• Published 13th Jun 2020
  • 1,352 Views, 95 Comments

Megatron’s Revenge - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Megatron sees an opportunity to exact his revenge on the Autobots once he accidentally arrives in a strange new world full of magic.

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Chapter 7: The Truth Revealed

“Where did he come from? I’ve never seen him before!” Lugnut said.

“My, this Soundwave fellow looks so magnificent! Surely, he has some mighty spark within him!” Sunstorm praised.

“I’ve met him! He is a great friend of mine!” Ramjet lied.

“I have not met any of you except for Megatron,” said Soundwave. “I have arrived here for the sole purpose of finding him so he could assist me in destroying the Autobots and the humans of earth.”

“Well, Soundwave, as unexpected your arrival is, your timing couldn’t be even more perfect.” Megatron evilly grinned. “With you by our side, we will all be unstoppable.” Then he took a look at the bounty hunter. “Lockdown, I see that you have allied yourself with my old friend here. I assume you have the same intention as well?”

“Actually, I thought that green beam would lead to a good-looking trophy. I guess it turned out to be something... surprising.” Lockdown shrugged. “Anyway, now that we’re all here, what’s the plan?”

“Recently, Starscream and I have ‘befriended’ a town of organic equines equipped with a raw power called magic, and they have considered us as honorable guests in their kingdom. Additionally, they have a powerful source of magic residing in this... Everfree Forest called the Tree of Harmony which contains all six elements of Harmony.” Megatron explained. This started to intrigue the Decepticons.

“Elements of Harmony, you zay? Hmmm, what are thoze elements?” Blitzwing asked.

“Honesty, generosity, kindness, loyalty, laughter, and magic. With these elements, they maintain peace, balance, and harmony throughout all of Equestria.” Megatron answered.

“What a ridiculous concept. Surely, they have something better than that.” Starscream scoffed.

“Silence, fool! As I was saying, here is what I have planned: I trick these insects into putting their trust in me which I have already done, lead me to the elements, and they create a magical portal that I can use to travel to Cybertron. But now that you’re all here, you also will play into my game. With these ponies by our side, we can take over the planet and eliminate the Autobots once and for all!” Megatron declared.

“A magical portal won’t be necessary, my lord,” said Shockwave before displaying a device on his arm. “I have recently constructed this device to create a portal without even having a need for a space bridge. It’s quicker and more efficient. It is what emitted that green beam to locate you.”

Megatron gazed at the item and thought of the next course of action. “Hmm, well, in that case, I will request that they don’t waste their time any further. Once again, Shockwave, you have exceeded my expectations. Perhaps I should elect you to be my second-in-command one day.” This greatly irritated Lugnut as he clenched his fingers angrily. Starscream secretly chuckled at Lugnut’s reaction.

Behind the bushes, Rumble eavesdropped on their conversation and plot. “So there are more of them! I knew it! It’s those same giants from my dream!” Rumble whispered.

“What’s going on?” a voice asked. Rumble looked back to see Spike coming near him.

“Spike? What are you doing here?” Rumble asked.

“I heard loud noises from Ponyville. I think something was flying down from the sky.” Spike whispered back. Then he looked over the bushes and saw the Decepticons banding together. “Wait, that’s Megatron?”

“Yeah, he is definitely up to something! Come, we have to be quiet!” Rumble advised. He and Spike sat together and peeked through the bushes to continue listening what the ‘Cons were saying.

“Is it a good idea to bring these organics into our war? They are considerably small and weak. There is absolutely no way they can battle against the Autobots.” Starscream doubted.

“Fear not, Starscream, they will do well in serving us... for the Decepticon cause.” Megatron said, clenching his fist.

“And if those organics refuse? What will happen if our facade is exposed?” Soundwave asked.

Megatron then frowned and glared at the night sky. “Then we will destroy them... every last one of them.”

“I greatly look forward to that. I've always wanted to squash fleshy creatures!” Slipstream grinned.

“With or without those creatures, the Decepticons will nonetheless prevail! You, oh glorious leader, will rule over all the universe! AND THE ENTIRE COSMOS WILL REJOICE!!! ALL HAIL MEGATRON!!!” Lugnut loudly praised.

“Pipe down, Lugnut! Those creatures are sleeping. We wouldn't want to disturb them...” Megatron scolded. “... for now.”

“Yes, of course, master. My apologies...” Lugnut said.

“First thing tomorrow, I will request their leaders to guide me to the Tree of Harmony in the Everfree Forest. Once those elements are in my servos, Cybertron will be mine. I might even conquer Equestria as a bonus. Soundwave will accompany me to the palace.” Megatron planned.

“Me?” Soundwave asked, puzzled.

“Just in case they spill any valuable information about the magic of this world, you may want to record our conversation.” Megatron suggested.

“As you wish, Megatron,” said Soundwave.

Rumble and Spike stood in shock and horror. They couldn’t believe that Megatron—their own guest and new ‘friend’—is actually a bad guy planning to take over the universe. “I can’t believe this. Megatron is planning to take over Equestria! He’s been playing us the whole time!” Spike whispered.

“I knew he was up to no good. We have to warn the princesses before it’s too late. You go tell Princess Twilight and the others; I’ll inform the Royal Sisters about what we’ve just heard.” Rumble advised.

“On it,” said Spike, running off.

“I hope things don’t go south too quickly. I’m not ready for war yet.” Rumble said to himself before flying off.


Megatron and Soundwave travelled to the city of Canterlot in their alt modes as the sun rose up by Celestia’s magic. “Remember, Soundwave, play nice and give no sign of hostility to the ponies since you’re new here. Allow me to do the talking.”

“Understood, Megatron.” Soundwave complied.

Soon, they arrived in the city and transformed to their robot modes. The Royal Guard opened the palace doors for the rulers to meet them outside. Out came Celestia, Luna, the Mane Six, Starlight, Spike, Rumble, and Discord. “Ah, yes, the negotiator. Lord Megatron, we’ve been waiting for you.” Discord smiled. The others had unfriendly looks on their faces except Pinkie and Fluttershy.

The ponies made a confused look at Soundwave. “Well, who do we have here? A friend of yours?” Luna asked.

“I am Soundwave, the master revolutionary against injustice in high places. I am pleased to meet you.” he introduced.

“Soundwave, huh? Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Twilight Sparkle, the princess of friendship.” she kindly greeted. Soundwave stood erect and gazed dangerously at Twilight.

“The voice of this Twilight Sparkle is that of the organic Sari Sumdac. Analyzing voice match...” Soundwave thought. Once the analysis on his visor was completed, it showed their voices did match. “Analysis complete. Conclusion: Sari is in pony form. Therefore, she must be destroyed.” He raised his plasma blasters at Twilight. “Sari Sumdac, prepare for termination!”

“Who is Sari Sumdac? Hey, what are you doing?!” Twilight exclaimed. The guards raised their spears at Soundwave to protect Twilight.

“Soundwave, enough!” Megatron ordered, holding Soundwave’s shoulder. “That is not Sari Sumdac! It is actually Twilight! Stand down!”

“Illogical. Their voices match!” Soundwave said.

“What did I tell you about showing no signs of hostility?” Megatron reminded. At that moment, Soundwave put his guns away and stood down. “I beg your pardon, Princess Twilight. My old friend here has bad memories of facing Sari in battle. She coincidentally shares the same voice you have and is affiliated with the evil Autobots.” Megatron spoke.

“Oh, well that’s understandable. An alien having the same voice I have? That’s... unheard of,” said Twilight. The guards then lowered their weapons.

“That’s because you both are voiced by the voice actress Tara Strong!” Pinkie smiled.

Soundwave and Twilight looked at her in confusion. “Tara Strong?” they both asked in unison.

“Never mind!” Pinkie said, hopping around.

“Let’s get down to business, shall we?” Celestia reminded.

“Of course, your highness,” Megatron agreed. “You said you’ve been waiting for me. Your magical spell has been accomplished I presume?”

“Unfortunately, we were unable to finish our spell before sunrise. However, there is a serious matter I and the others wish to discuss with you,” said Celestia. “It is rumored that you are planning to take over Equestria and steal the elements of harmony. Is this true?”

Megatron was a bit surprised by the revelation of his plan. “This is not possible. How could any of them know this? I cannot let my plan go to ruination. Not now, not ever!” he thought. “That is quite ludicrous! There is no evidence that I have made such a wicked plan. I am a peacemaker! I would never do such a thing!”

“Rumble and Spike here say otherwise,” said Luna, stepping aside to allow Spike and Rumble have their word with him.

“We know it to be true! You lied to us the whole time!” Spike angrily shouted. “You pretended to be a nice alien robot when you’re actually the villain!”

“Yeah! We overheard everything you said last night. You want to steal the elements and take over both Cybertron and Equestria! Admit it!” Rumble shouted. “He has several more Decepticons with him here in Equestria!”

The ponies gasped in surprise. Megatron and Soundwave again stood surprised as they didn’t expect to be exposed by two young creatures this soon. However, Megatron smiled and waved them off. “Foolish children, you might not have slept well last night. I was just simply resting in the forest, and you just had some deceitful illusion. Why would I ever betray such great friends you all are?”

“Do not patronize me, Megatron!” Rumble growled. “I know who you really are! Your insignia, red eyes, and evil smile you made yesterday speak louder than your lies!”

“You tell him, Rumble!” Spike said.

“Your accusation is illogical,” said Soundwave. “Peacemakers don’t stir war; they create peace and unity between parties. The Autobots are the evil ones who sow seeds of rebellion, deceptions, and hatred. Therefore, you are lambasting the wrong bot.”

Luna then thought of a solution to the problem. In order to solve this issue once and for all, she must physically prove and see the evidence of the truth. She flapped her wings and flew to Megatron. “Huh? What are you doing?” he asked. Without a reply, she ignited her horn and tapped his head. Her eyes glowed white as she was accessing Megatron’s memories.

She saw everything that transpired in his past with the Autobots on Cybertron and on earth. She saw him fight Optimus Prime and his Autobots as they struggled to protect the Allspark on the ship prior to Megatron’s crash landing in Detroit. She also saw the revelation of his deception to a man named Isaac Sumdac moments before Sari’s key rebuilt and revived him completely. He saw Optimus’s efforts, his heroism, and kindness in protecting earth and defending the humans. She saw him and his crew not as warmongers but as peaceful alien robots trying to defend their new home from Megatron himself and his army.

Lastly, she saw the Decepticons battling Omega Supreme while Megatron faced Optimus again as the space bridge malfunctioned. She saw him and Starscream get sucked into the portal which led them to the ponies’ universe. The ponies, Spike, and Discord saw all of that as well as a panoramic view of his memories flashed before them outside Megatron’s head due to Luna’s magic. Then she released herself from his memories, and looked at him in shock.

“It is true! You are a tyrant and ruthless overlord of the Decepticons! You tricked us!” Luna exclaimed.

“The way you were beating all those poor Autobots... it’s unbelievable!! You beastly beast!!” Rarity added.

“GASP! THE PLOT TWIST OF THE CENTURY!” Discord dramatically yelled, snapping his fingers to add an audience gasp sound effect.

“How could you, Megatron?! Why are you doing this?!” Twilight asked.

Seeing his facade blown up to smithereens, he dropped the act completely. “Because ultimate power is exactly what I need to conquer Cybertron. Since my loyal servant Shockwave has successfully created a device to transport our way to that planet, I will have everything I need to take it... the elements of harmony.”

“Over my dead body, Megatron.” Celestia growled, igniting her horn. “I won’t let you take the elements for your own personal gain. If you want the elements of harmony, you will have to go through us first.” Luna, Twilight, and Discord likewise stood in defensive stance as they glared at the ‘Cons.

“It’s treason then,” said Megatron.

“You’re one to talk,” Discord shot back.

Megatron unsheathed his swords while Soundwave took his plasma blasters out again. “Decepticons, my charade has been blown. Meet me at Canterlot and attack the city!” Megatron commanded through his com link. Celestia, Luna, and Discord took their fight with Megatron while the rest took on Soundwave. Megatron blocked magical beams with his swords and swung at them. They blocked every deadly swipe and blasted more beams at him.

“Laserbeak, deploy! Operation: equine destruction!” Soundwave ordered. Laserbeak ejected from his chest compartment and attacked Twilight and her friends. The bird shot lasers from his beak at them which they barely dodged.

Rainbow Dash flew around Laserbeak. “Catch me if you can, bird-brain!” she mocked. As he began shooting at her, she twirled around the bird speedily until he became dizzy from spinning around trying to blast her. “Ha-ha!”

Suddenly, the other Decepticons arrived and immediately started shooting missiles and laser shots at the castle. They destroyed the castle, and transformed into robots before landing on the ground. “Decepticons, neutralize the organics!” Shockwave commanded.

“IN THE NAME OF MEGATRON!!” Lugnut shouted.

They encountered many pony civilians running for their lives. Blitzwing stood in front of them with his hothead face. “You helpless little organics, get outta our way before I crush you all into... (switches to crazy face)... pony little pancakes!! Hahahahaha!!” Suddenly, he received a vanilla cake to the face.

“Hey there, silly face! Over here!” a jolly voiced called. Blitzwing looked to his left to see Pinkie Pie standing on top of a house smiling at him. “I’m really starting to like you! Wanna play a game?”

“Awww, look how cute and adorable you are!” Crazy Blitzwing said, petting Pinkie on the head. “How about we play tag! I love tag!”

“Cool! I love playing tag too! Tag, you’re it!” Pinkie said, poking Blitzwing’s hand. She zoomed out of his way.

“This is going to be fun! I’m gonna get ya!” Blitzwing said, shooting lasers from his cannons at Pinkie.

“Hold still, you filthy pest! I will crush you in Megatron’s name!” Lugnut cried, punching his claws on where Applejack was.

“Y’all have to catch me first!” Applejack smirked. She ran around his legs while tying them up with her lasso. Lugnut ripped the lasso rope from his legs and chased after her.

Having enough of the chaos and wanting to get this over with, Soundwave activated his small speakers to disorientate the ponies. The Mane Five, Starlight, Rumble, the citizens, and the guards got struck by the sound waves and fell unconscious. Before the waves could even reach the alicorns, Discord, and Spike, Discord snapped his fingers before a sound-proof room appeared around them to block the waves.

Once Soundwave stopped, the room disappeared. “Phew, that was a close one! It’s really no wonder you’re called Soundwave. That’s just—ahhhhhhh!” Discord cried, getting zapped by electric cords. He fell down unconscious.

“DISCORD!!” the princesses and Spike shouted.

“Very impressive powers this creature has,” said Shockwave, retrieving his electric cords into his claws. “Perhaps I should extract them to be utilized for the destruction of the Autobots.”

“I knew these creatures had potential to be very useful to us,” said Megatron. “All that are left are the elements of harmony.”

“NEVER!!” Celestia defied. She held Luna, Twilight, and Spike together until the four of them teleported.

“Lockdown, Soundwave, find the princesses and Spike and bring them to me alive.” Megatron commanded.

“As you command, Megatron,” said Soundwave. He transformed to a van and drove out of the city.

“Those magical abilities will make a fine addition to my collection.” Lockdown smirked. He transformed to a muscle car and also left the city.