• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 16,950 Views, 598 Comments

A Feline's Point of View - Zman537

Former human turned talking cat amongst talking ponies. This will definately end well.

  • ...

A Calm Night

Chapter 9

~Felix’s POV~

I sat behind Scootaloo on Fluttershy’s back as we walked down the streets of Ponyville. True to Scootaloo’s tiredness, the streets were starting to clear out and not many ponies were still outside. The ones that were, were either headed home or packing up so that they could head home. I had curled up and was starting to doze off when I noticed that we weren’t headed for Fluttershy’s cottage. The apple orchard that was coming into view proved that. “Um, excuse me... Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy stopped and turned her head to look at me over Scootaloo’s sleeping form. “Oh, um... Yes Felix?”

I pointed back over to the apple trees with a claw. “Why are we headed back to Applejack’s farm? I thought we were headed to your home?”

Fluttershy’s eyes darted back and forth while she turned away. “Oh, um well.... I thought that we could stop by the Cutie mark Crusaders’ clubhouse and pick up the stuff that I gave Scootaloo to... well.... take care of you.”

I blinked a few times before facepawing. “That makes absolute sense.” Man I’m dumb today. First getting caught in a tree, then I get drugged, expose the fact I can talk and ALMOST get Scootaloo’s secret out in the- I felt my back clench in fear and turned to look at Scootaloo. OH CRAP! All of Scoot’s stuff is in the clubhouse! If Fluttershy finds it, she’s SCREWED! We passed through the gates to the orchard and I looked at the approaching farm house. “But uh, Fluttershy? Wouldn’t it make more sense to come and grab this tomorrow when Scoots is awake to help?”

Fluttershy stopped and put a hoof to her chin for a moment. “Well, you do have a point. It would be a little hard to carry both you and Scootaloo while holding anything she left there.”

I inwardly shouted in triumph while I nodded. “Exactly, so let’s head on to your house an-”

“Miss Fluttershy?” We both turned to look at the source of the voice and saw Big Mac the burger pony standing on the porch. “What are you doing here?” I quickly started to act like a normal cat and curled up next to Scootaloo. Oh for the love of- Just what were the odds!?

Fluttershy started to stammer as she looked over at Big Mac. “Oh, um... w-well, I was j-just coming over to pick up s-some of the things I gave S-S-Scootaloo from the Clubhouse.”

The large red pony smiled a little before trotting up next to us. “Would ya’ll mind if ah helped?” Fluttershy smiled a little before the two of them began moving towards the clubhouse. I noticed the large farmer eyeing me and Scootaloo before he looked at Fluttershy. “Miss Fluttershy? If ya don’t mind me askin’, why do ya have Applebloom’s friend and a cat on yer back?”

She looked back at Scoots and sighed. “Well, we and the girls were talking to her about her pet cat Felix, and we found out that her parents accidentally locked her out of her house and that she’s been staying inside her and her friends’ clubhouse. So I decided that it would be fine to let her and Felix stay with me until her parents get back.”

Big Mac raised an eyebrow and nodded. “That so?” He looked over at me. “Ah was wonderin’ what had Winonna so riled up. Guess this explains that and why some of our apples have been disappearing’ lately.” Fluttershy looked shocked and glanced back at Scootaloo as Mac kept talking. “Not that ah can be mad at her. She was just tryin’ ta feed herself.”

The rest of the walk over to the clubhouse was silent aside from a few crickets chirping. Fluttershy was either looking at the path, or back at Scootaloo. Big Mac was stoic as ever after he connected the dots on where some of his apples were being taken. It was rather intimidating, frankly. I was starting to get legitimately worried that he’d punt me into the unknown with how large he was.

That wasn’t all though. This guy was clearly smarter than he looked and acted. I’d figured out that Scootaloo had been staying inside that clubhouse for almost two years now. The whole, ‘I was locked out of my house for a while and needed something to eat’ wasn’t going to fly very well. It’s one thing if it’s just for a little bit and it stops, but it’s another thing entirely if food’s been going missing for two years.

It wasn’t long before we arrived at the clubhouse and I hopped off of Fluttershy’s back. She called out for me to wait, but I kept the normal cat routine and went inside anyways. When I got inside I could only sigh and move over to the cubby that Scootaloo hid all her stuff in. Sorry Scoots, but I could see this falling apart from a mile away. And I have a feeling that Fluttershy will lead to a better outcome than whatever form of social services is in this world finding out.

As Fluttershy and Big Mac came into the building, I jumped into her cubby and curled around the photo of her parents. I stayed there until Fluttershy and Big Mac passed where I was. They looked around a bit until Fluttershy asked Big Mac to help with the cat supplies. As he went upstairs and Fluttershy stayed in the main room, I let out a meow and drew Fluttershy’s attention. “Oh, there you are Felix. Why’d you run off like that.”

I looked over at the photo and motioned my head towards it. Fluttershy tentatively reached in and pulled out me and the photo. I took a quick glance at the stairwell and was pleased to see that Big Mac was still moving stuff around upstairs before I spoke. “It’s a picture of Scootaloo’s parents. I figured that it’d be something she’d want to keep around.”

Fluttershy blinked a few times in shock before smiling softly. “I see. I’ll just take this with us back to the cottage and give it to her when she wakes up.” As Fluttershy tucked the picture under her wing, I mentally facepalmed and hopped onto her back again. Okay..... not the outcome I thought would happen. I looked down at Scoots and sighed sadly. I know I shouldn’t betray her trust, but she’s just a kid. She needs someone to look after her who isn’t a feline that’s hardly half her size.

It wasn’t long after that Big Mac came down from the upper floor and was holding all of Scoot’s cat supplies (AKA My Stuff) on his back and nodded at Fluttershy. “Ah found all of the supplies. Ya find anything down here?”

Fluttershy stammered a little before nodding. “Y-yes, I did. Just a few of Scootaloo’s things. They’re not too heavy so I’ll be fine.” Big Mac nodded with a small smile before we all left the building. On the way out, Mac also grabbed Scootaloo’s scooter from under the clubhouse. It seemed almost impossible for him to carrying so much stuff. I mean he was holding my climbing post, food, and other stuff on his back and was still able to carry Scoot’s scooter in his mouth.

The walk back to the entrance of the farm again was silent. When we passed by the main house, Applejack was wondering why Big Mac was out and about, but took Fluttershy’s explanation on why she was here with him.

I could have sworn I saw a mischievous glint in the farmer’s eyes before she let Mac leave the farm. “Ya’ll be nice ta her now Mac!” Big Macintosh grumbled under his breath a little and Fluttershy blushed.

When they got off of the farm property and were a ways down the road, Mac spoke up. “Miss Fluttershy, have you tried explaining to her that we’re just friends? Ah’ve gotten tired of attemptin’.”

Fluttershy sighed a little at that and nodded. “Yes Big Mac. I have, and she still says that it’s nonsense and we’re perfect for each other.” Fluttershy and Big Mac didn’t say anything after that, and it was in no time at all that we were back inside Fluttershy’s cottage. Fluttershy looked back at Big Mac after he helped get everything inside. “Thank you for the help Big Mac.”

Big Macintosh nodded and turned to leave and gave her a curt nod. “Anything for a friend Miss Fluttershy.” With that, Mac left the house and I was left in the living room with Fluttershy and a sleeping Scootaloo.

I started to rub the back of my head and looked over at Scoots. “So where is she going to sleep?”

Fluttershy smiled and started up the stairs. “She’ll be in my room Felix. You can sleep in there with her if you want to.” I followed her up and hopped onto the bed as she tucked Scootaloo in.

I looked up at her and cocked my head to the side a little. “If she’s taking your bed, where are you sleeping?”

Fluttershy started to walk out of the room and gave me a soft smile. “I’ll be downstairs on the couch. Don’t worry about me Felix, I’ll be fine.” I would have argued further, but when you’re still a foot tall and covered in tricolored fur, you tend to have less sway in arguments.

I sighed and curled up next to Scootaloo, who draped a hoof over me as soon as I did. “Alright. We’ll see you in the morning Fluttershy.” Fluttershy nodded before blinking. She started giggling to herself and walking back into the room as I cocked my head to the side again. “Something funny?”

She pulled out the picture of Scootaloo’s family and placed it on the dresser. “No, I just realized I had forgotten about this.” Fluttershy leaned over and gave Scootaloo and myself both a peck on the head. “Good night you two.”

I smiled up at her and nuzzled into Scootaloo. “You too Fluttershy.” I let out a small sigh as Scootaloo hugged me a little closer and slept soundly.

I wonder why she was so calm around me. From what I’ve been told of her, she’s normally shy and timid around others, but she acted like she could talk to anyone when she interacted with me and Scootaloo. Maybe it’s cause I’m a cat. I seem to forget that sometimes.

I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep with Scoots to my back, her stomach pressed against me. Eh... I’ll think about it later.

~Angel’s POV~

I grumbled to myself as the elevator raised back into my house. “Dang cat. We were so close to catching him, and he manages to slip away just as we nabbed him.” I flopped onto my couch and rubbed my face, attempting to relieve the stress this idiot seems to be causing. “How did he even manage to bite Owlowiscious in the first place?”

I looked out the window of my house and sighed. “And the caretaker isn’t even in her bed... wait.” I got up and took a closer look. Sure enough, the bed was not occupied by the yellow pegasus, but instead- “You’re kidding me.”

Hopping out of my house, I quickly got onto my roof and saw that blasted furball sleepin with the smaller orange pegasus that took him away the first time he was here.

I hopped back down to my front door and opened it before looking back up at the bed. “Well then Felix, it seems I’ll be talking to you tomorrow. And you had better answer all my questions with what I want to hear.” I stepped into my house and quickly got to the second floor bedroom.

I flopped onto my bed and stared at the ceiling with a scowl. “Or I’m going to be one angry bunny.”

Author's Note:

So everyone. Was the wait worth it? Just so you all know, I'm already doing some work on the next chapter and depending on how things work out may have it out sooner than this one.