• Published 6th Dec 2020
  • 1,027 Views, 65 Comments

Cyber Agents X season 1 - SuperSamYoshi

Red Streak is a normal human boy with a not so normal life. Until he meets the Rainbooms then it gets a little worse.

  • ...

Chapter 5: The Battle of the Bands

That night, Red could barely sleep. He was having a nightmare about Adagio. He jolted awake from it in the middle of the night. He went downstairs and poured a glass of milk to see if that would help.

“Adagio’s messing up my mind,” he muttered. He drank the milk, as he hear footsteps coming down the stairs. He turned to see his sister standing on the doorway.

“Red? What are you doing up this late?” Solar asked, rubbing her eyes. Her presence made Red jump.

“Oh, I was getting a drink of milk,” he replied, “I had a nightmare, sorry if I woke you.”

“It’s fine little bro,” Solar said as she came to hug him, “I was a little thirsty myself.”

When she opened the fridge door, Red caught sight of her eyes. They weren’t her normal ruby colour, instead they were magenta. And Red was pretty sure she didn’t have contacts.

“Are you feeling ok sis?” Red asked worried.

“Of course I am honey,” she replied. Red backed up a little, Solar may have called him names like bro, Reddy, even Monster Boy. But she would never call him honey.

From the light coming from the fridge’s open door, Red saw and watched his sister’s hair slowly start to grow longer and puffier, as it turn from pink to orange. Once Red saw the hair shape and colour, he knew that this wasn’t his sister. It was…

“ADAGIO!” he yelled, pointing at her.

“What’s the matter honey? Am I all you can think about? You must really love me,” She remarked, her voice slowly changing from Solar’s to her own, she strides towards Red as her body changed to fit with Adagio’s body structure.

“What do you want with me?” Red questioned fearfully.

“I want one simple thing,” Adagio said, wrapping a leg around Red’s waist, “you.”

“Hate to break it to you, but I’m not in the market for sex,” Red said with a smirk.

“Oh, not looking for a good sex slave,” Adagio remarked, “I want the Cyber Agent you. If I had a Cyber Agent working alongside me, I with take over this world and get my revenge on Equestria for sending me and my sisters to this place.”

“Is that why you devoured my face?” Red commented.

“Yes,” Adagio responded, “You see we I ‘devour one’s face’ as you put it, it has a magical effect. First my victim has nightmares about me. Then they hallucinate, seeing everyone as me. Then are completely under my control.”

“You’re sick bitch,” Red exclaimed, pushing her away, “I am a Cyber Agent, spawn of light, ally of the Ultras, I will not bow to you.”

“Ha, ha, ha,” Adagio chuckled, “we’ll see.” And she slapped Red’s face.

Red shot awake from that nightmare, not happy that he had a nightmare, within a nightmare. “Man what a rotten night!” he complained.

Red grumbled as he leaped from building to building to get to school in his Cyber Gear. He still hadn't heard from the girls. No texts, no calls, no response to his MyStable posts or his comment on their posts. He decided against contacting them and would speak to them when he saw them at school.

He soon landed in front of the school, early this time. His Cyber Gear vanished, as he opened the door and went inside. He was a little surprise to see Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna to be standing in the foyer talking to each other. They notice Red come in alone and looking rather fed up.

“Good morning, Red,” Celestia greeted him cheerfully, “How are you this fine morning?”

But Red just stayed quiet and waved at them before walking away down the hall to the music room. The two sisters looked at each other with concern then back to where Red had walked down.

“I sense something troubles him,” Luna spoke.

“I do too, I hope he’ll be alright,” Celestia replied.

Red made it to the music room, that him and the girls gathered a few times, as he and Sunset would watch them play. No one was there, so he took the chance to play. He looked left and right at the piano in the corner, to the guitars on the racks. He decided to go to the piano as he knew how to play it thanks to his mother teaching him. He had a song in mind he wanted to try.

He sat on the stool, at started to play. First he played Axel F by Harold Faltermeyer.

Then he played a favourite Five Nights at Freddy's song of his, Can You Survive by Rezyon.

Then he played a I'm Blue cover, done by We Rabbiz featuring Adam Christopher.

While playing the I’m Blue cover, he didn’t hear the doors to the music room open, nor did he know, that it was the girls, that came in to talk before classes started. They were shocked to how well Red played the piano. Once Red was done finished, the girls began to clap, this startled Red but he quickly calmed down.

“That was amazing, darling,” Rarity declared.

“Yeah, I didn’t know you can play the piano,” Applejack remarked.

‘There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me,’ muttered Red under his breath.

There was an awkward silence as the girls looked amongst themselves, all feeling extremely guilty about what they found out that morning. When they woke up, after their slumber party, they realized that neither Red, Sparkler or Ace was with them. Then it hit them like a ton of bricks, when they then realized that Red, Sparkler and Ace hadn’t been with them since Twilight arrived. She felt most guilty, feeling that she took Red’s friends away from him.

“Red,” Sunset said, rubbing the back of her neck, “About yesterday?”

“Yeah, what about it?” Red finally responded, venom tripping from his voice.

“What happened to you?” Sunset asked, “Like where did you go?”

“We didn’t see you at party yesterday here,” Pinkie spoke up.

“Where did I go? Where did I go?!” Red said, his voice getting higher, “I was left behind by you lot, I had to save Sparkler from that monster attack, then went home, to chill out! And I’ll tell you, I didn’t not enjoy my relaxing time! Ok I enjoyed it a little but that’s not the point! I’ve been having nightmare about Adagio, and you all think it’s all a big joke! None of this wouldn’t be happening, if SHE didn’t come here!”

Red pointed at Twilight, who was taking aback by his outburst. “Red please let me…”

“NO!” Red shouted, “you listen!” Red was about to continue talking, but then he realized what he was doing. He was shouting at his friends and blaming it all on Twilight. Tears soon started to flow from his eyes, “I’m sorry,” he muttered before grabbing his things, and running out the room.

“Red wait!” Sunset called out but Red was already out of ear shot. Just as the bell rang for classes to begin.

“Damn it,” Sunset said, “Red not in any of my lessons this morning.”

“If I get the chance, I want to talk to Red myself,” Twilight responds, “I feel like I took you guys away from him.”

“Don’t blame yourself, Twi,” Rainbow told her.

“But I think I should,” Twilight replied, “did you guys even told him about me?”

“I… Don’t think we did,” Fluttershy said.

“Right, at lunch, I try talking to him,” Twilight said.

Spike was in Twilight’s backpack, when he poked his head out and saw something on the floor, “Hey, looks like Red forgot something,” he said pointing at the object.

Everyone looked at what he was referring too, Twilight picked it up and looked it over. “It’s some sort of toy of a brown creature,” she said. No one knew that it was the Spark Doll of Gomora, who was panicking on the inside. He didn’t like being apart for his master.

Twilight put it in her bag, “I give it to him when I find him,” she said.

“If you want Twilight, you can hang with me, until lunchtime,” Sunset offered.

“That would be nice, thank you,” Twilight said.

Lunch soon came around. The students gave each other death glares, as they sat in their bands, even more divided than before Red came to the school. Red went into the que for the food, wanting to get something small so he could get out quickly. Red was a bit worried about who was standing in front of him. In front of him was a girl with turquoise skin, amber hair and eyes. And in front of her, was a girl with white hair with light violet tipping the ends of the hairs, her skin was a light brown, and her eyes were golden. These two girls where Lightning Dust and Gilda. From what Red had heard they used to be childhood friends of Rainbow Dash be they parted ways at some point. Well that’s what Red knows.

Red really hoped to not get into any trouble with them and he was lucky enough to not get into any bother with those two. He got his food, which was just a plain ham burger and a can of lemonade for a drink and went to find a seat. With everyone one sitting in small groups most of the tables were full, but Red found an empty one right at the back of the cafeteria.

He wanted to be alone, after his outburst at the girls, he doubt they would want to speak with him. He had also blamed Twilight for ‘taking’ his friends away. He could see the girls near the other end of the cafeteria, but Twilight didn’t seem to be there with them.

“Excuse me,” said a voice, Red turned to see Twilight, “can I sit here?”

Red shied away, Twilight was the last person he wanted to see. After a pause, he allowed her to sit down with him. The two for them stayed in silence for a while, until Twilight broke the silence with a simple remark.

“I’m sorry.”

Red was caught off guard when she said that.

“I’m sorry that I took away your friends away from you,” Twilight continued, “I’m sure you know that I’m a pony princess from another world.”

“Yeah, Pinkie told me,” Red finally spoke. Upon hearing his voice, Twilight turned to look at him. She seemed to be piecing something together but didn’t was to bring it up in case she was wrong.

“Well, I know that those three girls, are actually from my world,” Twilight told him.

“Kind of figured that,” Red responded, Twilight was a little shocked.

“How come?” she asked.

“Yesterday before you came here, Adagio kissed me,” Red told her, “I’ve had a nightmare within a nightmare about her. Saying her kiss was magical, and that I will be her slave. And now, I can’t get her out my head, and I think I’m starting to hallucinate.”

“What do you mean by hallucinate?” Twilight asked again.

“As in I see her everywhere,” Red said while looking around, luckily, he didn’t see any Adagios.

“Red, whatever Adagio did to you, I promise you, me and our friends with help you and fix everything,” Twilight said while placing an arm around him.

“I don’t know Twilight,” Red said, “I’m not taking part in the battle of bands.”

“Why not?” Twilight said, “we heard and saw you play this morning.”

“Yeah, but I don’t like showing off my talents,” Red replied, he had finished his lunch and made his way out the cafeteria. Twilight wanted him to be happy, but she didn’t know how.

Everyone was now gathering in the auditorium for the first round of the competition, whilst the competitors were readying themselves backstage. Students were still glaring at each other and claiming passionately that they would be victors. All the students were there, except Red. He had snuck out and was outside the front entrance, he wanted some fresh air.

He could hear the bands play from the auditorium, but he didn’t care. He wanted to be alone. In case he thrashed out another person.

“I need to get my thoughts in order,” he said out loud, “Why can’t I get her out my head.”

Red stayed outside for a while before the sun had started to set, he thought it would be best to go back to the girls. He thought that he owed them an apology. When he got backstage, he found out that the girls had made it to the semi-finals. Sunset told him that the first round went terrible, because, really, only Twilight was trying, and Snips and Snails were sabotaging. But the rest of the rounds went down swimmingly.

"This is it. Last round, and we’re in the finals," Rainbow said enthusiastically, before turning to Twilight, "Unless you have that counter-spell ready to be played now."

“I’m still getting there,” Twilight told them.

"Don't worry Twilight," Applejack said optimistically, "Finals aren't until tomorrow tonight. We'll get in a little more practice before we're supposed to hit the stage. We won't let you down."

"You won't let me down," Twilight whispered to herself.

Sunset and Red, who heard Twilight, looked at her with concern.

"Um, I was just wondering," Fluttershy said softly, "We haven't played any of my songs yet, and-"

"It's the semi-finals. We gotta do “‘Awesome as I Wanna Be’,” Rainbow responded, cutting Fluttershy off.

Fluttershy's face contorted into a scowl, "I don't know why I even asked."

Trixie and her band, the Illusionists, had just finished their song, Tricks Up My Sleeves. From Red’s point of view, it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good either. Trixie came walking offstage with a big smirk on her face.

"You're never gonna top that performance, Rain-goons,” She said smugly, “you shouldn't be allowed to, when you have such a big advantage over the rest of us."

“They can play better than you even if you were as great and powerful as you said,” Red remarked, high-fiving both Sunset and Spike.

Trixie scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Oh don't be absurd. I mean her!" she pointed at Twilight, “if her being here was cheating, you’ll would have been out before the first round started.”

"Hah! Puh-lease. I could win this thing as a solo act, and everybody knows it," boasted Rainbow.

"Sure you could," Trixie said condescendingly as she walked away.

“Like the rest of us aren’t important,” Red said unenthusiastically.

“Exactly,” Rainbow replied, not seeing the meaning of why Red said that.

Just then Celestia's voice could be heard over the speakers, "Next up, the Rainbooms."

The girls made their way over to the stage, leaving Spike with Sunset and Red.

"Knock ’em dead, Rainbooms!" Spike called out.

"We'll just be here...*sigh*...just...watching...."

Sunset sighed again and once more felt herself pulled gently into a hug from Red. Just then Ace and Sparkler came to them.

“Hey guys,” Ace said waving at his friends.

“What’s up?” Sparkler asked.

“Hi, you two,” Red replied, “The girls are about to do another Rainbow song.”

“Meaning it’s going to be focusing on herself,” Spike remarked.

“Oh,” Ace responded, “let’s see how this will end.”

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Awesome as I wanna be

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Awesome as I wanna be

First you see me riding on a sonic boom

Got my guitar shreddin' up the latest tune

There is nothin' you can do to beat me

I'm so good that you can't defeat me

I'm awesome

Take caution

Watch out for me

I'm awesome as I wanna be

I'm awesome

Take caution

Watch out for me

I'm awesome as I wanna be

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Spike was right, Rainbow was really enjoying her song about herself, as she went into a guitar solo. She was too busy rocking out, that she was oblivious to the chillingly cold glares directed her way by her friends. Behind the curtain, Red, Sunset and the rest were just watching with disappointing looks, before they turned to looks of terror. Above Rainbow’s head, two bright lights glow where her pony ears would appear. Acting quickly Sunset ran onto stage and Rugby tackled Rainbow to the floor, immediately stopping her ponying up....and the song. As a result of that, a chain of events happened. Rainbow fell into Twilight, who was knocked into Rarity, she tried to balance herself but kicked Applejack, who’s bass went flying into one of Pinkie’s drums. And to top it off, a stage light shone down on Fluttershy, to she responded by screaming and running off stage.

Rainbow slowly came back to her senses and glared sharp, pointy daggers at Sunset. Sunset looked the Celestia and Luna for help, but none came. Celestia was making notes and Luna did not look amused at all.

"Now that's the bad girl we love to hate!" Flash yelled from the cheap seats.

"Flash, someday I will end you," Red muttered quietly.

"I hear you," replied Spike, "I've seen his pony counterpart, sweet talking Twilight and ogling her. Gets on my nerves."

Red smiled, "I like you Spike."

"And I like you,” Spike returned.

“I think Sparkler may have a crush on Flash,” Ace nudges Red.

“No, I don’t,” Sparkler snapped.

“Sure,” Red said raised an eyebrow and smirking.

The four turned their attention back to the stage and saw the girls trudge towards them.

"What was that?" demanded Rainbow angrily to Sunset.

"You were showing them your magic! I-I didn't know what else to do!"

Rarity scoffed, "Close the curtains? Unplug her amp? Give us a chance to deal with the situation?"

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to help,” sunset said sadly.

"Yeah, well, you didn't," Rainbow replied angrily.

“Hey, back off,” Red said getting in front of Sunset and Rainbow. To everyone’s surprise, Rainbow lashed out at Red, scratching his cheek with her guitar pic. Red with wide eyes, collapse to the floor.

“What was that for?!” Sparkler shouted at Rainbow.

“I ur…” Rainbow was surprise herself, “I’m sorry.” She bent down to help Red up. But Red wasn’t seeing or hearing Rainbow. He was seeing and hearing Adagio Dazzle.

“No. No get back,” Red yelled. He could hear the voices of Adagio taunting him.

“Don’t worry. You’ll soon be all mine. No need for these friends.”

“Red! RED! WAKE UP!” Sparkler yelled.

While Sparkler and Ace where trying to bring Red back to his senses, Applejack was cross at Rainbow. "None of this would've happened if you weren't tryin' to show off...as usual," she said to her.

There was momentary silence until an irritating voice made itself heard.

"Good show, Rain-brooms. I especially liked the part where Sunset Shimmer, in a fit of jealous rage, knocked out Rainbow Dash mid-guitar solo!"

Sunset face went red with anger, "It wasn't a fit of jealous rage!"

The other girls nervously, and deliberately, avoid eye contact with Sunset. She looked down to the floor in pique.

"If you say so," Trixie continued, "Looks like they've already decided who’ll be moving on to the finals. I'm guessing it wasn't too difficult a decision."

They all watched the Principal and Vice Principal talked to one another.

Sunset heard the doors opened revealing the Dazzlings. They walked up to Celestia and Luna and started singing, the gems around their necks ominously began to glow red. Their harmonic voices bringing the two under the control of the Sirens once more. Celestia's and Luna's eyes flashed green like they had on their office the other day. Sunset gave gulped as she turned back to Red, who was still in his state.

"What can we do?" asked Rarity dramatically, "There isn't gonna be another opportunity for us to play and I had the most gorgeous outfit for the finals!" That remark caused Applejack to sigh.

Celestia and Luna walked onto the stage and the auditorium fell into complete silence. Celestia, microphone in hand, addressed the students.

"The band that will be joining the Dazzlings in tomorrow night’s finals…” she paused for effect, “the Rainbooms!"

"WHAT?!" Trixie yelled in disbelief.

"Did they just say 'the Rainbooms'?" asked Pinkie.

Trixie looked at the girls with a fierce glare, "This isn't over!"

The girls walked slowly onto stage, still in shock at their victory.

"Congratulations, girls. You deserve it," Celestia said to them.

Rainbow was about to take the plaudits in her usual brash way, but Pinkie stopped her by speaking first.

"Seriously? We didn't even finish our so-"

Rainbow elbowed her away and grinned sheepishly. The Dazzlings emerged just after.

"See you at tomorrow night's big show, Rainbooms,” Luna said shaking their hands, “We're really looking forward to it."

"Not as much as we are!" Rainbow yelled back.

A chorus of boos rang around the auditorium along with several hecklers shouting at them. The girls gulped as they walked down off the stage to the side doors. Someone had even through a banana peel at them as it landed on Rarity’s head. Once they were out the auditorium, they let go of breaths they didn’t know they were holding.

“Wait,” Fluttershy said, realizing something, “what happened to Red, Sunset, Spike, Ace and Sparkler?”

The girls looked amongst themselves. What happened to them was that Sunset, Ace and Sparkler took Red to Nurse Redheart in the school infirmary. Red was still having his fit of seeing and hearing Adagio. After patching up the cut Rainbow made on Red’s cheek, Nurse Redheart examined him. Sunset, Ace and Sparkler waited outside the doors for Nurse Redheart to tell them what is wrong with him. They could Red yelling, which made them worry. Soon, Nurse Redheart came out with her results.

“So, how is he Nurse Redheart,” Sunset asked worried.

“Well, he’s out of his fit, and seems to be healthy,” Nurse Redheart said, allowing the to come in and see Red. She was right, Red wasn’t on his side, muttering to himself, he was sitting up straight and looking fine. “Once I broke him out of his fit, he told me everything. That Adagio kissed him and he’s afraid that he’ll be a pawn to Adagio.”

Sunset went up and hug Red, to he wasn’t excepting but he returned it. “Red, no matter what Adagio says, just remember that you are no one’s pawn,” Sunset said looking in his eyes, she could tell he was scared, “Believe in yourself.”

“Yeah bro,” Ace chimed in, “don’t give in to her.”

“You can do it,” Sparkler called out, “we are here for you, and we will always stay with you.”

Red tried to stand up, but he collapse to the ground. Sunset helped him up. “I suggest you’ll better go home and get some rest,” Nurse Redheart told him. Red nodded. “If it gets worse, come back to see me.”

“Thanks Nurse Redheart,” Red said softly but loud enough for her to hear.

“I’ll help you home,” Ace said putting one of Red’s arms around his shoulder.

“I’ll help too,” Sparkler said, going on the other side and doing the same.

They made it outside and walked Red home, Sunset went with them to stay by Red’s side. Red was abnormally quiet the whole way home, once they got to Red’s place, no one was home, so they took Red upstairs to his bedroom. When they entered they laid Red on his bed.

“Thanks guys,” Red responded.

“No problem,” Ace said.

“Ace, before you leave, I want to give you something to say thanks,” Red said sitting up. He had enough strength to walk to his shelf of monsters, and pick out a monster with pincers for hands and feet.

“I want you to have this,” he said giving Ace the monster.

“What? No, no I can’t,” Ace said but Red quickly interrupted him.

“No I insist,” he said.

Ace took the spark doll in his hands, “Thank you,” he said looking down at his monster in his hand.

Sparkler and Ace soon left but Sunset stayed a little long, she wanted Red to be safe, so she laid in bed with him, and soon she had dropped off to sleep, feeling tired herself.

Red let her rest as he waited for his mother and sister to coming home. He got a text from his mother saying that she’ll be home late and that there was some food if he wanted to make something for himself, and then another from his sister, saying that she was at a friends house and was having a sleepover up there.

Red breathed a sigh of relief as he too soon felt his eyes get heavy and he soon dropped off. With Sunset by his side, Red felt like he wasn’t going to have any nightmares.

Author's Note:

chapter 5 done

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