• Published 5th Feb 2021
  • 3,721 Views, 54 Comments

Metro - Lavender Exile - Wreck

During the Canterlot Wedding Twilight was betrayed by her so called "friend's", by her mentor, and her family. She then decided to leave them and she has taken first train to wherever it took her. Unknown to her it was one way ride to Metro.

  • ...

P - 10 -...or Destruction?

Everyone held their breath as they saw the... thing.

"What do we do?" Rolan asked quietly in case of that being hostile.

"Search the room the door is secure and if we can find anything then we can call it a success and get back home." Mack suggested to which everyone nodded and divided who would search the parts of the large metallic room.

Red stayed by the only entrance observing the thing for anything interesting or remotely showing hostile nature.

Twilight looked through a small group of blue scrolls and documents stacked into small and organized groups. She thought for a moment of Spike as he was the only one besides librarians that would make sure that library was tidy and organized. She hopes that he's in a much better situation than this and if not... Twilight shook her head.

Except for Manehatan, she couldn't see any of the Equestrian cities surviving what happened in Stalliongrad. If anything she wished that Spike was at least far away from any city when it happened.

"Found something Twilight?" Familiar Gryphon voice whispered to her. She could notice a few folders in his bag with two scrolls.

"Beside the water filter and something called 'synthesizer' I didn't find much besides a few educational notes." Twilight whispered back.

"I only found uh... One sec... Something about underground farm ideas and some magic contraption." Rolan said as he looked at the documents trying to make some sense of them.

"Lets keep searching. Keep up the good work." Twilight said as she returned to her library section.

"You too." Rolan said as he ventured somewhere else.

Twilight pondered for a moment if she should think of her past. Some of her past she could happily relieve with cuts here and there. Ponies she could talk about without wincing like Princess Luna, Derpy, Zecora, Spike wait he's a dragon... Anyway, and even she could consider what Discord did that one time better than... this.

Twilight shook her head. She has a job here to do and anything can ease up on the life of everyone in the stations. She could remember old life in her bed back home.

"FOUND SOMETHING!" Mack yelled.

"SHHH," Everyone shushed Mack. Even Red hissed similarly.

"Sorry... Anyway come here and help me with it... I have no idea what I'm looking at." Mack said while placing the blue scroll on the table with some documents next to it. Rolan and Mack, we're looking through the blue scroll while I read the documents. Twilight read the document sometimes stopping to read the sentence again. She learned major of written languages of Equestria back when... She lived in Canterlot.

" It's part of the whole mask... It's the filter part Marshall warned us about. How much time do we have till we have to change?" Twilight asked. Red got her hoof up to her where a watch sat with a slight green light. Red placed four fingers out of five on her glove.

"That's four minutes before changing. I say we look a bit more and then change before going back... Hopefully without those... Whatever they are in our way." Mack said as he placed one of his fingers on his watch which resulted in a quiet *beep*.


"Ready?" Mack asked as they clicked their second filters on their masks. Everyone nodded and Rolan stood next to the door peeking through the small eyehole.

"It's empty," Roman said and slowly unlocked the doors. They left the room and as quietly went through three rooms.

Then something stepped above them. It was heavy and slow its footsteps slowly fading.

"Let's go we have a few rooms left before the reception," Mack said. Red nudged him and made some movement with his gloves.

"Horse apples... The reception is one level above us... Where that is walling around." Mack cursed as he suddenly remembered the layout of the floor.

They reached the stairs and listened to if anything was nearby, but only wind whispered among the corridor. They went in pairs upstairs luckily the corridor was empty... They continued.

And continued.

The silence was as terrifying as the noise they could hear occasionally.

"Where are we?" Twilight asked looking around the corridors which looked the same if you didn't count the destroyed walls and few missing floors.

"About... A couple of rooms in the direction we are going to" Mack didn't get to finish his sentence as massive foot smashed into the wooden floor behind them. The word cracked as everyone turned around to see the monster standing on two legs a towering above them like a mountain. Its mouth shows those teeth without any lips to cover them. Massive claws on its arms that could probably cut them in half after one slash. Its head tilted looked at them with yellow eyes.

"All right everyone... Stay calm... And slowly walk ba-" Mack said slowly but was interrupted again. Another one appeared in their direct way.

"Damn it all... Ok, we go sideways to the room. Keep looking at them, run if they start doing something." Mack said and everyone very slowly retreated through the nearest doors and closed them. They could hear fast thumps going through the building indicating one of those things left.

The other one though...


A massive roar filled the room as it broke the small door into half and tried to grab Rolan who managed to jump out before it grabbed his leg.

"GO!" Mack yelled and everyone started sprinting through the room while Red unholstered the firearm she had.


They heard a noise far off into the direction they were going. It seemed the monster was also going in the same direction as they.

"Come on we need to- TWILIGHT WATCH O-" Rolan yelled as he grabbed Twilight just in the nick of time as a monster tried to grab her through the large hole in the wall.

Twilight could hear Rolan scream something and she noticed he pulled out his orange box... Why would he- *qnick-shhw*

Twilight regained her senses and looked around noticing a small red liquid under her and it trailed through her... Fur... Oh.

Twilight looked at two concerning missing patches of fur. She also noticed that half of her hair from the place where two of those cuts were.

"T-thanks." Twilight thanked Rolan as she stood up.

"No problem no let's go!" He yelled as they heard heavy footsteps coming up behind them.

In the last long moment's Twilight though Tartarus came to her wanting an autograph written in her... You know what they use in most rituals that summon demons etc.

'Not the time to joke around Twilight.' She thought to herself as she kept running behind Mack and Red with Rolan behind her. None of them looked healthy anymore as missing fur patches on Twilight and Mack, Rolan's broken wing, and Red's slightly cracked skin, and an empty ammo bag. Half of their initial injectors are used and their filter is at the last five minutes.

They passed the reception and managed to seal the door with some furniture though they doubted wooden furniture can half that long.

The gunshots were now very loud coming right from the entrance to the cave where they came from.

"Come on your one of the last groups. Have you seen the third recon?" a Familiar male voice asked loudly just barely hearing it in the gunfire.

"There should be one more group coming from the northern area but it was swarming with those things." A female said her voice breaking in panic.

"WE'RE COMING BUT WE HAVE COMPANY!" Mack yelled as we kept running towards the staircase.

Once we reached the cave entrance we saw a massive carnage with some bodies lying around in every spot you looked at... There were only two of those things among those bodies.

Twilight looked at the entrance only to meet the familiar sharp gaze of a blue pony.

"TWILIGHT?!" Sky yelled as he recognized her. Before she could respond one of those monsters appeared behind their team. Roland and Mack ran down the stairs with Red and Twilight just behind them.

Sky aimed his gun with a few fellow police officers that had weapons trained on the beast but a weird blue sphere appeared and spat electricity everywhere. They were startled by the sphere in the same those things just seemed to fear it.

"Damn... Get over here Twilight. We are getting out of here. Jor gets the charges ready we need to seal this cave before those things get inside." Sky ordered as one of the officers ran towards the tunnel knowing that the short time they have will run out.

"They're set!" Officer yelled in the same moment when Twilight and Red reached the makeshift barricade.

"Run! Okay everyone, we retreat on my signal... GO!" Sky yelled after he made sure Twilight and her team were at a safe distance. His small team of officers sprinted down the tunnel.

"Blow the charges!" Sky yelled as he counted five seconds after passing the bombs they set up as soon as they engaged those things.

As soon as the officer heard the signal he pressed a small device which sent a signal toward the small bombs placed in the cave. As soon as the signal reached the bomb they ignited and exploded.

The explosion expanded until the cave collapsed and buried it with smoke coming in behind them.

As soon as they reached the station's entry point with the cave some sat down wheezing and gasping for air. Sky slowly slid down the wall and while coughing up some of the smoke he looked at Twilight.

"You young lady *cough-cough* have something to explain." Sky said looking at a few wounds on her... Especially one on the left side of her neck.

"Well..." Twilight sheepishly laughed and scratched behind her head. Maybe she could escape his wrath...




One Hour Later

Twilight sat upon one of the chairs in the setup food station for the expedition. Many other beings are here as they exchanged what they found with some of the students who came in reminding Twilight of her times when she found something in the books and asked her to explain them.

'Actually, now that I think about it... Princess usually avoided certain topics when I asked about them... A good example was Nightmare Moon.' Twilight thought as she ate her meal.

"ALRIGHT, EVERYONE," Marshall yelled above everyone looking at the expedition.

"I heard what happened in the library and university. I still hardly believe it myself but... The missing beings speak otherwise." Marshall spoke as he looked at a small wall that was hastily made to write down those who haven't returned. There were thirty-seven missing beings.

"I want to thank you all for what you did. Thanks to many of you we recovered a great number of cultural writings and scientific notes that could be destroyed if not for the expedition." Marshall paused as he looked at the crowds. But his gaze stopped at one table at which Twilight sat with Red and Mack. Rolan was somewhere getting his meal.

"I want to especially thank the third team and first team for finding blueprints for the gas masks.

I give my thanks to: Twilight Gazer, Mack Tornado, Rolan Yora, Tral'v of the third recon for finding the blueprint for the filter in the masks.

I also thank: Tar'fa, Alexei Trick, Hardy, and their fallen comrade Ben Craf. They brought the blueprints for the mask itself.

And I want to thank those who are now among our friends and families who have seen the day fall.

Thank you all for coming to this expedition and for all you did. The people of our stations thank you in all their hearts and minds." Marshall announced as some police officers pulled another board was pinned teams and beings who gathered important documents and books.

"Well... You sure are going to get a lot of fame Twilight." Sky said as he sat down next to them.

"Where were you?" Twilight asked.

"Oh right. I was... Startled by Marshall and an offer he gave me." Sky said waving his hoof in an uninterested way.

"And?" Twilight asked.

"We recovered so many of those books and other things we can't have them lying around and he decided that he is going to make a library as-" Sky was explaining but a Purple face now stared at him with determination.

"WHEN!?" Twilight calmly inquired.

"As soon as diamond dogs finish digging... Around a week of getting the place set up and then sorting through all of those documents..." Sky trailed off as he watched Twilight doze off into some part of her mind. He chuckled silently as he could see all those students just yelling to work at the library... Too bad for them as Twilight was already set in tracks to get it.

Location Outside Stalliongrad

"Tch. Tch. Tch. Should have seen you coming back one day. Luckily you seem as confused as me so you won't be leaving this barrier any time soon." Spirit of disharmony said to himself looking satisfied with most of his work.

"Now... To make sure the royal planets don't break it." He sighed knowing well that this is going to be a terrible talk.


End of Prologue

Author's Note:

And... That's it for the prologue.

Yay, we have finished the first book which is the Prologue...

Can't say but so far feedback was positive though obviously, I should also work on my other story... Probably.

Anyway I'm here to just announce that the next book - The Dark One's (TDO) - is going to have a LOT of plot changes... I mean SH*T TON changes...

How much changes? Well...

-Sombra gets to live as a neutral character with a bit of backstory...-