• Published 30th Dec 2020
  • 450 Views, 33 Comments

Selena and the Scar - Mike728

A young filly will learn that she will have to confront the past to save the ones she loves.

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Chapter Two: First Day of School


Nervousness consumed Selena like a wildfire as she stood beside Nyx and looked at the red building that stood proud and tall in front of them. It was a building that many colts and fillies went to be granted the gift of knowledge from the mulberry Earth Pony, a mare who went by the name of Miss. Cheerilee. It was the Ponyville Schoolhouse.

When she was told by Twilight the previous day that she was going to school, Selena was excited because of not only the interest to learn and meet new ponies, but it was also because of the fact Nyx goes to learn there as well. However, upon seeing the schoolhouse itself, all of her excitement was replaced with nervousness.

Nyx looked at Selena and noticed the nervousness on her sister’s face. She couldn’t help but remember the first time Twilight had sent her to school. Much like her sister, Nyx was quite nervous when she first came to school, as well as terrified. In the end, her first day of school went well, despite what happened with the other fillies and colts, as well as her first unpleasant interaction with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, the local bullies of the school.

“Nervous, Selena?” Nyx asked. Selena turned her head to look at Nyx and then nodded her head.

“I don’t know what to expect,” Selena admitted, looking away from her sister. “What if the other fillies and colts are mean, Nyxie? What if the teachers are mean?”

Nyx responded by wrapping her right foreleg around Selena, which in return, she looked at her older sister, who happened to be just about an inch taller than her.

“You have nothing to worry,” Nyx said in an attempt to ease Selena’s fears. “Cheerilee is a genuinely nice pony and I have a really good feeling you will like her.”

“How long are we going to be here?” Selena asked. “Are we going to be here all day?”

“No, both you and me have the morning classes so we will be done around lunchtime,” Nyx answered.

Selena turned her attention back to the schoolhouse and couldn’t help but imagine what her sister felt when she was going to school for the first time. She imagined her nervous and scared starting her first day of school. Selena was just about to ask her sister that question when the sound of a bell ringing cut her off.


“That’s the bell,” Nyx said. “Let’s go or we are going to be late.”

Nyx headed towards the schoolhouse, opened the door and entered inside while Selena stayed behind. She stared at the schoolhouse for a little while and hoped that her first day was going to be a great day. With a sudden burst of determination, Selena advanced towards the schoolhouse and went inside.


“Good morning, class!!”

“Good morning, Miss. Cheerilee.”

Selena stood next to the mulberry Earth Pony, Miss. Cheerilee, by her left with a small nervous smile plastered on her face. It was taking every fiber of her willpower to not shake from the amount of nervousness and anxiety that she was feeling, due to the amount of fillies and colts that all had their eyes glued to her. Selena felt like collapsing, but that too took every bit of her willpower to prevent it from happening and it was proving to be a very difficult task.

“Welcome back to the Ponyville Schoolhouse and before we begin, I have a small announcement to make,” Cheerilee said, motioning to Selena, who couldn’t help but blush for reasons she couldn’t think of at the top of her head. “We have a new student joining us this year. Her name is Selena and I expect you all to welcome her as you would any new student.”

Cheerilee turned her head to Selena, who still had that blush on her face, which Cheerilee didn’t notice.

“Go ahead and take a seat. Pick any desk you want,” Cheerilee said. The blush on Selena’s face vanishes and she looked to the mulberry Earth Pony.

Selena nodded her head once and she headed for the first desk at the far-left row and sat down, settling her saddlebags to her left, with Nyx sitting behind her. Now that she was fully seated, Selena now took this opportunity to take in her surroundings; the room was small with a total of 16 desks, 14 of them were occupied by small fillies and colts, herself included. There were wooden shelves with numerous books filling them and there were two large windows at the back of the room.

A big smile formed on Selena’s face and she could barely contain her excitement, all of her nervousness completely gone as well her adrenaline rush finally receding. Selena had a feeling that her first day of school was going to be great and she truly thought that nothing was going to ruin this day.

That was until she started getting the feeling of multiple eyes looking at her. At first, Selena tried to shrug off the feeling, thinking that it was probably from the effects of being so excited, which then sounded really stupid if she really thought about it. Unfortunately, the feeling still lingered, and she decided to find out who was staring at her.

Selena looked around and saw that all of the fillies and colts were looking right at her. When they noticed Selena had caught sight of them staring at her, they all instantly turned their heads and looked away. All except for one, who was sitting at the desk to the right of Nyx.

It was an Earth pony with a magenta coat with a pale violet and white streaked mane and tail and cornflower blue eyes and she was wearing a tiara on her head. The tiara-wearing filly was just staring at her with a strange smirk on her face and it was starting to send shivers down Selena’s spine. Fully creeped out, Selena looked away and looked to the desk to her right. The moment her eyes caught sight of the pony sitting at the desk to her right, she felt them widen a bit.

Sitting at the desk to her right was an Earth Pony, this time, she had pale olive fur with a mane and tail that were both amaranth red, had a huge pink bow on the back of her head and gamboge eyes. The filly turned her head to Selena and when she did, Selena felt her heart racing for some reason. Never in Selena’s life had her heart race like this before and she couldn’t understand why it was. Not only that, but she also felt a strange feeling in her stomach, making her feel funny.

The two stared at each other for a while before Selena put on a weak smile and waved at the olive-furred filly, to which the filly responded with by waving back. At that moment, Miss. Cheerilee spoke up and everypony turned their heads to face her, the mulberry Earth Pony sitting at her desk.

“I hope you all had a wonderful summer and I can’t wait to hear all the fun things you did!! When I call your name, I want you to stand beside my desk, face your classmates and tell them about what you did over the summer. Shall we begin?”

The fillies and colts all nodded their heads and Miss. Cheerilee looked down to her desk, her eyes fixating at a clipboard with the names of the fillies and colts that attended the morning classes.

“Okay, let’s begin.”


Hearing about all the things that everypony did during the summer was both exciting and intriguing to the five-year-old filly. One by one, Miss. Cheerilee called out the names of the fillies and colts and each of them told the class about what they did during summer vacation. Many of them ranged to going to Manehatten, visiting Canterlot to go see family that lived there, watching the Wonderbolts’ latest performance at Cloudsdale, spending time at the beach, etc.

While some of her classmates were not giving any of this their full attention, Selena, on the other hoof, listened intently to what was being said with a smile plastered on her face. Because of her paying attention so intently, a few of her classmates stood out to her. Had she not been paying attention, she would have missed out on a few things.

The first pony happened to be the tiara-wearing filly, the very filly that Selena had caught staring at her and gave her that strange smirk earlier. Selena later learned that her name was Diamond Tiara and she was the second of her classmates to be called after Nyx, who went first.

As the filly told everypony what she did during the summer, Selena felt the familiar feeling of dislike swelling up in her chest. Although Selena is not one to feel anything like this towards any pony, she couldn’t help but feel a strong and instant dislike for the young filly. She didn’t like the filly’s attitude and she gave off the impression that she was one that Selena had to avoid.

The next pony happened to be an Earth Pony filly with cornflower gray fur with a mane and tail that had two shades of light azureish gray, moderate violet eyes and wearing a pair of opal glasses along with a very pretty pearl necklace. Selena later learned that her name was Silver Spoon.

Unlike the tiara-wearing filly, Selena didn’t feel a like nor a dislike for the silver-maned filly. Even as the filly spoke, Selena held mixed feelings for the silver-maned filly. Although Silver Spoon did act to a somewhat similar fashion to Diamond Tiara, her behavior wasn’t as obnoxious. Basically in a way, Selena didn’t like Silver Spoon, but also at the same time, she didn’t dislike her.

The third happened to be another Earth Pony filly with light amberish gray fur, a curly light brilliant scarlet mane and tail, light fuchsia eyes and wearing a pair of brilliant blue violet glasses. Selena learned that her name was Twist, who was the next of her classmates to have their name called by Miss. Cheerilee. As soon as Twist walked over and stood beside Miss. Cheerilee’s desk and turned around to face the class, Selena took notice of her appearance.

With just her appearance alone, Twist fitted the definition of what ponies would call a ‘nerd’, mainly due to her curly red mane and tail, pale fur coat, and the large glasses she’s wearing. Whether Twist was a nerd or not, Selena would have nothing against it. Celestia knew that she too can be a nerd sometimes, a really big nerd at best.

Upon the filly speaking, Selena took notice of something immediately. She noticed how the filly said certain words like ‘was’, ‘somepony’, ‘smile’, ‘is’, etc. Instead of sounding like the way they were supposed to, they sounded more like ‘wath’, ‘thomepony’, thmile’, ‘ith’, and all.

‘She probably has a lisp or something,’ Selena thought to herself.

The fourth was the Earth Pony filly with the pink bow on the back of her head. Selena learned her name to be Apple Bloom. It came as a shocker when the five-year-old filly learned that Apple Bloom was Applejack’s little sister, something that Selena had no knowledge about.

‘I didn’t know Applejack had a sister,’ Selena thought to herself in surprise. Taking a closer look at the filly, Selena couldn’t help but find the filly… cute.

The fifth that stood out to Selena was a Unicorn filly with light gray fur, a mulberry and pale light rose streaked mane and tail and pale light harlequin eyes. Selena quickly learned that her name is Sweetie Belle and she was the next filly to be called by Miss. Cheerilee to talk about what they did over the summer.

As Sweetie Belle turned to face the class and began to speak, the five-year-old filly couldn’t help but be captivated by her looks. Sweetie’s looks were what many ponies would call ‘cute’, ‘adorable’, ‘beautiful’ even. Not only that, but Selena also took an instant liking to her personality; Sweetie Belle was polite, enthusiastic, full of life, and she appeared to be the kind of pony that always has a smile on their face. From this alone, Selena got the impression that Sweetie Belle was the care-free type of pony.

Just like Apple Bloom, upon learning that Sweetie Belle was Rarity’s little sister, Selena snapped out of her trance and was quickly surprised by this bit of information.

‘Do I really not know my mother’s friends as much as I thought I did?’ Selena thought to herself.

Finally, the last pony that stood out to Selena was a Pegasus filly with light brilliant gamboge fur, a moderate cerise mane and tail, and purple eyes. Selena quickly learned that her name to be Scootaloo and she happened to be the last pony Miss. Cheerilee called to talk about what they did during the summer.

As soon as Scootaloo began speaking about what she did over the summer, Selena instantly took note about her personality. Judging from how the Pegasus was acting, this gave Selena the impression that she was pretty much of a tomboy, much like Rainbow Dash. She also displayed being very energetic and somewhat cocky. If that wasn’t enough, Selena immediately took note of how much Scootaloo idolized Rainbow Dash like a LOT, which surprised Selena to a respectable amount to say the least.

‘She must be a huge fan of Rainbow Dash,’ Selena thought to herself.

“…and that’s what I did over the summer,” Scootaloo said, finishing off telling her classmates about what she did over the summer. A loud round of hooves clapping echoed throughout the room, Selena being one of those who clapped for Scootaloo.

“Thank you very much for sharing, Scootaloo,” Miss. Cheerilee said. “You may return to your desk.”

Scootaloo did as she was told. Once Scootaloo sat back down at her desk, Miss. Cheerilee cleared her throat and began to speak.

“With that out of the way, I think it’s time for me to start our first lesson for the day to start off the school year.”



A few hours later, the school bell rung, signaling to all that it was time for recess. All of the fillies and colts instantly ran outside to go play like their lives depended on it. Nyx and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were the second-to-last of the class to exit out of the schoolhouse for recess. They walked over and sat down at their favorite spot to chat, which was underneath a tree that stood proud and tall on top of a well-sized hill that overlooked the front of the school.

Due to the size of the hill, the four fillies were able to get a good view of the whole school and the playground that surrounded it. In all honesty, it was a very nice and beautiful view for anypony who were to be at this particular spot.

As the four fillies sat by each other, like they were sitting by each side of a board game, Apple Bloom was the first to start a conversation, a conversation centering around the new filly, Selena.

“How does it feel to know that your sister will now be going to school with you, Nyx?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Honestly, it’s exciting,” Nyx said with a smile on her face. “Selena was very excited when she learned that she was going to the same school with me yesterday. However, when we arrived at the schoolhouse, Selena became very nervous and scared, behaving the same way I did on my first day of school.”

This earned a soft chuckle from her group of friends. Nyx, on other hoof, couldn’t stop a blush from forming on her face.

“Ah bet she was,” Apple Bloom said.

“The first day of school is never easy for anypony who has never been to school before,” Sweetie Belle added. “I remember my first day of school; I was a nervous wreck that day.”

“I sure wasn’t,” Scootaloo said confidently. Her friends simply rolled their eyes at this.

“Oh sure, you weren’t,” Apple Bloom said in a jokingly sarcastic way. Just before Scootaloo could retort, a loud and angry shout cut through the air like a stick of melted butter.

The sudden shout caused the four fillies to jump, their manes and tails to spike up, and their eyes to change size in a comical way; their left eye to be the size of a dinner plate and their right eye to the size of a golf ball.


Quickly recovering from the shock, they knew right away who the owner of the shout was; Diamond Tiara. The four friends turned their attention to the schoolhouse and saw 3 fillies standing about a few feet away from the schoolhouse steps. They immediately identified the fillies as Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara and Selena Sparkle.

Even from a distance, they could see that whatever was going on over there wasn’t anything good. They could see an angry glare plastered on the tiara-wearing filly’s face and that Selena was leaning back with her right hoof up to her chest.

“Well?! Are you going to tell me how in Equestria you thought that a cutie mark is the same thing as a tattoo?!” they heard Diamond shout out loudly. From the distance, they saw Selena flinch from the shout, even showing signs of being intimidated.

Not long after that, they saw a wicked grin form on Diamond’s face and slowly walk over to Selena. When she closed the distance, she pressed her face up against Selena’s and, despite the distance, they could see Selena trembling with fear.

The sight of seeing her arch-nemesis terrorizing her little sister was enough for Nyx’s big sister instincts to take over, a livid expression forming on her face. Without a second of hesitation, Nyx stood up and began heading towards the 3 fillies. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo quickly stood up and followed behind after her.


Selena was the last pony to come out of the schoolhouse for recess and when she walked out of the schoolhouse, she saw all the fillies and colts having fun. Although she knew the names of her classmates, she really didn’t have the courage to just walk up to any of them and ask if she could play with them. Selena was just too shy to ask so that idea was thrown was thrown in the garbage.

She then thought about playing by herself, but that too was thrown in the garbage. She didn’t like the idea of playing all by herself as she hated being all alone and have nopony to play with her.

As Selena stood near the schoolhouse steps, contemplating on what she could do, her head looking left and right, she heard a voice coming from up ahead.

“Oh look, Silver Spoon, the new filly is all alone.”

Selena looked in that direction and saw two fillies walking up to her. She immediately recognized the two fillies to be Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. As they stopped about a foot away from her, Selena noticed that the two fillies had sinister smirks on their faces. Seeing those smirks sent chills down Selena’s spine.

“Hi there, is there something you need?” Selena asked the two fillies nervously, unaware that they were the school bullies.

“Oh, not really,” Diamond Tiara said, shrugging her shoulders. “We just couldn’t help but notice that a blank flank such as yourself is all alone instead of playing with your own kind. Isn’t that right, Silver Spoon?”

Silver Spoon nodded her head in agreement.

“I agree, Diamond,” Silver Spoon said. “Like, shouldn’t you be hanging out with your fellow blank flanks?”

Selena was feeling more confused than insulted at being called a ‘blank flank’. She had never heard of the term ‘blank flank’ before so she had no idea that the term itself was used as an insult for those who didn’t have their cutie marks.

Selena arched her right eye and gave the two fillies a curious look.

“‘Blank flank?’” Selena asked curiously. “What’s a ‘blank flank’?”

Incredulous looks formed on their faces and the two fillies looked at each other for a moment. Did… did the new filly just ask what a ‘blank flank’ was? There was no way that the filly was this stupid, or she was just pretending to be stupid. To top it off, they’ve never had somepony ask them a question like that before so they were caught off-guard by this. After a while, the two fillies both turned their attention back to Selena with those same incredulous expressions still plastered on their faces.

“Are you actually being serious?” Diamond Tiara said in a snarky and disrespectful tone. “You seriously don’t know what that is?”

“I really don’t,” Selena said sincerity.

“Wow, you’re stupid,” Diamond said rudely.

“We are talking about you not having a cutie mark,” Silver Spoon said rudely and the silver-maned filly pointed to Selena’s blank flanks, to which Selena took no notice on.

“A ‘cutie mark’?” Selena asked curiously. “What’s a cutie mark?”

If the school bullies were incredulous about the new filly not knowing what ‘blank flank’ meant, then that was nothing compared to the disbelief they were feeling, which was also displayed clearly on their faces, right now. The two school bullies stared at the filly with slack-jawed expressions with eyes widen to the size of dinner plates.

The school bullies turned to look at each other once again, both of them thinking the same thing.

‘This is not supposed to be happening.’

The school bullies turned their heads back to Selena, the young filly giving them an expression of curiosity.

“This is a joke, right?” Diamond asked in bewilderment. “You seriously don’t KNOW what a cutie mark is?”

Selena answered the question by shaking her head ‘no’. Diamond Tiara let out an annoyed groan before she twisted her body so that Selena got a clear view of her left flank, revealing her cutie mark to the oblivious filly. Selena instantly caught sight of Diamond’s cutie mark, which was in the shape of the namesake tiara that she was wearing on the top of her head.

This is a cutie mark,” Diamond said while giving Selena a very nasty look, followed by twisting her body back around. There was a long moment of pause before Selena spoke.

“Um, are you sure that’s what it is?” Selena asked. “It looks like a tattoo to me.”

That statement alone was almost enough for a blood vessel to burst in Diamond Tiara’s brain, her right eye twitching violently. Both Selena and Silver Spoon witness Diamond’s face become a shade of red and while the silver-maned filly became uneasy by this, Selena became confused by this.

“ARE YOU SERIOUSLY THAT STUPID?!?!” Diamond shouted loudly in anger, unaware that her angry shout caught the attention of four particular fillies. “WHAT IN EQUESTRIA MAKES YOU THINK THAT A CUTIE MARK IS, LIKE, A TATTOO?!?!”

Selena flinched a tad bit and she leaned back a little bit, her emerald, green eyes widening a little bit. The five-year-old filly simply stared at the enraged tiara-wearing filly, her face as red as the schoolhouse. There was a long moment of silence with the only thing disturbing it was the heavy breathing coming from Diamond Tiara.

“Well… um…” Selena attempted to speak but wasn’t successful due to the intense glare that Diamond was giving her, the glare itself starting to frighten her. Selena’s inability to respond only served to fuel Diamond’s anger and annoyance even more.

“Well?!” Diamond shouted once again, the shout causing Selena to flinch once again. “Are you going to tell me how in Equestria you thought that a cutie mark is the same thing as a tattoo?!”

At this point, Selena was starting to become intimidated by the enraged tiara-wearing filly and that was starting to show via her body language. She started shaking and her eyes had begun welling up with tears.

Diamond Tiara instantly took notice of this and her facial expression softened a tad bit. She realized that the new filly was starting to be afraid of her and this realization lightened her mood. All of the anger and annoyance she felt previously washed away like dried mud being washed off with water and it was replaced with sadistic satisfaction. With a sadistic grin plastered on her face and like a predator slowly stalking toward its prey, Diamond slowly began to walk over to Selena.

Selena instantly noticed that Diamond was slowly advancing towards her. Her eyes widened in fear as a result. She tried to will her body to move, but it refused to obey; her body was paralyzed with fear. It did not take long for Diamond to close the distance. When she did, she leaned her body forward to where her nose and face were pressed up against Selena’s.

“Oh, what’s the matter?” Diamond Tiara said in a low and sadistic tone, her wicked grin still plastered on her face. “Do I scare you?”

The tears that were welling up in Selena’s eyes were now trailing down her face and she began whimpering softly, her body trembling even more. Seeing Selena now in tears, trembling in fear, and whimpering only served to fuel Diamond’s sadistic mood.

On the other hoof, Silver Spoon was watching the whole thing with wide eyes and disbelief. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing right now. Over the years that she had known Diamond, she had never seen the tiara-wearing filly intimidate anypony before. It was one thing to just taunt and tease somepony, but it was a completely different story when it came to intimidating somepony to the point of just outright scaring them for their own entertainment.

Silver Spoon shifted her attention to the new filly and felt a stabbing feeling in her heart when she saw how fearful the filly was, the waterfall of tears that were trailing down her face, and the low whimpers that she was producing. She couldn’t give herself a concrete reason why, but all she knew was that she couldn’t stand to see the filly so scared any longer.

Just before Silver Spoon could make her move, a very angry shout caused her to stop dead in her tracks.


Silver Spoon looked in the direction of where the shout had come from and she caught sight of Nyx and the Cutie Mark Crusaders coming this way and, judging from the expressions on their faces, they were angry.

The sudden shout had caught Diamond Tiara’s attention and the wicked grin that she had on her face washed away like dirt and was instantly replaced with an angry scowl. She removed her face away from Selena and took a few steps back, giving Selena her personal space back. Diamond caught sight of Nyx and the Cutie Mark Crusaders coming this way and the angry scowl grew more upon seeing them.

Selena turned her head to look behind her and caught sight of her sister coming this way, her friends following close behind her. A soft smile formed upon seeing her. She was so happy to see her sister that she had failed to take notice of the livid expression that was plastered on Nyx’s face.

Nyx and her friends finally reached the 3 fillies and Nyx immediately got in between Selena and Diamond Tiara, giving the tiara-wearing filly a very furious glare. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo stood beside Nyx while Sweetie Belle sat beside Selena and she gave the filly a soft expression, as well as giving the filly a hug in an attempt to comfort her.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Nightmare Moon,” Diamond Tiara said in a very rude and disrespectful manner. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo let out annoyed groans at this response.

“You know that’s not her real name, Diamond,” Scootaloo said in a very annoyed tone. “How many times do we have to tell you that?”

“Until you realize that she’s pretending to be nice in order to gain our trust,” Diamond said before pointing her right hoof at Selena. “Like for real, is she really doing any good by coming to try and protect that pathetic excuse of a pony who probably has to be the dumbest pony in all of Equestria?”

Now, Nyx was livid as she already was after witnessing her arch-nemesis terrorizing her little sister just a moment ago, but after hearing what Diamond Tiara had just said about her sister fueled the flames of her anger to a much higher level. Her dagger-shaped pupils narrowed to much thinner slits and began bearing her teeth aggressively at the tiara-wearing filly.

“Take back what you said about my little sister,” Nyx growled through gritted teeth. This sudden revelation instantly caught the tiara-wearing filly off-guard.

Diamond Tiara gave Nyx a slack-jawed expression, her eyes widen to the size of beach balls. The new filly, who probably had to be the dumbest pony in all of Equestria, is Nightmare Moon’s sister?! The tiara-wearing filly was so stunned that she was having a hard time processing all of this.

“I-I’m sorry, what did you just say?” Diamond asked in a disbelieving tone.

“You heard me, Diamond,” Nyx snapped. “Take back what you said about my little sister.”

Diamond glared at Nyx for a moment before shifting her glare to Selena, the filly cringing from the intensity of it. She didn’t want to believe that it was true that the new filly being Nightmare Moon’s little sister. Just then, a sudden realization hit her like a ton of bricks and it was enough for her thoughts to become clear.

‘If that unicorn is Nightmare Moon’s sister, then she might be the key for me to get my full revenge on her.’

The all-too familiar wicked grin spread across Diamond’s face before she returned her full attention to her arch-nemesis.

“Your little sister, huh?” Diamond Tiara said in a wicked tone, which only served to infuriate the livid alicorn even more.
“That makes things pretty interesting. You win this round but know this, Nightmare Moon; this is far from over and I am far from done with your little sister.”

After saying her piece, Diamond Tiara turned her back to Nyx, turning her attention to Silver Spoon, who was still as a statue while having a slack-jawed expression on her face.

“Come on, Silver Spoon. Let’s go.”

With that, Diamond Tiara began walking away from the group and she began walking down the pathway that led back to Ponyville. Silver Spoon eventually snapped back to reality and began following after Diamond Tiara, quickly catching up to the tiara-wearing filly. Once the school bullies finally left did Nyx fully relax, her anger washing away like dried dirt. Nyx turned around to face her sister, who has officially calmed down at this point and was resting her head on Sweetie Belle’s shoulder and walked over to her.

“Selena, are you okay?” Nyx asked her little sister in a soft tone as Apple Bloom and Scootaloo gathered around the five-year-old filly, her right hoof resting on her shoulder.

Selena lifted her head up from Sweetie Belle’s shoulder and looked her sister in the eyes for a moment before nodding her head.

“Yeah, I’m okay Nyxie,” Selena said, wiping away her tears from her face with her hooves. “Why is Diamond Tiara so mean… and scary?”

“Ah honestly wish I knew,” Apple Bloom said. “I’ve never seen Diamond ever terrorize a pony before and it’s concerning, to be honest.”

“Speaking of which, what happened between you, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon before we showed up?” Nyx asked curiously.

Selena hesitated for a moment before she recounted everything that had happened; from the moment that the two fillies showed up to when Nyx and her friends came to her aid. While Selena was recounting the events of what happened, Nyx was grateful for Selena’s innocent nature. If she had found out that it was an insult, things would have ended with a much different outcome.

After Selena had finished recounting what happened, Nyx, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo took in what had been told to them and they all nodded their heads, showing that they understood what happened.

“That explains everything,” Sweetie Belle said.

“It sure does,” Scootaloo said before she looked to Selena. “Just out of curiosity, what were you doing before they showed up?”

“I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do for recess,” Selena explained. “I first thought about asking some of our classmates if I could play with them, but I’m too shy to ask and I don’t know if they are actually friendly or not.”

She lowered her head to look at the ground and looked to the right, her ears lowered and pinned to her head. “I also thought about playing by myself, but I don’t like playing by myself so that idea was out of the picture. That’s what I was doing before Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon showed up.”

Apple Bloom began tapping her chin with her left hoof as she took in what Selena had just said. It was obviously clear that the filly wanted to try and make friends, but because since she didn’t know if any of the fillies and colts were friendly or not, that made things difficult for the five-year-old filly.

‘Maybe me and the girls can become her friends?’ Apple Bloom thought to herself.

As soon as that thought popped in her head, a small smile spread across her face. Apple Bloom lowered her hoof back onto the ground and looked back to Selena, who was still looking down at the ground with her ears lowered.

“Maybe me, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo can be your friends?” the farm filly asked in a hopeful tone. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo both nodded their heads in agreement.

“Yeah, I would like to be friends with you,” Sweetie Belle added.

“Count me in,” Scootaloo added.

Selena looked up from the ground and looked at Apple Bloom and all of her friends with wide eyes entered into a mild stupor. Their words echoed through her head, which only served to fuel her stupor even more. If Selena’s shock was any greater, she would have lost her balance and fall flat on her back.

Just before anypony could do anything, Selena recovered from her stupor just enough for her to do or say anything.

“R-really? You want to be my friends?” Selena asked in a soft disbelieving tone. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all nodded their heads at the same time.

“We sure do!!” the three of them said at the same time with certainty present in their tones. Their answers brought Selena back into a mild stupor, only this time, she was in the right state of mind to think about what was happening properly.

At first, Selena was unsure about accepting their friendship. Despite the fact that they were friends with her sister, she was nervous about it because of the possibility of messing it up. They may seem friendly enough and they are showing genuine signs of wanting to be friends with her, she was afraid of the things that could cost her all of that.

First off, there were her wings, plus the fact that she was an alicorn. Although they seem okay with Nyx being an alicorn, as well as the fact that Nyx wasn’t wearing a disguise like Selena was, the three fillies had no clue that Selena herself was an alicorn as well. She had no idea how they would act if she was an alicorn, just like her sister.

Second off, there was the scar Selena had on her forehead just above her right eye. The scar is actually the one thing that she never told Nyx about. To this day, the scar on her forehead still hasn’t healed and the red flesh can still be seen. Selena didn’t want to think about how they would all react to it, including her sister.

Despite all of that, the offer of friendship was too tempting to pass up. Thinking about it now, Selena had always wanted to make friends with fillies and colts her age and now, an opportunity was presenting itself.

‘Maybe this could be the opportunity that I’ve been looking for,’ she thought to herself.

As soon as that thought passed through her mind, Selena had officially made her choice. A small smile spread across her face as she looked to Apple Bloom, the farm filly smiling back at her.

“I wouldn’t mind being friends,” she said softly, a single tear trailing down her left cheek and face. From that day on, Selena Sparkle befriended the Cutie Mark Crusaders.


As the two fillies walked down the pathway that led back to Ponyville, Silver Spoon thought back to what happened just a few moments ago. The silver-maned filly was still stunned upon learning that Selena, the new filly of the school, happens to be Nyx’s little sister. Out of all the things that Silver Spoon was least expecting, it was that.

Silver Spoon turned her head to her left, turning her attention to her friend and saw that she still had that wicked grin plastered on her face. Honestly, not only was Silver Spoon still stunned about learning the truth about the new filly, but she was also in disbelief about Diamond terrorizing somepony, something that Diamond never did before. If Silver Spoon had to be honest with herself, witnessing Diamond do that was… disturbing.

‘I have to talk to Diamond about this,’ the silver-maned filly thought to herself. ‘I think she went a bit too far back there.’

Silver Spoon took a deep breath before she proceeded to raise her left hoof and tap Diamond Tiara on the shoulder.

“Hey, Diamond?” Silver Spoon said as she tapped Diamond on her right shoulder.

Diamond Tiara turned her head to Silver Spoon, the wicked grin on her face softening to a smile. She didn’t notice the somewhat uneasy look that Silver Spoon had plastered on her face.

“Yes, Silver Spoon?” Diamond replied.

“I want to talk to you about something,” Silver Spoon said.

“Talk to me about what?” Diamond asked curiously, arching her left eye in the process.

“It’s about the new filly.”

“What about the new filly?”

“Well…” Silver Spoon hesitated for a moment before she finally asked the inevitable question. “Don’t you think that you’ve went a little too far back there?”

The question itself caught Diamond Tiara somewhat by surprise. She stopped dead in her tracks, Silver Spoon doing the same, and turned her body around so that she was facing her, Silver Spoon doing the same. In all of her years of being friends with Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara wasn’t expecting the silver-maned filly to ask her such a thing. It was just, like, so out-of-character for her.

“A little too far?” Diamond asked. “What do you mean ‘a little too far’?”

“What I mean by that is; don’t you think you went a little too far by terrorizing the new filly back there?” Silver Spoon asked.

Diamond Tiara just simply stared at Silver Spoon like a lifeless statue for a long and tense moment. The moment was so tense that it could be cut easily like a hot knife cutting through a stick of butter.

Finally, Diamond gave Silver Spoon a response, but it wasn’t the kind of response that the silver-maned filly was hoping for.

“No, I don’t think I went too far.”

“No?” Silver Spoon said, giving the tiara-wearing filly an expression of slight disbelief. “What do you mean ‘no’? Didn’t you see how fearful she was? Didn’t you see the waterfall of tears that were trailing down her face? Didn’t you see how the filly was almost shaking like a leaf? How could you say that you didn’t go a little too far?”

“Because I didn’t, Silver Spoon,” Diamond said in a slightly annoyed tone. “And quite frankly, I don’t care now that I have the opportunity to get my revenge on Nightmare Moon for stealing Daddy away from me.”

Hearing Diamond mention an ‘opportunity’ instantly caught Silver Spoon’s attention and she gave the tiara-wearing filly a curious look.

“What ‘opportunity’?” Silver Spoon asked curiously as she arched her right eye.

“It’s quite simple, really,” Diamond said in a matter-of-factly manner. “Since the new filly is Nightmare Moon’s little sister, that means that she probably looks up to her since a lot of little sisters happen to do that. Because of that, that is where the opportunity comes in.”

“Which is?” Silver Spoon asked, cocking her head to the right.

“I’m going to have Nightmare Moon’s little sister turn against her,” the tiara-wearing filly said, the familiar wicked grin returning on her face.

The second those words left Diamond Tiara’s mouth, Silver Spoon felt her blood run cold. The silver-maned filly didn’t want to believe that Diamond Tiara is willing to go that low just to get revenge on Nyx for what happened all those years ago. She knew how low Diamond can be, but she never imagined that she would go this low.

Silver Spoon also knew how much Diamond Tiara was affected by her dad being taken from her and it has been something that the filly hasn't been able to fully recover from. From the countless times that she had sleepovers at her house after the incident, she can remember waking up in the middle of the night to Diamond Tiara whimpering, crying, and talking in a pleading tone to "please do not take Daddy away". Diamond Tiara was still plagued by those nightmares to this very day.

“W-why would you want to do that?” Silver Spoon asked in a slightly trembling voice.

“Because Nightmare Moon took somepony important to me,” Diamond said. “If Nightmare Moon took my Daddy away from me, then I will have somepony she cares about turn against her.”

“We can’t drag Nyx’s sister into all of this!!” Silver Spoon reasoned. “And by the way, turning Nyx’s sister against her?!?! That’s low, even for you Diamond and you know it!!”

“I don’t care!!” Diamond shouted. “That new filly is siblings with that monster so, like, I will drag her sister into this and I will have her turn against her!! Nightmare Moon will get her comeuppance very soon, you’ll see, Silver Spoon!!”

With that, Diamond Tiara turned and looked away from Silver Spoon and began walking down the pathway that led back to Ponyville, leaving the unnerved silver-maned filly alone.



“… and that’s what happened,” Selena said with a big smile on her face, the young filly wrapping up recounting what happened today at school to Twilight, the purple unicorn having a smile on her face, as the trio were walking through Ponyville heading in the direction of the library.

It had been about an hour since the ordeal with Diamond Tiara, as well as an hour since Selena had befriended the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Having fun with her 3 new friends was enough for the five-year-old filly to temporary forget about what happened with the tiara-wearing filly. Even after what happened with Diamond Tiara, it was safe to say that Selena’s first day of school went well.

Meanwhile, Nyx had a bad feeling form in the pit of her stomach. Her arch-nemesis’ words before she walked down the pathway back to Ponyville echoed in her mind and it made her feel very uneasy. The wicked grin that Diamond had on her face didn’t help matters either. Nyx knew that if Diamond had a smile like that on her face, she was up to no good.

‘I hope nothing bad happens for the duration of the school week,’ Nyx thought hopefully to herself.

However, as Nyx should have known, not all hopes can be answered.

Author's Note:

Here it is, guys; Chapter Two to 'Selena and the Scar'!!

I am so, SO sorry that this took so long. I have a severe case of writer's block and because of that, it makes things difficult to get things finished. However, I've found a way to overcome it and hopefully, it will be enough help for me to overcome it.

I'm sure you guys have noticed how I portrayed Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. There are 2 reasons why I did this;

1. I was bullied all my years of school and there were 2 bullies who acted just like DT and SS, if a bit differently though. Their actions are inspired by those 2 bullies from my childhood.

2. I wanted to portray Silver Spoon as one who has higher moral standards than Diamond Tiara, which will play a big role later in the story. I have seen this in some of the stories, but I wanted to show it in a MUCH bigger light so that's what happened.

One last thing to point out; Selena behaving the way she did when Diamond was bullying her and eventually lost her temper was inspired by how I once acted when I was bullied for the first time. Basically, a lot of the events that happened in this chapter is based on events that happened to me long ago.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. All criticism is appreciated and please let me know if any of the characters were out of line.

That is all for now!! See you guys in Chapter Three!!! :D