• Member Since 9th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen April 6th


Crackshipper par excellence | Find me on twitter @Calchexxis



Wallflower has been living a difficult life since the destruction of the Memory Stone, but no one else knows and she's gone to great lengths to keep it that way. The last thing she needs is to be even more of a burden, after all.

Written for Scampy. Cover Art by the wonderful Countess Rose. Find her Twitter @CountessMRose
Prequel to Love Deeply and First Day.
Find the collected works for the SunFlower Saga here.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 103 )

Good lord, talk about an introductory sequence. The way you set the stage here is just... heartbreaking, honestly.

Wallflower needs to go to a hospital ASAP--not being able to keep down food due to malnourishment is a huuuuge red flag. And holy frick that cliffhanger is a lot okay please I need mORE

Oh look, another story from you about these characters. :D
Off to a nice-for-the-reader (and I'm guessing eventually nice for the characters) start, unsurprisingly. :)
I do note that this isn't marked as being in the same series as those other recent ones; interesting.
Well, upvoting and Favouriting, of course. :)

Whoops, nearly forgot this!
"The shelter I went to on Friday wasn’t unisex, so I didn’t shower."
Was that supposed to be "was unisex"?

oh wow, two at once, my whining paid off \o/

This story hurts. It hurts in a way most other sad stories can't hurt. Part of it is just how well SunFlower works as a dynamic, even outside anything romantic. Another part is just how hopeless the first chapter was.

I don't believe in "tough love" in the traditional sense of "be a jerk and they'll see you were right." But this? How Sunset acts at the end here? This is what real tough love looks like.

Oh! And I see that, along with this unexpectedly soon second chapter, connections to those other stories have been added to the description; thanks!

And I enjoyed said second chapter, too. :)

I continue to enjoy this. :)

Whoops, and, again, left a bit to the side:
"as her 'room', with a bad and dresser"
"as her 'room', with a bed and dresser"?

Sorry, been quite busy this past day or so. :)

I love how you spread little seeds of what will become the rest of this SunFlower series all throughout this story. It's nice to remember that as awful as she feels right now, Wally has a happy ending waiting for her.

That hunger part hit close to home. I have been lucky to never be that hungry for real, but I have a stomach condition that mimics that agonizing pain daily. It's a whole 'nother level.

"it is he’ss doing"
"it is he’s doing"?

I continue to enjoy this story; thank you for writing. :)


How Sunset acts at the end here? This is what real tough love looks like.

When tending to another's needs is in direct conflict with their desires...

I love how this story has such a wide range of emotions saturating it. Like yeah it's bleak and grim and painfully real, but it's also so full of compassion and determination and a Gay Disaster Origin Story.

I keep returning to the top to like and favourite but alas tis already a task well completed.

I think what I love most about this tale has to be the fact that taking care of myself and Skirting going through the system was something I went through myself as a kid. Knowing how often things sont with out for kids in real life life, this deelsgoid to see one of the cases it's a good turn out, even if there are hiccoughs along the way.

...It's probably a good thing that I want to sit Sunny down and tell her how to make that soup cheaper, but it still feels weird, y'know? (Seriously 'buy it before we have to part it out for salad' rotisserie chicken is a godsend,)

You write characters that are really easy to care about, I think is what I'm saying.

this story is soo good. cant wait for the next chapter! take your time though. quality over quantity :twilightsmile:

Making me tear up as usual.

Yeah. I can sleep. I… I’ll be just fine.

Sunset’s here.

Ow. My heart.

Thank you, as usual, for writing. :)

Once again, I love how this chapter has such a variety of feelings in it. It's draining and sorrowful, but has such lovely sparks of levity and contentedness sprinkled throughout. Despite her best efforts to the contrary, Wally is really starting to feel better.

Also Doc Hazel has seen their gay future and I love it

"I winch at the volume of her bellow"
"I wince at the volume of her bellow"?

"“I uh, set up the couch a little more comfortably, since I figure you still won’t take the bed.”"
Was that Sunset, via a technically true from a certain point of view statement, trying to ease Wallflower into the idea of the couch being moved for her and replaced with a mattress?
(A good idea, looks like, based on Wallflower's reaction to seeing it.)

"Sunset is turning her apartment upside to accommodate me"
"Sunset is turning her apartment upside down to accommodate me"?

And another nicely done chapter, I think; thanks for writing. :)

How does one burn tea in a fashion where there is enough liquid for it to still be tea?

It's actually really easy to burn tea, but it's burning the leaves, not the water. If you steep green tea leaves in water that's much above 100F for instance, you'll burn the leaves and give it a bitter flavor.

So burn in the overcooked sense, rather than the carbonized sense.

This is so melancholy but sweet, and Rarity is an absolute gem. :raritywink:

“I forgot,” Wallflower says quietly.

Small, but right to the gut.

And a very familiar problem.

How can a story be so heart-wrenching and yet so cute at the same time? 😭

This story hurts in the most beautiful, most exquisite way.

"I’m doing because I—"
"I’m doing it because I—"?

"It leaves me open to unsteady, flooded with emotions"
Open to unsteady what? Or is that supposed to say something else?

"up onto her mattress and lay down, tucking"
"up onto her mattress and lie down, tucking"?

"eyelids are starting to get heavy laying on the mattress"
"eyelids are starting to get heavy lying on the mattress"?

"then lays down and curls up facing me"
"then lies down and curls up facing me"?

Well, now. That’s an ominous name drop! :pinkiegasp:

This chapter had a few nice moments of levity. The Big Gay Reveal was just perfect, and honestly pretty true to life. It's this sort of abrupt "oh no oh gosh oh geez oh fuck" realization, at least in my experience.

It's interesting to see the realization on Wallflower's side was almost as early as Sunset's. Love that we finally get a full description of Bright Eyes, as well as all that fun backstory.

Next chapter should be fun. Dare I hope for a pink and fluffy receptionist/nurse?

"my fingers as I turn back and forth"
"my fingers as I turn it back and forth"?

"What ought to have a fifteen-minute appointment"
"What ought to have been a fifteen-minute appointment"?

"pleasant the dim lightning of Eyes’ office had"
"pleasant the dim lighting of Eyes’ office had"?

...Actually, I wasn't sure about including this bit, but just checking:
"I still feel a little uncomfortable, touching something that isn’t mine, but at the same time it’s just a tiny spoon. Bright Eyes just told me that its whole purpose was for his clients to toy with it, and nothing else."
Wallflower non-explicitly picks the spoon back up here, yes? Or, more to the point, the previous statement that she set it down is meant to be there, and her picking it up again just isn't explicitly mentioned, rather than her being supposed to be holding it the entire time but with a line leaked in from an earlier draft or the like?

Oh, and as usual, I enjoyed the chapter. :)

As always, thanks for the corrections. Regarding that last bit, I changed and added a few lines to clean up the action a little, thanks for pointing it out.

You're welcome. :)
Ah, thanks, and no problem; glad I decided to mention it after all!
Ah, yes, that's much clearer; thanks!

Taking a deep breath, I savor the gentle scent of leaves and rain that hangs around Wallflower. She’s so close right now, it would be easy to just give in to the urge to kiss her.

Just once, and just on the forehead. It would be small and she probably wouldn’t even wake up.

Just a small betrayal.


The whole second scene is just one big knife in the chest, but this part right here... I could feel my heart breaking right alongside Sunset's.

Thank fuck this is a prequel and I know they get together, otherwise I'd actually just be dead right now <_<

That tick-tick-ticking clock isn’t so comforting anymore.

"Yes, yes," Mr. Uhr replied through his heavy accent, "dis will be no problem to fix, but will be... delicate. Trade secret, you understand. Kommen Sie in one hour and it will be ready for you."

Sunset gave the aged clocksmith an unsure smile. "Thanks. Um, take good care of it, please? It's... It's precious to me."

"Of course. Everyvone has somesing that is important to them. I promise to taking very good care." A patient gesture toward the door. "Bis später."

He watched her leave out of the corner of his eye. Some minutes after Sunset's departure, he went to the shop's door, locked it, and flipped the sign. Then, he promptly gripped the clock in his unusually large and gruff hand as he made immediately for the back. He opened a sturdy bare metal door into a small, dark room, entered, and bolted the door behind him.

The only illumination inside came from a shadeless incandescent bulb suspended on a long armature stand on the sturdy table in the middle of the room. He placed the clock deliberately on the far side of the table and bent the armature until the glaring light was inches above its face. Mr. Uhr leaned down, setting his elbows on the table, chin on his folded knuckles.

"Now..." he said severely, "we have ways of making you tock."

Sorry not sorry!

Really interesting, seeing more about the internal struggle (and demons) that Sunset is grappling.

I don't think I could say it better. I second all of this.

"shrugs, the sighs and shudders, wrapping"
"shrugs, then sighs and shudders, wrapping"?

"My fingers are tingling and wring my hands"
"My fingers are tingling and I wring my hands"?

"between standing and laying down, but"
"between standing and lying down, but"?

"hands before bitching back as"
"hands before pitching back as"?


"Thank fuck this is a prequel and I know they get together, otherwise I'd actually just be dead right now <_<"
Less intensity than you, but otherwise I was thinking rather the same thing, yes. :D

Chrysalis Hive M.D.



I like the fact there plainly is a whole story—nay, a whole saga—hinted at in this chapter, how a rogue’s gallery of aimless youth ended up, in one way or another, working in or with social services.

Everyone has a story. Every life and every stranger has a story worth telling. That fact is one of the finest tragedies because I know I will never get to hear them all, but that I know they're there all the same. I try to reflect that.

I love this, all of this.

"Maybe I’ll ask Cuppa to warm it up."
Just so you know, I think it was about here that I realized they were actually at Cuppa's; I don't know if you'd prefer that was clear earlier.
It may involve this line:
"The tea at Cuppa’s is much better, and I think she and Sunset know each other because they smile and chat a lot while she orders."
I suspect that that may have been meant to indicate where they were, but it's present tense in a situation where Sunset and Wallflower both already have their orders, which I interpreted as it not happening around then but being a general statement, i.e. with an implied "when we go to Cuppa's" at the end. Which may still be true; I'm not sure off the top of my head how often, if at all, the two of them have been here together before.
I'm not sure at the moment what the best solution would be, or even if one is needed, given the various things I don't know, but, as I said, I thought I'd point it out just in case.

"She turns her harlequin gaze on her, poleaxing"
"She turns her harlequin gaze on me, poleaxing"?

I continue to enjoy this story; thank you for writing. :)

Holy. . . damn. Have I mentioned that I love your writing? God tier might be an understatement here.

Absolutely top tier. This is easily my favourite ship/slice if life series on this site.

I look forward to seeing your next work

Wish You Could:
"but I can’t that isn’t because Wallflower hasn’t"
Missing word(s)?

Nicely done, here. Thank you for writing. :)

On one side, I can't give this story top marks -- not delivering of the (implied?) promise of seeing these characters deal with the mess they landed themselves in, specifically the fallout of the fallout of Dr. Hive revealing Sunset's gamble, leaves the conclusion feeling abrupt and incomplete to me. To counterbalance that, however, much everything else about it -- portraying homelessness, abuse, social services (with which I have little to no personal experience, so this was somewhat illuminating), anxiety, and self-esteem and self-identity issues (with which I have more experience), to name several topics -- hits hard with dizzying force of overlap, plausibility, approachability, and earnestness.

Thank you for writing!

Thanks for the review, I tried to hit all of the more sensitive topics with all of the respect and realism that they deserve. Wallflower is a complex character, same with Sunset, and portraying each of their personal foibles and personality quirks has been as challenging as it has been enjoyable.

Re: your one complaint-- that is entirely fair, although I can tell why I did it if it helps. The reason is the difference between what I consider to be systemic drama (drama of an outside system acting upon the characters) and personal drama (drama of interaction between characters). This story was always intended to be about highlighting the sometimes-unhealthy dynamic between Wallflower and Sunset, so it wasn't about making Doctor Hive's threat a reality, it was about the perceived betrayal, and Wallflower's realisation at how far Sunset is will to go for her, which becomes her main impetus for putting distance between them and refusing to live with her for a long time.

But I definitely understand where you're coming from.


It is precisely that putting of distance that I had expected to see, and it happening mostly symbolically with Wallflower moving out struck me as paltry when compared to the time and attention (i.e., scenes) shown elsewhere.

If I was unclear, this is a really powerful and well-composed work, and you have every right to be proud of it! I'm just grousing because the ending pitched me to the side a bit and I am trying to explore-and-explain why.

The only one who knows that I smoke is Fluttershy and that’s only because, unbeknownst to anyone else but me, she smokes too.

Holy sh- I never expected this

Arguing with Sunset, at least when I do it, is like arguing with a brick wall that has your best interests at heart. It’s just trying to stop you from beating your head against it, really.

I love this line. :twilightsmile:

I just read this in one sitting.

It gave me a lot to think about, things I can't really put into words, but I just want to say that you've captured the components of a codependent relationship perfectly. Thank you for writing this. :twilightsmile:

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