• Member Since 18th Oct, 2017
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"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar; you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say." Tyrion Lannister.

Comments ( 68 )

Seven views, nine downvotes. :facehoof:

Hey bro, unzip your pants and let's compare bait.

Were you hugged enough as a child?

It's the current era. Acceptance of these things is for the most part a good thing. It's a little ingrained in us to spot the difference and pick out patterns, but there's so many more people in the world now. So the rare; gay, trans, non-binary are slightly less than common but abundant enough that you should at least know the etiquette for being a "decent person" but as an aside does 'Dare's' vaping ads get on your nerves? Cuz boy howdy talk about beating a dead horse. :twilightsheepish:

With the framing device given in the story's description, I'd say every red flag thrown a prospective reader's way is warranted.

I'm hooked on a feeling bby.

Well. At least you've read the desciption.

You're an idiot.

"You actually think you're the victim here? Fine. Let's victimize you."

This story makes me want to join the NRA and then shoot myself in the head for becoming a member of the NRA.

Lol dis funneh

I read this hoping to be supportive of the message in your description... I think it's good to push back against the overwhelming onslaught.

But I'll be honest, your first chapter left me mostly confused?

“Trigger Warning”
*<>* really set the bar low straight outta the gate - this " fanfic" made me puke all my fluids - and im a truck for Celestia's sake - do you know how hard that is to do ?

You're the best and my hero.

Comment posted by F14m3rz deleted Aug 13th, 2021
Comment posted by EnergeticRider deleted Aug 13th, 2021
Comment posted by F14m3rz deleted Aug 13th, 2021

ha ha funni funni sjw ha ha

shitty bait, try harder

This is top kek my good sir
I dont know why f14 is seething so hard
could he be a lady boy? 🤡

So can I at least know what part of the She-Ra reboot I'm wrong about?

Comment posted by EnergeticRider deleted Aug 13th, 2021
Comment posted by F14m3rz deleted Aug 13th, 2021
Comment posted by EnergeticRider deleted Aug 13th, 2021

I can’t believe that this updated.

Actually, this was supposed to be one chapter. I've just split it into two because 5k+ symbols could be intimidating.

So, don't worry. If people won't be interested in continuation I won't write more.

Comment posted by F14m3rz deleted Aug 13th, 2021
Comment posted by F14m3rz deleted Aug 13th, 2021


the fact that the reboot took away Swift Wind's "Spirit" alter ego, but instead, a proxy of the reboot bashed the name "Swift Wind"... even though they call him Swift Wind all the time...

Excuse me?
They did what now?!
Well, that goes against the whole "Cringer"/"Battlecat", "Spirit"/"Swift Wind" motif of the original series'.
Not sure I like that.

I was the one who said that, but yeah, it's definitely a weird decision to make. I guess they did it since Adora being She-Ra isn't a secret, but it's not like Adora was She-Ra all the time either. Maybe it was because Spirit and Swift Wind had the same personality in the original except one was a horse and didn't talk unless he was privately talking to Adora, and the other's a unicorn who talks all the time. I think it really comes down to how Swift Wind wasn't rendered as important as he was in the old show, which would explain why he doesn't appear as often and all, but it's still kinda disappointing.

Comment posted by EnergeticRider deleted Aug 13th, 2021
Comment posted by EnergeticRider deleted Aug 13th, 2021
Comment posted by F14m3rz deleted Aug 13th, 2021
Comment posted by F14m3rz deleted Aug 13th, 2021
Comment posted by EnergeticRider deleted Aug 13th, 2021
Comment posted by F14m3rz deleted Aug 13th, 2021
Comment posted by EnergeticRider deleted Aug 13th, 2021

There is a second chapter if you're interested.

And I'm always open to criticism.

Comment posted by F14m3rz deleted Aug 13th, 2021
Comment posted by EnergeticRider deleted Aug 13th, 2021
Comment posted by F14m3rz deleted Aug 13th, 2021
Comment posted by EnergeticRider deleted Aug 13th, 2021

I'll admit, I haven't read the story, but the comments are popcorn worthy.

I see this story and wonder, huh something about sjw or something like that with a lot of dislikes, the comments are bloody longer than my feet and fingers combined, so I’m just going to back away to my favourite stories and be a hermit in my room again

You do know that you can put personal rants in your blog, right?

So can Chris Chibnell, Rebecca Sugar, Rian Johnson, Katrina Hadley, and other film and tv-show creators. And yet, that didn't stop them all from putting their political views into the mentioned films and shows. Why can't I put my thoughts on the subject into my own fanfic? At least I don't market it to children.

And speaking of the fanfic itself. Have you at least read it?

1) Why can't I put my thoughts on the subject into my own fanfic?

Because regardless of their storytelling talents (which certainly vary), each of those people still managed to develop their ideas, characters, and settings that exceeded the personal views they wished to put into their writing. This is so thinly veiled that it does not pass as a parody very well. Your writing is very minimal and jumbled. It offers very little to read easily or get invested in. You largely based this off of She-Ra. I’m personally not very interested in the reboot; I saw a few seasons and wasn’t really invested. There are still some unique ideas in the show and we still get to spend normal (or at least non-moral focused) segments with the cast. You just scrambled some jargon of Twitter leftists having an aneurysm and expected people looking for a good parody would enjoy this.

2) And speaking of the fanfic itself. Have you at least read it?

Sadly, yes, otherwise I wouldn’t have even left my first comment. Or my second. Or this one. The incredibly overdone helicopter jokes of 2016 are genuinely more funny than this. ‘Haha pronouns’ has very little value as an actual attempt to parody trans people.


The incredibly overdone helicopter jokes of 2016 are genuinely more funny than this.

Oh, bummer! I hoped that at least my jokes about Russian bots and Darkweb troll were still relevant.

Well, maybe I can make something better in later chapters. Or you can just wait when I and my editor finish my second Power Ponies story that doesn't contain any politics whatsoever.

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