• Published 15th May 2020
  • 3,784 Views, 190 Comments

The Son of infinity - Krystl_Fae

When a nameless, abandoned colt is found on the streets of Canterlot by Princess Celestia upon the eve of Hearth Warming, Celestia feels as though she has failed in her duties, and so takes up the task of caring for the forgotten foal…

  • ...


Events Finally Begin To Unfold


Andromeda slumps over his desk in exhaustion, with Cadance threatening to follow suit. I can't say that I blame them for being so tired. Twilight has always been a fast learner and it didn't seem fair if I had to slow down her education for the sake of her classmates. Speaking of the mare, she was well into the tome of extension-level questions I had provided for her, knowing that she would likely finish each day’s work before the others. This was the third tome this week I had provided her with, and I had begun running low on new material to offer. Maybe it was time I allowed her to conduct her own studies? A thought for another time, perhaps. While Twilight subconsciously packed her things with magic, her attention was solely devoted to the book she was levitating before her as she left the classroom; reading, and deep in thought, she unintentionally ignored the plight of her friends. This is something I may have to rectify in the near future, if the plans I have for her are to become reality...

As Cadance, Andromeda, and I walked the halls on the way to the dining room I was reminded of the words spoken to me only a few years ago, though it seems as if a lifetime has passed since then.

"What do you mean?"

"Things are going to happen, princess- in the near future. Things that you cannot possibly predict; and when they do happen, they will need to be ready."

"They? They who?"

"I can't tell you that. All you need to know is that no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless the situation becomes, no matter who stands in the way of peace, justice, and friendship, all of it can be overcome by the elements and their friends. But be careful! You cannot afford to be careless with the forces of harmony! It's bearers need to learn how to rely on themselves, and each other."

"I already know that; without the bond of trust and friendship between them, the elements will never respond in the first place."

"But there are things you don't know. Even about the Elements of Harmony. Not their bearers, but the elements themselves. They are more powerful and destructive than you would ever believe. They..."

"They what?"

The pony grimaced. "I... can't tell you that. I- I wish I could; it would stop so much pain and suffering that everyone will go through, but..."

"You can't because it would disrupt your own present."

The pony nodded. "You'll already need to erase our younger selves' minds; they can't ever remember meeting us- it could change the course of history! And if we were to never meet, terrible things will happen!"

Celestia nodded. "You'll have to tell me who they are so I-"

"Rainbow Dash should be in Cloudsdale, she's the one who did the Sonic Rainboom; Pinkie... oh, wait, sorry. I cut you off there, didn't I?"

"No, it's fine. Please, continue."

"Alright. Pinkie Pie should be at her family's rock farm; Applejack is probably in Ponyville already; Rarity is travelling, but should make her way to Ponyville- actually, if you wait a few weeks everyone should be in Ponyville except for me and-"

They cut themselves off.


"I-I can't say... I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry..." the figure looked at the ground, saddened, with a tear rolling down their muzzle, "But they'll be okay, they should be okay... Just, remember, the Elements of Harmony are more vital to the future of this world than you could possibly imagine- for better or for worse. I-"

A soft glow encompassed them as they gently lifted of the ground.

"I guess my time here is over. Remember, look for my friends in Ponyville- and whatever you do: don't let the Elements--"

The figure then disappeared in a flash of brilliant light, and Celestia was left standing there with the lavender filly by her side.

"Um... p-princess?" the timid filly asked.

"...Yes?" Celestia had to drag herself from her own thoughts to respond.

"W-was that real? Was that... me from the future? Do I become an alicorn, like you?"

Celestia looked down at the young Twilight Sparkle. "Maybe, some day, you will. Now sleep," and with a simple spell, the young filly fell into Celestia's magical grasp, sound asleep. Her memories of that day were swiftly altered to detract any information of her future self's visit from her mind, and those who were present sworn to secrecy so that no information would leak out, especially not about the time-travelling to-be alicorn princess.

There was so much for Celestia to consider, and so little time to prepare...

Everyone had already been seated by the time Celestia had come back from her reminiscing, and the servers were coming out to set the table and take their orders. The group had left their schoolbooks and equipment back in the study-room. Cadance and Andromeda seemed far too tired to efficiently complete any further studies for the day, and the lesson had dragged on far longer than expected already. They would be there tomorrow for when class resumed in the morning.

The three were soon joined by Blueblood, who tried casting an expression of disgust towards Andromeda, which Cadance quickly rectified by tightening his suit just a little too much- not enough to hurt him, but certainly enough to send the message. I would have to speak with him eventually, his behaviour should be far more tolerant of Andromeda than it is. He doesn't have to like Andromeda by any means, but he should at least know when to hide his emotions. Especially when I am around to catch such behaviour. I may not have given life to Andromeda, (at least, not originally... though finding him that night could be seen as giving him "new life") but my maternal instincts to protect my precious colt were no less powerful.

We placed our orders, and after a few minutes of sitting in silence Blueblood inevitably worked up the courage to speak.

"So, Auntie," he began, his voice neutral and not giving any hints to his current mood, "Have you decided on the next Captain of the Royal Guard?"

In all the recent goings-on, the resignation of Shimmer Shield had almost been completely forgotten. Almost. Celestia had even called out a few times to Shimmer, expecting her to be at her post, only to remember she had resigned and a different pony would need to fill that position. Thankfully, the choice was almost entirely made for her already.

"I believe, at the current time, that Sergeant Shining Armor would make a fitting replacement."

Andromeda's ears perked up and I could see the gleam in his eyes at the mention of Shining Armor's name. Cadance also had a little joy brought to her exhausted face, having known Shining Armor for a number of years. The two had almost gotten together at one point, though decided with the proximity to a young, impressionable Twilight and their respective duties always keeping them at bay, it would be better they simply remain friends- which they remain to this day.

"Are you sure that is wise, Auntie? He is your student's..." Cadance gave him a look "...one of your students’ siblings. Isn't that going to upset the balance of power here in Canterlot? The nobles might not be so happy with this... (not that they would approve of you taking an orphaned colt of the street and raising him as your son...)"

He only muttered the last part under his breath, but an alicorn's hearing is well refined and I picked up on every word.

"If you have a problem with whom I associate, dear nephew, I'm sure there are other arrangements that can be made for certain ponies for which I care."

My statement was spoken to not elicit any reaction from Andromeda, whilst also acting as a thinly veiled threat towards Blueblood; something that neither he or Cadance missed.

"No... I have nothing to say. What you do is not my business to poke around in. Forgive me for not thinking of my words before I speak."

"You are forgiven," I say as the servers return with food.

<<<Several Days Later - Canterlot Castle: Cadance's Room>>>

"I am simply stating that since you had a chance to go out with him, so should I."

"But this is Canterlot we're talking about, not the palace gardens! If you go out there for even a moment you'll be spotted and he'll find out everything!"

"It's not much more of a risk than when you took him out. He could've found out about Celestia at any time, but it didn't phase you. Everyone just calls me 'Cadance' anyway, I doubt someone will use my title."


"Auntie Celestia said it's okay, so long as we stay away from crowded places with lots of people. We'll be fine Twilight. He won't find out about a thing, I promise."

"But if he does, what then? How are we going to explain to him- what if it's too much to cope with and he runs away! What are we going to tell the princess then?! How are we going to find-"

"Twilight... TWILIGHT!" I had to shout to get her attention or it would have devolved into ramblings with no end, "Nothing is going to happen. He's not going to find out, he's not going to run away, everything's going to be fine, alright?"


"I bet you're just jealous that going into Canterlot with him is no longer a thing that only you two can do, while I have to stay in the castle in case someone recognises me."

Twilight blushed a little, "No it's... No I'm not!"

"You can say it all you want, Twily, but love never lies~!"

I had a brief giggle at Twilight's flustered state at her expense.

"It's going to be fine, Twilight. It'll only be the day after tomorrow, and if something goes wrong we'll never do it again. But that won't happen, because nothing is going to go wrong. Besides, what's the worst that can happen?"

Author's Note:

Somewhere far away in a pocket-universe, a draconequus-like creature named "Murphy" sneezes. "Damn mortal fools, thinking they can tempt fate. I'll show them..."

This is just a bit more filler-stuff. And unfortunately, the next chapter won't be that long either. It's going to be dreadfully cut short.

I'm not bothering to proofread- I'm too exhausted -so tell me anything I missed in the comments. I'd appreciate it.
Now I just have to write chapter 15, and entirely re-write chapters 16, 17, and 18 from scratch now that they are nearly two-years outdated. Yay. (Ignore this bit, I just like to add drama... perhaps a little too much drama. Don't ignore my whining at your own risk. You have been warned!)

Krystl Fae