• Published 10th Jun 2020
  • 442 Views, 3 Comments

Skylander Battle Season 1 - Flameboy

Wiz and Boomstick appear in the magical world of skylands.

  • ...

Coco Bandicoot vs. Cynder (LOS) Part 3

"Wow! That was... awesome! I mean, the whole battle with Malefor was cool, sure. But, no one can deny it, Cynder's kind of a badass. Especially when it came to seeing her finally being free of the past. But, sure, while fighting off their biggest threat to the Dragon Realm and fixing the planet was not that bad, but it was mostly fixed on Cynder revealing that through their adventures together, and from the moment when she was freed, she started to develop a crush on Spyro. Kinda cute, really."

"Yeah. Wait. Did you say, "cute"? I never hear you say cute. Maybe "adorable", but that takes the cake." But anyway, thanks to fellow Fusionator, Jonathan Claw, who we all know as Rex The Extreme Werewolf, and the fellow member of the Magic Fusionators, he decided to give this cute shipping couple the name of "Spyder."

"Spider?! Where?!" Boomstick said as he looks on the floor left and right for the eight-legged menace.

"Not that kind of spider, buddy. The name of the shipped couple with the mixed letters of "s", "p", and "y" of Spyro, and "d", "e", and "r" of Cynder.

"Oh. Hey, Wiz, since we took a much longer time discussing Cynder's bio, we have forgotten about discussing her skills and abilities."

"Indeed. Now, let's discuss the violet dragoness' skills and powers."

"It's time we fill out the skills and strengths first."

Magic & Strengths:
1. Becomes a living shadow with her Shadow Element
2. Can cause her enemies to get sick with her venomous Poison Element
3. Scare the living daylight out of her enemies with her Fear Element
4. Can blow enemies away or pull them closer with her Wind Element
5. Light Aether
6. Switches to Zirra and back based on a shared command.
1. Compassionate
2. Loyal
3. Loveable (according to Spyro)

"Earlier on, Wiz wanted to discuss Cynder's spiritual friend so badly, that I placed her shadow element on top of her magic skills. And it's also thanks to Deviantart user, and fellow Youtuber, Seeraphine, for making a few comics that mostly revolves around Cynder. Especially on Zirra's Return, Light of Hope, and Plagues of the Past. Thanks to her extreme artwork, we can also discover the same kind of question that everyone asks."

"What kind of question, Boom?"

"What is Cynder's first and actual "natural" element? And the answer is... the Element of Shadow, baby!"

"In her first Spyro comic, which was Zirra's Return, it was mentioned by none other than the dragon that lived inside of Cynder's mind that she told Spyro that Cynder's first and natural element of birth was the Element of Shadow. Shadow was also one of the four new favorite elements from the third and final episode of the videogame trilogy, The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon."

"I wish they made another videogame where you can yet again play as both the famous purple dragon and famous violet dragon. Sadly, it won't come true."

"Maybe not now, but there could probably be one in the works. And back to talking about Spyro and Cynder, Zirra, the dragoness inside of Cynder's mind, was the real one causing all the evil that many citizens of the Dragon Realm, between dragons, anthropomorphic cheetahs, and mole people that lived to tell the tale, and had thought it was Cynder all along," Wiz explained.

"Boy, how they were wrong. Zirra, who decided to use the name the apes gave to Cynder, lead armies against the dragons of the four elements fire, electricity, ice, and earth, capture them, and even murdered a few, as well as abusing her power, all under Cynder's skin."

"Turns out, she was an adalisk; a dragon who can't breathe any element. Not even the famous Element of Fire that most dragons breathe."

"Being an adalisk has it's downsides, but the good thing about them is that they can create their own elements. It took her years to master the Element of Poison by eating toxic mushrooms until she can finally be able to breathe it. And while she needed the element of power, she also needed to master the element of skill, which is most commonly known as the Element of Wind, which didn't take long for her to master. She was even working on the red plasma breath, which we all know is the Element of Fear. And, too be honest, it should've been a lot cooler knowing that the Element of Fear should have been her natural element. I mean, look at this picture of her," Boomstick started.

The TV showed a picture of a black dragon with spikes on her skull as well as on her tushie. She also had red lining alongside yellow lining. And she had an axe for a tail weapon. Everyone was a little scared of Zirra, even the King of the Monsters was a little frightened of her despite their size comparison.

"See what I mean? She even has a friggin' one half of an axe for a tail weapon for crying out loud," Boomstick finished.

"True, true. But here's something that no one seemed to expect, it was actually ZIRRA who fought Malefor and imprisoned him in the Convexity Realm for all those years while Zirra was imprisoned in a crystal shard. Not to mention, that just like the first game, Spyro had to master the four elements while in the second one yet again as he journeys on another quest to awaken his lost powers after he used the Aether Fury Attack to defeat Cynder from his last adventure. Now, he has to reawaken them yet again for the second time while Cynder reawakens her Element of Shadow while awakening the three Elements of Poison, Wind, and Fear for the first time. Last time we checked, those three elements belonged to Zirra. But when Zirra was explaining her side of the story to Spyro, she tells him that for both him and Cynder's fight against Malefor, she lent her three elements to Cynder while they talked to the Chronicler."

"Despite being all wise and all-knowing, you would think he would sense Zirra's presence inside of Cynder. She even told Spyro that she wanted to free Malefor from his prison only just to kill him herself."

"What's really shocking... is that she was the Dark Master's own adopted sister. You would think that both the adopted sister and stepbrother would work together in conquering the Dragon Realm, but, in the past, Zirra's adopted parents, Phonorious and Mephisto, (not the Marvel version of Satan that gave Johnny Blaze the power of Zarathos; Angel of Justice), were spending more time with the egg that contained the future evil dragon."

"When Young Zirra had a nightmare, her mother would just brush it off. And when she wanted her father to play, he would just push her aside. Talk about child abuse. I mean, I gotta admit, though, despite looking like a scary monster, I kinda feel bad for her."

"Who wouldn't, Boomstick? Despite what she did when she was older, with all the crimes she committed while possessing Cynder's body, all that anger mainly come from her abuse in the past. I mean, sure, Malefor was their first ever laid child, but that doesn't mean you just have to take care of ONE child. Especially when that child started to feel jealous of Malefor, and decided to put him in a river. But, after realizing that her parents would abuse her even more, she grabbed the egg, which she amost accidentally lost due to the powerful water current. But that night would also be her most cruelest abuse ever."

"You're telling me. Zirra went back to apologize and what does she get, a scratch on her right eye thanks to her father. He even yelled out that she was just a distraction, that she didn't have any kind of elemental breath, and that she wasn't their real daughter. And finally, after having about enough, she discovered a new type of emotion she felt: Hatred. So, to pay her father back in those months of abuse, she slammed her axe blade of a tail into her father's chest; ultimately killing him. But he wasn't the only one. When she was young, and when her foster parents spent more time with the egg, she tried to make a few friends, but none of their parents would allow them to go near her, so she killed them too."

"You know, she probaby deserved the Magic of Friendship from Twilight Sparkle and her friends, or from Spike and the other dragons of Dragonia as well as the dragons from other universes, like, the dragon members of the Rescue Riders. But alas, they weren't part of the universe that Spyro and Cynder live in."

"But later on, in the Plagues of the Past, Zirra learned to become the hero she was destined to be. But for now, let's go to Cynder's weaknesses."

1. Memories of the Past
2. Malefor and Gaul
3. Fear of hurting Spyro and innocent lives

"Since Cynder is really a dragon with a "heart of gold", and is loyal to her friends, especially Spyro, she has weaknesses that are actually her greatest fears. One, is that most citizens remember Cynder as a monster than an ally thanks to being under the possession of Zirra. Second, is because of Malefor just being a scary dragon that also relates to her first fear as well as Gaul since he placed Zirra into her. And last, but not least, she's afraid of hurting Spyro and innocent lives she didn't endanger yet. But mostly Spyro," Boomstick explained.

Then, Sparx flew up into Boomstick's face.

"Hey! What do I have to do to get some recognition around here?!" Sparx shouted, knowing that he never gets the respect he deserves.

Boomstick just waves his right index finger gently on Sparx as he moves him out of his face.

"Nonetheless, we defined both our competitors, and it's now time for a SKYLANDER BAAAAATTLLLLLLEE!" He shouted.

The TV screen revealed the words "Skylander" and "Battle!" and Coco and Cynder were out in the middle of the pit; glaring at each other as Coco cracked her knuckles and Cynder pulled her fingers closer to the palms of her paws while her claws scratched the dirt.

Wiz and Boomstick started the countdown.

"3... 2... 1...," they said.

Then, the referee, who was none other than Hanzo Hasashi, also known as Scorpion, shouted the signal.

"FIGHT!!!" Scorpion shouted with a wave of karate chop and teleported 5 feet away from the competitors. After that, the two competitors circled around until they were on opposite sides. Coco was now on the right as Cynder was now on the left.

Coco and Cynder jumped into the air at the same time. Cynder flew past Coco's left as Coco flew past Cynder's left. But as they landed, Cynder turned clockwise while Coco turned counter clockwise. Cynder started to smile sinisterly at Coco as she lifted her left paw; revealing a piece of fabric stuck to her silver claws. Coco wondered why she smiled and where that piece of fabric came, but then she felt a draft of wind coming from her right as well as a little bit of pain. She looked down and saw the waist part of her shirt was scratched off with the mark of three scratchmarks on her waist.

"How dare you?! This is the most finest silk from Wumpa Island! Do you know how long it takes to sew this together? It takes days. Days, love!" Coco yelled as she held the side of her torn shirt.

"Don't care. Being naked isn't technically bad for us dragons. At least we're proud to be our true selves rather than be made into hybrids," Cynder snarked. But, then she was blasted by an electrical pulse thanks to Coco's EMP Launcher. Not to mention that Cynder felt a little pain from the electric pulse as she fully stood up.

"I'm guessing you didn't care to hear my rant. But you know what? No more, Miss Nice Dragon," she said. Then, she took a deep breath, and then she shot a stream of purple fire, also known as Shadowfire, toward the ground, leaving a cloud in the area she was in; Coco shot another EMP blast to clear the fog; Cynder was gone.

Spyro and Crash looked at the battlefield.

"Um.... Where did she-," Crash said until Spyro spoke up.

"Wait for it....," Spyro said as he held his left wing up in front of Crash.

While she was looking for the former Terror of the Skies, Coco felt a scaly punch on her left cheek as it pushed her a few feet to the right from where she was standing. After placing her left hand onto her cheek to reduce the pain, she looks back to the direction of where the punch originated. But she dididn't see anything. All she saw was sand; not a trace of the former Dark Master's Puppet. Then, surprisingly, she felt pain yet again, only on the other cheek. She places the hand of that side onto her right cheek to yet again reduce the pain. Then, she heard fabric tearing and screamed as she felt sharp claws running from the right to the left of her back as she kneels down with her right leg hitting the sand. The skylanders and civilians awed in surprise as they saw Coco be mysteriously attacked from an invisible force yet again.

Getting back up from her previous attack and looking behind her, Coco looks at the ground and sees a black tail, Cynder's tail to be precise, with a splattered trail of Coco's blood in the form of a dragon paw. "Ah, so that's were you are, you mischievous shadow-breather," she said as she lifted the left side of her mouth up in the form of a smirk. Slowly, she takes the back of her left hand off the wound on her back. She clasped her hands together in the form of a Chinese warrior hand symbol with her two index fingers and thumbs out. She lifts her right leg up. Finally, she close her eyes and waits for her attacker.

Cynder, whose eyes and mouth appeared in a lump of sand, started grinning when she sees Coco standing still, doing absolutely nothing but standing on one leg. "Now's my chance to pounce her and force her to yield," she said as her green eyes turned white. Then, she started to swim through the sand as a shadow in high speeds as she races to land the final blow. Finally, when she was 4 feet closer to her prey, she jumps with a few grains of sand flying into the air.

However, Coco used her ears to hear the burst of sand, and jumps into the air, quickly pushing out her right leg and hit the right cheek of the violet dragoness with the right side of her shoe, causing Cynder to come out of her ethereal state, and slide a few feet away from her opponent. Coco landed back onto the ground and into the direction of where Cynder's body slid onto the sand after a devastating aerial roundhouse kick.

Cynder, who laid on her left side with her face up against the sand, pulled her head up like most dragons and shook her head right and left to throw the pain away. Then, after seeing the tip of her nose and left cheek covered with a few grains of sand, she slowly moves her head to the right, but quickly moves it to the left a little to get rid of the sand.

Everyone could see that Cynder was finally revealed as she was knocked out of her shadow mode.

Cynder pushes herself up from ground and turns to the right at Coco. She scoffs.
(Scoffing: Ha!) So, you trick me into revealing my location, huh?" She questions the Wumpa-loving Marsupial.

"I did see your tail earlier, but from that slash-to-the-back attack you gave me, your claws still have a tint of my blood which led a trail of your paw into the direction you were heading," she explained.

Cynder, with a normal movement speed, looked to where her competitor was pointing and seen the trail of blood that she indeed unknowingly left in the dunes. Then, she slowly, but quickly looked at her right paw and sees that she still carried traces of her last attack on her claws. "Ah, I see what you- Arrrgh!" Cynder yelled out in pain as she felt a wooden object hit her in the back of her head. Quickly, she places her paw onto the back of her head as she keeps her right eye open to see where it came from: the little sister of the protector of Wumpa Island, Coco, as she catches her boomerang with her right hand. She tricked her! Then, she closed her right eye and quickly takes her paw off her head and places it back onto the ground firmly; the venom inside her boiling in high temperatures that is rage. Her four paws scratch the surface as they pulled grains of sand into the palms of her paws.

"Zirra..... SWITCH! She yelled with her mind. Then soon, Spyro, Sparx, Crash, Wiz, Boomstick, Coco, and everyone else were in awe as well as shock as to what was happening to Cynder.

First off, her body was glowing a bright yellow. Then, her horns disappeared into her head as they came back out from the top and back of her skull much longer than before. While that happens, long spikes appeared out of her rump and her scythe-like tail reformed into an axe-like tail. Next, her snout became more longer as it started to bend downwards with her upper lip longer than her lower one. Finally, she started growing much bigger than Coco's original size. At last, her transformation was complete; revealing Cynder's violet scales have now turned black with her silver head pattern turning into streamlines of both red and yellow. Her shackles lost their spiky reputation as they were more regal and colored golden. Her pink underbelly turned blood red as the padding of her paws and her tail turned red as well. Her body was more buffer than her normal size as she still retained some of her slim physique. The dragoness opened her eyes, as they turned from green.... to red.

Cynder has switched into Zirra in the form of transformation.

Coco stepped back a little, terrifyingly.

But... Zirra blasted a red bolt of fear straight into the chest of Coco, knocking her down into the sand. Zirra started flapping her wings and took off. Then, as she was about to get up and stand her ground, Coco felt a object pushing her down with razor sharp talons. Zirra had placed her right paw onto the bipedal marsupial's chest as her index claw was on the right side of Coco's neck, her pinkie claw on the left side, and her middle claw, right between her eyes. She started to speak. It was exactly the same as Evil Cynder's voice.

"So, you bipedal, Wumpa fruit-loving rodent, do you yield?" She asked venomously.

"Umm, yes. Yes, I yield. Yes, I yield!" Coco shouted.

Zirra frowned. "(sighs disappointingly) I was hoping to fight you a little more. But, I guess Cynder, Spyro, Crash, nor Master Eon will want that," she said as she then lift her paw off of Coco Bandicoot. Then, she glows bright yellow again and shrinks down as certain body parts and accessories started reshaping yet again.

Zirra became Cynder once more.

Cynder walked over to Coco's left and then pulls her right wing out as a way to help Coco up. Coco, surprisingly, smiled as she accepts the violet dragoness's offer. Then, after the marsupial was standing on two feet yet again, a buzz horn was heard as it was coming from Boomstick, who held a said buzz horn in his left hand.

"And the winner is.... Cynder and Zirra!" He shouted the names of both the violet dragoness and the black dragoness from within Cynder's mind.

Everyone, especially the Dragon Class Fusionators, including Spike, Ember, Garble, Smolder, the Mane6, and Spyro and Sparx cheered for Cynder.

Author's Note:

Boomstick: Haha! Just like I said, Wiz. Badass.

Wiz: Indeed. And now Cynder will move on in the Skylander Battle! Tournament.

Boomstick: But unlike this match-up, the next one, and the next one after that, will have a Skylander say their personal catchphrase at the beginning of the match. Also because we didn't know Coco's catchphrase.

Wiz: To all who read this story, go to the comment section down below and place your vote on who you wanna see in our Skylander Battle! Tournament.

Boomstick: It can be anyone. Either from Disney, Dreamworks, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Blue Sky, Universal, Capcom, or even Microsoft. It is up to you on who you wanna fight.

Wiz: They can also be from the Skylanders Universe. And just remember good old Blue Apron, which is nice to know that I'll have a good meal delivered to my house.

Boomstick:And next time on Skylander Battle!, we will have Spike, Ember, Garble, Smolder, and Ocellus as our guest commentators. Since it was Cynder who won, it would make perfect sense to have dragon commentators, with the addition of Ocellus, who can also turn into a dragon.

Flameboy: Thank you all for enjoying my three-part battle of Coco vs Cynder. And just like the other paragraphs, make sure to leave a comment and vote for which fictional character you wanna see face off against each other.