• Published 10th Jun 2020
  • 441 Views, 3 Comments

Skylander Battle Season 1 - Flameboy

Wiz and Boomstick appear in the magical world of skylands.

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Coco Bandicoot vs. C (LOS) Part 2

Coco Bandicoot, a rabbit/fox hybrid, fellow protector of Wumpa Island, and the little sister of Crash Bandicoot, was standing beside Wiz on his left.

"Coco Bandicoot... well, uh..."

Boomstick started to cross his arms together. "What's the matter, Wiz? Cat got your tongue?" Boomstick said.

Wiz placed his human hand onto the back of his head. "I guess so? I mean, she's basically how we described her brother in the Death Battle version of Crash Bandicoot vs. Spyro," Wiz explained.

"True. But don't forget that she's much more smarter than her big brother. I mean, based on all of their videogames and multimedia, such as TV and Netflix's Skylanders Academy. I mean, she's usually planning a lot of ideas with her scienc-ey know-how. She even knows how to throw a friggin' boomerang,(kinda like The Rock in both Jumanji 1 and 2) as well as handling a giant bazooka compared to her size that shoots, um, whatever the heck that electrical pulse is."

"You mean "Electro-Magnetic-Pulse"?

"Oh, so that's what they call it."

"Indeed. Now, onto her Strengths and Weaknesses."
On the left side of Coco's picture, a bullet board appeared.

1. Grade A+ Genius
2. Grade A+ Master Mechanic
3. Grade A+ Strategic Planner

Boomstick started to look confused.

"Uh, Wiz, why is there a "Grade A+" on all three of her strengths?" he asked as he points to the TV.

"Because that what she is. Coco is truly an A+ achiever for all three of her strengths," Wiz said as he placed his robot hand on her left shoulder as he stood on her right.

"Surrrre. But did you forgot her weaknesses that come with those three so-called "Grade A+" strengths?"

"Weaknesses? Oh," he said disappointingly.

"Oh," is right. Her three strengths can also distract her when she sees new kinds of tech, like that box of weird-looking goggles. She didn't plan to figure out that those "goggles" turned both her and Crunk into monstrous puppets for Cortex. And the only way to take those goggles off and turn them back to normal was to use the combined brainpower and magic of Aku-Aku, and the brawny prowess of Crash, and with the help of some mutant-controlling power. Still a shame that Crash had to fight his blood sister as well as his brother-in-arms," Boomstick says as he slumps his arms.

"Alright. That takes most of what I had planned to say about Coco, even though we agreed that "I" would talk about Coco and all of her skills and biography while you talk about the other contestant," Wiz pointed out with his robot hand.

"Then, please, be my guest."

"Thank you. Now, about her weaknesses which you only explained half of her weaknesses. Her second half, is that she can get riled up when she doesn't want to do anything to help bad guys get what they want. Especially, when it evolves in mind controlling. Because of Nina's invention, Coco's brain was swept of her intelligence until it was used to help build... the "Doom-inator." But she was only under Nina's command as the evil scientist's niece called the shots. Now let's get to her abilities, which, of course, you explained half of yet again."

1. Boomerang Throwing
2. Bazooka Expertise
3. Martial Arts Master
4. Equal Skills as her brother

"Coco is a master of the boomerang tossing and bazooka-slash-rocket launcher, but thanks to her teachers from Wumpa Island Martial Arts School, she's now a martial artist herself as well as sharing the same strength, endurance, and speed as her brother. So, in this case, unlike Crash, Coco is all "ask first, pummel next, gets questions answered later."

"Nice way of handling her bio, Wiz," Boomstick said proudly.

"Thanks. Now... it's your turn."

"Got it, and our next contestant, is none other than the former "Terror of the Skies." "The Dark Master's Monster", as well as "The Dark Master's Puppet." And, is now known as the most trusted, and respected Coleader of the Undead Fusionators... Cynder!"

After Boomstick shouted her name, he hears a hissing sound from behind him. He looks down at the source, then he sees a cloud of purple smoke evaporating from the ground. And within it, he sees a slim body of a dragon with two glowing white eyes until the silhouette moved forward out of the shadows and revealed itself to be none other than The Black Dragon, Cynder. (Who shed her old black skin for violet ones)," he said behind his right hand. "Now let's start off with her bio."

Cynder's picture replaces Coco's as a paragraph appeared on the right side of the TV. Boomstick started to speak.

"Cynder was known to be feared by other dragons, yet four guardians of four elements knew that deep down, she was an innocent little dragon. These four guardians, who were somewhat treated like "dragon" fathers to Spyro are named by each one he met or rescued. One, is the Master of Fire; Ignitus, and is one of the four guardians of the Dragon Temple and somewhat like the Obi-Wan Kenobi of the Dragon Realm. The second one, who Spyro rescued from the icy wasteland and the ice king, (not Adventure Time), Volteer; the Master of Electricity. From Tall Plains, Cyril; the Master of Ice. And finally, from Bozibig, the fourth guardian, Terrador; the Master of Earth. He is basically the Mace Windu of the Dragon Temple, and is actually the second lead guardian of the Dragon Temple compared to Volteer because of the deep trust between the Master of Fire and the Master of Earth. When both Spyro and Cynder were just eggs, the Grotto; the hatchery room of the temple, was attacked by a small group of the Great Apes. In the first videogame; A New Beginning, as well as the first of the Legend of Spyro Trilogy, Volteer told Ignitus to save the eggs from those that serve the Dark Master."

"I'm still confused as to how they're "apes", when they all have tails. How do you explain that?" Wiz asked.

"Worlds filled to the brim with magical creatures tend to have weird-looking animals. Most fans can tell that back at the temple and the grotto, Ignitus was trying to look for something to carry the eggs. And since Ignitus was the main leading guardian of the quartet, he wasn't going to let the apes have one... single... egg."

"I gotta hand it to you, that guy is probably the favorite guardian out of the four, or fans probably have a different one, or all at once."

"Yeah, but Ignitus couldn't find anything. So, being close to the most precious egg of them all, he grabs the purple egg that contains the embryo of everyone's favorite purple dragon; Spyro. But, once he came back to the grotto, he discovered that Terrador, Volteer, and Cyril were largely outnumbered by apes galore, with all the eggs smashed, 'cept for one, which eventually hatched into the main and final boss who Spyro fought twice; Cynder. Luckily, Spyro discovered the "Convexity Breath."

"I told you it's called "Aether."

"And I told you that TRUE Spyro fans call it the "Convexity Breath", or the "Fury Breath", for short. But I guess it can be called by many names. So, thanks to discovering the Aether Breath at the close-end of their battle, Spyro used "Aether Fury", which has sent a swarm of pink dragon spirits to cure Cynder's evil corruption. Anything you wanna add since I took most of your time with Coco?" He asked.

"As a matter of fact, I do have some things to mention. Spyro decided to free Cynder from the control the Dark Master after Ignitus finally told Spyro the truth that she too was an egg that laid in the grotto, and that the Dark Master needed a dragon born in the "Year of the Dragon" to free him from his prison in the Convexity Realm. Spyro, not only did he have to fight her as well as stop her from freeing the Dark Master, who we later on discovered in the second game that he was the dragon that all dragons feared; Malefor; but to free her from his control. And from the attack that the spiritual dragons lay waste onto Cynder, the damage inflicted on her healed rapidly with a bonus of healing her mind and body as a way to rid herself of the evil. But they weren't strong enough to get rid of the spirit of an evil dragon that resided in her mind."

"Hey! We're not even there yet! But, anyway, Sparx, the little adoptive dragonfly brother to Spyro, who was best played by David Spade,(who also played as Kusco from Disney's Emperor's New Groove in 2000), urged his big adoptive dragon brother to leave the place that was soon to explode or something. But, the purple dragon didn't have the heart to leave the unconscious black dragon; Cynder, to be sucked into the portal, and tells Sparx that he couldn't "leave her behind" and "had to save her." But Sparx was all "What? Save the beast that's been trying to kill us?!" Luckily, Spyro told him that it wasn't "her fault" and that "she was being used by the Dark Master." After Cynder was sucked into the mysterious pillar, and Spyro, too,( who actually flown inside), Spyro came out with his paws carrying Cynder, telling Sparx that "now they could go." Then, not wanting to stick around the creepy place, and knowing that Spyro made a pretty good choice in saving Cynder,(which he was upset a little about that), he said that he was "right behind him." Later on, now that they were all reunited, thanks to Spyro, Ignitus tells Cynder that he dreamt the day she was saved and brought back home to the temple. Volteer, discovering a little angst coming from Ignitus, told him that it wasn't just him, but him as well along with Cyril and Terrador that they all failed in trying to protect Cynder."

"Ignitus managed to stay hidden from both the Great Apes and Cynder over the years as Spyro grew up alongside Sparx. And it was Spyro's mission to become powerful enough to stop the Dark Master's army of monkey-tailed gorillas, save Volteer from Dante's Freezer, save Cyril along with the Llama people, save Terrador from the top of Mt. Bozibig, which lead to Cynder finally capturing Ignitus for all those years from escaping her claws. Then, after mastering the Earth Breath, Spyro went to save Ignitus, battled Cynder and lost Round 1 with her which led to Ignitus telling the whole truth about the Dark Master and Cynder; about how she was turned into her monstrous form by the said "poisonous powers" of the Dark Master, indicating she's become the "Dark Master's Monster." -Wiz

"Can you really blame her, though? I mean, she was only turned into a monster when she was just a harmless, little girl. Even I feel sorry for the little dragoness, who at the time was probably nine years old when she was freed by Spyro who was still the same age. Then, they both turn 10, then they face off against the Great Ape King, Gaul, and cased themselves into a giant, yellow crystal shard alongside Sparx,(thanks to the help of Spyro's Light Aether) and after three years, became teenagers by the age of thirteen."

"True. Then, after going on another adventure, they finally defeated Malefor and restored the planet into small fragments, which later on becomes the world of Skylands and- wait. Boomstick, are you... crying?" Wiz asked his friend.

"Sorry. It's just that, before they defeated Malefor, he yet again takes control of Cynder who seems to have a little bit of his Dark Aether magic within her at the worst of times. But, thankfully, Spyro couldn't bare to fight back, especially when she told him to fight back, and asked why he wouldn't. After asking him that, the most powerful scene comes into play. Do we- Do we have a footage for that moment?" Boomstick said as he uses his own handkerchief to wipe his right eye. Wiz did the same thing as he wiped his left eye with his own handkerchief.

"Yes. Yes, we do. Roll it, please!" Then both Wiz and Boomstick hugged each other as they started crying. Spyro, who was up on stage with Cynder earlier, placed his left wing over on her back. The TV showed a scene where Spyro and Cynder stood face to face with their biggest enemy: Malefor. Then, after showing that Cynder didn't know of her past actions, Malefor took the chance to take full control of her mind and body yet again.

"Cynder! Noooo!"
Everyone who stared at the TV, looked in sorrow for what happened to Cynder.

As she was fighting Spyro, she told him to fight back, but he didn't as he continued blocking her attacks while Malefor was spurting out nonsense about how a purple dragon's destiny is to destroy the world. Outside of the TV, Spike, Fume, and Belcher had their ears flopped down as they heard what the evil purple dragon said. Then, back on the TV screen, as Malefor continues to maniacally laugh, Dark Cynder shouts at Spyro yet again to fight back, then asks him why he wouldn't fight back.

"Fight back! Why won't you fight back?!"

Everyone, including the Skylanders pushed their heads forward and toward the screen to what Spyro was going to say, even along with Master Eon and his wife, Kassandra. Even Sparx wanted to hear this.

"Because you left me nothing to fight for."

Then, everyone stood slack-jawed at what he just said. Then, all of them, including Wiz and Boomstick, looked at what conspired next. They see Dark Cynder pulling her head back as what little bit of darkness that remained inside of her vanished as her black skin turned back to her original violet scales as her glowing white eyes changed back into their light greenish hue.

"There's always something to fight for," Cynder said as she lends her head and shoulder to help Spyro up.

Everyone, from Master Eon, Kassandra and the Skylanders, to all the citizens of the magical world of Skylands started to tear up and some started to cry. Even Sparx, who was floating beside Spyro as well from earlier, started to shed a few tears. Then, the video footage continued as Spyro and Cynder finally defeated Malefor. Cynder told him she was so sorry. But, he told her "don't be" and that "it was all over now." Then, Spyro, after discovering what he has to do, thanks to the spirit of Ignitus, told Cynder to get away before he had to sacrifice his life to save the world. She told him "no" and said that they needed to go somewhere away from the disaster. He, however, told her "where?", because the world was falling apart; he told her that he thinks it's his destiny to save the world. Everyone thought Cynder was going to leave, but none were to believe what was going to transpire next.

"Then I'm with you."

Spyro stares at her in hope and then starts to glow as he starts to begin his sacrifice. Then, everyone was watching what happened to him, until they heard Cynder say something right before the Big-Bang-Theory-like flash.

"I love you."

Then, a giant purple flash scattered throughout the entire world.