• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 1,675 Views, 99 Comments

Changes In A Rainbow - My Rainbow Dash

Insults from friends are painful. But when Rainbow's parents tell her that they're moving back to their hometown, she realizes that her life will be changing for the better.

  • ...

Chapter 20: The Friendship Games 2.0: Part 3

Just like in the last competition, Rainbow sat with her friends. Just six fewer people which was fine with her. She let out a heavy sigh and tapped her foot on the ground impatiently. Was there going to be a real competition between them and Canterlot, or would it end in some magical disaster? She felt a gentle hand on her leg to see Blaze gazing at her with a soft smile.

"Hey. It'll be okay. This round will be better than the last." Dash let out another sigh before nodding.

"Yeah, I hope so." She felt someone rub her arm and looked in that direction to see Soarin sending her a smile this time. This time, Rainbow returned the smile and moved to sit next to him to lean her head against his shoulder.


The six Canterlot students looked across the courtyard and watched the thirteen Cloudsdale students laugh with one another. Rainbow Dash wasn't as loud but she still talked to her friends with a smile on her face. However, they frowned when the group of friends across the courtyard looked over at them. It looked like their fun time came to a bust. Rainbow looked away and her facial expression dropped. The six Canterlot girls looked at one another with a bit of, (what was it), sympathy. However, before they could say anything else, their vision turned white. They opened their eyes and found themselves floating in an open space. Twilight panicked and Sunset gasped, both knew what was going on. The six girls cried out in pain as they felt as if thousands of needles were poking them all over. Dash stared in horror at the scene before her. Then she growled.

"SERIOUSLY?!?! AGAIN?!?! WHY IS IT HAPPENING AGAIN?!?!" She stood up and watched as a black sphere of magic surrounded the six high-school girls. Suddenly, that black sphere burst open, revealing six demons with different outfits. Dash took a closer look at them and saw that their geodes had all turned black and cracked. She looked at hers, and to her relief, it was still in its natural sparkling blue. She bit her lip.

"Could I save them using the same thing I did with Misty? Would it work if I did? The only way to stop them is to use magic. The only one that isn't part of theirs is my ice magic so it has to work. Right?" She sighed and looked back up as they all began opening portals to Equestria. Dash facepalmed. "It's always the same thing." She blew back some of her bangs and hesitantly stepped forward.

"So. I see that taking control of Equestria is something every monster we've faced at school has done, right? First Sunset with the Fall Formal." The stated demon growled. "Then the Dazzlings who wanted control of us. Next was Twilight who ended up wanting Equestrian magic at the Friendship Games against CPA." Midnight Sparkle crossed her arms. "I had one against CPA at Cloudsdale not too long ago. And now this? What's wrong with you people?!?!" She took a deep breath.

The six demons were silent. The entire courtyard was too. Then the demons growled and Midnight Sparkle shot a blast of magic at the polychromatic girl. Dash jumped in surprise and did a few backflips to escape the beam. Students from both schools backed away to the sides of the school to move away from the fight. Dash crouched down as she looked up at the monsters hovering in the air. The rainbownette stood up but couldn't stay up for long when she got punched in the jaw and was knocked back. She groaned and rolled onto her stomach as she stood up again. She turned around and everyone saw the grass and dirt that smudged the side of her face.

"Fine, it seems things will have to be done the hard way then." She slipped her gloves into her pockets and readied her magic when Sunset shot a blast of fire at her. She wasn't the only one either. The remaining five demons did the same Rainbow gasped and she created a wall of ice to protect herself. It didn't help when she saw the demons circling her before shooting fire at her. This time, she created a dome of ice to protect herself as the fire didn't seem to end. She was about to let the magic take over her when she remembered what she did with Misty.

"Use you're magic, you idiot. Show them how strong you truly are."

She crossed her arms over her chest and then opened them forcefully, opening the dome and sending the demons back. Dash slowly lifted herself into the air and her magic flowed freely as she was consumed in a blue sphere and the magic change her. She smiled as she felt her outfit change into the one she wore when she fought Misty when she was corrupted. She did a small spin on point before letting the bubble containing her burst. The Canterlot students gasped in shock while the Cloudsdale students only smiled, thankful that their savior had arrived. Then the cheering started.

" Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!" The polychromatic angel smiled and rolled her wrists, magic swirling in her palms. She watched the six demons before spinning around and blasting Twilight and ducking Rarity's blast before turning to hit Sunset, turning her to ice, then doing the same to Rarity. She folded her wings and flew back to hit Fluttershy and Pinkie in the back, turning them to ice. Applejack flew toward her and the two blasted their magic at one another. The demon gritted her teeth as she tried to push her magic, but it was no use when Dash's magic became stronger than hers and she got turned into an ice statue. Rainbow heard a chuckle behind her and saw Twilight getting closer to one of the portals. Dash refused to let that happen and instantly closed the portals around them.

"You won't get away with this, Rainbow Dash." The last demon growled at the angel. However, her reflexes were too slow and by the time she finished speaking, she was also turned to ice. The rainbownette then lowered herself close to the ground and closed her eyes as she and the statues all disappeared.


The six demons all gasped when they found themselves in a large field of white. However, the other surprising thing they saw was a beautiful rainbow-haired angel. She crossed her arms.

"Explanation?" The six demons bit their lips. Rarity hovered forward.

"Well, we've noticed that our geodes had been acting strange after you'd left, and I assume that when you returned, all that magic that had been released returned to us which may be why they came back painfully and why our geodes turned black." Sunset moved toward the duo.

"Yeah. Something had happened, and not even Princess Twilight had an idea of what had happened. But, yeah. I guess Rarity has a point." Dash sighed. It did make sense. But wait, Princess Twilight didn't help them? Why? She shook her head. Nevermind.

"You know what, forget it. What I do want to know is why I was targeted that day before I left Canterlot." The six girls sighed. Twilight came over.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. However, I do remember my geode acting up and I had a weird feeling in my body. Then suddenly my mind feels weird and I have no control over myself." The others nod in agreement. Dash sighed.

"Okay then. But why did it make you target me?" Fluttershy spoke.

" Well, we were going to talk to you about something, but that's when our geodes took over us." The angel nodded her head and took a breath. It did make sense. Pinkie spoke next.

"We never meant to hurt you. We just didn't have control of ourselves and then got the whole school to go against you. We're sorry." It was understandable.

"Well, great. Now, let's get out of here. I want to go back to my friends." The demons looked down sadly as they heard Dash call the students from Cloudsdale her friends instead of them. But, then again, they did hurt her and she did transfer so it did make sense. Applejack spoke next.

"Ah suppose we should get goin'. Right?" Everyone nodded. They grouped in a circle and held hands, much to the angel's dismay, and the seven teens disappeared from the white field.


A blinding white pillar of magic shot down from the sky and hit the center of the school's front courtyard, causing all the students to shield their eyes. From the center, seven girls were lowered to the ground. When they opened their eyes, Dash immediately stepped back closer to her Wonderbolt friends. The six Wondercolt friends were heartbroken as they watched the rainbownette turn her back to them and walked to her friends. Sunset stepped forward.

"Dash-" She was cut off.

"It's going to take more than that to rebuild our friendship." The twelve Wonderbolts looked over at the six Wondercolts with frowns. The seven girls shook their heads and put their hands on their hips while the five boys crossed their arms. The seven girls sashayed over to the six girls from the other school. Spitfire growled.

"I cannot believe what you did to Dash. I may not know the exact story, but what you did was completely unacceptable." The rest of the girls nodded in agreement.

"We never meant to hurt the dear. We didn't have control." Rarity tried to explain.

"What do you mean by 'you didn't have control'?" Blaze pushed.

"We were planning on talking to Dash about a new performance that we could perform at and I guess our geodes started acting funny." Sunset continued. Misty raised a brow.

"Really?" Twilight pushed.

"Yes! And the next day we came to school we found out that Dash had switched schools. We felt ashamed but knew that we couldn't take anything back since she'd already left." The Cloudsdale girls looked at one another with unreadable expressions. High Winds spoke next.

"You're serious?" The Canterlot girls nodded. The Cloudsdale girls bit their lips, unsure what to say. They looked over at Dash who was talking with the boys and sighed. Did she already know about what they said? Did they tell her when they were in that magic area for the amount of time they were gone? Spitfire turned to Lightning Dust.

"Hey, Dust." The teal-haired girl looked over at her friend.


"Ask Dash what they," she pointed to the Canterlot girls, "told her when they were in that magic area. Or whatever you want to call it." Dust nodded and walked over to where Dash was talking to her boyfriend and the rest of the boys. The remaining six girls from that school turned back to the rival students. They remained quiet as Dust talked to Dash.

The two girls talked and made hand gestures as the rainbownette explained what happened to her friend. They noticed how she was getting frustrated as her gestures became a bit aggressive while Lightning Dust calmed her down. After letting her friend explain what happened, Dust let Dash go back to talking with the boys as she returned to the girls.

"Dash said that they," she motioned to the students from the other school, "mentioned what had happened and why they were attacking her. It's the same thing as what they told us." Spitfire nodded her head. She then looked back to the Canterlot girls.

"So, according to Dash, you weren't lying about what you told us." Applejack was about to jump at her, yelling that they'd been telling the truth and that she couldn't lie so they had to believe them, but her friends held her back, preventing her from doing so. Sunset sighed.

"Yes. That's true. We never wanted to hurt Dash. She was just the first person that was on the top of our minds which is why we went after her." Spitfire sighed.

"Well, you're going to give Dash a huge apology about what happened and earn back her trust. She's taken this extremely hard and feels like she's not being appreciated by you guys." Sunset, Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack simply stared at her. All Dash wanted to be appreciated? Was that why she wrote those songs about herself? To make herself feel better? What for? Before any of them could say anything, the seven Cloudsdale girls had walked back to their friends. The six Canterlot girls looked at each other.

"What can we do to earn her trust back? I mean, she is the element of loyalty after all so it will be really hard." Fluttershy pointed out. They all sighed knowing that she had a point. Sunset bit her lip before snapping her fingers.

"That's it." Her friends turned to her.

"What's it, dear," Rarity asked. Sunset smiled.

"What if we wrote an apology song and sang it to Dash? Could that work?" Everyone hummed in thought. It could work, it would just have to be a really good and thoughtful apology song. Twilight spoke next.

"Yeah, I guess that could work, We'd just need the right song." Fluttershy bit her lip as she put a finger to her chin.

"Maybe we could write one together, that way she can know that we all mean it." Everyone hummed in agreement. Now they just needed to write the right song for the rainbownette. Sunset bit her lip. Then her eyes widened. "Oh, how about this." Her friends all turned to her. "So look, we all know that Dash's gone through so much so we need to explain to her that we understand that she's gone through so much." The five other Canterlot students looked at each other. Sunset sucked in a breath through her teeth. "So? What do you think?" Fluttershy sighed before slowly nodding.

"I think that that would be a good idea. What about you girls?" She turned to the remaining girls who'd remained silent. Twilight also sighed before speaking.

"I might not have known Rainbow as much as you guys, but I believe that we deserve to give her an apology and that idea of a song is a good one, Sunset. I'm in." Sunset and Fluttershy nodded before they looked over at the three remaining girls. Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie bit their lips in hesitation before eventually nodding their heads. Sunset took a breath.

"Alright. Here we go." It took some time to come up with the song, but they eventually found a good way to express their emotions through the song. The six girls took deep breaths before turning back to their friend who was chatting with her friends.

Girl On Fire

As Rainbow listened to the song, she began questioning if she should forgive the six girls, but her heart kept telling her that it wasn't the right move. She sighed and lowered her head. Just hearing the song made her want to change her mind, but she could still feel the pain they gave her physically, mentally, and verbally. She looked back at her friends who were also questioning how they truly should be feeling. They turned to her and everyone shared the same expression. Confusion, doubt, uncertainty,...forgiveness? Dash groaned as she facepalmed and dragged her hand down her face. She had no idea how she should be feeling and she was getting frustrated at that.

Soarin watch his girlfriend's expression and how she was trying to figure out the true emotion of how to react to the song. She groaned, facepalmed, and dragged her hand down her face in frustration. Knowing that the situation wasn't going to be getting any better he decided to break the ice. However, before he could, he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Wave Chill leaning over to him. The dark blue-skinned teen spoke quietly.

"I have a bad feeling about what's going to happen next." Soarin sighed, nodded his head, and looked over at his girlfriend. This wasn't going to end well unless any of them didn't do anything. Soarin looked back at his friend.

"Hey, remember one of the songs we wrote together?" Wave nodded. "Why don't we direct it at Dash so she gets more confident at the moment since it seems like she's having a bit of a hard time?" Wave bit his lip for a moment, thinking through what Soarin was suggesting, but then realized he was right when he saw the state Dash was in. He turned back to his friend.

"Okay. Let's do it." Soarin smiled.

"Thanks, dude. I'll do something for you the next time either you or Spitfire are in a tough situation." The two chuckled. Soarin then pulled out his phone, pulled a speaker out of Surprise's hair, connected the devices, and began playing a song.

Hall of Fame

This time when Dash's head popped up when she listened to the song, she smiled. The song's meaning warmed her heart. She always wanted to achieve great things in life and her boyfriend just gave her even more confidence. It was as if he knew that she had more in her and he wanted her to let it out. It was also nice that he had Wave Chill to back him up. She was going to thank him later and give him tips on songs whenever she could and much more. She giggled.

"Do you have any other songs like that up your sleeves?" Soarin chuckled.

"What, do you want another one?" Rainbow shrugged her shoulders slyly.

"Maybe~" The blue-haired boy chortled.

"I think I can come up with something." Dash shook her head.

"If you don't I have one that could help." Soarin rose a brow but Rainbow only smiled.


Soarin smiled when his girlfriend sang her song. So did the rest of their band. In fact, all of the Wonderbolts were smiling. She was a truly talented girl, she sometimes just needed a push in the right direction. This was definitely the right direction. When she finished, there was complete silence, then there was a roar of cheers and applause for the rainbownette.

Rainbow smiled, a bit embarrassed, but happy that everyone was cheering for her for showing them that she wasn't giving up yet. She turned to her friends who were whooping, clapping, and cheering her on. She then turned to her boyfriend who gave her the biggest smile of encouragement and love. Not being able to hold back, she ran into his arms, wrapped her arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled him into a deep kiss. All of the Wonderbolts from Cloudsdale cheered in excitement for them to celebrate their happiness and Rainbow's confidence. After some time, they broke the kiss but remained in each other's arms, refusing to let go.

The Canterlot students knew that they'd lost considering they were the ones who'd started the fight. However, the ones who felt the most awful were the six members of the Rainbooms. They knew that they'd not only lost the games but they'd also lost their friend even more than they'd had before. However, everything changed when Vice-Principal Firefly spoke up.

“Due to the actions happening here, we’ve decided to call these games a tie!” All the students cheered and applauded for joy. There was less excitement coming from the Wondercolts, but they were still happy that they'd also won the games in some particular way. Yet, Firefly wasn't done yet. "But one more thing, I believe it’s best to thank Rainbow Dash due to her loyalty to her friends. So it’s most likely best that we give her our best regards for saving all of us.” She walked towards the smiling girl and put a medal around her neck. There was another roar of applause, but this one was being directed to the rainbow-haired girl. The teachers then had all the students form a single file line and put a medal around each of their necks.

Author's Note:

I'm so sorry everyone! I've been busy with school and had a huge writer's block for a long time until recently to continue this chapter that had been on hold for a while. Now I can get back on track with writing this story. I don't even know how long it has taken me to write this chapter and finally finish it.

Comments ( 3 )

Oh my god! Chapter 20 took forever to write! I cannot believe it took this long. I'm happy I finally finished it. Now I hope the next chapter won't take as long because I feel like I let everyone down by not being true to what I'd originally planned as a finishing point. I'm sorry for the wait and will try to be better about that. :fluttershysad:

Later guys! :twilightsmile:

Pls post the next chapter
The story os great

I know. That kept rolling in my head but didn't know what to change it to. Any ideas?

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