• Published 30th Apr 2020
  • 1,406 Views, 66 Comments

Sunset’s Uprising - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Sunset Shimmer seeks revenge on Princess Celestia and her friends with a rising new army.

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The Final Battle part 1


Chrysalis beheld the teenage demons and changelings working together in keeping the crystal ponies in their cages. She also witnessed a thunderstorm approaching which darkened the entire city. Lightning bolts flashed across the sky, and thunder cracked amongst the dark clouds.

“Ahhhh, yes, I do love the presence of fear in this time of the evening.” said Chrysalis. “I think it’s time for me to make my move.”

She left the balcony and entered the hallway that lead to the throne room. As she opened the doors with her magic, she saw Cadence and Shining Armor tied up in front of Sunset. “I hope I am not interrupting anything.” Chrysalis said, walking in.

“You both will never get away with this!” Cadence shouted, glaring.

“It’s too late for you, dear princess!” Sunset taunted. “Ending your pathetic little lives will be too easy. Much easier than snuffing Twilight Sparkle.”

“WHAT?! YOU’RE LYING!” Shining Armor screamed in shock.

“Oops! I never really said goodbye to her, didn’t I? Oh well, at least she won’t witness the destruction of everything and everyone she ever held so dear... such as you!” Sunset further taunted.

“YOU MONSTER! I’ll—I WILL DESTROY YOU!!” Cadence cried as she attempted to break her magic bonds with her horn. They unfortunately refused to break. Though powerful her magic was, it was no match to the increased power Sunset held.

“Quit embarrassing yourself, Princess. You will only prolong your sorrow.” Sunset said, smiling evilly.

Chrysalis grinned as she witnessed the torment of the crystal rulers. However, she did not forget her main objective. “Sunset is now distracted. If I can perfectly shoot at her head, I might get a flawless victory. Then this palace and all of Equestria will be mine at last!” Chrysalis thought. She ignited her horn and aimed at Sunset’s head. Only one perfect shot at the head would waste the equine she-demon.

“Your majesty! We have a problem!” Snips cried out. Chrysalis’ concentration was completely shattered by the abrupt interruption. A changeling followed Snips with a similar stressed look on his face.

“What is it this time?!” Sunset angrily demanded.

“Princess Celestia has arrived! But she is not alone! She has a massive army behind her! Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends are also with them!” the changeling reported.

Both Sunset and Chrysalis were shocked by the news but mostly Sunset since she thought she finally destroyed Twilight, Spike, and the human five. Hearing their survival greatly enraged her. Seeing her wrath brought some amusement to Chrysalis. However, she was still angry she lost her chance to assassinate Sunset. “Blast it! I’ll try to take her out after I settle my score with Cadence and Shining Armor!” she planned.

“IMPOSSIBLE! I destroyed her and her weakling friends! How is that—(growls)—no matter! This time, I’ll make sure they cease to exist... FOR GOOD!!” Sunset cried.

“What should we do?!” Snips and the changeling asked.

“Gather our armies! Have them organized for battle then attack once they make their first move! GO!!” Sunset commanded.

“Yes, my Shimmering Queen!” Snips bowed before flying off.

“You heard her! Gather our troops, and be prepared for a fight!” Chrysalis ordered. The changeling saluted before he too departed.

“Allow me to take care of these two. Celestia and Twilight will be waiting for you.” Chrysalis advised.

“Very well. Do not eliminate my captives. I will be the one to end them myself!” Sunset ordered. She flew off to confront her enemies.

“Paah!! As if I take orders from you...” Chrysalis scoffed. “Chrysalis obeys nopony.”


“You think pony princess take on them all?” Rutherford asked.

“No need to worry, Prince Rutherford.” Twilight confidently replied. “Celestia always has a plan.”

“Let’s hope you’re 100% right because these dastardly insects always drive me nuts with their ridiculous actions!! I hate those bugs!” Grandpa Gruff angrily said.

The ponies and non-ponies stood together on a tall hill right before the Crystal Empire. Celestia stood on front while Luna and the Mane Six stood side by side with her. The ponified five were somewhat nervous since they never had any experience in being in a battlefield before. Going through this felt like they were participating in a war zone.

“So ummmm... what is Celestia’s plan exactly?” ponified Rainbow nervously asked.

“We march against Sunset Shimmer with a full-scale assault. We will fight with everything we have to the bitter end. It’s the only way to defend and ultimately save Equestria.” Celestia bravely replied. She glared towards the crystal castle. “Sunset will stop at nothing as she will do anything to fulfill her goals.”

“I know we will win victorious at the end, Celestia. We have before and so we shall... together.” stated Twilight, smiling at her friends. They smiled back with courage and determination.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s fight these guys!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Ponies, creatures... ATTACK!!” Celestia commanded. All the creatures—dragons, yaks, griffins, and hippogriffs marched forward while issuing battle cries.

“For our friends!” Fluttershy said.

“For our families!” Applejack and Rarity added.

“For our home!” Pinkie and Rainbow Dash added.

“For Equestria!” Twilight and Spike finished.

Then the Mane Six and Spike marched downward the hill. “FOR EQUESTRIA!!!” they shouted.

The ponified five stood there unsure as to how they could help. “Sooooo, what are we supposed to do?” Applejack asked.

“I’m not sure. I’ve only got started in being a pony. I truly wish I knew how to use those wings.” said Fluttershy.

“Well, as long as we fight like normal horses, it shouldn’t be that bad!” Rainbow encouraged.

“Rainbow is right! We should try our best in winning this war!” Rarity agreed.

“Then come on then! LET’S GET ‘EM, LADIES!!” Pinkie commanded.


The changelings and teenage demons surrounded the fleeing crystal ponies. The latter were terrified by the hissing devils more than the changelings whom they’ve encountered before.

“Let’s devour their love!” a changeling said.

“Let’s crush them!” a demon added.

Before they could harm them, several dragons flew over and breathed fire on the enemy. The fire caught the changelings and startled the demons. The insects screamed in pain as they flew away to dive into a puddle of water that was near by.

“Leave these ponies alone! Get out, you vermins!” Dragon Lord Torch demanded. He again breathed fire on the demons. They jumped out of the way and flew off in fear. Then he faced the shaking ponies. “Run! Now!” Without hesitation, they did as they were told.

The yaks and griffons ran against tons of changelings in the middle of the city. Rutherford and the yaks repeatedly smashed the ground which caused their foes to stumble and fall on the ground. While disorientated, the griffons grabbed them and tossed them over the houses.

Grandpa Gruff grabbed a stick and swatted several changelings in his path. “Get off my lawn, you creeps! GET AWAY! GET AWAY!!” Then he preceded to quickly speak gibberish words that no one understood what he said. Those changelings fearfully flew away.

“Uh, what griffon say?” Rutherford asked.

“Doesn’t matter! Let’s get going!” Gruff yelled.

The hippogriffs smashed against any demon or changeling they came across. Sky Beak twirled in the air which made him increase in speed as he descended on the other opponents. They tried to attack him, but his speed caused them to spin once he hit them. They became very dizzy until they fell down defeated. “You fall down, and you STAY down!” Sky Beak said.

Celestia, Twilight, and Luna fought side by side while Spike, the Mane Six, and the ponified five fought the other changelings and demons. The alicorns combined their magic and blasted their beam at the changelings at one side then blasted the demons on the other side. “The changelings are in this too?! I should’ve known Chrysalis would have the audacity to join forces with Sunset Shimmer!” Luna exclaimed before firing on a changeling.

“It’s not like her to ally herself with another tyrant! She’s too arrogant to do something like this!” Celestia argued before blasting a demon away.

“(Gasp) Celestia, behind you!” Twilight warned.

A fiery beam struck Celestia on the back after she turned her head at the last minute. Weakly lifting her head, she saw Sunset landing on the ground before loud thunder cracked in the sky. “Do you really think you can defeat me with your insignificant army, Celestia?! YOU ARE NOTHING!!” Sunset shrieked.

“Sunset, stop this madness immediately!” Celestia pleaded. “It doesn’t have to be this way!”

“Oh, but it does! You still refuse to see things my way! Now, you will be extinguished by my supreme power!” Sunset boasted. “Once I’m finished with you, this whole world is mine!”

“You’ll never stop at one! I’LL TAKE YOU ALL ON!!” Celestia shouted.

Celestia charged her horn and blasted Sunset with all her might. Sunset yelled in pain from the blast. She got up and blasted her in retaliation. They then locked horns together in a ferocious struggle for dominance.

In the throne room, Chrysalis circled her prey while licking her fangs. “I don’t care what that high-minded Sunset says. Your love will be satisfying to my taste! After I absorb your precious love, I will take over the Crystal Empire and all of Equestria. Prepare to meet your new queen, fools!” Chrysalis taunted. “I will be—!”

Suddenly, Cadence blasted at Chrysalis’ horn. Her magic caused immense pain in Chrysalis that forced her to fall back. Then she and Shining touched their horns together and emitted a short wave of love that dissipated their bonds. They got up and glared at their old adversary. “Caught you monologuing, Chrysalis.” Cadence smirked.

Shaking the pain off, Chrysalis growled at the royal couple. “You will pay for that!” She then blasted her green beam at them. They dived below the blast and fired more shots at her. Outnumbered and outmatched, Chrysalis received plenty of hits from their blasts. One blast struck her on her front leg, a second smote her left leg, and a third grazed her neck.

Wounded badly, she trembled before the triumphant couple. Cadence and Shining Armor united their horns again and emitted an even larger love wave. “NO!! NOT AGAIN!!” Chrysalis cried. The wave sent her flying out of the castle.

All the changelings looked back and saw the love wave fly toward them. Having no time to react, the love wave sent all of them flying out of Equestria and defeated them. The demons however remained on the ground and were confused by the turn of events.

“Excuse me for one moment.” Sunset said. She blasted Celestia away and flew over to Chrysalis.

Chrysalis weakly arose from the ground. She opened her eyes and saw Sunset approach her. “It appears my trap worked after all.” Sunset smirked. Chrysalis widened her eyes in surprise.

“WHAT?! That was your plan?! How?!” Chrysalis demanded.

“I purposely allowed Cadence and Shining Armor to have their horns unbounded. I knew your ego would permit you to taunt them rather than finishing the job. Trust me, I studied your history when I used to attend Celestia’s pathetic school. Reading your failure kept me laughing all night. Anyway, having the couple use their love to humiliate you was my way of saying this: you have finally served your purpose.” Sunset explained.

“You... you back-stabbing fiend! You will pay for this!” Chrysalis cried.

“I knew you were planning to betray me first. You didn’t think I noticed your assassination attempt? The moment I sensed your betrayal, I planned that trap. At least your changelings were able to drain the love of the Crystal Heart. Now, you’re no longer of any use to me.” Sunset grinned.

She cast a spell on Chrysalis that froze her into an ice cube. Her terrified eyes were seen as Sunset lifted her cube up and threw her miles away from the empire. She fell in an ocean where she sunk deep inside... drowning into the darkness.

A rising snowstorm arrived as all the love was drained from the Crystal Heart. Celestia lifted herself up as she once again had to resume her possibly last stand against her former student.