep.” The filly’s head leaned over to the other side. “And now you’re a little mouse,” “Hamster, but yes, that’s right. I am indeed a rodent of the smaller stature.” Still looking at the rodent in confusion, Sweetie pointed at her own horn at the end. “And I’m not supposed to exist because I have a horn and can talk, and that makes this all not real?” The rodent grinned at her and gave a thumbs up. “Bingo.” They stared at each other for a few minutes before Sweetie leaned in a little bit closer and looked over the mouse worriedly. “Are you sure you’re okay? Opal did knock a really big book down on top of you.” The light brown rodent rolled his eyes and sighed. “Probably not. This more then likely is one giant hallucination or I’ve gone completely insane. I can’t really tell anymore.” The two stared at each other for a while, before Sweetie leaned down closer. “I’m Sweetie Belle, what’s your name?” “That’s not any of your concer-” Before he could finish, the little hamster found himself hoisted up in a pair of white hooves. “HEY! PUT ME DOWN!” A few moments later, the front door of the boutique opened. "The little dear should be right in- oh!" Rarity was standing in the doorway; surprise written across her face. As the little hamster tried to scurry away, Sweetie looked up and waved. “Hi Rarity! I caught the mouse!” “Hamster!” “And it talks!”