• Published 10th Jun 2020
  • 440 Views, 3 Comments

Skylander Battle Season 1 - Flameboy

Wiz and Boomstick appear in the magical world of skylands.

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The Agents of Smash Arrive

A camera turns on and reveals a room with three green characters, two red characters, and one blue character.

"What's up, Hulkies? Rick Jones, also known as the Elusive A-Bomb, here along with the Agents of SMASH, as we're heading to explore a new world completely made up of magical floating islands to partake in a tournament to see which hero is the best. But before we take a break, let me fill you all in as I remind you the members of my team. Starting with our leader... The Incredible Hulk. After undergoing a brain transfer from his body into our favorite neighborhood wall crawler, the Amazing, Spectacular, Ultimate Spiderman, because of Mesmaro, Hulk nows has smarts where he can now think before smashing -- most of the time. But first, we were asked to join from a friend of The Watcher. But, we'll continue on that later. For now, let's continue with the others, such as, the Savage or Primitive Skaar, our resident caveman-like teammate who knows how to "slash" with that sword of his. Long time ago, he once worked for one of Hulk's biggest nemesies ever: The Leader. Hulk told me that Skaar was the one who trashed me and Red's guitar and dual pistols and told me to keep it secret until I couldn't as I told Red and Jen that Skaar was the mole. But, Leader promised Skaar that he would tell him where he came from if he helped him take over the world. Then, we learned to trust and love our gladiator buddy."

"Next up, we have Jennifer Walters. From being a hot lawyer who fights for justice within the court to becoming a super hot lawyer that literally fights for justice, Jen discovered something bad going around in her hometown and then got shot from discovering it and was rushed to the hospital thanks to Dr.Bruce Banner, aka the Hulk, and set her up for a blood transfer. It turned out good as Bruce, unknowingly, gave her some of his blood that contained bits of gamma radiation that turned her into the Savage She-Hulk. The word "savage" was given to her by people who thought of her as a monster just like her cousin. But, after a few heroic rescues here and there, turning from regular hot lawyer into a super hot lawyer, she later became known as the Sensational She-Hulk who joined the Fantastic Four a while until Ben Grimm, also known as "The Thing", got his cosmic powers back. Then, she joined up with the Avengers until Hulk was tired of running and hiding. Then, she went back to working solo, especially on movie show business as a stunt double, until coming back to join with us, The Agents of SMASH," A-Bomb explained.

"Thanks, Blue. Very spot on with my backstory," She-Hulk accommodated as she gave him a thumbs up with her left thumb.

(Red Hulk is sitting on Hulk's right as Skaar sits on Red's right. Devil was towering over the two as he sat like a puppy. A huge puppy with red scales, horns, and is literally a Tyrannosaurus Rex.)

"Then, we have me, Rick Jones, aka, the Elusive A-Bomb; Hulk's best friend as well as the one who came up with our team name, as well as General "Thunderbolt" Thaddeus Ross, whose actions helped create the Hulk, as well as hunted both Bruce and Hulk for their blood to make gamma powered super soldiers, which is why the green goliath runs and hides as to not put any civilians in danger. But, after deciding to become a hulk himself, General Ross became the first red-colored hulk with master engineering, the Irascible Red Hulk. He's also our hothead of the group as he reaches maximum rage, he literally becomes a walking furnace. Finally, we have our giant loveable, red-scaled pooch, Devil Dinosaur. Born from the Savage Land and then later turned into a mind controlled servant, which luckily, thanks to Hulk, calmed him down with a friendly, calm voice and broke him free from Sauron's mind control; a creature who's part man, part dinosaur, and has the power to control prehistoric minds as well as absorbs strength from others. Later on, after being stranded in space for 10 months, and without feeding him 10 months, Devil went on a rampage in search of food as well as having a gamma bomb stuck in his stomach that made him kaiju-sized with a monstrous appetite for anything, especially metal for higher metabolism. But, after all he's been through, he is still a good-hearted dinosaur that needs a lot of love. That's all for now, folks. And we'll see you soon. Later, Hulkies!" he said.