• Published 6th Dec 2020
  • 1,023 Views, 65 Comments

Cyber Agents X season 1 - SuperSamYoshi

Red Streak is a normal human boy with a not so normal life. Until he meets the Rainbooms then it gets a little worse.

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Chapter 7: The Date

Red woke up the next morning exhausted. He still hadn’t fully recovered from last night, but at least he wasn’t seeing everyone as Adagio. Then he remembered that he had a date with Sunset. He was wide awake then. He got he got changed, grabbed Gomora and his cyber gear (just in case), and went downstairs for breakfast.

“Someone’s happy,” Sapphire Love commented we Red came into the Kitchen.

Red went to his mother and hugged her. Now feeling comfortable to do so without seeing Adagio. “I am,” he replied with a smile, “today, I got a date with Sunset.”

“That orange girl with the red and yellow hair?” Sapphire asked, Red nodded in reply, “well congratulations, Red.”

“Thanks,” Red said as he sat down at the table. Sapphire placed a plate of waffles in front of Red and kissed his cheek.

“What are you going to with her?” Sapphire asked.

“I was thinking we would go to the Sugarcube Corner for a Coffee and Cake, then head to the Canterlot Mall for a movie of her choice, have a spot of lunch, then probably do a little bowling before finishing off at the Sweet Snacks Café for some dinner,” Red told her as he took a bite of his breakfast.

“Ooh, sounds like a busy day,” Sapphire said as she took a slip of her tea.

“Well, that’s if a monster doesn’t deicide to ruin it,” Red remarked.

“I doubt that will happen on a day like this,” Sapphire assured him.

Later, Red left to meet up with Sunset at Sugarcube Corner. He had just texted her to meet her there. He arrived and stood outside for her. A few minutes later Red could see her coming, looking quite beautiful.

“Hey Sunset!” Red called out.

“Hey Red,” Sunset called back, she ran up to Red and gave him a kiss.

“You look lovely,” Red said to her.

“Thank you,” Sunset replied, “so what do you have planned for us today?”

“I was thinking we would come here for a Coffee and Cake, then head to the Canterlot Mall for a movie of her choice, have a spot of lunch, then probably do a little bowling before finishing off at the Sweet Snacks Café for some dinner,” Red replied.

“Ooh a movie of my choice,” Sunset said think of what movies were out now.

“Yeah,” Red replied, “so, you ready for our date?”

“Of course, Lover boy,” Sunset replied cheekily, as Red opened the door for her.

Red and Sunset walked into the café and waited for their turn at the counter. Mrs Cake came out, “Hello you two,” she greeted them, “what can I get you today?”

“I’ll have a slice of carrot cake, and a hot chocolate please,” Sunset ordered.

“And I’ll have a slice of chocolate cake and a Fanta for a drink please,” Red requested.

“Or course,” Mrs Cake replied, Sunset was about the get her purse out but Red got out his card first.

“No it’s a date, I’ll pay,” Red said, “You go a find a table to sit down at.”

“Ok, lover boy,” Sunset responded as she walked off.

Red turned back around to pay, once he did he waited for the food to be prepared. He leaned against a wall so other customers took their orders. Red looked around to see where Sunset was sitting, and in the corner of his eye. He thought he saw someone looking at him through the window. But he blinked and no one was there.

“Mr Red,” Red heard Mrs Cake calling him, “your cakes and drinks.”

“Oh, thank you,” Red replied, he took his tray and when to sit with Sunset. All the while, he kept thinking back to who or what he thought he saw. He finally declared that it was just his mind playing tricks.

After their they had eaten, Red and Sunset made their way to the Canterlot Mall to see a movie. While the were walking, Red had the feeling he was being watched, but he thought it was because he was a little nervous to be on this date. Sunset noticed that he looked tense about something. She then held his hand to try and ease his tension. It seemed to work as Red’s shoulder relaxed.

They soon arrived at the Mall and went to the cinema to see what’s on.

“SpongeBob, Sponge on the Run is on in 15 minutes,” Red said looking at list of films and time, “or there’s Sonic the Hedgehog in 20 minutes.”

“Hmm,” Sunset thought, “how about Willy’s Wonderland, that’s screening in 10 minutes.”

Red gulped, he wasn’t a big fan of horror movies. “S-Sure,” he nervously replied.

“Great,” Sunset said, “I’ve not seen it before, but I heard it’s great.” Red just gave a nervous smile and thumbs up. Sunset went to the counter to order the tickets. “Two tickets to Willy’s Wonderland,” Sunset said the strangely familiar girl behind the counter, her back was turned so Sunset, and Red didn’t see her face.

“Sure thing,” replied the girl, she turned around and was shocked to see who she was serving. Sunset and Red were just as shocked to see that the girl serving them, was Aria Blaze.

“Aria!” Red exclaimed, “what are you doing here?!”

“I work here,” Aria replied.

“What happened to you after the Battle of the Bands?” Sunset asked.

“I don’t really know,” Aria replied, “after our pendants were shattered, we felt… different.”

Different in what way?” Sunset asked again.

“I don’t know how to explain it,” Aria replied, “but I think our pendants were the source of our evil and with them destroyed, we felt good and not want to make this world adore us.”

“Well, I’m not sure what to say,” Red remarked.

“How about ‘thanks for the tickets’,” Aria chuckled, her personality seemed to be change to. She was the grumpy and cocky one of the trio, now she seemed more jokey and polite.

“Uh, yeah, thanks,” Red replied.

“Would you two like some drinks or popcorn as well?” Aria questioned.

“Yes please,” Red and Sunset replied.

“Coming right up,” Aria said as she got them each a drink and a box of popcorn. Red was about to pay but Aria pushed his hand back. “No, it’s on the house,” She said, “think it as a thank you of riding us of our evil.”

“Thanks Aria,” Sunset said, “Red wait here, I need to use the bathroom.”

“Ok,” Red replied, “hurry back.”

“Your not a fan of horror films are you,” Aria remarked once Sunset was out of ear shot.

“No, I’m not,” Red replied.

“Just put a brave face on watch it, you might like it,” Aria said.

“I get scared from the Thomas the tank engine and friends spooky episodes,” Red replied.

“Oh, well then you’re fucked,” Aria remarked.

“Aria, we need you to help clean up screen 4!” called another worker.

“Ok, see ya Streak,” she said before leaving.

“Bye,” Red called back, “say hi to your sisters from me!”

“Will do!” Aria called back as she turned to go to screen 4.

Red waited for Sunset, looking around at the other people wanting to watch a movie. He started to feel uneasy, like he was being watched again. He looked to his left, and thought he saw the same person he saw at the café. He blinked again and they disappeared. Just as Sunset came back.

“Ready to watch the movies?” she asked.

“Yep,” Red replied uneasily, as the went to their screen.

{One horror movie later}

“Wow, that movie was great,” Sunset said as she walked out, “I loved the animatronics, what do you think Red? Red?”

But Red was drained of life, like when adagio kisses him. “So. Much. Blood,” he said is a soft quite voice.

“Oh come on it wasn’t that bad,” Sunset said, grabbing Red’s hand to see if that broke him out his trance. It did.

“Anyway,” Red said in his normal voice, “shall we get some lunch?”

“Sure,” Sunset replied, as the two made their way to the food court.

They both decided to get something different each, while Sunset went off to Subway, Red went off to McDonalds. He ordered through the machine and waited. But the feeling of being watched came back, he turned around, but this time the figure was closer, still hiding but was showing more of their self, Red blinked again, and the figure disappeared.

“What is going on?” Red said to himself, he was thinking about what he was seeing, that he didn’t see Sunset coming up to him. She tapped his shoulder and made him jump. “AHH! Sunset don’t do that,” he said.

“Sorry, I didn’t think I would of scared you that easily,” Sunset said, “Are you ok?”

“Actually, I don’t know,” Red replied, “I’ll tell you when we eat.” Just as he said that, his order was ready.

He and Sunset took their lunches to a table and started eating. “So what’s up with you?” Sunset asked, “I’ve seen you’ve been tense.”

“Well, I keep having the feeling I’m being watched,” red replied.

“It’s not Adagio is it?” Sunset asked, taking a bite of her meatball sub.

“No, its someone different,” Red replied, taking a bite of his Cheese Burger, “I think it’s someone, because every time I blink they disappear. It happens when I’m alone.”

“Well in that case,” Sunset said as she holds his hand, “I won’t leave you again, I want you to feel safe and happy around me, and our friends.”

“Thanks Sunny,” Red said a with a smile.

“So what’s next on the next on the list of what to do?” Sunset asked.

“Bowling, and then dinner at the Sweet Snack Café,” Red replied.

“Well we better finish eating,” Sunset said taking another bite of her Meatball Sub.

“Agreed,” Red said, taking another bite of his Cheese Burger.

After lunch, Sunset and Red made their way to the bowling alley, Sunset sticking close to Red so to not make him tense. They soon came to the bowling alley, were once arriving Red and Sunset spotted Ace and Sparkler bowling.

“Hey Ace! Sparkler!” Red called out to them.

“Oh hey Red! Hey Sunset!” Ace waved back to them.

“What are you guys doing here?” Sparkler asked.

“We’re on a date,” Sunset replied.

“Oh yeah, you said that yesterday,” Ace said.

“Do you mind if we bowl with you?” Red asked.

“Yeah, we don’t mind,” Sparkler replied, “we’ve just finished our first game.”

So once Ace went off and came back with drinks, the four of them played some games of bowling. The first round was a vs 4, with Red winning. The second round was the boys vs the girls, were Sunset and Sparkler won. The third round was Red and Sunset vs Ace and Sparkler, and Red and Sunset won. The four friends had so much fun, that it was soon dark outside.

“That was fun!” Ace said, “we should do that more often.”

“Yeah,” Red said before looking at the time, “well me and Sunset should be going to our finally stop on our date.”

“Where are you going?” Sparkler asked.

“The Sweet Snack Café for some dinner,” Sunset replied.

“Well, I hope you too, have a nice meal,” Ace said.

“Thanks,” said Red, “see you too in school on Monday.”

“See ya,” Ace said as he and Sparkler walked the other way.

Red and Sunset walked out the mall and down the calm streets of Canterlot. The night was still, and mostly quiet, save for a few cars driven about. Red and Sunset soon made it to the Sweet Snack Café, when they entered the bell jiggled above the door and a familiar voice called out, “Coming.”

Red was a little surprise to see Pinkie skate up to them. “Heya you two,” she said cheerfully.

“Pinkie?” you work here?” Red asked.

“Yeah,” Pinkie replied, “I work here on weekends, I guess table for you two lovebirds.”

“Yeah,” Sunset replied.

“Ok,” Pinkie said grabbing some menus, “Please follow me to your table.”

Pinkie led Red and Sunset to a table next to a window. “I would take your orders but I’m a little bit busy myself, so one of the other will take your orders,” she said.

“Ok,” Red and Sunset replied, as Pinkie skated off.

“What are you having?” Sunset asked.

“I’m going to have a… Ham and Pineapple Pizza,” Red replied.

“Really, you like Ham and Pineapple Pizzas?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah, most of my old friends thought I was weird that I had no taste for ‘good’ pizzas,” Red replied.

“I like Ham and Pineapple pizzas,” Sunset said.

“Wait really?” Red questioned, getting a nod from Sunset, “well in that case, you want to share and extra-large?”

“Yes!” Sunset replied.

“Hello, are you ready to order?” said a voice, Red and Sunset were shocked to see it was Sonata.

“Wait what?” Sunset questioned.

“I said, ‘hello, are you ready to order’?” Sonata repeated.

“We heard you,” Red said, “but Sonata you work with Pinkie?”

“Yep,” Sonata replied.

“How long have you been working here?” Sunset asked.

“About 20 minutes ago,” Sonata replied again, “in fact, you two are my first customers.”

“How did you get at job here?” Sunset asked.

“Me, Dagi and Aria all bumped into Pinkie this morning, and she helped us all get jobs,” Sonata replied, “Aria works at the Canterlot Mall Cinema, Dagi works as a taxi driver and me here.”

“Pinkie must know a lot of people then,” Red remarked.

“She fast too,” Sunset stated, “anyway yes we are ready to order.”

“Ok,” Sonata said getting out her notepad.

“For drinks, I’ll have an orange Fanta,” Red said.

“and I’ll have a Coke please,” Sunset said.

“Fanta and Coke,” Sonata noted down, “and what are you two going to have to eat?”

“We’re have an extra-large Ham and Pineapple Pizza to share please,” Red said.

“Ham and Pineapple, to share,” Sonata noted down, “Ok, I’ll take your menus.” Red and Sunset handed Sonata their menus, she smiled and skated off.

Red looks out the window as Sunset holds his hand. “You ok,” she asked.

“Yeah,” Red replied, “I don’t see the figure that I’m seeing.”

“That’s good,” Sunset replied.

Later, their drinks and food arrived, they soon dug into their meal. A normal pizza will have about 6 to 8 slices, but pizza to share will have about 12 to 16 slices, the equality of two normal pizzas. After they finished, they thought they wouldn’t be able to eat anymore, until Pinkie and Sonata brought them a giant sundae on the house to share. Red paid for the bill, thanked Pinkie and Sonata, and he and Sunset left.

“It’s pretty late,” Red stated, “do you want me to walk you home.”

“I think you’ve done enough for me today,” Sunset remarked, “thank for today, I really enjoyed it.”

“I’m glad you did,” Red replied.

“But should I walk you home,” Sunset said, “you said you tense up and feel like you’re being watched.”

“I-I think I can do it,” Red said, “I need to face this on my own.”

“Ok, just be careful please,” Sunset said, “I don’t want to tell our friends that you’ve gone insane.”

“I’ll be fine,” Red said, as he hugged and kiss Sunset, “goodnight Sunny.”

“Goodnight lover boy,” Sunset replied as she broke the embrace and walked off home.

Red turned around and walked the other way. The streets were quieter now, as Red walked the same way he walked home on that day when he hanged out with the girls and Ace, and first meet Sparkler under the streetlight. Red soon had the feeling of being watched. He walked slower and tensed up. He soon slowed down to a stop, under a streetlight. He looked around but could see anything.

Guess who.

Suddenly a chill went up his spine, he spun around. No one was there.

Don’t you recognize my voice.

There was that voice again. Red paid attention to the voice.

Listen little Red.

“No it can’t be,” Red said out loud, “It can’t be her.”

Oh but it can.

“Emerald Spark?!” Red said, suddenly spinning around to see standing in front of him, a girl with emerald hair, eyes, and light-yellow skin. She was also a bit transparent.

Heya little Red,” Emerald greeted him.

“But how, you’re dead?” Red said.

I know but I wanted to see how my little brother was doing,” she said nudging Red shoulder. Red felt that.

“You’re not haunting me right?” Red asked.

Oh heavens no,” Emerald said, “I’m a spirit not a ghost.”

“Aren’t those the same?” Red questioned.

They are in they are,” Emerald replied, “but ghosts are the souls of dead who are not able to cross the line between the real world and the after world. They choose to haunt places and people they were associated with when alive, while spirits are souls of the dead who have been to the afterworld and choose to revisit human beings to soothe and comfort them.”

“Oh Ok,” Red said.

“So I’ll be looking out for you little bro,” Emerald said placing a hand on Red’s shoulder and giving him a hug, Red wrapped his arms around her. Emerald let go of Red and began walking away. She waved to him before she started to fade away.

Red just rumbled his eyes, before noticing that there was a drawing in his hand. He looked at it, it was of him and his family, including Emerald. Tears started to form in his eyes as he made his way home.

Author's Note:


I hope you guys like this chapter, and sorry that it could come out before I had no clue what to write down. but now this story is not on hiatus any more