• Published 5th Jul 2020
  • 1,867 Views, 19 Comments

Girls Night Out - Mystic Sunrise

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Sci Twi hummed happily, her hips swaying to the music from the night before, as she set down two plates at the table, dressed only in a long purple robe. While she had always been a fan of Starsong, to hear her music in person beat out listening on the radio or her albums by a long way.

Looking up, she giggled as she watched Twilight stumble into the room, dressed in an identical robe. Her hair, though, went in every which way possible, making Twi giggle even more.

Twilight gave her a flat look. "Do I look that silly?"

Twi smiled lovingly before leaning in and kissing her girlfriend. Marefriend? Both? She would have to straighten that out one day. "No. You look beautiful. Even a bad case of bed hair can't change that. Did you enjoy last night?"

Twilight nodded happily, accepting a cup of coffee before taking a sip. "Yes. Very much so. I doubt anything my friends back home will have will top last night." She paused before smiling sheepishly. "Um. I don't suppose I could get the songs Starsong sang, could I?"

Twi giggled. "It might be hard. The first one, Ultraluminary, is from a movie that as far as I know doesn't have a soundtrack out. And Dragonsong has not been released yet on Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward's OST. It will be coming out eventually."

Twilight nodded. Darn it. "And the excitement of the club and that concert. I could have sworn that was magic being used. I swear that there was something in the air."

"Well, last night was certainly magical enough for me," Twi winked, earning a blush from the princess. "Besides. How could it be magic? All magical doors were closed. Unless our world has magic that we do not know about. And Starsong has been performing since long before Sunset came to this world."

"Yeah..." Twilight said, sitting there for a time, seemingly lost in thought before it struck her like a bolt of lightning. "Oh, my Celestia! I felt something was off last night! Now I know for sure there was."

Twi just gave her a confused look. "What are you talking about?"

Twilight smiled. "Think about it. You said that your childhood doctor was Starsong's daughter, correct?" Twi nodded. "From what I got from Pearl, she and her sisters are all in their early to mid-twenties, and Kohaku comes in as the youngest at twelve. And yet, Starsong does not look any older than her mid-twenties herself." She crossed her arms. "Now tell me. What part of this makes any sense to you?"

Twi took a moment to think about this, while the princess busied herself with helping herself to the pancakes before her. She held back a moan of delight. These were good. She wondered if she could get the recipe for them.

Twi's eyes widened in shock. "That is not physically possible. Medically, that is not possible. How can anyone do that?"

Twilight sighed. "I do not know. This goes against everything I know as well. No magic I know could do this. And I know most. I think there is something very fishy going on here. I felt the same with Kohaku as well."

Twi crossed her arms with a huff. "So what? Do you want us to keep an eye on them? That is low, and I did not think you would ever go that low, Twily."

Twilight winced, hearing the edge in her girlfriend's voice. Luckily, she had another thing in mind as she took Twi's hands. "No. Goddess above, no, I am not saying or suggesting you girls do anything like that. That is wrong in every way possible. Whatever magic was being used I did not feel anything wrong with it. It was comforting and protective. Like being wrapped in the moonlight if that makes any sense."

Twi's frown melted away into a smile. "I felt the same way. Maybe it's because I am a night owl. But I've always enjoyed the moon. Last night? It almost felt like I was seeing a Moon Goddess in the flesh. If that makes any sense?"

Twilight giggled. "No. I felt the same way. Maybe not in those words, but the feeling is the same. Whatever the case may be, I guess we will never know. It is not like we can just ask them about it. We would look crazy."

Twi giggled. "True. The Forest family has always been a bit quirky though. They live just down the street. But aside from their mansion, you would never know they live there. They usually keep to themselves. Honestly, only the Storm family is close to them, and they live right next to each other. You met their daughter last night."

"Pearl?" Twilight asked, getting a nod in return. "She seems nice. But I can't shake this feeling that I should know her. Both her and Kohaku. Really well too. But I don't. I do not know anypony with either of those names. Either in Ponyville or Canterlot."

Twi smiled as planted another kiss on the princess's lips. "Maybe you will meet them one day? They were both super nice, so I can't see why you could not get along with their Equestrian counterparts." She shook her head sadly. "I've known both Pearl and Kohaku for years. They tried so hard to be friends with me when we were kids." She sniffed. "I blew them off every time, or flat out ignored them. I think Pearl had a crush on me at one time as well."

Twilight's heart fell. "Then last night?"

Twi nodded. "I saw it in her eyes. Pearl was heartbroken that I didn't even remember her name at the bar. Oh, she didn't say anything. But I saw it," she sniffed.

Twilight quickly took her hands in her own. "What will you do now?"

Twi smiled slightly. "Apologize to both Pearl and Kohaku. They won't want anything to do with me now. But I owe them this."

Twilight smiled, and before long the two were digging into breakfast, putting the thoughts aside for now. In her mind, Twilight was rather looking forward to the idea of possibly meeting them in Equestria. But for now, that was for the future.

Author's Note:

Just felt like adding a bit more to this story. Based on a conversation I had with Valtyrian on Discord. Massively expanded from the little bit there was at into what there is. And to comment on something Magic135 said. Right now, I have no plans for a story with all the Rainbooms as mermaids.

Comments ( 3 )

Rainbooms as mermaids - redoing the Seaquestria segment of the movie??

How exactly? The girls' reactions for sure. But that would be it. Hippogriffs are extinct, and that means there is no Human world equivalent for them.

Ah, the details (*chuckles*) - it was just a thought, even if wrong ...

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