• Published 5th Feb 2021
  • 3,732 Views, 54 Comments

Metro - Lavender Exile - Wreck

During the Canterlot Wedding Twilight was betrayed by her so called "friend's", by her mentor, and her family. She then decided to leave them and she has taken first train to wherever it took her. Unknown to her it was one way ride to Metro.

  • ...

P - 1 - Broken Heart

In Canterlot many arrived for the wedding, others came to celebrate, rest just didn't care.

But six ponies got invited and took special roles to make sure the wedding goes as smoothly as possible.

Princess Cadence was going to marry Shining Armour and happily live after. . .

. . .

Or so Twilight thought before coming to Canterlot.

Cadence changed into something Twilight couldn't even comprehend how this happened. Her old friend from foal hood was gone, replaced by a pony that was selfish, ignorant, rude, and much more.

"Because you're evil!" Twilight shouted at crying Cadence. Cadence ran through the door, behind her Twilight teleported.

"Evil! And if I don't stop you, you're gonna ruin my brother's life!" Twilight shouted again. When she turned to the group of ponies left in the room she felt a sense of satisfaction.

But it was a short moment, that was interrupted by her BBBFF.

"You want to know why my eyes went all *:derpyderp2:*? Nuh! Because ever since I started having to perform my protection spell, I've been getting terrible migraines. Cadence hasn't been casting spells on me. She's been using her magic to heal me!" Shining said with anger. Twilight's started looking down.

"And she decided to replace her bridesmaids because she found out the only reason they wanted to be in the wedding was so that they could meet Canterlot royalty! And if she hasn't been on her best behavior with your friends, it's because with me being so busy, she's had to make all the decisions about the wedding!" Shining explained.

"I was just trying to–"Twilight tried to explain but was again interrupted by BBBFF who didn't seem to care at this point.

"She's been completely stressed out because it's really important to her that our big day be perfect! Something that obviously wasn't important to you! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and comfort my bride. And you can forget about being my best mare. In fact, if I were you, I wouldn't show up to the wedding at all." Shining left broken Twilight in the room. Her heart and mind are currently broken from what her brother has said.

In fact, if I were you, I wouldn't show up to the wedding at all.

if I were you, I wouldn't show up to the wedding at all.

up to the wedding at all.

at all.

at all. at all. at all.

Then one voice that she didn't know said in her mind.

You shouldn't be our friend at all.

You shouldn't be my sister at all.

You shouldn't be my student at all.

Twilight's mind broke even more after her friend's just passed her and her mentor didn't even look at her.

All of them said something but it never reached the Lavander unicorns ears.

Her emotions now overwhelming her own mind she could hear and understand one command.


Run as far away as possible.

Leave them.

Start anew somewhere else.

Somewhere where nothing could know me.

Then the decision was made. She used her magic to teleport to the entrance of the castle, Twilight couldn't teleport anywhere else since the shield blocked any attempts to teleport inside / outside.

She approached a pair of guards that stood in attention.

"I'm leaving." Twilight stated. The guards nodded and didn't want to argue with Celestia's student. The shield made a small opening and Twilight passed through it.

After few minutes she found herself at the train station, pondering on her next destination. She knew that the cities and towns she visited were completely out of option. She needed somewhere where she could find new life. Somewhere far away. The train station was updated every year with train arrivals/departures, they currently read that soon a train going towards the "City of Stalliongrad" was arriving.

She tried to remember any specifics about the general area but she couldn't remember. . . Maybe she never did read about Stalliongrad.

Regardless the train was going to arrive in the next 10 minutes and departure 5 minutes after arrival.

Twilight now entered the train, but something was different. Equestrian trains felt very comforting and had this look like it was made in a bakery. But this train?

This train was made of metal, It had small rooms with chairs and small tables with at least one window. Twilight didn't argue the chairs were actually more comfortable and she was alone in the room.

-Some Time Later-

She was currently alone in the small room and looked like a small Lavander ball of fur, from which quiet noise of sobbing could be heard.

Then Twilight felt a wired sensation.

Ever since what Shining told her she felt a stream of shudders that continued up until this new sensation. Like some kind of . . . cold yet also heat, both balanced and relaxing in a way.

Twilight raised her head slightly and looked at the origin of sensation. She saw a colt couple of years younger than her, currently hugging her hoof.

The colt was a gray Pegasus with dark blue mane and deep blue eye color. He currently looked concerned about the unknown Lavander pony next to him.

"Are you alright?" The colt asked. Twilight looked at him and smiled, she got rid of tears and looked at the colt.

"I'm not as fine as I would like to be. . . But thanks ... Uh what's your name?" Twilight asked. The colt looked only more concerned.

"Oh, my name is Star Fang. What's your name?" Star responded. Twilight smiled at him feeling a bit better.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle. Are you here alone?" Twilight Introduced herself and asked.

"No. Mama is outside with the ticket pony." Star explained.

"So where are you going Star?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, back home to Stalliongrad. But what made you so sad Sparky?" Star asked. Twilight looked at the colt with confusion.

"Sparky?" Twilight asked. Then through the doors, a mare entered. She was a white unicorn that reminded Twilight of her mentor.

"Mama!" Star jumped off the chair and hugged his mother.

"Mama, I made a new friend! Her name is Sparky." Star jumped around his mother. She slightly laughed and then hugged him.

"I'm glad you made a new friend, but please be careful next time okay?" She asked, Star nodded and jumped back on the chair.

"What's your destination Sparky?" Star asked. Twilight slightly zoned out as she didn't plan this far into the future.

"I suppose also Stalliongrad. I don't really know but I guess I need to start somewhere." Twilight answered. Star only smiled back and started flying the room.

"Star please, no flying in train." Mother asked, Star complied and landed on a chair.

"I'm sorry about my little Star but he is quite looking forward to having any friends. My name is Violet Aurora." Aurora introduced herself.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle." Twilight responded.

"Young one may I ask why are you in such a sad state?" Aurora asked. Twilight looked down and explained to them the story of the wedding.

About how her brother didn't tell her about the wedding, about how her old caretaker changed, about how her closest friends, mentor, brother just ignored her warning.

"Those jerks can't call themselves your friends if they threw you away after this long for someone they barely know." Star stomped on the chair. Twilight genuinely appreciated his opinion. Though she wondered about his use of "someone" instead of "somepony".

"I must agree with my son. The trust have they earned to this day, they just burned it without hesitation. They cannot truly be called friends." Aurora stated.

"Yes, I know. That's why I decided to leave this life behind and start a new life somewhere else. And it looks like it's going to be Stalliongrad. . . But I don't know anything about it except its existence." Twilight explained, with her head again looking down. Then she felt this weird balance of cold and heat again. She looked and saw Star curled up into a small ball quietly snoring next to her.

"Both of you had a long day, and it seems Star already began his rest. You should too. It's going to take more than 3 days to arrive in Stalliongrad." Aurora said with a caring voice. Same voice Celestia had... But Aurora's voice didn't have the whole "wise" feeling. It was just the voice of someone with genuine care for her. Someone like her own mother.

Twilight smiled and went to sleep.

Author's Note:

Wreck here with one line.