• Published 6th Dec 2020
  • 1,027 Views, 65 Comments

Cyber Agents X season 1 - SuperSamYoshi

Red Streak is a normal human boy with a not so normal life. Until he meets the Rainbooms then it gets a little worse.

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Bonus Chapter 2: Day in the Life of the Spark Dolls

“Ha, Jamila is one of the best-looking Spark Doll,” Red said as he put him back and then reached for his water bottle, “God damn I’m thirst.” He went to take a step, but because her fell so tired, he tripped on his own feet, and a splash of water went flying, and hit Jamila in the chest. Red didn’t notice as he put his dressing-gown on, drank some water and went downstairs. But once his door was shut behind him, Jamila screamed.

Oh what's this? Looks like we're doing it again. Welcome back to the Day in the Life of the Spark Dolls. Part 2.

Velokron, Doragory and Vakishim were on Red's bed talking.

"Hey, you guys seen that stupid Godzilla movie," Vakishim said, "I think it was GMK."

"Oh yeah," Doragory replied, "that movie was god-awful."

"I liked it," Velokron said.

"No one cares Velokron," said Doragory.

"The plot made absolutely no sense and..." Vakishim said but was cut off voice.

"Hey!" said the voice, the three chojus turned around to see GMK Godzilla, Francis had been messing around with turning normal action figures into Spark Doll and giving them life, "You guys better take that back or else."

"Or what," Doragory mocked, "dead eyes."

A few moments later...

Doragory and Vakishim were running and screaming in fear from GMK Godzilla, who was chasing after them yelling, "come back here. Come back here!"

Verokron just watched, a little confused to why GMK Godzilla didn't go after him. Maybe because he liked the movie.

Yapool was taking a nap in a chair, that was really a stress toy, when Ace Killer walked by whistling. This woke Yapool up.

"Oh hey son," Yapool said.

"Oh hey dad," Ace Killer said.

"How've you been?" Yapool asked.

"I'm good," Ace Killer replied, "I've just been talking to Seabozu."

"Oh, how's he been," Yapool asked.

"He's good, but he's..." Ace Killer paused, "dead tired."

Yapool just stared, and the surprisingly said, "I've never been more proud of you than now."

Dino-Tank was slowly moving across the ground, still quietly yelling, freedom. Gandar was shocked to how far Dino-Tank was getting.

"HOW DID HE OPEN THE DOOR!" he yelled.

Windom was walking on the floor, when he saw was he guessed was a baby Eleking walking not too fall from him.

"Aww," Windom thought it looked cute, "well hey there little guy. Aww you're so tiny and you're so cute."

"PUT ME DOWN!" said the baby Eleking, is a very deep voice, making Windom drop it out of fright and scream.

Aboras and Banila were in the small city, that Red made for his Spark Dolls, they were at a café having a chat.

"Hey did you know that they're making a Godzilla vs Kong 2," Banila said.

"Yeah, it's so stupid," Aboras replied, "we both know who the winning with be."

"Yeah," Banila replied.

"Godzilla," Aboras said.

"Kong," Banila said. The two of them looked at each other. And then became to fight.

Arstron was whistle to himself, went he met Pestar.

"Oh hey Arstron," he greeted him.

"Hey Pestar," Arstron greeted back, "what's going on?"

"Nothing," Pestar replied, " how about you?"

"I'm pretty good," Arstron replied.

"So have you seen Baltan recently?" Pestar asked.

"No and I don't plan to," Arstron replied harssly.

"What? Why not?" Pestar asked.

"Because his laugh scares me," Arstron replied.

as if timed, Baltan appeared, "hey guys, I got a joke for you," he said.

"What is it?" Pestar asked.

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" he said.

"Why?" Arstron asked dreading what came after the punchline.

"To get to the other side," Baltan said, and letting off the most disturbing laugh that has ever been heard.

This scared Arstron so much, he ran away crying.

Segmegar was on Red's desk with Namegon.

"Hey Namegon, you want to get something to eat," Segmegar asked.

"Sure," the space slug replied.

"Cool," Segmegar said, "How about a race."

"Well I would bust I'm feeling a little sluggish," Namegon said, Segmegar just stared as Namegon fell over laughing so hard that Segmegar thought he was going to fall off the desk and into the patch of salt Red forgot to clean up.

Gudon and Twin Tail were in the Spark Doll park, chatting.

"So have you seen the Batman vs, Superman movie?" Gudon asked his natural prey.

"No, but what the point," Twin Tail replied, "we both know who the winner is."

"Heh, you got that right," Gudon said.

"Superman," Twin Tail said.

"Batman," Gudon said. The two monster gasped, stared at each other, and then began to fight.

Mecha-Baltan and King Joe where on Red's bedside table.

"Hey King Joe," Mech-Baltan said,

"Yeah, what's up?" King Joe replied robotically.

"Want to hang out at my place in the Spark Doll town," Mecha-Baltan asked, "Maybe we could watch a couple movies."

"Uh, sure, I guess," King Joe replied.

"Everything alright," Mach-Baltan asked.

"Yeah, I'm just not into much," King Joe replied.

"Well, I guess you can say you're the..." Macha-Baltan said, "Average Joe."

King Joe just stared at Macha-Baltan as he laughted robotically.

Arstron was still running from Baltan's laugh. But as he was running passed the shelf of Spark Dolls, he stopped and went back a bit, and saw, another Arstron Spark Doll. The two Arstrons locked eyes for a while, then Arstron ran off crying again. Leaving the second Arstron confused to what just happened.

Red soon came back home from his day with Adagio, was too tired to really notice that all his Spark Dolls were everywhere. The two fights between the Aboras and Banila, and Gudon and Twin Tail, some how had both collided so it was a free-for-all. GMK Godzilla had backed Vakishim and Doragory into a corner. Arstron was crying his eyes out on Red's desk. And Dino-Tank now in the hallway.

But Red just flopped onto his bed, feeling too tired to really care about them. He still had those three captured Spark Dolls, he could tell that they were scared of what might happened to them. And that girl was Twilight's human counterpart. He decided think about it tomorrow and tell the girls.

Author's Note:

Hi guys, hoped you like the second bonus chapter

Just for the record, I do like GMK.

Yapool did make Ace Killer, so technically he's his father.