• Published 23rd Dec 2020
  • 1,025 Views, 103 Comments

Equestria Girls: Disney Odyssey: Pinocchio - Mister V

Our heroes meet a little wooden puttet

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Angry Cricket/A Dark Secret Revealed

Later, everything is run down and broken, and no one else is stirring but our heroes, who were still searching for Pinocchio, Sam, and Chip.

"Pinocchio!" Jiminy Cricket cried out. "Pinocchio!"

"Sam!" Hello Kitty said.

"Chip!" My Melody said.

"Where is everybody?" Rarity asked in curiosity.

"The place is like a graveyard." Trinity said.

"I don't like the looks of this." Applejack said.

"Pinocchio!" Jiminy said. "Hey, where are ya?" Sunset then noticed Nomis talking to Bulk and motioned to everyone to come here.

"Are there any more boys left?" Nomis asked.

"Just 4 of the are in the pool house." Bulk answered. "Should I get them."

"No." Nomis replied. "I'll handle this. You just tell Triad, Trion and Triout to get ready." Nomis then went to the pool house, with our heroes following him without being seen. Meanwhile at the pool house, Pinocchio, Sam, Chip and Lampwick were playing pool and eating plenty of food.

"Where do you suppose all the kids went to, fellas?" Pinocchio asked.

"They're around here, somewhere's." Lampwick answered. "What do you care?" Nomis then walked in with 4 plates of food.

"Are you boys having fun?" He asked.

"Uh-huh, we sure are." Sam answered.

"We're having a blast!" Chip added.

"Good, good." Nomis answered before placing the 4 plates on a table. "I've brought you boys some very special meals. Roast beef, Fish Sticks, Pizza, and for you, my little wooden friend, a large bowl of spaghetti. Enjoy!" He then left the boys to enjoy themselves.

"Oh boy!" Lampwick said in delight. "This is life, huh, Pinoky?"

"Yeah!" Pinocchio said as he was eating his spaghetti. "It sure is!"

"Ah, you slurp like me grandmother!" Lampwick said before putting his fork. "Come on, take a big drag, like this!" He then took a deep breath as if he was inhaling a long noodle.

"Okay, Lampy!" Pinocchio said before taking a really huge drag on his spaghetti and turns red. and as he swallowed the food, his eyes water up and pour out as he closes them, and then he turns green in the face as he let out a big burp.

"Heh, some fun, huh, kid?" Lampwick asked Pinocchio, who nods nauseously.

(Pause at 0:20)

"Are you okay, Pinoke?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, you look a little green." Chip said.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Pinocchio answered. Meanwhile, as Nomis left the pool house, The group were outside waiting for their opportunity.

"Okay, here's the plan." Sunset said. "Jiminy and I will go in there and try to get the boys out, while the rest of you follow Nomis to see what he's up too." The group nodded

(Resume video)

"Okay, slats." Lampwick said as he added another point to his scoreboard. "Your shot." Pinocchio climbs onto the pool table and tries to aim at the 8-ball with a noodle sticking out his mouth. Because he is dazed and nauseous from eating too much, everything looks warbly from his view, and he can barely focus on striking the 8-ball, which appears to wink at him. Disoriented, Pinocchio shakes his head, and his eye pupils shake around well as our heroes entered the poolhouse. "What's the matter, slats? Losin' your grip?" Pinocchio was about to hit the ball when his name was called.

"PINOCCHIO!!!" This caused him to fall flat on his face, squishing the noodle in his mouth. He gets to up to see Jiminy in the 8 ball. "So this is where we find you! How do you ever expect to be a real boy?! Look at yourself... Stuffing your face silly, playing pool!" He then kicked the 8-ball angrily, only to crush his foot. "Oww! You're comin' right home with me, this minute!"

"Hey..." Lampwick said as he picked up Jiminy. "Who's the beetle? "

"Let go!" Jiminy Cricket said. "Put me down!" His mouth was soon muffled by his jacket. "Uh, let me out!"

"He's my friend, and Pinocchio's conscience!" Sunset said in a serious tone. "He tells him what's right and wrong."

"What?!" Lampwick asked in shock as he drops Jiminy. "You mean to tell me he takes orders from a grasshopper?"

"Grasshopper?!" Jiminy Cricket asked in shock as he stood on the 8-ball. "Look here, you impudent young pup! It wouldn't hurt you to take orders from your grasshop- your conscience, if you have one."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure." Lampwick said as he knocked the 8-ball, sending both it and Jiminy into a pocket. "Screwball in the corner pocket." The cricket fell through the hole and tumbled into the other balls, then manages to avoid being ran over by the 8-balls. Everyone else in the room let out a sigh of relief, and Lampwick just laughed his head off.

"Why, why- ya young hoodlum!" Jiminy Cricket said, clearly losing his temper as he took his jacket off and prepared to do battle. "I'll knock your block off! I'll take you apart and put you back together again." But before he could, Antonio, Hello Kitty and My Melody raced into the building.

"Yo!" Antonio said in alarm. "We found something, and you guys need to see it to believe it!"

"Well good!" Jiminy said as he put his jacket back on backwards, and squished his hat. "The sooner we get out of here, the better!" But before he could join them, he fell into a pool pocket again, and this time he flew off one of the balls and landed on the floor; Lampwick laughed again, and Jiminy mocked him. "Ha ha ha! Go on, laugh. Make a jackamule outta yourself. I'm through! This is the end!"

"But Jiminy, Lampwick says a guy only lives once." Pinocchio said in naïveté.

"Lampwick... Hmph!" Jiminy Cricket said with a furious look his eyes.

"Okay, you four stay here and try to talk Pinoke out of here." Sunset said. "I'll go calm him down." The four young ones nodded. Soon, Sunset was racing through the park up to the gates, with Jiminy still fuming.

"Lampwick." Jiminy Cricket said angrily. "Hmph! Lampwick! Burns me up. After all I tried to do for him! Who's his conscience anyway? Me, or that...that hoodlum Lampwick? I've had enough of this! As soon as we find out what's going on, we're takin' the next boat outta here!"

(Pause at 0:20)

"Come on, Jiminy, go easy on Lampwick." Sunset said. "He doesn't know how to be a good friend. I should know, I've been there." They soon joined up with the rest of the group. "What's up guys?"

"See for yourselves." Twilight said. "And listen."

(Resume video)

Sunset and the conciences heard animal sounds on the other side of the door and slipped through the door. They found Nomis, the Coachman and their henchman loading animals into crates and onto the boat.

"Come on, you blokes, keep 'em moving!" Coachman orderd to everyone "Lively there now. We haven't got all night."

"Where'd all the animals come from?" Jiminy Cricket asked confused while scratching his head)

"Come on, come on." Coachman said to Psyche. "Let's have another."

"Sure thing, pal." He then brought out a frightened monkey, who is dressed in a police uniform, and placed it infront of the ringleaders of this villainy.

"And what's your name?" Nomis asked the monkey, who only answered with monkey chatter.

"Okay, you'll do!" The Coachman as he tore the clothes off the monkey and threw him into a crate with five other monkeys. "In you go! You boys'll bring a nice price!"

(Pause at 0:49)

"Well, I can see why Rarity and Fluttershy don't like him, but I don't see..." Sunset began.

"Just wait." Pinkie Pie said before her friend could finished, there's always that one in every 25 or so.

(Resume video)

"All right, Next!" Nomis said to Psyche. This time, a donkey, who is dressed in a sailor suit, was brought out toward them. "And what might your name be?" And this time, the donkey suprised our heroes with how he answered.

"Alexander." The donkey said, leaving Sunset and Jiminy both with a shocked look on their faces.

(Pause at 0:58)

"Yeah that's the look we had on our faces when a chicken answered that question." Rainbow Dash said.

(Resume video)

"Hmmm, so you can talk." Coachman said with a look of dissapointment in his eyes.

"Y-Yes sir." Alexander said in fear. "I wanna go home to my mama!"

"Take him back!" The Coachman said as he threw Alexander into a pen with six animals, a duck, a rabbit, a pig, a cat, a coyote, and a roadrunner, that can still talk. "He can still talk!"

"Please, please!" Alexander said as the rest of the animals all protested in unison, begging for mercy. "I don't wanna be a donkey! Let me out of here!"

"QUIET!" Coachman yelled furiously as he cracked his whip, scarring the daylights out of them.

(Pause at 1:16)

"Look, it's nothing personal." Nomis said. "It's just a matter of finances."

(Resume video)

"You boys have had your fun." The Coachman said. "Now, pay for it."

"Boys!?" Jiminy asked before realizing something. "So that's what... Pinocchio!" He then jumped off Sunset's shoulder and dashed off back to the pool house.

(Pause at 1:25)

"So, they turned these kids into animals?!" Sunset asked in shock.

"In all honesty, we didn't know that they did this." Grinder said.

"Well, he did mention that they don't come back as boys." Catnip said. Nomis then looked at his watch.

"It's just about time." He said before turning to Triad, Trion and Triout. "You three know what to do when you get to the pool house." The three headed monster nodded his three heads. This made our heroes worried as they raced off to warn Pinocchio of the coming danger.

Author's Note:

I know that in the original movie, the boys all turned into donkeys, but I figured Nomis would inspire The Coachman to branch out.