• Published 6th Oct 2020
  • 634 Views, 5 Comments

Day’s Scorn - fluffyfae

In this alternate time line, Celestia successfully defeats and reforms Nightmare Moon single handedly when she sees signs of her return. This boosts her ego up and over the edge and soon Equestria is thrown into a blister of sunlight. [All Credit fo

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My eyes widened as I held the crumbled, broken pieces of the different shades in my hooves. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing, how in Equestria were they shattered? Did someone shatter them? Did I conjure up the wrong spell? Perhaps there was a way to repair them?

I stood up calmly and dipped my horn down, the golden aura around my horn lighting up the dark, dusty room again. Exhaling, as I used a repair spell, the shards of elements spiraling around me in a whirlwind of bright color. After a bright blaze of orange light, I sat down, looking upon the elements that were now intact. I smiled contently to myself. It had worked. I was pleasantly surprised as well. I didn't need anyone's help but my own! It was nice.. I did it by myself, no one even dared ask me for help. Things were surprisingly going according to plan. Perfect.

My one and only concern was where Luna would spawn once she escaped the moon. Certainly not any of the cities but Canterlot. Canterlot or our old castle. Those were where the elements had previously been, and she most likely was going to try destroying the elements. So the Everfree forest was where I needed to be heading.

I knew the journey was one I had to venture alone. It was my fault that Luna was imprisoned and was going to escape. I must face her alone. Besides, having guards or anypony else would just anger my sister even further and I didn't want that. What I did want was nothing more or less than a clean confrontation. If push came to shove though, that confrontation would soon turn into a clean fight. Even though I didn’t want to fight my sister, again, I also knew Nightmare Moon couldn’t be reasoned with, and fighting was going to be necessary. She would head straight, charging at me, most likely to kill me. But this time, I was stronger. I would not falter. I needed to protect myself and the rest of the country, even despite that the fact Luna had turned this way because of me. I had an obligation though to make my wrongs, and yes, even partially Luna’s wrongs, a right.

The unfortunate part in all of this though was I had to wait. I had to wait and dread these few hours before nightfall would come. I was developing a plan in my mind. Of where I would be when I lowered the sun and raised the moon. I would be at the center of our old castle, where the elements of Harmony once were.

However I couldn't activate them until Nightmare Moon was in my presence, otherwise activating them
before hand would just be a waste of their energy. They were precious artifacts for not only me and my sister, but for Equestria as well. Without these elements in Equestria, how could anypony live a meaningful, happy life? Friendship is everything, family is as well. Without generosity, kindness, honesty, laughter, loyalty, and magic-how could one find fulfillment in their relationships?

More importantly.. how could I live a meaningful, happy life? How could I find fulfillment in my relationships? Was my immortality a gift? Was it a curse? I could only imagine how blessed some ponies would feel if they had immortality.. and now.. why did I feel this feeling of dread falling upon me?

I took a step back, proceeding to exit the room. But before, I took a glance back. The room seemed even more dusty than it had been before. It seemed dirty, ancient. To a degree, it was. It hasn’t been in use for nearly a thousand years. I pondered cleaning it for my dear sister, so she could have a clean place to spend her leisure time. But then another thought occurred to me. I had no idea what would happen after Nightmare Moon was defeated. Would Luna even want to return with me to Canterlot? More importantly-could I even defeat her? What if she wasn’t defeated with the elements? What then? Surely I couldn’t flat out kill her. Banish her to Tartarus.. that was an option. Death.. I didn’t desire to be an option at all.

I then realized why I suddenly had all of these doubts clouding my judgement and more or less-my entire mind. This room whilst old, was also filled with powerful, ancient magic and artifacts as well. Both good and evil alike. The dark magic I had just used was still lingering in the air. I needed to exit as soon as possible. So without taking another glance behind me, I slowly and gingerly closed the door, my hooves clicking against the steps as I made my way down.

I slipped out from underneath the tapestry, my crown slipping and falling, a crashing sound made as it hit the ground. I winced at the sound, my ears going back in discomfort. I glanced around, seeing if anyone had heard. To my surprise, no one had. I figured the guards were off on their lunch break.

I made my way down the hallway, passing the spacious hallways and ballrooms. As I walked, I felt a rather odd feeling over me, I felt as if I were in need of a nap. Of course there was no time for napping. No time to waste at all. It was just a meaningless escape from what I was about to face tonight. I was about to face my past, and future all in the present. How I acted now, what I said too, all affected what was going to happen. I had to act swiftly, but wisely. The two needed to cooperate. Yet I was also overthinking the situation entirely.

The small purple unicorn suddenly came to mind, and a soft smile soon graced my face again. With Twilight busy, this gave me some relief and comfort. I knew in my heart that she would be safer in Ponyville. Besides, it was better this way, especially if my plans went south,

I made my way down the spiral staircase, these stairs, unlike the secret stone ones that led to Luna’s former study chamber, were made of silky pastel colored fabric. Some of the best, and yes, most expensive fabric in Canterlot. After Luna’s banishment, the capital had not only been moved to Canterlot, but the all of the flooring in the castle was updated. It was once just the same as our old castle, stone and cobblestone. Some marble but not much. Equestria had changed so much since then. Part of me wondered whether or not Luna would be able to adapt and change with the times.

I put these thoughts to rest though as I made my way to my own chambers. The door was an archway that was a wooden door with a golden sun on the center, and precious gems coated the sides of it. These gems were all a golden shade, and shimmered a-mist the sunlight reflecting it. I used my magic to open the door, trotting inside quietly.

The room had a fireplace in the center, which was crackling and burning bright even still. It was more for decor rather than warmth, but it provided useful in the winter months. The bed and walls had shades of regal purple. Amethysts, lavenders, and many more. The pillows that sat quaintly upon the circular bed were lined with golden fabric. Everything, blankets, pillows, the comforter, were all plush soft.

Sitting down, I folded my hooves before setting the saddlebag down. I once again used my magic to levitate, however this time I removed my crown. I then set it neatly on the mantle that was directly above the fireplace. It would be safe here. Besides if I was more or less charging into battle, what use was a crown or other jewelry. I removed the small golden shoes as well, placing them on the side of the circular bed. I also removed the necklace that was around my neck. I slowly set the saddlebag back onto my back, and folded my wings back as well.

The same golden aura appeared from my horn, however it surrounded my entire presence. If I did not return, the next ruler of Equestria would know where to find my crown and other jewels. Part of my mind though, spoke directly to me. I knew I would return. No matter what went down in the Evergreen forest tonight.