• Published 6th Oct 2020
  • 636 Views, 5 Comments

Day’s Scorn - fluffyfae

In this alternate time line, Celestia successfully defeats and reforms Nightmare Moon single handedly when she sees signs of her return. This boosts her ego up and over the edge and soon Equestria is thrown into a blister of sunlight. [All Credit fo

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Small specs of sunlight trickled through the dark, looming trees that stood above me. Perhaps my subjects and myself had judged the forest too harshly. As of right now, it was seemingly peaceful. There weren't any birds chirping. What there was though, was the gentle sound of leaves glowing in the wind, and bushes rustling. I knew that the night ahead of me though was going to be anything but peaceful. I was praying for the best silently, but ultimately expecting the worst to go down.

As I trotted through the forest, the trees seemed to get bigger, and the sunlight that had poked through, diminished. I tried not to be fazed by this, but it was hard not to be since the change was extremely noticeable. I just kept going despite my now present nerves.

Hearing a twig snap, I froze in place, quickly and without hesitation-setting up a golden aura which was a force-field around myself. The bush beside me kept rustling, and I prepared for the worst. Finally, whatever it was in the bush, showed itself.

With the head of a chicken, body of.. a small dragon and tail, and the feet of a chicken. A peculiar looking creature known as a cockatrice. I let out a sigh of relief, but made sure not to look it directly in the eyes.
I chuckled a little bit to myself,"Just a cockatrice, I'll just..", I stepped to the side of it, sweating a little bit to myself as I wasn't too fond of these animals. I was just glad it wasn't a manticore or something worse.
The cockatrice blinked and pecked at the ground, making some clucking noises. It stumbled around for a few seconds before hitting the force field. I blinked and then heard a screeching noise as it's shadow was cast above me.

Laughing nervously, I screamed before taking off in a sprint, not bothering to care that the force field had come off. I sprinted through the trees, vines and bushes, not caring where I was running at this point. I just wanted to get out.

Despite my carelessness, I managed to make it past the cockatrice. Exhaling, I slowly sat down. A sharp pain came over me as I glanced down, my back left hoof was throbbing massively. I clenched my teeth, it hurt very badly. Perhaps I have a thorn? As I leaned down, trying to examine it, I heard a voice.

"Princess? What causes you such distress?"
I blinked, turning around as I heard the familiar voice,"Oh hello Zecora, I was just.. taking a walk! Getting a little breather on this fine day-as one does."
"I see.. now why is it that you come to me?"
I couldn't exactly tell her that I wasn't here for her, but I figured she could help with my hoof. I slowly stood up,"There was a cockatrice and I was running from it.. my hoof got sprained."
The small zebra smiled and nodded,"Come then before your hoof becomes aloof."

I dipped my head and followed her inside her tree hut, ducking my head so I didn't hit anything on the inside. Inside, it had a wooden base-naturally since she did live in a tree. There were several large pots, pans, and glass bottles that had some substances in them. I found myself wandered around, curiously as I examined my surroundings before sitting down on a small stool that was in the zebra’s hut.
She pranced over to me with a small green tinted glass jar, pulling her cap off with her mouth before pouring out a sticky, almost sap like material. I had never seen any sort of ailment or treatment before, so I stayed quiet.

“This is sticky sap, so you may find your way back onto the right map,”she gingerly told me as a small, appreciative smile lit my face as she rubbed the substance on my hoof,“I know why you are traveling in the forest Princess, I-though, do not wish to slow your efforts.”
My amethyst eyes blinked and I turned and met my gaze to the small zebra that stood before me. Zecora was known to be psychic and such, but how did she-

“You are wanting to defeat Nightmare Moon all alone, but beware of the darkening throne,” she told me.
The darkening throne? What does that mean? I felt some relief in my hoof as the sap sank into my hoof. Zecora didn’t say much as she brought over some scraps of cloth.

“Thank you, Zecora,”I dipped my head as I used my magic to levitate the bits of cloth, and wrap them around my hoof.
She dipped her head in a nod,“Of course Princess, but before you leave, I must heave,”she started before I stood up, walking beside her over to the door,“Celestia, despite what I’ve said, I believe you can decide what’s best for Equestria instead.”
I let out a large sigh of relief,“Thank you for those wise words, Zecora,”I gave a small smile and wave with my wing before starting to make my way back onto the journey to Luna and I’s old castle, but not before turning to say “thank you” for the hospitality.

But to my surprise, as I turned to say a simple “thank you”, Zecora’s hut was no longer there. It was if it simple vanished into thin air. A lump grew in my throat as a disturbing feeling started to fester inside me. No. I fought against these worries, but it was tremendously difficult. What had happened to Zecora and her hut? Was it all an illusion? It couldn’t have been, my hoof was still wrapped. Wasn’t it?

I glanced down at my flank, at my back hoof. Yes, the wrappings were still tight around my hoof. I just decided that it was my mind, and the forest itself playing tricks on me. I hesitantly continued.

Fortunately, I was nearing the end of the path. Light soon lit my path once more as I saw a clearing in sight. I was out of the woods, finally. It was one step, one accomplishment more to defeating Nightmare Moon, even if it was small. It just once again proved that I was capable of doing this, and more, alone. No guards. Just me. Just Celestia.

Now the castle was in plain sight, or rather-what remained of the castle. It was overgrown with vines, and other plants that had lurked in the Everfree forest. It had only continued to waste away as time went on. It was an eerie sight to see. The crumbled towers, the pillars that once stood proud and tall, were now only bits of dirt and dust. Just proving, nothing good can ever last.

I stopped myself, bewildered by my own thoughts! How could I think such a thing? That wasn’t true.. was it? But part of my brain screamed at me. It was all too true, as much as I wanted to deny it. It really was the inevitable. I thought back to my sister and I when we were fillies, how we used to prance over to Starswirl and show him what we had made. We’d make small arts and crafts out of gemstones. I remember Luna and I made a model sun and moon for him with paper, glue, and gemstones. In the middle of this was a bright shining star, representing Starswirl. I smiled at this thought. But I knew that I was right, it hadn’t lasted long.

Despite this, a small lightbulb went off in my head, perhaps if the good times can’t last, neither will the bad times. That was the hope I was clinging onto. I just hoped that that hope I had would be enough. Enough to harness the power and harmony of the elements to combat Nightmare Moon. The power to get me through this infamous night without dreading it, but I already was. I just had to have the strength, the courage, the magic. The preciseness to venture my way through