• Published 30th Apr 2020
  • 1,407 Views, 66 Comments

Sunset’s Uprising - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Sunset Shimmer seeks revenge on Princess Celestia and her friends with a rising new army.

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The Final Battle part 2

“What more shall the mighty princess Celestia do unto me?!” Sunset challenged.

Celestia gazed steadily at Sunset. Once she beheld her evil, sinister, fiery eyes, she saw a lost and misguided filly who was entrenched in a lust for power and glory. It pained her that her once precious student was corrupted by greed and vice. It was no longer the Sunset Shimmer she once knew, but a monster who sought to destroy her. Seeing how far she had gone, she attempted to at least reach out to her.

“Sunset, listen to me! I know you crave for power, but you must realize that it will only drive you to insanity especially if you misuse it for evil. Please, remember the time you used to love learning lessons from me and studying magic for good intentions. Don’t you remember that?” Celestia pleaded.

“Pathetic times they were! I was so gullible enough to feast on all those lies about... friendship!” Sunset spat as if disgusting to her taste. “But now I have everything I need to conquer Equestria and beyond!”

“Please, Sunset, you must understand! If you succeed in gaining control over Equestria, there will be nothing left for you to take! What is there to gain from all this?!” Celestia argued.

“It’s that simple, Princess! The absence of you and your friends!” Sunset spoke, igniting her horn. The she-demon blasted her beams at Celestia who dodged them quickly.

Celestia returned fire and struck her on her wings. She winced in pain from the shots, but she still maintained her ground. Glaring at her determined foe, Sunset flew above and zoomed right at her. She bashed her chest with great force. They began to tackle and roll on the building snow that fell from the sky. Thunder cracked and cold winds continued to blow.

The Applejacks grabbed their lassos and tied up a group of demons who tried to attack them. “Alright, other me! So far, things are goin’ well in our favor!” Equestrian Applejack said.

“Yep! Uh oh, look behind ya!” ponified Applejack pointed. The first looked back and saw several more demons sprinting at them.

Both farm girls looked confidently at each other. Nodding, they ran to them while swinging their lassoes in the air. Once they were close enough, they threw their ropes around the arms of a couple of them and swung them around. The two demons screamed as they were being swung around. As they released the monsters, the latter crashed into a bigger group. “YEEE-HAAH!!” the cow ponies uttered.

The Fluttershies were surrounded by several other demons who were hissing and growling at them. “Do you know how to use the Stare?” Equestrian Fluttershy asked.

“The Stare? Like staring at people? Umm, what is that supposed to do?” ponified Fluttershy asked, confused.

“Like this...” the first said. She bravely faced the monsters and activated her Stare at them. Suddenly, the demonized teenagers screamed in horror and covered their faces from Fluttershy. After rolling on the snow, they fearfully flew away.

“Wow! That...that was...surprising!” the second one said.

“I only use it as a last resort. It helped save my friends from time to time.” the Fluttershy smiled while blushing.

“Can’t catch me, punks!” Rainbow Dash taunted. She flew around the city in a circle while out speeding the pursuing demons. But while she was distracted, she was suddenly knocked down by one of them from above. She fell on the snow with a hard thud.

“Ow! Who did that?!” Rainbow demanded.

“Guess who, rainbow pony!” a familiar voice called. The she-demon landed in front of the puzzled Rainbow Dash. Two others joined her.

“Wait...that voice sounds familiar...(gasp) Scootaloo?!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Wait what?! That’s HER?!” ponified Rainbow asked.

“You worthless rainbow ponies will get what’s going to you! Hail Sunset Shimmer!!” demonized Apple Bloom evilly laughed.

“All of Equestria will be ours!!” demonized Sweetie Belle added.

“Apple Bloom?!” both Applejacks yelled.

“Sweetie Belle?!” both Rarities also yelled.

Luna and Twilight kept blasting at the ferocious demons while running to support Celestia in her battle against Sunset. One demon leaped from a rooftop to attack them, but Luna blasted him off. Another one created a large snowball and rolled it toward the two alicorns. However, Twilight cast a spell that made it turn in reverse and rolled to the monster instead. The demon ran off before the snowball crashed into him.

“We have to help Celestia defeat Sunset Shimmer! She can’t handle her on her own!” Twilight worried.

“Agreed. That amount of power Sunset possesses is extremely dangerous. If she uses her full magical power on Celestia, then we will both be too late to save her!” Luna feared.

Suddenly, another equine demon landed in front of them which blocked their path. He glared at them with his vicious eyes and wickedly chuckled. “Well, well, well, the cute little alicorns run over to save their dearest princess. How predictable!” he taunted.

“What?! Flash, is that really you?!” Twilight asked, recognizing his voice.

“Yes, Twilight Sparkle!! I am here to finish you and your useless friends once and for all!! For Queen Sunset Shimmer!!” Flash shouted. He pounced on Twilight and pushed Luna away.

Twilight blasted him off. Flash shook off the slight pain and blasted her back with his magic. Both of their powers collided with each other in a fierce struggle to overcome the other. Both opponents tried really hard to push their magic beams against each other to overwhelm the other. “You have to stop this, Flash! This isn’t like you! You have to fight Sunset’s control!” Twilight pleaded.

“NEVER!” Flash defied.

“Sweetie Belle!! You cannot do this to us! You must see what you are doing, darling!” ponified Rarity said.

“Screw you ponies! Sunset Shimmer for the win!” demonized Sweetie Belle hissed. The Cutie Mark Crusaders tackled their ponified sisters while disregarding the coldness of the winds and the snow. The older sisters pushed them off.

“We got to figure out a way to reach to them!” Equestrian Applejack said.

“Yeah! I think we should—hold on, where are the Pinkie Pies?” ponified Rainbow Dash asked.

As if on cue, hundreds of pies were falling everywhere with balloons. They landed before the fighting and non-fighting demons. Then the Pinkies appeared with a hot-aired balloon with Snips and Snails tied up inside. “Free pies for everypony! Free pies for everypony!” Equestrian Pinkie shouted.

“But not just anypony! It’s specifically for our special guests: the big meanie monsters! Enjoy our delicious pies!” ponified Pinkie added.

However, the moment all the demons picked up those pies, the pies exploded with a strange pink gas. The monsters coughed violently until they fell down unconscious. Flash was distracted by one of those pies as it fell on his head. Once he touched it, it exploded with pink gas and took him out. The Cutie Mark Crusaders also fell down unconscious as they too took the bait.

Their sisters look confused until they eyed the arriving Pinkies. “Wow, great way to ruin an epic fight, Pinkies.” Equestrian Rainbow groaned.

“What? We thought it would be great! Right?” the first Pinkie said.

“What was that gas anyway?” ponified Fluttershy asked.

“Oh, it’s just a sleeping gas. They will rewake in half an hour.” the second Pinkie smiled.

Celestia began to be exhausted from the battle against Sunset. She continually fired several beams at the tyrant, but she easily deflected them with her magic and shot Celestia. The blasts struck her on the back, front leg, and right wing. Celestia couldn’t keep up with her any longer.

“How pitiful that the mighty ruler of Equestria can’t protect herself from her old student! I can already see the headlines: ‘Princess Celestia destroyed by a mutated unicorn’! Oh the humiliation, the agony, the torture! All of which you will feel right now!” Sunset taunted.

Celestia slowly got up on her hooves and eyed the villain with pity. Realizing that there was nothing else she could do to redeem her, she had to resort to her last tactic.

“What last words would you like to say before I torture you?” Sunset grinned.

Celestia felt a tear fall from her eye. Keeping her emotions in check, she once more glared at Sunset with a righteous indignation. “Sunset Shimmer, you have left me no choice. I will do what I must to save Equestria.” Celestia grimly spoke.

Celestia lowered her head and started to glow brightly. She then levitated in the air and glowed even more brightly with an orange-yellow aurora surrounding her. That aurora turned into a fiery one that melted the snow around her.

“What?! What are you doing?! Enough!” Sunset demanded. She blasted at Celestia. Amazingly, the blasts had no affect on her.


Celestia’s aurora then expanded to a larger degree; suddenly, it became a massive magical sun wave that spread itself all over Equestria. The sun wave struck Sunset and surrounded her. “NO!! STOP!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Sunset cried. The sun wave also hit the unconscious demons. After the golden aurora faded from them, all of them turned back to normal teenagers including the CMCs, Flash, Snips, and Snails.

The sun wave melted all the snow away and pushed back the storm clouds. Cadence and Shining took this opportunity by flying down to the drained Crystal Heart and restore it with new love power. Once they accomplished that, the heart restored all the crystal magic in the empire. The sun wave then dissipated. The full moon and stars were seen in the sky.

Celestia softly landed on the ground. After she stopped glowing, she faced Sunset in her normal equine form. The villain awoke with all of her powers and Twilight’s crown gone. Twilight lifted her head up and saw her crown back in place. But for Sunset, she noticed another shocking detail. Her horn was gone.

“Wha—what did you DO TO ME?!” Sunset demanded.

“I removed your horn, Sunset. In that way, you won’t cause harm to anypony ever again. The penalty for your crimes against Equestria is imprisonment in Tartarus.” Celestia sternly declared. Twilight quietly gasped in shock.

Luna opened the portal to Tartarus. Then she chained Sunset and put her in a cage. “No! PLEASE!! Have mercy! I beg of you!! I ask for your forgiveness!! Don’t please!!” Sunset begged, tears falling on her eyes.

Celestia remained silent. With that, Sunset continued to cry until she entered Tartarus through the portal. Celestia also wept while turning her head away. “I’m sorry, Sunset Shimmer.” she whispered.