• Published 10th Jun 2020
  • 440 Views, 3 Comments

Skylander Battle Season 1 - Flameboy

Wiz and Boomstick appear in the magical world of skylands.

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Coco Bandicoot vs. C (LOS) Part 1

In the Skylanders Battle Arena, citizens of Skylands and other universes have come to watch an amazing battle, hosted by none other than the two humans with a missing body part; Boomstick and Wiz. Above them was a giant TV screen that displayed black letters that say, "Skylander Battles!" Wiz and Boomstick were standing behind a podium as they were being recorded by Hugo. Boomstick was standing on the right side of the podium while Wiz stood on the left side of the podium; just like they always have been in their 100 videos.

"Welcome, citizens from all over the multiverse to the Skylander Battle Arena where said Skylanders train, and battle. I'm Wiz-"

"And I'm Boomstick, and welcome to our first ever... Skylander Battle! A contest to see which famous character is better than the other."

"We do a lot of research on a certain famous character to see who will win based off of they're personalities and extroadinary abilities against another famous character. Like, Deadpool vs. Pinkie Pie and Deadpool vs. The Mask. But, unlike our Death Battle! videos, there won't be any bloodshed. Well, not death-like bloodshed, just the beat-up kind of bloodshed where the only way for a competitor to win, is to fully knock the competition out cold, or to get the opponent to yield. So for the kids who are watching this at home or are here at the arena, I promise there's no killing," Wiz promised.

"That kinda sucks. But hey! This is still going to be awesome because we're pitting two famous characters against one another for entertainment yet again," Boomstick added.

"That's right, Boomstick. And these two we picked are exactly from the same company that brought you Crash and Spyro games. So big shout out to Activision."

"Hell, yeah! Especially when it's a chick fight for our first battle. Now, everyone, please look up at that giant TV above us," Boomstick said⬇