• Published 15th May 2020
  • 3,767 Views, 190 Comments

The Son of infinity - Krystl_Fae

When a nameless, abandoned colt is found on the streets of Canterlot by Princess Celestia upon the eve of Hearth Warming, Celestia feels as though she has failed in her duties, and so takes up the task of caring for the forgotten foal…

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Chapter 4: QUESTIONS

Sometimes You Don't Want The Answer...

<<<New Year’s Eve – Canterlot Castle: Celestia’s Chambers>>>

I almost couldn’t believe I was looking at myself in the mirror. Celestia, the kind pony that had taken me in, had convinced me to bathe and allow her to cut my mane. Now that was a harrowing experience. I don’t like sharp things near me when I’m not the one holding said sharp object; I flinched almost every time the scissors snipped.

Despite everything though, it’s still me.

However, my situation is still making me draw a blank when it comes to conclusions. For almost a week now, Celestia has allowed me to stay with her; in her own home no less. I have tried, and failed, to understand why she does this for me. I expected her to berate or punish me for my actions every time I do something; however, she is yet to wipe that genuine smile off her face. Even in her sleep she wears that smile.

Could… could it be true…? Does Celestia… (I can’t believe I’m asking myself this…) does Celestia actually, truly, care for me??

The craziest part is that I honestly don't know. I'm a nopony. No one has or should ever be able to love me; and yet... her actions say other- no, they scream and shout otherwise. She's given me shelter, food, and drink; she lets me sleep in her bed at night, she even helps bathe me. I just... how can... can it... urgh, I just don't know.

She’s felt more comfortable with asking me questions within the last few days, and has tried getting me to open up. I still haven’t spoken to her yet, though when she is not around, I make sure that my voice hasn’t failed on me… just in case I need it. When she asked about my family, my “response” (shaking my head; 'no') made her pull me into a hug and tell me “…Everything is going to be alright now.” while petting my head gently with a hoof.

That was yesterday.

“…My little pony; if you don’t mind me asking, what is your name?”

Oh boy…

I acknowledge her question with a flick of my ear towards her general direction, but I don't say or do anything in response. Shaking my head would just make me seem rude; implying that I don't appreciate her kindness; or that I'm arrogant, or something similar. So instead I just sit there, continuing to stare into the flames.

Celestia turns her head away from me to look into the fire in front of us.

“It is alright, you don’t have to tell me, if you don’t want to.”

She turns back to me with a somewhat coy smile.

“I just thought that I should call you by your name instead of calling you ‘My littlepony’ forever; after all, you do have a name, don’t you?”

I slowly shake my head from side to side.

My response left Celestia's jaw hanging, eyes wide in shock. Not to mention she was completely and utterly speechless. It took a moment for my answer to finally register in Celestia's brain and for her to respond after I apparently brought her entire world crashing down around her.

"W...what do you mean, you don't have a name...? Everyone has a name."

I simply shook my head again, confirming for her my definite 'no'.

"You.. you don't have a name; at all?" Head shake. "Perhaps you simply forgot it. I know a memory recovery spell…" Another head shake. "You... you truly do not have a name?"


My verbal response surprised Celestia, on top of everything she had just learned. She reclined in her chair to think, still quite speechless.


He has no name…? How can he have NO NAME? In one fell swoop, this revelation had crushed most of my hopes for finding who he was and where he came from; yet also answered, and raised, many questions. Even I can remember brief memories from my very early foalhood, from before I was even a year old. Yet, to not remember his own NAME of all things, when he is not even through his teenage years no less, he must have been… No, there is no other choice left. He must have been abandoned before he was even a few months old.

How could this be possible in Equestria? How could this happen, in CANTERLOT OF ALL PLACES!! It took control to not show my inner turmoil of emotions, simply deciding to settle on showing a small amount of shock for the time being (a skill I had acquired from years of dealing with diplomats and nobles). At the same time, my sorrow for this colt grew. His situation was awful, his life so far had been pitiful. I am certain that his story would likely bring even the toughest of the royal guards to tears.

And the worst part? After wielding the elements of harmony, including the element of honesty, I can tell when all but the most experienced liars were telling falsities, and even then I would feel uneasy about them. But all that this young colt, this foal, had said to me was the truth. There was not any hint of a lie; of a story he made up, trying to seek attention from me; he didn’t even know who I was! No, it was the exact opposite. Not only was he telling the truth, it was as if he not only wouldn't, but couldn't tell a lie. Perhaps he learned firsthand that lies only get you hurt... Oh how was this possible? How could anyone be put through such a mentally scaring experience at such a young age? Why did nopony help him? Why did nopony take action; bring him to the attention of the guards, take him to a hospital, SOMETHING!! I just have to know...


I just have to know. I've broken the silence, and now I have to ask the question I have been asking myself for the past week.

"Miss Celestia..."

Celestia seemed to be broken out of her thoughts by the sound of my voice. She smiled at me warmly, yet with concern evident in her expression.

“Please, just call me Celestia; or ‘Tia for short.”

“(Um… O-ok…) Celestia… why- why are you being… so nice to me?"

Celestia's smile took a little hit and she looked at me with confusion.

"Whatever do you mean by 'why am I so nice to you'? I try to be nice to everyone I meet. Why would you be any different?"

<<<That Afternoon – Canterlot Castle>>>
Nopony’s POV

That afternoon, Celestia began to truly understand the colt she had found. In their conversation, she began to see but a glimpse of the horrors the poor foal had survived. He was without friends, without family, without even the support of her own royal guards.

At the same time, through Celestia's honest words, the young colt began to understand her kindness. Even when he had had nothing during his time on the streets, he would try to help others when they needed it, even if they never wanted his help. He began to see that Celestia saw him in much the same way. After finding him so broken, fragile, and helpless; dying in the streets; she could not do anything but help him.

When his confusion was cleared away, he finally accepted the help he had received, along with everything else Celestia had done, as true and genuine. And when they both finally fell asleep that night; although neither of them could see it; for the first time in the young colt's life, he was smiling; a small tear forming in the corner of his eye from his unexpressed joy.

By the time he awoke the next morning, Celestia had already left to attend to her job in the city (he presumed). He still did not know what it was she did, but she had already taken much time off to care for him and make sure he recovered from his injuries and felt safe. Before she had left, Celestia had left a note along with some breakfast on the table. She was going to be late home from her work, and had several ponies coming by to bring lunch and dinner for him. In the meantime, he had free reign of the 'house' for the day, and could do anything he wanted until she got back.

Celestia had made true on her word and throughout the day two ponies had come by and delivered lunch and dinner, though he didn't know who since he had hidden in the other rooms when they were there. Unfortunately, Celestia also happened to be correct about being late, and was still not back by the time he had fallen asleep; though he didn't mind. He was used to falling asleep all alone on the hard pavement of a sidewalk in Canterlot; Tia's comfy bed was more than easy enough to fall asleep on- now that he didn’t have to worry so much.

<<<January 1st, Morning – Canterlot Castle>>>

I awoke in the morning to Celestia rubbing her muzzle against my head and mane. It was a soothing, gentle, and loving gesture that I returned. I had only spent about a week here with Celestia, and only just spoken to her yesterday, but I already feel a strong bond with her, as if the connection between us has been there for months, perhaps years. Maybe it was because she was such a motherly figure where I had never had one before…?

"Good morning, little one. Did you have a good night's sleep last night?"

I nodded with a "Mhm" in response. This moment felt almost as if… as if it was supposed to happen- every morning. It felt… nice.

"That's good to hear. I hope it wasn't too lonely without me here yesterday, I worry about you."

I shook my head in response. I didn't feel lonely yesterday, although the silence felt more eerie than usual; as if there was something lurking nearby, constantly watching over my shoulder. I guess it might have been nice to have someone to talk to, but I don't want to take up all of Celestia's time.

"I know that this isn't exactly the best situation to be in, and I don't want to leave you completely alone for however long I may be working for, so I have a suggestion. My niece, Mi Amore Cadenza, or, as she prefers to be called, Cadance, is only around ten years older than you, and I am positive the two of you will get along well together."

Celestia pre-empted my concerns about taking up time before I could get a single syllable out of my mouth.

"Cadance has finished her studies and currently is staying here, in another room nearby. She has been asking me to help her make more friends, and with her around you wouldn't be as lonely anymore."

Celestia had brought up good points. I would eventually have to meet more ponies, it was inevitable, and I am not sure how weeks 'trapped' in these few rooms by myself would affect my mental state. Not to mention that Celestia's niece Cadence was around my own age, and is likely friendly if Celestia is willing to introduce me to her. After some more thought I nodded my head in agreement. It wasn't the best idea ever, but it would help none-the-less.

"Excellent. I can pass by her room and send her over here before I go if you wish."

I nodded again at the suggestion. Celestia seemed pleased, and gave a nod of her own.

Once we were up and had eaten breakfast, Celestia approached me while I was reading silently in front of the fireplace. After opening up to Celestia yesterday, I felt much better, and even more comfortable in her presence. It was a first for me, to feel this comfortable around somepony; but I felt that I could trust Celestia fully.

“I hope I am not interrupting your reading; but there is something I wish to bring up with you. I was thinking… you may not have a name, but it would be easier to call you by one, yes?”

I nod. I guess it would be easier for those around me if I had a name… not that there was anyone but Celestia around... for now.

“I have a few ideas, but the decision is ultimately up to you to decide. How about…”

<<<30 minutes later - Canterlot Castle>>>

I was nearly jumping with joy as I trotted down the hallway to aunty Celestia's room. When she had explained why she had neglected many of her duties and stopped spending time with me, I will admit that while I was shocked, I agreed with her wholeheartedly, she made the right decision to look after the colt. And when she finished explaining that she wanted me to make sure he was looked after for a few weeks while she caught up on work, I wasn't sure if I wanted to burst with excitement, or run to Celestia's room to meet him as soon as possible.

It was exciting, I could end up with a new friend not only in Canterlot, that was easy enough, but one that I could see every day in the castle! Of course, Celestia hadn't told him of her title yet, or mine for that matter, and while I gave her a short, stern, talking to about how he should know everything he is getting into beforehoof, Celestia soon silenced me with how a person's title should not affect another’s view of that person.

Of course, I still had yet to meet the him, and I was nervous as I drew close to the doors that led into my aunt's personal chambers. Would he like me? Would he be afraid? Would he attack me?

With a deep breath, and summoning all the courage I could muster, I opened the door...

Author's Note:

And so it begins...