• Published 29th Sep 2020
  • 1,094 Views, 101 Comments

There is one infected among us.. - Arial_Dreemmurr

After Equestria is overthrown by a virus, making the ponies infected turn into blood craving killers, the Mane Six, in a hope of surviving it, stay locked up in Twilight's castle to wait it out. But what if there was one of them out for blood?

  • ...

Another fail? time to bail!

"Status Patient: Positive..."

The test answers stared back at the purple alicorn princess as she read the results. Her face quickly grew frustrated as she crumbled it up and threw it away in the trashcan near her.

"Let me guess," Spike, the little green dragon next to her, started. "Another failed cure?"

Twilight looked back at her dragon friend and let out an exhausted sigh. "Sadly, yes.. And I was so sure about it this time! I stayed up whole nights to get this one to work!" She sat down, letting her head drop to her chest. "I just don't know what to do anymore.. More ponies keep getting infected every day and we've already lost half of our population through the effects.."

As Twilight finished, Spike quickly came to comfort the mare. "Hey, I get it. But you can't beat yourself up over it like that. Even Celestia and Luna can't figure out what's causing all of this."

"Yea but," She started again, looking over at the dragon again. "I just thought if I just tried hard enough.. It just seems we're hopeless against this. We've always been able to overcome anything that came for us. It just doesn't feel right when it doesn't."

Spike slowly nodded in agreement but stayed quiet. Twilight got up again and got another paper that laid on her desk. "I'll still have to send a report about the results to Princess Celestia. Spike, write it down for me please." She said as she handed him the paper and quill.

"Right on it!" He replied, with already the quill pressed on the paper.

Twilight let out a quick sigh before starting the report.

"Dear Princess Celestia."

"Today's report is the result for cure attempt 14. I regret to inform you that the new cure I thought of failed to like the ones that came before and the pony I tested still came out positive. I've released them back to where they were with the others infected that are yet to draw blood as you requested. I'm not sure what to do now. I was sure this one would maybe work, but it didn't and I'm tired of doing all of this over and over again. No disrespect to you, but I don't think we can stop this."

Both Twilight and Spike paused before she continued.

"I honestly believe we should evacuate any important ponies that haven't caught it yet to those who are at risk of getting infected as well. If we can't stop it, we have to find a way to prevent it. And I will probably keep trying my best to find a cure. But until then, this is the best I can think of right now. I look forward to hearing back from you."

She turned back to Spike as she said the last line.

"Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle"

Spike wrote the last words and rolled it up. "Send it out spike. We need an answer back as soon as we can." The dragon nodded before blowing out a hot fire breath that engulfed the letter before it flew off to Canterlot.

Twilight let out a slightly relieved sigh before sitting down at her throne in the map room. "I hope she accepts my proposal to keep everyone that's not infected evacuated. I can't think of any other way for it to all end."

"I'm sure she will." The dragon next to her said, sitting down as well. "You're smart, so is she. I'm sure she'll consider it."

Twilight showed a small smiled and looked back at her dragon friend. "Thanks, Spike. I don't even know how I would've stayed sane through all this without you here."

Spike returned she smile and was about to respond when he was interrupted by fire bursting out of his mouth followed by a letter popping out of the flame. Spike picked it up and handed over to Twilight who looked quite surprised, but quickly got it.

"That's fast." She noted before opening it up and reading what was inside.

"Dear Twilight Sparkle,"

"I'm sad to hear about the results of the test you shared with me. But with that said, I completely agree with the choice you presented to me. I think it's best for most if we keep all non-infected ponies and other creatures of Equestria evacuated where they're not able to catch it. I and Luna will soon see the report of today's confirmed to be infected and found dead and will try our best to single out as much as we can. Those will be kept inside the castle where usually dungeons are. Those will be redone to look more liveable for the ones staying. So it's all settled there. But before I end this letter, however, I think it's a smart idea if you and your friends stay together in one place for the time it'll last. If none of them are infected, your castle would be a good and safe place to stay.

Princess Celestia

Twilight showed a smile seeing the letter and put it away, only to replace it with the other five empty ones. "Spike, can you tell the others to come over here? I need to tell them something. Oh, and tell them to pack their essentials." She dragon nodded before finishing the letters and sending them their ways.

It wasn't long, probably about 15 minuted until the other elements arrived at the castle. Just in case there would be some blood-hungry pony out there, twilight stood at the door to let them in as soon as she could.

And now, they were all around the cutie map, on their thrones, asking the same question.

"I know you're probably wondering why I asked all of you to come here."

Dash was the first the respond with a slow, but still confused, nod. "I guess, but I'm more confused about the "pack the essentials" part of the letter."

"Right, so why I put that in there is because-"

The alicorn was quickly interrupted by Pinkie, who was waving her hoof in the air, clearly excited. "Oh, oh! Are we going on a fun friendship trip? Or maybe a sleepover! Or maybe even-"

Pinkie was stopped by Apple Jack. "Why don't we let Twilight talk?"

"Oh, right! Sorry Twilight."

Twilight let out a small chuckle. "It's fine Pinkie." She continued again. "So, the reason I mentioned that is that we're going to be here for a while.." She looked away for just a second only to look back at a bunch of confused faces.

"We- what now??" Rainbow asked first followed by Apple Jack.

"What exactly is this about?"

Twilight through for a few seconds of how to respond before thought of something. "Okay so, the newest cure I thought off ended up not working.."

"But I thought you said it was going to work. You were so sure about it darling.." Rarity interrupted slightly confused.

"Well, yea, I was.. But it didn't work." Twilight continued. "But because of that, and the fact we have no cure or way to reverse it, me and Celestia had decided to keep everyone who's not infected indoors to prevent further spread."

They all looked shocked after she finished. Right now, Twilight was just waiting to hear something from one of them.

"D-Did it really get that far..? I didn't think it could get that bad.." Fluttershy muttered, sinking away in her throne scared.

"I-I mean.." Twilight tried to find the best words to use. "It's just best for everyone involved. And I'll get a message from Celestia informing me each week about the statistics. If this works, we might have something."

After a second or two, Twilight saw Apple Jack show a small smile. "Alright, if it's really gonna be best, Ah won't mind stayin' inside the farm walls for a while. It's no issue for me."


"Yeah!" Dash quickly interrupted. "I don't mind either! If it's going to save Equestria, I'm in!"

Rarity happily followed. "Me too!"

"Me three-!"

"I wasn't finished!!" The alicorn cut the pink pony off before letting out a quick, calm, sigh. "You aren't staying at your homes. Celestia said the ponies as important as elements had to be kept extra save. My castle would provide enough of that with its strong walls and magic barrier around it. That's why I asked you all to bring the essentials." She said before finishing with a slightly more serious tone. "We're all going to stay in these walls."

It was followed by more confused yelling that was eventually ended by Fluttershy.

"Can everyone stop yelling!?!?!" Faces turned towards her as fast as her voice got quiet again. "I-I think Twilight's right.."

"Yea.." Apple Jack followed. "Like ah said before, if it's best, ah'm willing to do it."

Dash showed a smile too. "Totally! I can totally live in a big ass castle for a while! No probs!" She smiled.

Soon after, everyone was in. Twilight soon went to clean up some rooms and after some time, everyone was settled in.