• Published 29th Sep 2020
  • 1,094 Views, 101 Comments

There is one infected among us.. - Arial_Dreemmurr

After Equestria is overthrown by a virus, making the ponies infected turn into blood craving killers, the Mane Six, in a hope of surviving it, stay locked up in Twilight's castle to wait it out. But what if there was one of them out for blood?

  • ...

Tasking, maybe some masking, but mostly tasking.

Once everyone was settled in, Twilight created a small schedule for each of them with daily tasks. Each of the schedules were specifically created for each of them, surrounding their specialties.

Shortly after creation, Twilight met up with them again around the cutie map to discuss it.

"While you all got your stuff in order, I made a plan for the following few weeks." She said as she gave everyone their individual schedules. "These are some bigger and smaller tasks around the castle that need to be done this week, if possible. If we're going to be here for a while, we need to keep things in check."

Everyone looked down at their schedules, looking across the tasks for a bit, before looking back up.

"And ya said this was for a week?" Apple Jack asked first.

The alicorn smiled and nodded."Yeah. What do you think of the tasks? I kept all your specialties in mind."

"I sure am." Dash said before looking down at her tasks again. "Electrics, something about high storage with Fluttershy."

"Mhm," The alicorn nodded once again. "Those are too high for any earth pony or unicorn without levitation or teleporting, and I'll be busy down in the library. Also, the electrics are just to make sure we don't lose any electrical power inside. Wires can get really tangled if not taken care of. Directions should be under the task."

She looked down at the task before looking up with a smile. "Yeah, got it!"

"Next, Apple Jack?" Twilight said as she looked over at the farm pony. "I thought you wouldn't mind doing some of the heavier tasks around here."

"Ah don't mind at all, Twi." She looked back down at her schedule. "Clearing out the garbage, movin' things around the castle, it should be easy enough. Ah do most of that at the farm anyway. It's nothin' new."

"Great, so you'll be able to do that?" Twilight received a nod.

"Sure thin'"

She quickly moved on to the next. "Rarity?"

"Just a moment, darling." The unicorn said as she quickly looked down at the paper and back up. "Cleaning around the castle sounds good for me. I wouldn't mind at all."

"Good, Pinkie Pie?" Twilight moved on.

She quickly got a smile back from the pink pony. "Organizing storage, I'm great at organizing! I can do it in my sleep!"

Twilight showed a smile before getting to the last one. "Lastly, Fluttershy. You basically do something similar to what Pinkie does but in the upper section. Along with Dash at times too."

"I don't mind the task at all." Fluttershy smiled.

Satisfied, Twilight showed a smile now too. "So, that was all. Now, it's pretty late right now. It's probably best if we go to bed so we'll be able to do our tasks tomorrow. I'd imagine you'll all be fine by yourselves but I'll be in the library most of the time if anyone would need me after that."

Everyone nodded in agreement before making their way to the rooms they were assigned to before. And after getting comfy, it wasn't long until everyone was asleep and ready for the next day.

It was the next day and everyone was up and ready for their tasks of the day. Some like Apple Jack and Rarity went their own way but others like Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy went the same way.

"Twilight said I'll first have to get some tools from storage. Might as well join you two." Dash explained as they walked across the hall to the storage area.

"Oh, I don't mind at all." Fluttershy smiled.

She was later followed by Pinkie. "Me neither! It's even more fun now!"

"I guess, yea. But I'll just need to pick up some tools and I'll be off. The one in the map room should be the closest electricity stand out here." Dash got the schedule she kept between her wings and looked through it one more time. "Yea, map room."

"I think that's where Apple Jack said she would go." Fluttershy quickly mentioned.

Dash just shrugged before they entered the storage. As Dash went to get a toolbox from one of the cabinets, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie went to their part of storage to start looking through the multiple cardboard boxes.

Once Dash got what she needed, she left the storage room and was soon in the map room. Once she entered, she saw Apple Jack there, who just finished tying a full garbage bag.

"Oh, hey AJ! I already thought you were out here." Dash greeted, putting the box down on the cutie map.

Slightly surprised, Apple Jack turned to see the rainbow pegasus. "Howdy there. so, what are ya here for?"

"Ya know," Dash started. "checking the wiring, fixing it if it needs some touch-ups."

Apple Jack smiled before giving a nod. "Ah see. Well, good luck with that, I'll be getting rid of this." The farm pony said as she got the garbage bag and walked out.

After Apple Jack left, Dash found a small electricity box and used some of the tools she had to open it up. Once she did so, she almost dropped her screwdriver seeing almost nothing but a tangled mess.

"My god, does she never check these things??" She said, slightly annoyed before getting the toolbox ready next to her and starting to fix the tangled wires.

Meanwhile, Apple Jack got to a place in the castle where the garbage could be kept until the end of the week. She left the bag there and turned to see Rarity walk in.

"Oh, howdy Rares." The farm girl greeted before seeing she had a whole new cleaning outfit on. "You look.."

"I know, I know. I didn't want to get all dirty." She got a small bag from behind her and left it in the room. "How are your tasks going? I'm almost done with cleaning the first room."

"Ah cleaned some trash in the maproom and emptied the trash. Only thing now is to put a new bag in and I'll be off to the next one." Apple Jack grinned. "Dash is there too, so I'll catch up with her."

The white unicorn gave a quick nod. "She's with the electrics, right?" She asked before continuing. "Must be complicated with all those wires."

The farm mare just shrugged in response. "Probably. But I'm sure Dash can handle it. She's better at those things than most of us."

"Agreed." Rarity said before turning back to the door. "I'll see you again later Apple Jack."

"Same for me. Ah'll catch up with ya later." They walked across the hallway together until they eventually spit up at the map room. Apple Jack entered and saw Dash already busy with the wiring.

"Howdy, Dash." Apple Jack quickly greeted. "How's the wiring?"

Dash looked her way and showed her the inside of the electricity box. "Bad, better than before, but REALLY bad. They're all over the place. I'll probably be here for a while." Apple Jack could see in her face it annoyed her, but also saw determination to get it untangled.

"That does look pretty awful, but ah'm sure ya can make somethin' of it."

"Oh, no doubt about that! This is nothing compared to some of the things I've seen inside the Rainbow Factory. That place can be a real mess sometimes."

They both let out a quick chuckle. "Right. Well, ah just need to replace the bag of the trashcan with a new one and Ah'll be off to the next room."

"lucky you." Dash smiled, turning back to her task as Apple Jack walked over to hers. "I should get back to this." She said, getting her tool again and working on the wiring.

Everything was going like usual until a minute later,

...A scream was heard from another room...