• Published 30th Aug 2012
  • 1,041 Views, 8 Comments

Their First Adventure - Storyteller64

Doctor Whooves and Derpy hooves meet for the first time and have an adventure

  • ...

The Dawn

The Dawn

With the help of the local authorities Nightshade manage to arrest the gang with little trouble, through with two of the assailant’s unconscious, one with a broken leg and a unicorn who was practically shivering in fear from the mere sight of her, it wasn’t really that hard. Iron Gates appeared shortly after with a annoy expression on his face. “What took you so long?” Nightshade asks. “I know you don’t have wings but you’re never this slow.”

“Sorry, I try to follow you but the café’s manager thought we were running out on the bill and chased me.” He said sounding very irritated from the whole ordeal.

“You’re joking.” The drago-pony giggled. “Did he catch you?”

“Unfortunately he did. The old mule demanded that I pay the bill or work it off in the kitchen.”

“So did you pay him?”

“I would have but you had the wallet.”

Nightshade gave her partner a confuse look before reaching behind her and pulling out a small bag full of coins. “Oops, sorry about that.” she chuckle nervously.

“It’s okay.” Iron Gates sighed. “So, where’s this pony we’re supposed to save?”

“Oh, you’ve missed him. He’s friends took him home after they were questioned.”

“So he’s okay?”

Nightshade nodded. “Yeah, he’s okay. A bit banged up but okay.”

“Well, that’s good.” The sky blue unicorn said. Looking past the drago-pony he caught a glimpse of the criminals being hauled into a prison cart. “Wow, you really went to town on them.” he exclaimed, amaze by the injuries his partner inflected on them.

“Actually, I only took out the big one. The other two were the stallion’s handiwork.” Nightshade stated.

“He must be a good fighter if he manage to do that to two of his attackers.”

“Yeah.” The drago-pony agreed slowly as she thought back to when she met the chestnut coloured pony. There was something strange about that stallion, something that she couldn’t quite place. He had a very unique scent about him, it smelt like something that was both new and yet at the same time old. But how would that be possible? Nightshade thought as her head turn to the spot where he was laying on the ground. He was neither a child nor an elder.

The drago-pony stared at the space intensely for a moment longer before she turned back to the sky blue unicorn. “Hey, you want to go grabbed something to eat?”

“But we just ate an hour ago.” Iron Gates said.

“Yeah, but I always get hungry after arresting some bad ponies. But if you need persuading then I order you to take me to the nearest place that serves food.”

The unicorn was about to protest but stopped and chuckle slightly. “Alright, fine.” He said giving her a small smile. “But you’re paying.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


The walk to Derpy’s apartment was a lot longer than the Doctor remembered and a lot more painful too. Each step he took made his body ache but he kept it hidden behind a smiling face and general conversation. “So Miss Carrot Top how long have you been living in this lovely little community for?”

“I’ve been here since I was baby.” The orange mane pony said though her eyes were on the third member of their party. Derpy had been unnaturally quiet since they left the plaza and it was starting to worry the mare. The injured stallion had notice this too, he tried to start a conversation with her at the beginning of their journey home but she remain quiet and stared at the ground with her blonde mane hiding her eyes.

The sun had set by the time they reached the town’s mail office, only a pinkish haze on the horizon were the only indication of where it once been. The Doctor needed the help of both mares in order to climb up the stairs, hanging both of his forelegs over them. Glad Cronus isn’t here to see this. He thought as he tries to keep himself from mourning in pain. He would never let me live this down.

When they finally reached the apartment door Derpy spoke up for the first time since the attack. “Thanks Carrot Top, I can take it from here.” She said though her voice was missing its usual cheerfulness.

“Are you sure.” The orange mane mare asked, deeply concern by the way her friend has been acting. “I could stay awhile.”

The grey pegasus shook her head. “No, it’s okay. I’m just going to bandage Skip and go to bed.”

“Well, if you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.” Derpy said, turning away from her friend and walking into her apartment. Carrot Top remained where she was, she didn’t want to leave her best friend when she obviously needs somepony to comfort her. She was about to follow the grey mare into her home when she felt a hoof on her shoulder. “Don’t worry.” The Doctor said. “I’ll take care of her.”

Carrot Top glared at the Doctor, she wanted to knock the hoof off her shoulder and yelled at him, to tell that it’s his fault that Derpy was like this, that it’s his fault that Derpy got attack. But then she notices the sincere look in his eyes and the countless bruises that he received from protecting her. She couldn’t help but feel guilty for getting angry for the colt who risked his own life to save her friend from a group of violent thugs. “Alright.” She said, turning around and heading towards the stairs. “And thank you, not a lot a ponies would have done what you did today.”

“What? Getting my butt kicked.” The chestnut coloured stallion joked.

“No.” Carrot Top shook her head. “Being a hero.”

For a brief moment the olive pony stared into the Doctor’s eyes, sending a secret massage of respect and trust before walking down the stairs and leaving.


The Doctor entered the apartment and found Derpy waiting for him in the lounge room. She kept her head low and avoided making eye contact with the stallion but he could see that her eyes are sightly red from crying and the tracks the tears left behind. The grey pegasus led her injured guest to the sofa and told him to sit there while she went to fetch the first aid kit.

Taking a seat on the comfy sofa, the Doctor turned to the nearby window to look out the darken streets below. What he saw instead made his eyes widen slightly, staring back at was his reflection covered with bruises and his left eye was swollen and blacken. Wow, I knew I was hurt but I wasn’t expecting this. He thought as he brought one of his hooves up to the blacken eye.

He immediately pulled away the moment the hoof made contact with it, grasping in surprise by how painful it felt. The chestnut pony continues to look at his injured body through the reflection of the window until the sound of hooves caused him to turn back around. Derpy had returned from the kitchen with a small red and white box in her mouth, still looking very solemn like before. She placed the box down on the small coffee table and took a seat by the Doctor’s side. Opening the box the grey pegasus took out several bandages then turned to the stallion sitting beside her.

Looking over his body, seeing all those bruises, the blacken eye, the smile he’s wearing trying to hide the pain that she was responsible for and she couldn’t help but feel the wave of guilt crashing down upon her. She wiped away the tears that were threatening to come back which the Doctor couldn’t help but notice. “Derpy are you okay?” He asked.

The grey pegasus nodded but avoided meeting his eyes.

“I’m just asking because you been very quiet since the fight.” He continues. “Are you really sure you’re okay?”

Why is he being so nice to me? Derpy thought as she fought against the guilt and tears that threaten to consumed her. He should hate me. If it wasn’t for me the fight would never have happen and he wouldn’t have gotten hurt.

Suddenly a chestnut coloured hoof reached out and lifted the grey pegasus chin, lifting it up so that the kind blue eyes met her golden orbs that were in the rare moment of being normal. “Derpy please, talk to me.”

Staring into those sky blue eyes full of kindness and concern was the final crack that broke the dam. The grey pegasus threw her forelegs around the stallion, burying her face into his shoulder as she cried. The Doctor was caught off guard by this and while he felt awkward with the young mare crying on his shoulder he didn’t make any move to separate from her. Instead he warped his own forelegs around her, gently squizzing her in the attempt to be comforting. As the crying began to soften he can clearly hear something that left him rather confused.

“I’m sorry.” Derpy whimpered. “I’m so, so sorry.”

“For what?” the chestnut coloured pony whispered as he continues to hold her.

“For…for everything.” She stuttered while shaking from the tears now flowing freely down her face. “Yo…You got hurt because of me. If…if I had been watching where I…I was going I wouldn’t have bumped in that stallion and you wouldn’t have to…to stand up for me and then he wouldn’t have come back with those goons of his and hurt you.”

The Doctor was taken aback from what the crying pegasus said. She really thinks this is her fault. He thought. It was a preposterous idea, the only ones who were responsible for his injuries was that stallion and his thugs not the crying mare in his fore hooves. The feeling of anger suddenly appeared as he thought about him and what he had said, but he quickly pushed that aside and focus on the girl before him.

“Derpy.” He said in the most gently and comforting voice he could muster. “The fight wasn’t your fault.”

“Yes it was!” She cried.

“No, it wasn’t.” the Doctor said in a much more sterner but still gentle voice, he then pulled Derpy away from his shoulder to look into her golden eyes which had now become puffy and sore looking from her crying. “True, me standing up for you might have made me a target for that thug but if I could go back to that moment I would have done the exact same thing. I would have told that stallion to apologize to you and I would have fought those goons so you could get away safely and you know why?”

The grey pegasus shook her head, completely enthral by the Doctor’s words.

“Because your worth protecting.” He said stopping for a brief moment to allow his words to sink in. “Your worth protecting, your worth fighting for and despite what anypony say you’re not a freak.”

The room suddenly fell silent, there was no sounds of crying or words, no sounds from the street below or the sky above, there was only the pegasus and the earth pony staring at each other like it was their life line. All caution about the timeline and his identity no longer mattered to the Doctor, all he wants to do is make the young mare before him happy again. To make her smile like she did before all of this happen.

The grey pegasus was lost in the stallion’s eyes, nopony especially a stallion have ever said such things to her before. To be told that she was worth fighting for from the Doctor left her speechless and her cheeks warm. The feeling of guilt that has been pooling inside her subsided only to be replaced with the sudden urge to close the gap and kiss him. Soon the thought of kissing her hero led down a path she hardly went on. The heated images caused her to break eye contact as her grey cheeks slowly change to a bright scarlet. “You…you really think…that I’m worth that much?” she asked her voice barely more than a whisper.

“Yes, I do.” The Doctor answered, meaning everything he had just said.

Once again the room fell silent as they sat there on the sofa, Derpy return to where she was before on the stallion’s shoulder only this time there was no tears falling down her cheeks. Her fore hooves warped around his body in a calm and gentle hug. “Thank you.” She softly whispered much like how she did when he stood up for her.

The rest of the night was spent fixing the Doctor’s wounds even though he said he could do it himself the grey pegasus insisted on doing it for him. She smeared a blue paste over the lumps and bruises saying that it will make the swelling go down and help it heal. The paste felt cool when it touched the bruises making the Doctor feel more relax. The feeling was intensified when Derpy did his back, it felt like the pegasus was giving him a massage.

It had gotten late by the time all of the bruises have been covered. “You should go to bed.” The Doctor said as he helped the mare pack away the first aid kit back into the kitchen. “You had a long day.”

“Okay, but where are you going to sleep?” Derpy asked, she looked a lot better now, her eyes were no longer puffy and sore looking and what was left of her tears had disappeared.

“I’ll just sleep on the sofa.”

“Are you sure? You could sleep with me in my bed if you want, I wouldn’t mind. Carrot Top and I do it all the time.”

The Doctor had to bite down on his tongue from saying yes, as much as he would like to spend the night laying in a comfortable bed it would be far too awkward sharing it with her. Especially with his feelings as they are right now. “It’ll be fine.” He said leading her to the stairs that lead to her bedroom. “You just have good night sleep.”

“Alright.” She nodded as she started to walk up the stairs. “Good night, Doctor.”

“Good night, Derpy.”

The chestnut stallion remained where he was until he heard the sound of a door opening and closing. He let out a small sigh then turned and walked to the sofa, it might not be a king size bed but it will do for the night. As he laid there in the darken room thinking over the day’s events, his eyes kept wandering to the stairs wondering if perhaps he should reconsider her offer.

It would be nice to feel somepony next to him after traveling for who knows how long across time and space, to have a beautiful mare in his fore hooves. Besides she probably wants him by her side, after all she had been through a traumatizing event and she’ll what him there to keep her safe.

'And what happens when you have to leave her?' The logical part of his mind asks

'I guess I would have to make breakfast then.'

'That’s not what I mean and you know it. You’ve been down this road before remember, it ended badly.'

He did remember the last time he was in this kind situation, it was early on in his adventures and he had landed in a town that would later grow into the city of Manehattan. While there he met a young idealistic mare who wanted to become a Doctor of medicine. It wasn’t long until they became friends and soon after that more, it was one of the few occasion he could remember being truly happy since the accident.

But then it all fell apart when he got the stupid notion of telling her the truth about himself. It should have come to no surprise that she didn’t believe him when he told her but that didn’t stop him. Thinking back on that night he realize that have he been his usual logical self he would have just left it there. But he had so wanted her to believe him, to have her accept him as he truly was, he had wanted that so badly that he showed her the TARDIE.

He remembers how she had stood there, staring into the time machine with her face showing no emotion. The Doctor had misinterpreted this as her being astonished by the machine and the realization that she had fallen for somepony who wouldn’t be born for hundreds of years later. If he had been paying closer attention to her body language he perhaps he could have foreseen what would have happen next. While she stood there like a stone statue the Doctor was telling her about the adventures he had and how the TARDIE worked. It was only by the time he was finish that he realize that the way she was looking at him had changed.

Instead of love and understanding he found confusion and fear. “I’m sorry Whooves, but we can’t be together anymore.” She said before turning around and leaving him.

Words could not describe what he felt that night as he watch her leave, it was like tiny daggers were stubbing at his heart. He wanted to call out to her, to ask why she was leaving him at the one moment he had been completely honest to her. But then he realizes how foolish he had been, of course she would run away from him, the thought of being with a pony who travels through time must have overwhelmed her. She was afraid of him now, afraid of something she doesn’t understand nor wants to.

The memories of that night brought on feelings that the Doctor thought he had gotten over. Shock, heartbroken, anger, betrayal and loneliness all came flooding back like a dark wave. 'Do you really want to feel like that again?' The voice inside his head asks.

He stares at the stairs before answering that question, thinking of both Derpy and the mare he had fallen for all those years ago.

“No.” he whispered to himself as he turns over to his side, facing away from the stairs. “No I don’t.”


Small dark claws held the black gem to a pair of glowing red eyes as they search for any imperfections. It was a rare thing for Galek to leave the safety of his battle armour but the handling of the crystal called for a gentler grasp then what his armour could provide. Besides he has nothing to fear, he’s miles from the town and the only pony who could possibly stop him doesn’t even know he’s here. For now at least. He thought as he slowly turned the dark crystal around to check the other side. Despite being confidence that he will finally succeed in conquering Equestria, he was still wary of that time traveling equine.

There were countless times in the past when he had come so close to victory only for that chestnut coloured fool to find some way of ruining it. Thinking back to last night he probably should have destroyed him while he had the chance, but it was far too late to worry about that now. Besides a squished pony would have brought too much unwanted attention for his plans to succeed.

Once he was sure that there were no imperfections, the creature carried the black gem over to a flight of stairs. As he ascended up the stairs his blood red eyes scans his lair, despite appearing in this time period only a year ago he was proud of how he manage to turn a cave in the side of a mountain into an impressive sanctuary. The walls were lined with monitors showing data on the weather and the wind currents. On one side of the room sat his crab-like battle suit getting refuelled by what little dratroleum he had found while on the other side several unused energy cages were waiting for the first round of test subjects. A large toothy smile appeared on Galek dark furry face as he visualizes them being full of ponies begging for mercy he will not show.

Finally he reached the top of the stair case finding a small open hatch built on the side of his new weapon, waiting for the last piece that will make it whole. He carefully placed the dark crystal within the chamber and watch as two claw-like arms from either side reach out and held it in the centre. Closing the hatch Galek hopped into the weapon’s controls and began to switch switches and press buttons. He smiled in glee when he heard the machine he spent so long building was now humming to life.

'Now all I need to do is tests it.'


Doctor Whooves woke up from an uneventful sleep to the sweet smell of something freshly baked. Opening his eyes he was slightly surprise to find a plate of muffins and a cup of honeyleaf tea sitting in front of him. Lifting himself up into a sitting position the Doctor didn’t waste time in getting stuck in the breakfast in front of him. He was almost finish the meal when a familiar grey pegasus came out of the kitchen carrying a plate of her own.

“Good morning Doctor.” Derpy said when she put her plate of muffins down on the coffee table and took a seat next to him. “How do you like your breakfast?”

“It’s wonderful Derpy.” he answered taking a sip from the tea to wash it down. “Banana is my favourite.”

“I thought so. You looked like a pony who would like banana flavoured muffins.”

“What make you say that?”

“I don’t know. I’m just really good at guessing other ponies favourite type of muffins. You could say it’s like my sixth sense.”

“I see.” The chestnut coloured pony chuckled discovering something new about the young mare. The two ate their breakfast in comfortable silence with the Doctor finishing first. Derpy was eating her muffins slowly which the Doctor didn’t mind, he just laid back and watched. He had to admit that the way the grey pegasus ate muffins was adorable, she would nibble on it for a bit before taking a larger bite in which her eyes would close and a smile of pure joy would appear. It actually reminded him of how she had nibble on him while she was asleep the night before.

“Umm, Doctor are you okay?” The blond maned pony suddenly asked.

“Why yes Derpy, why do you ask?”

“Because your cheeks are red.”

“What!” he exclaimed, spinning around in his seat to look at his reflection in the window. Sure enough she was right, his cheeks have taken on a light crimson colour. For a moment he was confused but then realize that thinking of that night had also brought on other memories.

“You could be coming down with something.” Derpy said as she put her muffin down and moved closer to him. “I’ll check your temperature.”

Before the chestnut pony could decline the offer the grey pegasus suddenly laid her forehead against his. The Doctor was once again caught off guard by the young mare’s action. “Derpy.” he manages to say after regaining his voice. “Wh…what are you doing?”

“I’m checking your temperature.” She said in matter-of-factly type of voice.

“Okay, but do you really have to do it like this?”

“Well, how else would I do it?”

The Doctor tries to tell her the proper way of taking another ponies temperature but stoped when he realise how close their lips are. If either of them learns in just the tiniest bit they would be kissing.

“Wow, you’re really hot.”


“I said, your temperature is really hot. You might be getting a fever.” She said as she jumped off the sofa and headed towards the kitchen. “Stay here, I’ll go get some medicine.”

As the Doctor tries to stop her there was a knock at the apartment’s door. “Huh, I wonder who that could be.” Derpy wondered out loud as she change direction with the Doctor close behind. Opening the door the grey pegasus was slightly surprise to find a certain olive coloured pony with a bright orange mane standing behind it.

“Carrot Top? What are you doing here?” she asked.

“Hi Derpy, sorry for coming over so early but I just wanted to see how you were doing since last night.” The olive mare said, stepping into the apartment.

“Oh, I’m fine.” Derpy assure her but it was obviously that the incident still bothered her. “I mean I was upset but the Doctor helped calm me down.”

“Well, that’s good to hear.” Carrot Top said eyeing the chestnut coloured pony with a neutral stare before turning back to the grey pegasus. “So I guess that’s mean you be okay with coming with me to the Harvest Festival then.”

Derpy’s cheerful face suddenly changes to one of confusion and fear. “But…but Carrot Top I told you that I wouldn’t be going this year.”

“Actually, you said wouldn’t be going to the dance tonight, you didn’t say anything about the festival itself. Besides it’s good to go out and have some fun after what you’ve been through, right Skip.”

The Doctor turned his head slightly to the side in confusion before realizing that ‘Skip’ was his disguise. “Yes, I do believe that would be best.” He agreed.

“You really think so?” the grey pony asks.

The Doctor nodded.

“Well, if you think it’ll help then I’ll go.” She said, though she still sounded unsure. “Just give me a moment to freshen up, okay.”

The other two ponies nodded and watch as she ran up the stairs in a quick pace.

“Amazing.” Carrot Top said aloud catching the Doctor’s attention. “I try to get her to come to the festival and she says no but when you say it’s okay then she’ll come along no questions asks. That’s quite a hold you have over her.”

“Excuse me?”

“Listen Skippy, I don’t know who you are or where you came from and truthfully I really don’t care but Derpy seems to likes you and while I’m happy she made a new friend I just have to know one thing. What exactly are your intentions?”

The Doctor was caught off guard by the mare’s sudden hostilities and the soul piercing green eyes that were trained on him. However, the question she had asked was also something that had caused him to lose his voice if only for few seconds. Again he was reminded of decision he had made from the previous night, to not pursue the feelings that he had develop for the grey coloured mare.

When he didn’t answer the olive coloured mare continued. “I need to know because she’s been through a lot, a lot more than any one pony should ever have to go through in one life time and I don’t want to see her get hurt.”

Suddenly the Doctor’s voice returned to asks. “What do you mean she’s been through a lot?”

For a moment Carrot Top’s eyes softened, it was probably only for a spilt second but his keen’s eyes caught it and knew that he had probably just stumble onto something deeply sensitive. There was a brief pause as the orange maned mare considered on whether or not to tell him about the darkest moment of her friend’s life. When she finally made her decision she let out a small sad sigh and turned her attention to the photo hanging on the wall next to her.

“Do you know who that is?” she asks.

The chestnut pony examined the photo she was looking at, it had grey pegasus who was carrying a small familiar filly on her back. On closer inspection he could see the filly was half asleep with only one sleepy eye open. The older pony had a soft warm smile on her face and used her wings to keep the child safely nestled on her back. By looking at this photo the Doctor could actually feel the love the older pony had for the child.

“It’s her mother, right?” he presumed as he kept his eyes on the photo for a couple of seconds longer before looking back at the olive mare.

“Yes it is.” She said though her voice had lost the edge she had a moment ago and now sounded distant. “She was the most loving and kindest mare I have ever met, she was the type who would help anypony no matter who it was or where they came from. And she loved Derpy, she loved her so much that she moved to Ponyville so she could get away from the bullies from her old school.

“She took a job as a mail mare and worked as hard as she could to give Derpy the best life she could possibly have. One day she was asked to take over as the long distance courier and deliver some mail over to Clopington which means she had to fly over the Winterbreathe mountains. There was a really bad snow storm and she never made it.”

She paused for a couple of seconds to let that part sink in.

“Derpy was devastated. She had lost the most important pony in her life, the only family she had. One can only wonder how long it took her to move on, that is of course if she ever did. Since then I’ve done everything I can to make sure she’ll never feel that much pain again. I gauss you could say I became something of a guardian angel.”
Suddenly she turned back to the Doctor, her eyes had taken on an protective gaze as she glare at the stallion before her. “That’s why I want to know. That’s why if you do anything, anything to hurt her. Then you better pray to the princesses that your medical insurance is enough to pay for want I’ll do to you.”

The silence that came was so deathly quiet that one could hear the sound of birds chirping from the lounge room windows. Carrot Top kept her intense gaze on the stallion who returns it with an expressionless face. It wasn’t that the story didn’t affect the time traveller, quite the contrary in fact, it was just after hearing such a story about the grey pegasus a question kept surfacing in his mind. How can anypony who had been through something like that turn out so… cheerful? He thought as his head subconscious turns back to the photo. Again he looked at the picture but this time focusing only on the filly.

He stared at it for what might as well been an eternity, as his mind try to process this new information. A sudden feeling of guilt washed over him as he thought back when they had first met. He had thought that her peculiar personality came from a sheltered upbringing but instead she was force to face the world much sooner than any child should.

“Miss Carrot Top.” Doctor said his voice levelled but carrying a deeply sincere tone with it. “I can assure you that I do not wish to harm Miss Hooves in any shape or form and that my stay here will only be temporary. Once I have concluded my… business here I’ll leave and probably won’t be coming back.”

The olive mare continues to glare at him for a moment longer before taking on a more relax stance. While there was still something odd about the chestnut coloured stallion that bugs her, she knows he was telling the truth. Since last night she had actually found herself trusting him to degree but as Derpy’s best friend and self-proclaimed guardian she will always keep a close eye on him.

“Thank you.” She said.

It was at this moment that they heard the sound hoof steps coming down the stairs. They got quite the surprise by the young pegasus who appeared before them. Derpy’s mane was properly brushed and had a small red bow just below her right ear, her coat was also brushed and looked healthily and cleaner than before. As she moved towards the two astonished ponies the Doctor could swear he could smell the trace scent of perfume.

“Well, I’m ready to go.” Derpy declared in her cheerful voice, failing to notice the looks of surprise and confusion her appearance had caused.

Carrot Top was the first to find her voice. “Derpy you look so…so…so…”

“Amazing.” The Doctor finished before realizing what he was saying.

The grey mare’s cheeks started to change into a pinkish shade of red. “You really think so?” she asks.

“Well…um” The chestnut pony muddled as he tries to recover from his previous statement. “What I meant to say was that…um, you look very nice and…and that your mane is very…nice too.”


Thankfully before this very awkward situation could drag on Carrot Top cleared her throat loudly which caught both of the ponies attention. “We should get going.” She said. “We don’t want to miss pig race do we.”

With that the three ponies left the apartment with Derpy at the front and the two earth ponies following behind. As he left the Doctor noticed that the olive mare had that same protective look she had on before. She must have also realize that the grey pegasus didn’t go through all this trouble to look good for the festival. No she did this to impress somepony and they both know who.

Oh, horse-feathers.

Comments ( 3 )

You have a great story here, my friend, but I believe you need to give credit where credit is due. You have a time traveling pony with a TARDIS and a sonic screwdriver. If that doesn't scream Doctor Who then I don't know what to tell you.

Good story I look forward to more updates.
:derpyderp1::derpyderp1::derpyderp1::derpyderp1: out of


Wheres the next chapter?! Please update soon, this is so interesting and I love everything about it!!!

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