• Published 29th Sep 2020
  • 1,096 Views, 101 Comments

There is one infected among us.. - Arial_Dreemmurr

After Equestria is overthrown by a virus, making the ponies infected turn into blood craving killers, the Mane Six, in a hope of surviving it, stay locked up in Twilight's castle to wait it out. But what if there was one of them out for blood?

  • ...

New strategy: Duos.

It was the next day.

Since Apple Jack and Rarity had similar tasks, they decided to stick together for protection, mostly insisted by Rarity and with Apple Jack leading the duo.

Rainbow Dash was already heading off to finish the last couple of tangled wires in the map room when she heard a soft voice behind her, along with a tap on her shoulder.

"H-hey Dash..?" She turned to see Fluttershy behind her wearing a scared expression. "C-Can I join you? I know we don't have the same task but... I don't want to go all by myself... I'm scared something bad will happen if I do.."

Seeing her friend so upset, she showed her a smile and put a wing around the pegasus. "Of course you can join me. I think it would be saver too if you stayed with me. I don't mind."

Fluttershy quickly showed a smile again. "Thanks, Dash."

"It's nothing. Don't think about it." As they continued across the hall, Dash got an idea. "You don't necessarily have to do nothing when you're with me. You can be like my assistant or something like that."

"I like that idea." Fluttershy smiled again as they arrived at the map room together and entered to start tasking. While Dash handled the wiring work, Fluttershy handed her the tools she needed while keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.

Apple Jack and Rarity also arrived at their tasks, not wasting any time getting started.

Rarity decided to start with the floor since there was some garbage under the furniture that Apple Jack could then dispose of.

Every time Rarity had her small bag filled up, Apple Jack emptied it in the trashcan next to her.

Once Rarity finished the floor, Apple Jack had a full trashcan. "Are ya gonna stay here while ah throw out the trash or not?"

"Well, It would be saver together.." the unicorn responded, not looking very comfy with the idea of being alone. "Fluttershy's there too right? We'll be able to check up on her that way too."

"Yea.." The earth pony said before looking away a bit. "Ah don't know 'bout ya but ah'm kind of worried 'bout her.."

The unicorn looked back at her, only slightly confused. "How so?"

"It's just.." The farm pony started, her voice shaking a little. "She was closest to, ya know who, when it happened. Y'all saw her reaction before and during the meetings. Ah just feel like we should check up on her."

Rarity looked away for a second before showing a small nod. "I guess you're right. But are you sure she's there?"

"She has to be. That's where most of her tasks are. Ah couldn't imagine her anywhere else." Apple Jack said before starting to head out. "So, ya comin'?"

"Of course." Rarity joined her friend as they made their way across the halls to the castle's storage area.

They arrived in an average amount of time and looked for the pegasus as Apple Jack also looked for a place to keep the trash. She decided to use her previous spot from the day before and turned back to the white unicorn.

"Have ya seen her?"

She shuck her head in response and decided to call something across the area, hoping to receive something back from the pegasus. "Fluttershy? Are you somewhere in here?" They waited for a few seconds, but after hearing nothing back, they decided to turn back to the door to head out again.

"Maybe she's somewhere else right now." Apple Jack thought out loud, before noticing that Rarity's face had turned a bit more distressed. "Y'all alright, Rares?"

She slowly nodded, but not genuinely. "Just... What If something happened to her..?" She seemed almost afraid to ask it.

"We would've heard something by now if that was the case."

"Then where is she, Apple Jack?" She sounded more desperate for answers now.

"Ah..." She thought of something to ease her worries before continuing. "She could be with Dash?"

"I guess she would be the one to want to be with someone like Dash after what happened.." She didn't look quite convinced but seemed to have accepted it as possible. "You're right.. Let's continue shall we."

Apple Jack showed her a smile making the unicorn crack a smile too. They made their way to the next task to do together.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash, with Fluttershy's assistance, had finished her first task. "And... All done!" She said, closing the electricity box before turning back to the yellow pegasus. "Now with that done, we should see how storage is. Your task still needs to be done."

Dash picked up the toolbox and starting to put some of the used tools back in when Fluttershy quietly spoke. "Actually, you can go before me. I'll put the tools back in for you and meet you again at storage." She smiled at her friend, already taking the box and some of the tools from her.

"You sure? I thought you didn't want to be alone." Dash asked, slightly confused about what her friend just said.

"I don't but I just feel like helping out a bit more.. Just let me clean this up for you."

Dash hesitated for a bit before showing a smile. "Okay, but when you're done I want you to come to storage immediately after. I don't want anything to happen to you while you're alone."

Seeing her friend's concern, the pegasus nodded, smiling at her. "Of course.. I'll be fine Dash."

Dash hesitated only a little before leaving the room. Fluttershy watched her walk out before putting her attention back at the toolbox and started putting all the tools back in the right spots.

It was only a minute later when the lights turned off and everyone got stuck by complete darkness.

Author's Note:

Lights sabotaged.