• Published 6th Oct 2020
  • 636 Views, 5 Comments

Day’s Scorn - fluffyfae

In this alternate time line, Celestia successfully defeats and reforms Nightmare Moon single handedly when she sees signs of her return. This boosts her ego up and over the edge and soon Equestria is thrown into a blister of sunlight. [All Credit fo

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The Elements of Harmony. Both Luna and I had used them in the past to defeat the likes of Discord and King Sombra. With myself representing the elements of kindness, generosity, and magic. Luna representing loyalty, honesty and laughter.

To be truthful, I did not feel very kind or generous by what I had done to my sister. She was suffering and I had banished her, longing out the suffering for her. It certainly wasn't a generous act either. For I should have compromised for what we both wanted. We both want to rule, we both want what's best for Equestria. Nevertheless,!I was getting consumed by my own thoughts.

Though now, it didn't matter how much I thought about the elements or what had happened in the past. I couldn't change it. Nor could I change the fact that I wasn't connected to them anymore. They needed new bearers. But how in Equestria could I possibly find these elemental bearers on my own? Of course, I had the guard to always assist me, but I alone should be able to do this. It's my fault-half my fault-that Luna is imprisoned in the moon. It's also my fault that she's going to escape on this very night.

The day's still young, my mind doesn't feel young, but it's nothing I can't handle. Even if i'm not connected to the elements anymore, I must at least try to use them. It's all I ken do.

A solid knock fell upon the door that stood proud and regally across the long hallway that the throne room had. I figured it was just a guard reporting or informing me of some matter at hoof. I glanced out of the stained glass window that was nearest to me, though it was a bit hard to see where the sun was positioned at this exact time. I assumed it was nearing the lunch hour. I felt my stomach growl, despite my temptation to eat at the moment, I couldn't just walk out. Especially if this was going to be important.

I dipped my head, using my horn as a yellow magic aura appeared, carefully placing away some scrolls I was examining before my zoning out session. I placed them in a small lavender saddlebag that had a sun of the side of it. I then set it beside me.

Two white stallion guards, whom bore the golden armor that gleamed in the rays of colorful sunlight that entered the room. In between them, they escorted a purple mare with a purple-striped mane into my presence. I internally released a sigh of relief. It was rather nice to seeing a familiar face. I was confused though as to why Twilight had come rather than just sending me a scroll.

"Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student, how may I be of service?", I questioned, my gaze softening as I looked down at the much smaller unicorn.

She smiled and bowed politely before perking back up again,"Princess, I was just finishing reading a book of predictions and prophecies,"she paused and rubbed her neck with a hoof,"Which I borrowed from the Canterlot library, a very good book might I add,"She finally continued to her point,"I was just going to ask if you were aware that tonight marks the one thousandth year of Nightmare Moon's imprisonment?"

I kept my composure even though the subject was still touchy, and that's all I had really been thinking about. It was silent for a few seconds as I frantically tried to search for something to say and not have an outburst. I exhaled
"I did, but thank you for informing me again," I replied as I slowly stood up. I had been sitting all day, and I had to search for the elements myself. Fortunately I knew already where they were, but it was just a matter of summoning them. I used the same magical golden aura to put the saddlebag on my back. I stepped down the steps to where the smaller purple unicorn was standing, still staring up at me. I noticed a glimmer of hope and wonder sparkling in her eyes.

Twilight smiled awkwardly to my surprise and stepped back out of my path, but then started to trot alongside of me,"So, what's the big plan?"

I shook my head. There was barely even a plan, let alone a big plan. I gazed down at her as a soft smile spread across my lips,"You should not be afraid, my little pony, for it will be handled."

She didn't seem to hear me, kind of to my annoyance,"Are you going to have a heavier duty on night patrol? Oh! Or maybe if you didn't lower the sun-how could Nightmare Moon esc-"

"Twilight,"I said calmly, yet a bit stern as I bent down to her level, wrapping a wing around her side, smiling,"I can assure you it is nothing to be of concern about. While I appreciate it, especially somepony so highly educated as yourself, the sun and the moon must be risen and lowered. For it is what balances each and every day in Equestria. As for Nightmare Moon, she will be dealt with properly. Now.. for your next assignment.."

Her eyes seemed to twinkle as she pranced in place, her front hooves bouncing in place as well. She seemingly just bursting with excitement and was hanging on every word I was speaking.

I repeated myself,"For your assignment, I am sending you to Ponyville."

Her pupils went small and seemed to shatter as her jaw hung wide open in shock. She looked a bit horrified, as if i had just, well, banished her to the moon.

"What?!", she burst out, now a disappointed look upon her face,"Ponyville? But-but what's even in Ponyville? I mean.. nothing against them, but what's there that's not in Canterlot? Why are you even sending me there, Princess?"

I had pondered this for awhile, however I had settled on it a few days ago. I was sending Twilight to Ponyville to meet some new, real friends. She had isolated herself too much in Canterlot, I saw so much of me in her. Both good and bad. She was a very motivated, ambitious student. Very responsible. However, she also was alone most of the time. Whether she was lonely was another story, and I myself didn't know if she was or not.

I chuckled to myself,"Each and every city across Equestria has something new and diverse to bring to the land. Cloudsdale is for pegasi, for they help bring new weather everyday. Manehattan has a variety of business and aspiring artists. Canterlot is a place of charm, elegance and experience. For Ponyville, you'll just have to see for yourself what it's lik-"
"Forgive the interruption-but what do I need to do in Ponyville, Princess?", I questioned, looking up at her.

"I was just about to get there,"I replied calmly before continuing,"The one assignment I'll give you is to make some friend's,"I simply replied.
"Making... friends?", she looked confused,"Psh, friends? I don't need those, I have Spike and then there's Minuette, and Lemonheart, Lyra, and Moondancer, even though I haven't seen her in a minute..", she mumbled that last part to herself,"So making friends.. is this a sort of test?"

A test? Making friends? A test? I blinked. I suppose if that's how she wanted to view it, I'd let her,"Trust me, Twilight, everything will work out how it's meant to,"I assured her, giving her a small hug from my wing again,"I have a chariot ready, and if you need anything at your place, I can have a guard escort you there."

She looked as if she were going to faint,"R-right now? But-but that's so soon! What if we talk this over and-"

"Yes, right now. And don't forget, you will still be able to write to me if you ever need help or have a problem,"I gently explained further, hoping that she would finally be assured and would-to put it blatantly-get a move on.

She followed me close, a bit uncomfortably close,"But wha-wait.. where are you off too?"

I panicked only slightly, should I tell the truth? What would she say if I told her something about the elements? I figured I'd only give a vague response.

"I assure you, I am completely fine, Twilight. Now if you'll excuse me I have some matters at hoof to attend to," I simply waved her off before she was escorted once again by two guards.

I heard her let out a sigh as she seemingly begrudgingly followed alongside the guards. I was kind of upset I was sending her away. A pain stung my heart. Just like I sent my sister away. But.. this was different, she could always come to me if she needed anything, just as I know I would still need her. I did enjoy Twilight's company, but she was definitely overbearing at times. Finally, I had to push these thoughts to the back of my mind, making m way up a flight of long, twisted stairs. This section of stairs was in a hidden part of the castle, underneath one of the huge tapestries. In a small corner. A small light glowing orb from my horn lit the dark staircase as I slowly made my way up the staircase. On the top of the stairs was a brown wooden door, with the carving of a moon on the center of it. This was Luna's private study. I pushed the key into the keyhole and turned the door, it creaked open as cobwebs coated the room.

This is where, for the time being, the alicorn amulet was held as well as several other precious, powerful, dangerous artifacts. What I was looking for was a book rather than an artifact. Of course the elements were artifacts, and they were hidden under the floors of Luna and I's former castle, which was now overtaken by the Everfree forest.

To my surprise, the book was surprisingly easy to find. The glowing golden orb illuminated the room. The book was resting on a pedestal in the corner of the room. I looked above the pedestal. On the wall was a mirror, and it was broken. I froze a little. I couldn't even begin to imagine what Luna was doing and or going through when she used to barricade herself in here for hours.

I used my magic slowly to unlock the book and flip it open. Sitting down, I carefully read the ancient words. I knew I was playing with dark, powerful magic. The kind of magic that had corrupt King Sombra all those years ago. I took a few deep breathes before mumbling out the ancient words, my horn's aura turning a green and spouting black and red magic, rather than gold. My amethyst-fuchsia eyes turned a hideous shade of green color.

I had finished reciting the words and after awhile my horn and my eyes had returned to their familiar shades. I rubbed my eyes with a hoof and exhaled. In front of me lay the elements. They glistened in the golden aura that spouted from my horn. However, as I leaned down, I noticed they were all cracked. All of them were slowly falling apart. The only one however that was completely in tact, was the element of magic.