• Published 23rd Dec 2020
  • 1,025 Views, 103 Comments

Equestria Girls: Disney Odyssey: Pinocchio - Mister V

Our heroes meet a little wooden puttet

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Bloopers/"You Are A Human Animal"

In a large theater Mr.V steps out onto the stage. "Ladies and gentlemen." He said. "We thank you for joining our heroes' journey with the little wooden boy and his conscience. And now, we are please to present to you, dear readers, the blooper reels of this presentation, Reminding you that we are all human. These reels will be followed by a special performance from Mr. Cricket." A large screen then lowers down and a projecter starts showing the bloopers. The first blooper showed our heroes arriving.

"Alright let's start the first tape" The director said "Jump to the ground and pretend you're falling go!" The director called. Then the Mane Seven, Spike and Trinity fell only to land on large pile of cow pies.

"Seriously?" Rainbow called angrily. "First an large wagon and now this? What's next an instrument?"

"Cut!" The director called as the others got out and washed themselves "The person who brought cow pies here."

"That was me!" a dumb looking worker said as he ran by.

"You're fired." The director called throwing the worker out of the room. "Okay, let's clean 'em up and do it again."

The second blooper showed Pinocchio turning his body around without turning his head, only for his head to spin around a couple times, making him dizzy before both he and Geppetto started laughing.

"Okay, okay, we've all had a good laugh." The director said. "Thankfully, we can fix that in the editing," The third blooper shows Sunset, Jiminy and Antonio joining the group.

"What's up guys?" Sunset asked.

"See for yourselves." Twilight said. "And listen."

Then to the group's suprise, they hear and see swinging piano music. "Yeah!" The pianist said in pleasure, only for Groucho and Chico Marx to try their hand in piano playing. "Get away from there." But suddenly, the piano started playing on it's own. "What's the matter with that piano" He then opened up the piano to see Harpo Marx playing the strings on the piano. "The man's crazy!" Then, Harpo finished his number with the honking of his horn.

"Uhh, thank you for the suprise celebrity cameo today, Marx Brothers." The director said in exaustion. "Oh brother is this going to be a long night." The fourth blooper shows Monstro talking to some dolphins.

"And so you two are actually related?" He asked them, to which he got a couple of nods as a response. "You know I can get you two into The Little Mermaid if you want." He then saw the cameras rolling. "I'm sorry, are we rolling? Hehehe, okay girls, remember if you ever want to get into show business, let me know." The fifth blooper showed Jiminy then knocked on a clam shell like it was a door.

"Pardon me, Pearl." He said tipping his hat.

"My name is Paul." The clam replied. "What do ya want?"

"Are you acquainted with Monstro the whale?" Jiminy Cricket asked. The Clam then suddenly started quoting Moby Dick.

"Thar she blows!" The clam said. "Sorry, I just had to say that. Let's try that again." The sixth blooper showed Geppetto covering his son with the blanket

"But I'm awfully glad to see you." Geppetto said as he covered his son with the blanket. "Let me take your hat." He then removed the hat, revealing Daffy Duck.

"Did you really think I would sneak my way into this, did ya, Disney?" He asked.

"Cut!" The director said.

"No, don't cut!" Daffy replied while Bugs Bunny came in. "Let the cameras roll, and record it for posterity, whilst I give this two-bitten nimrod of a director a severe dressing-down! Sir, you have desecrated the good names of me and my associats, by making us look frail and helpless!"

"Eh, cut." Bugs said.

"No, don't cut!" Daffy cried out. "Now, in the future, I suggest that you get our permission before using our likenesses!"

"Cut!" Sunset cried out.

"NO, DON'T CUT!" Daffy shouted before turning back to the director "And another thing: expect a call from my attorneys about this unfortunate incident, and brother, when they call you, there's-" But before he could finish, there as a roar and Daffy was cut into 4 pieces.

Three of the four pieces landed on the floor infront of Bugs "Eh, now can we cut?" He asked sarcastically, with a pun intended..

"You smug son of a-" Daffy Duck began only for the camera to cut before he finished. Then as the screen went up, Mr.V stepped out onto the stage again.

"And now, we have a special performance from one of the stars of the show, Jiminy Cricket." He said before turning to the audience. "Maestro, if you please."

Then the music started as the curtains opened and Jiminy stared singing about the human animal, who is a very special breed, for it is the only animal, who can think, who can reason, who can read. Then a cow went moo and a dog went ruff, a cat meowed and a horse kicked up his hooves. A group of back-up singers took the second chorus, singing with harmony equal to that of a barbershop quartet. When the second chorus was finished, Jiminy took out a yo-yo as more animals stepped out onto the stage. A pig went oink, and a mule hee hawed, a duck went quack and a sheep when baa, and Jiminy then swung his yo-yo out to the audience three times before putting it back in his pocket. The backup singers took the chorus for the third and final time as they divded into three groups, one that was thinking, one that reasoned with each other, and one that read books. Then a chicken went bakawk and coyote went aawoo, some birds tweeted and a fish went bluddle-uddle-uddle. The animals and the back up singers sang together before everyone finished the performance with a bow.

"That's amazing, Jiminy!" Twilight said in awe.

"Thank you Twilight." Jiminy said, blushing a bit. "I must admit, I never performed on a stage before."

In honor of Cliff Edward

Comments ( 12 )

Oh, yeah! Remind me, which one was that again?

the one which i sent an DM post for

Sorry, I'm look for that post right now.

BTW Thanks for pointing out the grammar errors.

Yeah, and I made it more appropriate for the audience I'm going for.

When you gonna make Fantasia?

I’m actually working on it right now.

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