• Published 21st Apr 2020
  • 2,078 Views, 1 Comments

Rarity! I Shrunk Vanilla - B_25

Vanilla becomes shrunk by Fluttershy during one of Rarity's weekly visits. Both of them try to find him. Stomping hooves and other such side-effects of being giants ensues.

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Sprawling Floors of Complete Wood

Rarity! I Shrunk Vanilla!
B_25 & Vanilla Beam

Vanilla Beam knew he'd struck luck after nabbing Fluttershy as a mare for himself. Never had he thought it would work out between them—not that he wouldn't be kind and dutiful and countless others positive qualities and activities for her.

It's just the poor boy never expected the girl to say yes.

But she had. And now they were together. The outside of the cabin was awash in the afternoon sun of a lazy spring day. Winds softly blew across the grass and whistled between the brittle branches of the surrounding trees. Peace didn't strike the town often.

And one had to indulge in respite as it appeared.

The two lovebirds were currently beyond the door of the cabin and tucked together in the living room. Cuddling on the couch with a think blanket covering them. Vanilla was actually the one lying on his back as Fluttershy cuddled atop him, snuggling into spots on the other, little kisses peppered across his frame.

A lazy afternoon for the gentle couple recently having fallen in love.

“Not a terrible way to spend a Sunday.” Fluttershy's muzzle brushed from his belly till reaching his chest, sinking her chin into the softness. Her lips leaned forward to kiss at the skin beneath it—much to his shivers. He'd been ticklish there for whatever reason. “So weak in so many sweet places. Finding them all is going to be a fun use of the afternoon.”

Vanilla didn't need to respond with words as he allowed the girl to take control. Rather his hoof brushed over her mane and followed its length, ensuring his the love in his strokes could be felt by her. That turn of her yellow head, followed by a smile... proved his intent had been felt.

“But all of that is going to need to wait until Rarity is done her trip! This... was a nice pickup.” Fluttershy's body retreated across his body, disappearing beneath the blanket, the delightful hump of her body seen on the material. “Let's do this again later today, only next time, we'll have the fire going! The crackling of wood to its subtle warmth.” She appeared on the other side of the couch and, already, was leaning from the weight of the dreamy image on her mind. “Won't it be romantic?”

All the boy could do was nod. Fluttershy giggled and covered a hoof over her mouth. Seconds of pleasant silence had passed between them and, even though both would have enjoyed keeping this way for a few moments longer, each had to get on with the day ahead.

But at the least after the events of the evening, the two would be joined again, as they were now. Fluttershy stepped down from the couch and rounded around the table littered with objects—lambs, books, and a strange device Discord had gifted her.

Without even knowing it, her flank had brushed against the object, bumping into the table, offering an ashamed giggle and not daring to glance behind. It's for this fact Fluttershy missed what was to occur next. That, and how the swirling end of the object powered in a strange glow.

Vanilla noticed it after the distant hoofsteps became too faint to hear anymore. Fluttershy would go and ready for meeting Rarity. She loved her friend, that he knew, but, at the same time, he also knew that spending an afternoon with the mare also took a bit out of the timid girl.

His muzzle turned to the beam as a low sizzling could be heard from the device. Vanilla clambered off the couch and to the device, with the hope to turn it off but, as he stood before it—the gun fired.

Vanilla Beam had been aware of the tightening sensation pulling on his skin; everything, muscles and bones, limbs and his head, all of it seemed to be bunching to the point of concentration lurking at the deepest center of his body. It kept tightening and pulling to that sense as the world changed.

Everything grew in a size that was not able to be caught by his eyes. It was only a matter of seconds until he was one with the fibres of the carpet, one which the table laid upon, the two before the couch itself. He fell to the ground and on his side, waiting for the feelings to fade, coming into his own soon enough.

Vanilla wasn't sure how long he'd been knocked out for. He wasn't even sure his mind had even found sleep. His eyes had closed and his mind had cleared. But there was no more excellent feeling than that. Only the sense of barely holding on until all the ugly stuff had been washed out from him.

The tiny pony had cracked open his eyes in a groggy state. Very slowly the world loaded back in for him. Blurs of towering reds loomed before him, still and fuzzy, those not because of his vision. With a few blinks the images were cleared. That of carpet fibres, standing tall, a furry kind of trees.

“Oh bother.” Vanilla hacked out a cough of whatever dust inhaled during his descent. His hooves smacked into the ground, an unstable cushion of the carpet due to its increased size, reminding the boy of walking across collected sand. “This isn't going to work out well for me.”

And this was true as the boy was no more than a speck in a wonderland of the giant lobby of the cabin. His eyes could barely take in the majestic scale opening around him. Far above and beyond loomed the greatness of the door frame to the room. It's height and width, captured in his gaze, only due to how far away he was.

To his right was the thick block of a wooden pillar. His next was forced to crane back as his eyes shot up to the towering scale of the leg. The underside of the table was spread like the sky itself. The wood there was darker and richer due to the lack of light on it.

“This my fate for not keeping the place safe?” Vanilla asked none. Talking—even to himself—made dealing with trouble easier. Not that problems became easier, but rather, it allowed him to deal with them better. “But that thing has been there for months! That couldn't have been the first time it went off.”

The answer to the questions raised on his mind was answered in what laid on the ground before him. Other shrunken objects were scattered across the floor, each coated in a feeling of familiarity.

Differently coloured brushes filled with pink strands of silky hair. Ribbons and bows and the like.

The tiny pony ambled through the collection of shrunken objects, looking from side to side from inside the valley of reduced objects. So many conversations about where things had gone were now suddenly answered. That, and a lot of things he didn't know they had lost.

Countless items sparked the memory of how apparent and consistent in their life they had been. But just like that, one day, they were gone without being noticed. Their lives had changed without these objects—what they did and the story about how they were obtained—and the tiny, suddenly, was glad to be tiny.

All to bring these objects back to his love.

Who, no doubt, missed them most of all.

And then there was the distant booming of voices. Vanilla had reached the corner of the carpet, a drop from its layer to the sprawling wooden lands below. The front of the couch consumed the horizon before him. Underneath it was a wide cavern, dim and dirty, sliver slices of light set on its other end.

With a flap covering over the opening.

What had been happening in the distance? The tiny pony stood on the corner of the carpet with an ear raised to the sky itself. Muffled, distant booms thundered from the beyond, the creaks and cracks of metal and wood. Another door was being answered in the distance. The front door.

Another giant set to appear.

Vanilla turned to face the other side of the carpet to the living room, the door to it being closed, but the feeling of the giant felt even from afar. He started to shout, beginning at the top of his lungs, acting as though any chance in pitch would make a difference.

But the truth of the matter was that he was too small to ever have heard at all. Even if the beautiful Fluttershy had been sitting on the couch, towering into the sky itself, no matter how hard his lungs had burned to carry his voice—it would thin out before touching her hooves.

There was simply nothing he could do.

The boy, however, could her them coming. Oh yes. It first had started with the feeling in his gut of a threat approaching. Even though he couldn't see them, his tiny body would sense them, the utterly giant girls, lightly stomping away somewhere else in the cabin.

All it took was a glance at the walls of the room to assume how big they would look to him now. Everything so big and so vast that none of the greatness of scale to the place could even be comprehended by him. But he had sensed them. And then the details of doom started to arrive.

First was the shivers in his legs caused not only fear. Rather it was the distant shivers throughout the land caused by the greatness of mighty hooves far away. Their tremors could reach him like this? Faraway in a remote place, unable to be seen or pinpointed, yet their hoofsteps could be felt even rooms apart?

Vanilla looked down at his hooves to see the second-long blurring of the ground below him. He couldn't know or hear where the giants were. Yet wherever they were, their hoofsteps quivered the field around him, tickling electricity through his limbs.

Until everything became greater.

Now he could start to hear the giants. They didn't talk, but they stalked the massive halls. Step after step was met with boom after thud. Slow but consistent and all joined together. What had started soft, tickles and quivers, changed into something more, hard and rough, the ground starting to rock around.

Vanilla could feel himself stepping from leg to leg, finding himself dancing around, attempting to handle even the vague sense of being around giants. Gazing up to the table showed it to be still despite the coming of giants. All that shook and rocked around, however, were the shrunken objects around the boy.

He'd never felt so tiny before. Looking to the large door in the distance, a scale beyond which he could comprehend, his gaze locked to a massive corner on it. If he couldn't even intake the size of a door to him now, a still and peaceful thing... then how was he going to deal with pretty giants without any clue to his existence?

Eventually the stomping became worse. Vanilla could sense the giants beyond the distant walls, each creak singing out like crashing tidal waves. Both of them were talking, saying something to the other, but their words, voices too, couldn't be heard.

Rather all that came through was the power of their pitch. There was a feminine edge to the booming roars but, to the boy, all he could sense was the greatness to them. Without meaning to, their voices raided strength, were thick by it—despite usually being gentle and cute tones to listen to.

Vanilla stepped back from the door as the ground continued to rock. Objects launched into the air and clattered around the floor on impact. Each thud threatened to collapse the land itself. They build together, becoming more powerful, that was until they become still before the door itself.

Which then squeaked open.

Vanilla swallowed at seeing the towering wall of wood pull backward as the squeaking of the hinges blared worse than any horn. Two hooves shot to his ears to repress the terribleness and greatness of their sound.

Across the ground in the distance was where the giants had come. In the sweeping landscape that was the wooden floor, pairs of hooves crashed domes across the surface, each strike powerful, the impact surging across the floor.

Vanilla could swear his world was being walked as the hooves filled out into the room. At least he was being rocked from side to side to deal with the intense vibrations beneath his hooves. It was getting harder and harder to keep himself in check as the energy was nearly violent in how it coursed through him.

The yellow battleship of Fluttershy was first to walk into the room. The boy was forced to crane his head back and gaze to the heavens to see her face; the flatness of her muzzle had come like a platform to him, now, its cliff blocking the view of her eyes.

Her pink mane, due to the size difference, had become a waterfall throughout the air. It dropped close to the floor, each and bouncing to the steps, another booming effect he could barely handle to keep aware of.

How was he supposed to keep track of the timid giant? Her hooves strode toward, slow and timed, each stomp a powerful delight. Her muzzle loomed further than the sky as the bottom corners of her eyes glinted in the light. They went left and right, to the wrecking ball qualities of her mane, swinging around, swirling whirlwinds from the mere moving of her hair.

Those winds, in their subtle force, blowing back Vanilla's blond mane.

Fluttershy's chest was a shifting landscape of cloven furry delight. Warm and soft and appearing sunny on the eye. Despite the terror of being small, Vanilla couldn't help but see himself tucked away on those plush planes, one rising and dropping, of course, to the soft breathing of the girl.

Or exploring across the soft, sloped, fuzzy lane being her belly. It would rise and drop too, as it did now exceedingly above him—leading to a place he did not dare gaze toward. Rather his eyes shifted to the darker but towering hind legs blurred on the horizon.

Great and shifting pillars that shamed the highest of skyscrapers.

And to make matters worse... there was another next to her.

Vanilla watched as the second giant stomped her way next to Fluttershy. White hooves more daintily in their step but swallowing complete territories underneath them. He gazed up to the thicker form of the alabaster mare.

Much like the mare next to her, Rarity's muzzle soared above, well beyond where clouds are supposed to be. Her eyes were like ponds and the inner-blue a pool to swim across. Both barrels tapered into the distance, only their sprawling sides able to be seen, nothing their backs able to be seen.

Both girls had seemed happy to find Vanilla here but, as their muzzle swept through the sky, a great wave of confusion washed over their expression. The might of their eyes narrowed in looking for him. Little did they know he was too far beneath their snouts ever to be seen!

“Vanilla, are you here?”

“Vanilla, darling, I must say it's an honour to meet you... that is, if you are here too!”

Both of their voices sent gales from the pairs of their lips. Vanilla's ears tingled in hearing the vastness of their voices squeezing inside the tiny holes that were his ears. They were powerful without knowing. Even their whispers could carry across the whole of the monolithic landscape.

How could such creatures be so unaware of how powerful they were? Each of them started to stride forward, the length of their legs arching through the sky, slowly crashing into the ground again. The thuds had been dull but the effect the booms swept with ease across the landscape.

It was still amazing to see how these giants, causal in their actions, could much stir the setting itself. Watching the front of the yellow hoof swing ever closer, the ground before and beneath it darkening as it hovered closer above—a dome of darkness cast beneath the softness of a mere hoof.

Until crashing down, blasting air and the thinness of dust, the ground quaking in effect. It hurt as the duo had split and the steps were continuous in their blasting power. Around the table was where Rarity had gone, her head flicking around, searching for the tiny, calling his name the lightness of a shout—enough to vibrate the air surrounding him.

Her mere voice, so far away, able to affect all that around him.

“Down here! Down here! C'mon you two! See me!” Vanilla did his best to start jumping in place, all on his hind legs, waving his forelegs in the air. Doing this all while his giant might of his marefriend drew ever closer, her muzzle lifted and straight, looking around, wholly unaware of him. “Just a single glance down! You should be able to see me! Just check out your hooves!”

But there was nothing he could do. No matter how much he danced in place, shouting to the massive ears of the mare high above—she would never take notice of him. Her flowing mane blocked half of her face now, the mass dropping to the ground, swaying to her movements.

“Please! Just look down! Please!”

But that didn't matter. Those yellow legs were moving without Fluttershy's knowledge. She was simply walking, stepping forward, everything on instinct. It wasn't something to think about. Fluttershy was walking around the room as she would normally do. Nothing was different about this occurrence to her.

Though Vanilla saw the world through a new perspective. While her head whipped around in search for him, her body carried on as normal, booming and covering fields with her hooves, drawing ever closer as the blurriness that blanketed started to clear.

He could make out the details better as those distant legs came close. Each of her strands could be seen for the silky thickness that they were. Tufts seem to cover the vertical landscape and inches out ever so much. If he somehow laid into it, he would sink into the silky grass, unable to be seen from the shallow depth of her furs.

“You said he was here, did you not, darling?”

“Mmhmm! Together on the couch just before you came.”

“Doing anything special?”

“...little cuddling.”

“Isn't that simply adorable!”


Both of their yells buzzed inside Vanilla's ears with their delicate femininity. It was as soothing as it was dominating his mind. Their sweet voices broke through his skins, buzzed throughout his bones, shivering him backward until they'd run their course.

Everything played into his ears. Without knowing it, other objects had been shrunk throughout the room and, on the floor on the other side of the table... loomed a few items. Captured in the brilliant light, this did not keep long for, seconds later, the thickness of a shadow passed over them. An entire playground captured and growing darker, that was, until the wideness of whiteness crashed over the air.

Rarity's hoof crushed into the sphere of the area and, without knowing it, flattened belongings into specks. Her hoof rose into the sky again, dust and particles cascading around the hoof, little objects becoming unstuck from the softness of her soles.

The leg raising high enough above the table to be unable to see her leg.

Vanilla's eyes had widened at seeing all those little items so effortlessly crushed beneath the expanse of her hoof. How utterly miniature they appeared in the contrast of the giant sole. Some clung to her surface, all that would become further flattened.

Even if the mare felt something strange or wrong—a lick of a tickle underneath her leg—she would raise and flip her hoof before her eyes. All she'd see is the typical white of her sole. Maybe, if she even thought to heavily squint, maybe, she could make out a black dot of the crushed items.

And even that wouldn't evoke a second thought.

Vanilla collapsed to his rump and covered his ears with his hooves. Hearing the creaking of wood was a howling cry screeching and slicing across his hearing. Worst was the crunching of items beneath the masses of those hooves. Horrible crunches twisting as his spine. Such power was unknown to the ones possessing it.

Until he felt a shadow passing over him.

Vanilla twisted his back to gaze to the sky—everything dim—as it was blocked. Instead what hovered was the underside of the darken, lemon hoof, keeping still. Over the side of the leg, looming high above, was the muzzle of the girl.

Fluttershy turned her head to the side, gazing over at her friend, lips open, talking, each syllable breaking the air of the world around him. What they said didn't matter as their voices were but intimidating delights.

Vanilla took this second to turn around and dash at once, beating on legs starting to ache, burning, to escape the rim of the shadow that consumed him. He was in the clear and washed in the light as a thunderous crash broke behind him. Shock waves trembled through the ground from the impact as a powerful blast of air nearly carried him away.

Another passed over him, however, the other leg of Fluttershy. It arched over miles in seconds and was poised over him. Knowing he couldn't outrun the size of the shadow, the tiny invested his efforts in leaping to the side, escaping by an inch as the side of the hoof crashed next to him—the wind, now close, pushing him to the left.

He hit the ground running as the poor boy turned his head to gaze up at the giant. The mass of the chest loomed above, curving into the underside of her barrel and keeping as a fluffy wonderland trailing broadly above. The bottom of her jaw, dark as her head blocked light, showed him a different side to the world around him.

“Fluttershy! I'm down here! Please stop walking!” Vanilla raced on burning limps as his lungs ached the same. Dust and dirt composed the oxygen layered across the floor. That, and all that had been blasted into him from the stomping of her hooves. “You're going to crush me underneath your hoof! Just stop! Look down! Please! Please just do that for me!”

But Fluttershy wouldn't be doing that for she had no clue what was going on. Once more she was only walking through her room. She was unaware of the small room existing below her hooves. Not a feeling for the little boy sprinting away from her soles. It was a horror scene and never could the timid girl be taken for anything like a beast.

The underside of her jaw painted a different picture. He could barely see up the sides of her muzzle and snout to the vastness of Fluttershy's nostrils. How they flared and expanded and blew airs even he could faintly sense. Cute girl rendered beasts unintentionally. Something was strangely alluring about that.

Another scent wafted into the tiny pony's snout. Sweet and fresh and smelling like lilac next to a flowing river. There was something very Fluttershy about it. Her aroma and her body odour mixed into one. It was a freshness that was overpowering as it swept over him. It offered a respite from the dirtiness of the world around him.

It almost made him give up. To throw his body into her gigantic one to keep sniffing her. If he could be bound in her softly warmed fur, then he would be blanketed in that smell too. Always lying back on the bank next to a river. That scene, however, would be completely composed of Fluttershy herself.

Vanilla dashed and dashed as the front curve of a towering hoof always loomed behind. Its scale remained the same even close. Turning and attempting to see up its length caused it to blur into the lemon wonderland of fur above. That chest, compounding and expanding, a detail missed at standard size. Or that landscape of waist-high yellow hairs that would tickle him with their silk.

The last stomp of the hoof crashed into the ground to yet another multiple of explosions casting over him. His tail had almost been caught this time, the mare too close and he was too tired, a heavy thought weighing down his shoulders—would he even make it out of this?

But the giant had stopped in that step as her titanic muzzle whipped above; the greatness of her mane flew around as a result. Her hoof moved forward without looking and, on smacking into the corner peg of the couch, started to fall forward.

Vanilla pushed on legs ready to faint as he gazed behind him. His horrified expression was awash in horror for the incoming sight. The towering scale of the mare dropped from the heavens, her size and shape more pronounced, growing the closer it came.

Fluttershy's eyes had drifted shut as she fell onto a hoof, saving her at the last second, but also catching the tiny. He'd sprinted just far enough that, when her chest lightly smacked into the ground, his body was caught near the center of it.

Vanilla barely had time to turn around and hold out his hooves to the falling field of canary fur. The plush landscape dropped atop him and left nothing of his existence seen across the floor. Fluttershy's chest should have crushed him... were it not for how incredibly soft the mare was.

Her chest and coat first flattened against and across the floor, covering the boy in the warmed land of greatness, those thousands of strands tickling across his body. He ended up giggling from the feeling and, out of reflex, nuzzling into the yellow warmth of the mare.

Fluttershy had nearly slammed her chin into the ground but, even if she had, her eyes would have been closed or too far above the ground to catch the small boy. Now the whole weight of her chest washed over him. He'd been captured in a pocket within the softness. Deciding to take his chance, his forehooves pressed into the dim, yellow ceiling—feeling an iota of it lift from around him.

But even the softness had only so much give... allowing him to clear minuscule space around him... and not much more.

“You'll end up crushing me if I keep on the floor.” Vanilla glanced around the unique space to find anything useful. The dim, sloped, and fuzzy ceiling spanned out further than his eyes could see. The difference between Fluttershy's coat and the carpet was but a mere slit. In the great distance, however, was a slice of light. “Can't hear me screaming... and can't see me running for my life. I-In this dangerous world... it's better to keep as close to you as I can.”

What point was there in trying to make an escape? Even if he could escape the wonderful chest so plush and so warm around him... he would still be stuck on the floor, avoiding crashing hooves, delicate mares acting like beasts for an evening.

No matter what, a risk was going to be taken and, if that was the case, he might as well place his bets on Fluttershy. Instead of attempting to crawl out from underneath her, the boy instead clung tight to her chest, hugging her softness into his barrel, holding tightly to all the strands of wonderful yellows his arms could bunch.

“Whoopsie! I'm okay, Rarity.” Fluttershy started to rise from the fall. “Just wasn't looking where I was going!”

That voice. The thickness of pressure could be felt across her chest. Vanilla could feel the currents of wind that bundled together, deep within her body, causing the power of her voice to be powerful. It was like tornados summoned inside and harnessed through the tunnel of her throat to allow her to speak with as much might as she currently did.

Vanilla felt deeply attracted to this side of the mare.

Despite being gentle and soft-spoken, the power behind Fluttershy's voice summoned vast, deep, swirling winds behind the surface of her chest. Such a cute voice requiring the greatness of intricate functions within to even allow. What was soft and weak to someone else, now to the boy clinging to her front, was strong and deep and commanding.

It made him clutch to his marefriend all the tighter.

Vanilla Beam scampered on the curve of the chest as it rose into the air; his legs pawed at the surface, feeling around, hoping to find better support to keep him safe. Winds blew over him, now warmed from the aroma of heat the mare naturally exuded. He gazed over his shoulder to see the sides of her hooves pushing against the ground, lowering before him.

“Don't freak out,” Vanilla whispered to himself. “Don't freak out.”

The ground became naught but a blurry wasteland of different tinges of brown. Details exposed to him—due to his size—were merged and lost to the rest of the setting. As the chest lifted, he held a foreleg, reaching to all that... that was lost again.

Vanilla felt a different sense to the world on being hoisted as far as he was. Gravity's pull was consistent on his body, always wanting to pull him down, flushing the feeling of being so ridiculously high throughout his frame. Thousand of feet above the ground, a hundred composing the downward slope of the chest he currently clung to.

“I'm glad that you're okay, Fluttershy.” Vanilla could still feel the booms of hoofsteps even from up here. Even though the mare he was attached to wasn't moving, each distant thud caused him to slide down an inch. Glancing over his shoulder, he stared into the beyond, the whole of the world, slowly filled, by the approaching Rarity. “Perhaps this coltfriend of yours suddenly remembered a pressing engagement he must simply attend to? From the kind words you've told me, I am quite sure he would not have suddenly left—were it not for a good reason.”

Vanilla looked up to the throat of the mare, seeing the underside of the jaw above and, if he craned himself right enough, he could see off the muzzle above. Crazy was, to his sides, seeing the vastness of pink mane flying and jerking in the air.

“I suppose you're right.” Fluttershy's voice intensely vibrated in her chest, reminding the tiny one of the supreme power surged for her to merely speak. “I guess you'll have to meet him another time. Or maybe he'll come back sooner than that? Oh goodness.” She shook her head and her mane flew around him like curtains to a stage, blocking light and trapping him in darkness, the sweetness of strawberries stinging his snout. Then that curve of mane flew back as the mare was done shaking her head—showing him to light again. “I shouldn't be talking like I know anything. Oh dear. Half of today was going to be introducing you two.”

“And we shall be introduced soon enough I imagine.” Rarity's muzzle towered above as the two came to nuzzle, the shifting of the giants, sadly, throwing the poor boy around. He gripped tightly to a thicker tuft of fur and held on for dear life. “But try not to worry too much for both of our sake. I'm sure once this Vanilla character turns up... we'll simply have the most wonderful of introductions!”

Vanilla was thankful the two, standing a foot away from each other, decided to engage in conversation. Gazing up the vertical planes of the yellow chest, the boy knew that, to make it out of this, he would need to climb up that throat, make it over the delicate jaw, ascend the cheek to reach the eyes or ears that would be capable of finding him.

One hoof after another, he reached up higher on the body, climbing and climbing, sometimes hugging patches of thicker furs for support. Always he was squeezing the lax softness of her front to tuck underneath his barrel. Clinging to parts like these when the mare spoke, the bass of her voice now incredibly strong, a constant threat to knocking him off.

Vanilla really was going to hear Fluttershy differently after this.

But at least the sensations eased him a little. Fluttershy's coat, as always, was a wonderland of feminine delight. It was as widely plush as the parts of her tuft implied. It was warm, too, the kind of heat only a mare could generate. It wrapped around him like a warmed blanket with the heat still subtly burning at the surface—another pleasant delight to the whole package.

He ascended her throat and crossed the border of her jaw, reaching the delicate features of Fluttershy's face. Another quality blossomed to him now. It was of a mixture of smells. Bath soaps and natural scent. The sweetness of strawberries licked his nose from the surrounding waterfall of mane.

“This... this is it!” Vanilla reached the plush curve of the sunny cheek, seeing over its slope, the lane of eyelashes above. The bottom one was so close and, on reaching it, perhaps those massive gems would finally be able to see him. “Once I get close to her eye... hopefully... she'll see that it's!”

The best-laid plans of mice and stallions...

“Hmm... I've never quite noticed that about the counter next to the couch before.” Vanilla was forced to hug a clump of the cheek against himself as the mare moved and, despite that, ended up sliding down to her jaw anyway. “That toy there was a gift Discord gave to me. But there was a pot next to it. I swore I saw it this morning.”

“Objects have a habit of going missing in your home?”

“Always assume it's Discord, coming in and out, 'borrowing' things.” The round expanse of the counter opened before the plane of the chest. The muzzle above leaned down, the sudden descent causing the white speck to slide all the way down the throat. It had leaned down to examine the table. “But now that I think about it... and look at this... m-maybe...“

Vanilla kept throwing hooves below the crop of fur in the hopes of, somehow, slowing him down.

Fluttershy's neck had leaned all the way down to the counter, leaving a soft, sloped bridged overhead. The tiny fell as the bigness of her mane covered that area of her body and trapped him within a world of dim pink. Outside of this created tunnel, looming so far away, was the distant muzzle of Fluttershy peering down—completely unaware of him.

“Oh my goodness! The pot! It's here!” Fluttershy shouted in the full force of her voice, the whole of her core, shaking, from the vibrations of doing so. It completely knocked the tick from her coat as the boy fell across the slope of her leg. “But it's tiny! Was this a kind of gag from Discord? To make objects tiny?”

Vanilla turned his head as he fell, seeing, in the distance, the giant eyes of his love started to blink. She then spoke in panic. “If that's the case, then maybe, this device hit Vanilla earlier! He could be anywhere here! So small and needing our help! But wherever could he be?”

Vanilla had lurched himself forward enough to softly collide into the slide of one of her hooves. There was no stopping his descent, but at the very least, he was sliding down the leg as the padded furs ensured it was soft as possible.

He leaned back with his arms up as the downward expanse of yellow grass opened in a spread before him, reaching out from the corners of his eyes as they curved into the cylinder that was the monolithic object currently possessing him. He slid and slid, lowering and lowering, the distant chest of the white mare returning to its great size and height in the sky.

It was crazy to see the other mare so far away, the size of her body rising higher and higher, how her chest blurred above—her forelegs doing the same. Vanilla reached the curved end of the yellow hoof as he began to roll and bounce, each one soft and matted by fur, until he hit the ground again.

Vanilla struck the ground on his side, a slow slide away from the hoof, once more lost to the floor again. Weakly he rose on a shaky leg, feeling a bit more determined this time around, looking up to the two muzzled composing high bridges where heaven was supposed to loom.

They knew he was tiny now.

That was a much better start than before.

“Darling! That is simply horrible! Perhaps we should check out hooves for him?” Rarity did as she instructed in lifting her hoof. Vanilla gasped at seeing the slender white structure rise into the sky, watching how it curved and turned, the flat end of the dome poised before her distant muzzle. “Perhaps our soles are soft enough to merely be squishy to him. Now that I look, however.” That hoof shot to the ground, rocketing it, as its sister rose to its place. “It doesn't appear as though our hooves have mistakenly found him.”

Vanilla watched as both mares checked out their hooves, going as far to turn and have the other check their hinds, seeing no different matters across them. His heart cracked from inside his chest. If that was the case. Then... it meant they couldn't see all the tiny objects they'd crushed earlier.

And if they couldn't see that while looking for a tiny him.

Then what were the odds of the large, pretty mares, finding a speck like him?

This caused the tiny boy to go out in this regard. Simply existing wouldn't be enough. If they couldn't see all that they had crushed on their intent search for him... then merely living wouldn't be enough. Nothing would be done by standing around, hoping for the best. Rather he had to scream and dash and pray for a twitch to one of their mighty ears.

Vanilla decided to dash out to the space between the hooves, two giant ones flanking each side, nothing above their ankles able to be seen. He ran in circles in hoping the minuscule movement would be seen by the giants far above.

No such luck came even as they glanced around. Both of their heads even had lowered, filling out the space just above him, searching around, seeing in all the places around him. It killed them to see their muzzles so close, hovering but feet above, swiping through the air, gaze intent on everywhere but him.

“Girls! Down here! Just look!” He started jumping in place as though it would make a difference. But even as he hopped, his most enormous jumps nothing to a mere stomp of their hoof, the girls kept their eyes cast elsewhere. “Please girls! You're so close! Just move those titanic eyes slightly to the left!”

But no such luck came to him. Fluttershy's muzzle loomed from across him, a mile above, devouring the area simply existing within it. Just her head was that big to be utterly dominating to his gaze. Even then, her timid eyes scanned left and right, their gentleness never capturing the speck within it.

No matter how many times it went left or right, it never saw him, regardless of how close it came.

“It would appear as though I'm not seeing him here,” Rarity said from behind him, causing the near-bug to turn around, attacked by the scale of her beauty. Aqua make-up layered around her eyes like blue waters lightly washing across white sands. “But within the time frame you came to get me... it's simply not possible, at his likely size, to be beyond this area.”

Fluttershy nodded her head at this information, but while she was doing this, her eyes continued to look, always searching for him. That was a little light in this dark world. Knowing his love was completely intent on finding and loving him.

Even though her body was always set to endanger him.

“But he may be so small, that unless our eyes lock and focus upon him, we won't be able to see him.” Rarity's voice, even lowered for his sake, was enough to boom in his ears. Loud enough to cause a ring in his hearing and for the gales of her breath to slide him back. “But perhaps his smell is still strong upon him? We'll lean in close to see him, of course, but will be sniffing him out as well. This grants us more chances at finding him.”

“Good idea, Rarity.”

Vanilla kept his eyes trained on the cliff of Rarity's muzzle as it leaned ever closer like a summoned leviathan. Her nostrils had flared at the extra effort for the smell. The holes opened as intense winds blew out from the tunnels. Vanilla was forced to raise his forehooves and hold it against the current, his legs sliding back, unable to hold back the intensity.

What didn't help was the muzzle behind him. The boy gazed over his shoulder as his mane whacked around to the opposing winds. Fluttershy's muzzle loomed far behind, but her nostrils opened as well, but these ones, inhaling instead of exhaling.

Each exhale was but the giant spinning of a fan blowing him back. It was refined, each strike of wind, a natural production of a girl's body. Fluttershy was trying her hardest to smell for him, sucking him close and closer—nearly at a risk for sucking him into her snout if she wasn't careful.

It was hard to breathe in this state. Two muzzles of two girls were always above him, looking around him, playing tug of war with their sniffing alone. After a long inhale, one of the mares would do a long exhale afterward, pushing him to the other.

Pushed to Rarity, sucked to Fluttershy, sucked to Rarity, forced to Fluttershy.

His oxygen coming from their lungs.

What was the point in this? Their hooves stomping in place, even by mere steps, shooting the boy into the air—blasting him away with their exhaled. He'd be shot away and land on the ground, sliding, only to be pushed, slid more, by the exhale of the other mare. Vanilla didn't even need to move anymore. Not when the subtle actions of these mares controlled all the functions of his body.

He should just close his eyes and let the nature of these girls, these hidden beasts, take control. It was at this point the boy was ready to curl into himself, ready to give up, give in, and accept whatever end that came.

But that didn't happen, however, as both of the mares froze in place. Each of them had caught onto a scent unlike the rest, a little twitch, tick, a minuscule tickle of him. Their eyes widened at finding him. Their nostrils flared greater in hoping to lock in more of his smell.

Fluttershy and Rarity were both locked in a trance as they searched for him. Each of their muzzles dropped to the ground, shaking it a little, showing their intent. Vanilla rose in time to see the two soft trains heading toward him. Yet he couldn't do anything but rise onto his hind, waving his forelegs, both of their eyes cast on him, and yet, not seeing his body.

Until their muzzles crashed together.

Vanilla was caught between the pair of massive snouts and rubbed between the furry cliffs, each of their beastly sniffing roaring into ears. It was being caught between the noses of lions as they flared widely to find him, caught on his proximity, the two girls actually being their loudest to the point of sounding like near snoring.

The tiny stallion felt like he was in water, floating up and down, bobbing, to the rising and lowering current of the muzzles. Sprawling furs of white and yellow rubbed against him, as well as the softness layered beneath them, as he was moved up and down, reaching different sections on their muzzles as they continued to press and push together.

Being two giant snouts as they continued to huff.

Finally, however, the boy was raised high enough to reach the platform of their snouts. Each of their eyes focused on the sudden thing rising between their noses and, in widening, realized they'd found him. Gently they continued to keep together, the great exhale, at the same time, washing him in a long stream of warm winds.

Slowly the muzzles lowered to the ground and, feeling that the boy tucked between them was low enough to be safe, pulled away from each other. Vanilla lazily slumped onto the ground as the sloped walls of lemon and alabaster pulled away and above.

But even hovering inches above him still led them to be towering.

Both of their heads hovered on either side of him, blocking out the light above, some extent of their faces all he could see. The left side of Fluttershy's face was covered by her hair, but at the very least, her eye was set on him completely. She was weakly smiling.

Rarity, however, had struck sophistication like usual. She held a knowing expression and a feeling of superiority more than earned. Despite all that had happened in the last while, she was able to size the tiny boy easily. She offered him a wink. “My oh my. Weren't you just in the more than fortunate of situations, hmm?”

Vanilla Beam blushed as he rubbed a hoof to the back of his head. Even now her small voice crashed torrents of wind across his coat. Strands of mane struck up and his coat puffed at being placed before a fan. “It's good to see you too, Rarity. I'm glad—“

“Sorry dear!” Rarity's voice blared without meaning to and knocked the stallion into a stumble backward. “But it's simply hard to hear you! You'll need to speak up!” She was hushed shouting now, shaking him—like it was done with intent. “Go on. Shout! Do it from the top of your lungs!”

Vanilla Beam found it suddenly hard to speak at all. It was hard to be standing in-between the largest muzzles around, two giants hovering a mile above him, their undivided attention given to lil 'ol him. But he fought a cough and cleared his throat—trying again.

“It's good to finally meet you, Rarity!” Vanilla shouted to the muzzle again which, this time, smirked in response. There was a taste on them which the mare was trying to get more of. He then turned to Fluttershy and nearly bowed in doing so. “And thank you for trying so hard to find me, Fluttershy! I was... I was... really worried you may never find me again.”

The mare tilted her sunny face and beamed with mirth. “Don't be silly! I'll always find you.” Once more, the quakes of her voice pushed the boy back. A shocked expression consumed her as she covered a hoof to her mouth. “I'm sorry! Our voices must be terribly loud on you. I didn't mean to do that.”

Vanilla shook his head. “It's okay! Now that you two found me... everything's going to be okay.”

The giants were still like mooning sirens to him now. His heart went for a shock and a jolt at both of their heads turning, ears raising, the inside of those able to be seen as they were held closer to him. They could barely hear him, and so, their ears needed to come close. But this simple action and reason, in seeing how he could easily tumble and be lost in those ears... scared him ever so greatly.

“Now we have to find a way to return you to normal.”

Rarity was quick to answer that. “Nothing to sweat as the saying goes.” She turned her muzzle and smiled at the tiny boy—blowing tornadoes across his form with her voice alone. “Applebloom should be done with school soon, no? She has a talent for potions. Perhaps she'll be able to concoct something to reverse this.”

“Or Twilight could help me,” Vanilla added. “Just in case she can't.”

Fluttershy giggled as she added in her bit. “And we can go to Discord at the worst. If he caused this... he could probably fix it.” Her sudden smile was a sly one at knowing his trickery. “But that might be asking for more trouble.”

“Tell me about it, dear.”

So it was set that, by the end of the day, all of this would change once Bloom was done with school. The two mares kept over the tiny without knowing what to do. They glanced at each other and, as if reading each other's mind, slowly brought their gaze to the miniature.

“You know, darling, as you are so small... and perhaps never to be like this again.”

“W-Well, maybe, we should have f-f-fun with it while we can!”

The excitement of that last word exploded inside the boy's ears.

Rarity looked hungry and rough while Fluttershy smiled, sighing, and rolling her eyes at the fun set to unfold. Fluttershy laid the back of her hoof on the ground, the deafening boom knocking a gust of wind from underneath it. Vanilla walked away from it in fear as it was still an enormous mass bright with the light from above.

Behind him, however, was a trap.

Rarity's hoof had crossed over behind him, shaking the ground as it crashed down, its flat end flying toward him. He ran away from it, yelling and crying, unable to escape as the fuzzy wall softly beat into his back. Along for the ride, winds blew into him, his limbs splayed out, his body sinking, slightly, into the sole itself.

The hoof rushed forward as the wood blurred below and to his sides. The yellow hoof loomed in the distance, tilting to face him at a curve, allowing for it to be a surface for him to be on. That had been their plan and there was nothing he could do about it.

He was scooped into the other hoof and deposited on the stadium, thrown onto his front and laying on the dewy crop. It started to lift, a turning in his stomach, the sudden elevation causing him to cling to the squish of the sole surrounding him. The background blurred as his world continued to go up.

Until being lifted above the sky itself, the ground unable to be seen even if peered over the edge of the hoof, coming to look up to the muzzle beyond. Fluttershy's muzzle loomed in the distance that was just before him. She smiled, head tilted, eyes close in their mirth.

“So... how does it feel being tiny, Vanilla?”

Vanilla nearly choked on the question as he gave it some thought. Should he lie and say everything was alright? No. Now it was but, before, it wasn't. Even now he was fearful because of them and their size. It was all so intimidating.

“It's been a little scary if I'm honest,” Vanilla began as he decided to trust within his heart. “You girls are so big, so towering, able to shake the world by taking a step. Your snouts are stronger than any winds that the weather can throw. It's all just so crazy!”

It must have been a tickle in the throat to see him break into his little tangent for, seconds later, the girls broke out into a chuckle. Both of their mouths opened before and behind him. Their maws loomed, vast and untamed, dark caverns easily able to take him without knowing.

And the pitch of their chuckles, after each drop of one, was like a bomb going off in the air.

“Aren't you just the cutest and littlest boy around, Vanilla.” Rarity continued to laugh with an open mouth, allowing him to see, at its back, the opening and closing of her throat. How cavernous it seemed and how each inhale felt like it was pulling him in. “Please don't get me wrong in saying this... but it appears you had a little fun being searched for by the big bad mares.”

“It was kind of fun for a little bit there! Trying to find you on the ground, sniffing you out... I almost felt like an animal trying to track you down! Perhaps we could play and try that again.” Fluttershy's voice boomed on every other word. “But now we'd be aware of you! We can stomp our hooves, try sniffing right above you, do all the little things you seemed to enjoy.”

“Like being trapped between our muzzles.”

That must have given the girls an idea for, in the next second, Rarity's muzzle crashed into the surface of Fluttershy's hoof. The front of her snout rubbed into him, a caring nuzzle overpowering him, resulting in his hooves kicking and hitting—all in good fun.

Once she had pulled away, however, was when Fluttershy came in to play. She instead raised the muzzle to one of her cheeks, pushing the boy into the peach fuzz, already warm, and rubbing him around. She pressed him up and down, side to side, washing him in her softness. He could feel the edge of her smile pressing into him as the kiss went on.

The boy had been pulled away from between them. Both girls started with their own versions of a grin.

“We're going to have terrible fun today, Beam.”

“It'll be such a way to spend an afternoon, Vanilla!”

Their maws roared as they teased him on the fun they were going to have.

A fun, the tiny, was extremely fearful of.

Comments ( 1 )

It felt like I was along for the ride with Vanilla as his adventure unfolded throughout the story, which should be the goal for any writer. Fantastic work B.

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