• Published 5th Feb 2021
  • 3,732 Views, 54 Comments

Metro - Lavender Exile - Wreck

During the Canterlot Wedding Twilight was betrayed by her so called "friend's", by her mentor, and her family. She then decided to leave them and she has taken first train to wherever it took her. Unknown to her it was one way ride to Metro.

  • ...

P - 7 - Day of the Last Spell

Author's Note:




No seriously how?!

Also sorry about the lagged publishing I lost connection and didn't notice it until now.

I will check if the chapter has any grammatical mistakes because some parts of them I did at night.

-Moments before the events at SB-6 -

-Train Currently En-route to Universitet Station-

Twilight was sitting on one of the chairs. This train was different, Aurora explained that this one is made to travel in special underground tunnels that were placed under the City of Stalliongrad. The train was now much more cramped, there were no walls other than the ones separating outside/inside. There were many beings both sitting and standing, few were grabbing to the poles that helped while standing when the train turned or changed speed.

In the distance, she could see the destination she was going to for the last four days.

City of Stalliongrad

Four days of deciding truly leaving her so-called friends.

About leaving her mentor.

About leaving her old family.

But now. Now she made her decision.

She was going to start her life anew in Stalliongrad. She was going to have a new family which seems to be closer related to her than the old one. She was going to take care of her Little Brother.

'*chuckle* I always wondered how Shining felt when he took care of me.' Twilight thought. To her right was Sky currently sitting on top of the luggage, in front Aurora was reading a newspaper, and Star was next to Twilight looking out the window. Twilight could notice several small houses and farming grounds in the distance.

"Twilight?" Sky called. Twilight turned towards him and nodded.

"I was wondering since Aurora only told me a few things about you... What was your previous home like? Do you have any friends or family that you left?" Sky asked. Twilight didn't know that Sky already knew her story but he wanted to hear and see her reaction to it. Twilight slightly gulped and looked at him.

"Well... I used to live in Canterlot with my family and my mentor before I moved to Ponyville where I found my... friends." Twilight started. The way she called her friends was... very distant. She didn't seem to hate them but she also had nothing good to say about them as well.

"I earned my cutie mark during a magic test exam. where I had to use magic to hatch a dragon egg... which I did. From the egg came a very close assistant of mine Spike." Twilight continued. Sky noticed that this Spike was the last being she is still trusting... and even having a good opinion on him. Maybe he could pull some strings in SSD to get him to Stalliongrad.

"After getting my cutie mark and Spike being new my closest assistant... somepony became my mentor. if you don't mind I want to keep my mentor's name... private." Twilight stated. Sky could see that now she was reluctant towards Celestia. She still respected her, but now she will make a second thought if anything is related to her.

"I don't mind. Did your mentor lead you towards Ponyville for some reason or something else?" Sky asked. He knew that Twilight is the element of magic but he wanted to know if she would openly say it, or only hint at it if not outright lying.

"Well... my Mentor assigned me to inspect Ponyville for the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration. That leads me to my... friends. They were unique but... I think I'd rather skip any details regarding them. During the start of the Celebration Nightmare Moon appeared, and has set the moon in the sky instead of the sun. Eternal Night she said. And I... sort of knew she was coming since it was written in one of the books I read about any prophecies. Quote -

Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about nighttime eternal!

After a bit of digging, I found that Princess Celestia used Elements of Harmony to banish her to the moon. I checked the library where I moved for any books that had any information on them. Thanks to one of them I was able to find information on the whereabouts of the elements." Twilight continued. Sky could relate, through his service several times he was in a position where he was required to fight for Stalliongrad... both officially and unofficially, against threats small and large. But he never was alone... he always had his friends and other units in the military backing him up.

Trying to take on a threat like Nightmare Moon this early was a... complicated idea. On one side she just arrived and didn't have any support from... anyone. On the other side, Twilight and her friends went to fight Nightmare Moon alone, even if they knew she was coming... as if certain Alicorn Princess planned this many years before her arrival... or at least in the recent years since she took in Twilight as her student. As Sky pulled himself out of thought he noticed that most of the story went by to the point of arriving at the Previous Capitol of Equestria.

"-We entered a large throne room... or maybe that was a hallway... never looked into the architecture of such castles.

I should make a 'to do list'.

*Clears throat* As we searched the room we found a sculpture of some kind... or maybe it was a statue? *Shooks her head*

Not the time Twilight.

On the Stone Structure, we found five stone orbs, each of them had a symbol which I presume were our cutie marks if I remember correctly." Twilight stated as she put her hoof on her chin.

"Wait, those orbs had YOUR cutie mark and your friends CMs?" Sky asked. He found it very suspicious that a presumabley thousand years old stone orbs had their cutie marks... that's about 13 or 15 generations if he is correct.

"Well... we didn't notice the marks as they were covered in mush and were deformed after years of sitting idly in an old castle surrounded by the most chaotic forest in existence. And to be clear the five orbs had only my friends cutie marks." Twilight answered. Sky was in deep thought.

It's hard to imagine someone not only knew who the next element bearers were but also placed those stones conveniently inside of an old castle. Sure it was in the middle of Everfree forest but that won't stop certain stubborn explorers. *Cough* Certain Daring Doo for example.

"Ok... So what happened next?" Sky asked.

"Well in the book it said that:

when the five are present, a spark will cause the sixth Element to be revealed.

I only guessed what that meant." Twilight stated with slight nervousness.

"You mean... you made up a random spell that made a spark or an electric shock?" Sky asked. Twilight averted her eyes. Sky could think of two things. One- That was reckless. Two- that was dangerous.

"Maybe... Look I didn't have any other ideas so I brought the most simplistic thing I could think of. Anyway...

As soon as I tried to cause a spark Nightmare Moon teleported me into the throne room." Twilight continued. Sky could imagine how it looked from Twilight's description of the events. Sky only thought that Nightmare Moon wasn't prepared for such an event, but even if she tried to avert and make the best of it, she failed.

'Oh, how the 'mighty and great' leaders fell.' Sky thought to himself as he reminded himself of a certain leader that used some kind of storm magic and oppressed the population of hippogriffs.
With little help from nameless vigilante group, he was overthrown and the pacifistic movement took power in an instant. Since then they never bothered anyone.

As Twilight finished the story with Celestia appearing as if right on cue, totally unharmed, and with the sun rising in the last possible moment. Don't get him wrong he was glad Luna was back, when it came to the reputation in Stalliongrad, Luna was the one who had more support from the population. But the entire thing just stinks of a plot made by Celestia. *Sigh* Seems like he was going to write a long report to SSD.

Outside the outskirts of Stalliongrad could be seen, the farmlands started slowly being replaced by smaller towns and industrial districts ranging from reactors to factories. It was summer as of now so it was decent weather with sun and a couple of clouds in the air. Twilight looked at the now-changing surroundings.

The industrial districts changed into a very advanced city, each street filled with those cars she heard from Aurora,
many beings who walked on the streets. Every corner of her vision shown what she would truly call a harmonious lifestyle.

"Enjoying the view?" Aurora asked. Twilight nodded as she kept looking at the streets filled with life before she noticed that the ground started shifting and now the ground was above them... or they were underground.

"The train should make a short stop in Prospekt Station." Sky notified the group. Twilight watched as their train passed through another station which name could be hardly pronounced by her.

"Where exactly do you live Aurora?" Twilight asked as she noticed a map of the metro inside the train. It looks like some sort of spider web made out of connections and dots.

"Oh we live in Mira's District. It's renowned for its tea makers in the entire city." Aurora answered. The city kept extending beyond the horizon as if it was eternal and infinite.

"That's true! Their tea can even tame a dangerous dragon! Each part of the city is known for one thing or another." Sky added as he looked into his saddlebag.

"Even so we couldn't have ever had this kind of nation without help from friends." Sky said as he found some kind of old photo. On it, there was a group of beings with two distinct uniform types and two different flags. One she recognized as the flag of Stalliongrad with red background and massive golden-like olive branches connected to a scroll with marks of races such as pony, griffon, buffalo, dragon, etc. Twilight didn't recognize the second flag... it had a half-black, half-red star on the inverted background but on its red background were three distinct claw-like marks.

"Where are they from?" Twilight asked as Sky turned the picture back to himself.

"On the left is me and my comrades. On the right, we have one of the best groups we ever worked with. They called themselves 'Three Liberators' in the name of their leaders. They were part of the Griffon Liberation Army, now known as the Republic of Prywhen. Among them is my best friend, Miller Rocky who was a great leader... I can only hope to someday reach his experience." Sky explained as he pointed at one of the griffons. The griffon reminded slightly of her old mentor's chef in Canterlot. Always seemed grumpy but kind at heart.

The train emerged from the underground find itself driving towards a bridge above most of the buildings. Twilight took in the surroundings of the city. She recognized shops, markets, parks, smaller libraries, and post offices. There were also buildings she didn't recognize, but one extremely tall building caught her attention. It was much taller than anything she saw in her life and it looked almost two times taller than Canterlot Castle she once lived in. She could feel magic emanating from it, much more than the city parts she has seen so far.

"That tower... What is it?" Twilight asked. Aurora looked at the tower and had a mix of sadness and pride on her face. Sky while mostly seemed to keep his face straight except for a tiny smirk trying to hide from eyes. Star looked curious.

"Well... remember the story I told you Twilight? About times of Princessyn?" Aurora asked.

"You mean those times where December Revolution took place?" Twilight asked not being sure about the correct date.

"Very much so, back then Princessyn was the heart of Equestrian industry... or well its first implementation. Back then nobody knew of the risks such industries brought with them and because of that nobody cared when the weather system failed and the region became colder, or when famine hit the region because the industry was the only source of jobs while all of the lands usable for farms were claimed by the crown." Aurora began still looking in the direction of the tower.

"After the successful revolution, those problems didn't vanish. But what did vanish were those ignorant royals who didn't bat an eye to our conditions. And with new leadership ever so slowly we rebuild and tried to adapt. Thanks to the industry we had we were a major trade faction since Equestria lost its main production capabilities, and anything like clocks or simple machines that today are as easy to make as apples in Equestria. Thanks to that we didn't starve for a long time until we had our lands for agriculture, and even then we still had food shortages. What was known as Bepa or Faith became the Steel Tower. A tower that became the beating heart of our industry. By itself, it can run almost the entire economy of our nation... almost. Stalingrad relies on trade and its nearby lands for food while they rely on us for the production of everyday tools. It also signs the end of our struggle and the beginning of what is an almost golden age comparable to times when Equestria united." Aurora finished the story.

Twilight looked at the tower which was by now visible in its complete glory. made out of metal with silver and white color from the wide and blocky foundations to round top with a statue of a pony on its hind legs with what looked like a torch between its hooves.

"Who is that? The statue I mean." Twilight asked.

"That Twilight is the statue of Steel Stallion. His actual name was Stalnoy Zerehets but in his time's local names were all but only whispered because of the royalty. Forced to speak Unites Equstraian, to this day the original language of our region is used only by few families." Aurora stated.

Twilight thought over it and found it sad that the original language has been almost erased all those years ago... and at the same time she was glad because she wouldn't have this conversation with them. A blessed curse she would call it.

She noticed some of the buildings had pillars of smoke trailing from what looked like chimneys. But then she saw... almost like a miniature sun rose from the ground. She counted at least 26 of them... all of them rising around the city. When Twilight was about to ask her... new family, she saw the shock on the faces of Sky and Aurora while Star looked afraid of those "Mini-Suns".

Out of those 20 went beyond the horizon while the remaining six started dropping. Others that were driving in the train seemed shocked and afraid. The next few moments were soundless.

"GET DOWN!" Someone yelled and everyone took cover behind what they could. Before Twilight could react Aurora pulled her and Star into a protective shield with Sky next to her. A large flash made large yellow light through the windows.

A large explosion then reached their ears and left them deaf. Silence rang across the train as everyone held their close relatives.

Then darkness completely engulfed the train.









Thinking they were safe few looked around checking if that was the end.

Suddenly a massive force made the train shook and everyone now barely could stand. Unconsiousness engulfed Twilight as she tried to create a shield spell around them.

- Certain garden filled with Statues -

Though around the world shock waves could be felt coming from a direction... those weren't the only waves.

In the magical aura surrounding almost all life, massive earth-shattering cracks are created by massive loss of life.

Those cracks created something even chaos magic could not survive.

The void has returned... and with it corruption resurfaced.

And with those cracks appearing all over the magical aura only one being could restore the natural state of magic.

"Yaaawn. Has something happened?" The draconequus asked no one in particular.

"Wait... I'm out?" He asked again taking in the surrounding. The shattered stone under him and similar statues all around him with cracks appearing around them.

"Oh, dear... While I would like to have most of you free to cause chaos... I will need all of you to sleep again." He said as he snapped his fingers and other figures stopped breaking... for now.

"Now... oh..." The draconequus felt the trembling foundations of magic all around the world.

"I suppose first comes cleaning the house before having fun." He sighed before snapping and vanishing in bright light.

- Border between Equestria and Stalliongrad -

Corporal Info was currently moving with his hunters towards the City of Stalliongrad after receiving new orders from their objective...

"Hey, Info! What is that?" One of the hunters asked while pointing at something in distance. Out there a bright light was approaching at speeds exceeding anything recorded. Then it hit the ground. It was too far from them to be aimed at them, so Info thought it was some test from Stalliongradaian... whatever they are testing.

"All right we'll go around the place where that thing landed. It's probably filled with militar-" Before Info could finish a massive light almost blinded him from the direction of that place where it landed.

Before he regained his bearings a massive shockwave went through the air making trees around them snap like sticks and fly into the air. Followed shortly afterward a massive ear-shattering explosion was heard.

Many of the hunters were suddenly kissing the ground and praying for this nightmare to end...



Seconds passed.



Minutes passed.



Few hours passed.


The shock seemed to wear off as Info shakily stood up on his four legs. He looked around and saw his comrades still hugging the earth while others sat there without even realizing what happened. The next big shock came from the state of the forest... it was devastated. No tree was spared and all of them snapped in half with other halves scattered around the entire region. The grass was completely flat as if it was glued to the ground.

Info slowly tried to check on every one of his hunters. None of them was fine.

"What now..." Breathed out one of the hunters as he slowly stood up.

"I... we should return..." Info stated. It wasn't an order but a statement and all of them knew it was the correct choice. None of them could continue after such an event, and even less could forget this day.

- Train? -

Twilight groaned in pain while hearing an annoying sound in her ears. After moments she felt nudging and a familiar voice. Slowly she opened her eyes and saw a blurred blue figure with a smaller grey much closer to Twilights face.

"Twi*&%th c&^ hea4 m3?" The blue one asked? Twilight wasn't sure but nodded very slowly. With every moment her vision returned and the noise in her ear grew more distant.

"Spar&#? Bi@ $is Sparky?" Familliar young voice came.

"Star?" Twilight asked. She could now make out the features of both ponies in front of her.

"What... Where?" Twilight asked. She could her voice was strained.

"Easy there Twilight. Train stopped... Well crashed because of a cave in of the tunnel behind it. We need to get somewhere safe." Sky said as Twilight slowly lifted herself.

"Everyone we managed to open one of the doors. It's two wagons ahead of here. If some can't stand on their own help them." An authoritative voice called out.

"Are you all alright?" Twilight asked. Sky looked like he was used to being in pain. Star was scared with Aurora trying to comfort him.

"Yes, we are dear. Come, we need to find a safe place to regain our strength." Aurora said softly.

Twilight struggled to stand up with help of Sky. Soon they left the train with others that we're on board.

"Is this everyone? We don't know how long this tunnel will hold. The nearest station is around half an hour's walk." The same authoritative voice called out in front of the group.

After gathering up what was left and checking if that was everyone that could be found was off the train they slowly made their way towards the tunnel passing occasional red lights.

"What's going to happen?" Star asked.

"Don't worry dear we'll-" Aurora was cut off by a noise just behind them. The cave started cracking and the feeling slowly dropped bits of rocks on top of them.

Panic started immediately and before anyone knew the tunnel was slowly crashing down.

In a matter of seconds, Twilight created a shield to hold the tunnel feeling before crushing poor beings beneath it.

"Quickly... Don't... Know how long..." Twilight said to the shocked group in front of her and without questioning, they quickly ran while thanking her at the same time.

Something snapped in Twilights head and she yelled in pain. The spell dropped and the ceiling slowly came towards her.

She saw a white aura of magic enveloping the ceiling and before she knew she was showed away by a familiar white unicorn.

"MOM/AURORA!" Star and Sky yelled at the same time.

"Keep Star safe, my dear little daughter." Twilight heard Aurora say as her spell broke.

"AURORA!" Twilight screamed after her...


"..." Twilight held her hoof up in the air towards where Aurora was...

Aurora was...

Tears streamed down...

"NO! AURORA!" Twilight yelled as she mustered enough strength for basic telekinesis but... Nothing happened.

"What..." She asked herself. Her magic... It... She couldn't feel any of it.

"TWILIGHT!" Sky yelled as he grabbed her and started running with both her and Star on his back.

The cave crashed down even more until it stopped.

Silence and quiets sobs could be heard until the end of the month in this tunnel.





The next day everyone was shocked with much worse news as they reached the station.


"Big sis?" Twilight heard Star ask.

"What is it?" Twilight asked. Twilight currently looked devastated with visible leftovers of tears that were pouring from her eyes yesterday.

"I tried flying and... And.. And I couldn't." Star said sobbing slowly. Twilight hugged him and tried to comfort him and herself.

In the next few days the entire population of what was left of Stalliongrad understood the terrible situation they now find themselves in.

The surface is hostile.

Magic is gone.

And all they have left...

Is themselves.

That day...

That moment...

Was known as...

The Last Spell.