• Published 30th Apr 2020
  • 1,408 Views, 66 Comments

Sunset’s Uprising - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Sunset Shimmer seeks revenge on Princess Celestia and her friends with a rising new army.

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Pain and Remorse

“I do hope that every creature can help me—help us defeat Sunset Shimmer.” thought Celestia as she flew far and wide in various continents of Equus.

As she was flying, her conscience was constantly bombarded by the unkind memories of her past history with Sunset when the latter was her student in the School of Gifted Unicorns. Her mind went back to the time where her relationship with Sunset was very rough as the latter’s lust for power came in between them.


Princess Celestia opened the door of her classroom. Assembled were a group of young unicorns eager to learn the skills, basics, and wonders of magic. Smiling back at them, Celestia stood next to her desk and faced her students.

“Good morning, students!” Celestia greeted.

“Good morning, Princess Celestia!” the younglings happily replied.

“I hope you all had a lovely night. For today’s class, we will be studying and practicing the magical skill of teleportation. For starters, there are two requirements that must be met in order for us to accomplish this morning’s agenda as follows:

“First, I want us to go to various places that you might not be familiar with. Second, you must keep undivided focus as you will be attempting to teleport from one place to another. Once you have successfully followed these guidelines, you will have no difficulty in your practice of teleportation. Any questions so far?” Celestia asked.

One unicorn filly raised her hoof. “Yes, Evening Light?” Celestia pointed.

“Just one question. How does traveling to places help us teleport?” Evening Light asked.

“I’m glad you asked. In order for you to teleport to anywhere, you first need to know where it is you’re trying to teleport. It makes it much easier once you have a knowledge of every location you want to go to.” Celestia answered.

“Oh ok.” Evening replied.

“Any more questions?” Celestia asked again.

Suddenly, Celestia noticed something different. Among the unicorn fillies and colts seated, there was one empty chair in the classroom. She arched an eyebrow in confusion. “Hold on, has anypony seen Sunset Shimmer today? She is not here in class.”

“We haven’t seen her this morning either.” a colt replied.

Concerned, Celestia stepped outside the classroom and began looking for Sunset. Then within a corner of her eye, she spotted a familiar unicorn filly in a closet since the door was slightly open. She then opened the door wide which startled the filly. Celestia frowned on her.

“Sunset, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in class right now?” Celestia scolded.

“I don’t want to! I’m reading a book of ancient spells that I can learn from! At least that is more interesting and promising than your stupid lessons!” Sunset snapped.

Celestia then glared at her insubordinate pupil. “Sunset! How many times do we have to go through this? I told you that your arbitrary ambitions are only going to take you in the wrong direction. Also, your disobedience to my rules is unacceptable! I am your teacher, and you are to respect me and my authority!”

“Well, I don’t care!! You never give me anything that I truly desire! At least my parents tell me great lessons about true power! I’ve learned everything about magic and it’s true potential! I don’t need your stupid lessons anymore, and I don’t need YOU!!” Sunset yelled.

“ENOUGH!! I will not tolerate this!” Celestia ordered.

“I HATE YOU!!” Sunset shouted.

Those words froze Celestia in place. Never has any student say those things to her. Finally, Sunset threw the book she was reading right at Celestia’s face. She was pushed back by the impact of the hit. Sunset then exited the closet and left the school, never more to return.

Celestia rubbed her head and noticed that her rebellious student was gone. She feared that one day something like that would happen. Thus, she lost her student forever. With that, Celestia became dejected that day.


“I feel like I should have been less harsh on her.” Celestia muttered. She stopped flying and landed on a steep hill. As she recalled the number of times she had fights with Sunset and where she even punished her on multiple occasions for her insubordination, she felt guilt and sorrow building in her.

“This is all my fault.” Celestia sobbed. “I should have showed her the true power of magic... friendship. If only I have been merciful with her, our relationship could have been better.”

“It appears thou art troubled, sister.” a voice called. Celestia looked up and saw Luna descending from the sky. She landed next to her with a sympathetic look. “What troubleth thee?”

“I know I shouldn’t feel like this, but I can’t help be feel ashamed of myself for my harsh actions when Sunset Shimmer was my student. She was my prized student for her success until her parents’s ideology corrupted her. From that time forth, she skipped my classes and ignored my lessons.” explained Celestia. “She felt as if I’ve been keeping something from her.”

“Sister, you should not be hard on yourself for Sunset’s mistakes. Sure, you might have messed up, but in the end, she was still responsible for her own evil decisions she made. You did what you had to. I know you as the wise, caring, and merciful sister that you’ve always been. Never forget that, sister.” Luna encouraged.

Celestia teared up at those heartfelt words. She embraced her sister lovingly. “Thank you, Lulu. I needed to hear that today.”

“It’s just like when you banished me to the moon instead of destroying me when I was Nightmare Moon. That is what makes you who you really are.” Luna finished.

“Thank you, Luna. You’re the best sister I can ever ask for.” Celestia smiled. After they finished hugging, they got back up on their hooves. “We must hurry. I need to request the rulers of the Dragon Lands, Mount Eris, Griffinstone, and Yakyakistan to help us defeat Sunset before she destroys everything we hold dear.”

“No worries, sister. I’ve already asked Spike to write and send the warning letters to Prince Rutherford, Grandpa Gruff, Dragon Lord Torch, and Sky Beak to assist us in fighting against the rising threat in the Crystal Empire.” Luna said.

“What? You did already? What did they respond?” Celestia asked, surprised.

“We will know for sure once they arrive at our location. I told them to meet us where we are if they agree to help us.” Luna replied.

“Well, as long as we have vast forces supporting us, a sure victory over our enemies is guaranteed to us.” Celestia said.