• Published 5th Feb 2021
  • 3,721 Views, 54 Comments

Metro - Lavender Exile - Wreck

During the Canterlot Wedding Twilight was betrayed by her so called "friend's", by her mentor, and her family. She then decided to leave them and she has taken first train to wherever it took her. Unknown to her it was one way ride to Metro.

  • ...

P - 8 - A New Life

Author's Note:

Short chapter, I'm sorry but soon vacation ends and work will be back. I hope that the chapter will be to your liking.

It's been three months since the last spell in Stalliongrad.

Everyone knows this may be the beginning of how their lives might look,
And lives of their children,
and so on.

To survive they need to grasp the knowledge of old.

This is the beginning of their adventure.

Twilights exile in Metro.

Of Lavender Exile

There was a large meeting scheduled today by one of the officers, about something important.

'Any news they make are supposed to be "important".' Twilight thought to herself. She was currently in her makeshift bunk made out of parts from the train and other useful supplies the police force distributed. It wasn't much but for the past three months, this small room held her and her family safe.

'Family...' Twilight thought. After three months she was still thinking about what transpired those months ago.

Sky was the third most respected pony by the police since he was military before. The people come to ask for advice or help. He helps them and even himself asks for help.

Star was terrified in the first two months after the death of... Aurora. Twilight was also shaken by that since Aurora was first to extend a helpful hoof. And now it was hard to believe she was just gone after that day. In those two months, Twilight finally decided to become what Star could never have... an older sister. Twilight told Star that they would make a special spot for Aurora where she could rest in peace and where they could visit her. After two months they made a grave for her and helped others that came the same day.

Twilight rubbed her horn. She remembered the pain when she held that ceiling of the tunnel and many times after that when she tried to use her magic. Every time it only brought her pain and the realization that she could no longer truly use magic. Every other being in the station had the same reaction when they tried to use their magic. Only griffons succeded with their runes but those were simple runes like "creating light" but the light that came out of it was so weak it was barely any brighter than a torch. From more useful runes the few griffins knew "pyronics" which allowed for the creation of fire though most could create sparks from which they started a fire, while few could make a tiny flame.

Twilight reached for her saddlebag which was on her bed. She was glad for those Stalliongradian gloves ever since she couldn't use magic. That included her ability to grab items with her hoof. But thanks to those gloves she could stand on her hind legs (even if she had to practice for a couple of weeks) and hold items on her front legs without tipping over when walking.

Star was currently sleeping in his bed that was under her bed. Most beds in the station were placed in "stacks" or "blocks" so the station wouldn't be too much cramped in. Though no one said it, the station was already quite crowded.

In the entrance to their small bunks was Sky standing there thinking if he should go or not.

"Come on. Maybe something interesting is going to happen today." Twilight poked Sky. Sky smiled as he turned towards Twilight. She has been given the trust to take care of Star and to this day she did great.

What would he give to just tell Aurora that her son has such a great sister... *sigh*

"And I suppose this isn't going to be like the last fifteen times you said 'something interesting is going to happen ?" Sky asked as he poked Twilight back. Twilight rolled her eyes at that.

"All right Sky. I'll go and see if it's worth attention." Twilight said as she slowly walked towards the doors.

"And if it's not?" Sky asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Then I waste my time and you can add this time to all the previous times you said it would be nothing." Twilight said in the doorway.

"Alright, I suppose I can't stop you from listening to them. After all, they are the ones currently in control." Sky said as he almost spat their name. The police were slowly becoming less and less organized and from what Twilight could notice they weren't able to keep public stability for too long. It was hardly believable that "the government" is out there as the police said. Some of the police officers were truthful, but not in the open.

"I'll see you later then. Keep an eye on BLBF for me will you?" Twilight said using her nickname for Star. BLBF 'Best Little Brother Forever' Sky chuckled as he sat on his bed which was next to Twilights and Stars.

"Sure thing Miss Sparky." Sky said while Twilight rolled her eyes for the nickname her BLBF gave her. She waved and walked where the meetings were usually taking place.

The station was like a maze when she first came. Especially after making all those temporary quarters, storage rooms, hospital, and the kitchen though it looked more like a poor restaurant with an open view of the chef. But now after living here for those months she knows this station almost as good as her old home. The station was called Zapadna before she arrived... now it was just safe harbour.

Everyone calls this station their home. Nobody dares to even think of exiting to the surface. We heard the news about a group of people that tried to check out the surface and... they died almost instantly from what seemed to be... something...

The police called it "toxic air" but doctors weren't believing them. Toxic air can't boil water in mere moments since contact. Of course, they couldn't give any other sufficient proof to give a collected report.

Twilight shook her head. Maybe today they would announce something less depressing.

She approached the police outpost that was where police held public announcements. Three guards were in front of the crowd with one of them standing on top of a box. He held a sheet of paper and was still reading it looking between confused and terrified about its contents.

"uh... *clears throat* May I have everyone's attention?

Thank you. We have received a messenger from our sister stations at Prospekt and Universitet. They found a safe entrance to the Library of Revelations. which is connected to Staluongradian Univeristy. Our forces are searching for volunteers that can help in searching through the building. Safety measures are taken and we managed to get some supplies. If the rumors are true the building is supposed to have documentation about some sort of object that's supposed to help us with the 'toxic air' on the surface. For more details, you can volunteer at our outpost and travel towards Universitet station for a complete briefing.

Thank you once again for your attention." The officer thanked and entered the outpost.

"Hmm... It's true that before we came to Stalliongrad they were working on this new thing at the university." Sky said while he cleaned the trusted weapon he brought with him.

"Well then... Why can't I come?" Twilight asked slightly frowning. She came back to relay what the police said and asked if he knew anything.

"Twilight listen and think. When they say they speculate, they mean they are risking anything to get whatever there could be. I know you would love to be there since it's the second biggest library in the city with the newest theories and what-not. What concerns me is that we don't know if it's safe or if you can reach it." Sky answered her. Though he was going there to make a contribution that doesn't mean he wants to leave his only family that is alive. At least to his knowledge...

"But I want to help." Twilight responded. At times she thought she was arguing with Ap... her.

"*sigh*... Twilight..." Sky started as if waiting for her attention.

"What?" Twilight asked. Sky looked at her with a stare only comparable to experienced guards. His usual relaxed face was gone.

"If you want to help... Then you can help and maybe will... But not today." Sky answered and got up. Cursed be all god-like beings he wasn't prepared for any of this.

"But-" Twilight was about to counter but Sky cut her off.

"Twilight I need you to stay here and take care of Star... Please I won't bear another friendly face dying on my watch. And if someone is here to sacrifice then it should be me. Twilight, please stay safe." Sky said and left towards the police station.

Twilight looked down and was in deep thought. Since she left her previous home she kept losing those who she saw as close friends... or family.

She walked over to their only table in the room and watched her items for a moment. The few things Sky gave her three months ago.

'No. I won't let him go. I won't let anyone else down. Shy thought as she grabbed her saddlebag and took her belongings. Star sat there looking at Twilight slightly confused.

"Sis? Where are you going?" Star asked from his bed? Twilight walked towards him and hugged him. When she left the hug she placed one of her hooves on his shoulder.

"Listen, Sky went to help people of three stations including our own. He's going towards an entrance towards a library where he and others might find something that will help everyone... And I want to help him and others... So I'm going with him... But you must stay here okay?" Twilight asked Star. He looked as if he was on verge of tears.

"But... Okay... But you must promise you and Uncle come back! Please, big sis! Promise!" Star was slightly crying as he grabbed Twilights hoof and not letting go. Twilight smiled and patted his head.

"I will. I promise on my name that I will come back with Sky here. But you have also to stay safe. Okay... BLBF?" Twilight answered and looked at her small brother.

"I promise big sis." Star answered as he hugged Twilight and muzzled under her chin.

"Okay okay... Let's find someone who will check up on you." Twilight stated. Star nodded and tried to wash his tears.

"You ain't gonna go far at all Darlin. I can keep an eye on yer critter." An older female voice said. Twilight looked and saw a familiar face of an elder earth pony. She has a red coat, green eyes slightly curled grey mane, and tail though few of them were standing out showing their age.

"Mrs. Gaba! I thought you were asleep by now." Twilight asked. Mrs. Gaba was an elder pony she and Sky helped... a lot.

"Well, the young are making quite the hustle outside that ain't making me sleep any time a soon Darlin." Gaba said.

"And I thought this might be a small repayment with all the help you and Sky gave me for those months." Gaba continued. Twilight walked over to her, a smile forming on her face.

"Thank you, Mrs. Gaba. I won't forget this anytime soon. BLBF behave when I'm gone. That means no gliding." Twilight said to Star. He only rolled on his bed and tried to hide his displeasure with the "no-gliding" rule. Ever since he couldn't fly he started gliding whenever he had the chance.

"Yes, big sis! Bring back, Uncle Sky!" Star answered loudly.

"Good luck dear." Mrs. Gaba stated as she sat next to Star.

Twilight stood near the station's railway as the first group (including Sky) started rolling on a small manual train cart. As soon as the cart with Sky was gone she went towards the police outpost. There were supposed to be two groups of volunteers brought from all three stations.

She reached the outpost where two officers had a table where they checked for volunteers. In front of them was a small line consisting of few volunteers. While waiting she started listening to what others were talking about.

"-just hope that we can stand when we enter." Griffon spoke.

"Yeah... what do you think we're going to find there?" Unicon responded.

"I don't know... let's just hope that it helps us with the situation." Griffon answered.

"Next!" Officer yelled. Interrupting most of the conversations. Twilight and the rest of the line moved forward.

"All right everyone. Get on the carts and make sure you take as little space as possible! We don't want to keep the other groups waiting for us." Yelled the officer that was assigned to the second group.

Twilight entered the small cart into the left corner. Next to her, a reddish changeling sat and in front was a pegasus with a griffon. The griffon and pegasus seemed to be close friends while the changeling only sat there looking at the station.

Twilight looked at the metro map and looked at the area she was in and where she was going.

'Well, Universitet here I come!' Twilight thought as the carts started rolling, with small headlamps being the only source of light.