• Published 13th Jun 2020
  • 1,352 Views, 95 Comments

Megatron’s Revenge - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Megatron sees an opportunity to exact his revenge on the Autobots once he accidentally arrives in a strange new world full of magic.

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Chapter 8: Forest Battle


The three alicorns and Spike appeared in the midst of the forest. “Are we safe now? Can I open my eyes?” Spike asked, covering his face in fear.

“You sure can, Spike,” said Celestia. They looked around to see that they were in the forest. Behind them stood the Tree of Harmony itself. “We must protect the elements from the Decepticons! If Megatron gets his hands on them, we will all be doomed.” she finished.

“We got to do something,” said Twilight. “We have to create a plan to stop him and his lackeys!”

“But how? They are more powerful than we are and are twenty times our size!” Spike worried.

“The Decepticons may have an advantage over us by sheer size and advanced weaponry, but there is one thing they do not have... the magic of friendship,” Luna said.

Once Celestia heard this, she smiled with determination. “You’re right, Luna. The magic of friendship has always been our source of power and strength especially when we faced off our dangerous enemies—Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, the Pony of Shadows. As long as we are united together, no fearsome foe will be able to bring us down!”

“Yeah! And Megatron will be no different from the other villains we faced.” Spike added.

“And no villain has ever managed to defeat us because of that. We must stop Megatron from taking over Equestria before it’s too late for us and... Cybertron!” Twilight said.


The Decepticons put all the ponies in magic-proof cubes and locked them up. Megatron stood before the cube that contained the Mane Five and Starlight. “How does it feel to be held captive by your ‘friend’? Betrayal does sting you, doesn’t it?” he taunted. He opened the cube to hear their response.

“You won’t get away with this, Megatron!” Rainbow defied.

“Oh, yes, I will. Thanks to you, Rainbow Dash, I know the full power that the elements of harmony can unleash; once I get my servos on them, all of that magical power will be mine for the taking,” said Megatron, evilly grinning.

“I should’ve known you were tricking us the whole time! All of that backstory of the Autobots being evil and you being a good guy was a lie!” Starlight exclaimed.

“Now you know why we are called Decepticons, Starlight Glimmer. Truly, it is a name worthy of recognition and fear.” Megatron smirked.

“How could you do this to us? How could you be so cruel?” Fluttershy asked, shedding a few tears.

“My dear Fluttershy, you absolutely know nothing about me. Do you even know the full depth of cruelty? Those pathetic Autobots always stand for freedom, justice, and tranquility. You ponies preach about... love and... friendship,” said Megatron with disgust in his voice. “All of these virtues are nothing but lies that speak high levels of foolishness and denial. That is cruelly degrading. If you really want power, you must take it by force, not through friendship. I will always maintain this mantra...”

He motioned his warriors to say it for him. “Peace through tyranny!” they proudly shouted.

“I hated every moment of that humiliating charade in being your companion, but it fortunately payed off,” Megatron continued. Then he took several steps toward the glaring ponies. “You know, it is not yet too late. You all can still join me in my conquest of Cybertron. We can take over Cybertron and destroy the Autobots together!”

“After all the lies you threw at us?!” Applejack yelled.

“And after the way you deceived us and made us think those Autobot guys were bad?! No thank you!” Rainbow angrily refused.

“We will never join you ruffians!” Rarity added.

“After everything you have done, no more strawberry cupcakes for you, big meanie!” Pinkie shouted, eating the said cupcake.

Megatron then frowned at them. “How pitiful...” Then he turned to one of his men. “Shockwave, is the energy extractor ready for operation?”

“Almost, my liege. It needs approximately ten more cycles until it is fully ready.” Shockwave replied, working on the said machine.

“Take all the time you need, for victory is nearly in my powerful grasp already.” Megatron boasted, optics beaming bright red.

“What are you gonna do to us?” Fluttershy fearfully asked.

“Even if you won’t join us, your potentially strong magic will be of great use to us. However, you still have something I need, and I need them now.” Megatron growled, punching the ground near them. The ponies shook in fear as they looked at him. “Guide me to the Tree of Harmony in the Everfree Forest. Do this and I will let you all live.”

“And if we refuse?” Starlight asked.

“Then I will allow Shockwave to drain you all organics of your precious magic... before you all perish... slowly and painfully.” Megatron threatened. “So... what is it going to be? Choose wisely... for your sakes.”


Celestia and Luna ignited their horns and emitted a magical barrier around the Tree of Harmony. “Now that the Tree is protected, we need to figure out a way to save our friends and stop Megatron and his Decepticons from conquering both Cybertron and Equestria.” Celestia spoke.

“They must have a weakness that we can exploit for our favor,” said Twilight. “The sooner we discover their weaknesses the better our chances of survival will be.”

“Behind you!” Spike warned. Red lasers shot down from the sky toward the four beings. They dodged the blasts and hid behind the trees. The three alicorns and Spike saw Laserbeak swooping down with Soundwave and Lockdown behind him. The duo transformed into robot mode before Laserbeak sat on Soundwave’s right arm.

“It turns out you weren’t that hard to find after all,” Lockdown said, chuckling. “The best option for you organics is to give up. Don’t make it hard for yourselves.”

“We will never surrender to you tyrants!” Luna defied. “We will defend Equestria with all of our might from evil villains like you!”

“Enough, fleshling. Surrender now, or be terminated!” Soundwave demanded.

“Why don’t you make us, you blocky piece of trash!” Spike shot back. “We all know that you guys are too weak to force us to surrender!”

Enraged by the insult, Soundwave brandished his plasma blasters. “PREPARE FOR TERMINATION!!” he yelled. He shot plasma beams at the trees the four heroes were hiding behind. They jumped out of the way before the beams destroyed the trees. Luna shot her magical beam at Soundwave; it struck him on the shoulder, wounding him a bit.

Lockdown turned his hand into a chainsaw and ran toward Celestia and Spike. He swiped at them which they swiftly dodged and jumped away from his other deadly swipes. Spike opened his mouth and breathed fire on Lockdown’s face. It didn’t do much damage on him, but it did serve to temporarily blind him. “Ahhhhh, get that stuff off of me!” Lockdown said.

With him distracted, Celestia blasted her beam at Lockdown’s left leg. It struck him there which made him groan in pain. Celestia took notice of that. “Those titans must be sensitive to our magic. Hmm, that gives me an idea...”

Laserbeak chased Twilight in the air. The latter kept shooting magic beams at the minicon to slow him down. The bird dodged the blasts and began shooting his lasers at the alicorn. “Eeeyahhh!! Ahh! How can I even lose that creature?!” Twilight shouted, barely dodging the laser beams.

Soundwave ran forward and looked up at the alicorn with a dangerous stare. “I am still convinced that this so called Twilight Sparkle is Sari Sumdac in disguise. She must be destroyed no matter the cost.” He activated his speakers and he emitted his soundwaves again. Before the waves could strike her, Twilight teleported from the sky back on the ground behind Soundwave. She shot him on the back with her magic.

“AHHHHH!!” Soundwave groaned. He grabbed her and threw her against a tree. “You will pay for that, Sari Sumdac!”

“I am not whoever you’re talking about! My name is Twilight! TWILIGHT!! You hear me?!” Twilight irritatedly shouted.

Luna kept flying around Lockdown while skillfully avoiding his swipes. “Hold still, you obnoxious little pest!” Lockdown grunted.

“Catch me if you can, skull-face!” Luna smirked. She continued flying around him until Laserbeak knocked her down along with Spike. “Oww!!”

Soundwave seized Twilight and Celestia and threw them against their friends. With their four targets at their mercy, the three robots regrouped together. “We end this once and for all. Laserbeak, transform. Operation: fleshling destruction!” Soundwave commanded. Laserbeak transformed into a guitar and landed in Soundwave’s grasp.

Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Spike stood still as they were about to meet their demise. “I have an idea, you three. I need you all to do exactly as I tell you...” Celestia said before whispering her idea to their ears.

Soundwave played the guitar which activated the laser waves. At that moment, Twilight teleported all four of them away from the deadly waves. The Decepticons stood there in confusion. “Huh? Where are they off to now?” Lockdown asked, annoyed.

“Hey, boneheads, over here! Look at me!” Spike called, breathing fire on their faces.

“Grrrraghhhhh, not again!” Lockdown grunted.

While they were distracted, the alicorns combined their magic by having their horns together and sent a large spell on the ‘Cons. The spell smote them and set them on purple fire. As they were bellowing in agony, they were levitated off the ground and were sent flying in the air all the way to a far-away mountain until they were no longer seen.

“Great job, Spike! You got them really good!” Twilight smiled.

“I sure did! I was hoping that they would melt from the fire I breathed or the one you set them on though.” Spike chuckled.

“Well, at least we know their one weakness so far. I am sure we will discover more of them once we get back to Canterlot,” said Luna.

“Indeed. Come on, we have Equestria to save. Megatron must be stopped no matter the cost!” Celestia declared.


“The energy extractor is now prepared for operation, Lord Megatron.” Shockwave reported.

“Excellent,” Megatron grinned. Then he glared back at the Mane Five. “I will not ask you again. Take me to the Tree of Harmony and I will spare your miserable lives.”

“Even if we did, you will destroy us all anyway!” Rainbow said.

Megaton briefly paused before evilly smirking at the ponies. “You’re smarter than I thought. You ponies could have joined me in my conquest for power. You will all be made examples while your magic will be mine for the taking.” He turned to Shockwave. “Activate the extractor!”

“With pleasure, my liege!” Shockwave complied. He turned it on along with the cubes glowing purple.

“NO!” Rarity cried.

“Somepony help us!” a Canterlot pony cried.

“Your magic will finally be mine!” Megatron maniacally laughed.

Suddenly, a large purple beam struck the extractor which caused it to explode. The explosion threw Shockwave against the demolished remains of the castle. “What the spark was that?!” Ramjet exclaimed.

The Decepticons looked back to see Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and Spike standing firm with looks of bravely. Luna flew above and blasted all the deactivated cubes open. Thus, all the ponies were freed including Discord, Starlight, and their friends. “Ahhhh, yes! Time for the climax of the story, everypony! The battle of the ages!” Discord cheered. He snapped his fingers and got a large golf club with a cap on his head. “Golf, anypony?”

Megatron growled angrily at the alicorns. He grabbed Starscream and made him turn into an energy blaster. “One shall stand!” Celestia began.

“One shall fall!” Twilight finished.

“Or, in this case, four shall stand,” Spike muttered.

“Why throw away your life so recklessly?” Megatron condescendingly asked.

“That’s the question you should ask yourself, Megatron.” Luna replied, glaring.

“No! I will crush you with my own bare servos!” Megatron boasted.

“Until I cowardly call on my men for help and use any random object to throw cheap shots at my opponent!” Starscream mocked, imitating Megatron’s voice.

“Shut up, Starscream!” Megatron snapped. “Decepticons, ATTACK!!” All the Decepticons readied their weapons and uttered war cries.

Celestia grinned and flew up against Megatron. “Time to finish this... FOR EQUESTRIA!!”