• Published 30th Aug 2012
  • 1,043 Views, 8 Comments

Their First Adventure - Storyteller64

Doctor Whooves and Derpy hooves meet for the first time and have an adventure

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The Awkwardness

The Awkwardness

Derpy laid on her bed the feeling of pure excrement running through her entire being. Not two minutes ago she had just spoken to a real live alien from another planet and he wasn’t at all the evil pony eating alien she thought he was. Oh, this is so great! I can’t wait to tell

Carrot Top about this. She thought as she giggled in glee.

She wondered if she would meet him again. She hopes so, he was really nice considering the fact she had knocked him out and tied him up. Who knows maybe they could even become friends and learn more about each other, something that made Derpy’s heart beat a little bit faster.

Looking out of her bedroom window, she watches as the last shades of the setting sun disappear and wondered what it looked like on the Doctor’s planet.


“Well, hello there.” Carrot Top said to the brown stallion standing before her whose eyes were almost as wide as hers. For a moment they both stood there looking at each other in a state of mild surprise and confusion.

“Umm… hello, madam.” The stallion greeted with an Canterlotion accent. “Beautiful afternoon isn’t it.”

“Yes, I guess it is.”

The two ponies remain where they were for another couple of seconds before the stallion cleared his throat. “Well, I must be off.” He said as he quickly walked passed her.

“Nice meeting you.” She said slightly confuse by the encounter. The orange mane pony watch the unknown stallion walked down the street in a fast pace. Once he was out of sight she turns her attention to the building in front of her wondering as to why he was here. It was far too late for it to be postal related and she can definitely say that she had never seen him before, Ponyville is after all a small town.

Maybe he was here to see Derpy. She thought as she proceeded to enter the building. The thought was an unusually one as Derpy found it hard speaking to the opposite sex with the exception of her boss and perhaps a few of her co-workers. Then an idea came to mind as she walks up the stairs leading up to Derpy’s apartment.

Was he perhaps the reason why Derpy won’t be going to the festival with her this year. Could her best friend have a coltfriend that she never told her about. It was an unlikely concept as the two told each other everything but still it was a thought that wouldn’t go away easily.

I am sure she had a good reason. She thought as she approach the apartment door. But what could it be?

Several explanations came to mind with the most ridiculous one being that he’s marred and is having an affair with Derpy which is silly as she isn’t the type to do something like that. The most logical explanation was that she was simply overthinking about this and that there was nothing between them to begin with. Needless to say she chose to go with the that explanation.

The orange mane pony knocked on the door in the musical beat that had come to be known as ‘Carrot Tops knock’ and waited for her friend. It wasn’t a long wait as in less than thirty seconds she could hear the thundering of hooves running down the stairs. She must be in a good mood. She thought which immediately brought up images of the stallion which in turn brought up another set of images that she really didn’t want to think about.

The door opens to reveal the grey pegasus with a joyful smile on her face. “Hey, Carrot Top.” She greeted in an excited tone. “What are you doing here?”

“Hi, Derpy.” She greeted in return. “I was just in the neighbourhood and thought I’ll stop by.”

“Well, come on in.” she said, standing aside to allow Carrot Top to enter.

Closing the door behind her, Derpy lead her friend into the apartment’s lounge room. “Can I get you anything?” she offered as her friend took a seat on the couch.

The yellow pony shook her head. “No thank you.”

Derpy took a seat in the chair that was across from where Carrot Top was seating. She waited for the grey pegasus to get comfortable before she asked. “So, how have your day been?”

“Oh, my day been great.” She said in cheerful tone. “Well, not the morning because I accidently slept in and was almost late in delivering the mail but the afternoon was great!”

“Really why’s that?”

“Because I met a ali…” Derpy stopped in mid-sentence for a brief moment. Her mouth closed and her eyes seem to drift to the nearby window as if in deep thought.

“You met a what?” Carrot Top asked confused by her friend’s sudden quietness.

“I met a…umm.” She continues through now her cheerful voice seems to have change to a quieter nervous one. “A…an old friend of mine.”

Carrot Top raise one of her eyebrows at the grey pony suspiciously by the sudden change in her mood. “This old friend of yours wouldn’t happen to be the stallion I met outside would it?”

“Oh.” Derpy said chuckling nervously. “So you already met him.”

“Yeah, I have.” She replied finding it odd that the stallion was an old friend of Derpy’s and yet she never seen or heard of him before. “What’s his name?”

It took longer than normal for the grey pegasus to answer. “His name is…Doctor… Skip.”

“Doctor Skip?”

“Yep, Doctor Skip that’s his name, its short for Skippy you see but he doesn’t like being called Skippy so I call him Skip and he’s also a Doctor.” Derpy said in a very fast and nervous voice. “Did I mention his name is Skip?”

“Yes you did, several times.” Carrot Top said frowning at her friend in doubt. She knew that Derpy was lying to her which surprised her because she almost never lies to anypony especially to those close to her. So why was she telling lies now?

It obviously had something to do with this ‘Doctor Skip’ whoever he was. Already her mind shifted back to those previous explanations she had when she was walking up the stairs along with some new ones. In the end the orange mane mare decided to just ask her what was truly going on.

“Derpy.” She said in a soft caring tone. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

The blond gulped down the lump that had appeared her throat before answering in a voice that was slightly quieter than before. “Wh…Whatever do you mean Carrot Top?”

“Derpy please.” Carrot Top pleaded as she got up from the couch and walked over to her friend, gently placing a hoof on grey pony’s. “You can tell me anything remember.”

For a brief moment Derpy open her mouth to say something but quickly closed it before any sound could escape. She remains silent for a while, clearly contemplating whether or not to tell her friend what was really going on. Swallowing down the lump that had once again appeared in her throat the grey coloured mare open her mouth again and said, “I think I should go get dinner started.”

With that Derpy hopped out of the chair she had been sitting on and left the lounge room with a confuse and worried Carrot Top remaining by the chair’s side. There was defiantly something bothering her friend but whatever it was, it was something she didn’t want to talk about. Once again her thought returns to the stallion she had met outside. I don’t know who you are ‘Doctor Skip’ but I swear that if you did anything to hurt Derpy I make you wish you were never born. The orange mane pony thought darkly.

The rest of the night went on like it usually did when ever Carrot Top came over to the mailmare’s home for dinner. The two ate, gossip over the other ponies, ate some muffins, gossip some more, then said their goodbyes.

“Thanks for coming over Carrot Top.” Derpy said as the orange mane mare left. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Right, see you later Derpy.” She returns waving goodbye to her friend as she left.

Once she was outside of the post office she looked up at the second story window where she could make out the silhouette of her friend. “Whatever it is you’re not telling me Derpy I hope you know that I’m always here for you. Always.”


Doctor Whooves trotted along the darken streets of Ponyville turning his head from left to right in the hope of spotting the miniature blue barn he been calling home since the incident. He wished he had asked that grey pegasus where it was before he practically ran out of the building. He had thought about going back but it was already dreadfully late and he doubted she would still be awake.

Plus there was the matter over the feelings he had felt when he was around her. He had already concluded that these feelings were romantic or at least as romantic as one could get when meeting someone for the first time. But what really got his mind going was how strong these feelings were.

Back in his own time the Doctor had spent little time chasing after mares as he was busy researching the Time Vortex and building the TARDIE. On the top of his head he could only recall two relationships that were truly romantic in nature but they had both ended as quickly as they had started and nether had brought on these intense feelings before.

Perhaps it’s was merely a matter of being alone for so long, after all even the most discipline mind needs contact with somepony. But then that raises another question as to why he was feeling this way now. He had come into contact with hundreds of ponies in the past albeit with a great deal of care as not to reveal his identity but still he had been in contact with other ponies and haven’t felt anything like this for any of them.

Maybe it’s love at first sight. He jested to himself. As a scientist he didn’t put too much faith in such silly ideas as falling in love just by looking at a mare. Still whatever it was that had brought up those feelings he was sure he wouldn’t have to worry about them as long as he stayed away from that pegasus.

As the chest-nut coloured stallion turn into what he believes to be a park a sudden glimmer caught his eye. Turning his head towards it he notices that it was coming from the top of a nearby hill. A smile spread across his face as he rushed towards the hill thankful that he had finally found the TARDIE. He could get some sleep before he has to move it somewhere less conspicuous so as to not attract any unwanted attention.

These thoughts dissipated however when the glimmer of light began to move. Coming to a stop just by the foot of the hill the Doctor watch as it came down. As it drew closer it began to take shape, a shape that he was all too familiar with.

Ducking behind a tree the chestnut coloured pony waited anxiously, hoping that he was wrong about who this being could be. Unfortunately his worst fears were confirmed as the mechanical crab like machine walked past the tree he was hiding behind. What in the name of Celestia is he doing here? He thought as he watches the machine move towards the town.

The Doctor remained where he was, watching the metal giant as it made its way to the park’s entrance almost noiselessly. It had been a while since he last saw the robotic being and he had hoped he would never see it again but it seem that fate had other plans.

Once the crab-like machine passed through the park’s entrance and no longer in sight did the chestnut colour pony dare to move away from his hiding place. A whirlwind of questions were going through his mind as he quietly followed it. What is it doing here, what was it planning, why is it sneaking around for, how can he stop it when all of his tools are back at the TARDIE. So many questions, too little answers.

After peeping over the side of the park’s entrance to make sure the coast was clear the Doctor re-entered the town cautiously. It didn’t take him long to find the metal monster as it could be seen moving down the main street. Taking cover behind anything that could effectively hide his body the Doctor continues to follow it through the town until finally stopping at what he presumes to be the town hall.

Hiding behind a stall that had a sign with a golden carrot on it the chestnut brown pony watch the mechanical being as it stood in front of the large building. For a brief moment the crab-like robot stood motionless then a small antenna slowly appears from its dome shape head.

“What in Equestria?” he whispered to himself. Trying to get a better look at what the robot was doing the Doctor crept towards a group of barrels that were no more than ten meters away. However one of his back legs bumped into the wheel of the carrot cart making an almost inaudibly thud sound and causing the cart to shake slightly.

A pony would not have heard or notice either of these things but then again he wasn’t spying a pony. Suddenly the dome head swerved around to face him, its one single glowing eye focusing on him. Before he could even take his next breath the robot lunge at the Doctor, pinning him down to the ground with one of its legs pressing down on his chest.

“I should have known you would be here.” It said in a cold mechanical voice. “Fate always sees to it that our paths cross.”

The robot waited for the Doctor’s annoyingly witty reply but soon realize that the leg that was pinning him was also preventing him from breathing. Not wanting him to die yet it shifted its weight so that he could breathe but was still incapable of escaping.

After catching a few mouth full of air the chestnut stallion grinned at the metal giant. “It’s good to see you too Galek. The last time I saw you, you were being suck into a wormhole.”

“A wormhole that you created if I remember.” Galek replied as it pushes down slightly with its leg causing the pony beneath to gasp in pain.

“Well, to be fair.” The Doctor said in between gasps. “You were enslaving the western colonies to build a robotic army.”

“And it would have been a glorious army, one that not even your precious princess with all her power could stop.”

“I don’t know about that, she is one pretty powerful mare after all.” He mocked which earned him another painful squeeze from the crab-like machine standing over him.

“You really shouldn’t mock your better’s equine, especially when all it takes is the tiniest bit of pressure to their feet to squish you like the bug you are.”

“And what’s stopping you from doing that anyway?” The Doctor asks as he tries to stall for time for an escape plan. He could probably call for help, Galek seems to be trying to avoid coming into contact with the ponies in this time period. Although if the ponies tries to attack the mechanical giant, it would easy for it to wipe them out using any number of advance weapons that are attached to its body which was something he defiantly what’s to avoid.

“Oh, don’t worry your time will come but I thought it would be much more entertaining if you stay alive long enough to watch as I conquer this world and know there is nothing you can do to stop me.” Galek said as a small camera-like device came out of its body, aiming at the stallion’s face. “Sweet dreams my old adversary.”

Realizing what the device was the Doctor began to struggle franticly even though deep down he knew it was no use. The last thing he saw before everything went dark was the device flashing the brightest light he ever seen.


Derpy walked through the streets of Ponyville with her head hanging low in guilt. Last night she had lie to her best friend about who the Doctor was and to make matters worse Carrot Top knew she was lying. Oh, why didn’t I tell her the truth! She thought as she turn the corner entering another street.

She was thankful that it was still early in the morning allowing her to ponder over her actions without the distractions of a street full of ponies. The grey pegasus didn’t get much sleep last night as her mind replayed what happen. Frist she met a visitor from another planet, then her best friend who she practically thinks of as a sister comes over to spend time with her and she lies straight in her face. Then her mind wondered if what Pinkie Pie said about breaking promises and lying was true. Would she lose Carrot Top forever?

Finally after lying awake for what had seem an lifetime she decided that she would go for a walk and try to clear her head. She was mildly surprise to find the sun creeping over the nearby hills but that did little to change her mind. And now here she was walking aimlessly through the town’s streets with the same question going through her head. Why didn’t I just tell her?

Maybe there’s a way for me to make it up to her? The grey pegasus suddenly thought, lifting her head up as a plan began to formulate in her mind. I know I’ll open the carrot cart for her.
With that Derpy increase her pace as she moved towards the town centre with her head held high and her lips spreading into a wide smile. Why didn’t she thought of this earlier, even if this doesn’t fix the rift in their friendship it’ll be a good place to start.

It took her five minutes to reach the small open space in the centre of town where the town hall was located. She could see that the decorators had really gone to town here with streamers hanging from the rooftops, balloons tied to benches and carts; they even had the stage sent up in front of the town hall. Derpy’s cheeks flashed red when she saw the stage, the memories of the last Harvest Festival playing out in her mind. Luckily for her Carrot Top’s cart was on the other side of the town hall so she wouldn’t have to look at it while she was opening the shop.

Walking around the building as quickly as possible she soon found the cart at the far corner of the plaza just by the entrance to the main street. “A prime place to put a shop.” She remembers Carrot Top said when she started her business. “With the traffic coming and going through the main street I’ll sell thousands of carrots and show that Applejack who’s the better farmer.”

As the grey pony approach the cart she stopped for a moment and turned her head slightly to the side. Listening carefully she could just make out the sound of somepony softly snoring. Strange. Derpy thought as she moved closer. Why is the cart snoring?

The closer she got the more she realise that the snoring wasn’t coming from the cart itself but from behind it. Finding this even stranger the blonde mane mare quickly investigated. What she found both shock and filled her with joy. There laying fast asleep was a familiar brown coated stallion with an hour glass cutie mark on his flank. “Doctor!” She exclaim, surprise to find him behind a cart full of carrots.

The brown stallion didn’t respond however, he didn’t even stir when Derpy poked him in the stomach. Wow, he’s a really deep sleeper. She thought as she continues to poke him. I wonder why he’s sleeping behind Carrot Top’s cart.

Once it was clear that no amount of poking would wake him up Derpy decided that best thing to do was to take the sleeping alien back to the post office. It will be easier to explain why there was a sleeping stallion at her home then why he was sleeping on the street, at least she hope so. Pulling the alien pony onto her back the grey mare began the trek home.


“Almost got it.” the Doctor said as as he slowly pulled down on the lever and watch as the small bronze coloured cube on the table before him began to glow. A triumphant smile spread across his lips, finally after years of research he had finally found a way to applied power to the strange artefact. He was one step closer to discovering the cube’s secrets.

As he celebrated this small victory he didn’t notice the door to the lab being open or shut nor did he notice a grey coloured pegasus sneaking up behind him. The obvious Doctor push the lever back up cutting power to the cube and turning it back into a mass of bronze. Turning around to write down the test’s findings he was surprise to find a familiar and angry mare standing behind him.

“You said you wouldn’t work on our honeymoon.” She said her golden eyes glaring angrily into his ocean blues.

The Doctor didn’t speak at first as he was too busy admiring his wife’s beauty and the wedding veil that was still attach to her head which for some reason enhance her already beautiful face. “Sorry, love.” He said chuckling nervously. “It just I finally found a power source that that cube responds to and I…”

“Don’t think I’m more important than some cube.” His wife interrupted him.

“What, no of cause not. You always be more important than my research.”

“Prove it.”


The golden eye mare smiled in a way that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end in anticipation and excitement. With a swift and graceful movement befitting the princesses themselves she leaned in and softly whispered into his ears. “I said, prove it.”

The Doctor gulped down the rather large lump that was forming in his throat. “And…and how would I go about that exactly?” He asks trying to keep his voice steady as the feeling of her warm breath was slowly driving him insane.

The question cause his wife to chuckle softly before moving away from his ear so she could look into those big wonderful blue eyes she fell in love with. “I’m sure a pony as smart as you can come up with something.” She said before slowly leaning over for their lips to connect. The Doctor was momentarily surprise by the kiss but quickly recovered and returned it.

What had started as a simple kiss soon began to heat up as the Doctor felt his wife’s tongue trying to gain entry into his mouth. He was more than happy to grant her wish, allowing her tongue to explore every inch of his mouth. The newlyweds were so caught up in their passionate kiss that they didn’t even notice that they were now on the floor with the mare at the bottom and the stallion on top.

Finally when the call for air became too great for either of them to ignore they separated. They remain where they were taking in the much needed oxygen and looking deeply into each either’s eyes.

“I love you.” The Doctor said.

“I love you too.” The grey pegasus returned.

They remain looking into each other’s eyes for a moment longer before returning to their kiss.


The Doctor eyes slowly open to find himself in a room that look oddly familiar. But that didn’t really concern him at the moment as his mind was preoccupied with the dream he just had.

Did he really just dreamt of being married to the grey pegasus he met yesterday and perhaps more importantly did he also dreamt of being intimate with her. The idea that his mind could create such a fantasy goes to show just how badly he needed to stay away from that pony and perhaps any mares in the future. Through he is interested as to why she seems to have made such a big impact on his life.

Unfortunately this line of thought was interrupted when he realize that something was nuzzling his neck. Looking down he could have swear that his heart stopped beating from the sight that lay before him. There resting beside him with one hoof gently holding him was the very grey pegasus that he had been trying to avoid.

Suddenly a storm of questions rush his mind as he tries to keep the surging panic in his chest under control. How… how did this happen? He thought as he tries to think back to last night only to realize that he had no memories of what had happen. The last thing he clearly remembers was leaving this very room which he also realizes to be the pegasus’s bedroom. Had he come back for some reason, perhaps he had left something important behind or perhaps it was to gain some important information for this time period.

But then why was he in bed?

Fast asleep?

With her nuzzling his neck?

Immediately his mind went to the dream he just had. Oh, no. we didn’t… I mean we couldn’t have… could we? The Doctor mind began to replay the dream over his head causing his chestnut coloured cheeks to slowly change into a reddish tint.

Shaking his head to get rid of those thoughts the Doctor began to search the room for any clues as to what had happen the night before. The first thing he notice was that they were both resting atop the sheets of the bed and there doesn’t seem to be any evidence of them being intimate which brought a great deal of relief to him. Looking out the window he could see that it was around midday so they had been asleep for some time.

His attention was drawn back to the grey pegasus when she suddenly stated to speak softly. “Oh, no mummy no more muffins I’m too full.” She softly mumbles in her sleep. The Doctor couldn’t help but smile at the innocent dream she was having. “Well maybe one more.”

The chestnut coloured stallion made a loud squeaking sound when he felt the grey pegasus’s teeth starting to nibble on his neck. It didn’t hurt but the action and the strange sensation that he felt did surprise him. He actually started to enjoy it once the shock was gone, just lying there with the grey mare gently nibbling his neck. However this quickly ended when the Doctor realize what the nibbling was doing to his body.

In a blind panic the Doctor jerked his entire body away from the mare which ended with him accidently falling off the bed with a loud crash. Cursing himself for being so clumsy the chestnut coloured pony got back onto his feet rubbing his head tenderly. “I don’t believe it.” he sighed. “I’ve travel through time, fought monsters, ancient warlords and an army of killer robots and yet I’m more afraid of this girl then all of those things put together.”

Turning back to the bed he found the still slumbering mare reaching out for her missing ‘muffin’. He suppressed the urge to chuckle at the sleeping mare’s antics in case the noise would wake her. Walking down stairs to the main part of the apartment he began to wonder what his next course of action should be. He should defiantly look into why he can’t remember anything from the previous night but that would require him to stay and ask the grey pegasus seeing how he had awoken in bed with her. Although he should also find the TARDIE as soon as possible. Don’t want somepony to accidently rip a hole in the space-time continuum. He thought.

The decision was made for him when his stomach started to make a very loud grumbling sound. “Well, I guess I can’t start the day without breakfast.” He softly chuckled to himself. It didn’t take him long to find the kitchen and started a late breakfast which mostly involves a banana muffin and a cup of honeyleaf tea.

As he ate his breakfast on the kitchen’s bench he started to go over all of the things that had happen to him since he got here. He got knocked out by the grey pegasus, tired up by the same pegasus then woke up in the same bed as her with no memories of the previous night. Now most would have called this simple coincidence but if there was one thing the Doctor had leant since becoming a time traveller is that true coincidences were few and far between, which could only mean that she was the reason he was brought here.

This conclusion made the Doctor grateful that he wouldn’t have to fight some evil magician bent on world domination and yet it also made him feel a sense of uneasiness.

Beside the fact that every time he’s around her something strange or incredibly awkward happens there is still the matter of the feelings he has for her. While he’s confident that he is capable of controlling these feelings he isn’t really comfortable with tempting them. The last thing he needed is him doing or saying something stupid.

The sound of hoof steps brought the Doctor’s attention to the stairs where a half asleep pegasus was lazy making her way down. “Good morning!” he greeted.

The grey pegasus let out a ear splitting screech before jumping into the air and flew behind the couch. The Doctor stared into the lounge room slightly stun from the mare’s reaction. “Well, that could have gone better.” He said to himself as he put down his half eaten muffin and walked over to the couch.

As he got closer to the couch he could hear a small frighted voice saying. “Pl…please d…don’t hurt me. You…you can ta…take anything you want just please don’t hurt me.”

The chestnut coloured pony couldn’t help but laugh slightly at the pegasus’s overreaction. “Is alright Miss I’m not going to hurt you.”

He said in his most gentle and non-threatening voice. Slowly the frighted grey pegasus lifted her head over the couch to see the familiar chestnut coloured pony giving her a gentle smile. Almost immediately her face changes from barely contained fear to unbridled joy. “Doctor!” she said jumping over the couch and giving him a hug which made him feel a bit uncomfortable. “What are you doing here?”

“I was actually hoping you could tell me.” He said.

It only took a short amount of time for the grey pegasus to tell him about how she had found him and took him back to her apartment so he wouldn’t be discovered by the other ponies. “Then when I came back from helping my friend open her store I felt really tired so I decided to take a nap.”

“With me still on the bed?” the Doctor questioned. “Didn’t you think that was just a bit inappropriate?”

“What do you mean?” she asks innocently

He was about to answer but thought better of it. That conversation could be steered into any number of directions several of which he neither have the time for nor wish to discuss. “Never mind.” He said. “So when you found me was there anything strange or out of place?”

“Not really.” The grey pegasus said as she thought back to when she found him. “Well, there was that smelly black stuff.”

“Black stuff?”

“Yeah, when I went back to help my friend open her store I found this black liquid. It smelt really bad and it was really slippery.”

“I see.” The Doctor looked down at his hooves as he thought about the possible link between this black liquid and his loss of memories. “Could you take me to where you found the black liquid?” he asks.

The grey pony gave him a bewildered look. “Um, sure if you want to.”

“I do”

“Oh, Okay. Let me just grab a muffin to go.” With that the grey mare went to the kitchen leaving the Doctor alone to ponder over this discovery. Even though he can’t remember exactly what happen last night there were a few things that were beginning to surface. Mostly sounds and blurs of colours but still the memories were slowly returning. He could only hope the feeling of dread in his stomach was just him being paranoid otherwise worrying about the pegasus and her strange antics will the least of his worries.


Meanwhile deep within the maze like tunnels that was dug out by a colony of Diamond Dogs. The mechanical behemoth known as Galek was navigating through the twists and turns that would confuse most creatures with ease. Every now and again it would stop and swerve its dome head before moving onwards.

It did this several times before it finally found what it was looking for. Coming to a complete stop in the middle of what others would presume to be just another random tunnel Galek turns to the wall, its glowing eye peering through the stone. If the machine had a face it would be smiling at the prize the laid behind these stone walls. Several panels opened across its cylinder-like body releasing long mechanical arms and a device that began to glow a faint blue light.

Suddenly the light began to intensify until it shot several burst into the wall causing the rock to slowly melt away as if it was ice. It would take some time for the metal giant to reach its prize but that was perfectly fine. By the time that meddling pony remembers the events of last night Galek will have already completed its secret weapon and found a pony to test it on.

At last victory will be his.