• Published 15th May 2020
  • 3,786 Views, 190 Comments

The Son of infinity - Krystl_Fae

When a nameless, abandoned colt is found on the streets of Canterlot by Princess Celestia upon the eve of Hearth Warming, Celestia feels as though she has failed in her duties, and so takes up the task of caring for the forgotten foal…

  • ...

Chapter 12: ILLNESS

This Is Why I Don't Understand Mares: Part I

<<<the next day - Canterlot Castle>>>

<<DAY 1>>


“Oh, Andromeda. You sound so adorable when you sneeze. Like a little baby kitten.”

I sniffle a little bit and hide a little lower under the blankets. I’d be blushing right about now, but I’m not even sure if I’m capable of doing so; and this fever isn’t helping.

I had woken up this morning running a high temperature and feeling sick to my stomach. Celestia had almost immediately called for Doctor Remedy, whom had swiftly informed both mum and myself of my current condition- right after assuaging mum that I was going to be fine and calming her down from her near-panic attack.

“I’m afraid there isn’t much more I can do right now, Andromeda. It’s like Green Remedy said, this is to be expected; without your horn your magical flow is disrupted, leaving you more vulnerable to these kinds of ailments. We just have to give it time and let it pass. It’s not contagious, but magic won’t help to heal it further than what I’ve already done.”

I nod. Mum had been caring for me since I woke up and I cannot express how grateful I am to her right now.

“Thanks mum. I appreciate all this.”

She leaned in close and rested her forehead against mine.

“Anything for you, my little sunshine.”

<<DAY 2>>

I felt even worse today than yesterday. Ms Remedy told me yesterday that it’d get worse before it got better, but that it would get better eventually. I talked with mum this morning about what would happen while I recovered. I could stay here in bed and not worry about attending classes or continuing in my studies, but she still had her work to do. I would be alright if she left- though it took some convincing to make her relent. She said she’d stay for as long as she could and would try to be there for me, though still decided to spend a few days working.

Mum wouldn’t let me out of her sight just yet though, sitting next to me on the bed with a few papers as she “worked”. I don’t think I could have asked to be found by a better pony than Celestia.

I start tearing up a bit as I think about everything she’s done for me. I have to find a way to pay it all back to her… and with that thought, I slip back into the comfortable unconsciousness that was my only respite from the symptoms that ailed my body.

<<DAY 4>>

After spending yesterday morning and the night before retching in the bathroom, I finally began to feel better today. Spike came over and we played a few board games together, under mum’s supervision. She was still “working” from whatever room I was in at the time; making sure I was alright.

Tomorrow and the day after that she’d have to leave me to perform duties she couldn’t complete from her room. I told her I’d be fine, though she’d insisted on having Cadance and Twilight come by to keep me company, and make sure my condition didn’t regress into a worse state in the meantime.

<<DAY 5>>

Cadance was due to arrive soon. Mum had been beside herself with concern when she hadn't shown up on time, and nearly refused to leave for work, and tried to insist on staying with me until Cadance arrived. I almost had an unstoppable coughing fit in the middle of persuading her to leave; would've ruined my case for her to see logical reasoning. She finally left about 10 minutes ago, after giving me one last goodbye kiss on the forehead (the fourth goodbye kiss in the last hour- mum, why?).

There was a knock on the door.

"It's Cadance," comes a muffled voice.

"Come in!" I had to call out since I was in the bedroom, still bedridden by mum's orders. I hear the front door open and close. "I'm in the bedroom." There were hoofsteps outside before another set of knocks- this time on the closed door across from me on the other side of the room.

"...may I come in?" Cadance asks. Now with only one door between us, I can hear her voice clearer. She sounded almost... disquieted? Self conscious?

"Yeah, come in," I hear the handle turn. "Sorry for not looking too well... at least it isn't as bad as when mum first fou......."




Candace was walking into the room, but I'm still focused on the moment the door opened enough to let me see her. For reasons known to likely no one but Cadance herself, she was dressed up in... unusual attire. Something I would have never thought to see someone wearing casually- by choice, anyway. As she came to a stop halfway between the door and the bed my mind started catching up with present reality and I noticed she was acting a little more bashful than normal- and for obvious reasons too! Wait; that's why she sounded shy, but... why??? What in Equestria is the meaning of this??? What's even going on??? This is Cadance we're talking about; she wouldn't do something like this... right?

"So, what do you think?" Cadance asked before she did a little twirl and ends with a curtsey. "Do you like it?"

...apparently she would.

This revelation does not help me nor my current inability to process this situation in any way.

Before me stood Cadance, wearing what could only be maids attire. Sure, there were staff I'd see on occasion who looked after the castle (still not used to that- don't think it's quite sunk in yet...) that were actual maids, and wore such attire on a regular basis- though not from horn to hoof! And they worked here, it was to be expected of them... I think ...but Cadance lives here! It didn't look cheap, either (the style was similar to that of... I think it was a place called Spurlin? I only read about it once, but it looks similar to something from there... which is nuts given how far away it is from Canterlot).

The attire itself was made from silk, with a frilly white blouse underneath a black bodice and white apron. White stockings extended upwards from black leather shoes with garters to keep the them held up. She also wore the black and white... frilly... cap/band thingy on her head.

I only know this much about the clothes she wore because of how into fashion Cadance was, always chatting away to herself when reading those fashion magazines... and that one time I walked into mum's closet and she caught me. I learned my lesson by the time mum's "little talk" was over- I am not going back in there again... at least, I don't think I will. Certainly not when mum is around. Hey, don't tell me you've never wondered how in Tartarus mares walk around in high heels! ...and I'm talking to myself again. Great.

I open my mouth to ask what's going on, or why she's doing this, or... something that might get me answers until I notice the collar around her neck. Sure, it's part of typical maid attire? I think? Maybe? But, why?! What is.... this is Cadance here... and... and...

With my brain short-circuiting all that I could manage to get out was "U-uhh.........."

Cadance giggled. She walked over to the side of the bed. It took until she got there for me to stop staring off into space trying to comprehend... anything, that was going on.

It looks like this is going to be a long day...

<<<4 hours later - Canterlot Castle>>>

Cadance walked back into the room, carrying a silver platter of food on her back; still dressed in that... ridiculous maid getup. Or, at least, it was unnecessary... I think that she was trying to be funny; to cheer me up despite my sickness... I couldn't think ill of her for that.

She stopped beside the bed and lifted the tray off her back with a hoof, laying the items on it onto the tray laying in front of me on the bed, before wrapping the blanket around my shoulders a little more snugly. It was lunchtime and... well, I don't even know. I've been in here all day, so I don't know if one of the actual maids came along and delivered this from the kitchens, or if Cadance had made it herself. At this point, neither would be surprising, and either way I was still thankful. The food had only just been made; the fumes coming off the soup as it rested in it's bowl still visible to the naked eye.


"You're welcome~"

I could hear Cadance whisper something more under her breath after that, though I couldn't make out what it was she was saying. There was something in her voice that was setting off some sort of alarm in my head... whether it was good or bad, I have no clue. It just... was. That probably unsettled me the most about the situation. Not that Cadance was dressed weird, but that I didn't know what any of this meant...

Cadance curtseyed, much to my embarrassment, before turning and taking the silver tray back out of the room.

... and then there was her increasingly odd behavior. It started out small, but it's become more noticeable as the hours passed. She walked in an odd manner, as if with a limp in both her rear legs... I hope she's alright. When I need something, she always insists on bringing it in on that silver platter- whether it's food, drinks, a blanket, a book... she insists on following mum's orders "to the letter", to use her own words, orders to not let me exert myself if it wasn't absolutely necessary.

She carried me all the way to the bathroom and back, for heaven's sake! Mum at least let me walk there under my own power (even if she'd walk right beside me to make sure I didn't collapse on the way). To say it was embarrassing wouldn't do it justice; Cadance could barely carry me, and seemed ready to collapse at any moment. (I know I'm not as much of a malnutritioned skeleton as I was, but... I didn't put on that much weight, did I?)

I pick up a spoon and am about to get to eating when Cadance comes back in and notices me. She starts tutting to herself and swiftly walks over to me.

"No, no, no," she takes the spoon from my grasp and holds it in her hoof, "You just relax, I'll get this for you." She dips the spoon into the broth and raises it back up, holding the filled spoon between the two of us.

"Now, open wide,"

"Cadenza, I-I,"

"Open wide..." she repeated; a stern, (motherly? is that the right word?) undertone present in her voice that silently demanded I comply.

I remain silent as I weigh my options. On one hoof, I can feed myself, I'm not that ill. On the other hoof, I don't want to upset Cadance, and I'm not even sure if this is a fight I can win. Reluctantly, and feeling more embarrassed than I have ever felt before in my life, I open my mouth a little ways and let her hoof-feed me.

"Good colt," she said with a warm smile on her face.

As much as I appreciate her help and the comfort her familiar presence brings, I can only hope that this day ends soon.

<<<That evening - Canterlot Castle>>>

I had arrived home to find Andromeda all but blushing in embarrassment. He had his face buried in the mattress, hooves covering his head, blankets covering his hooves- and his head by extension. Apparently, Cadance had shown up wearing some rather... risqué, clothing. I'd gotten a good look at her when she left right after I had returned; and I must say it was quite the outfit. All the way from Prance if I'm not mistaken, and it certainly lived up to the design. I'm sure there isn't a colt or stallion in Canterlot who wouldn't pay to see Cadance dressed up like that. She wore it with an abundance of confidence too, I'll give her that; the sway in her hips as she walked giving away how much she'd gotten into the whole thing- though Andromeda remained as clueless as ever when it came to her intentions. He truly was so innocent about the whole thing.

"...I mean, I appreciate the attempt to cheer me up, but... I-I don't know! I can't understand any of this. I just can't understand...."

"It's alright. I wouldn't expect you to understand, not yet. You're only just being introduced to social cues and tells after years of not interacting with others on a daily basis. That you've kept up so far is most impressive."

I give him a kiss on the forehead to show that I'm proud of him- I am after all. He's been doing really well, and coped with a completely unforeseen situation quite capably.

"But... I still don't get it. Why? What does it even mean?"

I couldn't help the sly, knowing grin that appeared on my face.

"Well... let's just say it's something mares do with stallions they really like a lot."

Andromeda seemed even more confused after my explanation, "...stallions they like.....???" He shook his head as if to clear out the cobwebs. "I don't think I'll ever understand mares."

I couldn't help but laugh at his adorable confused expression.

"I'm sure you will one day, Andromeda; I'm sure you will one day..."

Author's Note:

...Andromeda never did.

Sorry for the hiatus. Spent the last two days getting back in the groove... by getting about 4 hours of sleep in the last 42 hours. YAY! (My grades are so going to suffer for this... but it's done.)
Let me know of any mistakes/things I could do better/issues and I'll get to it ASAP.........ish.

- Krystl

P.S. I now know the length of this story: 32 chapters. Everything is planned out, the events are all in place, and now all I need to do is write it... the most time-consuming and intensive part of the process.

Edit: Sorry for the wait, but I’m at a roadblock in my process and dread writing slow filler content. I’m great with ideas, just... not so much with the execution. I’m still finding my groove as a writer. Maybe I should try recording myself think out loud.....?
Anyone willing to share ideas for how Twilight might try to one-up Cadance in the next chapter (given their “competition” and Twilight’s determination to not “lose”) gets a cookie and my gratitude.