• Published 15th May 2020
  • 3,784 Views, 190 Comments

The Son of infinity - Krystl_Fae

When a nameless, abandoned colt is found on the streets of Canterlot by Princess Celestia upon the eve of Hearth Warming, Celestia feels as though she has failed in her duties, and so takes up the task of caring for the forgotten foal…

  • ...


Captain Of The Guard


“…and so, as you can see,” Twilight lowered Spike’s arm, the poor dragon tired of having been used as a prop for nearly 5 hours as she gave her extended presentation, “the properly balanced diet of young dragons should not include an excess of corundum-based mineral substances, lest it weaken them in the long run, nor a deficit, in order to ensure the strength of their developing scales.”

Celestia, used to long-winded sessions of bureaucracy, patiently nodded to Twilight from her place at the side of the room. As Twilight began to pack away her things and Spike returned to his seat, Cadance gave a tired, but nonetheless enthusiastic clap for her friend. Beside her, Andromeda still scribbled furiously in order to transcribe every last detail from Twilight’s lecture on taking care of dragons.

Magical creatures and their care had been a large focus in recent weeks and Andromeda could not complain, the subject having enthralled him from the very first lesson.

“Well done Twilight. And for now that is where we will have to call an end for today. Andromeda?” The colt in question raised his head. “Would you be prepared to give a presentation on your research tomorrow?”

He paled a little bit. He was far from the frightened colt he once was when he had been first brought here, but even now he was still a little bit timid at times; more comfortable in a discussion where he had his friends to lean on rather than all by himself. He nodded though, he would have to find his courage eventually… maybe this would be a step in the right direction?

Spike stood back up as Cadance stretched, her joints stiff after spending so long sitting in a chair. “Are we going now, Auntie?”

“Patience, Cadance. The ceremony doesn’t start for another hour.”

“Well, are you at least going to tell us who you’ve chosen?”

“I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough…” Celestia trailed off as a noise came from outside the room before there was a brief, but courteous knock at the door. “Enter.”

In walked Shining Armor- for once not in his official guard uniform.

“Princess,” he gave a salute.

“At ease.”



“Twilight! Cadance!” He pulled them both into a hug. “It’s good to see you two.” He looked over towards Andromeda. “You too, Andy.”

Andromeda gave him a smile and a nod in return.

Celestia looked at a nearby clock, “We really should get going, this lesson ran a little longer than I thought it would.” Everyone nodded, and they all headed out and towards the main hall.



“Am I going to have to call you Captain Shining from now on?”

Shining gave a look over to Celestia, who nodded in response.


They were soon forced to part ways as everyone left to dress in formal attire for the occasion.

“Andromeda, here.”

He walked over to see a gold bracelet, several small jewels embedded into one side with two alicorns entwined between them, one white and the other a shade of dark blue.

“This should help you in public. It’s designed to act as an illusion for your wings so that ponies won’t see them.”

Celestia placed it just above his fore-hoof and closed the clasp, a shimmering effect settling over his back as he turned to watch his alicorn wings fade from existence as if they were never there.

“Thanks mum.”

“You’re welcome, my son.”

The two embraced, though it was cut short by a knock at the door.

“Everyone is ready, your highness.”

“Thank you.”

The guard saluted and walked away.

“Let’s go, shall we?”

Andromeda gave a confident nod, though it was one he would soon regret when he realised that most of Canterlot had shown up to witness the appointment of a new guard captain.

He wasn’t paying attention through most of it, a little too anxious to focus… though there was something else. A feeling… not quite as though someone was watching him, though that feeling was certainly there (he wasn’t exactly a familiar face around Canterlot, yet he sat up front with close friends and family of the to-be Captain), but not quite as if something was going to go wrong.

He suddenly felt something change in his intuition, his instincts screaming at him that he was missing something. He took a brief moment to look around as covertly as possible, trying not to draw attention to himself.

The only thing that caught his attention was a blue unicorn with a white mane near the back. He could barely make out their cutie mark, something that from a distance looked like a magic wand..? Or maybe that was the cutie mark of the mare beside him. They looked like family… siblings perhaps? But who was he to assume?

Seeing nothing else of value, Andromeda turned his attention back to the front just in time to catch the end of the appointment ceremony, as Shining Armor rose and everypony clapped for him.

The feeling he’d been getting faded, and he looked back to see only one of the blue unicorns remained, though he couldn’t see which through the crowd of ponies.

Hopefully nothing would come of it.

Author's Note:

My sincere apologies this is so short and so late. Over a month late. I have just been procrastinating recently, and for all the reasons I could give, it’s ultimately down to me. I may add more to this chapter when I revise this book at a later date, but for now, there’ll probably be another short-ish chapter next time, followed by a certain… gift.

- Krystl

Order and Chaos
Forces divine
Power of eons
In one will align
Deities now two
Reduced soon to none
But to stop them is who
When they both seek the one