• Published 30th Apr 2020
  • 1,408 Views, 66 Comments

Sunset’s Uprising - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Sunset Shimmer seeks revenge on Princess Celestia and her friends with a rising new army.

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Two Queens Unite


The changeling, in the form of a bird, flew back to the hive before he changed back to his normal form. Once he entered inside, he opened his wings and flew all the way to the throne room where the infamous Queen Chrysalis sat on her throne. She was finished draining the love from the animals she captured in cocoons. She sadistically grinned at their misery.

“My queen...” the spy spoke, bowing reverently to her. Chrysalis turned her face to him and nodded her head.

“Speak. What have you gathered?” she commanded.

“I just finished my initial work of gathering information from several crystal guards about their weapons and war strategies. However, I heard a thunderous commotion within the Crystal Empire Castle. Once I noticed a shattered window at the top, I looked through it and saw a ferocious demonic alicorn defeating Celestia!” the spy reported. “She calls herself Queen Sunset Shimmer!”

All the assembled changelings gasped at hearing the revelation of a new conqueror. Chrysalis was also surprised at hearing that there was another one who sought to both overthrow and overtake Equestria. However, she returned to her normal demeanor and got up from her throne.

“Very interesting, Collar. This Sunset Shimmer seeks the throne of Equestria? Hmmmmm...” Chrysalis then started to think of how they were going to react to Sunset’s uprising. Realizing that if they were to allow Sunset to rule Equestria, then their chances of draining all the love from the equines would be extremely slim. Her pride forbade her to sit back and do nothing.

Suddenly, an idea sparked in her mind. Smirking proudly, she faced all her changeling children. “I have a plan, my children! Give ear to your queen! You will do well to remember that I, Queen Chrysalis, am the ONLY one capable of ruling all Equestria! If we sit idly by and allow this Sunset Shimmer to rule with an iron hoof, we will all face starvation! She could take control of everypony!”

The changelings beheld each other with fear and anxiety as they heard that. They greatly feared the thought of starving to death. Seeing the look of distress on them, Chrysalis flew down and stroked some of them gently.

“Fear not, my faithful subjects! I have a plan! I say we make an alliance with this Sunset and work together to bring Equestria to its knees. Once that is accomplished, then we will destroy her and seize the kingdom for ourselves with unlimited supply of love for generations!” Chrysalis finished.

The changelings hissed in gleeful agreement. “Brilliant strategy! Brilliant! Nopony aces the mighty changelings!” Collar praised.

“Precisely. Now, enough talk! We march now! We will all play nice, make a temporary agreement, and see what weaknesses they have. Once we know those weaknesses, we will exploit them and overthrow those creatures! Excellent work, Collar.” Chrysalis commended.

“My deepest pleasure, my queen.” Collar kneeled.

Chrysalis and the changelings opened their wings, rose in the air, and then exited their hive to begin their ultimate plan of ruling Equestria. They were determined more than ever to take Equestria for themselves and garner all the love they can get.


Sunset redecorated the crystal throne room with her transformation spells. The throne had a fire that resembled her hair as an insignia. The whole room was colored light blue and black which matched the color of her spell orb on her crown. The whole castle was on fire although it was not being burned down.

Meanwhile, Snips and Snails imprisoned Shining Armor and Cadence and took them in a dungeon. Flash stood next to Sunset on her right hoof while the CMCs stood next to her on her left hoof. So far, her triumph was the best moment of her life. She finally achieved what she had always lusted after: infinite power of great magic. “It’s our kingdom now! All that this kingdom offers is now ours for the taking!” Sunset exulted.

Suddenly, an eagle flew in her room. Once it flew up toward Sunset Shimmer, a green flame came over it and revealed Queen Chrysalis smiling at her. Sunset raised her eyebrows in surprise and glared at her as the changeling queen approached. “Greetings, your royal highness. Pardon my rude entrance.” she said, kneeling down.

“Who are you, bug?! What do you want here?!” Sunset demanded, igniting her horn angrily. Chrysalis twitched her right eye in shock as nopony ever told her what to do and spoke to her like that before.

“I am Chrysalis, the queen of the changelings. I have heard of your magnificent takeover of this kingdom and your plan to rule over Equestria. As a ruler of my subjects, I thought that since we both have similar desires to conquer this pathetic land and its inhabitants, we should make an alliance.” Chrysalis proposed.

Sunset began to think of this until she looked back at Chrysalis. As she examined her demeanor and attitude, Sunset then dangerously drew close to the changeling queen. “So...the ruler of the changelings is much like me, huh? Why else do you wish to join us? What’s in it for you?” Sunset scrutinized.

“Only to harvest enough love for my changelings so that we can all feast on them for generations! With you and your great army by our side, we will all destroy those ponies who stand in our way and rule Equestria together...forever!” Chrysalis exulted.

“Really? Working together...hmmm.” Sunset wondered. Seeing her minions nod in acceptance one by one, she herself also nodded to Chrysalis. “Very well, Queen Chrysalis. I accept your willingness to help us dominate Equestria. Consider yourself...a partner.” Sunset said.

“Perfect!” Chrysalis said, shaking Sunset’s hoof. Her changelings secretly rejoiced to see their plan starting to go well. Chrysalis turned around with a devious smile as she too felt satisfied. “Excellent. I eagerly look forward to back-stabbing her.” she thought.

However, she failed to notice Sunset’s smile she made once Chrysalis’s back was turned. She cast a look at Flash and the CMCs and winked at them. They winked back at her.