• Published 6th Dec 2020
  • 1,026 Views, 65 Comments

Cyber Agents X season 1 - SuperSamYoshi

Red Streak is a normal human boy with a not so normal life. Until he meets the Rainbooms then it gets a little worse.

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Chapter 1: A New Start

Red Streak sat in the back of the car with his sister looking glum. His father, Crimson Thunder, recently got a new job as a construction worker at a major construction company and he was sent to its HQ in Canterlot to oversee new projects. Red didn't like moving houses let alone countries. His parents usually worked near to their old hometown. And because of this he had been set in a state of depression.

His mother, Sapphire Flash, and his sister, Solar Love, understood this and tried to make him feel happy.

“Cheer up sweetie,” Sapphire assured her son, “we know you don’t like change but think about it. You’ll have a new home, a new school, new friends.”

Red just stayed silent, Solar and Sapphire had a feeling what he maybe thinking about. Before leaving their hometown in the UK, Red was tasked with Protecting the world from the evil Alien Octogon and his evil Cyber-Nauts. He and his friends, Phantasia, Star Chaser, Lucy Light, Frost Born, Ocean Breezy, Wild Strike, Gold Bolt and Moon Smooch, were boned to the monsters, Gomora, Eleking, Red King, Birdon, Telesdon, Neronga, Gomess, Lunaticks and Shepherdon and where giving the power of Cyber Agents. Now that monsters haven’t showed up since the Alien Octogon was defeated, Sam fell like he still shouldn’t be a Cyber Agent. Last he heard from his friends was that Lucy was taking leadership of the team.

“You’ll be fine bro,” Solar told her brother, "Mum’s spoken to the Principal of the school and she's arranged to meet us on Monday morning before classes start. She's also arranged for another student to be our chaperone for the day, Sunset Shimmer I believe her name was."

“Ah-huh,” he groaned in response.

Before he realized they had arrived at their new home. It was a large detached six-bedroom house all en-suite, two bathrooms, three reception rooms, conservatory, a large kitchen/diner and a large garage. His parents had it decorated before they actually moved in.

The trio went into the house and it had a warm cosy feeling to it. The living room was a dark red in colour, the warm colours virtually giving the room a toasty feeling.

The scarlet coloured sofas in the front room consisted of a large corner unit, big enough to sprawl oneself on after a hard day’s work, a smaller three-seater, and two armchairs. The modern looking open kitchen was reasonably sized and had a large gas fired oven and hob, and a huge American style fridge/freezer with double doors and a water machine built into it. The units were dark blue and had electric blue floor lighting beneath them. The bedrooms were each differently styled.

Red’s parents bedroom was the biggest, with a big double bed in the centre, marron carpet covered the floor, a deck with make-up and a mirror sat on it stood in a corner, aside the en-suite, a wardrobe stood in front of the bed and the curtains were also a marron to match the carpet. Solar’s Bedroom was similar to her parent’s but slightly smaller, pink carpets and curtains and a walk-in wardrobe, apart from that it was almost the same as her parents.

Sapphire Flash led Red to his room. It was dark red with neon blue digital lines running left, right, up and down. Similar to his Cyber Gomora Armour. When you turn off the main light, the neon blue light up the room in the dark as a sort of gaming feature. The dark red/cyber blue theme was used throughout the room. All of his gear was hear including his electric guitar, keytar, saxophone, Nintendo Switch, Gaming PC, Surface tablet, 50-inch 4K Ultra TV with 7.1 surround sound, and shelving with his movies, games and Spark Dolls of the monsters he gathered.

"This looks great," Red said, clearly delighted with his new room.

“Thanks darling. We knew you'd like it.”

“So what now mum?” Solar asked.

“Now, we go into town and get some lunch,” she responded, “Who want’s pizza?”

This seemed to perk Red up. After getting into Sapphire’s car and driving down to the shopping mall, Red, Sapphire and Solar found a Pizza Hut. Solar and Sapphire ordered the Extra-Large Meat Feast to share while Red settled for Ham and Pineapple. The three discussed what’s going to happen about school over their dinner.

“Did you enjoy that honey,” Sapphire chuckled as Red sighed happily.

“Yep,” he replied, pizza was like a weakness to Red.

Sapphire and Solar chuckled until their cheeks hurt. Once they got home, the three of them were very surprise to see that they had visitors in their house. It was Francis the intelligent Alien Fanton, Penny the kind Alien Pitt, Isaac the dim-witted Alien Icarus, Matt the helpful Alien Metron, Vector the tricky Alien Valky, and Nicolas the fabulous Alien Nackle, Red alien buddies who gave him the Cyber Nizer and Gomora.

“Ah look whose home from their lunch out,” Francis announced, opening a can of sprite and downing it.

“What are you guys doing in my house?” Sapphire asked with a confuse but stern look.

“Relax,” Vector remarked walking into the room, “we now living in your basement.”

“Why,” Solar asked, “shouldn’t you be in the UK?”

“Well it’s best if we tell you,” Francis stated.

“WHAT?!” exclaimed Red. Red, Solar and Sapphire where in the basement which had been converted into a sort of alien research facility with a decks with computers of each, a giant monitor on the wall, a hall wall that led to a sleeping quarters, a healing area, and surprisingly a sort of relaxing area with couches, a pool table, and a large tv.

“Yep,” Penny responded, “a new source of evil is in the city with these space crystals.” She showed a hologram of a transparent crystal. “These crystals are Plasma Empowered Crystals and that when they are absorbed by anyone, it corrupts them.”

“Like the Chaos Header Virus,” Vector stated.

“Don’t remind me,” Red remarked.

“And that is why you Red Streak have to find who’s doing this and stop them,” a voice spoke out, on the giant monitor was the captain of the ARC (Alien Rescue Crew) Macaulay the Alien Miracle.

“Captain Macaulay, sir,” Red panicked a bit before bowing to the captain.

“Ho, ho, ho,” Macaulay laughed, “no need for that my boy.”

“So what can we do?” Solar asked hoping she could help her brother.

“Solar my dear, you know you can no longer handle the power of the Cyber Nizers,” Macaulay said, Solar’s face fell.

“Don't worry toots I'll protect you,” Vector said whilst grabbing her butt, only to get a jab in the stomach by Solar.

“Good luck Red Streak you’ll need it,” Macaulay said before his recording stopped.

As if it was perfectly timed the ground started to shake. “What’s that?” Red asked to no one in particular.

“Let’s check it out,” Matt exclaimed.

“Sapphire, you and Solar stay here where it’s safe,” Nicolas told them.

“Ok, be safe,” Sapphire responded as Red and the Alien Rescue Crew ran outside.

When Red and the rest ran outside, they saw what was making the rumbling noise as a monster rose from the earth.

“Magular!” Red shouted.

Magular roared out as he started to tread through the city. People fled in fear as Magular crushed buildings under his massive weight.

“Red,” Francis shouted, Red turned around to see Francis holding his Cyber Nizer, “Catch.”

“Thanks,” Red called back as he active the Cyber Nizer.

“Cyber Nizer on,” the device spoke robotically. Red pulled out a doll of a brown dinosaur like monster and the Cyber Nizer scan it. “Gomora active.”

“GOMORA!” Red shouted as he pointed the Cyber Nizer to the sky. A burst of energy shot from the Cyber Nizer and flew in the air before landing near Magular, the energy turned in monster of the doll.

Gomora roared as Magular charged at him, it soon stood up on its hind legs and slammed its powerful paws against Gomora. But Gomora managed to catch it and push it back. Magular charged at Gomora again but Gomora grabbed Magular’s head and through him into a building, luckily it had no one inside.

Gomora ran at Magular and front flipped, slamming his Mega-ton tail on top of Magular’s head. Then Gomora kneed Magular in the face, slammed his foot into Magular’s chest and kicked him in the jaw. Magular could barely stand after that as Gomora grabbed his tail and started swinging him around before throwing Magular across the city.

Gomora roared in triumph as Magular lay on the ground. A shadowy figure walked close to Magular’s mouth; this person was hiding by a black cloak, but the body shape of the figure appeared to be feminine. The figure held in her hand a Plasma Empowered Crystal, she smiled sinisterly as she through the crystal into Magular’s mouth. Magular then started to act weird.

“What’s going on?” Red asked, hoping someone had an idea.

“Magular is being corrupted by the Plasma Empowered Crystals!” Nicolas declared. He was right.

Magular’s back spikes, nasal horn and claws into crystals and grew some more crystals on its elbows. Magular’s eyes turned purple as the transformation was finished. Magular was now Plasma Empowered Magular.

Surprised that it could still fight, Gomora ran toward Magular ready to pummel the monster. However Magular opened its mouth and lit out a sonic roar. The roar was so loud, it shattered glass, blew away cars and disoriented Gomora.

“GOMORA!” Red called out to his partner as Gomora roared in agony. Red pulled out a Cyber Card with Gomora on it and placed in the Cyber Nizer.

“Cyber Gomora Armour on!” it exclaimed as Red and Gomora changed.

Red now in his Cyber Armour was ready to join the fight. Red teleported to the top of a building and got ready to fight. Cyber Gomora roared out and stomped forward. Magular shot some plasma fire balls at Cyber Gomora but he deflected them, on of them flew straight toward three girls who where trying to run away from the battle.

“NO!” Red yelled, but just before the plasma ball could strike them, two strangers jumped in and protected them. The two that saved the kids appeared the be… “Cyber Agents?” Red questioned, not believing what he was seeing. One was a Cyber Agent Guesra, and the other was a Cyber Agent Pandon.

“Are you all alright?” CA Guesra asked the girls.

“Yes, thank you sir,” replied the one with a country accent.

“You look so cool,” responded another with purple hair.

“And those outfits are cool too,” answered the third one with white skin and green eyes.

“Thank you,” said CA Pandon, “now go and find somewhere to be safe.”

As the girls ran off, Red teleported down to meet these Cyber Agents.

“Who are you?” Red asked them.

“We’ll tell you later,” CA Guesra told him, “Right now we need to stop Magular.”

“Right,” Red replied, he turned around to see that the Cyber Agents had called their partners, Cyber King Guesra and Cyber King Pandon.

Now Magular was weak, it couldn’t use it’s sonic roar to disoriented them, and now of its other powers did almost nothing. Cyber Gomora use an energy punch to shatter the Plasma Crystals on Magular’s back, Cyber King Pandon did a jump and kick and destroyed Magular’s nasal horn, and Cyber King Guesra used his energy blades on his arms to slice at Magular’s chest.

Soon Magular was powerless and tired, Red and the other Cyber Agents gathered their cyber monsters together to finish this off.

“King Pandon, Cyber Double Ray Impact!” CA Pandon shouted.

“King Guesra, Cyber Venom Shot!” CA Guesra yelled.

“Gomora, Cyber Super Oscillatory Wave!” Red cried out.

All three cyber monsters charged up their attacks before firing them at Magular and destroying it in one massive explosion. A wave of Cyber Energy swept through the city, repairing everything back to normal. Cyber Gomora, King Pandon and King Guesra all turned into energy before returning to their masters.

“Now,” Red said as he turned around to face the two Cyber Agents, “Who are you?”

“I am Switch Swap,” the guy said, “and this is my girlfriend, Nosey Flame.”

“Hey,” the girl answered, giving Red a peace sign.

“Oh of course, I completely forgotten that there were Cyber Agents in this region,” Francis commented while slapping his head. Red had returned home with Nosey and Switch and wanted an explanation to why there are Cyber Agents here.

“That was something Macaulay forgot to mention,” Penny told him, “You can’t do this alone so you’re going to have to team up with this region of Cyber Agents.”

“And you aliens have to work with us,” called a voice, everyone turned around to see a four more aliens, two males and two females, one of the females was surprisingly quite busty and had some junk in the trunk.

“Mama mia,” Red stammered, trying to keep eye contact with these new aliens. The two male aliens were a Babarue and Markind and the two females with a Baltan and Magma.

“Greetings and Salutations young warrior Red Streak,” remarked the Markind as he shock Red’s hand with both of his, “allow me to introduce ourselves my boy. I am Mordecai the Alien Markind, this is Bryant the Alien Babarue, Barbra the Alien Baltan and Maria the Alien Magma.”

“Mordecai it’s been forever seen we last saw each other!” Francis bellowed as he greeted his old friend. Soon every alien was talking with each other.

Red, Nosey and Switch watched them. “wanna grab a snack and play some video games?” Red asked them.

“Sure,” they replied, and the trio went back upstairs to Red’s room.

The trio had lots of fun, Red showed them his collection of Spark Dolls and Switch and Nosey told him how they met. Nosey and Switch ended up staying for dinner which was sausages and chips. Then they played video games until it was time for Nosey and Switch to go home.

“Thanks for your help today guys,” Red told them at the door.

“No problem mate,” Switch responded, “us Cyber Agents got help each other.”

“I hope we get to see you again soon,” Nosey said as she gave Red a peck on the cheek.

“What was that for?” Red asked, a little confuse to wait she kiss him.

“It’s sort of a kiss of friendship,” she replied giggling a bit.

“Well we best be going,” Switch declared, “our parents are probably wondering where we are.”

“Ok guys see you later,” Red exclaimed as his new friends walked away. Red yawned and went back inside.

“Did you enjoy yourself this evening dear?” Sapphire asked him as he walked into the kitchen.

“Very much,” Red replied, “I’ve saved the city, and made some new friends in the process.”

“And you’ll make more when you go to school tomorrow,” Solar exclaimed as she drank her tea.

“So you better get ready for bed,” Sapphire told him.

“Ok mum,” Red said whilst giving his mother a hug, “Love you.”

“I love you too,” Sapphire said, returning the embrace.

After the hug, Red ran upstairs, got dressed for bed, brushed his teeth and jumped in his bed. Sapphire came up a few minutes later to check on him. She walked over to her sleepy child and kissed his forehead.

“Good night my sweet darling,” Sapphire whispered to her son before leaving the room.

Red turned over on his side, on his bedside table stood the Spark Doll Gomora next to a photo of red and his friends after they saved the world for the evil Alien Octogon.

“Good night guys,” red whispered under his breath before closing his eyes to go to sleep.

In a dark part of Canterlot, the cloaked figure was sitting on top of a building. She was looking through a crystal that was showing the fight that day.

“Magular was a poor choice,” said a voice, behind her stood a tall red and blue with spikes on his arms and legs, he wore a big black cape with a fire pattern on the bottom.

“If I had chosen a monster…”

“You would have failed faster then me,” the figure interrupted the alien, “trust me I know what I’m doing Jazzer.”

“So what is you’re plan?” the Alien Hipporit asked, if he had eyebrows, he would be raising one.

“My plan?” she perked up, “my plan is simple. Learn their weakens and use that against them.”

“Better know what you’re doing Shapeshifter, or your head with be in the master’s collection,” he mocked, before a ray beam shot pass his head.

“Don’t mocked me or call me a shapeshifter,” the figure growled as she took of her cloak, she skin was black and yellow and felt like a leotard, she had straight dropped golden hair and golden eyes.

“I am Zettra, and you will tell the master that my plan is working.”

“Fine,” Jazzer said as Zettra opened a portal behind him, “but if your plan ends up failing, I’m taking over as second in command.” And he walked through before it closed. Zettra looked out into the night sky as she pulled out a Spark Doll.

“I will get my memories back, and you will help me Zetton,” she said as she opened a portal of her own, “I can’t remember my past at all, not even why I know your name but you with help me.” She then heard the Spark Doll speak, “You will help me, thank you.” She then turned around and walked through the portal before it closed behind her.

Author's Note:

Here's a story I really wanted to do.
Cyber Agents X was an idea that was floating up there and I never got around to it as I didn't know how to tell the story. But now I do.
Next chapter: Red Streak goes to CHS and ends up falling in love with a girl he had just meet. (Any correct guesses will get a small spoiler of what happens in the next Chapter)

I wanted to add these two for:
A) Liking my work
and B) for being good friends
Switch Swap: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/365669/Switch+Swap
Nosey Flame: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/390736/Nosey+Flame