• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 16,957 Views, 598 Comments

A Feline's Point of View - Zman537

Former human turned talking cat amongst talking ponies. This will definately end well.

  • ...

Rainbow Wings (Reworked)

Chapter 1

I used to think that cats were one of the greatest animals you could ever have for a pet. That all they needed was attention, food, and a place to do the business. That's what I thought having a cat was like before I got the little monstrosity that has been the bane of all peaceful existence within my life and is the reason for my current situation.

"Felix, dude you ok?"

I groaned as I cracked open my eyes to see that I was still laying on the floor in my bedroom. The smug little bugger that just tripped me was grooming himself in the corner of my vision. My friend Jason helped me to my feet as I climbed onto my bed and started to rub my forehead. "Thanks man. I swear, one day I'm gonna kill that cat." Jason started to laugh at my expense and his laughter was contagious. This wasn't the first incident the tabby had caused and I had to admit it was one of the better ones.

To bad that it still was out weighed by all of the other problems.


"Yeah man?"

"I ever tell you why I hate that cat."

Jason groaned and started rubbing his temples "Not this again."

I socked him lightly on the arm. "Jerk." He just turned to me with his hazel eyes and gave me a blank expression that screamed 'really?' before we both burst into another fit of laughter.


Before I move on I probably should describe Jason and myself. Jason Smith Williams. He was a year older than me and was a dark haired, tall, and burly player for the high-school football team. He was Australian, but moved to the U.S. when his mom passed away. He lost the accent mostly, but still says the occasional "Croaiky" every now and again. Personally I think it's just him being a joker since we met in the fourth grade and have been friends ever since, but that's just me.

I, on the other hand, was from the states my whole life. My full name was Felix Alexander Preston. I was average in height and scrawny for my age, which by the way is 17. I was at the top of my class in both math and computer tech. This and my initials caused me to be the target for bullies. I stopped hearing from them when I befriended Jason, but it started up again when Middle School started. I stopped it for good when I decked some guy freshman year, I didn't even know who the guy was! I also had this affinity for animals that I can't really explain. People's pets would just calm down after I saw them or got near them.

All except for cats though. Furred devils.

~Back to the present~

Yawning and looking at my clock, I noticed it was getting late. "Well it's been fun Jason, but I need my sleep. We both got those exams tomorrow."

Jason sighed and slowly stood up. "Yeah, and you better tell me how you do. I want to see who does better."

I cocked an eyebrow and stared at him. "Is this part of that bet you made last week?"

"NO!.... maybe....." My stare didn't even falter before he sighed in defeat. "Yes."

I started to grin devilishly. "And what were the conditions for you defeat again?"

He playfully turned and socked me in the chest "I thought that you needed sleep?" We both started laughing before we said our goodbyes. I took a quick shower and got into bed. My mind started drifting to how my life has changed since I got my cat.

At first, when I brought him home, I found him to be sweet innocent and adorable, but that was just because he was a kitten at the time. After a few years though he started to run around like he was on constant drugs. He would bolt down the narrow hall, and actually bounce off the walls. He broke more stuff that I could afford to replace, so I just stopped putting pictures in small frames and hung them above his reach or stored them in trunks. He even tripped me at the top of a flight of stairs once. I broke my arm and one of my feet from that incident. If Jason wasn't so loyal as a friend then I would have died from trying to live in my own home along side that demon.

Food was starting to get really pricey as well. Almost a third of my paycheck was required to keep that cat fed for two weeks, and that's if he didn't sneak into the bag. I even found him in the kitchen pantry with his butt sticking out like a flag as he was gorging himself. What I don't spend on him is used to get me food, pay bills and rent, and the last 1% goes to my entertainment funds of twenty bucks a month.

The shedding was a problem also. I failed ten different job interviews cause the manager or whoever saw hair from his furry hide on me. My girlfriend even dumped me because she thought that I was cheating on her because she pulled one off my shoulder. We had been going steady BEFORE I brought him into my home! She knew that I had a cat with light orange fur, but she wouldn't listen. She knew that I would never do that to her, but she didn't care. She even found some other guy to be with the next day.

It seemed that all my problems stemmed from this one entity.

My tabby cat, Milos.

The same cat that was still licking his crown jewels at the foot of my bed as my life fell apart.

"Night Milo, I hate your guts!" He let out a long meow in response. Probably saying 'I hate yours to' or something along those lines. With nothing more to do I grabbed my headphones and MP3 before falling asleep to the greatest song in history.

Some time around midnight I woke up to a sharp pain in my foot. "Gah! Damn it Milo, Quit clawing my feet!" I looked down to find and toss the little bugger, but to my surprise he wasn't there. Instead he was sitting on my pillow that had fallen to the floor. "Huh... But what?" I sat up and looked at my foot to see if it had a thorn or something but found nothing. Deciding it was best to get back to bed I laid back down. Before I could close my eyes the strangest thing I have ever seen flew in front of me, landing on Milo's waiting paw.

A glowing multi-colored butterfly.

I sat there dumbfounded. Not only was there a flying pair of glowing wings that looked like it came from my Paper Mario game in my room, but also Milo hadn't attempted to eat it yet. Instead he gently pressed his nose to the butterfly's head, causing it to burst into many more butterflies. I must be on some serious drugs. They all found a place to rest on the walls of my room and some on Milo. The Tabby then sauntered up into my lap and placed his paw over my heart.

That was when hell broke loose.

The butterflies took off and started to swarm around me. I panicked as they flew faster and faster until I began to lift into the air. My vision began to blur and all I could see was Milo sitting calmly in front of me. The butterflies became a rainbow tornado of color as his eyes glowed with a bright white light and I began to get light headed. The last thing I remember before blacking out was what happened next.

"Good bye my friend, enjoy your new life."

and with that I fell from existence.

POV Scootaloo

This is so BORING! Me and the Crusaders had decided to help Fluttershy and see if we had missed something that would help us find our cutie marks last time, but so far all we've done is garden and take care of some chickens, and NONE of us have gotten a cutie mark! "Girls, I say we call it quits. We've been here for hours and haven't found a thing."

Applebloom dropped her bag of soil and turned towards me. "No way! Ah jus' know our cutie marks have somethin' ta do with these here plants."

Sweetie popped her head out from some chives she was collecting. "I don't know Applebloom, maybe we're not meant to be herbalists." She looked at some chives that were stuck in her hair. "Or gardeners for that matter."

"What are you, a dictionary? Let's just go tell Fluttershy we're leave-..." I never got to finish that sentence when a butterfly landed on my nose. It was one of the most awesome things I had ever seen. Every color of the rainbow was in it's wings, just like Rainbow's mane. After a second of rest it took off and more butterflies showed up. At that moment, the back door to the cottage opened.

"Girls, It's getting late. You probably should start heading- *Gasp*"

Applebloom ran up to her and me and Sweetie followed. "Fluttershy, do ya know what kind ah butterfly that is?"

Fluttershy just stared ahead muttering something, before she started to walk closer to them. The butterflies had started to move to the center of the clearing as all four of us watched in awe as they piled together. Then suddenly in a flurry of colors they shot into the sky, vanishing from view. As the others kept watching the sky, I looked back at where they were and couldn't believe my eyes. Where there was nothing earlier was now a cat with three different colors. I ran up to it and checked to see if it was alive. "Whoa! Girls look at this!" I yelled as I felt it's heartbeat.

Fluttershy came over and gasped again before picking it up and bringing it to her cottage. She called over her shoulder that we needed to head home before she left. Reluctantly, we climbed onto my scooter and I took Sweetie home first, Applebloom second. As soon as she was out of view, I sped to the clubhouse. I entered and grabbed my sleeping bag for our sleepovers. I ate some apples I had stashed under a loose floorboard before going to sleep. I tossed and turned that night as the cat that appeared earlier would not leave my mind.

Never had sleep been this difficult.

End Chapter 1

Author's Note:

Just going thought the story and finding all those little nit-bits that I missed before I had Kightmare as an editor. Didn't really want to bug him with this though so I did it myself. It's a good thing my writing has improved since I first wrote this.