• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


A writer who enjoys putting a smile on peoples faces. If a story makes you smile, I've done my job. :)

Comments ( 27 )

Off to a great start

Always fun to see a new evil Glimglam story. Off to a good start, will be waiting eagerly for more.

There is just not enough of them in the world. Tis a shame.

Great work keep it up

Hmm... Sorta unsure what part of this is even brainwashing or mind control. She just... Broke from having an orgasm. No mention of Starlight doing really anything to influence Fluttershy's mind.

Its not meant to be actual full blown mind control. More like addiction to the pleasure that pulls Flutters to that side. Especially because in this AU, all of them have never had any kind of sexual experience aside from masturbation, making them more susceptible to being won over via sexual means.

If it's like most of where Fluttershy's Thirstiness can't be turn off then Starlight will be the one needing help.

Well you know what they say about Thirsty Fluttershy. She’ll drink an ocean dry. ;)

More like all the universes' oceans.

Personally this seemed a bit rushed, I’d draw things out more and go into more detail. Still looking forward to the rest of the chapters though.

I appreciate the honesty. And ill be sure to think about that when I write the next chapter. Im always open to constructive criticism. Its how I improve as an author. Its why I’m grateful whenever someone points out a grammatical error or a spelling mistake.

Alright, even with all that it's not like she's directly manipulating Fluttershys mind in any way. Does this qualify as mind break? Absolutely. Innocent girl turning into a slut desperate for sex. Mind control itself is a bit of a stretch with the method.

Then again this is more me being a stickler for terminology. It's pretty hot all the same.

Well I can always reword it if you have any better terms for me to use. I just went with hwat i had at the moment. Id appreciate the help.

Starlight would never rape someone she has standards. So thank you for somewhat not making her act like that, besides If she did I don´t think the townsponies or Fluttershy would be so forgiving. Also even if she mind controlled them they would remember what she did, since Pinkie Pie made it perfectly clear she remembered that Starlight made her burn cake in ¨Every Little Thing She Does.¨ I´m sorry for being rude but I hate seeing my favorite character be treated like that. I respect your opinion if you disagree

This story was a request from a user. Not of my own creation. Personally, i love me some cuddleable glim glam.

Sorry if I was rude it’s just that I get a bit annoyed when my fave is portrayed as a rapist. I know she’d never do that, despite how “evil” she was in her past she would never do that.

Agreed. But it is just for story purposes.

Okay that makes sense. I get why you needed to do that.

How's chapter 2 coming along?

Its coming along but the editing is taking some time too. Also this is my like, 2nd time ever writing this type of work, I see it as a way to challenge myself and progress my writing skill, but its gonna be slow. So I apologize for that.

Alright then

I would but currently I have no computer, only my phone, which makes writing insanely difficult.

Hopefully this story will have an update, because I really enjoyed that Prologue, so definitely looking forward to see more.

Currently on a writing hiatus while I take care of my newborn daughter. I appreciate your patience. Ty.

A pretty good chapter, and I can't wait for the next one.


And condolances for the death of your free time. Next thing you know they'll be graduating high school; time flies.

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