• Published 29th Sep 2020
  • 1,096 Views, 101 Comments

There is one infected among us.. - Arial_Dreemmurr

After Equestria is overthrown by a virus, making the ponies infected turn into blood craving killers, the Mane Six, in a hope of surviving it, stay locked up in Twilight's castle to wait it out. But what if there was one of them out for blood?

  • ...


Having her new task, Fluttershy left the library with Rarity. As they walked across the halls, Fluttershy stopped every once in a while to check in the other rooms. After seeing if the rooms were clear, or just having nothing worth reporting back to Twilight, She turned to leave the room.

She did this with multiple rooms as they walked through the hall together. Rarity was always patient enough to wait up for her friend as she did her little inspection.

This stayed the same for a while before Rarity pointed at one of the rooms and moved closer to it. "This is it. I expect you'll be fine by yourself now, right?"

"Yea," She nodded, feeling much safer than before. "I'll see you again later."

Rarity gave her a smile in return. "Of course. see you then, darling!" The unicorn smiled as she showed her friend a quick wave and entered the room, leaving the pegasus by herself.

Fluttershy watched her close the door behind her before continuing herself, wearing a smile as she continued her way across the hall. She continued her walk around the castle, looking and checking into each room before moving on and doing the same again in the next.

As she did so, she knew she'd find her other friend in one of them as well.

Meanwhile, Apple Jack was at the castle's garbage dump, taking a quick break from the work she just did.

As said at the start of the week, she had some of the tasks with more heavy work. She was used to it, of course, but still had to take a break in between the tasks to keep up with the schedule.

She also quickly found out there was more garbage in the castle than she could ever imagine there would be.

Most of the rooms in the castle had at least one trashcan in them. It kind of got her wondering why Twilight would need so many places to dispose of things when there could also be just a few main ones.

But she wasn't there to solve dumb mysteries like that. They'd already solved the biggest and probably most important one.

She stood back up from the wall she had leaned against for a while was ready to leave for her next trip around the castle. But before she could do so, or get even get a step further, she saw the door open and someone peek into the room, before spotting the mare and walking in.

"Who's there?" She asked towards the door since the area there had a shadow casting over it. As she asked it, she also took a step closer to whoever was there so she would be able to see them better.

The one there heard her voice and turned to look over at her. "Oh, it's just me Apple Jack." Apple Jack could now recognize the soft, quiet voice came from Fluttershy. "I hope I didn't interrupt anything..."

"Ya didn't. Ah was just 'bout to head out." The earth pony said, showing the pegasus a smile.

"Oh..." She responded quickly before continuing. "T-That's fine. I'll only be here for a little bit anyway."

Apple Jack watched as she closed the door behind her and took a few steps into the room. "Ah didn't know ya had a task here, Flutters." The earth pony said as she walked closer.

"Oh, I just got a new one. Twilight asked me to take a quick tour around the castle to see if everything is still how it's supposed to be." The mare said smiling. "I just need to look if everything is still in place. It won't take too long."

Apple Jack nodded before showing a smile. "Alright then." As the pegasus looked around the room, Apple Jack made her way to the door. "Ah'll be off. Ah'll maybe see ya again later."

"Sure thing." The earth pony heard her friend say before she opened the door and left her alone in the room.

Apple Jack closed the door behind her and made her way across the hall to find her next destination. It took a few minutes to get there since it was all the way on the other side of the castle.

She opened the door and walked in to be greeted by another, practically filled up to the top, garbage bin. She went to pick it up when she noticed it being quite a bit heavier than most others that were a similar size.

She decided to see what the extra weight was so she could maybe make it an easier trip. And with the distance back to the garbage dump, she preferred having something a bit lighter.

She decided to take out the bag first and once she did, she felt the most of the weight at the bottom. She got it open to investigate and found a lot of small screws along with a screwdriver or two.

She was obviously confused when she saw what caused the weight. When she looked closer, there was even a small piece of vent in there that was probably torn out for any reason.

As much as the objects confused her, most of her other confusion laid at why they were in an average garbage bin, rather than something more specific that would be better to throw away things like that.

curious, she looked over to a nearby vent that was on the room's floor. She took a closer look and noticed the screws were gone. This made it so it could easily be opened and closed whenever someone wanted that to be the case.

She was still confused but decided to let it be and continue with her task. Remembering the screwdriver, she just assumed it was something Rainbow Dash couldn't continue after being sent out.

She got the garbage bag back closed and made her way out with the thing. She kept the screws and screwdriver on a table inside the room to maybe get those back to Twilight later.

She arrived back at the garbage dump and found Fluttershy still there. She was looking through some boxes that were inside the area and her away when she noticed her friend coming in.

"Oh, hey Apple Jack. You're back fast." She said, closing the box she was looking in before.

"Really?" She imaged she'd be slower thanks to the extra weight she inspected but decided to ignore that. "Nevermind. Ah'll have to head back there anyway. Ah left some stuff behind ah still have to pick up." She continued and she put the bag down on the ground.

Fluttershy nodded as she walked over to her friend. "Which way are you going?"

"Right. Ah'm headin' off to the other side." She responded.

"Oh, I have to go over there too. You don't mind if I join you do you? I just finished here."

Apple Jack showed her a smile. "Of course ah don't mind."

Fluttershy replied with a smile as she joined her friend before they walked out together. While Fluttershy checked on the rooms on the way, Apple Jack would patiently wait up for her.

It was during one of these times when they found Rarity dead in one of the rooms...

Author's Note:

Body reported.