• Published 13th Jun 2020
  • 1,358 Views, 95 Comments

Megatron’s Revenge - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Megatron sees an opportunity to exact his revenge on the Autobots once he accidentally arrives in a strange new world full of magic.

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Chapter 9: The Final Battle

Celestia ignited her horn and emitted a large magical beam toward the Decepticon leader. Megatron raised his swords to block the blast, but it was so powerful that it sent him flying in the air. He transformed to helicopter mode before firing his fusion cannon at his opponent.

Celestia created a magical shield over her to block the deadly blasts. “You cannot win, Megatron! Equastria will triumph once again!” she shouted.

“Brave sentiment, organic, but completely meaningless!” Megatron mocked. He fired more blasts to break down her shield. Celestia then morphed the shield into another beam and shot at one of Megatron’s rotors. It malfunctioned which forced him to fall and transform back to robot mode.

He ran forward and swiped his swords at Celestia who effortlessly dodged them. Suddenly, she received a hit on her back from a beam. “Gaahh!” she groaned.

“Quite an easy shot if I may say so myself,” said Starscream, converting his mouth from an energy blaster. “See, Megatron? Even I can shoot perfectly at an organic which you couldn’t.”

“SILENCE!” Megatron angrily shouted, kicking Starscream away. Then he got another blast to the face.

“It would be wise to surrender, Lord Megatron. Do this, and I shall grant you mercy.” Celestia commanded.

“I WILL NEVER SURRENDER TO A FLESHLING!!” Megatron bellowed, firing another blast at Celestia.

Shockwave fired several shots at Discord; however, the latter flew around him on a plane while eating oranges with peanut butter. “You know, you could’ve just given me a fighting chance! But instead, you went for a classic move of firing a cheap shot at my back like a coward would. How disappointing...” Discord frowned.

“Enough talk! Surrender or perish!” Shockwave threatened.

Discord then fake yawned and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, a humongous fly swatter appeared in the sky and swatted Shockwave on the concrete. It disappeared which revealed an injured Shockwave on the ground. “You were saying, Mr. One Eye?” Discord asked, smirking.

Lugnut fired dozens of missiles at Applejack in a far distance. The farm pony ran to the missiles with a lasso on her muzzle, swung it at one of the missiles, and caught it. She spun around and threw it at the rest of them. The missile struck a few of them which resulted in a massive explosion in the air. The brightness forced Lugnut to cover his optic.

With him distracted, Applejack ran forward, jumped, and bucked him in the optic. The large Decepticon grunted in pain. “CURSES, MEATBAG! I WILL CRUSH YOU TO ATOMS FOR THIS!!” he bellowed, stumbling around.

“Ah like to see ya try, Decepti-creep!” Applejack smugly replied.

Rainbow Dash flew away from two Seekers who were chasing her around the city. “This pony can fly faster than both of us? How amazing! Truly, this creature has been gifted with the ability of great speed and flight! I am so proud of her!” Sunstorm praised.

“What are you talking about?! I am the faster flyer of Cybertron! I’m even faster than this organic! It should be common knowledge by now!” Ramjet bragged.

“You guys are all talk and no action! Show me some speed, will ya?” Rainbow challenged. She dashed across the clouds with a rainbow trail following her. The two Seekers stopped and transformed to their jet modes. They fired null rays at her, but missed every single time.

Then she flew past them and flew high up in the sky. She flew down and kept the same amount of speed while keeping her sight on Sunstorm and Ramjet. As soon as she speedily came close to them, she shot herself forward in the opposite direction which created a massive rain boom in the sky. The rain boom knocked both Decepticons out. They crashed on the ground with big injuries.

“That’s why they call me Rainbow Dash!” she proudly spoke.

“Owww...” Ramjet muttered.

“That was even more impressive than I ever imagined,” said Sunstorm before slamming his head back on the ground.

Lugnut still continued pursuing Applejack while shooting lasers shots from his side blasters. “In the glorious name of Megatron, you shall be destroyed!”

“STOP!!” cried a certain pegasus. Lugnut looked down to see Fluttershy with a courageous and determined look on her face. “Leave Applejack alone, you big monster! Pick on somepony your own size!”

“You are in no position to give me commands, little one. Only the great and powerful Megatron can command me when to fight and when not to fight! NOW STEP ASIDE OR PERISH!!” Lugnut shouted. He activated his boom button on his arm and pointed it at the two ponies.

“Then you leave me no choice, mister,” said Fluttershy. She flew up to the Decepticon and gave him... the Stare. At that moment, Lugnut exceedingly trembled in her presence and struggled to maintain his balance.

“What... is... happening... to me?! Please, stop... (groans)... I beg of you! ARRAHHHHH!!” Lugnut muttered in pain.

“I think ya need to relax, big guy! Take this!” Applejack said, bucking the boom button so hard that it broke. At that moment, Lugnut’s entire arm exploded and set him on fire. The force of the explosion sent him flying in the air and crashed on the castle’s remains.

“Thanks, Applejack,” said Fluttershy.

“Don’t mention it, Fluttershy. Come, we have to get these citizens to safety!” replied Applejack. They went forward and did so.

Blitzwing once again attempted to destroy Pinkie Pie as they encountered each other again. “Hold still, organic, so I can roast you!” his hothead yelled, shooting fire from his cannons.

“Roast me? You mean roast me like ‘You’re shorter than I expected!’ or ‘You smell like bad cheese!’ or maybe even this ‘How come you have three faces? You couldn’t figure out which one is the ugliest?’ That kind of roast?” Pinkie innocently asked.

Blitzwing then stood there in confusion. His face switched to his intelligent side. “Curious. That insulting sentence waz also spoken by a certain Autobot. Hmmm...” He switched to his crazy face. “Who cares?! That was just so funny! Hahahahaha!! Let’s continue playing tag!”

“Yay! Tag you’re it!” Pinkie ran away while Blitzwing transformed into a tank and followed Pinkie in the same path. He blasted several houses randomly as he looked for her.

“Come out, come out, come out, wherever you are!” Blitzwing called. “We’re playing hide-n-seek now? Yeepee! Where are youuuu?”

“Down below you, silly!” Pinkie responded. Suddenly, Blitzwing was shot from below the ground and flew up in the sky until he crashed down on the ground.

Pinkie got out of the massive hole with a large party cannon. “Surprise!” Pinkie said, smiling brightly. Confetti was all over the unconscious Decepticon.

“Don’t you dare move, insect! Make one move and I’ll blast you to smithereens!” Slipstream threatened, pointing her null ray blasters at Rarity.

“First of all, it’s Rarity! I have a name you know! Second of all, why would you threaten a girl like that? That is very unladylike of you, darling!” Rarity scolded.

“Who do you think you’re talking to?! I am a Decepticon, and I can threaten whoever as I please! So, Rarity, you had better surrender or else face my wrath!” Slipstream angrily replied. Rarity noticed Spike getting behind Slipstream.

“I am sorry, miss...” Rarity said.

“Slipstream,” the Seeker added.

“Miss Slipstream, I do not take demands from anypony who is trying to destroy my friends. Again, so unladylike and uncouth of you to do all this! Thankfully, my little friend here shall teach you some manners!” Rarity smirked.

“Who?” Slipstream asked. Once she turned around, Spike breathed fire on her face. “AHHHH!! NOOO!!” She then attempted to
shoot Spike with her burned optics closed.

With her distracted, Rarity made a diamond shield that deflected one of her null blasts and struck Slipstream on the chest. It sent her flying against the demolished castle and crashed there as well.

“Good job, Spikey-Wikey!” Rarity commended, patting him on the head.

“Anything for you, Rarity,” said Spike with dreamy eyes.

Megatron looked around and saw all of his forces defeated by the heroes. Enraged by the outcome, he grabbed Celestia and Luna and threw them against a house. They fired their beams at him, but he blocked them with his swords. “You actually think you can defeat me?! YOU ARE NOTHING!!”

He fired another blast at them, but they teleported and appeared above him. They fired their combined beams at him which struck him on the head. He tumbled to the ground with a few bruises. Then he grabbed Starscream and shot his energy beam at the alicorns. They shielded themselves from the beam.

“That’s it! I have enough of this!” Starscream yelled. He accidentally activated his flying technique and flew up with no boosters. “Wait... I can finally fly? Without my body?!”

“Impossible! How can he do that?” Luna asked.

Seeing his new ability, he had an idea in mind. “Sorry, Megatron. Looks like you’re on your own. Those elements of harmony will belong to me! I will crush you and all those organics and rule the Decepticons forever!” Starscream declared. He flew off to the Everfree Forest.

“STARSCREAM!!!” Megatron angrily shouted.

Starscream manically laughed as he flew out of Canterlot. “That fool Megatron will be powerless against my new ultimate might that shall tear the galaxy apart! Hahahahaha!! What the?” He looked down to see Twilight and Rainbow Dash.

They flew up to his face. “You’re not going anywhere, Starscream!” Twilight said.

“We won’t let you steal those elements! Surrender now!” Rainbow ordered.

“Never!” Starscream defied. He increased his speed and entered the forest. Rainbow however knocked him against a tree and kicked him toward another tree.

“Oww! How dare you!” Starscream muttered.

“Bring it on, Screamy! Show me what you got!” Rainbow challenged.

Starscream growled angrily. He shot more beams at her which she effortlessly flew around and punched him toward the air. As he was screaming in pain, she came down on him and pounded him to the ground. “Take that, Scream!”

“Grrrr, IT. IS. STARSCREAM!!!!!!! NOT SCREAM!!!” he yelled. His scream pushed back Rainbow toward the dirt. He got up from the ground and blasted her against several trees. He then grabbed her tail with his teeth and twirled around until he threw her against a boulder, greatly injuring her.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight called. She flew to her to check to see if she was okay.

“Now, to find the elements...” Starscream evilly smiled. He flew off again to look for the elements. He didn’t notice Twilight smirking behind him.

Once he flew several miles across the forest, he finally found the elements. Grinning widely with satisfaction, he descended below. “Finally, the power of the elements of harmony belong to me. I will become the greatest conquerer the entire multiverse has ever—AHHHH!!” He screamed from the painful shock out of the magical barrier he touched. It launched him across the sky out of the forest.

“I told you it would work,” said Twilight, chuckling.

“I guess it did, hehehe...” Rainbow chuckled back. She winced in pain from the injuries she received.

Starscream landed all the way back in Canterlot. Megatron raised his metal eyebrow at his sudden return with no elements until he smirked. “Well, Great Starscream, did your flawless idea turn out well?”

“Curse you, Megatron,” said Starscream.

Celestia, Luna, Starlight, Spike and Discord sent every blast of magic they had at Megatron. Having enough of their antics, he stomped his foot on the ground with enough force to create a shockwave. The shockwave knocked them against several buildings. Then he fired a blast at one of the buildings to have it fall on Spike. Starlight however ran up to him, picked him up, and teleported from the falling building.

“Give it up, Princess Celestia. I shall be ruler over this multiverse, and you all shall bow to my will.” Megatron declared.

“Do your worse, Megatron. The Magic of Friendship will prevail over you and all evil,” said Celestia, getting up from the debris.

“So be it,” replied Megatron. He raised his fusion cannon to finish off Celestia. Suddenly, Twilight appeared in front of him and glared at him.

“You will go no further, Megatron!” Twilight said. She blasted him on the face and lifted him off the ground with her magic. Then she threw him against the ground. He grunted in pain.

He got up and shot several blasts at her. She teleported from each shot he fired; once he stopped, she grabbed him via telekinesis and tossed him across the vacated city. He crashed on the ground again.

Enraged, he unsheathed his swords and swung them at Twilight. While she speedily dodged the swipes, she kept blasting him with her magic. Suddenly, he grabbed her by her right wing and threw her against a house. He then tried to step on her; she quickly jumped out of the way.

He swiped at her again; the tip of his sword sliced a quarter of her hair. Before she can teleport, Megatron grabbed her horn and began to slowly squeeze it. Twilight yelled in pain from the pressure.

“Let’s see how you can manage without your horn, Princess Twilight.” Megatron said, growling in anger. Twilight again wailed in pain as he put more pressure.

Luna came forward and blasted his back. Megatron was forced to drop Twilight as he grunted from the shot. He looked back to see Luna glaring at him with her ignited horn. “I won’t let you hurt Twilight,” she said.

Megatron raised his cannon and aimed at her. Quickly thinking, Luna teleported inside his cannon and recharged her horn. At that moment, his entire cannon exploded taking out his entire arm as well. “AHHHHHH!!!” he screamed.

Luna came down to Twilight to check on her. “Are you alright, Twilight?”

“I’m fine, Princess,” replied Twilight. Once Celestia came to them, she smiled. “My friends and I need the elements of harmony to stop Megatron. It’s the only way to save Equestria.”

Celestia and Luna looked at each other until they nodded in agreement. “You’re right, Twilight. Megatron won’t be stopped until the power of the elements puts an end to him and his Decepticons. Go forth.” Celestia ignited her horn and disabled the barrier around the Tree of Harmony.

As the Mane Six reunited together, Twilight teleported them all to the Tree and grabbed their elements. Quipped with the elements, Twilight teleported them back to the city and faced the injured Decepticon leader.

“It’s over, Megatron,” said Twilight. “Your acts of evil and terror are put to an end!”

“And we have the high ground!” Pinkie added.

“You underestimate my power!” Megatron yelled.

“Don’t try it!” Applejack warned. The Mane Six were lifted from the ground and began to glow.

Growling in irritation, Megatron grabbed one of his swords with his only hand and jumped toward them to destroy them. However, as soon as their eyes turned white, they emitted a large rainbow beam that struck Megatron in mid air. The Decepticons including Starscream were also enveloped by the rainbow magic.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!” Megatron bellowed. His entire body then became petrified in stone.

All the Decepticons also turned to stone. Starscream screamed in terror as his Allspark fragment slowly disintegrated from the rainbow power. “AHHHHHHHHH... nooooooo...”

The Mane Six came down and stopped glowing white. What they were seeing were statues of Decepticons with looks of terror on their faces. Megatron had the defiant look on his face with his sword raised while Blitzwing had the crazy look while having a dance-like pose.

“(Giggles) That guy looks funny!” Pinkie laughed, looking at the triple-changer.

Twilight then stepped forward with a disappointed look at Megatron’s statue. “If you had not possessed maniacal tendencies to take over Equestria and this Cybertron planet you mentioned... we could’ve been great friends. We gave you friendship, and you used it for your own evil intentions. You asked us to help you take you back home, and so we shall. Discord!”

“On it!” Discord complied. He snapped his fingers and there appeared a massive rubber band which tied up all the statues.

“In the name of Equestria, we banish you to Cybertron! You shall never come back to harm our home ever again!” Twilight judged.

“Here is the way!” Pinkie alerted, standing next to the portal she created from Shockwave’s device.

“Enjoy your flight!” Discord said, turning into a big tennis racket. He smacked the banded statues into the portal before it closed. All the ponies cheered for their victory.


“Anything new going on, Ironhide?” a ‘Bot asked.

“Nah, nothing much. Just busting old Decepti-chops like there’s no tomorrow!” Ironhide replied. He and his comrade were guarding the gates of the Elite Guard while the Elite Guard officers were having their official meeting with Ultra Magnus inside the building. “What ‘bout you, Brawn? Any excitement lately?”

“I wouldn’t say ‘excitement’. I’m always occupied with guarding the Decepticon inmates who just love to rant, taunt, mock, and insult me whenever I’m on duty. And let me tell ya, it is never fun to be around those freaks.” Brawn replied.

“Don’t let them get to ya, pal. They’re just mad over the fact that we Autobots are better and smarter in every way.” Ironhide boasted.

“But definitely not stronger,” said Brawn.

“Hahahahaha! You’re funny, bro. You’re the strongest ‘Bot there is! Just break their servos, and they’ll immediately comply to ya! Haha! I would pay to see that!” Ironhide chuckled.

“(Chuckles) Thanks, Irony. Perhaps we should just—what in the Matrix is that?” Brawn asked. Both Autobots looked up and saw a large meteor coming down toward the outskirts of Iacon City. They witnessed it softly landing on the ground with a parachute out of nowhere.

“Oh my Primus! We have to check it out!” Ironhide said.

“What?! We can’t just leave our posts! Sentinel Prime’s orders!” Brawn reminded.

“Who gives a scrap about his orders? Do you? Do I? Of course not because he’s a jerk face idiot. Now come on!” Ironhide said. He transformed in his alt mode and drove off. Eventually Brawn transformed to alt mode also and followed him to the outskirts of the city.

As they got close to the landed meteor, they transformed to robot mode and investigated it. They gasped in shock as they beheld the petrified statutes of Megatron and the seven other Decepticons. “It’s... it’s Megatron!” Brawn yelled.

“Statues of the Decepticons? Where did those come from? Where is Megatron’s arm?” Ironhide asked. He took his scanner out and put it on their statues. “I want to know if it’s actually them or not.”

Once the scanner tested positive, he again gasped in shock. “It’s true... it really IS them!”

“Who did this? Who was the one who petrified them in... stone?” Brawn wondered. After moments of silence to contemplate what they were seeing, both Autobots grew smiles on their faces. “YESSSS!!! YESSSS!!! The war is no more!!”

“Right you are, bro! Megatron and his stop officers are also no more! We can celebrate now! The rest of his army have no leader now!” Ironhide agreed, jumping up and down in happiness.

After they had their moment of joy, Ironhide opened his com link. “Jazz, sir! We have great news! I suggest you come to our location to see good tidings for yourself. We’re in the outskirts of the city.” He closed the com link.

“What will we do now?” Brawn asked.

“Once our superiors see this, they will create new plans to vanquish the remaining of the Decepticons. I’m sure of it. Oh, and we should have Ultra Magnus deal with those statues. After all, he does have a hammer.” he winked.

Author's Note:

One more chapter...