• Published 21st Apr 2020
  • 2,644 Views, 11 Comments

What he found there - PlayerError404

The Doom Slayer finds something intresting in Hell

  • ...

It was Yellow

He ran through Hell, everything else ran from him; not that they got far, nothing escaped his wrath. The land might have been burning around him, the souls of the dammed might scream at him and the filth of demon kind might try to kill him, but none would.

He was Doom, he was the one who was going to bring them all to their knees and show them the same mercy they showed anyone who got stuck in this blasted realm with them.

He braced as he made a large jump, falling at rapid speed; he hit the ground with enough force to shatter the rock beneath him. He stood up, looking around; many would say a second to see the red runes glowing wasn’t enough to defend against what was warping towards him. They were not him.

In an instant he called his Super Shotgun to his hand and squeezed the trigger, blasting the spawning Imp in half, its blood caking the ground around it. He didn’t stop to look; it didn’t matter, more like that thing were coming. He ran towards the next warp point, a Hell Knight. He raised the Super Shotgun, the meat hook shot off from its chain, burying itself into the creature’s chest before he was pulled towards it; driving his meaty fist into the creatures skull.

The shattered mess of the demon’s skull had barley hit the wall before he span around, calling the Plasma Rifle to his hands and letting lose a barrage of blue energy at the oncoming swarm. One by one Possessed fell, Imps burned as gargoyles were pulled in half.

The blood around him still damp he walked forwards, carelessly crushing the remaining bodies bellow his feet as he walked. The crunches brough him satisfaction as well as the gush of liquified internals. For he was the Doom slater, enemy of hell and the one who would rip and tear, until it was done.

Whatever was down in this particular region of Hell must have been a big deal, they’d actually tried to put up a fight protecting this place. It would have been cute if not for all the intestines decorating everything.

He walked forwards, looking up at the doors, clearly designed to allow Hell’s taller denizens through. He stretched his arms before putting one hand on each door and pushing, the scrapping echoing around the silent hall as the door moved.

Entering the next room, he looked around, it was silent aside from one creature trapped in a cage in the centre of the room. The dammed were not people the Slayer liked focusing on. They were dead and stuck here, most of them did not even come close to deserving what these infernal creatures would do to them.

Still as he approached, he noticed something, this creature looked… remarkably none demonic and startlingly healthy for a being trapped in Hell. A small quadruped with yellow fur and long pink hair running down its head and neck, with another burst coming off at its back.

The creature jolted as he approached; its red eyes clearly indicating it had been crying. The terrified thing backed up as far as it could, revealing wings in the process as it reached the far end of the cage.

“No, please! No more!” it begged, eyes wide with terror as the Slayer approached, given what the demons had most likely been doing to it and the fact he was double her height the fear was probably justified.

He crouched down, staring intently though his visor, staring at the creature. His deep breathing deafening in the quite chamber.

“What…hrrrgg… are you?” He eventually growled, watching the creature as it cried out in terror, flapping its wings on instinct before crashing into the roof of it’s cage, it frantically glanced around, realising it was trapped it curled up as small as it could.

“…I’m Fluttershy…” It said, its voice pathetically tiny as it hid, covering its eyes with its wings.

The Slayer nodded, before letting VEGA talk.

“My scan detects nothing demonic about its origins”

“A lost soul pulled down into this world by them most likely.” The wreck of Samuel Hayden added, speaking from his sanctum. “Why this one has simply been captured I do not know.”

“They, they wanted to find my home.” The creature apparently known as Fluttershy said, before letting out a startled ‘Eeep!’ and hiding behind its wings again.

The Slayer nodded; they needed another world; perhaps they thought they’d be spared his wrath if they left earth alone. It was cute really.

He thought for a second before turning to look at the creature. It was tiny, barely half his height, small, unarmoured and so easily scared it most likely would freeze up at the wrong time and get burnt by Imp fire or melted to a crisp from Possessed soldier gunfire.

“If it was brought in by a portal it might know where it is.” VEGA spoke up. “If you could find it you might be able to close it before too much damage is done to its world.”

The Slayer nodded, but looked at it.

“I highly doubt that creature has the fortitude to make the journey.” Hayden said flatly. “The chances of it surviving are tiny at best; a simple scan on It’s DNA would make a far better guide to the portal.”

The Slayer nodded, reaching into the bars and grabbing the creature around its barrel before grabbing a strand of hair in its tail and pulling, retrieving the DNA he held it up, letting VEGA get a scan.

“Map complete.” The AI said. “scans indicate an open Hell portal near the provided coordinates.”

The Slayer nodded again before looking down at the yellow creature; it was crying again, sobbing uncontrollably in a crumpled heap in the centre of the cage. Carefully he reached out for the cage’s door.

“It will most likely die before you make it to the portal, the chance of returning it to it’s home are miniscule. It would be kinder to put it out of it’s misery now.” Hayden said over the radio. It was practical certainly but said in a tone that suggested the mechanical man knew it was heartless.

The Doom Slayer considered it as the creature jolted up, the terror on its face somehow more extreme than it had been before.

“No please! I, I have to get back!” It cried out, flying to the front of its cage. “Please, my friends need me, I have classes to teach, Harry needs his back treated, the frogs need relocating again…”

It continued to ramble like that as the Slayer watched it. The thing was not going to make it. He groaned silently, he didn’t like doing this but you couldn’t save everyone; he began to call upon his Super Shotgun, however the creature said something that saved it seconds before the Slayer blasted it in half.

“And Angel Bunny, I, I need to look after him…” The creature crumpled, sobbing and bracing, clearly waiting for the end.

“…Bunny…” The Slayer said slowly in his deep growl, before looking at the sobbing creature again. It looked up and silently nodded.

He reached his hands out and grabbed the cage, crushing the bars he gripped before tearing the thing in half.

The yellow creature looked around, seemingly unable to believe what he had just done. Done the Slayer stood up, once again dwarfing the creature that was barely half his height, he looked down at it before jolting his head, indicating to the stairs located on the far side of the room.

“I believe the Slayer would like you to follow him.” VEGA said helpfully to the Yellow creature, who jolted before realising the seemingly friendly creature was walking away from her.

“Wait please!” it cried out, flapping its wings and taking off after the Slayer. “If that’s not too much trouble that is.”

The lack of Demons had the Slayer on edge; there should have been some somewhere by now, they’d been walking (or in the yellow creature’s case, flying) for over an hour now.

“No Demonic activity detected in the vicinity; however, a large number of demons appear to be gathering near the portal” VEGA said as they entered a recently gutted Argent facility.

The Slayer barely nodded in response as he entered, keeping his Super Shotgun raised anyway as they walked through the place.

The yellow creature’s eyes had gone wide, no part of Hell was pleasant, but this place was far worse than most of the area’s they’d been through before. The iron and stone structure were huge and impressive, with large skulls leering down at anyone in there.

“OH MY!” the creature cried out as passed near a cage full of the dammed, the bodies inside jerking to life and reaching for her, low moans crying out.

The Slayer looked back and grabbed her tail, trying to gently pull her onwards.

The fact the creature resisted his attempts was surprising. Granted he wasn’t really trying to move it, but still it was impressive.

“We have to keep moving.” Hayden said firmly. “Any time spent not traveling is time the denizens here can use to lock onto us.”

“We have to help them.” The Yellow being stated simply, looking up at the Slayer. “You can break the cages right.

The Slayer didn’t move, it wasn’t that he couldn’t get them out…

“Miss, the people in those cages are not really alive anymore.” Hayden answered.

“People processed into Argent energy have their souls damaged beyond repair, there is no saving them.” VEGA helpfully added.

“But, there must be-“

The Slayer had bent down and was shaking his head. He looked at her from behind his clouded visor, reading anything onto what little of his visible face was not easy; but what she could see told the Yellow being enough.

The two quietly left the area.

“The Portal is nearby.” Vega stated as they climbed a rocky verge, the Yellow being electing not to think about what some of the lose rocks actually were; or why they crunched when they stepped on them.

The two stopped when they reached the top, looking over the edge.

The Sight bellow was simple if potentially lethal to the yellow creature. The portal that would take it back was glowing brightly within a titanic stone arc at least 10 stories tall, the wreck of a Titan mech crashing down in the centre of an otherwise flat area.

The problem was the horde filling in the flat ground. Arachnotrons, Cacodemons, Mancubus, Whiplash, Revenant, Pinkys, Prowlers, Hell knights, Cyber demons and the Marauder standing atop the downed titan’s hand, screaming at the hordes bellow him.

The Slayer thought before grabbing the yellow being.

“The Slayer will clear you a path, I would recommend flying as fast as you can towards the portal.” VEGA explained. “Once you are safely back home you must close the portal.”

“But, what about you?” The Yellow being asked, nervously looking at the armoured being.

“Rip and tear.” It growled, before looking back at the crowd of demons bellow it. “Until it is done.”

With that he hauled himself up over the ledge and pulled out a new weapon, the BFG9000. He charged it up and let the blast of green energy lose. The Demons that saw it coming didn’t get a chance to cry out before they were vaporised.

The remaining swarm gasped in shock as they saw the Slayer standing above them, barely getting a second to think before he had lunged at them, guns in hand he blasted the organic half off a Whiplash that had tried to jump him.

He swung around and aimed the assault rifle at an approaching Prowler, sinking multiple shots into the creature before unleashing a flame belcher on a Mancubus. The fat creature screaming as he lunged at it, sinking his chainsaw into its body, shredding it.

The chain gun came out next, mowing down the charging hordes that approached him before he was punching some of the more resilient foes.

The Slayer filled the surrounding area’s with lead and plasma; his flying fists sinking into anything that managed to survive his initial shots.

He only caught a glimpse of the Yellow creature flying above the fight, traveling as fast as it’s wings could take it. He didn’t stop to look any longer because he had an actual fight on his hands now as he pulled an impaled Revenant off his arm’s knife, dropping the corpse to the floor and discarding it’s backpacks argent core.

A Marauder was approaching, the almost human thing brandishing its Argent Axe at the Slayer.

“You cannot stop us.” It said, before its eyes flashed a brilliant green and it lunged for the Slayer, gasping as Buckshot sunk into its guts.

The Slayer dived out of the way as the Marauder recovered and swung a blast of Argent energy from its axe his way.

The pair glanced at each other for a second before the slayer freed his crucible and ignited the weapon, the cruel sword blade forming before he levelled it at the Marauder.

The two beings met in a clash of furious strikes, taking down many other demons in the process as they swung at each other, the Marauders blasts ripping the landscape apart

He moved forwards, watching the mutated being closely as it reached for the Shotgun kept on its hips.

He levelled it at the Slayer, before flicking its red eyes upwards. It suddenly aimed straight up. The Slayer realised what it was aiming at, the Yellow Creature hadn’t made it to the portal yet. The Marauder’s eyes flashed again, and it cried out, the Meathook burring itself in the creature’s chest.

The Slayers efforts saved the yellow creature, if only just. The shot failed to hit the creatures torso, but it did hit the wing, the creature fell from the sky and the Slayer only just managed to grab it before it fell into a hole in the ground.

He looked it over, it was in a bad way; an injured wing and back leg revealed.

“It is losing a substantial amount of blood, it is unlikely that it can make it to the portal.” VEGA diagnosed, looking down at the Yellow creature.

The Slayer had brief flashes of memories, out of everything he had done and everyone he had met, Daisy was always there, one of Demon kinds many victims. He looked down at the yellow being in his hands. His rage built as he scooped her up. He aimed the flame belcher and grenade launcher behind him and bolted, running as fast as he could, a storm of fire and explosions shooting off behind him.

He was not going to stop, he would not stop, until it was done, he would run, until his legs could move no further, until his heart no longer beat.

A blast of red shot past him, the energy singing the ground around him. The Marauder was back and after him, it didn’t matter, he was getting her to the portal, she was not going to die.

His feat crashed down, he was feet from the portal, he was going to make it!

The familiar flash was felt as he jumped through.

The tiled ground was not built for a being of his size, it erupted in shattered fragments as he landed, the injured creature still in his arms. He looked around, the creatures in the room were different colours to the being in his arms, but they were the same, he put the creature down before pointing at the portal.

“Who?” He asked, taking not of the visible jolt everyone in the room let out as he spoke. When he didn’t get an answer, he slammed his fist into a nearby pillar, shattering the stone to dust.

“WHO!?” He screamed, looking around the room before seeing a purple creature, it had wings and a spike on its head, it was also taller than anyone else in the room and wearing a crown, so he lunged out, grabbing it by the horn.

Several other creatures cried out as he lifted it into the air.

“Close… the… portal. Never… Open… it… again. EVER!” it screamed the last word, causing the purple creature to cry out in shock as it stared at him, he cracked his knuckles, causing the thing to nod frantically as it’s horn glowed and the rift started to shrink.

The Slayer nodded and walked towards the shrinking portal, stopping only to look at the yellow one, it was already being treated by more of the creatures in the room. He was moving again within the second, it barely looking like he had stopped. It was not that he didn’t care, he did. She was safe and her rabbit would be fine. But that wasn’t his job, there were more demons on the other side of that rift and he’d made a promise to himself.

“…Until it is done.” He growled under his breath before disappearing as the rift closed.

Author's Note:

Dear Princess Celestia

Today I learn't it is a very bad idea to open portal's into hell as giants will come through and threaten you.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

Comments ( 11 )

"Damn it Fluttershy, we told you NO INCUBI!"


Plot Twist: Angel Bunny Actually opened the portal to Hell

Twilight...for Fluttershy's sake could you...could stop messing with things that you don't know about?

Hell is never capitalized, and barely keeps getting replaced by barley.


thanks for pointing that out, gramma and spelling have never been my strong suit, just gonna fix that.

The problem was the horde filling in the flat ground. Arachnotrons, Cacodemons, Mancubus, Whiplash, Revenant, Pinkys, Prowlers, Hell knights, Cyber demons and the Marauder standing atop the downed titan’s hand, screaming at the hordes bellow him.

You misspelled Archvile. A Marauder never screams, not even in pain, because he is a former, resurrected Night Sentinel, the demonic version of the Slayer. Also, Marauders tend to be fairly independent, but also not commanding armies. That's something an Archvile would do.

Some minor spelling errors aside, it is an excellent story, and I loved it.

would love to see another chapter just about how it affected flyttershy

First Isabelle, now Fluttershy. Who's next, Pikachu?

Anyway, awesome story, and all of the Doom characters were in character.

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