• Published 13th Jun 2020
  • 1,352 Views, 95 Comments

Megatron’s Revenge - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Megatron sees an opportunity to exact his revenge on the Autobots once he accidentally arrives in a strange new world full of magic.

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Chapter 1: Formal Greeting


“Glad we were able to solve the friendship problem between those two,” the purple alicorn said. “The more they exercise proper communication with each other the better their friendship will be!”

“You can say that again, Twilight,” said the pink-purple unicorn. “It is just like what Stygian went through before he became the Pony of Shadows.”

“That’s why it’s so important to be honest and upfront about what you’re feeling. I’m glad they understood that lesson.” Twilight smiled.

Suddenly, a pink pony burst through the doors into the map room. She also carried two trays of cupcakes on her head while brightly smiling. “Hey, Twilight! Hey, Starlight!”

“Hey, Pinkie!” both ponies greeted back.

“What are those cupcakes you have?” Starlight asked.

“I made lemon cupcakes with sprinkles on top! I thought you two would love them since their lemon-flavored!” Pinkie smiled, giving them a lemon cupcake each.

Twilight and Starlight had their first bite on the cupcakes. To Pinkie’s joy, they enjoyed the sweet flavor of the cupcakes. “Hmmm, this is sweetly delicious! Thanks, Pinkie!” Twilight thanked.

“Yeah, this is really good! What else did you add besides lemons?” Starlight asked.

“Well, I added, cinnamon, milk, three eggs, brown sugar, flour, and—.”

“TWILIGHT!!” a little dragon cried. He entered inside while panting in fear.

Three ponies looked back at him with clear worry on their faces especially Twilight. “What’s wrong, Spike?” she asked.

“There is a giant monster heading right toward us!” Spike shouted. “That thing is carrying a huge live head with it! I’ve never seen it before, and it looks so scary! It’s walking on its way to Ponyville!”


Megatron slowly walked down the path to the local town of Ponyville. However, he couldn’t help but make thunderous footsteps that nearly shook the town considering his massive size. As he got close to it, the ponies spotted him with mixed reactions. Some of them were so seized by curiosity that they couldn’t even scream in terror of the titanic beast, others were amazed by the detailed design of the being, and others were terrified to be near him and ran away.

Megatron secretly relished their apparent fear as he often intimidated other beings, Cybertronian or not, with his big size, mighty strength, and threatening nature and demeanor. However, with the new plan he hatched earlier, he had to hide his true intentions and play the friendly alien until the time was right. “Well, Megatron, you sure are making a great impression.” Starscream sarcastically remarked.

“Silence, fool,” Megatron whispered. “Things will go according to plan. These creatures have no idea how powerful and unique they really are. Just follow my lead.”

Starscream groaned in annoyance. Suddenly, a rainbow-colored pegasus swiftly flew up to Megatron’s face and eyed him with a suspicious glare.

“Hey, you! Who are you? What are you doing here trying to scare us in Ponyville?” she demanded. This made both Decepticons raise their metal eyebrows.

“These organic creatures have the ability to talk? That’s new. I still need to know what they really are. I need all the answers necessary to succeed in my plan.” Megatron thought. Then he feigned a smile towards the pegasus.

“Pardon me, dear creature. I mean no harm to any of you,” said Megatron. “Allow me to introduce myself: I am Megatron, the leader of the peacemaking Decepticons. We come in peace in search of a home.”

His respectful attitude made the pony raise her eyebrow at first until she softened her gaze and smile back. “Oh, well uh... welcome to Ponyville! I’m Rainbow Dash, the fastest pony in all of Equestria! Pleasure to meet you, Megatron!”

“Likewise, Rainbow Dash.” Megatron nodded. “Quite an odd name but whatever.”

“And who are you?” Rainbow asked, pointing at the body-less Seeker.

“The name is Starscream, Megatron’s... (clears throat)... uh... second-in-command. Greetings to you too... Rainbow Dash.” Starscream introduced, trying very hard to swallow his pride. “I am the fastest and most powerful Seeker of them all! If only I had my body, I would prove that to you!”

“Fastest, huh? Hah! Bet I could beat you in a race!” Rainbow bragged.

“In your dreams, organic... uh, I mean, Rainbow Dash.” Starscream spoke.

“Oh dear, it appears that this Rainbow Dash acts too much like Starscream. First he made clones of himself and now this? How many more Starscream ripoffs do I need in my life?” Megatron internally groaned.

“Anyway, would you kindly introduce me to your friends, Rainbow Dash?” Megatron asked.

“No problem! Follow me!” Rainbow said, flying off. Megatron followed her to the middle of Ponyville to meet the rest of the ponies and her friends.

Twilight, Starlight, Pinkie Pie, and Spike exited the Friendship Castle and immediately saw Rainbow Dash being followed by the gigantic monster with a strange weapon mounted on his arm and a live head on his other hand. “Rainbow Dash, behind you!” Twilight warned.

“Hey, don’t worry! He’s friendly! He wants to meet you guys!” Rainbow told them. “We have a new visitor of Equestria!”

Pinkie made a long gasp until she zoomed out of the area for a few seconds before coming back with a party hat and a party cannon. “WELCOME TO PONYVILLE!!!” she shouted, shooting confetti to the air.

Megatron stood somewhat genuinely confused at this turn of events. A little equine actually considered celebrating a new visitor who appeared to be some sort of... alien? This was one of the many stranger things he had ever witnessed in his life. “Greetings to all creatures of this town. I am Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. I come in peace in search of a planet to call home.” he introduced.

Twilight and the others were slightly taken back by the term “Decepticon”. It sounded so much like deception and con to suggest something rather suspicious. “Hmm, that’s weird. Decepticons? Never heard of the term before, but that doesn’t sound too friendly.” Twilight whispered to herself.

Then she looked up at the giant with a smile. “Well, welcome to Equestria, Megatron! I’m Twilight Sparkle, the princess of friendship! It’s an honor to meet you.”

“Why does her voice sound so familiar? She sounds like Sari Sumdac for some reason.” Megatron wondered. “Well, Twilight Sparkle, thank you for the kind words. I apologize if I have caused any... disruption of sorts.”

“Oh, it’s nothing,” said Starlight. “I’m Starlight Glimmer. This is Spike the dragon, and this is Pinkie Pie.”

“Yep! The one and only!” Pinkie said.

“Oh, and who is that with you?” Twilight asked, looking at Starscream.

“He is my... (groans)... second-in-command of my Decepticon forces.” Megatron replied with no enthusiasm.

“What happened to his body?” Starlight asked.

“Ughhh... don’t ask. It’s a... long story.” Starscream replied.

“Ummm... okay?” Starlight said, puzzled.

“Wait? Where did you come from? Are you an alien? (Gasp) ARE YOU REALLY AN ALIEN?! I really want to know!!” Twilight repeatedly asked.

“Well, technically I am. I am from the planet called Cybertron, the home of my own kind.” Megatron replied.

“THAT IS FANTASTIC!! I have so many questions!” Twilight squealed.

“Wait, so you guys are friendly? You’re not gonna hurt us?” Spike asked.

“Of course we are friendly, young one. I lead an army of warriors who believe in freedom, justice, and sacrifice. For freedom is the right of all sentient beings!” Megatron declared.

“That’s awesome! Wait, you said you were looking for a home, right? And you call yourselves Decepticons. What happened to this Cybertron, and why do you call yourselves that? That just sounds... strange.” Rainbow asked.

Megatron set Starscream down on the ground before addressing her questions. “I’m glad you asked, Ms. Rainbow Dash. Our worse enemies called the Autobots denounced us with that cruel name to assassinate our character and deform our righteous image. However, I decided to embrace that name to use that for good.”

“Wow,” the ponies said. The rest of the residents joined in and listened to Megatron’s story.

“As for Cybertron itself, it unfortunately was taken captive by the evil warlord named Ultra Magnus.” Megatron continued. The ponies gasped in shock. “Yes, he and the cruel Autobot terrorists conquered my home world, wrecked havoc in our streets, and exiled me and my army to outer space. Even worse... they destroyed the ones I held dear to my spark.”

Starscream rolled his optics. However, the ponies felt sympathy for the Decepticon leader. “That’s terrible! I’m sorry that happened!” Lyra spoke from the crowd.

“How can those Autobot beings be so evil?!” Octavia added.

“How cruel and heartless!” Bon Bon added.

“Indeed, my little friends. Thus, for many solar cycles, I’ve been searching for any sign of a home where I can abide peacefully with no trouble or even better... find a way through which I can defeat the wicked Autobots and save Cybertron.” Megatron finished. “Perhaps you creatures can help me?”

“Don’t worry, Megatron. We will assist you in anyway we can. My friends and I will be here for you. As the princess of friendship, I’ll be more than happy to be your new friend!” Twilight smiled, offering her hoof.

Megatron thought about it until he grinned. “Much appreciated, Princess Twilight.” He bent down and softly shook Twilight’s hoof. The ponies then celebrated as they had new friends in town... or so they thought.

“This is all too easy,” thought Megatron as he smirked.