• Published 30th Aug 2012
  • 1,043 Views, 8 Comments

Their First Adventure - Storyteller64

Doctor Whooves and Derpy hooves meet for the first time and have an adventure

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The Protector

The Protector

Derpy and the Doctor walked down the streets of Ponyville in silence as they made their way to the town’s centre. The grey mare found the silence somewhat unnerving mostly due to the serious look on the chestnut coloured pony’s face. He looks really concern about something. She thought. Maybe there’s something I can do to help.

“So Doctor how long are you going to stay in Equestria for?” she asks in the hope of lightening the mood.

It took a moment for him to answer her as he was too deep in thought. “Oh, just a couple of days or so.” He said without turning to her.

“Then what.”

“Then I guess I’ll get into my spaceship and go to another planet.”

“Wow, I wish I could do that. Just go where ever I want to, have amazing adventures. It would be so cool.”

The chestnut coloured stallion turns his head slightly giving the grey mare a knowing look. “Trust me Miss adventuring isn’t as fun as you may think it is.”

“Well, maybe that’s because you’re doing it all by yourself.” She said in a cheery tone. “Going on adventures isn’t fun unless you have a friend there to share it with. And you don’t have to call me Miss just call me Derpy.”

“Very well, Miss Derpy.” He said giving her a small smile.

The grey mare couldn’t help but giggle slightly at the Doctor’s little joke. There we go. She thought, happy to see her guest finally loosening up a bit. As they continue to make their way to the town centre Derpy was able to slowly coax the Doctor out of his shell. He was even telling her some things about himself, like how he was a famous inventor back on his home planet.

“Wow, so what kinds of things do you invent?” Derpy asks as they turn the corner.

“A lot of things.” he said enthusiastic by the topic of the conversation. “Like one of my very first inventions was this screw driver that uses different sonic frequencies to achieve multiple tasks.”

“That sounds…really complicated.”

“Actually it’s not as complicated as you may think. All you need is a…” the Doctor’s explanation was cut off when his companion suddenly collided into another pony. The pour grey pegasus was knock off her feet while the other pony, a tall maroon coloured stallion with a set of blue boxing gloves for a cutie mark towered over her as if nothing happen. “Hey! Watch where you’re going!” he shouted showing no interest if the mare was hurt or not.

“I’m sorry I didn’t see you there.” Derpy apologise rubbing the lump that was slowly forming on the back of her head.

“Well, with those googly eyes of yours I’m not surprise. Now get out of my way freak!”

Derpy was taken aback by what the stallion said but did as she was told moving aside to allow the taller stallion to go past, fighting back the tears that were forming around her eyes. “Okay.” She uttered hanging her head low.

The maroon pony had taken no more than two steps when he felt a hoof tugging on his shoulder. Turning around he was surprise to find a chestnut coloured stallion wearing a red bowtie around his neck with a look of barely contain anger. “Excuse me.” He said in a calm but stern voice. “But I think you should apologise to the young lady.”

The stallion looked at the chestnut coloured pony as if he was making some sort of joke. “And why should I?” he asked pulling himself to his full height making him slightly teller then the Doctor. “She was the one who bumped into me.”

“Perhaps, But even so that doesn’t give you the right to insult her like that.”

Derpy, who had notice that a small crowd was slowly forming around the two stallions, quickly walked up beside the Doctor and tapped his shoulder to get his attention. “Come on, He’s not worth it.” she whispered. The last thing she wanted was for her new friend getting into a fight because of her.

The Doctor looks from her to the maroon stallion then back again, it didn’t take a genius to see that he really wanted to teach him some proper manners but he could see that doing so would only upset the grey mare even more. In the end he took a deep breath and calmed himself down, he still felt the urge to smash that stallion’s head through a wall but manage to control it.

Giving the stallion one last stern look he turned away from him and followed Derpy out of the small circle of ponies that had formed to watch the confrontation between the two stallions. Some of them actually looked a bit disappointed that the two didn’t end up fighting while most were grateful. Once it was clear there was nothing left to watch the crowd dispensed and went back to their lives.

An awkward silence fell over the two ponies; Derpy had both of her eyes transfixed to the ground not noticing or caring that the Doctor’s was on her. He opened his mouth to say something that would bring the usually cheery pony back but nothing came out. Closing his mouth he turns his attention back to the road ahead.

“Thank you.” Whispered a small quiet voice.

Turning his head back to his companion he was glad to find her staring back at him with a small smile. It wasn’t the same smile he was he was used to but it was a smile none the less. “Thank you, for standing up for me like that.” She said again only this time a bit louder.

“Well, I couldn’t just stand by and watch that pony speak to you like that.” He said feeling himself getting angry again from just thinking about him. “No pony deserve to be spoken to that way just because they’re a little bit different.”

Derpy opened her mouth to say something but then realize that she didn’t have anything to say. Instead she just leaned in and planted a small gentle kiss on his cheek. The Doctor stopped dead in his track, completely caught off guard from the simple gesture of gratitude. His could feel his cheeks warming up as he touched the place the kiss had landed.

The grey mare also felt her cheeks becoming warm as she wondered if she had done something wrong. Why…why did I just do that? She thought as she stood there worrying what the Doctor might do. Will he get angry about the kiss or would he ignore it and pretend it never happen. When he didn’t respond for what seems like an eternity she grew more and more worried. “I… I’m sorry I… I shouldn’t have done that.” She said turning her head away from the stallion to hide the embarrass blush on her face.

“No, no is alright.” The Doctor said feeling ashamed for not responding sooner which had clearly made the poor mare feel insecure. “It just I wasn’t expecting a kiss is all.”

Derpy slowly turns her head back to the Chestnut coloured stallion and stared into those ocean blue eyes of his, those kind, gentle blue eyes. They both stood there and stare into each other’s eyes for so long they had almost forgotten what it was they were supposed to be doing.

The Doctor was the first to turn away clearing his throat in a nervous matter. “We should umm… keep going to that uh, place.” He said nodding his head down the street they had been walking down on before.

“Oh, right of course.” The grey mare said as they returned to their journey.

They didn’t speak at all for the rest of the trip to the town centre, they were too busy thinking over what had just happen. For one pony it was a dawning of new feelings she never felt before for the other it was a sign that he was starting to get too close. And yet knowing this, knowing that he couldn’t afford getting too emotionally involve, he had to wonder that when the time comes to leave.

Would he?


Carrot Top stood next to her cart which she had appropriately called ‘The Golden Harvest’ watching out for any potential customers. It had been a slow day for selling carrots which was something she was kind of grateful for. While she was grateful for the business the new harvest brought, it also tired her out quite quickly. Why just the other day she was so tired she accidently fell asleep in the Apples family barn which wasn’t all bad seeing how it was Big Macintosh who found her.

As she started to daydream about the close encounter with her secret and forbidden crush, the orange mane mare didn’t notice the two ponies approaching her. “Good afternoon Carrot Top.” One of them said causing Carrot Top to jump a little in surprise.

Turning around feeling her cheek heat up from embarrassment the yellow coloured pony found two mares standing behind her. One was pale cream with a dark blue and pink mane while the other mare had a mint green coat with cyan coloured mane with white high lights. “Oh, hi Bon Bon, hi Lyra, How are you today” She asks.

“Quite well thank you.” Said Bon Bon who was looking over the selection of carrots.

“Bored.” Lyra mumbled as she stood behind the creamy mare looking disinterested with the world.

“Don’t mind her.” Said the cream coloured pony who was picking out several carrots. “She just mad because I drugged her away from the Everfree forest.”

Carrot Top grasps slightly. “What was she doing in the Everfree forest?”

“I was hunting the pale skin monster of course!” the unicorn suddenly declared in a loud voice that frighted both the mares.

“The…the what?”

“It’s some creature she supposedly saw a couple of weeks ago when she was walking past the forest.” Bon Bon explains. “Personally I think she was just out in the sun for too long.”

“The monster is real!” Lyra insisted. “It was as big as a manticore with a mass of brown fur on its head and it wore clothes like those fancy Canterlot ponies…”

“And it wore some sort of device around its arm that allows it to disappear.” The cream coloured pony finished with sarcasm dripping from her voice. “Sure it did Lyra. And I’m a princess.”

“Well, technically you were one last night.” Lyra stated, a devious smile slowly appearing.

Bon Bon’s face suddenly turned into a bright shade of red. “LYRA!” she shouted before toning it down to a whisper that Carrot Top could barely hear. “What did I tell you about saying stuff like that in public.”

“Oh, I’m sorry B.B” the teal coloured pony said feigning innocent. “It just slipped out.”

The blue and pink mane mare glared at her friend for brief moment who in return continues to smile mischievously. Carrot Top’s eyes switch between the two ponies, confuse by the way the conversation had gone. She was about to asked Bon Bon as to what she was doing dress up as a princess when she suddenly grabbed the carrots and left several coins. “Keep the change.” She said before leaving with a smiling Lyra in tow.

The orange mane pony watch them go still very confuse by what Lyra had said but then again Lyra always had a history of saying things that left most pony very confuse. She was kind of like Pinkie Pie in that sense with the only difference being she doesn’t appear randomly. It’s kind of surprising that she and Bon Bon are such good friends seeing how their personalities are totally different. She thought.

Taking the coins around the back of the cart to put it in the money pouch she kept back there she caught the sight of a familiar grey coloured pegasus. Strange. She thought. What is Derpy doing back here?

She soon got her answer when she spotted a chestnut coloured pony following close behind her. “Doctor Skippy.” Carrot Top hissed as she glared daggers into the pony. Since last night the olive coloured pony had grew more and more convince that this mysteries stranger had something to do with Derpy acting so strange lately. This had also led her to believe that whoever this Doctor is, he’s not somepony she want’s hanging around her best friend.

She watch the two ponies as they made their way closer to her cart until they stopped only a few feet away from her. Derpy seem to be looking for something because she was searching the ground as if she had dropped something. After a while she turned to the chestnut coloured pony, looking somewhat troubled, and spoke to him. She was too far away to hear what was being said but she could clearly see that ‘Doctor Skip’ looked bit frustrated by whatever it was that Derpy said.

Leaving her cart behind Carrot Top quickly made her way towards them, telling herself that she just wanted to say hello to her friend even through in truth she just wanted to be close enough in case she had to jump in and protect her. Protecting Derpy is something that she has always done even when they were little fillies, in fact that how they became friends in the first place. It was during recess at school and it was Derpy’s first day which was hard enough without her condition.

Carrot Top at the time was going to sit underneath a tree to have her lunch when she saw one of the older kids picking on the small grey filly. Growing up with a set of strong moral codes she couldn’t stand by and watch her be humiliated on her first day of school so she walked right up to the bully and gave her a piece of her mind. Unfortunately it ended in a fight and she had gotten a nasty black eye from it but she had also made friend too.

She had since then guarded Derpy form those who had sought to hurt her in any shape or from. Giving those ponies one of two choices, either apologise and get lost or get bucked in the face.

“…Somepony must have cleaned it up.” She heard Derpy say once she had reach earshot.

“So it seems.” Said the chestnut coloured pony who held his chin in thought. “I wonder if the one who cleaned it up is still around here somewhere.”

The two of them were so caught up in their conversation that they didn’t even notice Carrot Top walking towards them until she was practically right next to them. Derpy was the first to notice her “Oh, hi Carrot Top.” She greeted turning to face her.

“Hey Derpy.” Carrot Top returned before turning to the stallion standing next to her. “And it’s good to see you again Doctor Skip.

“Doctor Skip?” the stallion questioned.

“Uh, yeah that’s your name.” Derpy quickly interjected, giving the Doctor a slight nudge with her flank. “Remember.”

“Oh, yes of course I’m Doctor Skip.”

The orange mane mare eyed him suspiciously for a moment before being interrupted by Derpy. “Hey, Carrot Top do you know what happened to that black stuff I found when I helped you open the cart?”

“You mean that foul smelly stuff you slipped on?” She asked making the grey pegasus blushed a bit.

“Umm… yeah, that stuff.”

“Oh, well after you slipped on it I cleaned it up so wouldn’t happen again to some other pony.”

“What did you use?” the Doctor asks.

“A wash cloth, why?”

“Can I see it?”

“Umm, sure.”

With that the three ponies returned to The Golden Harvest. It didn’t take long for Carrot Top to find the once white wash cloth which was kept near the money pouch. Handing it over to the chestnut coloured pony who immediately brought it to his nostril and started sniffing it, the orange mane mare stood beside Derpy and watched him. “So why is he sniffing my cloth?” She asks finding what the Doctor was doing slightly bizarre.

Derpy was the first to speak. “It’s for research.”

“Research for what exactly?”

“For…err, for the science of… hey Doctor what science do you do again?” The grey mare asks.

The Doctor didn’t answer, he just stood there staring at the cloth in his hoof as if it would attack him at any second.

“Doctor?” Derpy asked again bringing his attention away from the cloth. “Is something wrong?”

The chestnut coloured looked from Derpy to Carrot Top then back to the blacken cloth. “No, everything’s fine.” He said in a quiet tone just barely loud enough for both mares to hear. The way the stallion mood suddenly change made Carrot Top feel very uneasy. It’s like he seen a ghost or something. She thought.

He continued to stare at the cloth for a moment longer before handing it back to Carrot Top. “Thank you.” He said before turning away from both of the mares and began to slowly walk down a nearby street leaving both the mares confuse and worried.

“Derpy? Is your friend okay?” Carrot Top asks.

The Grey coloured pegasus didn’t answer her, she just watch the stallion leave her face full of concerned.

“Derpy?” Carrot Top said again this time a bit louder, this time managing to bring the young mare’s attention away from him.


“I said is your friend okay?”

“Oh, yeah it’s just his allergic to… carrots”

“Carrots? But he didn’t even eat…”

“Listen Carrot Top.” The Grey mare suddenly interrupted. “I need to go and make sure the Doctor is okay. I’ll see you later alright.”

With that she quickly galloped after the wayward stallion leaving her friend behind with her cart. “Hey, Derpy wait.” She called out but Derpy was already gone.

Carrot Top stood there watching her friend go after the strange pony wondering rather or not to follow. The way that stallion acted really unnerved her and she didn’t like the idea of Derpy being alone with him. But she had to stay here and mind the cart otherwise somepony could steal all of her carrots. She looked from the direction Derpy went to the cart full of carrots trying to make her decision. In the end she sighed and galloped after the two.


The Doctor walked aimlessly down the street as if he was the only living thing left in the world. The black liquid that was on the cloth was a rare and dangerous substance called dratroleum.

Many years from now shortly after its discovery in a mining accident a misguided scientist will try to use the dratroleum as a possible fuel source. In theory it could have worked, the substance was quite stable and bunt at a slow rate allowing it to last for an exceptionally long time. However the gases that were made from it were toxic making ponies sick or in a few rare cases mutate in to monsters.

The chestnut coloured pony remembered how early on in his travels he had landed in a town where almost the entire population were infected by the toxic gas. Luckily with the help of the town’s sheriff along with his daughter and a traveling musician he was able to create an antidote to cure the town along with the animals in the nearby forest. Unfortunately the cure didn’t work for everypony, one of the mutants who was infected for so long that it actually began to evolve into an intelligent being.

This intelligent mutant would later on create an advanced battle armour fuelled by dratoleum and swear vengeance on pony kind for turning him into a monster. Since then the Doctor and this mutant had several encounters with each other, all of them usually ending in a dramatic fight for Equestria survival. And now he found a cloth covered in the toxic stuff in a small town with little to no defence.

Is it possible that Galek is here?

No, it can’t be. The Doctor thought. The last time we met he was sucked into a wormhole. Even if he did survive the chances of him being in this time zone let alone this universe are astronomical at best.

And yet the image of the cloth flashed through his mind. If Galek was in this time zone it could explain his loss of memories. In their last encounter the armoured creature had used a device that could erase a pony’s memory in order to enslave them. Luckily the device effects would wear off in twenty-four hours, so the pony’s memory would return in time.

That is of course, if he is here.

“Hey Doctor, wait up.” Called out a familiar voice that brought the chestnut coloured pony out of his mantel tangent.

He was kind of surprise to find himself standing in the middle of secluded plaza but that fact was completely overridden when the owner of the voice landed in front of him looking deeply concerned. “Are you okay?” Derpy asks “You kind of went all weird back there.”

“Yes, Derpy I’m fine. I just needed to…think for a moment.” the Doctor said which was technically true. Whenever he was presented with a difficult problem back in his own time he always found that walking helps him to figure it out.

The concern on her face quickly faded away leaving behind the bright smile that he had come to know so well. “That’s good to hear.” She said. “So, did sniffing that black stuff help you remember anything from last night?”

“No, I’m afraid not.”

“Well, don’t worry I’m sure it’ll come back soon.”

“Yeah, I hope so.” He said as his past thoughts sprang back into his mind. Should I tell her? He thought as they stood there in the middle of the deserted plaza. It would be easy to make up a story of how the dratoleum was a substance from another planet and how a robot from that planet was chasing him, but then that would be another lie. The idea of lying to her again was making him feel ashamed with himself.

But why?

Lying was something he did on a daily bases, it’s comes with the territory of being a time traveller. It’s not like he enjoys it, it’s just something he has to do in order to protect the space-time continuum and those around him. It’s completely logical and yet he couldn’t bring himself to lie to her again.

He knows it was these strange feelings he had developed for her that was making him feel this way and while he still believes it’s impossible for a pony or any sentient creature to fall in love that quickly he can’t deny that he does feel something for her. Perhaps it was companionship or a mutual understanding of what it’s like being different compared to other ponies. Whatever it was he can’t lie to her but he didn’t have to tell her the truth either.

“Hey, Doctor can… can I ask you something.” Derpy suddenly asks bringing the Doctor out of mental tangent for a second time.

“Sure Derpy, what is it.” he said giving her a warm smile.

“Wel…well I was wondering.” She started, turning her head away from him slightly and drawing small circles in the ground with her left hoof. “You see…there’s this festival the town’s having tomorrow night to celebrate the spring and I wasn’t planning on going but seeing how you’re here I thought that we could go together. Not that it’s a date or anything I just meant how this is your first time in Equestria you might like to go with me as a tour guide or something like that.”

The chestnut coloured pony was left speechless after hearing the young mare proposal. It brought on mixed feelings in him, on one hoof he felt an certain joy and happiness at the idea of going to a festival with her and having some fun that was long overdue but on the other hoof this was an obvious sign that he was getting far too close to the mare. What should he do, he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings but they can’t get romantically involve either which will most likely happen if he agrees to go with her.

“Derpy, I…”

“There he is boys.” a voice suddenly called out interrupting the Doctor’s answer.

Both ponies look to where the voice came from to find an all too familiar maroon coloured stallion along with two other earth ponies and a unicorn. “That’s the pony I was telling you about, the one who wanted me to ‘apologize’ to his ‘special somepony’.”

The other ponies laughed in a manner that made the Doctor feel very uneasy. Acting on instinct he took a couple of steps towards them putting himself between them and Derpy. “What do you want?” he asks in a defensive tone.

“Oh, nothing really, it’s just that you’re the first pony who had the guts to stand up to me in a very long time and I was curious to see if you were just all talk.” The maroon stallion said taking a couple of steps away from his gang.

“I’m not going to fight you if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Is that so.” The stallion said, his eyes shifting to the grey mare who was visibly frighten. “Then you wouldn’t mind if we borrow your friend for a moment would you.”

Suddenly there was a loud shriek from behind the chestnut coloured pony, spinning around the Doctor was shock to find the female pegasus floating in an aura of magic. Before he could do anything to help her she was swiftly taken over to the other side of the plaza stopping just beside the unicorn.

“Let her go!” the Doctor shouted glaring at the group of thugs in barely contained fury.

The leader smirked malevolently at his reaction. “Oh, don’t worry we’ll let her go as soon as you fight me.”

The Doctor looked from the maroon coloured pony to the floating Derpy who was practically shaking in fear. The sight of this made him want to rushed over and punch every one of them into next week, especially the leader. But fighting him would be giving him what he wants and he hardly doubts that it will be a fair fight. The moment it appears that he’s winning, one of the other two earth ponies will most likely jump in or worse they may start hurting Derpy.

No! The Doctor thought pushing back the horribly images that invaded his mind. I won’t let that happen!

“If I fight you, you let the girl go?” he said turning back to the leader.

The maroon thug nodded then said in a poor impersonation of the Doctor’s voice. “You have my word as a gentlecolt.”

“Then I accept your challenge.”

With that the maroon coloured pony attacked without warning charging at the Doctor with speed that belied his size. Luckily the smaller stallion expected him to attack him in such a manner in the hope to surprise him. The Doctor gave the maroon stallion a confident smile before taking a step to the side at the last possible moment while flinging one of his front hoof up to knock his feet from under him.

The stallion made a comical shriek as he crashed face first into the hard concrete. Getting back up he cursed loudly as he turned to face the one who knocked him over only to find him running towards his partners and their prisoner who were both amazed by what had just happen. “Don’t just stand there!” He called to them. “Stop him!”

The sound of their boss shouting at them snaps the other two earth ponies into action, they both turn their attention to the Doctor who was charging straight at them. One of them try to tackle him once he got close enough but the Doctor surprised him by getting up on to his back hooves and slamming one of his front hoof into the stallion’s face with enough force to send him skidding backwards into a wall. The other stallion didn’t fare any better, after seeing his comrade being defeated he shouted something in a fit of rage and threw a poorly aim punch. The chestnut coloured colt grabbed the oncoming hoof and using the attacker’s momentum against him threw him into the unicorn.

With the unicorn knock off his feet the magic that was holding the grey pegasus evaporated causing the young mare to cry out when she suddenly landed on the ground. “Ow…my butt.” She groaned rubbing her backside.

“Derpy are you okay?” the Doctor asked as he rushed over to be by her side.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” She said getting back onto her hooves. “Where did you learn to fight like that?”

“I’ll tell you later, right now I need you to fly away and get the authorities.”

“Okay, but what about you?”

Before he could answer the Doctor was unexpectedly grabbed from behind and was thrown across the plaza. Derpy cried out in horror as she watch her saviour being attack by the large maroon stallion who had started this fight. The chestnut coloured pony landed heavily on the concrete causing him to grasp in pain.

“You think you’re so smart and brave don’t you.” Spat the maroon stallion as he stalked over to the down pony like a hungry predator. “Do you know what happens to pony like you?”

“They get the mare.” The Doctor said sarcastically, slowly getting back up on his hooves.

“No. They get squash!” he roars lunging at the Doctor like a wild beast.

Luckily the chestnut coloured pony rolled out of the way of the oncoming thug which only served to anger him further. The larger stallion continues to hound the Doctor, throwing in wild punches or trying to tackle him. Luckily being smaller had its advantages, the Doctor was able to use his size and speed to dodge all of his attacks. However he was starting slow down. That’s the one thing about scientists. He thought as he dodged another punch. We never get enough exercise.

Suddenly a hoof came out of nowhere, slamming into the side of his face and sending him to the ground. Everything was spinning for a few moments before it finally slow down enough for him to see who his new assailant was. He was somewhat surprise when he found one of the other earth ponies standing beside the maroon one.

Wait, if he’s up then that would mean… spinning his head to where he last saw Derpy he found that the other two thugs were also up and running towards them obviously wanting payback from before but there was no grey pegasus.

“Looking for your friend?” The maroon pony asked before putting one of his hoofs down on the Doctors neck. “I afraid she flew off right after you saved her, a bit ungrateful if you ask me.”

“I don’t purpose it might have occurred to you that she might have gone to get help.” The Doctor said

The maroon stallion chuckle malevolently. “Then you better hope she comes back soon, either wise there be nothing left to save.”


Where in Equestria did those two go? Carrot Top thought as she trotted down the street swinging her head to side to side in the hope of finding her friend and that strange Doctor Skip. She has been wandering like this for the last ten minutes, wishing she had made her decision to follow them sooner and that the streets weren’t so crowded.

I bet somepony has already stolen all of my carrots. She thought angrily. After another five minutes of fruitless searching the olive coloured mare was on the verge of calling it quits when suddenly she was knock of her feet by a grey blur. Landing on her back along with whatever it was that knock her over laying on top of her, Carrot Top was about to bark at the thing but stopped when she saw who it was. “Derpy?”

“Carrot Top you have to help me!” Derpy shouted hysterically, tears were freely falling down her face and she was shaking uncontrollably. “The Doctor’s in trouble and it’s all my fault. If I’ve been watching where I was going this would never have happen and now…now…now those ponies are going to kill him because of me…”

“Whoa, Derpy slow down.” The olive mare said getting up on her hooves along with Derpy. “Now, tell me what happen?”

The grey mare told her what had happen and how the Doctor told her to fly away and get help. “I know I shouldn’t have left him there but…but I didn’t know what else to do. I don’t know how to fight.”

“It’s okay Derpy.” Carrot Top said trying to calm the frantic pegasus down. “I saw a couple of guards over by the café come on.”

With that the two of them rushed to the café as fast as their legs would carry them.


“You know Gates, out of all the places you’ve taken me to, this is by far the best.” The drago-pony said taking a bite of her diamond sandwich.

“Really Nightshade?” The light blue unicorn known as Iron Gates question. “I would have thought you hate it here seeing how you like places that are a bit more… exciting.”

“Well, I’ll admit Ponyville is no Las Pegasus but it does have a certain charm about it. Although I do wish the other ponies would stop looking at me.”

The unicorn couldn’t help but look around at the café they were sitting at, catching several other patrons staring at their table nervously. He couldn’t really blame them, he had acted the same way when he first met Nightshade. With her dark grey coat, dragon like wings and eyes, not forgetting those sharp fangs it’s kind of hard not to stop and stare at her.

“Yeah, sorry about that, ponies around here probably never saw a drago-pony before.” He apologise, hoping that the unwanted attention wasn’t making his friend and partner feel unwelcome.

Nightshade giggles at the stallion. “It’s okay Gates, getting stare at comes with the territory of being a dragon-pony hybrid. Besides the way I see it, it makes me more interesting to the town’s male population.”

“You sure have a unique way at looking at the positive.”

“That also comes with the territory”

The two ponies chuckle and return to their lunch ignoring the other patrons who were still staring at Nightshade. Some of them were even whispering to each other which ordinary ponies wouldn’t hear but for a dragon-pony hybrid they might as well have been speaking normally. They were saying the usually things when she enter a town that never saw her kind before, what was she, are those wings real, do you think she’ll try to eat us.

However there was one noise that caught her attention, it was relatively far away but it was getting closer and fast. It took a moment for her to realize that the sound was of somepony or ponies who were running. Sounds like they’re in a hurry. Thought Nightshade as she looked in the direction the noise was coming from.

Soon enough her eyes spotted two distant ponies heading towards them. “Um…Gates?”


“You might want to move.”

“Why would I want to...” the young unicorn never got to finish his question as he was suddenly knock off his chair by a very distraught looking pegasus. She turns to Nightshade and started yelling about something that Nightshade could barely understand. The only thing the Crescent Guard understood from it was that whatever had happen had really upset the mare.

“Hey, slow down you’re not making any sense.” Nightshade said in as gentle a voice possible. But the pegasus didn’t slow down instead she just started crying and saying that something was her fault. The drago-pony looked to her partner who was still on the floor looking as perplexed as she was. Who is this pony? She thought wondering if she should try to calm her down or call for a straitjacket.

Before she could come to a decision another mare came to their table only this one was an earth pony and was much easier to understand. “I’m sorry for barging in on your lunch Miss but a friends of ours is being attack by a gang of thugs right this second and we need your help.” The mare said in a calm but obviously concern voice.

Nightshade looked from the earth pony to the still crying pegasus sitting across from her. Suddenly she stuffed down the last down the lasts of her jewels encrusted sandwich, got out of her seat and said in an authoritative voice. “Don’t worry ladies, Corporal Nightshade is here and on the job.”

“What!” Iron Gates yelped getting up and staring at the pony-dragon hybrid. “Bu… But Nightshade we’re on vacation, we’re not supposed to get involved in local affairs.”

“Gates didn’t you just hear these two mares, their friend is in trouble and it’s our duty as members of the Royal Guards to help.” She said puffing her chest out in pride. “But if you feel that strongly about it I could always order you to do it.”

“But we’re the same rank.”

“But I’ve been a Corporal longer then you have so I’m still your superior.”

“Well, that’s true but…”

“Then it’s settled.” The drago-pony said turning to the two mares. “Can either of you take us to your friend.”

The grey pegasus nodded and flew off down the way she came followed by the olive earth pony and Nightshade leaving the sky blue unicorn behind to deal with the bill.


Doctor Whooves felt the air in his lungs rushed out of him as the maroon stallion landed a perfect blow against his stomach. “Not so tough now are you.” The stallion mocked before landing another blow.

The chestnut coloured pony was held up by his fore-legs by the unicorn’s magic rendering him unable to fight back or even dodge. Well, it’s not all bad. The Doctor thought as he took another blow. At least I took out the other two.

The other two earth ponies were laying on the ground, one was completely unconscious due to getting hit hard on the head while the other one has a broken leg from a skilful blow to the knee. It didn’t take long to take them out of the fight, for henchmen’s they were poor fighters. Their boss on the other hand was a lot more capable, easily shrugging off every attack the Doctor threw at him.

Even when he picked up a nearby barrel and broke it over the stallion’s head he just kept on coming as if nothing happen. The unicorn at the time just stood back and watched with little interest as the smaller pony try to fight the much larger one. The only time he stepped in was when the Doctor tried to escape down one of the streets.

Using his magic to pick up the Doctor, the unicorn began to throw him around like a rag doll, causing him to crash into walls, barrels and the hard concrete. By the end his body felt as if he was hit by multiple trains, though he would never allow them the satisfaction of knowing that. “Is that all you’ve got?” he said getting back on his hooves only to get knock back down from a surprise blow to the face.

“Not even close.” The maroon stallion said before turning to the unicorn. “Sting him up.”

The unicorn gave a slight nod then focusing his magic on the chestnut pony’s fore-legs lifted him up off the ground. Standing up on his back hooves the stallion gave him a twisted smile before unleashing the first barrage of punches.

That had been a little more than two minutes ago and the Doctor was beginning to wonder if Derpy had actually gone to get help. In the brief moments where the stallion prepares to release another earth shattering blow, the chestnut pony looks over his shoulder in the hopes of seeing the grey mare along with a small army guards. The stallion chuckle when he saw this. “Still think your marefriend is coming back?” he asked in a sarcastic tone. “Face it little colt, she’s ran off to save herself not to get help.”

“Yo…you don’t know her.” the Doctor retorted through in truth he didn’t really know much about her himself but he likes to stay optimistic.

“Maybe, but even if she does come back we’ll be long gone.” The stallion said. “But before we leave I would like to know why you’re wasting time with that freak. I mean did you lose a bet, doing a favour for her brother or do you just have a thing for googly eyed mares.”

“Our relationship is not of your business.”

“Is that so? Well maybe she can tell me herself, after all she going to need a shoulder to cry on while you’re stuck in the hospital and she does have a very nice flank on her. Who knows, maybe I’ll be doing more than just comforting her.”

Without warning the Doctor’s back legs suddenly warped around the stallion’s throat catching him completely by surprise as they slowly squeeze. The chestnut coloured pony glare furiously at the stallion as he choked him for saying those things. “Don’t you dare go near her!” he screamed putting all of his strength into his legs. “Do you hear me! Don’t you ever go near her!”

He had never felt this way before. The rage, the anger, the wanting to end this pony’s life for saying such things about a mare he hardly knows. It actually scared him but then he remembers what he said and he redoubles his efforts. It was only the surge of pain the shot through his entire body that caused him to let go of the thug, who backed away coughing and sucking in the much needed oxygen.

“You…pay…for…that.” the maroon stallion said in between breaths. “Snitch drop him.”

The unicorn nodded and releases his magical grip on the Doctor’s fore legs, allowing him to fall onto the concrete ground like a sack of potato. Placing a large hoof on his head the stallion leaned in and whispered in to the chestnut pony’s ear. “Remember what I said before about ponies like you getting squash? Well, you’re going to get a first hoof on experience.”

Doctor Whooves laid there his body too numb to put up any kind of defence as the stallion lifted his hoof preparing to strike down a blow that could very well bring an end to the time traveller. He couldn’t help but find this situation a bit ironic, he had face all kinds of foes ranging from mad sorcerers to flesh hungry mutants and in the end it’s a common street thug that does him in. If I wasn’t about to die I would even go so far as say it was kind of funny. He thought as he close his eyes, waiting for the end.

“Halt, in the name of the princesses!” called out a new authoritative voice.

The Doctor’s eyes shot open to the sound, feeling unbridle joy and relief to find the maroon stallion’s face frozen in shock and terror. I knew she’ll come back. He thought as he use what little strength he has left to flip onto his other side. The sight before him was not the one he expected standing by one of the plaza’s entrance stood a creature that looked like a cross between a pony and a dragon. Standing beside her was an olive coloured earth pony with an orange mane and a grey pegasus who was staring straight at him with teary eyes and a hoof coving her mouth.

The pony-dragon hybrid took several steps towards the stallion before stopping several meters from him. “By the power invested in me by the princess of the moon I hereby place you and all of your accomplices under arrest. Resist and I’m authorized to use force to take you in and trust me, you don’t want me to do that.”

For a moment the maroon stallion looked at the strange creature before him until he turns around and shouted. “Book it!” to the unicorn. The two of them barely got to the other side of the plaza before the pony-dragon hybrid suddenly flew over them and blocked their paths. The maroon stallion tries to knock the creature out of the way only to discover that she was a lot stronger then she looked. With one well perform round-house kick she sent the stallion crashing into a wall.

“You want to try your luck too?” she asks the unicorn who shook his head and put his hooves high into the air. “Good choice.”

Derpy and Carrot Top ran over to the injured Doctor who was trying his hardest to get up on his own four hooves. “Are you okay?” Carrot Top asks giving him a helping hoof.

“Oh, yeah.” He said “You should see the other guy.”


Derpy remain standing beside Carrot Top, looking over all of the bumps and bruises that cover’s the chestnut stallion’s body. It’s my fault. She thought as the feeling of guilt slowly gnaw at her. He got hurt because of me.